AAFCS 200 COMPOSITE TEXES, TExES AAFCS Composite Exam (200) Review, AAFCS 200 composite exam

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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs, (level 2) Safety and Security, (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection, (level 4) Self Esteem, (level 5) Self Actualization

Angular lines (diagonal and zigzags)

-Break the monotony of V and H lines by expressing excitement and movement. -More difficult to use successfully

intense colors

-bright and clear -stimulating -make objects appear larger and closer

Aging cheese names: Mild

1-3 months

adolescence (5, EE)

11-18; identity vs. role confusion; attempts to find place in society and identify future goals and the skills and values necessary to achieve those goals; becomes concerned with perceptions; if unable to determine future goals can lead to confusion about what roles the child will play when he or she reaches adulthood

Dairy, Fats, and oils

2-3 servings

Associative play(stage 3)

3-4 years, occurs when children begin to participate in games or activites together. Increased interest in peers

Aging cheese names: Sharp

6-9 months

mildly obese

A person that is 20-40% heavier than their ideal weight is

Daily values listed on food packaging assume that

A person's daily diet consists of 2000 calories

In general, accepting a stepparent is most difficult for

Adolescent girls

Erik Erickson

Developed theory on specific social tasks that need to emerge for healthy development.


Difference btw. amount of $ owed on a house and the value of the house.


Direction in most woven fabrics that has the greatest give or stretch.

Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you


Eastern European descent made primarily of beef, vegetables, and paprika.

Class C Fire

Electircal fire

Fat measuring method

Electrical current

Appropriate tactic for a retail salesperson

Give compliment on ugly color, give compliment when appropriate

one advantage of large classes

Greater access to resources

Extra Credit Opportunity Act

Illegal to discriminate the granting of credit based on sex, martial status, age, race, color, religion, national origin, or because person is on welfare

limitation of liability

Limit on the amount of money that a hotel must pay a guest for a loss of property. Texas hotels are responsible for lost valuables up to $50 max.

USDA's Myplate

Pros: -Improvement over the Food Pyramid -Idea is to convey to public that half of plate should contain fruits and vegetables -veggies and grains 30% each, fruits and proteins 20% each Cons: -Too much emphasis on protein -Others argue that dairy recommendation should be removed altogether

Amino acids

Protein is made up of these The essential AA cant be made up by the body so we get them from food


Stone that has more rounded shape. Great material for walkways, commonly used on walls

Issac newton discovered...

That color is in light and not in the object that the light is hitting.

Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt (TODDLER)

Toddler begins to push for independence. If a child is permitted and encouraged to do things for him/herself, a sense of independence or freedom develops. Questioning ones ability and dependence characterize a negative outcome for this stage.

Vitamin C

Water soluble, energy giving vitamin that is also known as "Ascorbic Acid"

psychomotor skill

ability to coordinate physical movements. Control over simple and complex motor functions.

cognitive skill

ability to gather and understand information allows to comprehend new situations and apply the knowledge that they gathered elsewhere


anything that a person desires

physiological needs

basic needs: food, water, air, sleep

yeast bread

bread leavened with yeast White, whole wheat, rye


conceived of parenting styles as existing across two dimensions: 1 along a continuum from love to hostility, and along a continuum from autonomy to control.

Children between the ages of 6 and 8 should be able to

count coins

safety needs

elements need to feel sense of security; job, good health, safe place to live

What does "Skipper" mean at a hotel?

guest has left the hotel without making arrangements to settle his or her account.


how the various images, lines, and other attributes of the garment appear to fit the garment when they are compared with one another. How the individual design elements relate to the design as a whole. Ex: One large rose with a bunch of little roses incorrectly proportioned.

Beginning Stage

is the first stage of the family life cycle. This stage includes a married couple with no children. The husband and wife set-up their new home and usually acquire basic household furnishings. This stage can be expensive

four factors when selecting a piece of clothing

price, purpose, quality, overall appearance


shade of the garment and how bright or dull and how light or dark that shade is


the seams and lines that are inherent to the fabric, as well as any designs present in the garment


- A claim that is so obviously false that the advertiser does not expect consumers to believe it but uses it wit the hope that they will buy the product anyway. -Distort the meaning of something. "going out of business","sale"

Material Resources

- Fertile soil, petroleum, minerals, rivers - and man-made resources (buildings, money, equipment, computers)

Authoritarian Parenting

- tend to be very demanding, but not responsive. -They don't express much warmth or nurturing. -utilize punishments with little or no explanation. -They don't give children choices or options -They have little to no patience for misbehavior. -don't trust their children to make good choices. -not willing to negotiate -They may shame their children to force them to behave.

conspicuous consumption

-"Keeping up with the Jonese's" - Spending and consuming on a lavish scale

Sins of Omissions

-- illegal, Not telling everything


-A concentrated source of energy -Provides more energy per gram than any other nutrient -carries fat soluble vitamins (ADEK) through the body -lipids

Social Security

-A federal program under the direction of the SS Administration. Designed to give retired or disabled individuals some source of income. -Benefits after paying into it as an employee.

Bait and Switch - illegal

-A tactic whereby a product or service is advertised at a low price (bait), but when the consumer offers to buy, the merchant deprecates the product or service and recommends a higher priced product or service (switch). - illegal, Goal to get you to buy higher priced items


-A technique for untangling, cleaning and straightening fibers to produce a continuous web ir silver suitable for processing into yarns. - is a mechanical process that will help to disentangle and mix the fibers. It is sort of like brushing in two directions at the same time with stiff brushes.


-A three dimensional polymer made of monomers of amino acids. -Necessary for growth,repair and maintenance of the body -Energy

Market Economy

-Active Economy -an economic system in which economic decisions and the pricing of goods and services are guided solely by the aggregate interactions of a country's individual citizens and businesses. There is little government intervention or central planning.

During metabolism the energy released is captured by

-Adenosine Triphoapate -the final pathway in energy metabolism that transports electrons from hydrogen to oxygen and captures the energy released in the bonds of ATP; also called the respiratory chain

Better Business Bureau (BBB)

-An organization focused on advancing marketplace trust. -Using an accredited Business system they rank business, charities, and non-profits.

unsaturated fat

-An unsaturated fat is a fat or fatty acid in which there is at least one double bond within the fatty acid chain. A fatty acid chain is monounsaturated if it contains one double bond, and polyunsaturated if it contains more than one double bond. -Fats that are solid at room temp and that tend to increase cholesterol in the blood.


-Are those between the secondary and primary colors on the CW. -Essential role in harmony -one primary and one secondary Ex: yellow-green, blue-green

Adjusted Balance Method

-BEST -Interest rate is applied to the balance of the bill after payment has been applied. - This usually is the most advantageous method for cardholders. The issuer determines your balance by subtracting payments or credits received during the current billing period from the balance at the end of the previous billing period. This method gives you until the end of the billing period to pay a portion of your balance to avoid the interest charges on that amount.

formal operational stage (stage 4: 12+ years)

-Becomes able to think still More abstractly, using deductive logic and approaching decisions and problems with a systematic fashion. -They can now thunk about ideas as well as objects and imagine objects or events that they have never actually experienced themselves


-Body's main source of energy -Helps the body use protein and fat more efficiently -3 types -sugars,starches,cellulose


-Chapter 13 = 7 years ; Chapter 7 = 10 years - A federal court procedure that helps consumers and business get rid of their debt and repay their creditors. "liquidation" or "reorganization"

Consumer Product Safety Commission

-Charged to protect the consumers from unreasonable risks associated with consumer products, to assist consumers in voluntary comparative safety of consumer products and more. -Regulates the production and sale of products that are potentially hazardous, sets safety standards, can ban products that are deemed hazardous to consumers, can seize products from the market.

Quantity Food Preparation

-Defined as one preparing foods in quantity to serve people within a designated period of time. --Complete meal services are provided to large groups in residence halls, retirement homes, hospitals and commercial restaurants. -Special foods and highly individualized services are characteristics of a hospital and certain restaurants. -Other establishments serve lunch to students and workers. -Short order and specialty food places cater to specific demands for certain foods and a particular type of preparation. -Away from home meals may be as simple as a drive in snack or as elaborate as a dinner in a fine hotel. -Food production in quantity consists of three general steps. 1. Preparation 2. Cooking 3. Finishing and portioning for service

Less intense colors

-Dull and grayed, -calmer effects -objects seem small and far away.

