ACT I ACT II- "A Man For All Seasons" Study Guide

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"Ha! So I break my word, Master More". No, no, I'm joking... I joke roughly...".

More says, "When I took the Great Seal, your Majesty promised not to pursue me on this matter [the matter of the divorce]" (Bolt 54). What is King Henry's reply? What do you think about his reply?

-More's family/friends don't want to be involved. Or may symbolize More's execution for going against the king & the people don't also want to be executed. -People don't trust him to say what he believes in. -More was very religious and supported the church. More does not want to be accused of not supporting or disagreeing with the King.

More struggles to get the chain off, and when he asks for help, most of the people don't want to assist. Explain what the chain might symbolize in this scene.

in the thickets of the law

More tells Roper (Dryly), "... And whoever hunts for me, Roper, God or Devil, will find me hiding...

The vespers

More's family members, Steward, and Norfolk can't find More as they're expecting the King to arrive. When More finally shows up, where does he say he's been?

Woman, Cranmer, and Margaret

On his way to his execution, list three characters More speaks to before talking with the Headsman.

Wants more to bless his marriage or more to be destroyed

On page 119, Cromwell says the King wants either what or what (mention both things)?

-He is saddened and tries to keep his job with More -Matthew told More that he would not stay for a lower wage because he had to take care of his own. Matthew put on his coat and hat and left

Because More no longer has the high paying job, he has to let all his staff go. How does his Steward Matthew react to this news?

People could think that Chapuys was helping him or that more agreed with him

Can you think of a reason why Alice might not want More to be seen talking with Chapuys?

To ask the Pope to annul the King's marriage.

Cardinal Wolsey is sending a dispatch (letter) to Rome. More and Wolsey talk about the content of the dispatch, but they don't say clearly what it's about. Make an inference to guess what it's about.

Chapuys assumes that Sir Thomas agrees with the Cardinal's opinions. "You are a good man."

Chapuys is a Spanish ambassador. He's clearly in favor of King Henry and Queen Catherine remaining married. He makes assumptions about More's opinions. What does Chapuys assume?

He doesn't reply

Cranmer tells More, "It states in the preamble that the King's former marriage, to Lady Catherine, was unlawful, she being previously his brother's wife and the "Pope" having no authority to sanction it...Is that what you deny...dispute...are not sure of?" Explain how More replies to these questions.

-She went against the king by saying that he was wrong. She was executed because of this. -The maid prophesied against the King. According to More, "she was a bit mad".

Cromwell brings up the Holy Maid of Kent as an example and warning for More. Briefly retell her story.

Collector of Revenues for York Diocese

Cromwell offers Rich a possible future job/position. Which one?

I feel like he just realized that he is in the wrong and that no matter what he does he is going to be in trouble

Cromwell says, "And if I bring about More's death -- I plant my own, I think. There's no other good solution! He must submit [to agreeing with the Act]!" (137). What thoughts do you have about this quote?


Does More think he and Rich are friends, or just acquaintances

-No. -No -Yes, because Cromwell threatened to tell the King that he was disobedient to him

Does Norfolk want to be part of Cromwell and Rich's suit against More? (yes or no) Will he take part in it? (yes or no)

No. "He isn't really my friend...."

Does Rich consider More to be his friend?

The king leaves before dinner is served. He leaves because "the tide will be changing

Does the King stay for the meal at the Mores', or does he leave before it's served? What is his reason for staying or for going?

Why he decided not to take the oath

During More's scene with Alice, she says several times that she doesn't understand. But before she leaves, she says she understands something. What is it she understands?

Cromwell says that it is denial but More says that it is not denial

Explain the difference in how Cromwell and More define silence in this scene.

"My goods are forfeit and I am condemned to life imprisonment."

Finish the quote when More explains how "material" it is that he has refused to agree to the Act, "It's most material. For refusing to swear..."

-He wants more to answer and pick a side. -He wants More to resign.

Give your interpretation of what Chapuys wants as he replies to More's question, "What do you want?"


Having a new, high-paying job, Rich begins to hire household helpers. Whom does he hire first?

