A&P Final Chapters 11-14

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87. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the cornea? A. Transparent B. Vascular C. Refracts light D. Allows light to enter the eye

B. Vascular

89. What is found in the vitreous chamber of the eye? A. Serous fluid B. Vitreous humor C. Good humor D. Aqueous humor

B. Vitreous humor

10. Pulling the arm back from a hot pan is an example of a ______ reflex. A. Stretch B. Withdrawal C. Golgi tendon D. Autonomic

B. Withdrawal

1. The spinal cord begins at the level of the A. First cervical vertebra B. Foramen magnum C. Second lumbar vertebra D. Brain stem

B.Foramen magnum

69. Which of the following does NOT release acetylcholine? A. All sympathetic preganglionic neurons B. All parasympathetic preganglionic neurons C. All sympathetic postganglionic neurons D. All parasympathetic postganglionic neurons

C. All sympathetic postganglionic neurons

42. Where does cerebrospinal fluid return to the blood supply? A. Ependymal cells B. Choroid plexuses C. Arachnoid granulations into the dural sinuses D. Cerebral aqueduct

C. Arachnoid granulations into the dural sinuses

24. The white matter of the cerebellum is called the A. Folia B. Cerebellar peduncles C. Arbor vitae D. Vermis

C. Arbor vitae

74. Which of the following organs receive sympathetic innervation, but NOT parasympathetic? A. Ciliary muscle of the eye B. Lungs C. Arrector pili muscle D. Stomach wall

C. Arrector pili muscle

110. The most common visual problem of older persons that requires medical treatment is A. Diabetic retinopathy B. Glaucoma C. Cataracts D. Macular degeneration

C. Cataracts

33. What structure separates the frontal from the parietal lobe? A. Longitudinal fissure B. Transverse fissure C. Central sulcus D. Lateral fissure

C. Central

34. The white matter of the cerebrum is the A. Cerebral cortex B. Insula C. Cerebral medulla D. Basal nuclei

C. Cerebral medulla

41. What produces cerebrospinal fluid? A. Arachnoid granulations B. Dural sinuses C. Choroid plexuses D. Pia mater

C. Choroid plexuses

100. Hyperopia can be corrected with A. Concave lens B. Eye drops C. Convex lens D. Concave-convex lens

C. Convex lens

123. A record of the electrical activity of the brain is called a/an A. Electrocardiogram B. Computed tomography scan C. Electroencephalogram D. Magnetic resonance image

C. Electroencephalogram

11. The connective tissue wrap around an axon and its Schwann cell sheath is the A. Epineurium B. Perineurium C. Endoneurium D. Dermaneurium

C. Endoneurium

103. What is the function of the auditory tube? A. Transmits sound waves to the inner ear B. Transmits sound waves to the middle ear C. Equalizes pressure on tympanic membrane in the middle ear D. All of the choices are correct

C. Equalizes pressure on tympanic membrane in the middle ear

60. Splanchnic nerves that do not synapse in either the chain ganglion nor the collateral ganglion will synapse with specialized neurons in the A. Heart B. Adrenal medulla C. Diaphragm D. Urinary bladder

B. Adrenal medulla

57. Sympathetic postganglionic nerves that run with spinal nerves will serve A. Skeletal muscle B. Smooth muscle and glands in the skin C. Cardiac muscle D. Adrenal gland

(Both A&B) A. Skeletal muscle B. Smooth muscle and glands in the skin

111. What type of senses are found in the skin, muscles and joints? A. Somatic general senses B. Special senses C. Visceral general senses D. All of the choices are correct

? A. Somatic general senses

109. What structure is associated with dynamic balance? A. Ampulla of the semicircular canals B. Utricle of the vestibule C. Saccule of the vestibule D. Both the utricle and saccule

A. Ampulla of the semicircular canals

97. The ability to perceive depth and judge distance is due to A. Binocular vision B. Monocular vision C. Near point vision D. Far point vision