How to become a certified Interior designer

-Earn a 4 year degree in Interior Design -NCIDQ Exam -2 year job/training

Vitamin A

-FS -Helps respiratory infections and toward off night blindness -antioxidant

Vitamin K

-FS Needed to make blood cot -helps stop bleeding and reduces the livelihood of hemorrhage -Not a dietary antioxidant.

Garment label requirements

-Fiber content - Country of primary manufacture (Country of origin) -Identifying # of the producer or importer -Basic care instructions 1972 care labeling Act

Fabric pilling

-Fuzzy fibers that ball up and adhere to the outside of a garment. -Surface defect of textiles that normally occurs when washing/wearing fabrics

Vitamin D

-Growth, Development of bones and teeth -sunshine vitamin -maintains the level of calcium needed in the blood for clotting and keeping the heart, muscles and nerves active.

sensorimotor stage (Stage 1: 0-2 years)

-Infant interacts with the world primarily through the senses and actions he or she can perform on objects. They don't have the ability yet to represent objects or people to themselves mentally. -world is based upon what the infant can see and act upon at the moment.

Average daily balance method

-Interest rate is applied to daily average balance during the current billing cycle - 30 days. -This is the most common calculation method. It credits your account from the day the issuer receives your payment.

Federal Reserve System

-MONEY -is the central banking system of the United States of America.

concrete operational stage (Stage 3: 6-12 years)

-Major step forward in the abstractness of thoughts -Conservation -think logically but still very concrete,


-Most important of all the elements.

Food product labels

-Must show the identity of food by its common or usual name -the form of food -name,address , of manufacturer, packer or distributor -net content or net weight -size of the servings Ingredients in the order of quantity beginning with largest amount -nutrition labeling

Consumer Bill of Rights

-The Right to Safety -The Right to be Informed -The Right to Choose -The Right to be Heard

Intensity of color

-The degree of brightness, dullness,strength, or weakness of a color. -describes the degree of purity or strength

biscuit method

-The dry ingredients are combined first -A pastry blender is then used to cut the fat into the flour mixture. -liquid is added last —knead

Housing and Urban Development

-The government agency that concentrates on offering consumers information and education programs that focus on family related concerns is the: -administers programs that provide housing and community development assistance. The Department also works to ensure fair and equal housing opportunity for all.


-The lightness or darkness of a color in reaction to Black or White. -Value of the color depends on the amount of light the color reflects -white added=tint, black added= shade

Programing Phase (#1 phase in Design process)

-The research phase -creating a client profile -establish basic guidelines -budget -schedule -consulting

Previous balance

-WORST -Interest is applied to total amount of bill. -This is the amount you owed at the end of the previous billing period. Payments, credits, and purchases made during the current billing period are not included. Some creditors exclude unpaid finance charges.

Formal balance

-When a design is exactly the same on both sides, orderly feeling -Symmetrical balance, equal weight on equal sides of central, identical objects

401K Plan

-You cannot use the money saved as a collateral for loans, They can invest in anything the wish, they match employee's contributions, pre-tax savings. -contribution plan where an employee can make contributions from his or her paycheck either before or after-tax, depending on the options offered in the plan. The contributions go into a 401(k) account, with the employee often choosing the investments based on options provided under the plan.

Neglectful/Uninvolved parents

-a lack of responsiveness to a child's needs. Uninvolved parents make few to no demands of their children and they are often indifferent, dismissive, or even completely neglectful. -They're emotionally distant from their children -They offer little or no supervision -They show little warmth, love, and affection towards their children -They have few or no expectations or demands for behavior -They don't attend school events and parent-teacher conferences -They may intentionally avoid their children -They're often too overwhelmed by their own problems to deal with their children


-a person who compiles and analyzes statistics and uses them to calculate insurance risks and premiums. -which individuals in a large group will die in a given period of time

Decorative Design

-adds to the structural shape. it is decoration that is applied to the surface of the object. -Should not be used freely and should follow the shape of the object.

Scaled drawing

-allows an interior designer to show a client what a room will look like and how the furnishings will fit into phases.

Northern Climates

-because glass is not a good insulator and loses heat faster than most other building materials, any large windows should be facing south so that they capture winter sunlight. -houses should be small and compact, with small window openings for minimal heat loss. -Tudor, cottage, prairie houses

Factor that affect Preparing a menu

-cost -equipment -skill level -Food availability

Implementation Phase (#4 phase in Design process)

-design comes together -Designer is responsible for workers schedule to complete projects and supervise -help with move in

Design Development Phase (#3 phase in Design process)

-drawings are refined in more detail: floor plans, elevations, sections, and possibly perspectives. -select materials -purchase selected items -select colors and finishes -estimate costs -prepare final design -Make presentation to client.

Workers compensation

-form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee's right to sue their employer for the tort of negligence.

To be a good Restaurant:

-good service -food quality -atmosphere/environment -cost/price

Indulgent/Permissive parents

-low demands with high responsiveness -Have few rules or standards of behavior -When there are rules, they are often very inconsistent -Are usually very nurturing and loving towards their kids -Often seem more like a friend, rather than a parent -May use bribery such as toys, gifts and food as a means to get child to behave -Provide little in the way of a schedule or structure -Emphasize their children's freedom rather than responsibility -Ask their children's opinions on major decisions -Rarely enforce any type of consequences

Modular Home

-manufactured in a production facility and are built in two or more sections in a controlled factory setting that are then transported and assembled on location. The assemble process typically uses a traditional concrete foundation (permanent). Unlike a mobile home, a modular home cannot be moved once built


-needle bearing trees or evergreens that retain their leaves all year. -fir, pine,cedar, redwood, and spur e. -more readily available -shape more easily with basic tools -doesn't take finishes as easily as other woods.

Evaluation Phase (#5 phase in Design process)

-period following the completion of the project where the designer evaluates the completed project. And determines what adjustments are necessary.

Authoritative parents

-reasonable demands and high responsiveness. -They listen to their children. -They encourage independence. -They place limits, consequences, and expectations on their children's behavior. -They express warmth and nurturence -They allow their children to express opinions. -They encourage their children to discuss options. -They administer fair and consistent discipline.

Preliminary Phase (#2 phase in Design process)

-rough sketches -Brainstorming phase -concept development -Approve drawings and concept before moving to the nest phase.

Structural design

-the basic form created by the size, shape, color, and texture of an object. -Function determines its type of structural design .


-use of colors next to each other on the color wheel - 3 to 6 colors, 1 color is dominant and the other ones are used in smaller amounts

Family and Medical Leave Act

-which is a federal law that guarantees certain employees up to 12 workweeks of unpaid leave each year with no threat of job loss. -also requires that employers covered by the law maintain the health benefits for eligible workers just as if they were working.

Worsted wool

-wool that has been spun into a fine yarn from parallel threads -Worsted: Stronger, finer, and smoother. Imagine a nice suit fabric.

Fibonacci sequence


sensorimotor stage (Piaget's theory of cognitive development)

0-2 years; period during which a child uses their senses of sight, hearing, and touch to learn about and explore elements of the world. Using senses, able to discover new ways of solving simple problems. Begin to develop hand-eye coordination and ability to reason out a method of achieving goals.

Aging cheese names: Current

0-30 days

Conflict resolution techniques

1)identify the problem 2)recognize each memeber of the conflict's position while minimizing hostility 3)move toward compromise -during each step must remain as patient and understanding as possible

younger years (2, EE)

1-3; autonomy vs. shame and doubt; need to become independent and learn skills such as using toilet without assistance. If can't establish independence, will develop feelings of shame and doubt about their ability to function without assistance

A model for responsible decision-making to students

1.describe the situation requiring you to make a decision 2.list all of the decisions you could potentially make 3.share this list of potential decisions with an adult you trust 4.Evaluate what the consequences of each of decisions could be 5.determine which of the decisions you identified is the most appropriate and responsible one 6.take action on the decision you've chosen 7.evaluate the outcomes of the decision that you have made

Components of a business plan

1.description of business 2.marketing plan 3. Financial management plan 4. Management plan 5. Supporting documents 6. Financial projections

three universal concepts of well-constructed clothing

1.functional 2.inconspicuous 3.durable

Problem solving steps

1.identify problem and determine cause 2.develop list of solutions 3.attempt to determine benefits of each solution 4.choose one that best solves problem 5.monitor to make sure solved 6.decide whether worked or try something else

decision process before making a purchase

1.need recognition 2.information gather 3.evaluate choices 4.decide and purchase 5.post purchase evaluation

Serving size for cooked veggies and fruit

1/2 cup

formal operational stage (4, Piaget)

11-end of life; more abstract concepts and develops a logical way of thinking about those concepts. Ideas that are less concrete or absolute and that cannot necessarily be backed up by physical evidence or observation such as morality, advanced math, and a person's state of being. can understand all the variables in a problem and able to determine most, if not all, the possible solutions to a problem rather than just most obvious solutions.

