Abeka 4th Grade Language Test 8

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Capitalization: This morning, Dad read john 14:1-6 to us from his bible.

John and Bible should be capitalized

Word Usage: (Your, You're) going to find some penguins in most zoos; however, if (your, you're) family visits the Detroit Zoo, you will be able to see the largest variety of penguins (there, their, they're).

You're, your, there

Nouns: The animal that Chloe liked best was the sloth.

animal is both a common and singular noun

Contractions: do not


Word Usage: Charlotte and Laila (have, haven't) never studied penguins before, but the girls (are, is) preparing their report about them.

have and are

Word Usage: No one (is, isn't) giving an animal report today.


Contractions: is not


Contractions: it is


Contractions: they will


Punctuation: My older sister is reading the book Anne of Green Gables by L M Montgomery.

Anne of Green Gables should be underlined and there should be periods after L and M

Nouns: Chloe Johnson went with her family to the zoo.

Chloe Johnson is both a proper and compound noun

Direct Quotations: have you ever been on a hayride asked Anthony

Corrected it should look like this: "Have you ever been on a hayride?" asked Anthony.

Direct Quotations: Our pastor drove a big green tractor that pulled a trailer full of hay said Nathan

Corrected it should look like this: "Our pastor drove a big green tractor that pulled a trailer full of hay," said Nathan.

Direct Quotations: we rode in the trailer continued Nathan and sang fun songs

Corrected it should look like this: "We rode in a the trailer," continued Nathan, "and sang fun songs."

Direct Quotations: Anthony said i would like to go on a hayride like that one

Corrected it should look like this: Anthony said, "I would like to go on a hayride like that one."

Capitalization: Madison's favorite spring holiday is easter, which is in april this year.

Easter and April should be capitalized

Subject/Verb Agreement: Max (likes, like) woodworking with his grandfather.

Max is singular, so you must choose likes

Capitalization: Later this year, mom and dad will take a trip to chicago, illinois.

Mom, Dad, Chicago, and Illinois should all be capitalized

Subject/Verb Agreement: Nora (has, have) drunk a large glass of water.

Nora is singular, so you must choose has

Proof; Is there anything wrong: Dr. Nelson is our Pastor

Pastor shouldn't be capitalized since it isn't a specific person

Nouns: The whole family enjoyed the day a the San Diego Zoo.

San Diego Zoo is both a compound and singular noun

Word Usage: (There, Their, They're) height is usually about forty-five inches!


Word Usage: (Their, They're, There) are seventeen different kinds of penguins living in the southern hemisphere.


Contractions: They are


Word Usage: An emperor penguin has a royal name because (its, it's) the largest of all the penguins.


Word Usage: The macaroni penguin's bright yellow head feathers are (its, it's) most unusual feature.


Nouns: Sometimes, the sloth is used as an example of laziness.

laziness is both a common and abstract noun

Nouns: The sloths at the zoo are named Xena and Nico.

sloths is both a common and plural noun

Subject/Verb Agreement: The students (enjoy, enjoys) kickball at recess.

students is plural, so you must choose enjoy

Word Usage: Macaroni penguins look like (there, their, they're) wearing a silly hair style.


Word Usage: The students (wasn't, weren't) finished with their research today, but their animal reports (isn't, aren't) due until next Tuesday.

weren't and aren't

Contractions: will not


Proof; Is there anything wrong: Lunch is at 11,30 today.

There should be a colon instead of a comma in between 11 and 30

Punctuation: Last Sunday, Rev Garcia's message was on James 4 1-12.

There should be a period after Rev. and a colon after 4

Punctuation: Gabriel moved to Houston Texas on Saturday Oct 17 2020.

There should be commas after Houston, Texas, Saturday, and 17. There should also be a period after Oct.

Punctuation: At the zoo, we saw an okapi a sloth a red panda and a capybara.

There should be commas after okapi, sloth, and panda

Punctuation: Mr. Jekel illustrated the poem In His Almighty Hands.

There should be quotation marks around "In His Almighty Hands."

Direct Quotations: Nathan answered my Sunday school class had a hayride last weekend

Corrected it should look like this: Nathan answered, "My Sunday school class had a hayride last weekend."

Capitalization: My father's name is dr. m. p. daniels.

Dr., M., P. and Daniels should all be capitalized

Proof; Is there anything wrong: I mailed a letter to grandpa.

Grandpa should be capitalized since you are talking about a specific person

Proof; Is there anything wrong: Amy and i made cookies for Mrs Lee.

I should be capitalized and there should be a period after Mrs.

Subject/Verb Agreement: Jacob and his brother (plays, play) in the school band.

Jacob and his brother is plural, so you must choose play

Proof; Is there anything wrong: Dad plants our Spring flowers in May.

Spring shouldn't be capitalized since it is a season

Diagramming: Look at that beautiful sunset!

Subject: (You) Verb: Look

Diagramming: Pastor Carter visited my great-grandpa and prayed with him.

Subject: Pastor Carter Verb: visited and prayed

Diagramming: Does your new puppy like toys?

Subject: puppy Verb: Does like

Capitalization: Last tuesday, our class sang "i love america."

Tuesday and America should be capitalized

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