A. Binocular vision

40. What is found in the subarachnoid space? A. Cerebrospinal fluid B. Serous fluid C. Venous blood D. Air

A. Cerebrospinal fluid

17. The phrenic nerve is the major nerve from the ______ plexus. A. Cervical B. Brachial C. Thoracic D. Lumbar E. Sacral

A. Cervical

75. Which of the following is a function of the sympathetic division? A. Dilate the pupil B. Increase gastric secretion C. Erection of the penis D. Contraction of the gall bladder

A. Dilate the pupil

4. What area of the spinal cord is used to inject anesthetics for childbirth and other applications? A. Epidural space B. Subdural space C. Subarachnoid space D. Suprapial space

A. Epidural

13. The connective tissue wrap the surrounds many fascicles to form a nerve is the A. Epineurium B. Perineurium C. Endoneurium D. Dermaneurium

A. Epineurium

85. What structure produces tears? A. Lacrimal apparatus B. Conjunctiva C. Caruncle D. Nasolacrimal duct

A. Lacrimal apparatus

54. The cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons are in the A. Lateral gray horns of T1 through L2 region of the spinal cord B. Brain stem and sacral area of the spinal cord C. Lateral gray horns of the cervical region of the spinal cord D. Anterior gray horns of the entire spinal cord

A. Lateral gray horns of T1 through L2 region of the spinal cord

65. Cholinergic receptors on skeletal muscles and postganglionic neurons in the ANS are called A. Nicotinic receptors B. Alpha receptors C. Muscarinic receptors D. Beta receptors

A. Nicotinic receptors

59. The sympathetic splanchnic nerves serve A. Organs in the abdominal cavity B. The diaphragm C. Organs in the thoracic cavity D. All of the choices are correct

A. Organs in the abdominal cavity

92. The process of adjusting the thickness of the lens for near vision is called A. Pupil constriction B. Accommodation C. Reflection D. Convergence

B. Accommodation

72. A sudden increase in blood pressure detected by baroreceptors in the walls of large arteries near the heart will cause A. Parasympathetic reduction of heart rate and sympathetic dilation of blood vessels B. Sympathetic reduction of heart rate and parasympathetic dilation of blood vessels C. Parasympathetic increase of heart rate and sympathetic constriction of blood vessels D. Sympathetic increase of heart rate and parasympathetic constriction of blood vessels

A. Parasympathetic reduction of heart rate and sympathetic dilation of blood vessels

108. What ion produces depolarization in the stereocilia of the macula? A. Potassium B. Sodium C. Hydrogen D. Calcium

A. Potassium

96. What visual pigment is found combined with opsin in cones? A. Retinal B. Rhodopsin C. Chromopsin D. Iodopsin

A. Retinal

95. Which photoreceptors are responsible for low-light and noncolor vision? A. Rods B. Cones C. Ganglionic neurons D. Both are for low-light and noncolor vision

A. Rods

104. Which cochlear chamber is connected to the oval window into the middle ear? A. Scala vestibuli B. Cochlear duct C. Helicotrema D. Scala tympani

A. Scala vestibuli

125. What type of memory lasts for less than a second while the brain is receiving and evaluating input? A. Sensory memory B. Short-term memory C. Long-term memory D. Explicit memory E. Implicit memory

A. Sensory memory

56. In the sympathetic division, the preganglionic neuron is A. Short and myelinated and the postganglionic neuron is long and nonmyelinated B. Short and nonmyelinated and the postganglionic neuron is long and myelinated C. Long and myelinated and the postganglionic neuron is short and nonmyelinated D. Long and nonmyelinated and the postganglionic neuron is short and myelinated

A. Short and myelinated and the postganglionic neuron is long and nonmyelinated

78. Which division of the ANS has a more generalized effect in the body? A. Sympathetic B. Parasympathetic

A. Sympathetic

106. The longest stereocilia of the outer hair cells are embedded in the A. Tectorial membrane B. Scala vestibuli C. Scala tympani D. Basilar membrane

A. Tectorial membrane

20. Which of the following is NOT part of the brainstem? A. Thalamus B. Pons C. Medulla oblongata D. Midbrain

A. Thalamus

113. What type of receptors respond to temperature changes? A. Thermoreceptors B. Nociceptors C. Mechanoreceptors D. Photoreceptors E. Chemoreceptors