Which individual has the highest demand for protein?

13 months - 12 years

early adulthood (6, EE)

18-34; intimacy vs. isolation; needs to begin establishing intimate relationships with others; If unable, will become more withdrawn and will isolate from others; prevents from forming lasting relationships

preoperational stage (2, Piaget)

2-7; children begin to use words, symbols, and pictures to describe what they have discovered about particular elements of the world around them. Begin to develop an understanding of language, and they can focus their attention on a particular subject or object. Have a faulty sense of logic when attempting to understand concepts like volume, mass, and number when some element is changed.

A mire poix is made of

25% celery, 25% carrots, 50% onions

What is the maximum percentage of income a family should spend on housing

25% to 30%

What percent of income is spent on nondurable goods?

25-30 percent

Vegetable serving size

3-5 or 2.5 ???

Nuts, seeds, and legumes are (high/low) in fiber.

3-5 servings

early childhood (3, EE)

3-5; initiative vs. guilt; need to discover the ambition necessary to continue functioning independently; strongly linked with moral development as they use make-believe to explore what kind of person want to be. If unable to explore ambitions, will develop feelings of guilt as begin to see ambitions, dreams, and goals as unattainable or inappropriate.

Aging cheese names: Medium

3-6 months

middle adulthood (7, EE)

35-60; generativity vs. stagnation; continuing genetic line before too late; generativity any act that gives something of value to the next generation such as teaching children to read; if unable to contribute, will feel sense of failure resulting from stagnation, lack of accomplishment

vegetables and fruits

4-5 servings

danger zone

40-140 degrees F

middle childhood (4, EE)

6-10; industry vs. inferiority; need to develop ability to complete productive tasks such as school work and working in groups; could develop a sense of inferiority as result of their inability to complete the tasks set before them that their peers are capable of completing


6-8 servings

later adulthood (8, EE)

60-end; ego integrity vs. despair; examine course of life by reflecting on kind of person have been; despair and fear death as end of further achievement

concrete operational stage (3, Piaget)

7-11; stage in which a child's thinking becomes more logical regarding concrete concepts; capable of understanding concepts of mass, volume, and number; begins to identify and organize objects according to shape, size, and color. Will not be able to understand more abstract concepts like calculus or algebra.

Aging cheese names: Extra

9 months to 5 yrs

Folic Acid

A B vitamin that aids in the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is required to transport oxygen throughout the bloodstream

Stylized design

A basic form but are much more simplistic in shape or form.


A double sugar molecule made of two monosaccharides bonded together through dehydration synthesis. -sucrose,lactose and maltose -they are broken down into monosaccharides during digestion

What does "Sleep out" mean at a hotel?

A guest is registered to the room, but the bed has not been used.

Small Claims Court

A legal mechanism available in all states to solve legal problems involving small sums of money. -A Judge exercises broad powers in this court. HE or she decided the case and there is no jury. Judges ruing may be apealed to a higher court.

Chamber of Commerce

A local association to promote and protect the interests of the business community in a particular place.


A market situation in which 2 sellers dominate a specific market industry.

merely overweight

A person that is less than 20% heavier than their ideal weight is

severely obese

A person that is more than 100% heavier than their ideal weight is

moderately obese

A person who is 41-100% heavier than their ideal weight is

Consumer Reports

A publication that reports consumer product test results by brand name and model number and accepts no advertising

saturated fat

A saturated fat is a type of fat in which the fatty acid chains have all or predominantly single bonds. A fat is made of two kinds of smaller molecules: glycerol and fatty acids. Fats are made of long chains of carbon atoms.


A situation in which few sellers (4 or less) control the majority of a supply or service produced.

Regressive Tax

A tax requiring a smaller fraction of income increases, tax is measured against what is spent. Ex. Sales Tax

Progressive Tax

A tax that requires a larger fraction of income as that income increases. Ex: Income Tax

Proportional Tax

A tax that requires the same fraction of income from tax payers of all income levels. Ex:

Fat soluble vitamins

A, D, E, K (can be stored)

Progression or Gradation (ID)

Accomplished by making gradual successive changes in design. sequence produced by increasing or decreasing one or more qualities.


Acid and base content 0-14 -Below 7 indicates increasing acidity - 7:neutrality -above 7 indicates increasing alkalinity

What will help get the red stain out of a cashmere shirt?


Unrefined grains (whole-grain)

All 3 parts of the kernel are kept together Ex:whole wheat flour


All purpose:8% to 11% of protein Bread flour: 12 to 14% Cake flour: 8% to 10% Pastry flour: 9 to 10%

Feature of a dress that makes you look taller.

An Empire waist.

Federal Trade Comission (FTC)

An agency whose basic responsibility is to help consumers find needed information or locate the appropriate agency to assist them with their problems.


An infant imitating adult speech

Cash Card

Any electronic payment card that stores cash fro various types of payments Ex: Bank Debit Cards, prepaid debit cards, gift cards, and payroll cards

Semi-soft cheese

Anything that is whiter and not aged Ex:bleu, brick, Monterey, mozarella, muenster


Appropriate type of fabric to wear in high humidity with temps in the upper 90s.

Filament Yarns

Are made by twisting together several strands of fiber -fabric made from these yarn has a smooth lustrous surface.

water soluble vitamins

B and C not stored, part of bodies waste

What level of education is needed to be a retail buyer in the textile industry?

Bachelors Degree


Bacteria requiring oxygen to live

cephalocaudal growth

Body develops from the head downward

spousal dysfunction

Bowen; involves the partner pressuring the other to behave in certain ways, and the other acceding to that pressure. If tensions increase, the subordinate partner gives up enough self-control yielding to dominant partner to become significantly more anxious.

emotional distance

Bowen; occurs in relation to others; when interactions between family members become too intense, they develop emotional distance to decrease intensity. Can become overly isolated, and lose intimacy in their relationship

child impairment

Bowen; parents project their own anxieties onto their child; view child idealistically, either negatively or idealistically. Child reciprocated by focusing excessively on the parents, overreacting to parental expectations, need, and attitudes.

Schemas ( 1 of 3 components of Piagets theory)

Building blocks of knowledge

parallel play (stage 2)

By 18 months (toddlers)the child plays beside but not with, nearby children. Some watch others as they play some may not pay attention, focused more on toys that the children.

Intangible Resources

Cannot be touched - integrity, confidence, literacy

Checks that guarantee payment

Certified, cashiers and travelers

Complimentary color scheme

Colors opposite each other on the color wheel

Triad Color Scheme

Combines THREE colors that are equidistant on the color wheel

accented neutral color scheme

Combines white, gray, black, or beige with ONE other color as an accent

Common stock

Common stocks are one form of a piece of ownership of a corporation. They are the type of stock that most people are thinking of when they use the term "stock." Since stocks are partial ownership of a corporation, they are also known as "shares." Common stocks allow stockholders to vote on corporate issues, such as the board of directors and accepting takeover bids. Most of the time, stockholders receive one vote per share. Stockholders also receive a copy of the corporation's annual report.


Common type of natural rock used in the construction of walls and counters. Available in dark grays, pinks, greens, yellows, browns and blacks. I

Affective communication

Communication in which an individual demonstrates his or her feelings through facial expressions, motions, gestures, or by outright stating their feelings


Complex carbohydrate found in plant cells. -sometimes called fiber or roughage -made up of indigestible fibers -no energy to body -provides bulk to aid digestion and elimination of body wastes


Complex carbohydrates that are composed of many sugars linked together.


Compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes

competitive consumption

Consumers Irrational desire to compete with one another to prove financial superiority by paying higher prices.


