Abnormal: somatic disorders (1-61) dissociative disorders (61-144)

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15. Conversion disorders are more common in: A) women than men. B) men than women. C) the middle-aged than the young. D) the elderly than the middle-aged.


32. Freud believed that ìhystericalî symptoms: A) were rooted in the oral stage. B) enabled people to avoid unpleasant activities. C) were medical problems that needed medical, not psychological treatment. D) were more common in men than women.


33. Which statement BEST reflects our understanding of hysterical disorders? A) Hysterical disorders are explained similarly to how anxiety disorders are explained. B) Currently, hysterical disorders are thought to be due to a ìwandering uterus.î C) Hysterical disorder symptoms appear to be particularly resistant to hypnosis. D) The causes of hysterical disorders are poorly understood, with no theory predominant in aiding understanding.


4. Which of the following is an example of malingering? A) intentionally faking a back problem to avoid military service B) intentionally faking an illness because one likes being a patient C) experiencing chest pains in response to intense stress D) enjoying unnecessary medical testS


78. A personality change that often accompanies dissociative fugues is that people become: A) more withdrawn. B) more outgoing. C) more inhibited. D) more histrionic in their emotional reactions.


104. Of the following statements, which is the one providing the most persuasive argument against a psychodynamic explanation for dissociative identity disorder? A) Hardly any case studies support a psychodynamic explanation. B) Repression cannot be used to explain the disorder. C) Most abused children don't develop the disorder. D) Psychodynamic therapists do not even attempt to treat the disorder.


105. "An abused child's thoughts occasionally drift to other, less anxiety-arousing, topics; this anxiety reduction thus serves to strengthen 'other' thoughts, while weakening the thoughts about abuse." A psychologist with which theoretical background would be most likely to offer this quotation as an explanation for the development of dissociative disorders? A) psychodynamic B) biological C) behavioral D) sociocultural


106. In addition to failing to explain why some people who experience severe trauma do not develop dissociative disorders, behavioral theorists also have the MOST difficulty explaining how: A) reinforcement is related to the onset of the disorder. B) temporary escape from painful memories grows into a complex disorder. C) therapists could iatrogenically cause the disorder. D) operant conditioning is related to the disorder.


107. Which of the following hypotheses used to explain dissociative disorders is shared by psychodynamic and behavioral theorists? A) They serve to help someone escape something unpleasant. B) The attempts at forgetting are purposeful from the beginning. C) The process involved in forgetting is supported by subtle reinforcement. D) The individuals themselves are aware that their disorder is protecting them from facing a painful reality.


108. The chief sources of data used to support the theories of psychodynamic and behavioral clinicians are: A) large-scale experimental studies. B) biologically based. C) case studies. D) epidemiological.


109. Kevin studies his history notes and textbook while he is drinking beer. According to some theorists, Kevin would later do better on his history exam if he also had alcohol in his system while taking the exam. These theorists would be basing their claim on: A) social learning theory. B) state-dependent learning. C) active-avoidance learning. D) associative memory learning.


11. If a chronically ill child was removed from home and placed in foster care, and then became quite healthy, one might suspect that the parent (usually the mother) was experiencing: A) malingering. B) a psychophysical disorder. C) a somatoform disorder. D) a factitious disorder.


110. If you studied for this exam while you were unusually happy, you will probably do best taking it while you are: A) unusually sad. B) unusually happy. C) moderately happy. D) happy when you know the answers and sad when you don't.


111. Just after doing well in an intramural basketball gameósomething which left me very happy, and in a high state of excitementóI sat down and studied for my abnormal psychology test. Research shows I would perform best on that test if, at the time of the test, I was: A) happy and excited. B) happy but calm. C) neither happy nor sad, and excited. D) neither happy nor sad, and calm.


112. Laurent has three subpersonalities. Jackie emerges when Laurent is in an awkward social situation, Grace surfaces during sporting events, and Carlos appears when Laurent is angry. The therapist believes that the mood and conditions under which each subpersonality appears are critical to understanding this disorder, demonstrating a belief in: A) avoidant dysmorphia. B) state-dependent learning. C) convergent variable learning. D) neurobiological concordance.


113. If the state-dependent learning explanation of dissociative disorders is correct, a person may not remember stressful events because he or she is: A) simply too stressed at the time for memories to be laid down. B) at a different arousal level after the stress is over. C) a smoker. D) one who habitually drinks too much.


114. Which of the following has been proposed as a possible cause of dissociative disorders? A) regression B) self-hypnosis C) lack of repression D) classical conditioning


115. What characteristic is MOST common to both self-hypnosis and dissociative identity disorder? A) the inability to forget B) the awareness that something has been forgotten C) the ability to escape threatening events D) the awareness to know why you forget


116. What conclusion does research on hypnosis and hypnotic amnesia support? A) People with multiple personalities may be faking their condition. B) Dissociative disorders are extremely odd and inexplicable events. C) Dissociative disorders are similar to behaviors seen in hypnotic amnesia. D) Self-hypnosis relies on different processes and produces different behavioral outcomes.


