Accounting ch 1 + 2 quiz

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a set of unique qualities that makes us different from all other people.


a what is an accountant who has met specific education and experience requirements and has passed a national test? is it an Accountant clerk, business manager, financial auditor, CPA


making contacts with people to share information and advice.


recognition of a favorable act or achievement.

What kinds of information makes up a person's values system?

responsibility, achievement, relationships, compassion, courage, and recognition

what is a a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

someone who met a certain education and experience requirements passing the national average of a test.


the base, or basis on which something is built.

values, interests, personality, skills and attitudes, and education and training acceptable

the five sources of career information


the review of a company's accounting systems and financial statements to confirm that it follows generally accepted accounting principles.

responsibility, achievement, relationships, compassion, courage, and recognition

the six values most people share


the way a person uses your time, energy, and resources.


things that are useful to a person, sources of supply or support.

a broad range of responsibilities, making business decisions, and prepares and interprets financial reports. widely ranges of tasks, earn money either for themselves or others

what does an accountant do?

step 1 form a long term goal, find what interests you, get more information at job fairs

what is step 1 in mapping out a plan to achieve your career goals?

step 2 identify actions making a long term goal, identifying skills, education, or training needed and planning early

what is step 2 in mapping out a plan to achieve your career goals

step 3 taking action, making plans and executing those plans

what is step 3 in mapping out a plan to achieve your career goals

step 4, broadening skills, exploring different work environments

what is step 4 in mapping out a plan to achieve your career goals

step 5 looking for the long term goals, making and doing these steps to achieve a wanted career

what is step 5 in mapping out a plan to achieve your career goals?

a for-profit organization works to make the owners money whereas the non-for-profit organization works for other means rather than profits for the heads of the company.

what is the difference between a for-profit and a non-for-profit organization

an independent audit

what is the task that only a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) employed by a public accounting firm can do?

a modest pay and a possible position in the company once the internship is over

what would I expect in finding an internship

an office assistant in an accounting firm, whether I like it and be paid for it

what would expect to find in On-the-Job Training

find advice of what I like, personality test resources, and show your preferences in communicating with a guidance councilor

what would you expect from a guidance counselor

to find hard copies and what I tend to read a lot of should point me toward my interests

what would you expect from a public library?

forming résumé in internet

what would you expect from education and career information

information about careers in contacts

what would you expect from networking or shared advice

All of these library, internet, professional organizations

which of these is good for finding more information about making a good career choice: library, internet, professional organizations, all of these

Accountants are important to business and industry because they balance the budget,

why are accountants important to business and industry?


a person, who handles a broad range of responsibilities, making business decisions, and prepares and interprets financial reports.

Accountants routinely what a company's accounting systems and financial statements to make sure that they follow generally accepted accounting principles?


As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. what are the responsibilities of a government accountant?

Create budgets, examine revenue and expenses and analyze publicly funded programs. They must make sure that money collected through taxes and other forms of revenue are accounted for. Also examine all expenditures to verify

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. what are the roles of a Government Accountant?

Create, maintain, examine, audit, and analyze the accounting records of government agencies and private businesses which are regulated by the government. They verify the proper collection and spending of taxpayer money,

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. How does interests, skills, traits match the roles and responsibilities of accountants for general ledger accountant?

Ensure the accuracy and completeness of the company's accounting records

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. How does interests, skills, traits match the roles and responsibilities of accountants for General Ledger Accountants

Ensure the accuracy and completeness of the company's accounting records.

True or false accountants mostly spend their work hours adding and subtracting numbers


examining your personal interests and skills, examining your values and the connection to your field, the lifestyle which you want, and the connection between your personality and your career choice

How can you set career goals that are best for you?

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. what are the education requirements of an auditor?

Minimum of a bachelors degree in accounting or a related field. Auditors are usually CPAs and must meet education standards set forth by state boards of accountancy and the american institute of public accounting.

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. what are the education requirements of Government Accountants?

Minimum of a bachelors degree in accounting or related field. Some become a Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM)

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. what are the education requirements for Management Accountant

Minimum of a bachelors degree in accounting or related field. these don't serve the public directly are not licensed, and theres no state minimum requirements for education.

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. What are the rolls of auditors?

Provide statements and budget analysis, investment planning, technology advancement, and tax avoidance strategies

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. How does interests, skills, traits match the roles and responsibilities of management accountants

Record and analyze financial information inside the organization. Their role is to serve the needs of managers running the organization.

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. How does responsibilities for General Ledger Accountant

To ensure that all business transactions have been properly accounted for, accurately recorded, and completely reflected on the company's books. Main responsibility is to analyze and maintain the general ledger for preparation of financial statements.

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. what are the responsibilities of a management accountant

To provide cost and asset management, establishing production standards, performance evaluation, segment reporting, and planning and control.

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. what are the responsibilities of an auditor

To provide independent reports on clients' financial statements to ensure that statements follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

for-profit business

a business that operates to earn money for its owners.

public accounting firm

a business that provides a variety of accounting services including the independent audit.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

a licensed professional who has met certain education and experience requirements and passed a national test.


activities that a person does well

Steps for the educational requirements of accountants for CPAs?

all states require a potential CPA to pass the CPA exam to get a certificate and a license for that state, they must attend professional education based seminars, classes and conferences as a step to renewing their license

accounting clerk

an entry-level job that can vary from specializing in one part of the system to doing a wide range of tasks.

not-for-profit organization

an organization that operates for purposes other than making a profit.


are the principles a person lives by and the beliefs that are important to the person.


energetic; exciting.

guidance councilors, contacts, libraries, Internet, and organizations

five sources of career information

As you read chapter 1 there are many different career opportunities in accounting, including those described on figure 1-2 pgs. 17-18. How does interests, skills, traits match the roles and responsibilities of accountants for CPAs?

for a Certified Public Accountant to make recommendations to companies, committees running companies, and a group of committees for experimental systems and auditing methods to figure out people who are not complying to the standards.

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