A Long Way Gone

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What was Ishmael's family's response to him leaving for New York?

"Call us when you get to America. Oh we don't have a phone, call Amanita's instead. Sarcastic. They told the children to say goodbye. They said he needed blessings and they did not know where he was going.

What did the boys think were above the bridge at night (the three figures?)

3 people, wearing white shirts, 2 of them were about the same height. Later, it was ghosts.

What did the immigration officers take from the passengers so they could cross the country? Why was this so upsetting to Ishmael and others?

300 Leones. They were benefitting from people fleeing from war.

How many checkpoints did Ishmael have to go through before getting to Conakry?

50 miles to capital and 15 checkpoints.

How many boys does Ishmael find along his journey?

6 boys, 3 that he knew.

What fell out of the sky that the boys ate?

A crow.

Who was the new government?

AFRC & SLA/RUF "sobels"

What was the first gun Ishmael was given?


Describe how Ishmael's uncle died.

Became sick, fever.

Why did Ishmael like being alone?

Being alone made surviving easier.

What were the "white tablets" supposed to do for the boys?

Boost their energy.

What did they do to new recruits to prove that they belonged to the RUF?

Branded and/or cut RUF on the new recruits' bodies.

By what means of transportation did Ishmael escape?

Bus. Then walked to next bus.

What was Ishmael's nickname from his grandmother and why?

Carseloi - spider - tricks others but comes back onto them.

What did Ishmael always tell people about children?

Children has a resistance to overcome their suffering if given the chance.

What was the name of the town the bus took the passangers?


What was different about the soldiers at Yele, as well as Yele itself?

Controlled by military; soldiers were socialized together away from ivilians. They were not threatening to the children. They laughed, smoked, and played music. Yele was like his home town.

What does Ishmael share with the Lieutenant about Shakespeare?

Cowards die many times before their deaths .... Julius Cesar. He read Shakespeare in school.

Notice how Ishmael has been telling his memoir as a series of flashbacks. What does this say about the trauma he suffered as a boy soldier?

Deep scars, bits and pieces are missing.

Ishmael's father used to say, "If there is nothing good left in the destiny of a person, he or she will..."


Describe the children's UN conference? What was the point of the conference?

Discuss solutions to the children of the world's problems.

Describe how Ishmael received the bullet wounds. Describe the ordeal with his foot and what the army had to do to save Ishmael's life.

During an ambush, the rebels/military gunmen shot and returned fire. Ishmael was shot twice and those bullets went straight through, but the third stuck. Travel to former base and doctor surgically retrieved it.

Who came to see Ishmael one afternoon?

Esther, to go to city and to hospital and Leslie.

Who finally made Ishmael believe that all of this was not his fault? Why did he finally believe it?

Esther; her genuine tone made the phrase finally begin to sink into my mind and heart.

Who were the visitors that came to watch the boys perform?

European commision, the UN, UNICEF, and NGOs.

Why was it easy for Ishmael to slit the prisoner's throat?

Every rebel had become easy to kill because they had killed Ishmaels family, friends and also Ishmael

Summarize what Saidu says about dying on pg. 70.

Every time people ome at us with the intention of killing us, I lose my eyes and wait for death. Even though I am still alive, I feel each time I accept clean a part of me dies. Soon I will die completely, all that's left will be a body.

Describe IShmael's story of his birth ceremony on pg. 75-77.

Everyone was there - lots of food - people greeted each other - they did tricks with pestles - ate - Iman came. Iman named him Ishmael as he prayed - dancing - father raised him up high - ate more.

What were the direct orders of the corporal regarding who to shoot?

Everyone without the same head tie as Ishmael or a helmet like the corporal.

How did Saidu become a refugee?

Family couldn't leave during attack; Saidu was hiding in attic when rebels came to his house - the sisters were raped and all were taken with the rebels - mom and dad included.

Describe how Alhaja became a refugee?

Father left. Mother was lost. Brothers and sisters gone, and he was fetching water when the attacks started. He went home but no one was there.

What did the boys do all day, only to stop for meals?

Fight for no reason.

Why did the army attack civilian villages>

For more recruits, gas, food, drugs, etc.

To what city did the boys travel? Describe some of their adventures (the bus ride, the ice cream, the buildings).