Contains 2 or more variations of the same hue/color. Includes various shades, intensities and tints if that 1 color.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA)

Creates national standards to protect individuals medical records and other personal heath info.

A person complains about a loud neighbor and the hotel staff moves him to another room what is it called?

Credit per Marilyn

When cutting out a pattern, notches should be

Cut out, away from the seam allowance


Designed by Federal Govt. as a state program to hep those who need and qualify for medical assistance. -nursing homes -ppl with limitations in daily activities.

work triangle

Developed to allow minimum and maximum distances between the sink, refrigerator, and the stove.

B.F. Skinner

Emphasized that almost all behavior is LEARNED and can be increased by positive consequences and decreased by negative consequences.

Industry vs. Inferiority

Erikson's stage between 6 and 11 years, when the child learns to be productive. They learn a sense of mastery or inadequacy

Trust vs. Mistrust

Erikson's stage during the first year of life, infants learn to trust when they are cared for in a consistent warm manner

Recipe is passed on a certain culture, what happens to it over time?


Semi-hard cheese

Extensive aging process Ex: cheddar, Colby, gouda, edam,gruyer,provolone, Swiss


Fabric used in athletic wear that keeps both the wearer and the clothing dry by moving moisture away from the skin.

Quick bread

Fast-acting leavening Bread leavened with air, steam, and/or carbon dioxide from baking soda or baking powder. Muffins, buiscuits, nutbread


Federal Program that helps older ppl (65+) in paying their medical bills.

Class B Fire

Fire started with gas, grease or other liquid

Class A Fire

Fire started with wood, paper, or trash

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Food safety system that highlights potentially hazardous food and how it should be handled Monitor agriculture food production. Educate employees on their roles in producing safe food products. Help assist in prevention of food-borne illnesses. Ensure that unsafe food does not reach consumers.


Formed by adding both black and white to a hue. A tone can also be formed by adding some if the colors direct compliment.

Frame Houses

Frame construction means a Type of construction in which the structural parts are of wood or are dependent on a wooden frame for support and is built on site


Garment made of short and thick cotton fibers

Abstract design

Generally familiar types of motifs or shapes but done in an unrecognizable ways.

What role does genes play in our development?

Genes determine our traits


Goods and Services that promote the well-being of consumers.

hard cheese

Grading cheeses Ex:Parmesan, romano

What does "On-Queue:" mean at a hotel?

Guest has arrived at the hotel, but the room assigned is not yet ready. In such cases, the room is put on Queue status in-order for the housekeeping staff to prioritize such rooms first.

Conventional Oven

Has a fan


Heat transfer by direct contact


Heat waves, travel in a straight line

Vitamin E

Helps protect cell membranes and protect vitamin A from being damaged by too much oxygen. -slows down aging process -heals scar

affective skill

How effectively an individual can recognize, understand and handle emotions and relationships. Allows an individual to feel appropriate emotion in response to certain situations or stimuli.

Ego Integrity vs. Despair (OLDER ADULT)

If the previous 7 crises have been successfully resolved, mature adults develop a sense of virtue. They see their lives as successful and worthwhile. They are proud of their work, their families, and they reap the benefits of a fulfilling life. The unsuccessful resolution is disappointment: a negative appraisal of ones life and the realization that it is too late to start over

Decision making process should identify relevant influences which involves finding those influences that are:

Important to goal attainment 1. State problem. 2. Set goals 3. Identify resources available 4. List alternatives to problem 5. Make the decision.

radial balance

In interior design, the arrangement of elements in a pattern around some central point.

Universal default clause

Increase the interest rate if just one late payment is made to ANOTHER creditor of any sort.

Benefits of family recreation

Increased stability of the family and of interactions within it, a way to maintain family relationships, and more

Clear communication

Individual explicitly states the information is trying to convey; ex: "I am upset bc Daniel is not home from the movies yet."

object permanence (2 of 3 stages of sensorimotor)

Infants do not know that An object exist if they cannot, see, feel, hear, smell, or tasted. 3later as memory abilities improve infants begin to develop object permanence

Basic Trust vs. Mistrust (INFANTS)

Infants forms first trusting relationships with caregiver. Warmth, affection, and consistency of care lead to a positive, secure attachment with primary caregiver. Inadequate care results in fear and mistrust. Since the relationship is the prototype for all others, those with a primarily negative resolution to this stage may struggle with forming close relationships for the rest of their lives.


Inorganic matter, neither found in plant or animal. -in the diet come from plants or from animals that eaten the plants

Two-cycle or Double-cycle Balances

Issuers sometimes calculate your balance using your last two month's account activity. This approach eliminates the interest-free period if you go from paying your balance in full each month to paying only a portion each month of what you owe.

When heat is applied to protein

It Coagulates

Major criticism of Levinson's "seasons" of life model

It overstates the importance of the mid-life crisis

Caveat emptor

Latin phrase meaning "let the buyer beware". The buyer needs to be aware of products that might be defective.

Good Samaritan Law

Law that gives certain persons legal protection when giving aid to someone in an emergency

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FACT ACT)

Legislation giving consumers the right to know what information consumer reporting about them to creditors, insurance companies, and employers.

When substituting regular milk for buttermilk in a recipe, it is important to add

Lemon juice or vinegar

What happens when you add extra water to pastries?

Makes dough tough and leathery and it shrinks.

Fair Debt Collections Practices Act

Makes it a federal offense for a debt collector to threaten with violence, use obscene language, or contact consumer by telephone at inconvenient times

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's pyramid of human needs; must satisfy levels below before reaching to next; can go up and down pyramid stages physiological needs safety love and belonging esteem self-actualization

Medical Asepsis

Means free from germs o bacteria that may cause infection.


Method of cooking using wave action

Psychoanalytic Theories

Method of learning about mental processes and of treating some mental disorders through the use of techniques association.

Most important for a homeowner to consider when calculating the amount of $ needed in a budget.


Single ply yarns

Most fabrics are made from these

Jean Piaget

Most influential on early childhood education, described how children's thinking is unique in each of the 4 stages.

Wool pants

Most resistant to wrinkles

Which of the following characteristics gives wool it's resiliency

Natural cross links and crimps -Wool is the most resilient fiber because it has a natural crimp that helps it keep its shape. Wrinkles disappear when the garment or fabric is steamed. Good wool is very soft and resilient; poor wool is harsh.

Social Learning Theory

New behaviors are earned primarily through observing the behavior of others. Observational learning or Modeling.

Why is meat purple in the center

Not receiving enough oxygen

Hazard Communication Standard(HCS)

OSHA establishes the standard -right to know and to be trained

Preschoolers do what type of play?

Objective, solitary play, parallel

Publication of US Dept of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics is called

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Du' jour menu

Off the day


One seer controls the supply of a product or service.

Most important element of menu planning is:

Price of the ingredients

spun yarns

Produced by twisting many stable fibers together -fabrics made from these have a fuzzy surface

Most appropriate technique for evaluating students in laboratory-based course

Product or performance checklists based on established standards.

chalazae cords

Protein, hold the yolk in the center of the egg


Question about 6 major nutrients

Tangible Resources

Real, touchable, concrete, able to appraised - jewelry, land, houses

"The Golden Mean"

Refers to a formula for achieving perfect proportion.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Regulates the labeling and safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics sold throughout the United States. -in charge of cereal boxes stating they are "high in Fiber"

USDAS Food safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)

Regulates the labeling if meat and pultrybfood products

Truth in Lending Act

Requires any organization issuing credit to a consumer to disclose the full terms of the lending arrangement and all costs associated with entering into that arrangement.

non-financial resources

Resources that are not cash or cannot be sold outright and turned into cash, can be extremely useful to a family that is experiencing financial problems. Can be used to produce income or reduce costs. Don't sell your house, but rent out a room to make some extra money. A family member who is a seamstress could lower a family's costs by mending everyone's clothing instead of throwing it away or buying new garments.

Cyclical stock

Risky Stock

Correct technique for rolling out pie crust.

Rolling the dough from the center out with a floured rolling pin, and turning dough occasionally.

cooperative play (stage 4)

Seen in middle childhood (5+), in this play children work together to compete against another team.

Human Resources

Skills, talents, and abilities that people possess

Third Degree Burn

Skin Partially destroyed FA: Cover entire area with a dry sterile dressing.

