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After a steroid hormone binds to its receptor to form an active complex,

gene transcription is initiated.

Excess secretion of growth hormone during early development will cause


Cushing's disease results from an excess of


Which group of hormones cause an anti-inflammatory action?


Hormones produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that regulate the male and female reproductive organs are collectively called


The pituitary hormone that stimulates cell growth and replication by accelerating protein synthesis is

growth hormone

Which of the following hormones may lead to acromegaly if hypersecreted after closure of the epiphyseal plates?

growth hormone

________ are chemicals messengers that are released by cell and transported in the bloodstream to alter the activities of specific cells in other tissue.


Abnormally low production of LH and FSH results in


posterior lobe secretes ADH and oxytocin and releases directly from the hypothalamus


The structures that produce the following hormones in correct order for signaing tp their respective organs: GH, GH+RH, somatomedins, target tissue

hypothalamus, anterior pituitary,liver skeletal muscle

Mental and physical sluggishness and low body temperature may be signs of


adipocystes produce a peptide hormone called


destruction of the supra-optic nucleus of the hypothalamus would have which of the following results?

loss of ADH secretion

Which of the following might occur in an overdose of insulin?

low blood glucose

Aldosterone stimulates the re-absorption of _________ and the secretion of

sodium ions, potassium ions

Liver cells respond to growth hormone by releasing hormones called


The pituitary gland is located within this structure

stella turica of the sphenold bone

Three hormones that have additive effects are called


TSH plays a key role in the ________ of thyroid hormones.

synthesis and release

Cells that respond to a hormone are called ________ cells.


The hormones that are important for coordinating the immune response are


Follicle cells synthesize a protein called


which gland is named for a nearby prominent cartilage?


Thyroxine and calcitonin are secreted by the

thyroid gland.

The hormone that plays a pivotal role in setting the metabolic rate and thus impacting body temperature is


the absence of which hormone during development will cause the nervous system to develop abnormally and cause


Hormone that stimulate endocrine gland to release other hormone are


Thyroid hormones are structural derivatives of the amino acid


which zone of the adrenal cortex produces mineralocorticoids and what is the primary mineralocoricoid?

zona glomerulosa, aldosterone

A rise in cortisol would cause an increase in each of the following except

ACTH levels

The pituitary hormone that controls the release of glucocorticoids from the suprarenal cortex is


Changes in blood osmotic pressure would most affect the secretion


which of these is released by the neurohypophysis


Neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus manufacture

ADH and oxytocin

When adenyl cyclase is activated,

ATP is consumed and cAMP is formed

Too little secretion of cortisol and aldosterone causes

Addison's disease

the hormone that does the opposite of calcitonin is

Parathyroid hormone

Reduction of fluid losses at the kidneys due to the retention of Na+ is the action of


During dehydration the body would increase production of

aldosterone and ADH

The specific target cells of the thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine are

all cells of the body

Increased aggressive and assertive behavior is associated with an increase in which of the following hormones?


Two hormones that have opposing effects are called


Vassopresin is another common term for this hormone

antidiuertic hormone

All of the following are true of steroid hormones except that they

are produced by the suprarenal medulla.

The effects of this hormone opposite of aldosterone

atrial natriuretic peptide

The heart secretes the hormone

atrial natriuretic peptide.

icreaseces levels of hormone ________ will lead to decreased levels of calcium ion in the blood via inhibition of _______

calcitonin: osteoclasts

The suprarenal medulla produces


Membrane receptors are used by which of the following types of hormones?

catecholamines, peptide hormones, and eicosanoids

Peptide hormones are

composed of amino acids

A hormone that promotes gluconeogenesis in the liver is


Which of the following hormones increases and prolongs effects of the sympathetic nervous system?


Which of the following substances activates protein kinase and thus acts as a second messenger?

cyclic AMP

Cholealciferol is synthesized within the

epidermis of the integumentary system

The adrenal medulla produces the hormones

epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which of the following hormones increases production of red blood cells?


The pituitary hormone that promotes egg development in ovaries and sperm development in testes is


A hormone that can lower blood levels of calcium ions is


The pituitary hormone that promotes ovarian secretion of progesterone and testicular secretion of testosterone is


the majority of thyroid hormones are secreted as ___ but small amounts of _____ is also secreted from the focal

T3, T4

it the hyophyseal portal system is destroyed, the hypothalamus would no longer be able to control the secretion of which of the following


The pituitary hormone that triggers the release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland is


The link between a first messenger and a second messenger in a cell that responds to peptide hormones is usually

a G protein.

The C cells of the thyroid gland produce


The anterior lobe of the pituitary is also known as the


Which gland is called the "emergency gland" and helps the body adjust to stress?

adrenal (suprarenal)

Steroid hormones

bind to receptors in the nucleus of their target cells.

Which of the following directly regulates the secretion of insulin?

blood glucose concentration

The adrenal medulla primarily secretes


The control of calcitonin excretion is an example of direct ________ regulation.


the hypothalamus acts both as a neural and _______ organ


Which of the following is true of the endocrine system?

it responds slowly but effectively

Where does the chemical reaction between thyroglobulin and iodine take place?

in the folicle cavity

If a patient is administered a powerful glucocorticoid (such as prednisone) to suppress the immune system, what unintended effects might this have on blood chemistry?

increase of blood glucose

The condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) may be caused by

increased levels of melatonin

The main action of antidiuretic hormone is

increased water conservation by kidneys.

The parathyroid glands produce a hormone that

increases the level of calcium ions in the blood.

The beta cells of the pancreatic islets produce


The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall is


Which of the following hormones stimulates skeletal muscle fibers to take in glucose from the blood?


In persons with untreated diabetes mellitus, all of the following are true except

intracellular and tissue levels of glucose is very high

Lipid soluble hormones usually bing too

intracellular receptors

Which of the following elements is necessary for the production of thyroid hormone?


The two lobes of the thyroid gland are connected by the


The posterior lobe of the pituitary is also known as the


All of the pancratic hormones are regulated by

nutrient concentrations in the blood

Activity of which of the following cell is inhibited by calcitonin release


Normal growth is dependent on all the following hormones except


The hormone(s) that may be slowly administered by intravenous drip to accelerate labor and delivery is/are


Melatonin is produced by the

pineal gland

Melatoin is mainly secreted by


The term used to describe excess production of urine is


A structure known as the corpus luteum secretes


Milk production is stimulated by ________, mild ejection is stimulated by __________

prolacin and oxytocin

The pituitary hormone that stimulates milk production by the mammary glands is


Intracellular calcium store open response to intrcellular activation of

prtien kinase C, diacylglycerol, and inositol triphosphate

the anterior lobe secretes

regulatory hormones

When a catecholamine or peptide hormone binds to receptors on the surface of a cell, the

second messenger appears in the cytoplasm.

The hypothalamus controls secretion in the adenohypophysis by

secreting releasing and inhibiting factors into a tiny portal system.

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