A heron

When the Duke of Norfolk and Alice enter, they spend a few pages discussing whether or not a falcon is capable of "stooping" (meaning to dive) through a cloud. Norfolk claims that he's seen a falcon doing that while it was hunting what other bird?

A publican

Which new character does the common man now take on?

Chapuy and Rich. Yes. He gives information about More to Chapuy but he tells Rich what Chapuy wanted to know. Both gave him a coin.

Which two characters are seeking information about Thomas More by asking Steward questions? (b) Does Steward give away information about More?

To show that more has witnesses

Why are the minor characters Southwell and Palmer mentioned during the trial?

More tells Roper that he's a heretic. Roper is Lutheran

Why doesn't More initially allow Roper to marry his daughter, Margaret?

"Here, Thomas"

Wolsey tells More he has an enemy, and More asks, "Where?" Where does Wolsey say More's enemy is?

-More responded by talking about Roper. "You know I think we've been on the wrong track with Will- It's no good arguing with a Roper." "He wanted me to read a dispatch " -Young Roper asked me for Margaret.

Margaret asks More, "Did the Cardinal talk about the divorce?" (32), and Alice asks, "Thomas -- what did Wolsey want?" (34). What does More do or say in reply to these direct questions?

-Because that makes it an opinion since the act doesn't state it. -Because More is a man of God and doesn't want to go against God for the law.

More and Roper converse about King Henry's self-appointed title of Supreme Head of the Church of England. Why might More be happy that the Act of Supremacy includes the words, "so far as the law of God allows"?

-"It's devious," meaning he probably can't make up his mind. -"It's devious" -Aesthetic distaste - More does not like the content of the letter.

More avoids saying what the Cardinal wants him to say, and when the Cardinal asks directly, "Have I your support or have I not?" More still doesn't answer yes or no. What reply does More give? Explain what More means by his reply.

Yes, he says that the annulment is wrong and that under all laws it is the wrong

More does finally reveal to everyone his feelings and opinions. Summarize them.

A teacher but Rich is (Bitterly disappointed). Pg 7 -LH

More has found Rich a job. What job is it? What is Rich's reaction to the job offer?

More is giving the silver cup away because he knew that Rich was not happy with the teaching position and that was not his price. More needs a favor. He said that the cup was Italian but does not say how he got it. (The cup was given to More as a bribe)

More offers Rich a valuable gift. Why is More giving it away, and where does he say he acquired it?


The Common Man takes on another role. What is it?

That he prays he will never see God in the face

To make the point to the jury that what Rich said was a lie, More swears an oath. What is that oath?

-He looks at him with hate and anger He stares at Chapuys with hostility. -The two of them don't get along

As Chapuys leaves, he tells a lie about his reason for visiting More. (a) How does Norfolk react to Chapuys being a visitor in More's house? (b) Why might he react that way?


As More is leaving the Cardinal, whom does he meet who is heading to see the Cardinal?


At what time is the Jailer supposed to send the visitors away?

That they are more of bad behavior then charges

Toward the beginning of the inquiry, what does Cromwell imply about the charges?


What is the last role that Common Man plays in this final scene?

Attorney-general for wales

What is the next job / position that Rich asks Cromwell to help him get?

Common man does the coat and hat of Boatman

What is the next role that the common man plays (near the river)?

He says no

When he's asked to swear by the Act of Succession, how does More reply?


King Henry tells More who named him to be the new Chancellor. Who was it?

Hunt. Sail and steer a ship. Makes music (an artist).

List three interesting things the King knows about or knows how to do.

(A) Traitor to the king (B) treason

(a) At the trial, Cromwell (formally) gives More's charge. What was he charged with doing? (b) Norfolk later clarifies the charge as what?

(A) No (B) guilty

(a) Does the jury retire to consider the evidence? (b) What is their verdict?

(A) 50 guineas (B) No

(a) What payment does Cromwell offer to Jailer if Jailer hears More saying anything about the King's marriage, divorce, or Supremacy in the Church? (b) Does Jailer plan on taking that bribe, or does he want no part in it?

(a) A letter from the King of Spain (b) No (c) Because he hasn't taken a stand

(a)Specifically, what does Chapuys try to give to More? (b) Does More accept this thing or not? (c) Why or why not?