117. A child in an extremely abusive family situation often seems to become deaf to the verbal abuse, and insensitive to the physical abuse, as if the child simply wasn't there experiencing the abuse. One explanation of this behavior is: A) self-hypnosis. B) state-dependent memory. C) eidetic imagery. D) memory while under simulated anesthesia.


118. I was running down a familiar country lane when all of a sudden nothing looked familiar. It took me several seconds to realize where I was, and I continued my run without incident. What I experienced was: A) the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon. B) jamais vu. C) deja vu. D) absentmindedness.


119. Just before 8 A.M. (when my first class meets), my young daughter did something that annoyed me as I was about to leave home for the short drive to campus. ìKatie,î I said, ìwhat do I always say at a time like this?î She looked at the clock, and then said to me, "What you say is, 'Where are my keys?'" My daughter was apparently familiar with my: A) visual memory deficit. B) jamais vu tendencies. C) nondisordered dissociative fugue. D) absentmindedness.


12. Munchausen syndrome is a: A) somatoform disorder. B) factitious disorder. C) psychophysical disorder. D) conversion disorder.


120. A strong ìfeeling of knowingî is associated with which of the following? A) deja‡ vu B) jamais vu C) pseudopresentiment D) the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon


121. A visual image that is retained so vividly that one can continue to scan it for more information is called: A) deja vu. B) jamais vu. C) an eidetic image. D) the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.


122. Individuals experiencing dissociative amnesia sometimes are given sodium amobarbital or sodium pentobarbital because those drugs: A) calm people and reduce their inhibitions. B) act as truth serum, so people can't fake their illness. C) help reduce associated symptoms of depression. D) make people forget extremely upsetting events in their lives.


123. Psychodynamic therapy may be particularly effective in the treatment of dissociative disorders because: A) most dissociative disorders involve some degree of fixation. B) most other forms of therapy take several years to improve functioning of those with these disorders. C) psychodynamic therapy often tries to recover lost memories. D) those with dissociative disorders generally do not respond well to drugs and hypnosis.


124. A person diagnosed with a dissociative disorder has recovered almost completely, even though the person had not received any therapy. That person was LEAST likely to have been diagnosed with: A) dissociative identity disorder. B) malingering. C) dissociative amnesia. D) dissociative fugue.


125. People with which dissociative disorder typically do not eventually recover without receiving treatment? A) dissociative identity disorder B) dissociative fugue C) dissociative amnesia D) All dissociative disorders eventually resolve themselves successfully.


126. What effect has the use of sodium amobarbital had in treating dissociative amnesia and fugue? A) Most clients recall past events easily with drugs. B) Recall is often limited to the session itself. C) The patient's recollection doesn't begin until long after the session. D) Results are mixed, successful with some patients and not with others.


127. In the treatment of dissociative amnesia, sodium amobarbital and sodium pentobarbital work by: A) freeing people from their inhibitions, thus allowing them to recall unpleasant events. B) "forcing" people to tell the truth. C) inducing a hypnotic state. D) alleviating depression.


128. The first step in treating people with dissociative identity disorder is to: A) bond with the primary personality. B) integrate the subpersonalities into a unity. C) establish a contract with the subpersonalities to prevent self-harm. D) provide a forum for the subpersonalities to communicate with one another.


129. The usual goal of therapy for dissociative identity disorders is to: A) have the subpersonalities develop equal "shares" of the person's functioning. B) have the "other" subpersonalities become subject to the subpersonality that has the "protector" role. C) gradually phase out all but one of the subpersonalities. D) merge the subpersonalities into a single identity.


13. Munchausen syndrome by proxy is MOST likely to adversely affect the physical well- being of: A) the person experiencing it. B) the child of the person experiencing it. C) the spouse of the person experiencing it. D) the medical personnel caring for the person experiencing it.


130. All of the following are true about hypnosis, EXCEPT: A) hypnosis involves a sleep-like state. B) you can be hypnotized during exercise. C) subjects can say ìnoî or stop hypnosis. D) hypnotized subjects adhere to their usual values.


131. One of the subpersonalities of a person receiving treatment for dissociative identity disorder has just become a ìprotector.î How far along in therapy has the person probably progressed? A) not far at all because protectors usually emerge even before the disorder is diagnosed B) moderately far because a protector usually emerges before subpersonality integration C) very far because a protector usually emerges after subpersonality integration, and before fusion D) all the way because a protector usually emerges only after successful therapy is over.


