A&P II Midterm

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put the following in the correct order after the blood pressure increases


Assume that the left ventricle of a child's heart has an EDV=90mL, and ESV=60mL, and a cardiac output of 2,400 mL/min. His SV is __________ mL/beat and his HR is __________ bpm.

30; 80

a water soluble hormone binds to its receptor on the plasma membrane. arrange the events that follow in correct sequence


If the following hypothetical conditions exist in the nephron, calculate the net filtration pressure. glomerular capillary pressure = 80 mmHg blood colloid osmotic pressure = 20 mmHg capsular hydrostatic pressure = 10 mmHg

50 mmHg

the normal pH for blood plasma is


By the time filtrate reaches the tip of the loop of Henle, _____ of the filtrate volume has been reabsorbed.


how much O2 is generally transported in combination with hemoglobin in RBCs ?


in renal compensation of acidoisis

H+ secretion increases; bicarbonate reabsorption increases

the distribution of Cl and K+ between intracellular and extracellular compartments is

K+ mainly intracellular; Cl mainly extracellular

synthesis of progesterone in the ovary and testosterone in the testis is stimulated by


Dr. Clark has developed a new treatment that stimulates the innate immunity to be more sensitive to cancer cells. Which of the following cells would most likely be stimulated by this new drug?

NK cells

the predominant extracellular anion is


in the sodium hydrogen antiport system

Na+ are transported into the cell; H+ are transported out of the cell.

When Na+ is actively transported from tubular cells to the interstitial fluid,

Na+ concentration gradient is established between the tubule lumen and tubule cell

which of the following is NOT a buffer system in the body

NaCl buffer system

Mike has blood type A. He needs blood, however blood type A is not available. The next best choice would be blood type _______.


action potentials pass from one cardiac muscle cells to another through areas of lower electrical resistance called

gap junctions

filtration site is the name given to the

gaps between the podocyte processes in the visceral layer of Bowman capsule

Chronic hypersecretion of growth hormone as a child would result in


ginger has her blood analyzed and was informed that both anti-B and anti-D antibodies were present.

ginger has type A-blood and has been exposed to the D antigen at some time in her life


give rise to all formed elements in the blood.

an obstruction in the afferent arteriole would reduce the flow of blood into the _________


choose the one that does not belong


the network of capillaries that is located in Bowman capsule is called


increased insulin secretion immediately following a meal will result in increased

glycogen synthesis

which of the following statements about teh endocrine system is NOT true?

both the nervous and endocrine systems respond quickly and are ative for a long time


both the thickening of the tunica intima and loss of elasticity in the tunica

the internal jugular veins join the subclavain veins to form the ________

brachiocephalic veins

which of the following helps to keep blood nutrients at normal levels six to eight hours after a meal?

breakdown of glycogen in the liver releasing glucose

in which of the following clinical situations would you expect edema?

burns (which result in increased capillary permeability to plasma proteins)

how do hormones and target cells recognize one another?

by the presence of specific receptor molecules on or in the target cell

which of the following events occurs last?

calmodulin binds to the enzyme that phosphorylates myosin and cross-bridges form

compliment proteins

can form holes in the plasma membrane of target cells

the exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue cells is the primary function of


the movement of fluid into Bowman capsule is opposed by

capsular hydrostatic pressure

mean arterial pressure is

cardiac output times peripheral resistance

Oxytocin is responsible for

causing contractions of uterine smooth muscle during labor.

the most common cause for hyperkalemia is

cellular injury or death

the posterior pituitary secretes

chiasmatic hormones.

Sodium homeostasis leads to the homeostasis of ________________.


Which pattern of hormone secretion, exemplified by thyroid hormones, remains relatively constant over long periods of time?

chronic hormone secretion

which of the following is NOT a description of acromegaly?

chronic hypoglycemia

which type of gene expression occurs when a person has type AB blood ?


Which renal structure is responsible for producing hypertonic urine by reabsorbing water while allowing metabolic wastes and NaCl to pass through?

collecting duct

which of the following is NOT a part of a nephron

collecting duct

all of the following are located in the renal cortex, except

collecting ducts

urine is prevented from flowing back into the ureters from the bladder by

compression of the ureteral openings

the chordae tendineae

connect the cusps of teh AV valves to the papillary muscles

ADH is also called vasopressin because at high concentrations it causes

constriction of blood vessels

in the myogenic mechanism of autoregulation, what is the response to an increase in blood pressure in the afferent arteriole

constriction of the afferent arteriole

all of the following conditions may result in the release of adrenal medullary hormones except

consuming a large meal

distributing arteries

contain a thick tunica media.

mature erythrocytes

contain hemoglobin in their cytoplasm

what may be affected if the enzyme carbonic anhydrase was not made in the body?

