ACO Test 4 - Chapters 9,10,11,12

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conditions will be at or above the authorized landing minimums

14 CFR 121.613 states that an air carrier may not dispatch an IFR flight under the Part 121 unless the weather reports and forecasts indicate that at the time of arrival at the destination airport

A high minimums captain would need to increase the minimums to a MDA of 750 feet and a visibility of 1 1/4 SM

A high minimum is captain is planning on flying a LDA/DME approach to ABC airport. If the published minimums for the LDA/DME approach are MDA 650 feet and 3/4 statute mile visibility, what would be the captains minimums to fly this approach

a seating capacity of more than 19 passengers

Airplanes with ________________ must be equipped with a public address system that is capable of operation independent of the required crewmember interphone system


An air carrier may not dispatch an airplane under IFR or night VFR conditions when the current weather reports indicate that thunderstorms or other potentially hazardous weather conditions that can be detected with airborne weather radar may reasonably be expected along the route to be flown, unless the airborne weather data is working

last 30 minutes of each flight

Cockpit voice recorders are required to continuously record the

it is required that each passenger be seated and belts fastened during all movement on the surface

During ground operations

BOTH A AND B- the flight crew's station in the cockpit AND a position in the passenger compartment

Emergency lighting for interior or exterior use must be able to be controlled at

the cabin pressure altitude exceeds 10,000 feet

Flight crewmembers must be provided and use oxygen when


From the time the airplane moves in order to initiate 5 second through the end of that phone signal no person by unlock or open the flight deck door?

the ceiling is the ride by adding 200 feet to the higher category one hat of the two approaches used and a Vizza Bility is the ride by adding 1/2 statute mile to the higher authorized category one Landing minimum of the two approaches used

How are alternate airport weather minimum is to ride for an airport with at least two operational navigation of facilities, each providing a straight and non-precision approach procedure or a straight in precision approach procedure to different suitable runways

Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE)

If there is a Class A, B, or E cargo compartment on the airplane, what must be installed for the use of appropriate crewmembers?

on the ground with all landing gear extended

In considering the need for escape slides or similar evacuation means, the aircraft is assumed to be

must be secured in bins that can withstand 1.15 times the emergency landing G loads or, alternatively, the cargo may be properly restrained behind a bulkhead

In order to carry cargo on the passenger level in a passenger aircraft, the cargo

be of the Halon 1211 (or equivalent) type

In passenger carrying airplanes, at least two of the fire extinguishers must

120 minutes total operation

In the event of cabin pressurization failure, each flight crewmember must be provided with oxygen that allows for a total of

a landing is attempted with the gear not locked down

Landing gear aural warning devices must sound a warning if

Not for destinations Airport but it may file and use if needed a part 139 Airport as a takeoff for destinations alternate Airport.

May part 121 air carrier use other than part 139 certificated airport?

the exercise of authority over initiating, conducting, or terminating a flight

Operational control may be defined as

ground security coordinator

Prior to a flight, who is responsible for airplane security

Repair category be in operative items shall be repaired within three consecutive calendar days (72 hours) excluding the calendar day the malfunction was recorded in the aircraft maintenance log and or record

Repair "B" on a minimum equipment list requires in operative items to be repaired within what time interval

No it can't because 14 CFR 1 to 1.5 for one requires the airline to publish realistic schedules based on realistic evaluation of aircraft performance and prevailing winds that must also allow reasonable time for aircraft servicing

Since it is a given that passengers prefer the shortest time in Flight can a carrier public schedules to shorter than the competition for competitive advantage knowing that the actual flight will take longer than scheduled?

at first use of a checklist (before starting engines for the purpose of flight)

The cockpit voice recorder (CVR) is required to operate starting

Operator of the aircraft

The crew uses checklist procedures that are provided by the


The dispatch release document is used by supplemental operators while a flight release document is used by domestic and flag operations

25 hours of continuous data

The flight data recorder must continuously record


The inflight use of cigarettes or cigars is allowed only on flights with a scheduled time enroute of greater than 6 hours

The cockpit to cabin door must be closed and locked during flight

The pilot in command of a passenger carrying airplane that has a lockable carpet to Kevin door must ensure the door is closed and locked during which period of aircraft operations?

The aircraft is rotated for takeoff

The takeoff warning system of a transport category aircraft must operate from the initial portion of the takeoff (application of power) until

20 seats

To be used in Part 121 operations, aircraft must have flight crew emergency exits located in the flight area if they have a passenger seating capacity greater than

90 seconds or less

To be used in Part 121 operations, aircraft with more than 44 seats must be shown to be able to conduct an evacuation in

An air carrier's director of operations (DO), aircraft dispatcher, and/or PIC

Typically, the authority to dispatch or release a flight is held by which position(s)

None; the FAA allows high minimums captains to use the normal published takeoff minimums for the airport

What adjustment must be made for a high minimums captain's takeoff minimums?

A flight may not depart unless it has enough fuel to fly to the airport to which is dispatched, then fly to the most distant alternate if required, then fly for 45 minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption rates

What are the mandatory fuel requirements for part 121 domestic operations?