132. A client receiving treatment for identity disorder is progressing well through therapy; then, fusion occurs. MOST likely, the client has: A) experienced a significant, but short-term, setback. B) experienced a significant, and long-term, setback. C) merged the first two or more subpersonalities. D) merged the final two or more subpersonalities.


133. At a workshop about multiple personality disorder, a therapist says, ìIn my experience, once integration begins, the need for therapy is practically over, and later dissociations just don't happen.î This therapist's experience is: A) typical. B) a bit unusual; most successful therapies cease before integration. C) a bit unusual; most successful therapies cease after integration. D) very unusual; most successful therapies last well beyond the beginning of integration.


134. The effects of taking hallucinogens accompanied by feelings that objects are changing size, that other people are distorted, and that one might be mechanical is MOST similar to: A) depersonalization. B) multiple personalities. C) amnestic fugue. D) body dysmorphic disorder.


135. Depersonalization ________, while derealization _______. A) is an anxiety disorder; is a thought disorder B) is induced by street drugs; is naturally occurring C) refers to oneself; refers to the external world D) involves multiple personalities; involves only one personality


136. Which of the following statements is MOST accurate about depersonalization disorder? A) Depersonalization disorder usually comes on suddenly and may be triggered by extreme fatigue, intense stress, or pain. B) Most cases of depersonalization disorder are associated with changes in brain activity. C) The presence of severe stressors in one's life is not a predictor of depersonalization disorder. D) Depersonalization disorder rarely occurs transiently.


137. Someone who is experiencing "doubling" is: A) showing two out of several multiple personalities at the same time. B) suffering simultaneously from Munchausen syndrome and Munchausen syndrome by proxy. C) feeling like his or her mind is floating above him or her. D) malingering.


138. If a person's mental functioning or body feels unreal or foreign, the person is MOST likely suffering from: A) body dysmorphic disorder. B) depersonalization. C) dissociative identity disorder. D) dissociative amnesia.


139. Feeling that your hands and feet are smaller or bigger than usual or that you are in a dreamlike state is called: A) doubting. B) dumbing down. C) doubling. D) distrusting.


14. Which of the following is a MAIN characteristic of an individual with Munchausen syndrome by proxy? A) psychotic B) independent C) emotionally needy D) limited intelligence and education


140. When a person feels that the external world is removed, mechanical, distorted, or even ìdead,î he or she is experiencing: A) doubling. B) depersonalization. C) dissociative amnesia. D) derealization.


141. I have just arrived in a city where I know no one, and English is not spoken by very many people. I feel as though my mind is separating from my body and I am actually observing myself do things. What I am experiencing is: A) temporary depersonalization. B) depersonalization disorder. C) posttraumatic stress disorder. D) transient posttraumatic distress.


142. Transient depersonalization and derealization: A) are experienced by virtually all college students. B) are produced naturally and cannot be induced by drugs or meditation. C) can be induced by a life-threatening experience. D) are common in adults but not yet diagnosed in children or adolescents.


143. Depersonalization disorder is most common among those who are: A) preadolescents. B) adolescents and young adults. C) adults between the ages of 40 and 60. D) adults over 60.


144. If I suffer from depersonalization disorder, but the symptoms disappear after a while, they most likely will reappear if I: A) get married to someone I really love. B) survive a bad car accident. C) travel on vacation near where I live. D) experience a sudden bout of mania.


16. Conversion disorders most often appear in: A) childhood. B) adolescence. C) middle adulthood. D) late adulthood.


17. If a person complains of a wide variety of physical symptoms over a period of time in the absence of a physical basis for the symptoms, the diagnosis would likely be: A) conversion disorder. B) somatization disorder. C) body dysmorphic disorder. D) psychophysiological disorder.


18. Madeline appeared at the clinic complaining of pain in her knee, shoulder, and abdomen, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, and exhaustion. The patient history revealed that she had been going to clinics for years trying to get treatment for these complaints and a host of other physical symptoms. The diagnostic consensus was that Madeline suffered from: A) factitious disorder B) somatization disorder. C) preoccupation disorder. D) body dysmorphic disorder


19. A person experiencing blindness, paralysis, or loss of feeling, may also be said to be displaying: A) malingering. B) pain disorder. C) selective symptomatology. D) conversion disorder.


2. A 35-year-old woman hobbles into the office of a physician complaining of a debilitating illness that has robbed her of the use of her left leg and right arm. The physician finds no physical basis for her symptoms. She appears totally unaware that the cause of her symptoms may be psychological. The diagnosis would be: A) malingering. B) factitious disorder. C) conversion disorder. D) preoccupation disorder.


20. Which of the following is likely to be useful in distinguishing conversion or somatic symptom disorders from true medical problems? A) the particular body part showing the symptom B) the failure of a condition to develop as expected C) the patient's description of the source of the symptoms D) the patient's experiencing the usual course of development for the physical symptoms characteristic of the condition


21. Which of the following would lead you to suspect someone has a conversion disorder rather than is exhibiting medical symptoms? A) muscle atrophy in the ìparalyzedî body part B) uniform and even numbness in the ìdamagedî hand C) symptoms consistent with the way the neurological system is known to work D) a great number of accidents and an inability, in a ìblindî person, to get around


22. The patient had several surgeries over the years for vague and nonspecific sexual reproductive problems, visiting many of the top hospitals in the East during the course of treatment. The BEST diagnosis for this disorder is: A) conversion disorder. B) somatic symptom disorder. C) pain disorder associated with psychological factors. D) preoccupation disorder.


23. Somatic symptom disorders differ from conversion disorders in that: A) conversion disorders usually last less time. B) conversion disorders usually begin later in life than somatic symptom disorders. C) conversion disorders are more common than somatic symptom disorders in the United States. D) conversion disorders are more common in men, while somatic symptom disorders are more common in women.


24. A patient with a heart condition complained of adhesions from his postoperative scar, leg cramps, and joint stiffness. He seemed to be hurting all over, but no medical reason could be found to explain the symptoms. The BEST diagnosis for this disorder is: A) conversion disorder. B) somatic symptom disorder (somatization pattern). C) somatic symptom disorder (predominant pain pattern). D) preoccupation disorder.


25. A woman has experienced a wide range of vague but disturbing physical symptoms over a period of several years. Doctors cannot find a cause for the problems; medically, the woman appears normal. Based on this information, the BEST diagnosis would be: A) somatic symptom disorder (somatization pattern). B) somatic symptom disorder (predominant pain pattern). C) conversion disorder (somatization pattern). D) conversion disorder (predominant pain pattern).


26. The relationship between gender and somatic symptom disorder generally is that: A) more men than women are diagnosed with both somatization pattern and predominant pain pattern forms of somatic symptom disorder. B) more women than men are diagnosed with both somatization pattern and predominant pain pattern forms of somatic symptom disorder. C) more men than women are diagnosed with somatization pattern, but more women than men are diagnosed with predominant pain pattern forms of somatic symptom disorder. D) more women than men are diagnosed with somatization pattern, but more men than women are diagnosed with predominant pain pattern forms of somatic symptom disorder.


27. A woman has close female relatives diagnosed with a somatization pattern of somatic symptom disorder. According to research, her probability of being diagnosed with the same disorder is about: A) 2 percent. B) 10 percent. C) 20 percent. D) 50 percent.


28. An individual develops somatic symptom disorder after a near-fatal car crash. The diagnosis: A) is unlikely to be either somatization pattern or predominant pain pattern. B) is about equally likely to be somatization pattern or predominant pain pattern. C) is more likely to be somatization pattern than predominant pain pattern. D) is less likely to be somatization pattern than predominant pain pattern.


3. Abnormalities that are thought to have both biological and psychological causes are: A) factitious disorders. B) somatoform disorders. C) psychogenic disorders. D) psychological factors affecting one's medical condition.


30. If you looked in Jeanette's medicine cabinet, you would find dozens of prescriptions and even more over-the-counter medications. Every time she sneezes, Jeanette is sure she has the latest deadly flu, although no physician has ever found anything wrong with her. Jeanette probably suffers from: A) conversion disorder. B) body dysmorphic disorder. C) Munchausen syndrome. D) somatic symptom disorder.


31. In the latter half of the nineteenth century, a person who today is diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely have been diagnosed with: A) Freudian syndrome. B) pseudopsychological syndrome. C) Briquet's syndrome. D) referenced pain syndrome.


34. Disorders that represent the conversion of conflicts and anxiety into physical symptoms would include: A) phobia disorders. B) dissociative disorders. C) psychophysiological disorders. D) conversion disorders.


35. According to the psychodynamic view, conversion disorder symptoms function to keep unacceptable thoughts and conflicts out of consciousness. This is called: A) sociocultural stress. B) primary gain. C) reinforcement. D) secondary gain.


36. If a therapist believed that a person was displaying conversion disorder symptoms because the symptoms helped the person avoid unpleasant situations, you would think that the therapist was: A) a cognitive theorist or a behaviorist. B) a cognitive theorist or a psychoanalyst. C) a psychoanalyst or a behaviorist. D) a cognitive theorist, a behaviorist, or a psychoanalyst.


37. It was convenient when Rowena awoke blind. She had been terrified about testifying and now she did not have to. This is an example of: A) repression. B) primary gain. C) reinforcement. D) secondary gain.