A. Thermoreceptors

43. Which cranial nerve is NOT involved with taste? A. Trigeminal B. Glossopharyngeal C. Vagus D. Facial

A. Trigeminal

44. Which cranial nerve is the major sensory nerve from the face? A. Trigeminal B. Facial C. Hypoglossal D. Abducens

A. Trigeminal

47. Tic douloureux is caused by a lesion to the ____________ nerve. A. Trigeminal B. Facial C. Hypoglossal D. Abducens

A. Trigeminal

121. Which of the following descending tracts is NOT a direct pathway to muscles for conscious, skilled movements? A. Vestibulospinal B. Anterior corticospinal C. Corticobulbar D. Lateral corticospinal

A. Vestibulospinal

90. The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye is A. Visible light B. Gamma rays C. Infrared light D. Microwaves

A. Visible light

122. Which cortical area is necessary for understanding and formulating coherent speech? A. Wernicke's area B. Arcuate fasciculus C. Broca's area D. Prefrontal cortex

A. Wernicke's area

55. The sympathetic chain ganglion are located A. Alongside the vertebral column from T1 through L2 regions B. Alongside the vertebral column from cervical through sacral regions C. Anterior to the spinal column in the abdominal cavity D. Very close to the organ being innervated by the nerve

B. Alongside the vertebral column from cervical through sacral regions

18. The major nerves from the lumbar plexus serve the A. Posterior thigh and leg B. Anterior thigh and leg C. Lower back D. Gluteal region

B. Anterior thigh and leg

21. Which of the following is NOT a function of the medulla oblongata? A. Regulate heart rate B. Auditory relay center C. Regulate blood vessel diameter D. Regulate breathing

B. Auditory relay center

99. The result of hyperopia is an image focused A. On the retina at one point B. Behind the retina C. In front of the retina D. Several places on the retina

B. Behind the retina

124. What type of brain waves are observed when a person is mentally very active? A. Alpha B. Beta C. Theta D. Delta

B. Beta

61. The cell bodies of the parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are found in the A. Lateral gray horns of T1 through L2 region of the spinal cord B. Brain stem and lateral gray horns of the sacral area of the spinal cord C. Lateral gray horns of the cervical region of the spinal cord D. Anterior gray horns of the entire spinal cord

B. Brain stem and lateral gray horns of the sacral area of the spinal cord

102. Which of the following is NOT an auditory ossicle? A. Incus B. Cochlea C. Stapes D. Malleus

B. Cochlea

105. What is found between the vestibular membrane and the basilar membrane of the cochlea? A. Scala vestibuli B. Cochlear duct C. Helicotrema D. Scala tympani

B. Cochlear duct

35. What type of fibers connect one hemisphere to the other? A. Association fibers B. Commissural fibers C. Projection fibers D. Cerebral peduncles

B. Commissural fibers

84. Which accessory structure of the eyes protect the eyes by preventing perspiration from getting into the eyes? A. Eyelids B. Eyebrows C. Conjunctiva D. Lacrimal apparatus

B. Eyebrows

45. Which cranial nerve is the major motor nerve for facial expressions? A. Trigeminal B. Facial C. Hypoglossal D. Abducens

B. Facial

29. What part of the diencephalon is involved with emotional and visceral responses to odors? A. Subthalamus B. Habenular nuclei C. Thalamus D. Pineal body

B. Habenular

83. Which of the following cranial nerves does NOT carry taste impulses to the brain? A. Facial nerve B. Hypoglossal nerve C. Glossopharyngeal nerve D. Vagus nerve

B. Hypoglossal nerve

77. In general, the parasympathetic division will A. Decrease digestive functions B. Increase digestive functions C. Increase cardiac rate D. Increase blood coagulation

B. Increase digestive functions

119. The ________ contains projection fibers that connect the cerebrum to other parts of the brain. A. Thalamus B. Internal capsule C. Substantia nigra D. Basal nuclei

B. Internal capsule

9. The cell bodies of motor neurons to autonomic effectors are located in the A. Posterior gray horns B. Lateral gray horns C. Anterior gray horns D. Gray commissure

B. Lateral gray horns

38. What system is involved in basic survival functions and emotions? A. Reticular activating system B. Limbic system C. Circadian system D. None of the choices is correct

B. Limbic system

31. What part of the hypothalamus are involved in emotional responses to odors, olfactory reflexes and memory? A. Infundibulum B. Mammillary bodies C. Suprachiasmatic nucleus D. Optic chiasm

B. Mammillary bodies

48. What nerve is generally used for dental anesthesia of the lower jaw? A. Maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve B. Mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve C. Maxillary branch of the facial nerve D. Mandibular branch of the facial nerve

B. Mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve

26. Which of the following is NOT part of the diencephalon? A. Hypothalamus B. Midbrain C. Thalamus D. Subthalamus

B. Midbrain

112. What type of receptors respond to painful stimuli? A. Thermoreceptors B. Nociceptors C. Mechanoreceptors D. Photoreceptors E. Chemoreceptors

B. Nociceptors

64. Nerve fibers that are considered adrenergic secrete ____ as the neurotransmitter. A. Acetylcholine B. Norepinephrine C. Glutamate D. Serotonin

B. Norepinephrine

116. The visual cortex is located in the _______ lobe. A. Frontal B. Occipital C. Temporal D. Parietal E. Insula

B. Occipital

88. What area of the retina contains the least amount of photoreceptors? A. Fovea centralis B. Optic disc C. Macula D. None of the choices is correct

B. Optic disc

12. The connective tissue wrap that surrounds many axons to form a fascicle is the A. Epineurium B. Perineurium C. Endoneurium D. Dermaneurium

B. Perineurium

16. Which of the following is NOT a main nerve of the brachial plexus? A. Median B. Phrenic C. Musculocutaneous D. Ulnar E. Radial

B. Phrenic

94. Which of the following is NOT part of the neural layer of the retina? A. Bipolar neurons B. Pigment cells C. Photoreceptors D. Ganglionic neurons

B. Pigment cells

120. Which descending tract carries impulses for posture adjustment and walking? A. Lateral corticospinal B. Reticulospinal C. Corticobulbar D. Rubrospinal

B. Reticulospinal

19. The sciatic nerve comes from the _________ plexus. A. Coccygeal B. Sacral C. Lumbar D. Thoracic

B. Sacral

73. In general, stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus produces ____ responses. A. Parasympathetic B. Sympathetic C. Both parasympathetic and sympathetic

B. Sympathetic

6. What structures help to anchor the spinal cord within the subarachnoid space? A. Conus medullaris and pia mater B. Denticulate ligaments and cauda equina C. Filum terminale and denticulate ligaments D. Filum terminale and thecal sac

C. Filum terminale and denticulate ligaments

80. Which of the following is NOT a typical "flight or fight" response by the sympathetic division of the ANS? A. Vasoconstriction of abdominal blood vessels B. Dilation of air passageways C. Increased secretions in the digestive tract D. Increased fat break down for energy

C. Increased secretions in the digestive tract

67. Acetylcholine binding to muscarinic receptors has a/an ______ effect, depending on the effector. A. Inhibitory B. Excitatory C. Inhibitory or excitatory

C. Inhibitory or excitatory

86. What is the function of lysozyme in the eyes? A. Lubrication B. Moisturizing C. Killing bacteria D. All of the choices are correct

C. Killing bacteria

62. In the parasympathetic division, the preganglionic neuron is A. Short and myelinated and the postganglionic neuron is long and nonmyelinated B. Short and nonmyelinated and the postganglionic neuron is long and myelinated C. Long and myelinated and the postganglionic neuron is short and nonmyelinated D. Long and nonmyelinated and the postganglionic neuron is short and myelinated

C. Long and myelinated and the postganglionic neuron is short and nonmyelinated

32. What divides the cerebrum into right and left hemispheres? A. Central sulcus B. Lateral fissure C. Longitudinal fissure D. Transverse fissure

C. Longitudinal fissure

14. Which plexus is NOT correctly matched to its spinal nerve makeup? A. Cervical plexus - C1 to C4 B. Brachial plexus - C5 to T1 C. Lumbar plexus - T10 to L5 D. Sacral plexus - L4 to S4 E. Coccygeal plexus - S5 to Co

