ACE-Health & Wellness Coach (CH. 9):
High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
"Good Cholesterol" Carries excess cholesterol from the arteries to the liver
"ADL" 5 primary movement patterns
1 bend and lift 2 single leg movement 3 upper body pulling 4 upper body pushing 5 rotation
6 skill related components of physical fitness
1. Agility 2. Balance 3. Coordination 4. Power 5. Speed 6. Reaction Time
5 health related components of physical fitness
1. cardiorespiratory endurance 2. muscular strength 3. muscular endurance 4. flexibility 5. body composition
Body Mass Index (BMI)
A measure of body fat that is the ratio of the weight of the body in kilograms to the square of its height in meters. (Based on height & weight)
American Council of Exercise Integrated Fitness Model
How many adults meet the physical guidelines for Americans?
Approximately 1 in 5
visceral fat
Deep fat that surrounds organs and other tissues
FITT-VP Principle
F: frequency I: intensity T: time (duration) T: type (mode of activity) V: volume (quantity) P: progression
What is the initial goal of physical activity?
Preparation health screening
Identity individuals: Who should receive medical clearance, w/clinical diseases and w/medical conditions that may require exclusion
body composition
Make up of the body - % of fat free mass (lean body mass) and body fat (fat mass)
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans - suggests?
Moderate intensity (at least 150 minutes per wk) Vigorous intensity (at least 75 minutes per wk)
What exercise program is there no volume?
Neuromotor exercise
Relationship between physical activity and health?
Primary prevention (to prevent the initial occurrence) Secondary prevention (intervention after the onset)
What is one of the factors that has been identified as an important risk modulator of exercise related events?
The desired exercise intensity
The termination of training and the subsequent rapid return to pre-training levels. "Use it or lose it"
What is the goal of the physical activity readiness questionnaire for everyone (PAR-Q+)?
To reduce unnecessary barriers to exercise
C-reactive protein (CRP)
a protein whose blood levels rise in response to inflammation
physical fitness
a set of physical attributes that allows a person to function at an optimal level (health & skill related)
a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem
a unit of energy equal to 1,000 calories
physical activity
any form of movement that causes your body to use energy (daily energy expenditute)
subcutaneous fat
fat stored directly under the skin (superficial)
function, health, fitness, performance (Integrated Fitness Model)
neuromotor exercise
incorporates balance, coordination, gait and agility (Recommended for older adults - reduce risk of falls)
planned, structured, repetitive movement intended to improve or maintain physical fitness
specificity of training principle
principle of strength development which says that only the muscles that are trained will adapt
progression overload
the gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise training