ACSM Test Prep

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Bill and Sarah have both followed a strength program for several years. What is the most likely difference between these two clients?

Bill will have greater muscle mass gains than Sarah

Which of the following is the least accurate method of measuring body compositon?

Biolectrical impedance

The study of motion and the causes of motion on the human body is known as which of the following areas of knowledge?


During an incline bench press, where should the spotter's hands be placed when aiding the lifter?

Between the lifter's hands

Which of the following is regulated by the autonomic nervous system inside the human body?

Blood shunting, breathing, digestion, and heart rate

Which of the following physiological variables will increase with physical activity for previously untrained individuals at both submaximal and maximal effort exercises?

Blood volume

Which of the following formulas is correct when calculating fat mass?

Body fat percentage * scale weight = fat mass

Which of the following should not be included in a resume when applying for a personal trainer position?

Family members as references

During the first five yards of the forty yard dash, where must the base of support move in relation to the center of gravity?

Farther from the center of gravity

Which of the following types of muscle actions can produce the most force?

Fast eccentric contraction

Which nutrient plays a significant tole in satiety control?


BMI is limited when used with athletes because it does not consider which of the following physical parameters?

Fat free mass and fat distribution

Body Mass Index is limited when used with athletes because it does not consider which of the following physical parameters?

Fat free mass and fat distribution

A client is using bio electrical impedance to measure body composition. Which substance in the body provide the highest impedance to the electrical current?

Fat tissue

To avoid an injury with free weights, what must a personal trainer constantly be looking for?


Which of the following nutrients should not be consumed during exercises?


Which of the following is not a location to measure pulse through palpation?

Femoral artery

Which of the following is not a characteristic of type I muscle fibers compared to type II muscle fibers?

Fewer capillaries

Seated or supine exercises require the athlete to establish and maintain which type of body position?

Five-point contact position

Which of the following is a basic component of a personal training session?

Flexibility, Warm-up, Cool-down, and conditioning

Which two phases of a stride are present in both accelerating and maximum velocity sprinting?

Flight and support

Which of the following sensory receptors is not important for controlling movement?

Foliate papillae

Stretches that work the hips include which of the following exercises?

Forward lunge (fencer) and the supine knee flex

When progressing cardiorespiratory exercise, which variable should be increased last?


Which of the following is not one of the three general principles for designing a resistance training program?


The catch position of the barbell clean mimics which of the following exercises?

Front squat

Which type of foods should a client consume to ensure they obtain an adequate amount of vitamins?

Fruits and vegetables

The style of training that emulates movements during one's everyday life is called which of the following?

Functional training

During a seated calf raise, which muscle is involved and which movement is taking place?

Gastrocnemius and plantar flexion

The measure of the effect carbohydrates has on a person's blood sugar level is known as which of the following indexes?

Glycemic index

Of the following strategies to enhance adherence to an exercise program, which would be considered behavioral?

Goal setting

What tool is used to assess the range of motion from every join?


Where can a personal trainer train potential clients?

In a client's home, private fitness facility, commercial fitness facility, and outdoors

In which stretch should one shift their weight back with the buttocks high in the air, making an inverted V with the body?


Which of these forms serve to protect a trainer from litigation?

Incident Report, Assumption of risk, Informed consent, Release of Waiver of Liability

What's the name of the form that trainers should use to document an accident?

Incident report

Which of the following characteristics cannot be attributed to fast twitch muscle fibers?

Increased fat oxidation

Which of the following is not a benefit of including a comprehensive warm-up?

Increased force production capabilities in trained musculature

Which of the following is not a benefit of eating many, smaller meals for a client whose goal is fat loss?

Increased lipid burning enzymes

Which of the following is not a benefit of performing plyometric training?

Increased muscular size

Which of the following is not a benefit of regular physical activity?

Increased stress

Which of the following is not a method of progressive overload for resistance training exercises?

Increasing the rest periods

Which classification within the realm of a Personal Trainer works autonomously of any other business entity?

Independent Personal Trainer

What business model involves a personal trainer operating his own business within a larger fitness facility?

Independent contractor

Which of the following terms describes a trainer who owns their own company but still works as a personal trainer for a third-party?

Independent contractor

Aside from slip and fall claims, what is the next most common claim made against trainers and fitness facilities?

Injuries from using equipment

Which variable is increased throughout linear periodization?


Which of the following is not part of the model of behavior change counseling?


Those who choose not to eat animal products may be at risk of being deficient in which mineral?


Jane is a 25-year-old endurance athlete. She consumes a strict vegetarian diet and does not take supplements. Which of the following supplements should Jane be taking for optimal running performance?

Iron and cobalamin (B12)

When choosing a training niche, which of the following questions does need to be considered?

Is this the biggest market available?

During a push-up, a client moves upward at one meter per second throughout the upward phase. Which of the following describes the type of muscle action displayed?


Which of the following statements about characteristics of the most common joint type found in the body is false?

It allows for very little movement

As client improves their fitness, what will occur with their resting heart rate measurement?

It will decrease

What are names of the two health and fitness scientists who created the popular 3-site skin fold formula?

Jackson and Pollock

Which of the following exercises would be the most appropriate for a client wishing to increase the speed of contraction in the lower body?

Jump squat

In a fitness center, where is a Personal Trainer's primary source of business?

Membership base

Which of the following best describes the amount of vertical displacement of the bar during descent of countermovement of the jerk exercise?

Minimal (2-4 cm)

When advertising your training services, which benefit can you market to a potential client?

More productive workouts, achieve greater results, achieve quicker results, and reduces injuries

A strain is an injury to which of the following structures of the body?

Muscle of tendon

Which sensory receptor is stimulated during the eccentric portion of a plyometric movement?

Muscle spindle

Which of the following is not one the three primary goals of resistance training?

Muscular definition

Carrying professional liability insurance will protect a personal trainer from which of the following situations?

Negligence, breach of contract, breach of duty, and sexual harassment

To prevent claims of sexual harassment, what actions should a Personal Trainer consistently perform?

Not date a client, manually move clients with the hands, give a client a hug before and after every training session, and perform body composition measurements behind closed doors

What in the body is not comprised of protein?

Not enzyme, muscle, hormone, and brain tissue

What is lacking in a client's goal of "eating more vegetables daily for the next month?"

Not specific enough

Which of the following is not a factor in the relative contribution of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism during exercise?

Not stroke volume, muscle capillary density, ventilation, and intensity of activity

Why is it important to know a client's exercise history?

Not to determine if they are worth your time, determine if the client has any cardiovascular disease risk factors, recycle their old training program, or assess their laziness

Which of the following nutrients is the most important?

Not water, protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins

Which is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease?

Obesity, Smoking, Hypertension, and Family History

During which stage of the initial client consultation should the Personal Trainer be prepared to respond to objections?

Obtaining client commitment

During which stage of the initial client consultation should the personal trainer be prepared to respond to objections?

Obtaining client commitment

Which of the following subjective findings during an initial consultation may lead a personal trainer to add a postural evaluation to the comprehensive fitness assessment?

Occupation that includes extended periods of sitting

In which season is the priority low for sports practice and high for resistance training?


Which of the following is an example of a "push" promotion for a fitness professional?

Offering a free training session for every ten sessions purchased

Who would benefit the most from using the rating of perceived exertion to assign cardiorespiratory exercise intensity?

Older adults

Which of the following does not measure force output at a high velocity?

One rep maximum bench press

When can a trainer discuss their client's private information publicly?

Only when given consent

Which of the following is not one of the three major types of muscle found within the body?


According to the social cognitive theory, what are the two most important factors of behavior change?

Outcome expectations and self-efficacy

Which energy system can use carbohydrates, fat, or protein as a fuel source?

Oxidative system

Which of the following increases at the beginning of exercise when comparing high-intensity running to low-intensity running?

Oxygen deficit

Which of the following types of stretching involves assistance from the personal trainer?

Passive stretching

Beyond a visual inspection to ensure a safe training environment, what other assessment of the facility can a Personal Trainer do to minimize risk?

Perform an actual use test

Which of the following is the least likely to result in overtraining syndrome?

Performing a very high intensity training session

Which principle of resistance training is imperative to overtraining prevention and ensuring continued improvement?


Which strategy of designing training programs involves systematic variation of the training parameters in order to maximize their effect?


Which of the following is not one of the P's of marketing?


In addition to hand position, what other factor is important in determining grip?

Placing the hands at the appropriate distance from each other

Which of the following is a type of resistance that can be used for strength training?

Pneumatic resistance machines, bands or cords, free weights, and bodyweight

During static stretching, to what point is the muscle passively taken for thirty seconds?

Point of tension

Finding a niche within the fitness professional marketplace includes all except which one of the following aspects?

Positive approach of fitness professional

Of the following exercises, which should be performed first during a resistance training session?

Power Clean

Exposing a client to the risks of unhealthy eating and a sedentary lifestyle is most effective for those in which stage of change?


Which stage of readiness to change is characterized by the change being planned within the next 30 days?


During which stage of change is the personal trainer responsible to for helping the client set realistic goals and expectations?

Preparation stage

Why are most exercises performed with the feet pointed straight ahead?

Prevents injury, allows for more force production, is a more stable position, and allows for greater range of motion

Which of the following is not a method of ensuring client safety?

Programming a specific exercise to treat pain

Which of the following sets of forms can be used to prove the safety and effectiveness of a personal trainer's exercise program?

Progress notes

Which of the following is not a method of reducing risk when using weight machines for exercise?

Progressing the intensity every exercise session

Which of the following grips is used when performing a bench press exercise?


What risk management factor is the most important when using cardiovascular equipment with new clients?

Proper instruction and supervision

Which method of minimizing risk is not regulated by the law in every state?

Proper qualifications

What should a trainer do before offering to spot their client?

Properly set up the equipment, demonstrate the exercise to be performed, and ask if they can touch the client

If a nutritional supplement includes leucine on its list of ingredients, which physiological mechanisms would it stimulate during exercise?

Protein synthesis and protection from muscle catabolism during exercise

What is the main function of carbohydrates in the body?

Provides energy for the body

Which of the following is not a method of better verbal communication with a potential client?

Providing a scientific information about a client's barriers

A health and fitness professional cannot be involved in which of the following nutrition topics with their clients?

Providing specific meal plans

Which of the following would not be included in a comprehensive fitness assessment?

Psychological evaluation

At what place in the body is the concentration of oxygen in the blood the highest?

Pulmonary vein

Which of the following is not considered a measurement of body composition?

Pulse measurements

During the upward movement phase of the step-up exercise, which of the following is an appropriate recommendation to make regarding proper technique?

Push down on the top of the box with the leading foot

Which of the following ordering of exercises is considered ideal when designing resistance training programs?

Push press, bench press, triceps press-down

If a client was looking to improve their muscular endurance what test should their personal trainer recommend to assess progress?

Push-Up Test

Which of the following field cardiorespiratory fitness tests would provide the least accurate prediction of VO2 max?

Queen's College Step Test

The amount of available motion that occurs at a specific joint is known as which of the following terms?

Range of motion

In order to increase the likelihood of obtaining a new client during the consultation and assessment period, which of the following must be developed?

Rapport between the client and the personal trainer

What does the "R" stand for in the SMART acronym?


During which of the following aspects of training does the adaptation process take place?


During the Queen's College Step Test, what is measured in order to assess cardiorespiratory fitness?

Recovery heart rate

What recommendations for improving flexibility should be made for a client with arthritis?

Reduction of intensity and duration during inflammation, daily stretching sessions, stretch during the time of day when pain is least severe, and extended warm-ups

What type of training can improve neuromuscular control, endurance, tissue tensile strength, and metabolic efficiency?

Resistance training

Pushing a weighted sled would be considered which type of method for improving one's speed?

Resisted sprinting

Which of the following systems includes the nose, trachea, and lungs?

Respiratory system

Which of the following activities requires approximately 3.5 mL of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute?


During a assessment that includes a 1.5 mile run, 1 RM bench press, vertical jump, sit and reach, and resting blood pressure, which test should occur first?

Resting blood pressure

When assessing a client, which of the following should be considered first?

Resting heart rate

After a welcoming and introductory talk, what is the next step of an initial client consultation?

Review the agenda and content of the consultation

The sagittal plane divides the body into which of the following halves?

Right and left

Which chamber of the heart is responsible for delivering blood to the lungs for gas exchange?

Right ventricle

What is the first step in the screening process before beginning a new exercise regime?

Risk classification

Which of the following must be covered when obtaining a client's informed consent?

Risks associated with the training program

What is the best type, that is recommended by the ACSM, of behavioral goal to set to achieve results?


A trainer should have ongoing training in which of the following areas?

Safety, First Aid and CPR, Health and Fitness, Exercise Science

Which of the following is not a fixed cost business expense?


Which of the following would be considered a "high quality" or complete protein?


Which of the following formula is correct when calculating lean body mass?

Scale weight - fat mass = lean body mass

Which of the following exercises is the least appropriate to follow a warm-up?

Seated dumbbell overhead press

A client has complained of knee pain during the front lunge exercise, which of the following courses of action is appropriate?

Select an easier, safer upper leg exercise, modify the front lunge exercise, discontinue lower body training for the session, and discontinue using the front lunge exercise

Which factor related to adherence involves the planning, organizing, and tracking of physical activity?


Which of the following practices of a Personal Trainer could be considered unethical?

Selling ergogenic aids

Which of the following is not an effective method of minimizing risk?

Selling supplements

Which areas of the body can be injured when performing the lat-pull down exercise with a bar behind the neck?

Shoulder and cervical spine

Which of the following indicates correct landing position during plyometric exercises?

Shoulders over knees; knees over toes

Where is the bottom position of the dumbbell chest press exercise?

Side of the upper chest

Which of the following dynamic flexibility exercises occurs in the frontal plane?

Side shuffle

Which of the following assessments is designed to measure range of motion?

Sit and reach

Which of the following is the most commonly used flexibility test?

Sit and reach test

A client is training with 85% of their maximum load. How many exercises are they estimated to be able to perform with this load?


How many different classes of nutrients are available for consumption to aid in human function?


What type of exercise would not be recommended for any adult with a regular exercise program but only average physical fitness?


Which piece of equipment is most appropriate when performing a body composition measurement?

Skinfold calipers

Which theory of behavior change puts an emphasis on the client's thoughts and feelings?

Social cognitive theory

Which of the following individuals is most likely to adhere to exercise?

Someone who values his or her life

What does the "S" stand for in the SMART acronym?


__________ is used when measuring blood pressure and __________ sounds are heard.

Sphygmomanometer and Korotkoff sounds

Which of the following training types is not intended to improve power?

Sprint drills

Which of the following resistance training exercises would be the most effective for an obese client?


Tony, a 56 year old male, has a blood pressure of 165 mm Hg, which classification of resting blood pressure is he within?

Stage 2 Hypertension

Which biomechanical response occurs during the gait of a client who has sprained their ankle?

Stance phase of two limbs are not equal

Which of the following endurance exercise modes is the most appropriate for a beginner client with type II diabetes who may have peripheral neuropathy?

Stationary bike

What happens to a muscle during an isometric contraction?

Stays the same length while contracting

Other than ensuring that the training surface is dry, what can a Personal Trainer do to eliminate falls during and exercise session?

Store equipment that is not in use

Which of the following are two examples of groin stretches?

Straddle and butterfly

The amount of blood ejected per heart beat is known as which of the following terms?

Stroke volume

Which physiological measure will increase only through lower submaximal exercise intensities and possibly decrease at maximal exertion?

Stroke volume

Which of the following is not a common site of skinfold measurement?


Which type of grip is being utilized when a client's palms are up and their knuckles are down?

Supinated or underhand grip

Litigation involving Personal Trainer violations of scope of practice most commonly occur with which product or service?

Supplement recommendations

Claims pertaining to violations of scope of practice commonly occur for trainers when they give advice on which of the following topics?


Which of the following is not a barrier to beginning an exercise regimen?

Support of friends and family

Which of the following skinfolds involves taking a diagonal fold in order to obtain an accurate reading?


Which of the following tests are the most sport-specific to women's field hockey?

T-Test and 40-yard sprint

What are the two most common tests used to measure agility?

T-Test and Pro Agility Test

Dan had two resting blood pressure readings, 122/88 mm Hg and 130/95 mm Hg taken five minutes apart. What should occur next during the assessment process?

Take another blood pressure reading

To design the most effective marketing plan, what must the fitness professional completely understand?

Target customer

Which of the following gives a client guidance with the desired speed of a repetition?


Which of the following is not a purpose of performing a physical fitness assessment?

To share the information with others

What is the primary goal of resistance training with and unstable surface?

To strengthen the stabilizing muscles

Which of the following is not a reason to chart every workout for a client?

To understand what to charge a client

Failing to provide a safe premises as a Personal Trainer is an example of breaking which area of law?

Tort law

A market niche should be based on which of the following factors?

Training need, client type, potential income of the niche, and training location

Which of the following is the least healthy form of lipids?

Trans fats

Which of the following modes of endurance exercises is most appropriate for an overweight client with no previous training experience?

Treadmill walking

The Jackson-Pollock three site formula for calculating percent body fat uses three measurement sites around a female client's body. Where are these skin fold measurement sites?

Triceps, suprailiac, and thigh

Specific incidents or situations that cause an individual to act are called which of the following?


Putting chains on the ends of a barbell during a bench press adds which of the following forms of resistance?