First Degree Burn

Skin Reddened but unbroken FA: Place under cold Water

Second Degree Burn

Skin Reddened, blisters formed FA: Place under cod water, cover with a dry sterie dressing.

market segment

Small identifiable groups of customer or guests who share a specific set of needs or expectations

Proximodistal Growth

Starts at the center of the body and outward

Convectional oven

Stationary from bottom

soft cheese

Still sift, some moisture, spreadable Ex:brie,cream,cottage


Stone that is cut to have more uniform rectilinear or straight shape. Great material to utilize for interior and exterior walls.


Substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen to all cells -also absorbs carbon dioxide from cells and return to lungs


Substances that help the body digest and use food


Systems of moral values, duties, or obligations that deal with what is right or wrong. Rules, standards ,codes

Muffin method

Technique for making quick breads by lightly mixing liquid ingredients into dry -Lumpy batter

Peter Principle

The Peter principle is a concept in management theory formulated by educator Laurence J. Peter and published in 1969. It states that the selection of a candidate for a position is based on the candidate's performance in their current role, rather than on abilities relevant to the intended role. Thus, employees only stop being promoted once they can no longer perform effectively, and "managers rise to the level of their incompetence".

Genetavity vs. Stagnation (MIDDLE AGE ADULT)

The ability to give of oneself, in the sense of marriage and parenthood as well as work, is the positive outcome of this stage. Selfishness, the inability to give of oneself, is the negative outcome


The ability to put things into an order Ex-large to small

Cash value

The amount of money received if an insurance policy is surrendered before maturity or before death of insured party.


The basic color identity or the specific name of a color such as red, blue or green -does not imply color purity

preventative consumerism

The best remedy for fraud is:

preoperational stage (Stage 2: 2-6 years)

The child can now represent things to himself internally, but he is still focusing his attention on such external characteristics of objects or people as size shape, color and clothing. still uses these features to categorize in groups. Egocentric still can't think logically, memory is improving, identities and function. the ability to imagine the mental lives of others (sympathy) emerges

Identity vs. Role Confusion (ADOLESCENT)

The critical issue for this stage is the development of a consistent personality or sense of self. The positive outcome involved the ability to answer the questions: "who am i? what will i become?" In contemporary society, this stage often extends into young adulthood as a person typically experiments with many behaviors, roles, and identities before achieving a lasting and satisfying one


The design and manufactures of fashionable clothes to a clients specific requirements and measurements

What does "on change" mean at a hotel?

The guest has departed, but the room has not yet been cleaned and ready for sale.


The lack of exposure to new ideas or practices of specific groups is known as


The law of proportion when applied to the size relations of objects used together. -size relationships

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

The organization responsible for health and safety in the workplace.

Designing a house with small children.

The placement of bedrooms is important.

White represents

The presence of all colors


The process of converting vegetable oil into a solid.

food irradiation

The process of using radioactive materials to disinfect and preserve certain types of food; reduces consumer's risk of food borne illness


The process through which a person comes to think of themselves as a distinct person despite being a member of a family is known as


The protection of a name or logo.

What does "Vacant and ready" mean at a hotel?

The room has been cleaned and inspected and is ready for an arriving guest.

Cake method

The shortening is creamed with the sugar and eggs. Then the sifted ingredients are added alternately with the liquids.

rack rate

The standard rate for a room in a hotel; also known as the walk-in rate.

Intimacy vs. Isolation (YOUNG ADULT)

The successful young adult, for the first time, can experience true familiarity with others, the sort of acquaintances that makes possible good marriage or a genuine and enduring friendship. The unsuccessful outcome is aloneness and despair. Prior achievement of a consistent sense of self is crucial to a successful resolution of this stage


The transfer of thermal energy by the circulation or movement of a liquid or gas

Adaptation Process (2 of 3 components of Piagets theory)

The transition from one stage to another -Equilibrium -Assimilation -accommodation

what determines the type of care you would provide?

The type of finish. -consider the source of the stain -the kind of surface to be cleaned. -mildest cleaning agent.

Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

Theorizes that children will learn more effectively if they are allowed to actively adapt to the world around them through play and exploration. Four stages are: 1) sensorimotor stage - ages 0-2 2) preoperational stage -ages 2-7 3) concrete stage - ages 7-11(concrete operational stage where child's thinking becomes more logical regarding concrete concepts.) 4) formal operational stage - ages 11 and up (formal operational stage...during this stage, an individual understands more abstract concepts and develops a logical way of thinking about those concepts. This is important to the study of child development because it was the first theory that recognized that children can actively and effectively learn on their own rather tan being dependent on another person for learning to occur.

Horizontal Lines

They are not as strong as vertical lines, but they create a sense of rest. These lines are comforting as in the horizon. They suggest serenity, repose, and relaxation. Width if an object.

Vertical Lines

They are the strongest. They give an impression of dignity, formality, and strength. They create a structural impression suggesting vertical supports used in buildings. They add height to a room whether found in walls, doorways, windows, wallpaper, or furnishings.

Symbolic thought and Language Development (3of 3 stages of sensorimotor)

They can start separating reality and imagination, symbols, words to represent ideas Both a social and mental skill involves physical development.

Initiative vs. Guilt (PRESCHOOLER)

This stage occurs during the preschool years of early childhood when children begin exploring their environments, first develop awareness of the different social roles existing around them and experience feelings of either purpose and accomplishment or guilt and inhibition.


Thyroid gland function, growth, metabolism Ex: salt, seafood

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

To amend Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy.


To understand that even though one property of an object changes, other properties stay the same Ex: OJ in a wide cup to a long cup


Traditional earning theory that credits environment as primary source of development factors only born with reflexes.

Active listening

Trying to understand what the others are saying and why, identify feelings.


Type of plan that shows location of house on a site indicates such as garages, walks, walls

solitary play (1st stage)

Up to months of age a child plays alone with toys . No attempts to play with others


Use patterns of repetition/contrast to create visual interest of moving the eye around the room.


Uses both dry and moist heat.

Geometric design

Using lines, curves, circles, squares, or any other geometrical shape.

What affect does food allergies have on children:

Vomiting, Hives, Diarrhea, stomach cramps...

Order of Washing dishes:

Wash, rinse, sanitize

Net cash flow

What is left over after all the the income is totaled and all expenditures are subtracted. If the net is positive number, then business is making a profit.

direct communication

When a person who is attempting to convey a given piece of information SIMPLY STATES that information to the person he or she wants to receive the information Ex: Jimmy, go set the table.

instrumental communication

When an individual informs another member of the family of a piece of factual information that is necessary to carry out the normal day to day functions of a family; Ex: Mother telling child where to find their socks


When it's exposed to oxygen, it becomes the dominant pigment -Myoglobin is a water-soluble protein that stores oxygen for aerobic metabolism in the muscle. It consists of a protein portion and a nonprotein porphyrin ring with a central iron atom. The iron atom is an important player in meat color. The defining factors of meat color are the oxidation (chemical) state of the iron and which compounds (oxygen, water or nitric oxide) are attached to the iron portion of the molecule. -Thus, myoglobin can change from a dark purple color to a bright red color simply from oxygenation or to a brown color by losing electrons.


When liquid is mixed with flour this is formed from the protein in flour. It is the elastic framework that starches and holds the gas bubbles formed by the leavening as it rises.

indirect communication

When the person communicating the information states the information but not to anyone in particular. Ex: We need to set the table.


a collection of social rights, behaviors, and obligations that are assigned to a particular individual; ex: mother= provider

split complementary color scheme

a color and two colors on each side of its complement

Financial Counselor/ Debt Manager

a community worker who acts without a conflict of interest, as a negotiator and an advocate on behalf of people experiencing financial hardship or who are unable to manage their debts.


a financial obligation of a business that is required to pay in the future -loans -wages -taxes

business plan

a formal written document that describes the nature of a business and how it will operate

Extended Family

a grandparent lives with the parents and children

law of increasing costs

a principle that states that once all factors of production (land, labor, capital) are at maximum output and efficiency, producing more will cost more than average. As production increases, the opportunity cost does as well.