conversion of CO2 to bicarbonate ion

All cardiac veins empty into the _________, which then empties into the _______.

coronary sinus; right atrium

the kidney dialysis machine is an example of a mechanical ______ system


the mechanism for concentration of urine is called


which condition may be the cause of hyperglycemia, decreased immune system, and redistribution of adipose tissue from the limbs to the face, neck, and abdomen?

cushing syndrome

hypersecretion of inhibin would result in

decreased FSH secretion and disruption of normal reproductive cycles

which of the following would be expected to cause hypoatremia

decreased aldosterone production

which of the following is NOT an action of angiotensin II

decreased peripheral resistance

a 15% increase in blood pressure would result in which of the following changes in adh secretion

decreased secretion

hyposecretion of aldosterone would lead to

decreased secretion of H+

which of the following is an example of water conservation by the body

decreased urine volume

intense sympathetic stimulation of the kidney

decreases renal flow.

which of the following is NOT an action of parathyroid hormone?

decreases the release of phosphate from bone

a severely dehydrated patient begins to experience the formation of random blood clots. why is this happening?

dehydration leads to a concentration of clotting factors, which triggers the intrinsic mechanism of coagulation

which of the following would result from a reduced function of the Na+ channels in the SA node?

depolarization would be delayed, and the heart rate would decrease

Atherosclerosis is the

deposition of plaques in arterial walls

which muscle is responsible for contraction of the urinary bladderduring micturition

detrusor muscles

the ability of white blood cells to leave the circulation and enter tissues is called


aldosterone targets cells in the

distal convoluted tubule

the portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting duct is the

distal convoluted tubule

tubular secretion occurs in which of the following structures

distal convoluted tubule

which of the following pairs of structures are the most similar in function

distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct

urine concentration and volume depend on water reabsorption in the

distal convoluted tubule and collecting ducts

Some lung cancers secrete large amounts of ADH. This causes increased water reabsorption in the

distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts

according to poiseuille's law, a small decrease in the diameter of a vessels will

dramatically decrease blood flow

what role does oxytocin play in lactation

ejection of milk

glucose is usually completely reabsorbed from the filtrate by the time the filtrate has reached the

end of the proximal convoluted tubule

which of the following is NOT an example of an autocrine chemical messenger?


which of the following events occurs last?

enzymes break down thyroglobulin to release T3 and T4

another name for the visceral pericardium is the


the condition characterized by overproduction of erythrocytes is called


skeletal muscle that surrounds the urethra as it extends through the pelvic floor forms the

external urinary sphincter

synovial fluid is a part of which of the following fluid compartments


The cascade of events in the intrinsic pathway can be set into motion when _____ comes into contact with collagen.

factor XII

rupture of red blood cell is called hematopoisis


true or false: teh affinity of adult hemoglobin for oxygen is greater than the affinity of fetal hemoglobin for oxygen


true or false: the biconcave structure of an erythrocyte is shaped to better accommodate teh crystalline structure of hemogloblin


true or false: the filtration membrane prevents blood cells and protein cells from entering the Bowman capsule on the basis of size and protein type


true or false: valves in lymphatic vessels allow substances to enter the vessel but reduce the ability for the substances from exiting the vessel


true or false: aspirin affects coagulation by distributing the activity of thrombin


true or false: the composition of extracellular fluid has little affect on intracellular fluid amounts


true or false: the number of erythrocytes in a ml sample of blood is the same as the number of leukocytes in a ml sample of blood?


the plasma component that forms fibrin, the insoluble protein, in a blood clot is ________


the spleen

filters damaged red blood cells from the blood

gonadotropin releasing hormone regulates the release of

follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone

Transplanted tissues and organs that contain _________ _________ are rejected by the body.

foreign antigens

the vein that ascends along the medial side of the lower limb to the femoral vein is the ______________ saphenous vein, and the vein that ascends along the posterior aspect of the leg into the popliteal vein is the _________ saphenous vein.

great; small

a person with type b blood

has anti-a antibodies


have a variable region that binds to a specific antigen determinant

all of the following could be learned from a blood chemistry test except

heart rate and blood pressure

which of the following is NOT a method of CO2 transport in the blood?

held in the depression of the RBC

hormones are intercellular chemical signals that

help coordinate growth, development, and reproduction

which of the following is not a sign nor symptom of local inflammation?


extracellular fluid has a

higher Cl content than intracellular fluid

John smith works outdoors in the winter at a ski resort. his thyroid hormone levels are

higher in the winter to increae body temperature

Secretion of one hormone by the action of another hormone is control by _______ stimuli.


loss of water through diffusion and evaporation from the skin is called ______ and is important in __________ control

insensible perspiration; heat loss

high blood glucose levels cause an increased secretion of


When blood sugar levels decrease,

insulin secretion decreases; glucagon secretion increases.

