A&P 102 Finals Study Set

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c. all of these choices are correct.

Acetyl coenzyme A a. is formed through oxidation of pyruvic acid. b. occurs under aerobic conditions. c. all of these choices are correct. d. links glycolysis to the Krebs cycle. e. formation requires pyruvate dehydrogenase.

d. all of these choices are possible fates of an amino acid.

Amino acids may a. none of these choices is possible fates of an amino acid. b. be converted into glucose. c. be converted into fatty acids. d. all of these choices are possible fates of an amino acid. e. be converted into other amino acids

c. is endergonic, requiring more energy than is produced.

Anabolism a. none of these choices is correct. b. all of these choices are correct. c. is endergonic, requiring more energy than is produced. d. breaks down complex organic molecules into less complex molecules. e. refers to all chemical reactions of the body.

d. Catabolism

Chemical reactions that break down complex organic molecules into simpler ones are called a. Anabolism b. Oxidation reactions c. Metabolism d. Catabolism e. Metatheses

a. Anabolism

Chemical reactions that combine simple molecules and monomers to form complex structuresare known as ? a. Anabolism b. Metatheses c. None of these choices d. Metabolism e. Catabolism

b. allow color vision.

Cones: a. are concentrated at the periphery of the retina. b. allow color vision. c. function only at low light levels. d. are most critical for night e. outnumber rods.

b. beta oxidation

Fatty acids may be converted to acetyl CoA through a process called ________. a. ketogenesis b. beta oxidation c. dehydrogenation d. transamination e. gluconeogenesis

e. vitamin C.

For adequate absorption, all of the following require ingestion with other lipids EXCEPT a. vitamin K. b. vitamin E. c. vitamin D. d. vitamin A. e. vitamin C.

b. glycogen

Glucose is stored in the liver and muscle in the form of a. triglycerides b. glycogen c. starch d. cellulose e. glucagon

a. Glucose catabolism

Glycolysis, formation of acetyl CoA, Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain are all involved in: a. Glucose catabolism b. Gluconeogenesis c. Lipogenesis d. Formation of glycogen e. Formation of vitamin C

e. constant constricted pupil

Horner syndrome is a condition where sympathetic innervation to one side of the head and neck is damaged. What visual disturbances would you expect a person to have if she had Horner syndrome? a. inability to accommodate the eyes for near vision b. permanently flattened lens c. constant dilation of the pupil d. abduction of the affected eye e. constant constricted pupil

a. 6

How many extrinsic eye muscles are responsible for moving each eye? a. 6 b. 4 c. 12 d. 20 e. 10

1 and 2

Humans can generate ATP through 1. substrate-level phosphorylation. 2. oxidative phosphorylation. 3. Cori Cycle.

d. D.

Identify the ciliary body. a. A. b. B. c. C. d. D. e. E.

c. acetyl co A; lactic acid

If adequate O2 is present in the mitochondria, pyruvic acid will be converted to ______; if conditions are anaerobic, pyruvic acid will be converted to ______. a. glucose; acetyl co A b. lactic acid; acetyl co A c. acetyl co A; lactic acid d. glucose; lactic acid e. glucose; glycogen

d. the central vision loss is due to damage to the fovea centralis; the peripheral retina is not greatly affected

Individuals with macular degeneration may experience loss of vision in their central vision area, but their peripheral vision either is not affected or is not as greatly affected. Why is this the case? a. only rods are damagaed in macular degeneration, so the peripheral vision is not as affected. b. only a single optic tract typically is damaged, so using your peripheral vision allows you to use the normal optic tract c. the ciliary muscles of the cilleary body are weakened and the lens is unable to focus on the forvea centralis d. the central vision loss is due to damage to the fovea centralis; the peripheral retina is not greatly affected e. macular degeneration damages the optic disc, making central vision impaired but leaving peripheral vision intact

c. play an important part in energy transfer.

