Abnormal Psych Final: Eating Disorders

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Describe Bulimia nervosa:

-also known as "binge-purge syndrome" -have to have both binges and purges for it to classify

What are similarities between anorexia and bulimia?

-begin after a period of dieting -fear of becoming obese -drive to become thin -preoccupied w/ food, weight, appearance -feelings of anxiety, depression, obsessiveness -heightened risk of suicide attempts -substance abuse -Distorted body perception -Disturbed attitudes toward eating

Describe the Binges

-btw 1 & 30 binge episodes per week -eating massive amount of food (as much as 10,000 calories) very rapidly -usually preceded by feelings of great tension; self-blame, guilt, depression, fears of weight gain

Describe the Biological factors of eating disorders?

-certain genes; relative of people w/ disorder =6 times more likely to develop -low serotonin or dysfunction of the hypothalamus- (along with other brain areas & chemicals leads to individual being kept at particular weight level=weight set point) -identical twins study-70% identical twins; 20% fraternal

Describe the Cognitive factors

-cognitive distortions -improper labeling of internal sensations & needs -feeling of not having control of their lives; exercise excessive control over body, shape, size,& eating habits

Describe the effects of Family environment

-families w/history of emphasizing thinness, appearance, and dieting; -abnormal interactions & forms of communication -enmeshed family pattern-overly involved; concerned w/persons life; every aspect

Describe the Racial and ethnic differences

-higher rates in European American women; young African American women tend to have pos. attitude about body/image; more accepting to various body types

Describe Binge eating disorder

-individuals binge eat; but don't purge -not driven by thinness -doesn't start following a diet -not a large gender difference in the prevalence of disorder

Describe the Clinical picture of Anorexia nervosa

-key goal becoming thin -driving motivation is fear-perfectionist; fear of becoming obese -think in distorted ways; constantly thinking about food; low opinion of body shape-over estimate actual proportion -Have psychological problems

Describe the Gender differences of eating disorders

-males account for only 5% to 10% -western society's double standard for attractiveness -different methods of weight loss favor; women =diet; men=exercise -men are more likely to have reverse anorexia nervosa or muscle dysmorphia; men who are muscular see themselves as small/scrawny

What are differences between anorexia and bulimia?

-people w/ bulimia more concerned about pleasing others; sexually experienced & active -people w/ bulimia more likely to have history of mood swings, poor coping skills -only half of women w/ bulimia experience amenorrhea -suffer damage by purging

What are the symptoms of Anorexia nervosa?

-refusal to maintain more than 85% of normal body weight -intense fears of becoming overweight -distorted view of weight & shape

What are the symptoms of Bulimia nervosa?

-repeated binges& purging -takes place weekly

What are the subtypes of Anorexia nervosa?

-restricting type: eliminate most foods from diet; low fat; eat same thing everyday -binge-eating/purging type:diagnose w/ Bulimia then lose so much weight-get diagnose with this

Describe other psychological and medical problems of Anorexia nervosa

-self-worth is tied up in their physical perception -amenorrhea- absent of menstrual cycle; body doesn't have enough nutrition to support ovulation/menstruation -low body temp; LBP; slow heart rate; etc.

Describe Compensatory behaviors

-try to compensate for and undo the calorie effects -many resort to vomiting; other use laxative, diuretics -ineffective; can damage internal body; consistent vomiting throws off the body -a cycle develops; purging allows more binging, bingeing necessitates more purging

What are symptoms of Binge eating disorder?

-uncontrollable binge eat; however they dont purge -happens weekly -significant distress

What is Binging ? What is Purging?

Binging-repeated bouts of uncontrolled overeating during a limited period of time ; cant stop Purging- inappropriate compensatory behaviors including vomiting, exercise excessively, fasting

What are the Psychological problems of eating disorders?

Cognitive factors & Depression

Whats are the treatments for Anorexia?

Cognitive/Behavioral therapy -Cognitive: identify their "core pathology" ( belief that they should be judged by their shape & weight & ability to control these things); usually recover btw 8 to 10 weeks -Behavioral: monitoring feelings, hunger levels, food intake -Past took place in hospitals; now offered in day hospitals or outpatient setting -most popular weight- restoration technique= combination of supportive nursing care, nutritional counseling, high-calorie diets -Family therapy also important

What are the treatments for bulimia:

Cognitive/Behavioral therapy -Cognitive:identify thinking errors, change maladaptive attitudes/beliefs about eating -Behavioral: keep diaries of eating behavior; exposure/response prevention -Psychotherapy is supplemented by family therapy; offer as group therapy -Antidepressants also use to treat; best when used w/ therapy

What are the Multicultural factors of eating disorders?

Racial and ethnic differences & Gender differences

What are the Sociocultural factors of eating disorders?

Societal pressures & Family environment

How does Depression effect eating disorders ?

many especially those w/ bulimia experience symptoms of depression; serotonin abnormalities (helped w/ antidepressants )

What are the two main Eating Disorders?

-Anorexia Nervosa -Bulimia Nervosa -A third has been added- Binge Eating disorder

Describe Anorexia nervosa

-One of the highest death rates; increase in suicide rates -85% or less of ideal body weight required to be diagnosed

What are the treatments for binge eating disorder?

-Similar treatment as Bulimia Nervosa -Cognitive-Behavioral therapy & medications

Describe effects of Societal pressures

-Standards have changed toward a thinner ideal; ideal weight decline of the years -certain subculture at greater risk (models, actors, dancers etc.) -women of higher SES =higher rates

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