38. A woman who is particularly threatened by any display of anger becomes unable to speak when she is most angry with her husband, thereby keeping the anger out of her awareness. According to psychodynamic theorists, she is achieving ______ from her illness. A) primary gain B) secondary gain C) tertiary gain D) no gain


39. If a man's behavior elicited kindness and sympathy from his wife when he was mute, he would be receiving ______ gains from his behavior. A) primary B) secondary C) tertiary D) no


40. Every time Miguel had a headache, his mother let him miss school. Now, as an adult, his headaches have become more frequent. His head pounds any time he is required to do something he would rather not do. This is a ______ explanation of conversion symptoms. A) cognitive B) biological C) behavioral D) cultural


41. "It's obvious that the patient observed friends who had symptoms of illness, then imitated those symptoms to get attention," says the therapist. MOST likely, the therapist has which theoretical perspective? A) behavioral B) psychodynamic C) biological D) cognitive


42. The first time the patient reported vague chest pains to 911, local EMTs responded with obvious attention and concern. Over the next several months, the patient called 911 more and more often, receiving the same concerned care for the same symptoms. This pattern of patient response is MOST easily explained by which theoretical perspective? A) biological B) behavioral C) cognitive D) psychodynamic


43. If you were a therapist with a behavioral view, which of the following questions would you be MOST likely to ask someone you suspected might have a somatic symptom disorder? A) "What underlying conflict do you think might have caused your symptoms?" B) "Do you think drug therapy would help you deal with the physical symptoms?" C) "Has any friend of yours had similar symptoms recently?" D) "What are you thinking about when you experience your symptoms?"


44. The MAIN criticism of the behavioral and psychodynamic explanations for the maintenance of hysterical disorders is that: A) they focus too much on the gains the patients receives from the disorder. B) they fail to take into account the gains the patient receives from the disorder. C) they confuse the ideas of gain and reward. D) they can't explain how the gains can outweigh the pain of the disorder.


45. That people with somatic symptom disorders use their symptoms to express emotions they cannot easily express otherwise reflects the: A) cognitive view. B) behavioral view. C) humanistic view. D) psychodynamic view.


46. A cognitive theorist would be MOST likely to say which of the following about hysterical disorders? A) The patient is receiving secondary gains from the symptoms. B) The patient is unable to express any emotion except anxiety. C) The patient is being rewarded for behaving in this way. D) The patient is otherwise unable to communicate difficult emotions.


47. Residents of Japan are more likely than residents of the United States to show higher rates of somatic complaints, MOST likely reflecting: A) higher levels of the emotions that produce somatization. B) the effects of living in a collectivist culture. C) a Western bias that sees somatization as an inferior way to handle emotions. D) an Asian bias to celebrate somatization as the only "real" response to emotion.


48. An individual who has been diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely first seek: A) psychological help. B) medical help. C) both psychological and medical help. D) neither psychological nor medical help.


49. A therapist treating an individual with a conversion disorder works to reduce pleasurable outcomes associated with being sick, while increasing pleasurable outcomes associated with being well. This technique is called: A) confrontation. B) reinforcement. C) suggestion. D) posthypnotic suggestion.


5. Which of the following is TRUE about factitious disorders? A) Those with factitious disorder are not trying to achieve some external gain by faking illness. B) Those with factitious disorders do not intentionally create illness. C) Those with factitious disorder have no control over their behavior. D) Those with factitious disorder do not want to assume the sick role.


50. Albert had finally had enough of his inability to walk, and he went to a psychologist who told him there was nothing medically wrong with him. The therapist was using the treatment approach of: A) insight. B) suggestion. C) confrontation. D) exposure and response prevention.


51. Based on evidence from case studies, the BEST advice you could give someone who is experiencing a conversion disorder about seeking treatment is: A) "Be very wary of taking antidepressants; they don't work with this disorder." B) "Confrontation therapy is the treatment of choice." C) "Approaches using suggestion, reinforcement, and confrontation are often used." D) "Family therapy has been most heavily researched and seems to show the most promise"


52. Behavioral therapists treating a conversion disorder would be MOST likely to focus on: A) identifying underlying emotional causes for the disorder. B) helping the patient gain insight into how the disorder is reinforcing. C) reducing the rewards available for displaying the disorder. D) replacing the primary gain with a secondary gain.


53. Imagine someone gets hit in the nose by a batted ball. The latest research suggests that swearing will: A) not reduce pain because the pain is real, not factitious. B) not reduce pain because the pain is real, not somatoform. C) reduce pain. D) reduce pain only if the person is used to swearing a lot.


54. "It seems to me that people with illness anxiety disorder simply model what they see others doing." A person with which theoretical view would be MOST likely to say this? A) psychodynamic B) cognitive C) biological D) behavioral


55. A therapist treating a client with illness anxiety disorder repeatedly shows the client how the client's body is less than perfect, while not allowing the client to seek medical attention. MOST likely, the therapist's viewpoint is: A) behavioral, and the therapy is called exposure and response prevention. B) psychodynamic, and the therapy is called exposure and response prevention. C) cognitive, and the therapy is called rational-emotive therapy. D) sociocultural, and the therapy is called rational-emotive therapy.


56. Increasingly concerned about my minor heartbeat irregularities, I think that my health is being threatened, and more and more often I misinterpret my body's normal signals. Which viewpoint BEST explains my experiences? A) psychodynamic B) biological C) cognitive D) behavioral


57. When I took abnormal psychology as an undergraduate, I was convinced I had symptoms of many of the earlier disorders we covered. As soon as we moved on to new disorders, though, I was convinced I had some of their symptoms, as well. My experiences were similar to those of some people with a form of illness anxiety disorder sometimes called: A) "hypersymptomatic syndrome." B) "medical student's disease." C) "pseudo-Munchausen syndrome." D) psychosomatic disorder.


58. According to DSM-5, body dysmorphic disorder is MOST closely related to which other psychological disorder? A) posttraumatic stress disorder B) depressive disorder C) conversion disorder D) obsessive-compulsive disorder


59. Imagine that you have a body dysmorphic disorder centered around your feet. Your therapist keeps reminding you of your ugly feet and makes you wear sandals. What sort of treatment is your therapist MOST likely using? A) placebo B) psychodynamic interpretation C) rational-emotive D) exposure and response prevention


6. A man appeared at the emergency room complaining of bloody diarrhea. The doctor who examined him found that the man was intentionally creating the diarrhea through use of laxatives and anticoagulant medication, and liked being a patient. The man is MOST likely: A) experiencing a psychophysical disorder. B) malingering. C) experiencing a somatic disorder. D) experiencing a factitious disorder.


60. If you were receiving the most effective medication for body dysmorphic disorder, you would be receiving a(n): A) antianxiety medication. B) weight control medication. C) antidepressant medication. D) medication designed to improve memory.


61. A person diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder receives treatment based upon exposure and response prevention. The person could reasonably expect to experience: A) little, if any, improvement of any kind. B) less concern about physical defects, but continued avoidance of social interactions. C) continued concern about physical defects, but less avoidance of social interactions. D) less concern about physical defects, and less avoidance of social interactions.


62. Our expectations, values, and goals combine to form our: A) memory. B) values. C) identity. D) ego ideal.


63. A person experiencing multiple personalities would MOST accurately be diagnosed with dissociative: A) schizophrenia. B) identity disorder. C) fugue. D) amnesia.


64. If you had lost your sense of identity, which of the following would MOST likely be disrupted? A) your relationships B) your intellectual functioning C) your attitudes toward your body D) your memory


65. Dissociative disorders: A) involve major changes in memory. B) usually have a precise physical cause. C) are a type of anxiety disorder. D) involve multiple personalities by definition.


66. Which diagnosis includes a breakdown in sense of self, a significant alteration in memory or identity, and even a separation of one part of the identity from another part? A) mood disorder B) personality disorder C) dissociative disorder D) histrionic personality disorder


67. An individual has been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder. However, the individual has very good recall of previous life events, and has a strong sense of self. The MOST likely diagnosis for this individual is: A) dissociative amnesia. B) multiple identity disorder. C) dissociative fugue. D) depersonalization disorder.


68. A feeling of detachment from oneself could be diagnosed as PTSD or depersonalization disorder. How would one decide which diagnosis is BEST? A) by considering how long it had been going on B) by considering which symptoms predominated C) by considering the type of stress the person had endured D) by considering which form of treatment worked best


69. People who are unable to recall important information about themselves, especially of an upsetting nature, are MOST likely experiencing: A) depersonalization. B) dissociative amnesia. C) body dysmorphic disorder. D) the placebo response.


7. Having a background in medicine, but also a grudge against the profession, puts a person at risk for: A) a factitious disorder. B) body dysmorphic disorder. C) amnesia conversion disorder. D) somatic symptom disorder.


70. In the MOST common type of dissociative amnesia, a person loses memory for: A) some but not all the events surrounding the trauma. B) all events beginning with the trauma but within a limited period of time. C) all events from the trauma onward. D) all events before and after the trauma.


71. After a major earthquake, television coverage showed survivors shuffling confusedly through the ruined buildings. If such victims later could not remember the days immediately after the earthquake, the victims would be suffering from what type of amnesia? A) continuous B) selective C) posttraumatic D) localized


72. Mary Ann experiences a mugging and robbery in which her poodle is kidnapped. Eventually the dog is found and returned. However, she is unable to recall events immediately following the attack, up until the safe return of the dog. This is a classic example of: A) selective amnesia. B) localized amnesia. C) continuous amnesia. D) generalized amnesia.