Variable resistance

A client wants to contract their muscle fully throughout their range of motion, which resistance training modality should they use?

Variable resistance devices

Which of the following is least likely to be affected by endurance or cardiorespiratory training?


What is the best coaching method when introducing a new exercise?

Verbal explanation followed by a physical demonstration

Which of the following foods or drugs does not need to be avoided leading up to a cardiovascular fitness test?

Vitamin C

Which of the following is not considered a fat soluble vitamin?

Vitamin C

Which of the following nutrient is not a concern for a vegetarian client?

Vitamin C

Which of the following vitamins does not require lipids to function properly?

Vitamin C

Which of the following is the most accurate method for a client to measure their training stress?


Which of the following circumferences is most associated with increased risk of disease and illness?


Which of the following are the two primary types of vitamins?

Water and fat soluble

Which two nutrients aid in maintaining the fluid balance of the body?

Water and protein

During a back squat exercise, a client's knees continually rotate inward despite repeated cueing. What is the most likely cause of this technique flaw?

Weak hip external rotators

When more calories are consumed than expended, what is the body's response?

Weight gain

During the initial consultation, which of the following questions would best build rapport with a client?

What do you enjoy about exercising?

When is it important for a trainer to recommend a client seek medical advice after a training session?

When an injury has occurred

When is it appropriate for a trainer to recommend a client seek medical advice after the pre-screening phase?

When an undisclosed medical condition is discovered

When would a client require medical supervision of a maximal exercise test?

When in the high risk classification

When is an initial clearance from a physician required to begin an exercise program?

When necessary

When should a trainer obtain medical clearance from a physician for their client?

When the client has any serious health condition that hasn't been evaluated by a physician, when beginning an exercise program for the first time, when the client has several health conditions, and when the client has medications that effect their exercise

Which of the following is the most valid test to measure the energy system development of a hockey player?

Wingate Test

When manually recording a client's pulse, where is the preferred location of measurement?


Which of the following joints is not proximal to the elbow?


Which of the following is not a sign or symptom suggestive of cardiovascular, pulmonary or metabolic disease?

Wrist edema

Which of the following is not a sign or symptom suggestive of cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disease?

Wrist edema

Which of the following statements about client confidentiality is true?

Written authorization is required to release any client information

Which risk management strategy is considered the first line of defense?

Written policies and procedures

The one repetition squat test can be categorized as what type of assessment?

performance test

During an initial client contact it is discovered that their schedule conflicts with your available times. What is the next appropriate course of action?

refer to another appropriate health and fitness professional

Which of the following aids in providing great customer service as a personal trainer?

take ownership of complaints

Which of these hormones are considered anabolic hormones?

testosterone, growth hormone, insulin, and thyroid hormone

Why is it important to have the client in a relaxed state when taking resting blood pressure measurements?

to eliminate false elevated readings

What is the most widely used measurement for cardiopulmonary fitness?

VO2 Max

At which BMI is a client considered to have a high risk of disease?

Between 30 and 34.99

What skill is not required for a personal trainer training manager?

Equipment repair and maintenance

When a client performs and exercise they move the 50 lb. barbell 1.5 ft. during each repetition. How much work have they performed if they do 4 sets of 6 repetitions?

1800 lb. ft

Personal Trainer's should provide exercise information in a manner that relates to which of the following factors?

Based on scientific evidence

What is the target heart rate of a client who has a maximum heart rate of 195, a resting heart rate of 65, and wants to exercise at 80% intensity?

169 bpm

Which of the following will build a relationship with a customer and allow for providing a great service?

Be sincere with all clients

Which of the following is the highest body mass index that would be considered underweight?


Which of the following waist-to-hip ratios would be considered an elevated risk of disease for a male client?


Which weightlifting test best predicts total dynamic strength?

1 RM Bench Press

Which of the following tests would be the least valid for young athlete with no training experience?

1 rep max back squat

A client has an average daily energy expenditure of 2,500 calories. What must his daily caloric intake be in order to lose 10 lbs over the next five weeks?

1,500 calories

Which of the following tests is the most valid for a cross-country runner?

1.5 Mile Run

For the assessment of a previously sedentary client, which of the following assessments is the least appropriate to conduct?

1.5 mile run

How long should a proper cool-down period last?

10 minutes

When a motor unit is triggered, what percentage of that motor unit is utilized when performing exercises with a load half of one's maximum?


Which of the following cardiorespiratory fitness assessments is the least appropriate for a client with a BMI of 33.2?

12 Minute Run

What is the ideal maximum number, in millimeters, for systolic blood pressure?

120 mm Hg

What is the target heart rate of a 35-year old client who is looking to run at 70% intensity?

130 bpm

What is the lean body mass of a 180 lb, 35-year-old female client with a body fat percentage of 22%?

140 lbs

What is the recommended amount of personal liability insurance a trainer should carry at all times?

2 Million

When a client performs a set of depth jumps for 12 seconds, what is the minimum amount of time the client should rest?

2 minutes

What is the recommended minimum number of days per week to participate in stretching activities?

2 to 3

A decrease in exercise performance can occur with a loss of how much fluid?

2% of bodyweight

Dave has been training for 3 months and currently has a 1 RM Bench Press of 300lb., which of the following loads is most appropriate for Dave to use to train for muscle hypertrophy?

225 lb

What is the BMI for a client who is 2 meters tall and weighs 100 kg?


Which of the following protein caloric intakes would be appropriate for a 135 lb male marathon runner?

295 kcal

How many steps are involved in the process of exercise programming?


Which of the following is an appropriate rest period for a client performing a few repetitions of a heavy load during the bench press exercise?

3 minutes

Your client is performing his attempts at the 1 RM bench press. What is the minimum amount of time that should be given between attempts?

3 minutes

Which of the following set and repetition prescriptions is the most likely to result in muscle hypertrophy?

3 sets of 10 reps

How long should trainers keep records of their client's medical history?

3 to 5 years

Obesity can be defined as having a minimum Body Mass Index greater than which number?


