Abeka Land I Love chapters 14-18

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The most famous Ace of World War 1?

"Eddie" Rickenbacker

By 1865 what was the Confederate dollar worth?

1 cent

How many states joined the Confederacy?


What year did the U. S. census say the frontier was settled?


About how many men died in the Civil War?


what general fought at Fredricksburg?

A. E. Burnside

Who ran for Presidency as a Union party candidate in 1864?

Abraham Lincoln

What inventor did Thomas Watson work with?

Alexander Bell

What sides were against each other in World War 1?

Allied Powers Against the Central Powers

Who was the first president to be impeached?

Andrew Johnson

Bloody battle fought in Tennessee


bloodiest single day of the Civil War


When did the U. S. enter World War 1?

April 6, 1917

Whose assassination provided an excuse to start a war?

Archduke Ferdinand

General Lew Wallace wrote what book?


What President was influential in admitting six western states during his term?

Benjamin Harrison

Which Confederate general won the Battle of Chickamauga?

Braxton Bragg

What was the first major battle of the Civil War?

Bull Run

The admission of what state in 1850 temporarily upset the balance between free and slave states?


battle in which the Confederate army split and lured the Union army into a trap


Who became president after James Garfield was assassinated?

Chester Arthur

Who legislated the Pendleton Act?

Chester Arthur

Who was known as the "Angel of the Battlefield"?

Clara Barton

known as the "Centennial State"


Who were the "Reds"?

Communist terrorists

Which chief led the Indians into battle at Little Bighorn?

Crazy Horse

Name the two artists who provided us with a pictoral history of American life in the 19th century.

Currier and Ives

What former shoe salesmen became a great evangelist across America?

D. L. Moody

what general fought at New Orleans?

David Farragut

What was the name given to those who served under General Pershing?


Who drilled the first oil well?

Edwin Drake

Which poet's works were not published until after her death?

Emily Dickenson

What hymnist published "Blessed Assurance" and many other hymns in the late 1800s?

Fanny Crosby

Where was the first shot of the Civil War fired?

Fort Sumter

What artist became well known for painting cowboys and Indians?

Frederic Remington

The Populist party supported a _____ policy.

Free silver movement

Which two men met at Appomattax Court House to discuss terms of surrender?

General Robert E. Lee (Confederate) and General Ulysses S. Grant (Union)

what general fought at Antietam?

George B. McClellan

What Confederate general led the dramatic charge on Cemetery Ridge at the Battle of Gettysburg.

George E. Pickett

What country practiced unrestricted submarine warfare?


bloody battle fought in Pennsylvania


First Democrat to be elected President after the Civil War

Grover Cleveland

Who was the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms?

Grover Cleveland

Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Who proposed the Compromise of 1850?

Henry Clay

What legislative act opened the Great Plains for settlement in 1862?

Homestead Act

regulated railroads

Interstate Commerce Commission

provided for examinations for civil-service workers

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

Who was D. L. Moody's songleader?

Ira Sankey

Who took charge of the FBI's investigations into Communist activities?

J. Edgar Hoover

Which Southern General did Lee call the "eyes of the army"?

James Ewell Brown "Jeb" Stuart

What President was shot only four months in office by Charles J. Guiteau?

James Garfield

Which poet became famous as "the Hoosier poet"?

James Whitcomb Riley

Who made their fortune in the oil industry?

John D. Rockefeller

Who was nicknamed "the March King"?

John Philip Sousa

Who shot President Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth

Who invented barbed wire?

Joseph Glidden

what general fought at Chancellorsville?

Joseph Hooker

What author wrote the famous novel "Little Women"?

Louisa May Alcott

Who called the period from 1865-1900 the "Gilded Age"?

Mark Twain

Which man was saved at the Pacific Garden Mission and later founded 67 rescue missions?

Mel Trotter

Where was gold discovered in 1858?


When did Germany surrender?

November 11, 1918

in the North a man could avoid a draft by...

Paying an exemption fee of $300

stated that segregation was legal

Plessy v. Ferguson

What officer was responsible for capturing John Brown in Harper's Ferry, Virginia?

Robert E. Lee

Who was the greatest hero of World War 1?

Sergeant Alvin York

John C. Calhoun was a famous "state's rights" spokesman from what state?

South Carolina

Which man introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Stephen Douglas

Which amendment made former slaves citizens of the U.S.?

The 14th

What agreement ended Reconstruction in the South?

The Compromise of 1876

What act provided stiff penalties for anyone who gave information to the enemy or messed with military recruiting?

The Espionage Act

What letter was sent between Mexico and Germany that promised Mexico part of the U. S.?

The Zimmerman Note

What event angered the American people?

The sinking of the Lusitania

Who is the Confederate general that won his nickname at Bull Run?

Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

Who is considered to be the greatest inventor in American history?

Thomas Edison

what general fought at Vicksburg?

U. S. Grant

Who won the Presidental election of 1868?

U.S. Grant

What President favored the gold standard?

William McKinley

What Union general burned Atlanta, Savannah, and Columbia?

William Techumseh Sherman

What was the first war to be fought on a global scale (1914-1918)?

World War 1

first state to allow women's suffrage


What did the Otis Brothers produce?


What is the term for one who risks personal loss to develop and market a new product?


The Emancipation Proclamation did what?

freed slaves in the states that had seceded

Did the U. S. join the League of Nations?


George Washington Carver developed hundreds of uses for the...


What were Southerners who helped carpetbaggers called?


What was a common type of housing for settlers on the prairie?

sod houses

How did Andrew Carnegie make his fortune?


What did sir Henry Bessemer develop?

steel-making process

What amendment outlawed slavery?

the 13th

What area did the Sioux Indians regard as sacred?

the Black Hills

What legislative act encouraged the Indians to take up farming or ranching?

the Dawes Act

What Confederate navy ship fought against the Moniter?

the Merrimac/Virginia

What was the first modern skyscraper?

the Wainwright Building

What was Thomas Alva Edison's most famous invention?

the incandesent lightbulb

What invention is Christopher Sholes remembered for?

the typwriter

After the Confederates surrendered what were they allowed to keep?

their weapons and animals

What took place on Promontory Point, Utah, in 1869

workers completed the first transcontinental railroad

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