which ofthe following is NOT endogenously produced analgesics?


which of the following fluid compartments contains the largest volume of water

intracellular compartment

Which two substances are most useful for determining a patient's glomerular filtration rate?

inulin and creatine

atrial natriuretic hormone

is released in response to elevated atrial pressure.


is secreted by the kidney

sensible perspiration

is secreted by the sweat glands.


is the liquid matrix of the blood

what is the importance of the delay in the action potential in the AV node?

it allows the action potential to reach teh left atrium so both atria contract together, before teh ventricles contract

Why is the external urinary sphincter under conscious control?

it is made of skeletal muscle

choose the term that does not belong with the others

juxtaglomerular apparatus

which of the following is a target tissue of PTH


A child is born with a congenital disease that results in total loss of B cells. Which of the following would be a consequence of this immunodeficiency?

lack of antibody formation

Body fluid pH will rise dramatically when

large amounts of bicarbonate are ingested.

obstruction of the _________ will cause a more severe myocardial infarction than the obstruction of any of the others

left coronary artery (LCA)

a sharp blow to the ______ could result in rupture of the spleen

left hypochondriac region

The chamber of the heart that endures the highest pressure is the

left ventricle

the only formed elements that possess a nucleus when mature are


which chemical class of hormone is more is more likely to need a binding protein for transport in the blood?

lipid soluble

which chemical type of hormone has a longer half life?

lipid soluble

all of the following are characteristics of the pituitary gland except

located superior to the hypothalamus

lymphocytes activation can occur in several ways. However, in all cases

lymphocytes must recognize an antigen

which of the following cell types is incorrectly matched with its description?

lymphocytes- become macrophages

The smallest leukocytes are the _____ and the largest are the ______.

lymphocytes; monocytes

which of the following cytokines is mismatched?

lymphotoxin - costimulator of T cells

which of the following is NOT a regulatory function of the endocrine system?

regulate skeletal muscle contraction strength

which function does the circulatory system share with the heart

regulates blood pressure

the hypothalamus

regulates the secretory activity of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland

functions of plasma proteins include

regulation of osmotic pressure

If a blood buffer is absent, what function of the blood would be compromised?

regulation of pH

which of the following is not a function of the carbonic acid/ bicarbonate system

regulation of the pH changes of the intracellular environment

the auscultatory method of measuring blood pressure

relies on hearing Korotkoff sounds through the stethoscope

if the H+ concentration in the blood increases, bicarbonate ions act as the buffers by

removing excess H+ from the plasma

kidneys are supplied by the ____________ arteries


decreased plasma clearance can indicate

renal failure

the ureter expands into substance of the kidney as the

renal pelvis

the juxtaglomerular apparatus secretes


a falling blood pH and a rising concentration of CO2 due to emphysema indicate

respiratory acidosis

Once alkalosis has occurred, which of the following would you expect to happen?

retention of H+ by the kidney

oxygen poor blood passes through the

right AV (tricuspid) and pulmonary valves

a woman has her right breast and axillary lymph nodes removed. Which of the following might occur?

right lymphatic duct drainage decreases causing edema in the right arm

NK cells

secrete enzymes that kill tumor or virus infected cells

helper T cells do NOT

secrete fever producing chemical

cytotoxic T cells are like NK cells because they both

secrete perforins

the endocrine system

secretes chemicals that reach their targets through the bloodstream

the active transport of substances into the filtrate is called tubular


the release of chemicals from an endocrine or exocrine gland is referred to as


all of the following describe ways that blood helps maintain homeostasis

secretion of neuropeptides

which of the following is not a shared characteristic of endocrine and exocrine glands?

secretions are released through ducts onto an epithelial surface

the rate of secretion of parathyroid hormone increases when

serum Ca2+ levels decrease

which of the following is NOT a consquence of sickle cell anemia?

sickle shaped red blood cells are less likely to rupture

which type of capillaries have large fenestrae and are found in endocrine glands?

sinusoidal capillaries

An increased amount of heparin in the blood might

slow down the clotting process.

in general, the response of target cells to endocrine stimulation is ________ than their response to nervous stimulation.

slower and more prolonged

members of which group of hormones are made from cholesterol


the glucocorticoids

stimulate gluconeogenesis

adrenal androgens

stimulate growth of pubic hair in femailes

which of the following is NOT a function of LH?

stimulates contraction of the uterus

the urinary bladder

stores urine until it is voided

end diastolic volume minus end systolic volume is equal to

stroke volume

the three major arteries of teh upper limb that form a continuum are the __________

subclavian, axillary, and brachial

which of the following statements best describes the actions of the thyroid hormones?

these hormones interact with intracellular receptors altering protein synthesis

what do the common left carotid, brachiocephalic artery, and left subclavian all have in common?

they all branch from the aortic arch

which statement about precapillary sphincters is CORRECT?

they can close off the capillary by contracting

all of the following are reasons why some hormones need assistance to travel in the blood except

they cannot dissolve in th blood because they are water soluble

agglutination of red blood cells means

they clump together

which of the following best describes the structure of lymphatic capillary walls?

thin-walled, with overlapping squamous cells

Why does nutrient-rich blood of the hepatic portal vein pass first through the liver before this blood is returned to the heart?

this allows the liver to store or modify the nutrients

in the extrinsic pathay, damaged tissues release

thromboplastin (tissue factor III)

which of the following is NOT a secondary lymphatic organ?

thymus gland

all of the following are water soluble except

thyroid hormone

hypersecretion of which of the following hormones causes increased metabolic rate, sensitivity to heat, weight loss, and exophthalamus

thyroid hormone

Why is body temperature sometimes reduced during heart surgery?

to decrease the heart rate

Emily is in labor with her first child. The amplitude-modulated system would show her oxytocin levels

to have a strong signal

the lymphatic system is involved in circulation, immunity, and nutrient absorption.


true or false: if the average female lost 10% of her blood volume, she would have lost around 0.5 L of blood?


true or false: normocytes are red blood cells with a diameter of approximately 7.5 micrometers


tubular reabsorption and tubular secretion differ in that

tubular secretion adds material to the filtrate: tubular reabsorption removes materials from the filtrate

a person with type O blood should recieve a blood transfusion from a donor with

type O blood

which of the following would help maintain the medullary concentration gradient

urea movement from the collecting duct to medullary intestinal fluid

Urine is carried to the urinary bladder by


the visceral branches of the internal iliac arteries supply blood to the

urinary bladder, rectum, and reproductive organs

a decrease in plasma osmolality would increase

urine production

which structural feature of the lymphatic vessels is responsible to forward movement of lymph?


the collecting ducts and distal convoluted tubules

vary in permeability to water relative to the amounts of adh present

which structure removes excess water and solutes from the kidney's medullary intestinal fluid

vasa recta

the nervous system and certain chemicals can cause the constriction of a blood vessel. this is known as _______

vascular spasm

Structurally, lymph vessels are most similar to


which of the following acts as a storage area for blood?


which type of vessel has the greatest compliance?


in which type of blood vessels is the blood pressure the lowest?

venae cavae

What cardiac arrhythmia will have no QRS complex as a symptom?

ventricular fibrillation

the first and second sounds are most directly related to

vibrations that occur when the valves close

which protein forms a bridge between exposed vessel wall collagen and platelet surface receptors?

von Willebrand factor

in extracellular fluid osmolality is 385 mOsm/kg, teh kidney will increase reabsorption of


decreased adh levels results in a urine high in

water content

the chemoreceptor reflexes help maintain homeostasis

when Na+ levels increase

which of the following statements concerning k+ is false

when aldosterone levels are high, K+ secretion is low

which of the followings is the most abundant of the plasma proteins?


a patient enters a hospital after a motorcycle accident. He is complaining of back pain. x-rays reveal both rib and pelvic fractures.


which of the following hormones is most likely to bind to intracellular receptors?

aldosterone, a cholesterol based hormone

Calcium's role in the body include

all of the choices are correct

Once cytotoxic T cells are produced, which of the following is (are) consistent with their ability to attack intracellular viruses?

all of the choices are correct

a decrease in blood volume will result in

all of the choices are correct

the filtrate that drips from the renal papillae into the calyces

all of the choices are correct

which of the following is a function of the heart skeleton ?

all of the choices are functions of the heart skeleton

hormone receptor molecules may be _________ in order to change teh target cell's sensitivity to a given hormone

all the choices are correct

Most endocrine glands communicate with their target tissues using _____ signals.

amplitude modulated

lipid soluble hormones can be more easily excreted once they have water soluble molecules added to their structure in a process called

amplitude modulation

HDN (hemolytic disease of the newborn) occurs when

an Rh negative woman is carrying a Rh positive fetus

When a person rises quickly from a lying position, there is

an increase in vasomotor sympathetic stimulation to the blood vessels causing vasoconstriction

renin converts

angiotensinogen to angiotensin I

the target tissue for melatonin is the

anterior pituitary

the primary regulator of plasma Na + concentration is

antidiuretic hormone (adh)

Cells that process antigen and present antigens to other immune cells are called

antigen presenting

which is the correct sequence of events in the humoral immune response ?

antigen recognition- antigen presentation- clonal selection- differentiation- attack

Total saturation of protein transporters for a given solute in the renal tubules would result in __________.

appearance of that solute in the urine

what are the arteries which diverge from the interlobular arteries near the base of the renal pyramid


anterior pituitary hormones

are all proteins or glycoproteins.

cardiac muscle cells

are maintained by an extensive capillary network.

chloride ions

are regulated with Na+.

blood from the posterior abdominal wall drains into the

ascending lumbar veins

the P wave of an electrocardiogram indicates

atrial depolarization

How do most water-soluble hormones travel in the bloodstream?

attached to proteins

which of the following chemical messenger stimulate the cell that originally secreted it ?