When programming anaerobic capacity intervals at 85% of maximum heart rate or higher, which of the following interval lengths would be the most appropriate?

30 seconds

With a goal of weight loss, what is the recommended decrease in calories per day?


When a client is performing a biceps curl with a ten-pound weight and the weight moves a total of one meter per repetition, what is the total work for three sets of ten?

300 lb*m

With a goal of weight gain, how many additional calories should be consumed per day?

300 to 400

Which of the following prescriptions of volume, and load is the least appropriate for pregnant women?

4 sets of 4 reps with 85% load

What is the VO2 of a client with a heart rate of 140 beats per minute, a stroke volume of 250 milliliters per heartbeat, and a arterial-venous oxygen difference of 12 milliliters of oxygen per 100 milliliters of blood?

4,200 milliliters per minute

Which test is recommended to measure sprint speed?

40 yard dash

A female client who weighs 110 lb and does not participate in any extraneous activity should consume how much daily carbohydrate?

400 grams

Approximately how much recovery time should be given between resistance training sessions for a given muscle group?

48 hours

How many stages are identified in the process of a client's "readiness to change"?


How many stages are identified in the process of a client's "readiness to change?"


How long should a proper warm-up period last?

5 to 10 minutes

Which of the following endurance activity intensities is appropriate for a beginner client?

50% of VO2 max

What is the standard duration of the Astrand-Rhyming Submaximal Cycle Ergometer test?

6 minutes

When designing a flexibility training session, how much volume (in time) should be included per muscle group?

60 seconds

What is the recommended daily protein intake for a 32-year-old, 220 lb male who does not compete in any sports?

80 grams

How many kilograms does a 175 lb man weigh?

80 kg

Which of the following percentages of one's maximum heart rate is most appropriate as a target heart rate for a client looking to train at his lactate threshold?


In order to take the most accurate skin fold measurements, how many sites would the trainer need to consider?


From a litigation standpoint, why are the obligations and duties of a fitness facility heightened?

A fitness facility is a business/invitee relationship

An emergency preparedness policies and procedures does not need to include which of the following aspects?

A manual for writing injury prevention exercise programs

Which of the following allows a personal trainer to distinguish his/her product?

Becoming an expert in training the elderly population

Which of the following molecules directly provides the energy needed to form myosin cross-bridges?


Which energy system is predominantly used during high intensity exercises?


Which structure in the heart allows the ventricles to fill with blood before contraction occurs?

AV node

During the upward phase of the overhead press, which movement is the shoulder joint mainly performing?


To provide excellent customer service, what level should a personal trainer perform at?

Above customer expectations

During which phase of running should the body lean slightly forward?


A personal Trainer can use which of the following strategies to help improve a client's self-efficacy?

Access social support

A personal trainer can use which of the following strategies to help improve a client's self-efficacy?

Access social support

A loss of which neurotransmitter would prevent the nerve impulse from traveling from the motor nerve to the muscle itself?


Which of the following nutrition guidelines applies only those looking to gain lean body mass?

Achieve a positive caloric balance

Which of the following is the best potential client to approach and offer training services?

Acquaintances, previous clients, sedentary individuals, and healthy individuals

During which stage of change is overcoming barriers and distractions the most important aspect?


Rewarding a client for reaching a goal is most effective for those in which of the following stages of change?


What does the acronym ATP stand for?

Adenosine Triphosphate

Which of the following marketing strategies has the lowest return on investment?


Which of the following is not an important form to minimize risk for a Personal Trainer?

Advertising flyer

Utilizing a resistance training program only will least likely result in the following improvement?

Aerobic endurance

A previously untrained female has the following testing results: Partial Curl-Up: 15 Push-Up: 4 Sit and Reach: 15 centimeters 1.5 Mile Run: 7 minutes Which of the following parameters will not need to be addressed in her training program?

Aerobic energy system

When should a comprehensive fitness assessment take place when consulting with a new potential client?

After a medical history and other general subjective information is gathered

When should a Personal Trainer recommend an appropriate training package to a new client?

After the goals are verbalized and assessments completed

When should flexibility training occur for a client whose goal is to improve strength and power?

After the training session

Which of the following athletic abilities should a client work on if they one rep max squatted 500 lbs, one rep max bench pressed 350 lb, vertically jumped 30 inches and had a pro agility time of 6 seconds?


When programming resistance training, what two types of exercises must be included to ensure muscular balance?

Agonist and antagonist

When a client is experiencing DOMS, which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome is he experiencing?

Alarm reaction stage

Which of the following would be an incorrect technique for the leg extension exercise?

Allow the buttocks to leave the seat during the downward movement phase

Which of the following is not a method of empowering Personal Trainers by a manager or employer?

Allowing Personal Trainers to establish the policies of the facility

Where and how does gas exchange occur between the outside air and the bloodstream?

Alveoli and diffusion

Which of the following does not contribute to joint stability?

Amount of synovial fluid

Which of the following is an impedance of progress of achieving goals?

An obstacle

The universal term used to describe regions and spatial relationships of the body is known as which of the following?

Anatomical position

Which of the following is a sign that the client may be experiencing stress?

Anger, negative self-talk, anxiety, and nervous twitching

Which condition is a potential symptom for cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disease?

Ankle edema

The tibialis anterior is considered which type of muscle during a calf press exercise?


In a fitness facility, who must be certified in CPR and AED use?

Any staff responsible for working directly with exercise participants

Which of the following is within the scope of practice for a trainer?

Applying first aid techniques

Which of the following may serve to decrease rapport with a current client?

Arriving late for a training session

Which of the following must be performed before sharing nutritional advice with a client?

Ask permission to share the advice

What does a "spot" mean during a resistance exercise?

Assistance with an exercise

When should a referral to a medical professional occur with a client?

At any time

Which population is the most likely to benefit from creatine supplementation?


What does the "A" stand for in the SMART acronym?


A client lacks triceps strength, which of the following exercises is most appropriate to include in their exercise program?