C. Lumbar plexus - T10 to L5

37. Which of the following is NOT a basal nucleus? A. Substantia nigra B. Caudate nucleus C. Mammillary bodies D. Lentiform nucleus

C. Mammillary bodies

66. Cholinergic receptors on ANS effectors are called A. Nicotinic receptors B. Alpha receptors C. Muscarinic receptors D. Beta receptors

C. Muscarinic receptors

98. Which eye disorder results in clear vision of close objects and blurry vision of distant objects? A. Hyperopia B. Astigmatism C. Myopia D. Strabismus

C. Myopia

58. Sympathetic postganglionic nerves that form sympathetic nerves supply A. Organs in the abdominal cavity B. The adrenal glands C. Organs in the thoracic cavity D. All of the choices are correct

C. Organs in the thoracic cavity

25. Which of the following is NOT a function of the cerebellum? A. Controls balance and eye movements B. Controls posture, locomotion and fine motor coordination C. Origin of impulses to skeletal muscle D. Planning, practicing and learning complex movements

C. Origin of impulses to skeletal muscle

49. The corneal reflex is mediated by the A. Eyes B. Midbrain C. Pons D. Medulla oblongata

C. Pons

118. Forethought, motivation and emotional regulation occurs in the A. Premotor area B. Somatic sensory association area C. Prefrontal area D. Primary motor cortex

C. Prefrontal area

52. The _______________ neuron runs from the CNS and the autonomic ganglion. A. Somatic motor B. Postganglionic C. Preganglionic D. Sensory

C. Preganglionic

36. What type of fibers are continuations of the fibers in the spinal cord? A. Association fibers B. Commissural fibers C. Projection fibers D. Cerebral peduncles

C. Projection fibers

91. The process of bending light rays is called A. Focusing B. Reflection C. Refraction D. Accommodation

C. Refraction

23. What structure plays a major role in consciousness and sleep-wake cycles? A. Limbic system B. Corpora quadrigemina C. Reticular activating system D. Cerebral peduncles

C. Reticular activating system

63. The nerve plexuses of the enteric nervous system receive contributions from all of the following except A. Enteric neurons of the enteric plexuses B. ANS neurons that connect the CNS to the digestive tract C. Somatic motor neurons that connect the CNS to the digestive tract D. Sensory neurons that connect the digestive tract to the CNS

C. Somatic motor neurons that connect the CNS to the digestive tract

107. What is the function of the round window? A. Transmit sound waves to the scala vestibuli B. Transmit sound waves to the cochlear canal C. Stops the sound waves from reflecting back toward the cochlear canal D. All of the choices are correct

C. Stops the sound waves from reflecting back toward the cochlear canal

5. What area of the spinal cord contains cerebrospinal fluid? A. Epidural space B. Subdural space C. Subarachnoid space D. Suprapial space

C. Subarachnoid space

27. All sensory impulses except for smell are relayed through the A. Hypothalamus B. Epithalamus C. Thalamus D. Subthalamus

C. Thalamus

53. Another name for the sympathetic division is the A. Craniosacral division B. Enteric division C. Thoracolumbar division D. Cervicothoracic division

C. Thoracolumbar division

7. The gray matter of each halve of the spinal cord is divided into A. Three columns B. Three fasciculi C. Three horns D. Three funiculi

C. Three horns

101. What structure separates the outer ear from the middle ear? A. Auricle B. External acoustic meatus C. Tympanic membrane D. Ceruminous glands

C. Tympanic membrane

15. Which of the following is the correct sequence of branching of the brachial plexus? A. 5 roots, 5 nerves, 3 trunks, 6 divisions, 3 cords B. 5 nerves, 3 cords, 6 divisions, 3 trunks, 5 roots C. 6 divisions, 5 roots, 5 nerves, 3 cords, 3 trunks D. 5 roots, 3 trunks, 6 divisions, 3 cords, 5 nerves

D. 5 roots, 3 trunks, 6 divisions, 3 cords, 5 nerves

71. Autonomic reflexes are used by the body to help regulate A. Blood pressure B. Heart rate C. Digestion D. All of the choices are correct