Freetown - coukous music played, people chatted, man danced, big shops with vendors, number of cars, the cotton tree, ate ice cream and vim to drink.

Describe Juma.

Friends with Alhaji and, nodding to agree with Alhaji, he waved his head left to right like an old man.

What did Laura do for Ishmael and Bah?

Gave him a winter jacket, hat, and gloves.

What happens when they stop to rest on the hill top from carrying the bananas?

Gunshots and dogs barking came from the village.

What happened on May 25, 1997?

Gunshots, freedom of prisoners, Johnny Paul Karoma (AFRC), overthrew Pres. Tejan Kabbah in gunfire and revolts.

Why did Ishmael decide to leave the safety of the swamp?

He became frustrated with living in fear. He hated waiting for death.

What surprising thing did Ishmael do when he was captured? Why?

He danced to OPP because the chief told him to.

Why do you think that Ishmael felt unworthy to go live with his uncle?

He did not know his uncle and he knew the fragility of happiness.

Did Ishmael enjoy the food in America?

He did not understand the food of America. He wanted Cassava leaves and other African foods.

How did Kanei become a refugee?

He escaped with mother and father, lost two sisters and brothers in chaos. THey arrived at the river - got on a boat but the rebels shot at the boat so he swam.

Why is Ishmael hopeful?

He had hopes of seeing his mother, father, and two brothers across town.

What good news does this man give Ishmael?

He has seen and spoken to Ishmael's mother, father, and brothers.

Leslie invites Ishmael to speak to the UN about his experiences. Describe his experience at the interview. Compare him to the other boys who were there. Why were they laughing at Ishmael?

He marvelled at the tall building. The other 20 boys were better dressed than him. He experienced an elevator.

What fears does Ishmael have about being repatriated to his uncle's home?

He may not seem grateful to his uncle. He had been on his own for so long. He had been on his own for so long. He was also worried about hsi migraines and nightmares, and sadness.

What affection does Junior show Ishmael?

He once had asked if Ishmael was okay. I wanted him to ask me again.

Describe Morbia.

He played with his hands, rubbed his fingers, and whispered to himself. He was very quiet.

Describe Ishmael's memories of farming.

He poured wine to thank the farming gods for the harvest.

Why did Ishmael finally have to go to the hospital?

He punched the windows and it finally stuck. He withdrew it and it bled badly.

Describe the memory Ishmael has of his brother Junior in Kabati. What was the name of the magic potion? What was its power.

He remembered walking with grandfather looking at medicinal leaves and bark and coffee garms. Special needs helped retain knowledge - Nessie (water from potions washed off slate)

Why was Ishmael's uncle skeptical about Ishmael's trip to the UN in New York?

He said people were always lying to others with such promises, "do not get your hopes up, my son."

How did Ishmael get the nickname Green Snake when he lead an attack on a village?

He sat and situated himself in the most inconspicuous positions, to take out a whole village from a shrub.

What reason did Ishmael give as to why he should be chosen to speak at the UN?

He suffered from the war and he also participated in it.

What was Ishmael's response when he saw his uncle? He had doubts, but why does Ishmael finally believe this is his uncle?

He surveyed the man. He noticed the differences between he and his father. He began to cry and that convinced Ishmael he was really his family.

How did this anger Ishmael?

He thought his area is very poor, no one has anything! Not even dreams.

What did Ishmael think people did in New York City?

He thought it must be Christmas there every day. The people in the rap songs shot each other and rode around looking for dance clubs all night.

Describe what Ishmael did when he got back home to Sierra Leone.

He told his family about the trips.

Summarize Ishmael's speech to the UN.

He told that the war has caused families to separate. Children forced into wars and their childhoods are lost as soldiers and orphans.

Describe the Lieutenant's speech to the civilians. Was he being honest with them

He told the people that he and his soldiers were not like the rebels.

Where did Allie take Ishmael? How was the experience for Ishmael?

He took Ishmael to a dance; met Zainab. The dance triggered a memory of an attack when he was a boy soldier.

Describe Alhaji.

He used elaborate gestures when he spoke. He was friends with Juma.

Why was Ishmael not afraid of the lifeless bodies? What was happening to him?

He was angry, retaliating for the death of all the people and buying into the brainwashing. He blamed those bodies.