Bench Press

When measuring BMI and percent body fat on a team of female basketball players where should the results fall below to support optimum performance?

BMI < 28 and percent body fat < 23.1

Utilizing a weight belt is most appropriate with which of the following exercises?

Back squat

Which of the following exercises may require the support of more than one spotter when performed with a very heavy load?

Back squat

Which of the following exercises would be the most appropriate for an adult recreational high jumper?

Back squats with an explosive concentric phase

Which of the following is not a personal barrier to exercise?

Bad weather

Which of the following exercises would be the most appropriate to increase a client's ability to perform a movement in a short amount of time?

Box jumps

In evaluating a negligence claim, which of the following is not an element that a plaintiff must prove in order to prevail in a lawsuit?

Breach of contract

Which of the following foods has the highest glycemic index?


Which factor of a client's footwear does not increase the risk of injury?

Bright color

Which of the following is not a reason for failing to close a sale with a potential client?

Building too much value

Integrity, innovation, and teamwork are examples of what aspect of the business plan?

Business values

Which type of pay for a Personal Trainer is the most lucrative for those who can recruit many paying clients?


Which technique should be used if a client has stopped breathing?


In addition to the Certified Personal Trainer certification, which of the following is necessary to guide clients through an exercise program?

CPR and AED certification

An athlete looking to improve their endurance with ephedrine. Which of the following substances will increase the effectiveness of ephedrine?


Which combination of micronutrients is very important for the bone health of an elderly population?

Calcium and Vitamin D

Which of the following is not necessary to make a good impression with a perspective client?

Call the client "sir" or "ma'am"

Which of the following is the most essential for fat loss to occur?

Caloric deficit

What should a personal trainer do if the training facility surface is wet and cannot be corrected before a session begins?

Cancel the session and reschedule

In order to restore muscle glycogen and fluid levels after exercise, what nutrient must be consumed in addition to water after exercise?


In the very late stages of a marathon when speed is increased to finish, which macronutrient usage is enhanced to become the primary energy source?


Oxygen and vital nutrients are transported throughout the body by which of the following systems?

Cardiovascular System

Which of the body's systems is responsible for the delivery of nutrients to the cells?

Cardiovascular system

Which of the following systems of the human body is not involved in movement?

Cardiovascular system

Which type of hormones break down protein?


In which of the following systems does the brain play the largest part?

Central nervous system

Which nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord?

Central nervous system

What body part must touch the mat during the Push-Up Test to count the repetition?


Performing push-ups, lunges, sit-ups, biceps curls, and triceps press-downs alternatively with small rest periods is an example of which type of training?

Circuit training

Which of the following resistance training systems would allow for the highest number of exercises to be performed within a given amount of time?

Circuit training

During the initial consultation, what component may require additional questions for clarification?

Client goals

What method of attracting new clients is considered to be the most focused and effective?

Client referrals

Which of the following needs to be considered the least when progressing a client's training program?

Client's gender

Which two factors determine the frequency and number of sessions a Personal Trainer should recommend during the initial client consultation?

Client's needs and goals

Which of the following must be determined during an initial session with a client?

Client's readiness to exercise and current stage of behavior change

Which of the following is not needed to be understood in order to design an individualized, systematic, and integrated fitness assessment?

Client's schedule

Clothing should include which properties to minimize risk for a client?

Comfortable, breathable and allow movement

What type of equipment must be used in a fitness facility to reduce the likelihood of litigation?

Commercial grade equipment

What is the first step during the selection process of hiring a Personal Training team as a manager?

Comparing resumes to job description

Which of the following methods of generating a client may be considered as devaluing a Personal Trainer's service?

Complimentary consultations

During a typical exercise session, which component will be the longest duration and therefore lead to the most benefit?

Conditioning exercise

What action could lead to a ACSM Personal Trainer having their certification revoked?

Conduct that goes against set principles

Which advantage does a sport drink have over water?

Contains some carbohydrate, improved flavor, contains sodium, and contains electrolytes

During which stage of change is motivation the most important aspect?


Which stage of readiness to change is characterized by the change being planned within the next 6 months?


Which of the following is not a common cause of the most common disability that affects the lumbar spine?

Core stability

Which catabolic hormone's secretion increases with exercise?


Which of the following exercises is not appropriate to improve a client's ability to change body position in space with speed and accuracy


Which of the following is not a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?

Current exercise regime comprised of three days of brisk walking for thirty minutes

When an athlete performs the Astrand-Rhyming test to measure cardiorespiratory fitness, which method of exercise is utilized?

Cycle ergometer

When an athlete performs the Astrand-Rhyming test to to measure cardiorespiratory fitness, which method of exercise is utilized?

Cycle ergometer

Which of the following exercises involves extending the torso at the hips back to the standing position?


When increasing the intensity during resistance training, what must occur to the number of repetitions?


Which of the following is the best example of a specific goal?

Decrease body fat by 2%

Which of the following is not a training goal for those with a BMI greater than 30?

Decrease lean body mass

During his initial consultation, a client informs you that he is currently taking beta blockers. What physiological result would be expected during the physiological assessment?

Decreased heart rate

Which of the following is the most common muscle injury that results from a well-supervised and well-designed strength training program?

Delayed onset muscle soreness

Which of these are skills that can help a client with time management?

Delegation, using a time log, learning to say no, and prioritization

Which of the following is a specific role of an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer?

Demonstrate safe and effective methods of exercise

What is the first step to setting up a successful personal training business?

Develop a business plan

Which of the following activities falls outside the scope of a personal trainer?

Developing meal plans

A Personal Trainer who wants to perform within their scope of practice would not perform which of the following actions?

Diagnose cardiovascular risk

All except which of the following are benefits of a body composition assessment?

Diagnose eating disorders

Which respiratory muscle is constantly involved with breathing at any exercise intensity, including rest?


The ventilatory pump consists of which of the following?

