A&P book chap 16

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Autonomic tone is present in the heart because

ACh (acetylcholine) released by the parasympathetic division decreases the heart rate, and norepinephrine (NE) released by the sympathetic division accelerates the heart rate.

The most common and incapacitating form of senile dementia is

Alzheimer's disease

The degree of wakefulness at any moment is an indication of the level of ongoing activity.


A common age-related anatomical change in the nervous system is increased brain size and weight. an increased number of neurons. increased blood flow to the brain. T/F


The lower motor neurons of the somatic nervous system (SNS) exert direct control over skeletal muscles. By contrast, in the ANS there is

a synapse on visceral motor neurons, which lie between the CNS and the peripheral effector.

At their synaptic terminals, preganglionic autonomic fibers release .


At synapses and neuroeffector junctions, all preganglionic and postganglionic fibers in the parasympathetic division release


At their synapses with ganglionic neurons, all preganglionic neurons in the sympathetic division release


Most of the ACh released during parasympathetic stimulation is inactivated by .


The two components of the limbic system essential to memory consolidation are the

amygdaloid body and hippocampus

Due to its functions, the parasympathetic division is referred to as the system.


Visceral reflexes provide

automatic motor responses

The primary factor that determines an individual's autonomic tone is the

autonomic motor neuron activity

The system that coordinates cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive functions is the

autonomic nervous system (ANS)

The release of small amounts of acetylcholine and norepinephrine on a continual basis in an organ with dual innervation is referred to as .

autonomic tone

Preganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic division of the ANS originate in the

brain stem and sacral segments of the spinal cord

All parasympathetic neurons are .


The three unpaired sympathetic ganglia that lie anterior to the vertebral bodies are the .

collateral ganglia

A state of awareness of and attention to external events and stimuli implies


When a bright light shines in the eyes, a parasympathetic reflex causes

constriction of the pupils in both eyes

Sympathetic postganglionic fibers entering the thoracic cavity can create

dilated respiratory passageways

A distinct similarity between the organization of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems is that both are

efferent divisions that carry motor commands

The two neurotransmitters released into circulation by sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal medulla are norepinephrine and .


Preganglionic fibers always have a(n) effect on postganglionic neurons.


Compounds that stimulate norepinephrine release in certain brain pathways can cause


Because the sympathetic division of the ANS stimulates tissue metabolism and increases alertness, it is called the subdivision.

fight or flight

Centers and nuclei in the medulla oblongata are subject to regulation by the .


Coordination and regulation of sympathetic function occurs in centers in the medulla oblongata, which can be influenced directly at an additional level by activity of the


The cellular mechanism(s) that seem to be involved in memory formation and storage include

increased neurotransmitter release,facilitation of synapses, and formation of additional synaptic connections,

The lower motor neurons of the SNS exert voluntary control over skeletal muscles, while in the ANS the control of smooth and cardiac muscle is .


Cholinergic postganglionic sympathetic fibers that innervate the sweat glands of the skin and the blood vessels of the skeletal muscles are stimulated during exercise to

keep the body cool and provide oxygen and nutrients to active skeletal muscles

The effect of secretions from the adrenal medulla is that they

last longer than those produced by direct sympathetic stimulation.

The system in the brain that would most likely exert an influence on autonomic control if an emotional condition is present is the system.


The conversion from short-term to long-term memory is called .

memory consolidation

Compared to sympathetic stimulation, the effects of parasympathetic stimulation are usually

more specific and localized

The G protein-based cholinergic receptors in the parasympathetic division are the receptors.


The two types of parasympathetic receptors that occur on the postsynaptic membranes are

nicotinic and muscarinic

At neuroeffector junctions, typical sympathetic postganglionic fibers release


The neurotransmitter that is released by sympathetic postganglionic fibers and that causes constriction of most peripheral blood vessels is .


In an organ with dual innervation, sympathetic and parasympathetic actions would likely be described as .


Where dual innvervation exists, the two divisions of the ANS commonly have

opposing effects

Extracellular accumulations of fibrillar proteins, surrounded by abnormal dendrites and axons, are called .


Visceral reflexes have the same basic components as somatic reflexes, but all visceral reflexes are


Active dreaming occurs during sleep.

rapid eye movement

The effects of a neurotransmitter substance on a postsynaptic cell can vary widely due to the type of .


The sympathetic division can change tissue and organ activities by

releasing norepinephrine at peripheral synapses,distribution of norepinephrine by the bloodstream, and distribution of epinephrine by the bloodstream.

Whether a neurotransmitter produces stimulation or inhibition of activity depends on the

response of the membrane receptor to the presence of the neurotransmitter

Because the parasympathetic division of the ANS conserves energy and promotes sedentary activity, it is known as the subdivision.

rest and digest

An important brain stem component involved in the conscious state is the

reticular activating system

Excessive secretion of dopamine may be associated with .


The major effect(s) produced by the parasympathetic division include

secretion by digestive glands.,increased smooth muscle activity along the digestive tract, and constriction of the respiratory passageway

Compounds that inhibit serotonin production or block its action cause

severe depression and anxiety

When the heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and energy utilization decline by up to 30 percent, it indicates

slow wave or non-REM sleep

The response of the entire sympathetic division in a crisis causes an event called .

sympathetic activation

Preganglionic fibers from the thoracic and lumbar segments form part of the

sympathetic division of the ANS

The division of the nervous system that "kicks in" during periods of exertion, stress, or emergency is the

sympathetic division of the ANS

A visceral reflex arc consists of a receptor, a sensory neuron, a processing center, and

two visceral motor neurons

In general, the parasympathetic division of the ANS predominates

under resting condition

Approximately 75 percent of all parasympathetic outflow is provided by the .

vagus nerve

The lowest level of integration in the ANS consists of

visceral motor neurons that participate in cranial and spinal visceral reflexes

The simplest functional units in the ANS are .

visceral reflexes

The nerve bundle that carries preganglionic fibers to a nearby sympathetic chain ganglion is the

white ramus

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