9. As the worlds population increases

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D) Describe two viable strategies for reducing the amount of land needed for agriculture

-Increasing crop yield: Use of (more effective) pesticides/fertilizers could increase crop yield -Decreasing the demand for agricultural land: Eating lower on the food chain would reduce the amount of land needed to raise livestock

C) Soil quality to critical factor in agriculture. Identify two physical and or chemical properties of solids and describe the role of each property in determining soil quality

-ph/acidity: Different plants have different pH tolerances; many plants grow best in neutral soils -particle size: Dictates soil's: o available oxygen, which is needed by plant roots/soil organisms,

E) One problem that can result from agriculture is soil salinization 1.describe how salutation occurs 2. Describe one method to prevent or remediate soil salinization

1. Salinization can occur when irrigation water evaporates (or is used by plants), leaving the salts behind in the soils. 2. The use of drip irrigation/soaker hoses/etc. requires less water than traditional irrigation, resulting in a lower influx of salt (or less water loss via evaporation).

B) Assume that the maximum arable land on earth is four billion hectors. Using the smooth curve that you can determine the year in which the human population is likely to run out of air planned for agriculture


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