Diaphragm, the chest wall, pleural space, respiratory muscles

What must occur before progressing the exercises intensity of a client?

Discuss the progression with the client

Which of the following findings during a client consultation would indicate that someone is at moderate risk before beginning an exercise program?

Does not currently exercise and has a family history of heart attacks

When assessing percent body fat, why are target ranges given instead of specific numbers for body composition goals?

Due to measurement error of the different percent body fat assessment methods

Which of the exercises is performed with a supinated grip?

Dumbbell biceps curl

Which of the following exercises is performed with a supinated grip?

Dumbbell biceps curl

With a beginner client, which variable of cardiovascular training is the first to be progressed?


When should an athlete consume between 30 and 60 grams of carbohydrates?

During a competition or activity

Walking knee lifts, the inchworm, and the lunge walk are all classified as which type of warm-up activity?

Dynamic stretches

The guidelines for which warm-up activity include carrying out 5 to 10 repetitions for each movement, progressively increasing the ROM of each repetition, increasing the speed of motion on subsequent sets, and contracting the muscles while moving through the ROM. Test

Dynamic stretching

Which of the following strategies is best including all desired nutrients in one's diet?

Eat a wide variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables

Which of the following is not an environmental factor that a client may consider when choosing a personal trainer?

Education of personal trainer

What are the four "E's" to consider when considering what to charge clients?

Education, experience, environment, and expenses

What is the appropriate range of repetitions for a beginner adult client looking to improve muscular fitness?

Eight to twelve

During ATP production, which energy system can produce the most from one molecule of glucose?

Electron Transport Chain

During ATP production, which energy system can produce the most from the one molecule of glucose?

Electron transport chain

Which of the following movements is not allowed by the glenohumeral joint?


Exercise self-regulation includes all of these except which of the following strategies?

Encourage excluding distracting friends from exercise

Which training standard that should be set by the personal training manager does not decrease risk within the training facility?

Establish a dress standard

What is the most important factor for achieving long term success as a Personal Trainer?

Establish and maintain repeat clients

What is the most important factor for achieving long term success as a personal trainer?

Establish and maintain repeat clients

A client wishes to decrease their body fat percentage by ten percentage points over the next year. What is the most appropriate frequency to reassess body composition?

Every 2-3 months

The study of the body's responses and adaptations to the stress of exercise is referred to as which of the following terms?

Exercise Physiology

Several clients are complaining of continued fatigue and difficulty sleeping following recent resistance training sessions, which phase of training are these clients likely experiencing?


During the upward phase of the squat, which movement of the knee and hip is taking place?


The primary movement of the power clean is which of the following joint movements?


Which of the following paths of the fitness professional has the highest overhead costs?

Facility owner

A 53-year-old male client has a body fat percentage of 23.8%, which category of body composition would this client fall into?


The number one claim made against fitness facilities and professionals involves which of the following?


Which of the following does not describe proper guidelines for achieving the parallel arm position of the front squat exercise?

Grasp the bar with a supinated grip

During plyometric training, which of the following is minimized in order to increase the effectiveness of the stretch shortening cycle?

Ground contact time

Which of the following is not a risk factor for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease?

HDL greater than 60 mg/dL

Which of the following muscle groups, due to its structure in relation to joints, can produce the most tension throughout the range of motion?

Hamstring muscles

The Informed Consent Form ensures which of the following for a client?

Has full knowledge of tests to be performed

Which of the following major organs is part of the cardiovascular system?


Which two health issues does the PAR-Q focus on as a pre-participation screen?

Heart disease and musculoskeletal problems

The number of times a heart contracts during a defined amount of time is known as which of the following?

Heart rate

Which of the following is not a form of nonverbal communication with clients?


Which of the following should be administered first in a sequence of tests for a javelin thrower?


What level of education is needed to become a Certified Personal Trainer?

High School Diploma

A 42-year old female client has a BMI of 24.5, has no family history of a cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disease and walks for an hour four times per week, but sometimes experiences shortness of breath when walking up moderate hills, What category of risk should this client be placed in?

High risk

Which of the following movements occurs in the transverse plane?

Horizontal abduction

Which of the following ergogenic aids is not considered to be a stimulant?

Human Growth Hormone

Which of the following is the correct term for high blood sugar?


Which of the following medical conditions occurs when resting blood pressure exceeds an optimal level?


Which of the following risk factors is most likely to become acutely aggravated by resistance training?


An increase in muscle size or mass is referred to as which of the following?


In a classic periodization model, what training adaptation should occur prior to increasing force production capabilities?


What is the anatomical term for low blood sugar?


An incident report must include which of the following?

I, III, and IV only

Read the following supporting details then answer the following question. Which of the following are the most important to be emulated within a test in order for the test to be considered valid?

II. Energy requirements and III. Movements

All of the following are purposes of screening except which statement?

Identification of physical abilities of a client

When should a client ask a client to sign a Release of Medical Information form?

If the client has multiple serious medical complications

Which of the following is not considered to be a SMART goal for a client?

Improve my overall health

Which of the following is not a method that a personal trainer can use to increase the intensity of a balance exercise?

Keeping the center of mass within the base of support

Which of the following is considered the study of human movement?


During a clean or snatch from the floor, at approximately which body landmark does the first pull end?


What does the acronym "K.S.A." stand for?

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities

Which is not a musculoskeletal injury?


Which of the following muscle groups should be exercised first?

Large muscle groups

Which of the following accounts for similar resting cardiac outputs in trained and untrained individuals despite the fact that those who are trained have a lower resting heart rate?

Larger stroke volume in trained individuals

During the downward phase of which machine based exercise is the bar is pulled down and toward the upper chest while the torso is maintained in a slight backward lean?

Lat pull-down

Which muscle group is the antagonist during the bench press exercise?

Latissimus dorsi

Which marketing strategy has a very low rate of return, but is associated with a low cost?

Lead boxes

Which of the following is not a trait possessed by a professional Personal Trainer who creates a hospitality experience?

