A&P I Chapter 15 Reading

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Identify the muscle responsible for depressing the eye and turning it laterally.


Identify the neuron that is last in the transmission pathway of light information, given the cells shown in this image.


Otosclerosis, which can result in conduction deafness, affects which of these structures?


Where are equilibrium receptors located?

in the semicircular canals and in the vestibule of the ear

What structure helps us localize sound?

the superior olivary nucleus

How many ossicles are found in the ear?


What is the purpose of the cell at letter B?

to replace gustatory cells that are damaged

Name the structure represented by (1).

tympanic membrane

Rubella infection during early pregnancy may cause damage to the embryo's ______.

All of the listed responses are correct.

A middle ear infection (otitis media) would be located in which region?


Identify the choroid.


Identify the muscle that is controlled by the abducens nerve (CN VI).


Identify the structure that forms cranial nerve I.


Which cells in this pathway are ciliated?


As light hits the retina, the first structure the light encounters is a rod or a cone.


Choose the FALSE statement about the olfactory epithelium.

It is made of simple squamous epithelium.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Nyctalopia affects vision in the fovea centralis, resulting in impaired vision.

How are the olfactory receptors activated?

Odorants dissolve in the mucus and bind to receptors.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the lens?

The lens focuses light on the retina.

Identify the function of (2) in this image.

They conduct sound waves and amplify the vibrations within the middle ear.

As the ciliary muscle relaxes, the suspensory ligaments tighten and stretch the lens, allowing for distance vision.


Name the muscle at D.

inferior rectus

Height of a wave is called the __________.


Which accessory eye structure is NOT correctly matched with its function?

tarsal glands: produce tears

Information from balance (equilibrium) receptors is processed in __________.

the brain stem

Which structure provides the vascular support for the eye?

the choroid

Which portion of the ear is responsible for sound transduction?

the cochlea

Congenital sensorineural deafness most commonly involves damage to ______.

the cochlear hair cells

Which part of the inner ear houses receptors for rotational (angular) movement of the head?


Identify the type of neuron that would be secreting neurotransmitter in the light.

A and B

Identify the layer that contains both a single-celled pigmented layer and a neural layer.


Identify the type of neuronal cell that detects bright light and provides high-resolution color vision.


Which letter indicates structures involved in detection of BOTH hearing and equilibrium?


Which of these lettered structures serve as the taste cells?


Which region of the ear houses perilymph and endolymph?


Which of the following statements is true?

Contraction of the ciliary muscles is required for hyperopic individuals to clearly see distant objects.

Damage to which of these structures can result in sensorineural deafness?


What part of the inner ear houses the receptor organ of hearing, the spiral organ (organ of Corti)?


At rest, when no sound is entering the cochlea, the hair cells send no signal.


The semicircular canals are adapted to detect static equilibrium.


Which of the following is true of receptors for dynamic equilibrium?

The receptors for dynamic equilibrium respond to rotational forces.

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for something to be tasted?

The tastant must contact the basal epithelial cells of the taste buds.

Name the enlarged swelling at the end of A that is a sensory structure.


Transduction of lower frequency sound waves occurs at the __________ of the cochlea.


Atropine eye drops are used to temporarily paralyze the accommodation reflex and as a long-lasting pupil dilating agent, or mydriatic. What action causes the dilation effect?

blocked contraction of sphincter pupillae muscle

Aqueous humor forms during capillary filtration in the __________?

ciliary body

Which structure is NOT matched with its function?

ciliary body: focus the pupil

During close vision, what actions must the eye take to bring an object into focus?

contract the ciliary body

What term refers to the eye's moving medially to track items close at hand?


This image best illustrates an eyeball that is __________.


Which layer of the eye is indicated by letter A?


Name the types of papillae that contain taste buds.

fungiform, foliate, and vallate

In glaucoma, damage occurs primarily to the ______.

ganglion cells in the retina

Which of the following are the receptors for static equilibrium?

hair cells

Which of the following would be the LEAST likely to be associated with the development of motion sickness?

having a non-functional vestibular apparatus

What does the vestibular apparatus detect?

head position in space

In theory, cataracts could be prevented by invention of a treatment that would ______.

increase diffusion rates within the lenses

During otitis media, large amounts of fluid or pus may accumulate in the tympanic cavity; the fluid is primarily ______.

interstitial fluid

What is the portion of the eye that allows light to pass into the posterior chamber?


Damage to the medial portion of the optic chiasm, cause by a pituitary tumor, would lead to __________.

loss of peripheral vision

If the optic chiasma is destroyed but the rest of the visual pathway to the brain is not damaged, the result would be ______.

loss of peripheral vision on both the far right and far left sides of the visual field

Which of the following correctly matches the equilibrium receptor organs to the type of equilibrium it monitors?

maculae/static equilibrium

What are the names of the bones at A, in order from left to right?

malleus, incus, stapes

What type of channel is responsible for the initial changes in the membrane potential of the hair cells, which ultimately determines the cochlear nerve response to sound?

mechanically gated

Choose the correctly paired terms.

nyctalopia: night blindness

Which of these is NOT found in the olfactory epithelium?

olfactory tracts

Most taste buds are located __________.

on the top surface of the fungiform papillae

What structure in the eye creates a visual blind spot?

optic disc

In a 30 year old man who has red-green color blindness, light having a wavelength of 530 nm is perceived as being green. This man ______.

perceives that red light has a green color

You want to look up and to your right. Which extrinsic eye muscles would be the most active in each eye?

right eye: inferior oblique left eye: superior rectus

Which photoreceptors respond to very dim light?


Which middle ear ossicle is attached to, and transmits vibratory motion to, the oval window?


Which part of the visual pathway is responsible for our daily biorhythms?

suprachiasmatic nucleus

Which of the following is the basic taste quality responsible for the amino acid flavor of steak?


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