D. All of the choices are correct

30. Which of the following is NOT a function of the hypothalamus? A. Body temperature control B. Autonomic nervous system control C. Mood and emotions D. All of the choices are correct

D. All of the choices are correct (all ARE functions of the hypothalamus)

70. Which of the following effectors are NOT cholinergic? A. Sweat glands B. Heart C. Large intestines D. Blood vessels

D. Blood vessels

79. Why does the sympathetic division of the ANS have a more generalized effect in the body? A. One preganglionic neuron synapses with many postganglionic neurons B. One preganglionic neuron synapses with one or two postganglionic neurons C. The secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine can effect many organs D. Both choices A and C are correct

D. Both choices A and C are correct

51. Which of the following differences between the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system is incorrect? A. CNS - one neuron to effector; ANS - two neurons to effector B. CNS - innervates skeletal muscle; ANS - innervates smooth and cardiac muscles and glands C. CNS - axons myelinated; ANS - preganglionic axons myelinated, postganglionic axons unmyelinated D. CNS - always excitatory; ANS - always inhibitory

D. CNS - always excitatory; ANS - always inhibitory

81. What ion channels are opened to produce an action potential in olfactory neurons? A. Sodium and potassium B. Sodium and chloride C. Potassium and calcium D. Calcium and sodium

D. Calcium and sodium

2. The nerves arising from the inferior lumbosacral enlargement form the A. Conus medullaris B. Filum terminale C. Posterior horns D. Cauda equina

D. Cauda equina

39. What structure connects the third and fourth ventricles? A. Interventricular foramina B. Median aperture C. Septum pellucidum D. Cerebral aqueduct

D. Cerebral aqueduct

76. Which of the following is a function of the parasympathetic division? A. Release of epinephrine B. Decreased insulin secretion C. Increased production of viscous saliva D. Constriction of airways

D. Constriction of airways

28. Which of the following is NOT a function of the thalamus? A. Regulation of skeletal muscles B. Limbic system and emotions C. Perception of pain D. Control of the autonomic nervous system

D. Control of the autonomic nervous system

93. The rotation of the eyes medially to view a close object is called A. Pupil constriction B. Accommodation C. Reflection D. Convergence

D. Convergence

3. What is the correct order of meninges from superficial to deep? A. Dura mater, pia mater, arachnoid mater B. Pia mater, arachnoid mater, dura mater C. Arachnoid mater, pia mater, dura mater D. Dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater

D. Dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater

115. The spinocerebellar tracts carry unconscious proprioception to the A. Contralateral cerebrum B. Contralateral cerebellum C. Ipsilateral cerebrum D. Ipsilateral cerebellum

D. Ipsilateral cerebellum

50. The gag reflex is mediated by the A. Throat B. Midbrain C. Pons D. Medulla oblongata

D. Medulla oblongata

8. The dorsal spinal nerve root is A. Motor and has no ganglion B. Motor and has a ganglion C. Sensory and has no ganglion D. Sensory and has a ganglion

D. Sensory and has a ganglion

46. Which cranial nerve leaves the head and neck region to supply the internal viscera? A. Hypoglossal B. Accessory C. Trigeminal D. Vagus

D. Vagus

22. Which of the following is NOT a function of the pons? A. Controls chewing and salivation B. Aides the medulla oblongata in controlling breathing, swallowing and balance C. Relay between the cerebellum and cerebrum D. Visual relay center

D. Visual relay center

68. Adrenergic receptors on effectors are called A. Nicotinic receptors B. Alpha receptors C. Muscarinic receptors D. Beta receptors E. Alpha or beta receptors

E. Alpha or beta receptors

82. Which primary odor serves to protect from poisons? A. Umami B. Sweet C. Sour D. Salty E. Bitter

E. Bitter

114. What type of general sense receptors are the simplest and most common? A. Merkel disks B. Meissner corpuscles C. Pacinian corpuscles D. Ruffini end organs E. Free nerve endings

E. Free nerve endings

117. The taste cortex is located in the _____ lobe. A. Frontal B. Occipital C. Temporal D. Parietal E. Insula

E. Insula

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