Lecturing skills

Which of the following is shortened during a concentric muscle contraction?

Length of the sarcomere

A client with misaligned joints due to poor posture is unable to develop maximal tension during an exercise. What phenomenon may explain this situation?

Length-tension relationship

Which is not a benefit of eating smaller but frequent meals?

Less expensive

What type of insurance should be obtained by a Personal Trainer to manage risk effectively?

Liability insurance

Which of the following is affected by a sprain?


What business entity is available to a sole proprietor Personal trainer to protect their personal assets in the event of a legal liability?

Limited liability corporation

Of the following possible goals of a client, which would be considered a product goal?

Lose five pounds of fat

A client discovers that they have a nutrient and mineral deficiency, which situation most likely lead to this?

Low caloric intake

A client is looking to lose body weight, what type of carbohydrate should be suggested to consume during the process?

Low glycemic index carbohydrate

A male client is 40 years of age, has not smoked in the last 10 years, has a BMI of 26.2, has a blood pressure of 125/87 mm Hg and no known personal or family history of cardiovascular disease. Which category of risk classification does he belong in?

Low risk

Which of the following is not one of the five points of contact referenced during exercises that involve a bench or seat?

Lower back

What is a common compensation of the push-up exercise that indicates weak core stability?

Lower back arch

Shin splints refers to a pain or inflammation in which part of the body?

Lower legs

Which of the following is not a function of protein?

Lowering blood cholesterol

Which of the following is the most important assessment before training a new client?

Medical clearance

Which of the following sets of assessments are most appropriate for a teenage athlete?

Medical clearance from a physician, maximal cardiorespiratory and strength performance tests

Which of the following groups of assessments would be the most appropriate for a middle-aged obese client?

Medical clearance from a physician, resting heart rate, blood pressure, submaximal cardiorespiratory fitness test

Which of the following groups of assessments would be the most appropriate for a middle-aged, obese client?

Medical clearance from a physician, resting heart rate, blood pressure, submaximal cardiorespiratory fitness test

The health-history evaluation should include which four components?

Medical history, medications, exercise history and nutrition

While performing an initial consultation with a new client, which of the following is an indication that a client-centered approach is being used?

The client is talking about behavior change

Which of the following is not where the personal trainer should focus the client's attention during the consultation and assessment period?

The cost of the training services

Which of the following is an aspect of setting the price of Personal Trainer services

The potential client's average income, Personal Trainer qualifications, business objectives, and competitor's prices

What is the most important purpose of measuring body composition?

The strong correlation between obesity and the risk of chronic diseases

What is the most important purpose of measuring the body composition?

The strong correlation between obesity and the risk of many chronic diseases

What aspect of a personal training competitor is the most important when determining pricing?

The target audience of the competitor

Tennis elbow refers to an injury to which area of the body?

The tendon outside of the elbow

Which of the following statements is false regarding industry guidelines relating to matters of facility and equipment setup, inspection, maintenance, repair, and signage?

They are bound by law

How can medications impact exercise prescription?

They can impact blood pressure, they can alter cognitive function, they can alter heart rate, and they can alter balance

Severing the spinal cord at which cervical level will require the patient's permanent use of a ventilator?


Which population would benefit most by including neuromotor exercise?

Those with mobility impairments, individuals whose jobs involve the risk of falls, the elderly, and athletes

How often should neuromotor exercise be included in a client's program in order improve balance ability?

Three days per week

During the dumbbell chest press, the client is unable to lower the dumbbells to the chest no matter which form of resistance is used. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this technique flaw?

Tight pectoral muscles

The Rockport 1 Mile Walk Test requires measurement of which two results at the time of the actual test to predict VO2 max?

Time and heart rate

What is the top priority when selling Personal Training sessions?

To build rapport

What is the main purpose of discussing previous negative exercise experiences with a potential client?

To determine possible barriers to exercise

Why is important to have the client in a relaxed state when taking resting blood pressure measurements?

To eliminate false elevated readings

Why should a trainer pre-screen a client?

To identify health concerns, to identify any special needs, to protect the personal trainer and client from risk, and identify any potential complications

What is the purpose of the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)?

To identify those who need further medical evaluation

Which of the following is not a purpose of developing a yearly budget?

To improve relationships with clients

What are the two goals of providing nutrition during exercise or physical competition?

To prevent dehydration and provide adequate energy

What is the main purpose of spotting an exercise?

To prevent injury

What is the purpose of a waiver or release of liability document for a personal trainer?

To protect the liability of the trainer in case of negligence

What is the purpose of measuring resting blood pressure during a comprehensive fitness assessment?

To screen for hypertension or hypotension

Why is consultation about past injuries important during the assessment process?

To server as a predictor of future injury

When instructing a client on speed technique, what is the maximum recommended stride length?

Two and a half times leg length

A highly trained endurance athlete is looking to further improve their performance. How much time should they spend performing vigorous intensity exercise?

Two hours per week

When measuring waist circumference, which two body landmarks should the tape be placed between?

Umbilicus and xiphoid process

The 1.5 mile run includes which of the following as a contraindication of performing the test?

Unable to jog continuously for 15 minutes

What should a trainer do if a client sustains a serious joint injury?

Urge client to see a doctor

What is the easiest method determining hydration levels?

Urine color

What is the best method of a Personal Trainer to help clients become intrinsically motivated?

Use SMART goals

What step can a Personal Trainer take to prevent foreseeable accidents with exercise equipment?

Use reliable equipment, provide proper instructions and supervision, complete consistent equipment maintenance and repair, and use equipment appropriate for the client

Which of the following methods of body composition is least likely to be inaccurate?

circumference measurements

At the sticking point of a dumbbell lateral raise, the fifteen pound weights are two feet away from the midline of the body. How much torque must be generated by the shoulder muscles to complete the movement?

greater that 30 lb*ft

Which of the following pieces of data is not needed to predict one's oxygen consumption during the Rockport Walk Test?


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