Minerals a. may be organic. b. may be essential or nonessential. c. play an important part in energy transfer. d. may be synthesized in the body. e. are concentrated most heavily in the blood.

a. the cochlea within the inner ear helps main balance by identifying the location of the source of the sound

Multiple systems are involved in maintaining balance and equilibrium of the entire body. All of the following senses contribute to maintaining balance except a. the cochlea within the inner ear helps main balance by identifying the location of the source of the sound b. proprioceptors throughout the musculoskeletal system detect muscle length and tendon tension c. the vestibular apparatus detects motion of the head d. the eyes provide the brain with visual information about body position

c. Myenteric plexus

Name the layer labeled E a. Serosa b. Submucosal plexus c. Myenteric plexus d. Submucosa e. Mucosa

a. 1 and 3

Perilymph is located in the 1. scala tympani 2. cochlear duct 3. bony labyrinth of the semicircular ducts (canals) a. 1 and 3 b. 1 and 2 c. 2 only d. 3 only e. 1 only

c. providing nutrients and oxygen to the lens and cornea

The aqueous humor performs which of the following functions? a. cleansing the cornea b. preventing bacterial infection c. providing nutrients and oxygen to the lens and cornea d. moistening the cornea e. securring the retina against the choroid

b. thalamus

The axons of the ganglion neurons of the retina terminate in the: a. optic chiasm. b. thalamus. c. primary somatosensory area of cerebral cortex. d. optic disk. e. visual cortex of cerebrum

b. the optic nerve exits the eye.

The blind spot is the area where a. the ciliary process produces aqueous humor. b. the optic nerve exits the eye. c. the iris attaches to the cornea. d. there are more cones than rods. e. there are more rods than cones.

c. basal metabolic rate.

The bulk of your total energy expenditure is due to your a. nonexercise activity thermogenesis. b. energy homeostasis. c. basal metabolic rate. d. food induced thermogenesis. e. voluntary exercise

b. secretin, CCK, and GIP.

The enteroendocrine cells of the small intestine secrete . a. bile. b. secretin, CCK, and GIP. c. alkaline mucus. d. brush-border enzymes. e. chylomicrons.

a. is stimulated by the presence of chyme in the duodenum.

The enterogastric reflex a. is stimulated by the presence of chyme in the duodenum. b. increases gastric emptying. c. is the result of parasympathetic stimulation. d. results in decreased contraction of the pyloric sphincter. e. is stimulated by the presence of chyme in the stomach.

b. pancreatic lipase

The enzyme, produced in the Accessory Digestive Organ labeled D, that produces fatty acidsand monoglycerides during digestion is called: a. salivary amylase b. pancreatic lipase c. gastrin d. pepsin e. bile

b. extends from the posterior wall to wrap around the small intestine.

The mesentery a. binds the transverse and sigmoid colon to the posterior abdominal wall. b. extends from the posterior wall to wrap around the small intestine. c. attaches the liver to the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm. d. suspends the stomach and duodenum from the liver. e. drapes over the transverse colon and coils of the small intestine.

c. controls the contractile strength and frequency of the muscularis.

The myenteric plexus a. supplies the secretory cells of the mucosal epithelium. b. regulates secretion by gastrointestinal organs. c. controls the contractile strength and frequency of the muscularis. d. contains sensory neurons which function as chemoreceptors. e. supplies the mucosal epithelium.

a. central fovea.

The point of greatest visual acuity in the retina is the a. central fovea. b. optic disk. c.lens. d. optic chiasm.

b. joins with the common bile duct.

The structure indicated by the letter D a. joins directly to the common hepatic duct. b. joins with the common bile duct. c. empties into the common hepatic duct. d. empties into the cystic duct. e. joins directly to the cystic duct.

a. serve as coenzymes

Vitamins a. serve as coenzymes b. serve as coenzymes and provide energy are correct c. provide energy d. serve as building materials within the body e. serve as coenzymes, provide energy, and serve as building materials within the body

e. Auditory tube

What is the name of the structure labeled with the arrow? a. Tympanic tube b. Cochlear branch of cranial nerve c. Middle ear d. Vestibular branch of cranial nerve e. Auditory tube

c. Sclera

What is the name of the structure labeled with the arrow? a.Iris b. Retina c. Sclera d. Cornea e. Choroid

c. 2

What is the net ATP gain from substrate level phosphorylation during glycolysis? a. 0 b. 4 c. 2 d. 3 e. 1

a. Posterior cavity (Vitreous chamber)

