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4(x + 5 ) + 4x +8 which of the following is equivalent to the expression above ? A. 4(2x +7) B. 8( x + 4) C. 5x +17 D. 8x + 13


Robert sells four different flavors of jam at an annual farmers market. the graph above shows the number of jars of each type of jam he sold at the market during the first two years. which flavor of jam had the greatest increase in a number of jars sold from year 1 to year 2? A. blueberry B. grape C. peach D. strawberry


in the xy-plane, a line crosses the y axis at the point (0,3) and passes through the point (4,5). which of the following is an equation of the line? A. y= 1/2x +3 B. y= 2x +3 C. y= 1/2x -4 D. y=2x-4


the volume of a right rectangular prism is found by multiplying the length of the base by the width of the base by the width of the base by the hight of the prism. a right rectangular prism has volume of 30 cubic inches. if the hight of the prism is 6 inches. if the base of the prism ? A. 5 square inches B. 24 square inches C. 36 square inches D. 180 square inches


3x-2y=15 x=3 the two lines given by the equations above intersect in the xy-plane. what is the value of the y-coordinate of the point of the intersection? A. -7 B. -3 C. 3 D. 7


L= (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 , 100 ) M= ( 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ) N= ( 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ) sets L,M,N are shown above. Which of the following sets represents L( M/N) ? A. (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 80, 100) B. (0, 10, 20, 40, 80, 100) C. (20, 40 ) D. (20)


water runs from a pump at a rate of 1.5 gallons per minute. at this rate, how long would it take to fill a tub with 150- gallon capacity? A. 10 minutes B. 100 minutes C. 225 minutes D. 2,250 minutes


which of the following fractions is equivalent to -6-(-9) / 8? A. -3/8 B. 3/8 C. -15/8 D. 15/8


which of the following values is equivalent to 5^-3? A. 1/15 B. 1/125 C. -15 D. -125


Jacoby followed a recipe that requires 2 cups of water for every 3 cups of flour. if he used 8 cups of flour, how many cups of water did he use ? A. 2 2/3 B. 4 C. 5 1/3 D. 12


the elevation at the summit of mount Whitney is 4,418 meters above sea level. climbers begin at trailhead that has an elevation of 2,550 meters above sea level. what is the change in elevation, to the nearest foot, between the trailhead and the summit? (1 foot= 0.3048 meters ) A. 569 ft B. 5,604 ft C. 6,129 ft D. 14,495 ft


the table above shows a survey of 50 registered voters in a city. each voter was asked whether they planned to vote yes or no on two different issues. if a voter who plans to vote yes on issue P is randomly selected, what is the probability that voter also plans to vote yes on issue Q? A. 0.16 B. 0.36 C. 0.40 D. 0.67


the table gives the population of the 5 largest countries in the European Union in the year 2014. which of the following is the closest to the mean population of these countries? A. 80.8 million B. 64.3 million C. 63.7 million D. 60.8 million


what is the solution to the equation ? 1/2x + 3/2(x+1)-1/4=5 A. 5/2 B. 13/8 C. 15/8 D. 17/8


which of the following expression is equivalent to (x^3 X x^2)^5 ? A. x^10 B. x^15 C. x^25 D. x^30


it took Khalid 90 minutes to complete 40 tasks. which of the following is an equivalent rate ? A. 10 tasks in 0.9 minutes B. 10 tasks in 2.25 minutes C. 10 tasks in 90 minutes D. 10 tasks in 22.5 minutes


the amount of money M, In dollars, Paul earns can be represented by the equation m=12.5h + 11, where h is the number of hours Paul works. which of the following is the best interpretation of the number 11 in the equation? A. the amount of money, In dollars, Paul earns each hour B. the total amount of money, in dollars, Paul earns after working h hours C. the total amount of money, in dollars, Paul earns after working for one hour D. the amount of money, in dollars, Paul earns in addition to an hourly wage


triangle PQR lies in the xy-plane, and the coordinates of vertex Q are (2, -3). triangle PQR is rotated 180 degrees clockwise about the origin and then reflected across the y-axis to produce P'Q'R', where vertex Q' corresponds to vertex Q of triangle PQR. what are the coordinates of Q? A. (-3,-2) B. (3,-2) C. (-2, 3) D. (2, 3)


what is the number of grams in 500 kilograms? ( 1 kilogram= 1,000 grams) A. 0.5 B. 5,000 C. 50,000 D. 500,000


which of the following expressions is 5 times as much as the sum of r and s A. 5 x r +s B. 5 + r + s C. r +s x 5 D. (r +s ) x 5


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