73. Gwendolyn is held up at knifepoint and her young son is kidnapped. Eventually, her son is found and returned. However, she is unable to recall events that occurred since the attack, although she remembers some new experiences; worse still, she finds that she is forgetting events that occurred even before the attack. This is a classic example of: A) selective amnesia. B) localized amnesia. C) continuous amnesia. D) generalized amnesia.


74. Carlotta is attacked in the street and her young daughter is kidnapped. Eventually, the police find her daughter and she is returned to her mother. However, Carlotta is unable to recall events that have occurred since the attack. She is even unable to retain new information; she remembers what happened before the attack but cannot remember new and ongoing experiences. This is a classic example of: A) localized amnesia. B) selective amnesia. C) continuous amnesia. D) generalized amnesia.


75. Ever since the auto accident, during which she was miraculously unhurt, Pat has not been the same. She forgets appointments, friends' names, and even things done in the last few days. Pat's amnesia is termed: A) continuous. B) organic. C) circumscribed. D) selective.


76. Combat veterans are MOST likely to report symptoms of A) localized amnesia. B) continuous amnesia. C) generalized amnesia. D) selective amnesia.


77. A person, years after committing a serious crime, is found living under a false identity over 1,000 miles from where the person used to live. The person's memory of the crime, and of other earlier events, is intact. Most likely this is a case of: A) dissociative fugue. B) dissociative amnesia. C) dissociative identity (multiple personality) disorder. D) no mental disorder.


79. Dissociative fugues usually: A) follow a stressful event. B) end very gradually. C) have numerous recurrences. D) involve irrecoverable memory loss.


8. Someone who has Munchausen syndrome, also by definition, has: A) Munchausen by proxy. B) a factitious disorder. C) dissociative identity disorder. D) body dysmorphic disorder.


81. Which of the following is not an example of memory recovery techniques used by therapists? A) hypnosis B) journal writing C) imagining the event D) dream interpretation


82. An individual who had suffered from dissociative fugue likely would have experienced all of the following EXCEPT: A) relatively few aftereffects. B) a recurrence of the problem months or years later. C) a fairly sudden ending to the dissociative fugue state. D) a traumatic event.


83. Of the following disorders, the one for which an individual would least likely need therapy to avoid a recurrence and to recover lost memories is: A) depersonalization disorder. B) dissociative fugue. C) conversion disorder. D) dissociative amnesia.


84. A client who is talking calmly and rationally all of a sudden begins whining and complaining like a spoiled child. If that client suffers from true dissociative identity disorder, the client just experienced: A) host transfer. B) mutual cognizance. C) lability. D) switching.


85. A person with dissociative identity disorder has just experienced "switching." Which of the following MOST likely has happened? A) The host personality has put in a relatively rare appearance. B) The person has faked a change in personality. C) Two subpersonalities rapidly changed back and forth several times. D) The person has changed from one subpersonality to another.


86. One who suffers from dissociative identity disorder is MOST likely to be a: A) man who was physically abused as a child. B) woman who was physically abused as a child. C) man who was not physically abused as a child. D) woman who was not physically abused as a child.


88. When all of the subpersonalities in a person with dissociative identity disorder are aware of one another, it is termed a: A) co-conscious relationship. B) mutually cognizant pattern. C) one-way amnesic relationship. D) mutually amnesic relationship.


89. Raymond has multiple personality disorder. All of his subpersonalities talk about and tattle on each other. This is called a: A) co-conscious relation. B) mutually cognizant pattern. C) one-way amnesic relationship. D) mutually amnesic relationship.


9. A woman complains of an assortment of physiological ailments. You think that she is intentionally producing the physical symptoms in order to appear sick, which fills some psychological need. You would diagnose: A) factitious disorder. B) conversion disorder. C) generalized anxiety disorder. D) psychophysical disorder.


90. In a case of multiple personality, "Pat" is aware of the existence of "Jerry" and "Chris," but "Jerry" and "Chris" are not aware of the existence of the other personalities. This form of subpersonality relationship is called: A) one-way amnesic. B) mutually cognizant. C) mutually amnesic. D) co-conscious.


91. Juanita has multiple personality disorder. Big Tony and Smart Alice are two personalities who are aware of all of the others. None of her other personalities are aware of each other. This would be called a: A) co-conscious relationship. B) mutually cognizant pattern. C) one-way amnesic relationship. D) mutually amnesic relationship.


92. Jason has dissociative identity disorder. Fat Freddy and Carmen are two personalities who are aware of all of the others, but do not interact with them. Fat Freddy and Carmen would be described as: A) self-reliant. B) co-occurring. C) co-conscious. D) mutually cognizant.