What lies between the lens and the retina? a. Posterior cavity (Vitreous chamber) b. Anterior chamber c. Anterior cavity d. Aqueous humor e. Cornea

b. Adenosine diphosphate

When the terminal phosphate is cut off of ATP what is formed? a. Glucose b. Adenosine diphosphate c. GTP d. Adenosine monophosphate e. Metabolic water

e. Cytoplasm

Where does glycolysis take place? a. Mitochondria b. Plasma membrane c. Golgi Apparatus d. Nucleus e. Cytoplasm

c. Mitochondria

Where does the Krebs cycle take place? a. Cytoplasm b. Plasma membrane c. Mitochondria d. Nucleus e. Golgi Apparatus

e. G cell

Which cell secretes the hormone that promotes production of hydrochloric acid? a. Chief cell b. Neck cell c. Parietal cell d. Chyme cell e. G cell

e. hydrochloric acid

Which digestive aid, produced by the stomach, begins digestion by denaturing proteins? a. bile b. bicarbonate ion c. water d. mucus e. hydrochloric acid

c. B

Which figure illustrates farsightedness before it has been corrected? a. A b. E c. B d. C e. D

d. Secretin

Which hormone functions to counteract the effect of gastric acid in the small intestine? a. Pepsin b. Cholecystokinin c. Amylase d. Secretin e. Gastrin

a. Cholecystokinin

Which hormone is stimulated by high levels of dietary fat in the small intestine? a. Cholecystokinin b. Amylase c. Pepsin d. Secretin e. Gastrin

d. Scleral venous sunus (Canal of Schlemm)

Which is NOT part of the vasculartunic of the eye? a. Choroid b. Ciliary process c. Ciliary muscle d. Scleral venous sunus (Canal of Schlemm) e. Iris

d. 5, 1, 2, 4, 3

Which is the correct order of events of sound transmission through the ear? 1. sound waves strike the eardrum 2. the ear ossicles vibrate 3. hair cells of the organ of Corti vibrate 4. the perilymph in the cochlea moves 5. sound waves enter the external auditory canal a. 5, 2, 1, 3, 4 b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 c. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 d. 5, 1, 2, 4, 3

e. Pancreatic duct

Which major duct carries a fluid rich in bicarbonate ions? a. Cystic duct b. Hepatic duct c. Hepatopancreatic duct d. Bile duct e. Pancreatic duct

d. glaucoma, an increase in intraocular pressure, can be caused by an infection which may block the limbus and prevent drainage of the aqueous humor.

Which of the follow symptoms are correctly associated with the infection? a. macular degeneration, which may be caused by oular infection, is the inflammation of the transparent lining of special stratified epithelium on the outer surface of the sclera. b. chalazion is an infections that can cause the physical detachment of hte macula lutea. c. a stye is an infection of the tarsal gland d. glaucoma, an increase in intraocular pressure, can be caused by an infection which may block the limbus and prevent drainage of the aqueous humor. e. conjuctivitis is an infection of sebacious glands presenting as reddening, often puss-filled area beneath the skin of the eyelid.

a. Liver

Which of the following accessory organs produces a fluid that functions to emulsify dietary fats? a. Liver b. Teeth c. Gallbladder d. Salivary glands e. Pharynx

c. it is involved with the local reflex of the gastrointestinal tract

Which of the following actions correctly characterizes the Enteric Nervous system. a. it is regulated by the hypothalamus during the digestion process b. it involved the vagus nerve of the Autonomic Nervous System c. it is involved with the local reflex of the gastrointestinal tract d. reflexes with the ENS involve large segments of the GI tract

e. emmetropia is the condition of normal vision

Which of the following are correctly associated? a. people with myopia have trouble seeing close-up objects and so are called farsighted. b. presbyopia causes unequal focusing and blurred images due to unequal curvatures in one or more of the refractive surfaces c. astigmatism is age related changes in the lens d. people with hyperopia have trouble seeing faraway objects and so are called nearsighted e. emmetropia is the condition of normal vision

d. in ulcerative colitis, the inflammation is confined to the mucosa

Which of the following correctly discribe disorders of the bowels? a. for Chron's disease, the duodenum is the most frequent and severly affected site. b. Crohn disease is an irritation of the inner lining of the GI tract, typically affects older adults. c. for ulcerative colitis, only the small itestines are involved d. in ulcerative colitis, the inflammation is confined to the mucosa e. irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) is an autoimmune disorder

e. cholelithiasis refers to the presence of gallstones in the biliary apparatus

Which of the following definitions incorrectly describe hepatic disorders? a. Liver cirrhosis results when hepatocytes have been destroyed and are replaced by fibrous scar tissue b. chronic biliary obstruction and biliary cirrhosis disorders are inherited diseases can result in liver cirrhosis c. Heptatitis B and hepatitis C are the most frequent viral infections and can produce chronuc hepatitis d. hepatic portal hypertension resulting from fibrous scar tissue compression may lead to dilated veins of the inferior esophagus e. cholelithiasis refers to the presence of gallstones in the biliary apparatus