Compounds released from cells that influence the same cell are called _____________.

autocrine chemical messengers

venous drainage from the posterior thoracic wall enters the superior vena cava via the _________ vein.


histamine and leukotrienes are released from

basophils and mast cells

Acetazolamide (Diamox) is a diuretic that functions by blocking the activity of carbonic anhydrase inside kidney tubule cells. ..........


the mutation that leads to sickle cell anemia is located on chromosome ____


At the rate of 125 ml of filtrate/minute, estimate the amount of filtrate formed in 24 hours.

180 liters

given the following list of organic molecules, which includes hormones? 1) nucleic acid derivatives 2) polypeptides 3) steroids 4) proteins


which of the following factors assists in the return of venous blood to the heart? 1) arterial dilation 2) valves in the veins 3) sympathetic stimulations 4) compression of veins by muscular movements


the adult heart averages __________ grams


The major thyroid hormone that interacts with target cells is


Sully has lost his way while hiking. The temperature has dropped and he is beginning to feel a bit anxious. Which of the following hormone levels do you expect to increase under these conditions?


cells responsible for the secretion of calcitonin are located

between the follicles among the cells that make up the follice of the thyroid gland

When defective erythrocytes are broken down,

bilirubin is formed from the breakdown of hemoglobin

thyroid hormone interacts with its target tissue by

binding to receptor molecules in the nucleus

a force that attracts fluid into the capillary from the tissue spaces is

blood colloid osmotic pressure

which of the following is mismatched?

blood crossmatch-donor and recipient blood cells are mixed together

which of the following illustrates acute hormone secretion most acurately?

blood levels o hormone C are relatively constant but will increae dramatically under some stressful situations but not as much under other stressful situations

a force that causes the movement of fluid out of the capillary is

blood pressure

angina pectoris is chest pain caused by reduced

blood supply to cardiac muscle

most of the Ca2+ in the body is in the


which of the following is (are) associated with decreased hematopoiesis?


which of the following occurs when insulin molecules bind to their receptors on target cells?


ADH secretion will increase when

both "blood osmolality increases" and "blood pressure decreases" all are correct

which of the following formed elements do not have chromosomes?

both erythrocytes and reticulocytes

which of the following statements concerning the pancreas is true?

both glucagon and insulin are produced in the pancreatic islets

the juxtaglomerular apparatus is composed of

both juxtaglomerular and macula densa cells

the hypothalamohypophysial tract connects the hypothalamus to the

posterior pituitary

which of the following are released by damaged tissues and functions as intercellular autocrine or paracrine signals?


the thymus is where __________ mature and become functional immune cells.

pre-T cells

Small changes in _____________ will have a large impact on the heart's pumping effectiveness, while large changes in ___________ do not impact the effectiveness much.

preload; afterload

Blood is moved through the vascular system by

pressure gradients created by the heart

If GH (growth hormone) secretion is deficient in a newborn, the child will

probably experience reduced bone growth

up regulation

produces an increase in the sensitivity of the target cell to the hormone


produces an increase in the sensitivity of the target cell to the hormone

RBCs develop from


all of the following are examples of tropic hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary except

prolactin, which stimulates milk production bybthe mammary glands

one difference between the plasma and intestinal fluid is that the plasma has simnifically more ____________ than intestinal fluid


capillary walls serve as effective permeability barriers for


the secondary or memory response

provides better protection than the primary response.

Most water is reabsorbed from the filtrate in the

proximal convoluted tubule

glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed from the glomerular filtrate by the

proximal convoluted tubule

the renal corpuscle connects to the

proximal convoluted tubule

in the pulmonary circulation the ________ carry blood to the lungs

pulmonary arteries

from the right ventricle, blood flows directly into the

pulmonary trunk

which of the following conditions is characterized by inflammation of the renal medulla


which of the following statements is true

reabsorption of water in the filtrate may be hormonally controlled

the function of the pericardial fluid is to

reduce friction between the pericardial membranes

all of the following are regulatory functions of the endocrine system except


arrange the following events in proper sequence: 1 the activating hormone interacts with the membrane bound receptor 2 cyclic amp causes the cell to carry out a function characteristic for that specific hormone 3 adenylyl cyclase catalyzes the transformation of atp to cyclic amp 4 adenylyl cyclase is activated

3, 4, 2, 1

diabetes insipidus is the result of decreased ______ production


in the platelet release reaction

ADP and thromboxane stimulate other platelets to become activated

during isovolumetric contraction period of the cardiac cycle,

AV and semilunar valves are closed

MHC class II molecules are found on

B cells, macrophages, dendritic cells

stimulus for the secretion of parathyroid hormone is a decrease in serum ________ levels


the long plateau in the action potential observed in cardiac muscle cells is probably related with _________ staying longer in the cytoplasm


which ion is necessary for the coagulation process?


which of the following will inhibit the secretion of growth hormone?


which of the following ions is necessary for thyroid hormone production?


During a race, a long-distance runner twisted his ankle. He finished the race without feeling any pain in his ankle. This lack of the perception of pain could be the result of an increase in

beta endorphins

which of the following events occurs last

Sodium ion reabsorption by the kidney tubules

the relationship between preload and stoke volume is known as

Starling Law of the heart

___________ are a part of cell mediated immunity while _______ are a part of antibody mediated immunity

T cells; B cells

What do all hormones have in common?

They bind to and interact with a receptor on or in the target cell.

which of the following is NOT a function of the lymphatic system?

aiding in erythropoiesis of red blood cells

which vitamin is necessary to produce many clotting factors in the liver ?

Vitamin K

Edema can occur when there is

a blockage of the lymphatics

when a few intracellular mediator molecules activate several enzymes, and each of these activated enzymes activate still other enzymes, the hormone has initiated

a cascade effect

which of the following accurately describes thromboplastin?

a compound released by damaged tissue that iniates the extrinsic clotting pathway

how would a decrease in the number in the number of megakaryocytic affect blood composition ?

a decrease in megakaryocytes would decrease the number of platelets in the blood

If a young boy is diagnosed with hemophilia, he would have

a disorder of the clotting process

which of the following is NOT an effect of aging on the kidneys

a marked decreae in the ability to maintain homeostasis

when blood pressure is greater than the blood colloid osmotic pressure, there is

a net movement of fluids out of the capillary

a person with an increased eosinophil count might be suffering from

a parasitic worm infection

insulin shock occurs when there is

a rapid fall in the blood sugar level

Wetting the oral mucosa and stretching the digestive tract will cause ____________ in thirst sensations.

a temporary interruption

Interferon production is stimulated by

a viral infection

which of the following would be an example of chemotaxis?

a white blood cell moves toward an injury site due to its release of certain chemicals by injured cells

Julie was diagnosed with an aggressive tumor of the thyroid. Surgery was performed to remove the thyroid. However, post-operatively, Julie's blood calcium levels began declining to life-threatening levels. This decline is most likely due to

accidental removal of the parathyroid glands during surgery

when comparing cardiac muscle cells and skeletal muscle cells

action potentials are conducted from cell to cell only in cardiac muscle

hormones are released from the posterior pituitary when posterior pituitary cells are stimulated by

action potentials from hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons

which of theh following occurs when a hormone binds to a nuclear receptor?

activation of mRNA synthesis

an individual develops a cold from a co-worker. this is an example of ___________ immunity

active natural

Adequate Ca2+ absorption from the GI tract depends on

adequate amounts of vitamin D

the kidney is protected from mechanical shock by

adipose tissue

which of the following is NOT a form of hemoglobin found in the developing human?


Mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) are

aggregates of lymphatic tissue scattered throughout the lamina propria of mucus membranes

Hormone A is a large protein composed of several polypeptides. Hormone B is a small fatty acid derivative. Which of the following statement correctly predicts the way these hormones interact with their target cells?

hormone a would bind to a membrane bound receptor, while b would bind to an intracellular receptor

all of the following are characteristics of hormones except

hormones interact with any cells in contact with the bloodstream

after a meal, blood glucose levels rise and stimulate the release of insulin. of which type of stimulation is this an example ?


parathyroid hormone is released when blood calcium levels decrease. this is an example of control by _______ stimuli


blood chemistry changes are example of __________ stimuli, whereas sympathetic nervous system impulses are examples of ________ stimuli for hormone release

humoral; neural

the function of the plasmin is to

hydrolyze fibrin

Decreased extracellular potassium levels cause

hyperpolarization of cell membranes.