How does Ishmael react when he sees the village destroyed? How do the other boys react?

He was fearless looking at the town and the house his family was using. He punched and kicked. He felt regret for stopping to rest on the hill. He his Gasemu and his friends stopped him. Some agreed it was his fault, the others did not.

Why was Ishmael so angry to be taken away?

He was losing his "family" again. HE did not know why he was being taken.

What happened to Ishmael when UNICEF came?

He was one of 15 who were selected. They were sent with the UNICEF officers. He kept a grenade and bayonet. Refusing to leave but was taken.

Describe Saidu.

He was quiet, kept to himself, breathed hard while walking, large ears.

Where did the boys get the guns to shoot the armed group in the soccer field?

He was remembering when he was in Sierra Leone and in the rebel army who gave them all AK-47s.

What does Ishmael say was one of the most unsettling things about his journey?

He was uncertain when or where it would end.

Describe the Vanderbilt YMCA and Ishmael's first night there.

He watched TV all night and sweated because the heater was on full blast.

Why does the old man who helps them tell the boys it is not necessary to remember his name?

He would not live out the war and would die soon, anyway.

What again saves the boys from being killed?

Hip hop and dancing the chief gave them.

What happened to Ishmaels cassettes when he was given his new uniform?

His cassettes were in the pockets of his old clothes and they were thrown into the fire. The cassettes melted.

What did Ishmael perform?

I read a monologue from Julius Cesar and short hip hop play about a boy soldier's redemption.

Describe the relationship being built between Ishmael and Esther.

Ishmael began to trust her. He liked the walkman and tape more but she was more of a maternal figure to him. She was warm and affectionate.

Even though Ishmael says he shot as many as he could, why do you think he didn't feel better?

It did not bring back his family.

How does Ishmael describe the hunger he feels?

It hurt to drink water. It felt like something was eating the insides of our stomachs.

Why did the lady at the UN want to be assured that Ishmael would not stay in the United States, and what did she ask as for proof that Ishmael would return to Sierra Leone?

It is her job to ask these questions. A Bank account, property.

Describe the pain and suffering of walking without shoes. What did their feet look like?

It was 120 degrees and their bare feet on the sand burned. He ried. The peeled flesh hung down - congealed blocks of blood and sand clung to the skin.

Why was Ishmael appaled at the way the rebels were treating the elderly man?

It was against their culture. Good behavior was expeted, respect to elders was demanded.

Which of Ishmael's friends was killed immediately?

Josiah and Musa

How was Ishmael's response to it?

Jumps up and hugs her. He asked questions - how did you know I like rap music? Why did you give this to me?

What 3 other boys is Ishmael with as the story opens?

Junior, Talloi, Mohammed

Where the six boys appointed watchmen in exchange for food and shelter?

Kamator - where his aunt was supposed to be.

At what boy/s house are they when they hear of the attck on Ishmael's town?

Khalilou's house

Who was Laura Simms? Why did Ishmael like her so much?

Laura was a story teller. She was also a co-facilitator. She later became Ishmael's mother. She was not African.

Describe Kanei.

Long calm face, skinny, shot and dark hair; he kept clean and careful; soft and authoritarian voice.

What famous Shakespeare play does the Lieutenant quote to Ishmael? What is ironic aout this quote? Look up and see how Macbeth was finally killed by Dunsinane.

Macbeth - shall never vanquished be until great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him. Both were arrogant and invincible and was killed by MacDuff.

Who plucked a boy's eye out at the camp?


To what village do the four boys travel for the talent show>

Mattru Jong

What is the name of Ishmael's village?


What childhood friend arrived at the camp? Describe their reunion.

Mohammed - Running man singing "Here Comes the Hammer" Remembered childhood stories.

Describe the goodbye that Ishmael had with his friends that day.

Mohammed hugged him, then Mambu grabbed both of them. Alhaji shook his hand and said goodbye squad leader. Esther gave him a huge hug her address.

Who was now living with Ishmael?


Describe the scene when Mohamed and Ishmael went to get food.

Most food had been taken by the government. Riots - the people were trying to buy food and being shot and beaten by guns. Protests and revolts began.

Ishmael describes the prayer of the imam. What religion are they practicing?

Muslim: mosque. Sura - chapters of Qur'an. Imam - Islamic preacher.