a. cataracts are small opacities within the lens

Which of the following disorders of the eye are correctly asscoiated? a. cataracts are small opacities within the lens b. astigmatism is the inability to see colors c. myopia is only able to see objects far away d. hyperopia is only able to see objects that are close e. color blindness is to have unequal focus and blurred images

c. trypsin: fats and disaccharides

Which of the following enzymes is NOT matched correctly with its substrate? a. pancreatic amylase: starch b. carboxypeptidase: proteins c. trypsin: fats and disaccharides d. ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease: nucleic acids e. pancreatic lipase: triglyceride

e. Gastrin

Which of the following exocrine secretions is not considered a component of gastric juices? a. Protons (H+) b. Mucus c. Pepsinogen d. Gastric lipase e. Gastrin

a. They are most numerous in the central region of the retina.

Which of the following is NOT true about rods? a. They are most numerous in the central region of the retina. b. They contain the photopigment rhodopsin. c. They generate receptor potentials. d. They are responsible for night vision. e. They are more numerous than cones in the retina.

b. C

Which of the following labeled cells secretes intrinsic factor? a. A b. C c. D d. E e. B

c. Muscularis

Which of the following layers of the GI tract contains skeletal muscle? a. Serosa b. Submucosa c. Muscularis d. Mucosa

a. all of these choices are correct

Which of the following may be used to produce ATP without utilizing glucose? a. all of these choices are correct b. oxidation of lactic acid c. oxidation of amino acids d. oxidation of ketone bodies e. oxidation of fatty acids

b. Amylase

Which of the following pancreatic enzymes acts on glycogen and starches? a. Chymotrypsin b. Amylase c. Trypsin d. Phosphatase e. Nucleosidase

a. histamine

Which of the following paracrine hormones are released during digestion? a. histamine b. gastrin c. secretin d. insulin e. cholecystokinin (CCK)

a. glycolysis, formation of acetyl coA, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain reactions

Which of the following places the events of glucose catabolism in the correct order? a. glycolysis, formation of acetyl coA, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain reactions b. glycolysis, Krebs cycle, formation of acetyl coA, electron transport chain reactions c. formation of acetyl coA, glycolysis, electron transport chain reactions d. glycolysis, anaerobic respiration, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain reactions e. glycolysis, Krebs cycle, anaerobic respiration, electron transport chain reactions

d. the heptaic portal vein drains oxygen poor and nutrient rich blood from the GI tract and shunts the blood to the liver

Which of the following statements are true regarding the Hepatic Portal System? a. nutrients and toxins absorbed by the GI tract are directly disturbed throughout the body b. bile produced by the liver travels through the hepatic portal vein and drains into the duodenum c. the heptatic portal system is a arterial network that provides the lives with oxygenated blood. d. the heptaic portal vein drains oxygen poor and nutrient rich blood from the GI tract and shunts the blood to the liver e. blood exits the liver through the hepatic portal vein and merges with the vena cava.

a. Diverticulosis is the presence of diverticula in the lining of the small intestines. these are formed typically when the small intestine tightens and narrows in response to low amounts of fiber or bulk in the small intestines. diverticulosis is inflammation of diverticula. diverticulosis may be life-threatening if the diverticula repture and fecal matter leaks from the small intestine into the abdominal cavity

Which of the following statements regarding disorders of the Digestive System is incorrect? a. Diverticulosis is the presence of diverticula in the lining of the small intestines. these are formed typically when the small intestine tightens and narrows in response to low amounts of fiber or bulk in the small intestines. diverticulosis is inflammation of diverticula. diverticulosis may be life-threatening if the diverticula repture and fecal matter leaks from the small intestine into the abdominal cavity b. pancreatic cancer prognosis, like more other types of cancers, is more favorable with early detection - before the cancer has metasized to the lymph nodes. pancreatic cancer is often detected in advanced stages of the disease when complete surgical remocal of the tumor is no longer possible. it is for this reason that panceatic cancer is often fatal. c. initially, most patients with colorectal cancer are asymptomatic. later, they may notice rectal bleeding and a persistent change in bowel habits. eventually, the person may experience pain, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, and anemia d. colorectal cancers appears mostly in the distal descending colon, sigmois colon, and rectum, which are the segments of the large intestine that have the longest contact with fecal matter before it is expelled from the body.