Decreased extracellular K+ levels cause

hyperpolarization of plasma membranes.

increased metabolic activity and weight loss are associated with


the hypothalamohypophysial portal system carries hormones from the

hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary

which of the following statements regarding intrinsic regulation of the heart is true?

if cardiac muscle cells are slightly stretched, they have a stronger contraction force

the globins are important plasma proteins that function primarily in


One characteristic of the immune response is specificity. This means that

immunity is directed against a particular pathogen

all of the following are changes due to age related decreases in endocrine secretions except

inability to regulate blood glucose levels

systematic circulation

includes the aorta and all its branches

adh increases the permeability of the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts by

incorporating aquaporin-2 channels into the apical membrane

which of the following will the body begin to do in order to compensate for hyperkalemia

increase aldosterone secretion

releasing hormones

increase anterior pituitary secretion

an injection of epinephrine would

increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, and decrease gastric tract motility

in glomerulonephritis, the permeability of the filtration membrane increases, allowing proteins to cross the membrane. which of the following would you expect to observe

increase in filtration volume

an increase in blood CO2 levels is followed by a/an ______ in H+ ions and a/an _________ in blood pH

increase; decrease

An increase in the osmolarity of the extracellular fluid will trigger a(n) ___________ in the secretion of ADH and a(n) ____________ in thirst.

increase; increase

Randolf was suffering from severe hepatitis. His skin appeared to be jaundiced. That color change was due to

increased bilirubin in is circulatory system

which of the following would lead to increased erythropoiesis ?

increased erythropoietin

ADH is secreted in response to

increased osmotic pressure of the body fluids

an increase in parathyroid hormone levels results in

increased rate of bone resorption

decreased blood pressure in the afferent arterioles results in

increased renin secretion

During hemorrhagic shock in which blood pressure is decreased, which of the regulatory mechanisms is most important is increasing cardiac output to help maintain blood pressure?

increased sympathetic stimulation of the heart

If insulin secretion is too low or its receptors are insensitive, all of the following effects are seen, except

increased uptake of glucose to cells

increased secretion of atrial natriuretic hormone results in

increased urine output

stroke volume is increased by

increased venous return

growth hormone

increases amino acid uptake in cells

increased osmolality of the extracellular fluid

increases thirst


increases water reabsorption in the kidneys

aldosterone exerts its effect on the kidney tubules by

increasing the synthesis of the transport proteins for Na+

the connecting stalk between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland is the


in addition to testosterone and estrogen, reproductive prgans also produce the hormone______, which decreases the production of FSH


Increased testosterone levels reduce the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the anterior pituitary. This is an example of

inhibition of hormone release by hormonal stimuli

what is the function of the thymosin?

maturation of T cells

secretions of pineal gland

may inhibit reproductive functions

blood pressure is the

measure of force blood exerts against blood vessel walls.

which of the following veins is NOT involved in draining blood from the arm?

medial cubital vein

the portion of the kidney that is composed of cone-shaped renal pyramids is called the


chemoreceptors sensitive to blood carbon dioxide levels are primarily located in the

medulla oblongata

in Alaska, the longest day of summer is over 20 hours. predict how this would affect melatonin secretion

melatonin secretion would decrease due to the extended length of time and individual is exposed to light

prolonged vomiting of stomach contents will result in

metabolic alkalosis

all of the following are major processes essential to urine production, except



migrate to lymphatic tissue

renal papillae drain into

minor calyces

the renal papillae extend into the

minor calyces

which of the following is an agranulocyte?


Macrophages are derived from


in the blood

most T3 and T4 molecules are found bound to thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG)

which of the following descriptions of a blood sample is most accurate?

most of the cells that can be identified are RBCs with fewer WBCs

in which of the following situations might Rh incompatibility develop?

mother is Rh negative; fetus is Rh positive

which of the following is NOT a principle sensor for thirst regulation

mouth mucosa

all of the following tissues are targeted by the PTH except


nuetrophils are derived from a population of intermediate cells called


smooth muscle cells in the walls of afferent and efferent arterioles dilate or constrict as a needed response to changes in blood pressure. the process of autoregulation is called

myogenic mechanism

Most hormones are regulated by__________mechanisms

negative feedback

the embryonic origin of the posterior pituitary gland is

nervous tissues from the area of the hypothalamus

sympathetic neurons can serve as _________ stimuli for hormone release from certain endocrine organs


hormone secretion by the anterior pituitary is controlled by

neurohormones of the hypothalamus

the two functional portions of the pituitary gland are the

neurohypophysis and adenohypophsis

the hypothalamus tract carries

neurons from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary

An intercellular chemical signal that is produced by neurons but functions like a hormone would be called a


which type of chemical messenger is released from neurons to activate adjacent cell?