What 3 worlds did Ishmael live in during these times?

My dreams, new life, memories.

How did Jumah/Moriba become a refugee?

Neighbors - house destroyed. Ran to find their parents at wharf and forest but couldn't find their families.

What was the name of the man who they meet along the way to find their parents?

Ngor Gasemu.

Was Ishmael able to shoot during his first attack as an army soldier?

No index finger numb; the forest spun

How long was Ishmael on the path before he found others?

On the sixth day.

What did Ishmael think was the reason people befriended each other?

Only to exploit the other.

How long had the fighting gone on at this point in the memoir?

Over 2 years.

According to Ishmael, what was a "consequence of the civil war" and the way people related to each other?

People stopped trusting each other. Strangers became enemies and people you knew are more cautious.

What type of animal attacked Ishmael in the forest? Briefly retell the myth of the wild pig.

Pigs; a notorious hunter who turned himself into a wild boar. He would lead pigs to a field, change to human, and kill the pigs. Once he didn't return to human and the pigs tore him to pieces.

What does it mean to be repatriated?

Reuniting the child soldiers to their former communitiies.

What does RUF stand for? Who were these people?

Revolutionary united front - rebels who pretended to want to help the people but mutilated and killed instead.

What happened to the people who could not pay the bribes?

Risked being sent back to the city if refused those who could not would have valuables taken.

Describe Musa.

Round face, short and bulky, tiny round ears, big eyes that wanted to leave his face.

What did Esther give Ishmael as a present?

Run DMC tape and walkman.

Who dies in this chapter (10)? Why is it ironic that he dies? What did he say about waiting for death at the beginning of the chapter?

Saidu - he was already awakened from death once. He had already once said that with every person who comes to kill the boys hes's closer to death and would soon only be a body.

Describe the gruesome sight that made Ishmael vomit?

Seeing a few men's legs, arms, and genitals cut off and in a pile by their bodies. The old man dead in chair on verandah.

Why did Ishmael stop dating Zainab.

She asked too many questions, and he would not answer, so she broke it off.

How were the counselors learning so much about the boys and their likes/dislikes?

She learned his interests through the informal school at the center questionnaires.

What tribe was the man from who helped heal the boys?

Sherbru - brought food morning and night

What was his answer to the monkey riddle?

Shoot the monkey and never put hunters in that predicament.

Where did Ishmael end up at the end of the chapter?

Sierra Leone Embassy.

How many, including Ishmael, escaped the attack on their village?

Six: Junior, Talloi, Ishmael, Gibrella, Khalilous, Koloka

What is the one thing that Ishmael could not do at night


:ost the types of drugs the soldiers took. What is brown brown?

Smoking marijuana, sniffing brown brown - cocaine and gunpowder, white tablets, gari

When Ishmael walked for three days, what did he finally find to eat?

Strange, unfamiliar fruit shaped like lemon.

In his younger years, what did Ishmael learn about grown men and crying?

Tears of adult men were when they had no other choice but Gasemu was crying because he was shot.

What did the boys stumble upon that sounded like the roar of big engines?

The Atlantic Ocean - it was the waves crashing.

What did the drugs do to the boys?

The drugs gave them energy and makes them feel more able and made him stop making remorseful on good decisions.

Why were the young boys recruited for this army?

The military needed troops. They needed people t cook, prepare ammunition, and fight. Everyone who stayed helped. Others must leave.

What was more important than the rise that Ishmael found under the bed?

The money. The rise was too heavy and would weigh them down.

What was Ishmael fascinated with and was advised to "strive" like?

The moon.

What did Ishmael realize about what gives a town life?

The people and their spirits give a town life.

Why was Ishmael so desperate to stay with Laura? What was his biggest fear?

The rebellion in Freetown; he was afraid he would become a soldier again.

Why did the rebels laugh at the old man after the shots were fired?

The rebels pretended to shoot the man. He was shot near, not at. So he lived byt he expected to be dead.

Why did the boys eventually start going to class?

The school began taking the boys to the center of town, but people wanted to go more often. However, they could not find buyers for their supplies, so they started going to school.

What did the boys start to sell that was given to them at the camp?

The school supplies.

Why were the boys not able to buy food at nearby villages?