Great Harry is a ship (warship). The King launched the ship, steering her under sail

According to Cromwell, what is Great Harry, and what will the King do with it?

Act of parliament

According to the book from which the Common Man is reading, The Church of England "was achieved not by bloodshed but by simple" what?

If he accepted it, it would look like a payment from them like he was being paid for this

Alice and Margaret both feel like the Mores are now living in poverty. Explain why Thomas More doesn't accept the £4,000 from the bishops.

He seems less concerned because he thinks he is going to win or survive pg. 94 ea He is concerned but he believes that he will be left alone to live his life; reading, writing, fishing...

Alice and the others are concerned that More's resigning is going to lead to big trouble. Explain whether More seems more concerned or less concerned than they are about the possibility of trouble.

More leaving her

Alice says, "Much good it [being an honest woman] may do me! I'll tell you what I'm afraid of." What is she afraid of?

"Mm? Yes, I expect I'll bellow for you..." (Bolt.1.56) Henry says this while moodily blowing on his whistle.

Henry's tone changes from friendly to unfriendly during his scene with Thomas More. Quote the line where you notice this change beginning, and cite your quote correctly.

-Nothing said Cromwell, it isn't like that, Rich. There are no rules. No, Cromwell is not telling the truth. -Cromwell asks Rich if he is sure that he is not religious and Rich says almost sure while pacing up the stairs.E.P pg 73

How does Cromwell reply when Rich asks, "What do I have to do for it [the new job]?" Opinion: How confident are you that Cromwell is telling the truth here.

Norfolk follows Henry "because he wears the crown". Those like Cromwell follow Henry because "they are like jackals with sharp teeth and I am their lion, and there is a mass that follows me because it follows anything that moves." More is his own man, unique. "And then there is you."

How does King Henry characterize (a) Norfolk, (b) Cromwell, and (c) More on page 55?

-He uses lawyer tricks to get him worried -He was trying to get him to see where he was coming from --More was trying to catch Norfolk in a trap to see if Norfolk would side with the king or Sir Thomas More. -by having a discussion about obedience and disobedience. --More was trying to see if Norfolk decided not to tell the King would be an act of disobedience. Norfolk claims to be obedient to the Ki

How does More "lay a trap" for Norfolk? More was using the trap to illustrate something for Norfolk. Explain.

More said that the music seemed delightful.

How does More react to the king's original musical compositions?

"I don't think there is! And I don't want there to be

How does More reply to Alice's comment, "You said there was no danger" ?

She treats him kinda rude because she is mad at him for not taking the oath but she still loves him

How does Thomas More's wife Alice treat him during her visit?

1 year

How long does More imply he has been held in the cell?

-If More were to resign it would look like he disagreed with the king and did not want to die. The Chancellor of Englandand, half of your fellow countrymen, Yorkshier and Northumberland, " They are ready for resistance -They would resist

If More were to resign, Chapuys says it would be seen and understood as a signal. Be specific as you explain which people would see More's resigning as a signal. According to Chapuys, what would it signal those people to do?

The wording

Is More more concerned with the way the Act will be worded, or is he more concerned with what it means?

-More is not being sarcastic. He is an attorney and knows the law. He is very religious and a religious man that loves his Church. He is the King's Chancellor. -I think he is being truthful because Margaret asks him to be plain with her

Opinion: When More says, "I have not disobeyed my sovereign. I truly believe no man in England is safer than myself" (68), do you think he is speaking subtly and sarcastically, or do you think he is being literally truthful? Explain why you feel this way.

Cromwell said "If you like. Do you believe that- that you would never repeat or report anything etc

Rich asks Cromwell, "...may I say 'friendship'?" How does Cromwell reply?

He is not happy with his job and seeks another. Rich asked Cromwell about an office of gifts.

Rich currently works for the Duke as his secretary/librarian. Is he happy with that job, or is he seeking another one?

Cromwell is asking questions. About you. About you particularly. He is continually collecting information about you."

Rich enters the scene. What does he tell Thomas More about Cromwell?

Waiting, Rich has to "show the acquaintance of the Cardinal's outer doorman, the indifference of the Cardinal's inner doorman, and the Cardinal's chamberlain's hand in my chest."

Rich has been waiting seven months for what?


Rich says he knows Cromwell. Does he say he'd rather get help finding an office position from Cromwell or from More?

That he denied the title of parliament has not the competence

Rich says that More said something which More says he didn't say. More even calls it perjury (lying under oath). What did Rich accuse More of saying?

"So help me God."

Rich seems to have memorized the witness's oath. For which line does he need prompting?

It means that a person can be convinced to take any kind of action if you find something that they want and give it to him. More disagrees.

Rich's first line says "every man has his price." what does this mean? does More agree or disagree with Rich?

"s there anything you wish to say to me concerning the King's marriage with Queen Anne?"

Right after discussing the book, what question does Cromwell ask More?

Cromwell asks Rich how much did he get for the goblet that More gave him. Rich replies that it was 50 shillings. Cromwell then asks Rich if he could take him to the shop where he sold it.Rich agrees to do so. Cromwell asks Rich where did More get the goblet but Rich does not answer. So Cromwell asks if it was a gift from a litigant woman? Rich says yes and the litigant's case was in the Court of Requests.

Summarize what happens on pages 75 and 76.

The king says that no one has ever had a servant or friend as traitorous as More

Summarize what the King's letter to More says. (Cromwell reads it to him.)

-They mean the connections they lost have been compromised and are going to start those connections again. -King Henry wanted to annul his marriage but the Pope did not annul the marriage so the King cut off all ties with Rome so that they would no longer be ruled under the Catholic Church. So now the King is eligible to marry who he wants.

The Duke of Norfolk brings news that the Convocation has "knuckled under" and that England has "severed the connection with Rome." In your own words, explain what's happened.

The following are the five men we will see at More's inquiry. Use the Common Man's comments to explain (briefly) what happens to these characters after the events of this play: (A) Thomas Cromwell: found guilty of treason and executed (B) Norfolk: found guilty of treason and died of syphilis (but the King died of syphilis before signing the order. (C) Thomas Cranmer: burned alive (D) Richard Rich: died in his bed after having been appointed as a knight baron chancellor and general (E_ Common Man / Jailer: died in his bed

The following are the five men we will see at More's inquiry. Use the Common Man's comments to explain (briefly) what happens to these characters after the events of this play:

Flee the country but take different ports

Thomas More instructs his family members to do something before they're forced to leave. What does he want them to do?

-Norfolk is trying to make more understand that he is dangerous and that More needs to realize that. -Norfolk likes More and tells him that he is dangerous to know, to think about his friends and to give in. More tells Norfolk "then don't know me". "Howard, you must cease to know me"... "I can't give in".

Try to explain the disagreement More and Norfolk have about being friends.

-Because he doesn't want to have such an important position. -Because he is very religious and supports the Catholic Church. As Chancellor, More would have to help the King to get an annulment from his wife. Divorce is not allowed so they anted to request an annulment from the Queen for state reasons. The King had already received an annulment for state reasons in order to marry the current Queen, Catherine.

Using pages 34 and 35, why would you say More doesn't want to be Chancellor?

Sir Thomas More's execution for disagreeing with the king

What does Cromwell foreshadow on page 39?

That More wrote it or helped write

What does Cromwell say More's involvement was with King Henry's book, A Defence of the Seven Sacraments?

-He is not happy, he makes the jailer swear to an oath -Cromwell says More should not have books

What does Cromwell say about More having books and seeing his family in the jail?

Cromwell supposes that you would call him "The King's Ear" because he'll do whatever the kings want. He also says the ear is a useful organ.

What does Cromwell say in reply when Chapuys asks Cromwell, "How should we introduce you?"

-His views have modified from the last time. "I modify nothing concerning the body of the Church--The money-changers in the temple must be scourged and from thence--with a scourge of fire if that is needed! But an attack on the Church herself! No, I see behind that an attack on God--" His views changed because he studied Luther -I think his views changed because he wants to marry Margaret and he can't now because More says he's a heretic

What does Roper say about his views on the Church? Opinion: Why do you think his views have changed?

Wolsey died. More was made the new Chancellor. LH

What happened on 29 Nov., 1530? What resulted from this event?

The Steward takes it from him, but Rich says that Sir Thomas gave it to him. So, the Steward gives it back saying it's a nice present.

What happens when the Steward sees Rich leaving with the goblet?

-It was like a forbidden relationship. -Margaret and Roper got married. More told Roper to remember that he has a wife.

What inference can you make about Roper's and Margaret's relationship -- what has occurred in between Act I and Act II?

-That Chapuys made a tour of the north country. -More said Chaypus just made a tour of the North country and he thinks we shall have trouble there and so do I.

What information that More received from Chapuys, does he give to Norfolk? (Norfolk later refers to his sharing of this information as a "vestige of patriotism.")

-This line proves that Cromwell is just jealous and wants more gone -My opinion of the line is that Cromwell is determined to find a law or make one up that will convince the King that More does not support him and is not obedient

What is your opinion of Cromwell's last line on page 104: "You're absolutely right, it must be done by law. It's just a matter of finding the right law. Or making one" ?

The silver cup

What item is Cromwell using as physical evidence that Thomas More took a bribe?

English Socrates

What name does the Spanish diplomat Chapuys call More? (It's meant as a compliment, but More wrinkles his nose at it.)

Secretary to the Council

What new job/position does Cromwell hint to Rich that he would like to take?

-Pg 90 Margret agrees to take the thing from More neck. -About the new Act in Parliament about the King's marriage. They will administer an oath and the compulsion is Treason.

What news do Margaret and Roper bring to More?

"Richard, you couldn't answer for yourself even so far as tonight

What reason does More give for refusing to employ Rich?

They were told to get him to take the oath like bribe him

What seems to be the reason Alice, Margaret, and Roper get to visit More?

He seizes Rich by his wrist and holds his hand in the candle flame.

What surprising thing does Cromwell do to Rich at the end of Act I?


What time was it when More got the letter from the Cardinal requesting that More visit him immediately?

You are the man I soonest raise- yes, with my own hand. the King meant that he had a lot of confidence in Thomas.

What words finish this quote from the King to More: "You are stubborn. (Wooingly) If you could come with me, ____"? Explain what you think the King means by those words.

-1532, started in 1530 -Two years ( started early 1530 and is now the middle of May,1532)

What year is it in Act II? (b) How much time has elapsed?

A general dealer

When Common Man takes off the hat of Jailer, he puts it along with all the other hats he's worn atop poles to represent members of the jury. What new role does Cromwell assign to Common Man?

The letter is about the Queen.

When More indicates that the Cardinal's letter is about the King's business, Alice replies, "The Queen's business." Explain what she means by that.

-Norfolk's reaction is in anger. EP Norfolk lashes out at More then leaves

When More insults Norfolk's "pedigree" (his family heritage and status), how does Norfolk react? Pg 122

To be like you took the bribe not me and sold it

When More is introduced to Rich at the inquiry, why might More mention "old friends" and "a nice gown"?

'No, I don't recommend him; but I point him out. He's at the New Inn. Can you take him there)?

When More mentions to Norfolk that Rich is in need of a job, Norfolk says, "Well, if you recommend him...". How does More respond? (Answer by quoting the whole sentence.)

-That more is a traitor -More is not a traitor. -"Traitor he is not".

When Norfolk is discussing Thomas More with Cromwell, he says, "Yes! Crank he may be," and then what does he declare?

-The Cardinal's Secretary. "Exclamations of shock from More, Margaret and Alice) "Never-it can't be, it's impossible, not possible". -His family is shocked and some are worried that it isn't true

When Norfolk mentions Cromwell, he says what Cromwell's new job/position is. (a) What is it? (b) How do More's family members react to Cromwell getting this job?

(A) Attorney-general for wales (B) Cromwell helped him

a) What is Rich's new job / position? (b) Make an inference about how he got that job

No because Matthew drank some of the wine and then told a lie.

does Steward tell the truth about the wine? should More trust Steward?

More prefers himself.

hen Cardinal Wolsey asks, "Who will put his neck in this -- after me," meaning who will take his place when he's no longer the King's Chancellor, does More prefer himself or Cromwell?

Steward, Matthew

when we first meet the common man, what role does he portray? give his job and name.

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