Which type of material is NOT transported by the blood?


consider the mechanisms of innate immunity, which of the following pairs is accurately matched?

neutrophils- increase in number in response to bacterial infections

the two major types of phagocytic cells are ________ and _____________

neutrophils; macrophages

Which gas, also carried by a hemoglobin, may help regulate blood pressure?

nitric oxide

an adult patient is brought into the emergency room of a local hospital. the EMTs report the patient lost about 300cc of blood. is this life threatening?

no, most adults have 4-6 liters of blood, so 300 cc would not be life threatening

Nancy is 8 months pregnant. Her physician mentioned that the placental LH-like hormone levels had decreased. Should Nancy be concerned?

no, the secretion of LH like substance by the placenta is important in the first trimester, and Nancy's pregnacy is beyond the first trimester

which of the following induces renin secretion, constricts afferent arterioles, and reduces GFR and urine volume


which of the following blood cells function primarily as phagocytic cells?

not monocytes....... or basophils........

all of the following are potential locations for hematopoiesis in the embryo and fetus except

not spleen or lymph nodes

oxytocin release is stimulated by

nursing a baby

Filtrate reabsorption, which occurs regardless of the concentration and volume of urine produced, is referred to as


a person working outside in the hot sun can perspire a great deal. this increase in perspiration results in increased water loss from the body. increased water loss causes the blood osmolality to increase. this increased osmolality is "sensed" by the __________


parathyroid hormone increased the activity of the _______ in bone and increase the rate of Ca2 __________ in the kidney tubules

osteoclast; reabsorption

when large quantites of blood are lost, erythrocytes must be replaced to restore

oxygen carrying capacity

which of the following is NOT a long term regulator of blood pressure?

oxygen tension response

the oxygenated form of hemoglobin is called


which of the following does not belong with the others

pH increases

which of the following glands is both an endocrine gland and exocrine gland?


___________ chemical signals are released by cells and affect other cell types locally without being transported in blood


which type of chemical messenger will act locally on nearby cells?


which endocrine gland secretions do not appear to decrease as one ages?

parathyroid hormone

a substance used to calculate plasma clearance must

pass freely through the filtration membranes of the renal corpuscle

which of the following terms is mismatched with its description?

pectinate muscles- muscles that close valves

which statement correctly identifies teh phase of the cardiac cycle that occurs when the pressure in the ventricles is lower than the pressure in the great arteries but greater than the pressure in the atria?

period of isovolumetric contraction

Urine flows through the ureters to the bladder as the result of

peristaltic contractions

the kidneys are located behind the ______ membrane on the posterior side of the ________ wall

peritoneal; abdominal

which gland is located in the sella turcica?

pituitary (hypophysis)

For a person whose hematocrit is 45%, in which choice below are the components of blood correctly ranked in order of decreasing percent volume?

plasma, RBCs, WBCs

During platelet plug formation,

platelets stick to the exposed collagen fibers of injured vessels.

which blood component is NOT correctly matched with its function?

platelets- phagocytize bacteria

the adrenal medulla

plays a role in the adaption of the body for physical activity

what type of veins connect two primary capillary networks?

portal veins

in ________, a cell increases the number of hormone receptors and becomes more sensitive to the hormone

positive feedback

a mutation occurs in a gene that is important to the production of MHC Class II molecules. which of the following statements accurately describes the ramification of such a mutation?

such a mutation will hinder antibody production due to the lack of interactions between B lymphocytes and helper T cells

Veins that return blood directly to the heart include the

superior vena cava

after entering the right atrium, the furthest a red blood cell can travel is the ____________.

superior vena cava

positive selection of lymphocytes refers to the

survival of pre-B and pre-T cells that are capable of an immune response

select the statement that best describes the pulmonary circulation?

system of blood vessels that carries blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs and back to the left atrium of the heart

the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body is accomplished through the __________ circulation


Contraction of the ventricles is referred to as ventricular


what abnormal rhythm could be caused by an elevated body temperature, excessive sympathetic stimulation, or toxic conditions?


hormones act on specific tissues called ________ tissues


the hematocrit is

teh percentage of RBCs in a given volume of blood

the main hormone of the male reproductive system is


the right atrium receives blood from

the body and the heart

when a person is transfused with the wrong blood type

the erythrocytes agglutinate

When the tubular maximum for a substance is exceeded,

the excess remains in the urine

Ezra is admitted to the cardiac unit with a diagnosis of endocarditis. When Ezra asks the nurse where the infection is located, the nurse replies that the infection is in

the inner lining of the heart

An increase in ADH (antidiuretic hormone) secretion will cause

the kidney tubules to retain more water

which of the following is between the proximal and distal convoluted tubules

the loop of Henle

Depolarization of the cardiac muscle cell occurs as the result of

the opening of voltage gated Na+ channels and voltage gated Ca2+ channels

insulin is necessary for the satiety center to detect the presence of glucose in extracellular fluid. when insulin levels are low

the person is intensely hungry

the amount of melatonin secreted by the pineal gland is regulated by

the photoperiod (the daily amount of sunlight)

Where do the ureters enter the bladder?

the posterolateral surface

what is it about a cell that identifies it as a target cell for a hormone

the presence of a receptor specific for that hormone

the half life of a hormone allows one to determine

the rate at which hormones are eliminated from the body.

the primary stimulus for release of adrenal medullary hormones comes from

the sympathetic nervous system

during the cardiac cycle,

the two atria relax while the two ventricles contract.

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