The vendors has stopped cooking and either left or saved food for harder times.

Does the village get attacked? Do the boys get separated? Who does Ishmael lose at that point?

The village was attacked. They are separated and it is the last time he sees Junior.

What kind of flashbacks were the boys having that made them tie up the UNICEF workers?

The water was blood, boys screaming and running into the hall, the rebels are coming, young boys called the rocks their dead families. Then they would ambush the staff.

How did the rap cassettes save the boys' lives at one of the villages.

Their rap shows made people know them. The young boy from Mattru Jong recognized them.

Why did the boys have to try and return to Mattru Jong?

There was no food and they had money hidden in Mattru Jong and possibly food was there.

According to Ishmael, what was a "typical aspect of being in the war?

There was no one to blame. They were experiencing something new and needed to apply survival tactics.

Why did the men from the village come to get the boys?

There were 12 men. They thought the boys were rebels and called them devils.

How did the rebels attack Mattru Jong?

They announced they wanted a welcome but did not arrive on that date the town relaxed and when they weren't expecting it they attacked.

How did Ishmael and his friends escape from the ambush on Mattru Jong?

They crossed a swamp. They ran through woods and were shot at with AK-47s, RPBs, and chased. They reached the end of the clearing and realized they had escaped, after an hour of running.

What was ironic about the way that Josiah and Sheku had to carry their guns?

They dragged their guns. They were smaller than they were yet made to carry them.

How did the walks help Ishmael in his recovery?

They gave him a chance to talk about his childhood, his father, and his brothers. He also got to know his uncle better.

Two things - the cold and snow - really shocked Ishmael. Why?

They had never seen or even heard of snow and the cold temperatures of NYC.

What punishment did the fisherman village give to the boys (what part of their clothing did they take?)

They jabbed them with their weapons; the boys feel and fishermen sat on them. The fishermen took their shoes and chased them from the village with weapons.

Why do you think the workers keep telling the boys, "It's not your fault?" How does Ishmael react to this phrase?

They knew the boys were all brainwashed. With anger because they wanted the civilians to see them as harmful soldiers.

How did the Lieutenant start to brainwash the youths by the banana trees?

They reminded them: visualize the enemy, the rebels who killed your parents, family, and those responsible for everything that has happened to you.

Why were people terrified of young boys Ishmael's age?

They resembled the rebels who caused so much death and destruction.

What did the boys do when the nurses came to set up medical appointments with the boys?

They threw bowls, food, and anything they could at the nurses. They chased them.

How did Ishmael and his five friends escape? What distracted the rebels just as they were about to kill the six boys?

They were able to escape from rebels because the rebels were shot at and it distracted them from the boys.

Why didn't the family help Ishmael get to the sea?

They were afraid of him.

If none of Ishmael's relatives were found, where would Ishmael go?

To foster care

On pg. 107,, it is unlikely that the man andchild were killed by rebels, but rather by the army. Why would the army kill innocent people and bring the young recruits to show them?

To remind them the dangers of leaving and tell them how dangerous the rebels were to everyone and to rally new recruits to join them.

What only known relative did Ishmael knew might be alive? Did he believe that Leslie could find him?

Tommy, an uncle, brother of Ishmael's father, but Ishmael was skeptical

At the base, describe how the boys treated the UNICEF staff. Why did they treat them this way (hint: what were they told about civilians? Also, what does Ishmael say at the top of pg. 135)?

Treated like civilians - sissies. They wanted to be treated like harmful soldiers. They were told they were just sissies and the boys treated them verbally and physically aggressive.

Describe the scene from Ishmael's eyes as he tries to return to the village. List at least three disasters he witnesses.

VW van with murdered family and man was sick. A man carrying his dead son promising to save him. A mother whose baby was dead and too sad to cry, she just rocked the baby.

According to Ishmael, what is the worst thing about loneliness?

You think too much - there isn't much more you can do.

Whoare the members of Ishmael's extended family?

his wife, Auntie Sally, with no children of their own, he raised his family members' children. Allie - oldest boy, 21 years old, Matilda, Kona, Sombo - 6 years old, Ishmael - 15 years old.

Finish the sentence : My _____ was my family, my _____ was my provider and ______, and my _____ was to kill or be killed.

squad, gun, protector, rule

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