FAA Form 110A (FAA INSPECTOR'S ID) and FAA Form 8430-13 jumpseat form

What credentials must an FAA air carrier inspector possess to gain access to the flight deck?

Identification number of the aircraft, trip number, departure airport, intermediate stops, destination airport and alternate airports, a statement about the type of operation (e.g., VFR, IFR), minimum fuel supply, and weather reports and forecasts

What information is required to appear on a Part 121 domestic or flag operator's dispatch release form?

The period of flight including all ground operations involving taxi takeoff landing and all other flight operations conducted below 10,000 feet unless in level cruise

What is the definition of a critical phase of flight?

No difference. Domestic, flag, and supplemental load manifests must contain identical information

What is the main difference between the load manifest used in domestic and flag operations and the load manifest used in supplemental operatons?

The pilot flying is primarily responsible for flying aircraft in accordance with the approved operational procedures.

What is the primary responsibility of the pilot?

And air carrier may allow a passenger to carry and operate oxygen equipment as long as the carrier supplies the necessary equipment

What precautions must an air carrier take when transporting a passenger that requires medical oxygen?

The appropriate Ops spec's paragraph

Where can I dispatch our flight crew member look to determine that the carrier is authorized to fly to a certain area?

Class C

Which cargo compartment on a passenger airplane has fire extinguishing equipment built into the compartment that is controllable from the cockpit

While descending discussing the abnormal procedure dealing with the fact that the flaps are not deploy

Which crew activity would be allowed by the sterile cockpit rule assuming the aircraft is in a critical phase of life

All transport category passenger-carrying airplanes

____________________ must have an emergency lighting system, for interior emergency exit markings. This system must be independent of the main lighting system.

flight level 250

If one pilot leaves his station at the controls, it is necessary for the other pilot to don his or her oxygen mask if the aircraft is above

The detection system must provide a visual warning indication to the flight crew within one minute after the start of a fire.

If the aircraft is certificated with cargo or baggage compartment smoke or fire detection equipment, the following must be met for each cargo or baggage compartment

English language demonstrated proficiency card

Which document is not required to be carried by a pile in Park 121 operations?

The flight crew may continue the approach to DA/DA or MDA. In order to land the aircraft the flight disability must not be less than a Vizza Bility prescribed in the standard instrument approach procedure being used

A JetBlue flight crew find a cat one ILS approach, on glidepath, and just inside the final approach fix, is told by the tower that the weather for the intended runway has just dropped below minimums. What a must this flight crew do?


Class D cargo compartment are not accessible during flight and are designed with a protective liner allowing the compartment to be used to ship cargo containing lithium or NiCad batteries.

are interconnected but may be operated separately in an emergency

Transport category aircraft elevators typically


A blue cockpit annunciator light would indicate

4 fire extinguishers

An aircraft with 254 passenger would require

Lanie are playing at the nearest suitable airport in point of time at which a safe landing can we meet and notify the appropriate ATC facility as soon as practical after the engine failure or flight shut down

Erica suffers engine failure or an engineer shut down in Flight as a precautionary measure to prevent possible damage the pilot in command is required to do what two things?

the aircraft takes off

The rule requiring all required, installed equipment to be operative is violated when


The verification program that contains the employment security information for determining if an individual is authorized by the FAA to occupy an Aircast for the jumpseat operation is called...

None of the above

To who made the Director of operations designated by the certificate holder as responsible for operational control delegate responsibility for ensuring operational control over issues such as initiating conducting or terminating of flight

BOTH A AND B - flight control department, contractor such as another air carrier

To whom may the person is designated by the certificate holder as responsible for operational control delegate the functions of operational control such as initiating conducting or terminating a filght

all turbine-powered aircraft with a maximum certificated takeoff weight of more than 33,000 pounds

Traffic alert and collision avoidance system II (TCAS II) equipment is required for

8,000 ft

Under normal operating conditions, the pressurized cabin of a Part 121 aircraft must maintain a maximum cabin pressure altitude of

When weather conditions are such that an aircraft departs an airport with takeoff minimums below the departure airport's landing minimums in the certificate holder's ops specs.

When is a departure airport alternate airport required prior to the departure of a flight operating under Part 121

A and C are both correct. In conjunction with operating the aircraft for example to check the cabin for the poor of humans in the cabin, to stretch his or her legs after a period at the control on the transatlantic flight.

When may require flight deck crew member lead the assigned duty station?

Only when it's use is directly related to the operation of the aircraft or for emergency safety related or certain employment related communications

When me a pilot use his or her personal electronic device while on duty?

a ceiling is derived by adding 400 feet to the authorized category one hat or HAA and Vizza Bility is derived by adding one statue mile to the authorized category one landing minimum.

How are alternate airport weather minimum is derived for an airport with one operational navigational facility providing a straight and non-precision approach procedure or a straight and precision approach procedure or a circling maneuver from an instrument approach procedure

When the destinations weather is not forecast to be, from one hour before schedule arrival until one hour after, a ceiling of 2000 feet and 3 statute miles visibility

In part 121 domestic operations when is a destination alternate airport required

Hey second alternate is needed if using exemption 3585

Under what conditions must a second alternate be filed prior to flight departing for its destination?

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