A rechaud is

a stand, heated by a flame below, that cooks food

trans fat

a type occurring in margarines and manufactured cooking oils as a result of the hydrogenation process, having a trans arrangement of the carbon atoms adjacent to its double bonds. Consumption of such acids is thought to increase the risk of atherosclerosis.


abnormally high blood pressure; can impact virtually every part of the body as increased force of blood against the artery walls can severely damage the body's organs; eliminate excessive drinking and smoking -healthy: 90/50-120/80 -prehypertension: 120/80-140/90 -hypertension: 140/90


achieved when all of the other principles and elements of design are brought together to create the desired image

The Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES)

advance agriculture, the environment, human health and well-being, and communities" by supporting research, education, and extension programs at land-grant universities and other organizations


aids in proper functioning of virtually all the muscles and organs; allows body to form hemoglobin: protein in blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Lack of iron: anemia, condition in which unable to make hemoglobin; oatmeal, spaghetti, green beans, chicken, green leafy veggies

Radiation (ID)

all components of a composition are balanced around a center.


allow certain vitamins A,D,E, and K to be digested and absorbed by the body; can only be broken down and used when enough fat is present; help maintain body's temperature, promote hair, skin, and overall cell health, protect body's organs, protect against some diseases, and act as a means of storing energy for body to use later

RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance)

amount of each vitamin, mineral, or other nutrient that health professionals believe an individual needs to receive daily in order to stay healthy; replaced by RDI

fiscal year

an accounting period that is one year long

General Services Administration

an independent agency of the United States government, was established in 1949 to help manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies0

circular reaction (1 of 3 stages of sensorimotor)

an infant's repetition of a reflexive action that results in a pleasurable experience

Fair Housing Act

anti-discrimination act that prevents a seller or organization offering financing for a home from denying to sell, rent, or finance a residence on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, family status, national origin, or handicap


any chemical substance that changes the way a person acts or feels; according to WHO drug abuse is any excessive drug use that is not approved by medical profession


any designs, details, or parts of the garment that draw people's attention to the garment. Shouldn't be too flashy or gaudy.

natural fibers

any fibers that are taken from plants or animals

capital and capital goods

any financial and human-made resources, including money, tools, equipment, buildings, and houses


any group of people who live together in the same household even if they are not related by blood or legal ties

information resources

any resources that allow an indiv or org to find, compile, and put to use knowledge that might help in achieving a particular goal


anything inherited from one's ancestors, including traditions, customs, or physical characteristics


anything that can be used to aid either in the daily functioning of an individual or organization or in the achievement of a particular goal.


are funds paid to retired employees who paid into a pension fund while they were employed.

vitamin c

ascorbic acid; important bc helps protect the health of the skin, bones, teeth, cartilage, and blood vessels; acts as an antioxidant that helps reduce the negative effects that oxygen reactions within the body can have on cells; production of collagen; deficiency leads to scurvy: liver spots on skin and gums, bleeding from mucous membranes

informal balance

asymmetrical, placing different but equivalent designs in wither side of a central point

family life cycle (9 stages)

bachelor stage, newly married couple, full nest stage 1, full nest stage 2, full nest stage 3, empty nest stage 1, empty nest stage 2, solitary survivor in labor force, retired solitary survivor

principles of design

balance, emphasis, proportion, rhythm, and unity

Childbearing stage

begins when a couple has their first child and continues until the last child is born. This stage of the family life cycle brings added expenses and investments in baby clothing, equipment, and additional furnishings.

Infancy (1, EE)

birth-12 months; crisis of trust vs. mistrust; needs to be able to realize concept of trust and elements of certainty. ex: learn that parents aren't going to abandon forever if they leave. If unable to realize trust, child may become withdrawn and avoid interaction with rest of society.

cool colors

blue, green, violet -give a feeling of restfulness, -Aka the receding colors -Dark cool colors tend to make a figure look smaller

Non-installment credit

borrower does not have to apply for credit each time becuase cr​ed​it is extended in advance. short-term It can be paye​​d in a lump-sum by a specified date.

asymmetrical balance

both sides are not physically identical, but are similar enough that an individual believes that both sides seem to have the same "weight"

symmetrical balance

both sides of the garment must sit at same level, and the parts on one side of the centerline of the garment have to be an exact mirror of the other side

Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes

both treated through use of carefully monitored diet along with medication to help the body use insulin appropriately; difference between 2 and gestational is gestational occurs specifically due to hormones present during pregnancy

Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development

breaks process of human development into 8 stages necessary for healthy functioning; during each stage must overcome developmental obstacle, called a crisis, to be able to face crises in later stages. If not able to, will be more difficult for later crises and likely encounter again. 1.infancy 2.younger years 3.early childhood 4.middle childhood 5.adolescence 6.early adulthood 7.middle adulthood 8.later adulthood

Manufactured home

built entirely in a factory under the federal building code administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

revolving credit

can be repeatedly given as long as payments are made. (My Credit Card Limit)

inactive decision making style

cannot or do not make choices; lack control, accountability, and the ensuing self-confidence and empowerment

elements of design

color, shape or form, texture, and line

table d'hote

complete meal of several courses offered in a hotel or restaurant at a fixed price

Debenture bond

corporate bond secured only by the assets and earnings of the corporation. -This is just one kind of bond sold by corporations to raise money. Consumers should be apprised of the various types of bonds offered so that they can make wise investment decisions. The general difference between bonds is the security offered; that is, the way in which the corporation guarantees repayment. A collateral trust bond uses the stocks and bonds of other companies as collateral. A mortgage bond is secured by a piece of mortgaged property, such as an office building or factory. A sinking-fund bond is a form of debenture bond in which the corporation additionally pledges to pay back the money slowly over a long time. A convertible bond can be traded in for common stock at any time.

Industry vs. Inferiority (SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN)

corresponding to the elementary school years, this stage is crucial in the development of competence or self-confidence. Success in meeting the demands of school and society lead to a sense of "productivity" or self-confidence. Repeated failures lead to feelings of inadequacy and an unwillingness to try new tasks.

Fixed expenses

costs are those that do not fluctuate with changes in production level or sales volume. They include such expenses as Rent, mortgage, credit cards, insurance and medical

Flexible expenses

costs that are easily changed, reduced or eliminated. Spending money on entertainment and clothing represent flexible expenses. Even expenses that must be incurred, such as a grocery bill, can be considered flexible because the amount spent can vary.

synthetic fibers

created in a laboratory or factory through the use of chemicals


cyanocobalamin; necessary for production of blood cells and aids in maintaining health of nervous system; severe lack can lead to conditions like megaloblastic anemia; problems with nervous system, because causes disintegration and death of nerve cells; symptoms are numbness, tingling, and lack of muscle control; chicken, beef, pork, liver, fish, shellfish, cereal, milk, cheese, eggs, yogurt

Pareto Analysis (80/20 rule)

decision making model that assumes that approx 80% of the benefits that an organ receives from a particular task are result of 20% of the effort that the various individuals within organization put into the task. 80% of problems produced by 20% of factors. 1.list all problems 2.group so similar benefits and factors together 3.each group then given score based on how affects overall organ

Force Field Analysis

decision-making strategy that examines all of the factors that affect a particular situation and identifies those factors as either aiding the organ in achieving a goal or ultimately causing the organ to fall short of reaching its specified goal. -make a list of all factors involved with particular option and then identify as helping or hindering goal -each factor given rating on scale of 1-5 with 1 being weakest -if the forces that hinder the organ have higher numbers then probably not a realistic choice


defined a secure base as the parent or attachment figure, who provides a constant source of security, functioning as the child's "base" like a base camp or headquarters


described 10 year old children as viewing their parents' word as law and wholeheartedly accepting their parents without reservations. described 8 year olds as demanding an understanding and close relationship with parents, especially their mothers. described 9 year olds as parental direction, withdrawing from their family circles as much as they can in favor of independence and self sufficiency

Parenting stage

describes a family with children between the ages of six and twenty years old. When children begin school, the family schedule becomes more hectic with school events and developing hobbies. The children have outgrown their beginning stage furnishings. This creates expenses for new furnishings, clothing, and recreational activities.


disease that prevents the body from producing or using insulin, which body needs to process sugar and use as energy for the cells of the body; sugar builds up in body leading to hyperglycemia; can lead to failure of the heart, kidneys , nerves, eyes, high blood pressure, blindness, poor healing of wounds

cost/benefit analysis

dm strategy that examines the total estimated cost of each option that is available alongside the total estimated benefit of each option available and then compares the cost with the benefit to determine if the benefits of the option outweigh the cost; relies heavily on estimation which makes inaccurate

Grid Analysis

dm strategy that takes all of the factors involved with each option, rates each factor, and then gives each factor a weight based on its importance to the overall decision.

Preferred stock

does not allow voting rights. It also pays a set dividend that does not change. Furthermore, preferred stockholders will receive their set dividends before the company decides how much they will spend on dividends for common stock. If the company goes out of business or is restructured in a bankruptcy, the assets are distributed to bondholders first.

The greatest amount of variation between people of the same age is found during

early adolescence


eating disorder in which an individ views his or her own body as being overweight, even though not, which causes to have extreme, unfounded fear of gaining additional weight


equal parts fat and flour, nutty scented when heated, used to thicken sauces and soups

Black satin

fabric is best for blocking sunlight

Equal Credit Opportunity Act

federal act prohibiting any organization that issues credit to consumers from denying credit to a consumer on the basis of race, gender, age, marital status, religion, national origin, or skin color


fibers that are extremely soft, strong and lustrous and absorb and retain water effectively. Resistant to mildew, molds, and moths. Used in chiffon, organza, and taffeta bc of soft feel and extremely lustrous appearance.

Murray Bowen's Family Systems Theory

four basic family relationship patterns within what he called the Nuclear Family Emotional System; patterns dictate where problems develop when the family system is under tension 1) Marital conflict 2) Spousal dysfunction 3) child impairment 4) emotional distance


from a variety of nut and fruit trees, such as pecan and cherry. -comes from broad leafed deciduous trees which drop their leaves in the winter, such as oak, maple, and birch trees -harder and more attractively figured -finger graining and more costly


garment balanced if both the left and right sides appear to be similar and correspond to each other, but does not necessarily mean both sides are actually the same. Balance important because a garment composed of unevenly positioned parts will not look appealing.


goods and services that harm the consumer.


goods and services that have a neutral effect, neither helping nor harming the consumer


has increased their body weight significantly beyond what is normally considered healthy, usually by excessive eating; overeating, family history, genetic factors, stress and lack of sleep, various illnesses and conditions; high risk for problems with heart, stomach, muscles, lungs, skin, nervous system


heating, ventilating, and air conditioning


helps with bowel movements, digestion, and immune responses; lower blood cholesterol, help prevent obesity, lower risk of cancer, and risk of type 2 diabetes; lack can lead to constipation and slower digestion; cereal, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, apples, pears, bananas, potatoes, onions, green beans

psychosexual theory

how parents help their children manage and aggressive drives is very crucial in order to have a healthy personality development


indiv. views their body as being unattractive or overweight but lacks ability to control their eating; main difference is bulimics have no sense of control over eating habits

Most arguments occur between spouses over

infidelity and money

One difficulty of enforcing laws designed to prevent deceptive advertising is that

intent to deceive is difficult to prove

type 1 diabetes

invdividual's own immune system mistakes the beta cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for producing insulin, as being harmful and therefore attacks and destroys them; prevents from actually producing insulin; treated with diet and insulin injections

Family life stage models

involves primary development tasks of maintaining relationships with parents, siblings, and peers: completing one's education; and establishing foundations for a model of family life, which children rely on as adults to form their own families.

Certificates of deposit.

is a savings certificate with a fixed maturity date, specified fixed interest rate and can be issued in any denomination aside from minimum investment requirements. A CD restricts access to the funds until the maturity date of the investment.

Closed Economy

is one that has no trade activity with outside economies. is self-sufficient, which means no imports come into the country and no exports leave the country. A closed economy's intent is to provide domestic consumers with everything they need from within the country's borders.

Aging stage

last stage of the life cycle which covers the time of retirement until the death of both spouses. Expenses may be restricted as people live on fixed incomes, making the expense and upkeep of large homes a burden. Few furnishings are purchased at this stage of the life cycle.

reactive decision-making style

let others make decisions for them, needing others to like them and being easily influenced by others also impede self-confidence and empowerment

"caveat emptor"

let the buyer beware


lipid, type of fat body uses to produce both new cells and bile, a substance secreted by the liver that helps body digest fat. Excessive amounts can lead to heart and circulatory problems, including atherosclerosis, a dangerous condition in which arteries are clogged by deposits of cholesterol. Stay away from foods with high concentration of saturated fats: beef, pork, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, and most snack foods

soluble fiber

lower cholesterol levels and help manage the level of blood sugar; pulp of fruits, veg., oats, beans, and barley; should increase intake gradually bc can result in bloating, cramps, and diarrhea


material constructed by weaving or knitting yarn together to form a type of cloth

socioeconomic status (SES)

measures the ability of the family to function in a healthy fashion, using the educational background of the members of the family, the family's total income, and the skill-both actual and perceived-required by the occupations of the individuals who act as the providers

scenario analysis

method whereby individuals or organizations use their experience, knowledge and intuition to predict what kidn of situations may arise from each option if that particular option were chosen. Anticipating every possible outcome that might occur and accurately predicting what events are most likely to occur in the future can be impossible.


modeling - learning how to behave by observing significant others

real income

monetary intake determined by the amount of goods and services. ones income will buy.


morality, creativity, trust

Lev Vygotsky

most famous for social development theory (of child cognitive development) Expressed the importance of social context of development. Children's learning is often promoted through the assistance from adults who help then with the zone of proximal development.

trans fats

most harmful; formed when vegetable oil is processed to make table spreads and cooking fats; shown to create buildup in arteries, a process which can impair heart health

AAFCS (American Association of FCS)

national organization that influences the education of individuals in the methodology and knowledge associated with fcs. Influence public policy and gather support for programs that help educate and protect individuals and families from unsafe habits, business practices, products, and lifestyles


natural fibers that are relatively strong, soft, light sensitive, elastic, and breathable and can absorb and retain water effectively. Fabrics made completely out of cotton or a blend of cotton fibers with other fibers such as rayon and polyester. Usually soft, heat resistant, and more likely to shrink.


natural fibers that are very strong, lustrous appearance similar to silk, and absorb and retain water effectively. Brittle, stiff, inelastic, and not very resilient. Very difficult to work with and usually used in blends with other fibers, such as wool to make a variety of fabrics.


natural fibers that normally are coarse, relatively strong, resilient, and can retain water well. Used in flannel because wool fibers improve a fabric's ability to retain heat. Most are scratchy, but some like cashmere are soft.


necessary for body to produce amino acids needs to function: 9 essential amino acids only produced when body digests protein; lack can lead to reduced brain function, intellectual disabilities, and an overall weakening of the immune system due to decrease in number of white blood cells; chicken, beef, wheat, rice, milk, cheese, peas, beans, peanuts, pb

esteem needs

need to respect oneself and be respected and accepted by others

love and belonging needs

needed to form social relationships such as those with friends, family, and intimate loved ones

Erikson's stages of initiative vs. guilt

occurs during the preschool years, when children begin exploring their environments, first develop awareness of the different social roles existing around them, and experience feelings of either purpose and accomplishment or guilt and inhibition.

Direct communication

occurs when a person who is attempting to convey a given piece of info simply states the info to the person he or she wants to receive the info

masked communication

occurs when an individual states the information he or she is trying to convey in a vague and somewhat confusing manner; ex: "I am upset."

secondary colors

orange, green, violet, they are made by mixing equal parts of any 2 primary colors


overall design has a basic sense of flow, one part of the design seems to ease into the next; most common way to achieve rhythm is to repeat patterns or colors within a garment


pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts resulting when variety and units are achieved. Unit + Variety = Harmony

change management

process by which an org attempts to modify a particular aspect of how it operates with as little harm to the org as possible. must use change management techniques that do not place too much unnecessary stress upon the members of the org.

warm colors

red, orange, yellow -They give a feeling of activity and movement. Aka advancing colors because they make objects appear closer or larger.

primary colors

red, yellow, blue, cant be made by mixing ither colors together


refers to all voluntary business activities in a given economic area. Alternatively, free enterprise could refer to an ideological or legal system whereby commercial activities are primarily regulated through private measures rather than through political means.


relatively small amounts important because necessary for the production of thyroid hormones; lack can lead to depression, fatigue, mental slowness, or intellectual disability, excessive weight gain; uncommon because salt used in cooking is treated with iodine

Gross annual income

represents the amount of money a person earns in one year from all sources before taxes.

Textile Fiber Products Identification Act

requires brands to attach a label to covered textile products containing -the generic names and percentages by weight of each fiber in the product -the name under which the manufacturer or other responsible party does business or RN number, -the name of the country in which the product was processed or manufactured.

Guaranteed reservation

requires guest to pay room charges in full before arrival date

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970

requires organizations to provide employees with nonhazardous working conditions; also requires to keep records of all employment-related accidents and to display posters listing legal rights of employees

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

requires public facilities be accessible fully to disabled persons

vitamin A

retinol; aids in bone growth, skin health, and ability to reproduce; eye health and aids in production of tears; deficiency causes eyes to deteriorate, night blindness; carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, spinach, beef, pork, chicken, eggs, and broccoli


saccharides; group of simple and complex sugars and starches that supply energy for the body; transported throughout the body via bloodstream and broken down into energy that keeps the body functioning

static menu

same menu items are offered every day; that is, a restaurant-type menu

consumer rights

series of protections, usually guaranteed by law, that seek to prevent individuals from being taken advantage of in the marketplace; consumer laws uphold the three basic rights of the consumer: right to safety, be informed, and be treated fairly




should drink 7-10 average glasses daily; most important substance to consume; carries nutrients throughout the body; normal daily loss of water is 64-80 oz.

RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake)

similar but does not recommend different nutrient intakes based on gender and age; used to determine RDV, recommended daily value, which is printed on every food product to inform consumers of nutritional value based on a 2,000 calorie diet

flax fibers

similar to cotton, natural fibers that are soft, breathable, and strong, but lack the elasticity. High-quality flax fibers used primarily in the construction of linens. Soft, heat resistant, and likely to shrink fabrics.


simple carbohydrates composed of monosaccharides, disaccharides, or both

10 month old and 12 month old will do what if placed in the same room?


insoluble fiber

speed digestion and can reduce the risk of colon cancer and heart disease; wheat, corn bran, leafy vegetables, fruit and veg skins

Fair Credit Reporting Act

states that consumer reporting agencies collecting and distributing information about consumers for credit related purposes are required to follow certain guidelines concerning how they maintain and distribute the information they collect.

empirical-rational strategy

strategy of managing change; assumes that people are ultimately interested in their own well-being and will more quickly accept changes if they believe that those changes offer them some sort of benefit. (Incentives); d- less effective if the org does not offer substantial enough incentives

power-coercive strategy

strategy of managing change; assumes that people will listen to authority figures and do as they are told. Works by preventing members from choosing any other option than the one manager wants them to follow. If refuses to accept, org may punish the individual.; d-can often promote unrest among members of the org

normative-reeducative strategy

strategy of managing change; revolves around idea that peer pressure can bring about the changes that an org needs. People will normally behave according to the expectations of society. ex: posters in breakroom that affirm the importance of customer service; d-less effective when relations between management and staff are strained or when employees feel rush or obligated to execute the changes

unsaturated fats

sunflower oil, corn oil, (olive oil, and canola oil: monounsaturated fats, lower cholesterol)


synthetic fibers that are smooth, strong, lightweight, elastic, and lustrous. Primarily used as a cheaper alternative to silk. Inexpensive, strong, and extremely light, but will melt at high temperatures.

acrylic fibers

synthetic fibers that are soft, lightweight, resilient, and heat-sensitive. Often used as a replacement for wool because they have a very similar feel. Less expensive alternative to cashmere bc very similar appearance.

acetate fibers

synthetic fibers that are soft, smooth, dry, weak, lustrous, and heat-sensitive. used in the construction of a variety of fabrics including satins and taffetas primarily to give the fabric a shiny, lustrous look. More resistant to shrinking.


synthetic fibers that are strong, lightweight, resilient, and resistant to many of the conditions that might normally harm a fabric, such as mildew, sunlight, harsh weather, and moths. Used in a wide range of fabrics and are often used in a cotton/ polyester blend


synthetic fibers that similar to cotton and are relatively soft, smooth strong, resistant to moths, and can retain water extremely well. Used in variety of fabrics, including most types of velvet bc it can imitate the feel of silk and other natural fibers

The third stage of family life stage model "premarriage stage"

tasks of choosing a life partner; developing the couple's relationship; and deciding to create a home with the partner.

second stage of family life stage model

tasks of differentiation of self from family; establishing adult-to-adult relationships with parents; forming intimate relationships with peers; starting to work, developing a work identity, and becoming financially independent.

Duvall's choice

tasks of her families with School-age children stage; as tasks of her Families with teenagers stage; and as tasks of her families with Infants stage.

The fourth stage of family life stage model "childless couple stage"

tasks of learning, emotionally and practically, to live with a partner; and adjusting family of origin relationships to include the partner.

Al dente

tender but slightly firm


the action of taking possession of a mortgaged property when the mortgagor fails to keep up their mortgage payments.

labor resources

the actual effort that various people involved in an organization put into a project, leading to the completion of that project

money inome

the amount of pay one receives.


the capacity of an insulating material to resist heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power.

universal design

the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design; putting entrances at ground level, having all entrance doors be automatic opening, and wide, installing cabinets with shelves that pull out, and light switches with flat panels

Complete Proteins

the essential amino acids required for synthesizing tissues and hormones.

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

the fair debt collection practices act requires third party debt collectors, businesses that collect debts due to other individuals or businesses, to refrain from using abusive or deceptive practices in collecting those debts. Prohibits from calling consumers at times other than between 8 am and 9 pm.

principle of probability

the law of large numbers states that as a sample size grows, its mean gets closer to the average of the whole population.


the process of committing an individual's resources to a particular activity, organ, or fund, with the hope that such a commitment will provide additional resources for the individual in the future

consumer education

the process of teaching a person about the marketplace and its goods and services, the suppliers and the various considerations associated with searching for goods and services

psychic income

the satisfaction gained in consuming the goods and services purchased with ones income.


the study of people's efficiency in their working environment.

environmental economics

the study of the effects that businesses and consumers have on the overall financial and natural environment when operating within set limits

res ipsa loquitur

the thing speaks for itself The use of circumstantial or indirect evidence of negligence to impose liability.

Robert Havinghurst's developmental tasks

theory of human development that there are certain tasks each individual needs to go through at points during his life to continue developing into a happy and successful adult 1.infancy and early childhood: 0-5; tasks like walking, talking and eating solid foods, as well as right from wrong 2.middle childhood: 6-12; get along with others, morals, skills for living 3.adolescence: 13-18; relate with opposite sex, social role of one's gender, prepping for life after childhood 4.early adulthood: 19-29; long term relationships, finding career, starting family required 5.middle adulthood: 30-60; adult recreational activities, achieving chosen career, helping one's teen children become happy and healthy adults 6.later maturity: 61-end; adjusting to death of spouse; effects of old age, finding people in one's peer group to interact with

It is Recommended the take up lever & needle on a sewing machine to be at its highest position, why?

to prevent snagging and bending the needle.

vitamin E

tocopherol; aids in maintaining proper brain function and eye health; reduce cancer, cataracts, heart disease; deficiency leads to weakness, blindness, and neurological problems; peanuts, hazelnuts, coconuts, corn, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, fish, pb, veg oils


transfer of heat energy to a neighboring material without contact, electro magnetic field

Maslow's most basic level of needs is physiological

water, sleep, food, elimination, etc.

Mid years stage

when children are grown and living elsewhere and the family returns to one or two members. This stage lasts until the couple retires. Those living in relatively large homes may no longer want or need the extra space. Often retirement brings new interests in different styles of furnishings or in hobbies, such as collecting antiques

Launching stage

when children leave their parents home to work, study, or start families of their own. This stage covers the time when the oldest child leaves home until the last child leaves home. Parents may be looking to purchase new, better quality furniture.

Piaget's later Preoperational stage

when children's thinking becomes less egocentric but still retains animistic and magical characteristics, takes place during the preschool years.

Indirect communication

when the person communication the info states the info but not to anyone in particular

FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America)

youth organization for students; by focusing public attention to the problems young people face, the FCCLA gains support for programs and laws that help protect young people and their families.

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