AD Principles Test 2

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How do digital media save money as compared with print and electronic media?


How does an art director choose from among design formats?


In what ways are the internet users different from users of traditional media.


What does a commercial producer do?


What is the primary role of the print production manager?


Who are the key individuals in the television commercial production process?


What is the appropriate word limit of a 30-second radio ad?

60-70 words

What does a copywriter do? What does an art director do?

A copy writer is the person who creates the words and concepts for ads and commercials (verbal message). The art director along with graphic designers and production artists determines how the ad's verbal and visual symbols will fit together.

What should a web ad designer understand about the medium?

A designer should understand that the internet, while it contains elements of both print and broadcast media, is a completely new medium that engages its users in a fundamentally different way.

What is a storyboard?

A sheet preprinted with a series of 8 to 20 blank frames in the shape of TV screens, which includes text of the commercial, sound effects, and camera views.

How does advertising help advertising inform? persuade? remind?

Advertising's responsibility to inform is greatly enhanced by creativity. Good creative work makes advertising more vivid, a quality that many researchers believe attracts attention. To motivate people to some action or attitude, advertising copywriters have created new myths and heroes. A creative story or persona can establish a unique identity for the product in the collective mindset, a key factor in helping a product beat the competition. Creativity transforms reminders into entertaining advertisements.

What are the limits on what advertising can do and how do these affect setting ad objectives?

Advertising's sole responsibility is not to achieve sales. Advertising objectives are related to communications outcomes.

What is the difference between an objective, a strategy, and a tactic?

An objective is what is what you want to accomplish by campaigning and what will help you reach the goal. As strategy identifies how advertising can help reach the objectives. Tactics are the specific tools used to to carry out the strategy.

What are some important types of headlines?

Benefit headlines: makes a direct promise to the reader News/information: includes many of the how-to headlines of reveals info, ex. "shaves 200% smoother" Provocative: headline written to provoke the reader's curiosity question and command headlines

What are blocks to creativity and how can the creative person deal with a block?

Creative blocking may occur when people in the agency start thinking like the client, especially if the client is a fact based thinker. Another block is a brain overload or fatigue. To combat creative block you should just walk away for awhile and do something else.

What is creativity?

Creativity involves combining two or more previously unconnected objects or ideas into something new.

How can small companies use bottom-up marketing to become big companies?

Focus on an ingenious tactic first and then develop the tactic into a strategy, By planning from bottom up, entrepreneurs can find unique tactics to exploit. The tactic is the nail and the strategy is the hammer that drives it home. Ex. Vicks developed a liquid cold remedy but discovered that it put people to sleep and positioned itself as a nighttime cold remedy.

What factors do Phelps and Nowack suggest have led to the development of IMC?

IMC has developed as a consequence of several important trends, including escalating media costs, splintering consumer markets, and skepticism about traditional mass media advertising. These have led to marketers questioning the wisdom of creating walls between PR, sales promotion, AND DIRECT-REPONSE ADVERTISING

What is a layout? What purposes does it serve in the process of print ad development, approval, and production?

It helps both the he agency and the client develop and evaluate, in advance, how the ad will look and feel. The layout helps the creative team develop the ad's psychological elements. Once the best design is chosen, the layout serves as a blueprint. It shows the size and placement of each ad.

How does the marketing plan affect IMC efforts

It helps managers analyze and improve all company operations, including marketing and advertising programs. It defines the role of advertising in the marketing mix. It enables better implementation, control, and continuity of advertising programs, and it ensures the most efficient allocation of IMC dollars.

What types of companies tend to use the percentage-of-sales method to set an ad budget?

Leading marketers use this method because it is the simplest, it doesn't cost anything, it is related to revenue, and it is considered safe.

What are the four types of brand messages identified by Duncan?

Planned Messages: These are the traditional marketing communication messages. These often have the least impact because they are self-serving. They should be coordinated to work toward a predetermined set of communications objectives. Product Messages: The messages communicated by a product, its packaging, price or distribution elements. Service Messages: Messages resulting form employee interactions with customers. Unplanned Messages: Messages that emanate from gossip, unsought news stories, rumors, or major disasters. Example. Facebook

What 3 stages are involved in producing radio and TV spots?

Preproduction: all the work prior to the actual day of filming Production: the actual day the commercial is filmed or videotaped Postproduction: all the work done after shooting to edit and finish the commercial.

What is the least expensive electronic medium and why?