93. Modern studies suggest that the average number of subpersonalities in cases of multiple personality in women is about: A) 8, and is lower for men. B) 8, and is higher for men. C) 15, and is lower for men. D) 15, and is higher for men.


94. An individual who formerly knew how to speak a foreign language and play a musical instrument can no longer remember how to as a result of a dissociative disorder. The dissociative disorder MOST likely is: A) dissociative fugue. B) dissociative amnesia. C) dissociative identity. D) Such memories are affected about equally by the dissociative disorders.


95. The best example of the subpersonalities in dissociative identity disorder differing in their vital statistics occurs when: A) one personality can drive or sew and another cannot. B) one personality has asthma and another does not. C) one personality has high blood pressure and another does not. D) one personality is a woman and another is a man.


96. Research on evoked potential with people with dissociative identity disorder has revealed that: A) different subpersonalities have shown different brain response patterns. B) people with dissociative identity disorder did not show different brain response patterns for subpersonalities. C) no differences were found in brain activity between controls and individuals with dissociative identity disorder. D) control subjects who were asked to pretend they had different personalities were able to create different brain response patterns for each subpersonality.


97. One very interesting study investigated the physiological responses of subpersonalities of those with dissociative identity disorder, and the physiological responses of the ìsubpersonalitiesî of those instructed to fake dissociative identity disorder. The study showed that the physiological responses of subpersonalities of those with dissociative identity disorder: A) differed from one another, as did those of the subpersonalities of those faking dissociative identity disorder. B) differed from one another, but the subpersonalities of those faking dissociative identity disorder did not. C) did not differ from one another, although the subpersonalities of those faking dissociative identity disorder did differ. D) did not differ from one another, nor did the subpersonalities of those faking dissociative identity disorder.


98. How do results from evoked potential studies support the idea of the existence of multiple personalities? A) Evoked potentials can be elicited iatrogenically by therapists. B) Different subpersonalities have been found to show different brain wave patterns. C) Nonpatients are able to fake results just like those diagnosed with multiple personalities. D) Only those with traumatic backgrounds produce evoked potentials.


99. In the United States, the number of diagnosed cases per year of dissociative identity disorder: A) has increased. B) has decreased. C) first increased, then decreased. D) first decreased, then increased.


87. Alexis has multiple personality disorder. When one of her personalities, Jodi, is asked about another one, Tom, she claims ignorance. Tom has never heard of Jodi either. This would be called a: A) co-conscious relationship. B) mutually cognizant pattern. C) one-way amnesic relationship. D) mutually amnesic relationship.


1. Just before debuting at Carnegie Hall, the pianist suffered paralysis of her left hand. Which of the following BEST describes her disorder? A) conversion disorder B) somatization disorder C) pain disorder associated with psychological factors D) preoccupation disorder


10. Sarah brings her young daughter into the emergency room with internal bleeding. The attending physician later concludes that Sarah caused the symptoms in her daughter intentionally, because of a need to gain attention and praise for her devoted care of her sick child. If this assessment is correct, Sarah would be diagnosed as having: A) a factitious disorder. B) a conversion disorder. C) Munchausen syndrome. D) Munchausen syndrome by proxy.


100. To what can we attribute much of the dramatic rise in the number of reported cases of dissociative identity disorder in recent years? A) less strict criteria for defining schizophrenia B) a growing belief that most cases of this disorder are iatrogenic C) a growing belief by clinicians that this is an authentic disorder D) the growing belief by clinicians that many women suffer from this disorder


101. In the past, dissociative identity disorder was most likely ìmisdiagnosedî as: A) schizophrenia. B) mental retardation. C) depersonalization. D) body dysmorphic disorder


102. A psychodynamic theorist would use repression as the chief explanation for all dissociative disorders except: A) dissociative identity disorder. B) dissociative fugue. C) dissociative amnesia. D) A psychodynamic theorist would use repression as the chief explanation for dissociative identity disorder, dissociative fugue, and dissociative amnesia.


103. Psychodynamic theorists believe that dissociative amnesias and fugues result from: A) projection. B) regression. C) repression. D) sublimation.


29. About what percentage of American men experience a somatic symptom disorder in a given year? A) less than 1percent B) 1 to 2 percent C) 3 to 4 percent D) over 5 percent


80. Of the following alternatives, which is best for differentiating dissociative amnesia from dissociative fugue? A) Those with dissociative fugue change where they live. B) Those with dissociative amnesia often develop amnesia without experiencing an upsetting event. C) Those with dissociative fugue experience a loss of semantic, rather than episodic knowledge. D) Those with dissociative amnesia experience a loss of semantic, rather than episodic, knowledge.

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