b. peritonitis can not be treated with antibiotics

Which of the following statements regarding peritonitis is incorrect? a. physical trauma to the GI tract such as a knife stabbing or gun shot wound can lead to an inflammatory response to the peritoneum b. peritonitis can not be treated with antibiotics c. infection of Helobactor Pyori may cause damage an ulcer leading to the gastric juices entering the peritoneum d. the most common cause is appendicitus e. without medical intervention, peritonitis that spreads can be fatal

b. Macula of the saccule

Which of the following structures contains otoliths (ear stones)? a. Basilar membrane of the cochlear duct b. Macula of the saccule c. Cupula of the crista d. Tectorial membrane of the organ of Corti e. Tympanic membrane

b. Cupula

Which of the following structures senses change in rotational acceleration of the head in order to help maintain dynamic equilibrium (rotational acceleration)? a. Vestibulocochlear nerve b. Cupula c. Organ of Corti d. Cochlea e. Maculae of the vestibule

b. antacids

Which of the following treatments for Reflux Esophagitis and Gastroesoophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) can be used to neutralize stomach acid? a. farmotidine (Pepcid) b. antacids c. proton pumo inhibitors d. histamine (H2) blockers e. Omeprazole (Prilosec) & Esomeprazole (Nexium)

c. Organ of Corti

Which of the structures listed below converts vibrations in the endolymph into action potentials? a. Helicotrema b. Crista ampularis c. Organ of Corti d. Auditory ossicles e. Tympanic membrane

a. D

Which portion of the inner ear is divided into three channels? a. D b. None of these choices c. B d. C e. A

d. it is filled with perilymph

Which statement is accurate about the cochlear duct? a. it contains hair cells that convert sound waves into nerve signals b. it contains spiral organ that rests on the vestibular membrane c. it detects linear acceleration of the head when the otolithic membrane bends the hair cells d. it is filled with perilymph

c. Ileocecal sphincter

Which structure regulates the flow of material into the colon? a. Appendix b. Lower esophageal sphincter c. Ileocecal sphincter d. Pyloric sphincter e. External anal sphincter

c. hair cells

Which structure transduces mechanical vibrations into electrical signals? a. oval window b. photoreceptors c. hair cells d. tympanic membrane e. supporting cells

d. crista

Which structure within the ampulla contains hair cells that are involved in dynamic equilibrium? a. cupola b. otolithic membrane c. macula d. crista e. vestibular

e. C

Which the part of stomach regulates the movement of chyme into the duodenum? a. E b. D c. A d. B e. C

d. hepatic vein

Which vessel is not part of the Hepatic Triad? a. heptic portal vein b. bile ductile c. hepatic artery d. hepatic vein

e. Because they stimulate the sympathetic nerves that supply the GI tract

Why do emotions such as anger or fear slow digestion? a. Because all emotions are controlled by the Vagus nerve b. Because they stimulate the parasympathetic nerves supplying the GI tract c. Because they stimulate the somatic nerves that supply the GI tract d. They do not affect digestion e. Because they stimulate the sympathetic nerves that supply the GI tract

b. olfaction is responsible for a large component of taste, so when the child cannot smell the broccoli, its taste is diminished

You are babysitting a 5-year-old child who does not want to eat his broccoli. He states that the broccoli tastes yucky. You tell him to hold his nose closed while he eats a piece of broccoli and see how it tastes. He says it doesn't taste as yucky when he holds his nose (although he still doesn't want to eat the broccoli). Why did the broccoli taste "less yucky" when the child held his nose? a. glossopharyngeal cranial nerve (CN IX) was pinched when the child held his nose, so tastes could not be percieved as clearly b. olfaction is responsible for a large component of taste, so when the child cannot smell the broccoli, its taste is diminished c. the activity od holding his nose took the childs mind off of eating the broccoli d. signals from the touch receptors from the trigeminal nerve actively inhibited taste sensation in the parietal cortex e. holding the nose closed facilitated odiferous molecules to enter the mouth, thereby increasing the number of molecules that could be tasted by the taste buds

a. hair cells close to the oval window of the inner ear become damaged as we age

You may be familiar with cell phone "mosquito tones"—ringtones of a relatively high pitch that most children and teenagers can hear but most adults cannot. Why do you think adults cannot hear these tones as well? a. hair cells close to the oval window of the inner ear become damaged as we age b. as we age, there is a gradual accumulation of cerumen that blocks the external auditory meatus and makes hearing sounds more difficult c. the tympanis membrane loses its flexibility as we age, so it is not as able to transmit sound waves to the middle ear d. the auditory ossicles in the middle ear become more fragile and lose their ability to conduct sound between the tympanic membrain the oval window. e. adults likely have damaged the spiral organ near the helicotrema, resulting in thei inability to hear the tones.

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