Radio is the least expensive electronic medium to produce because it deals only with the dimension of sound.

From the writer's perspective, what are the important differences between a radio listener and a print ad reader?

Radio listeners are usually busy doing something else and usually decide within five to eight seconds if they're going to listen. To attract radio listeners, it must be intrusive.

When would an advertiser use straight-sell copy rather than device copy?

Straight sell copy is particularly good for high think-involvement products or products that are difficult to use. It's very effective for direct-mail advertising and for industrial or high-tech products

What is synergy and how is it created by IMC?

Synergy is an effect achieved when the sum of the parts is greater than that expected from simply adding together the individual components. With IMC, it is created by enforcing flexible marketing. They use this to connect to different customers at different levels. Ex. Mountain Dew runs endcap promotions and ads with coupons to make a larger sales increase.

How might a packaged foods manufacturer use the share-of-market/share-of-voice method to introduce a new product.

The advertising budget for the first two years should be about one and one-half times the brand's targeted share of the market in two years. So, if the company's two year sales goal is 10% of the market, it should spend about 15% of total industry advertising during the first two years.

What is the advertising pyramid?

The advertising pyramid depicts the progression of advertising effects on mass media audiences, especially for new products. The parts are: awareness, comprehension, conviction, desire, and action.

How does setting objectives under an IMC approach differ from that under the advertising pyramid?

The advertising pyramid represents the learn-feel-do model of advertising effects. It assumes that people rationally consider a prospective purchase, and once they feel good about it, they act. The IMC approach offers accountability by maximizing resources and linking communications activities directly to organizational goals and the resulting bottom line. It also accepts the idea that everything "we do sends a message"

What are the steps of the creative pyramid and what role does creativity play in each?

The artist may spend as much time and energy figuring out how to express the big idea in an interesting way. The attention step is critically important to triggering the ad's boom factor. Interest carries the prospective customer to the body of the ad. They do this through tone and language that is compatible with the target market's attitude. One way to do so is to sneak through prospects psychological screens by talking about their problems, needs, and how the product will help. Advertisers use creativity to show independent test results to back up product claims used in the credibility step. In the desire step, the writer encourages prospects to imagine themselves enjoying the benefits of the product or service. In print ads, copywriters use phrases like picture yourself. The final step, action, goal is to motivate people ot do something-- call the number on the screen, visit the store. This is often the easiest step.

What are the important parts of the creative strategy (creative brief)?

The basic problem the advertising must address. The objective. Target audience. What do you know about the audience? How to communicate the main ides? What is the best way of planting the idea? How do we know we are right?

What is the boom factor in advertising?

The boom factor is the punchline. Good punchlines come from taking an everyday situation, looking at it creatively, adding a bit of exaggeration, and then delivering it as a surprise.

Who is ultimately responsible for the creative product?

The creative director, he or she is head of the creative team.

What is the role of the Explorer? Artist?

The explorer researches for new information, paying attention to unusual patterns. The artist experiments and plays with a variety of approaches, looking up for an original idea

What are the key format elements in a print ad?

The key format elements in print ad are visuals, headlines, subheads, body copy, slogans, logos, and signatures.

What are the two columns labeled in a tv script?

The left side is titled video, the right side is audio

What is the message strategy?

The message strategy is a simple description and explanation of an ad's campaign overall creative approach-- the main idea, details about how the idea will be executed, and a rationale.

What is a control room and what is it used for?

The place where the producer, director, and sound engineer sit, monitoring and controlling all the sounds generated into the sound studio.

What is the marketing plan and why is a company's most important document?

The plan that directs the company's marketing effort. It assembles relevant facts about about the organization, its markets, products, services, customers, competition and so on. It forces all departments to focus on the customer. It lists goals and objectives for specified periods of time and lays out the precise strategies and tactics to achieve them.

In addition to resonance, what other dimension is important for advertising greatness?

The second dimension of great advertising is strategic relevance. When the ad is completed, it must be relevant to the sponsor's strategy, or it will fail. So what does it make you think about?

What is the oldest and simplest radio or tv commercial format?

The straight announcement: an announcer delivers a sales message directly into the microphone or on-camera or does so off-screen while a slide or film is shown on-screen.

What is a session?

The time when the recording and mixing of a radio commercial takes place

What does the traffic manager do and why is it such an important position?

The traffic manager's job is to make sure deadlines are not missed and that proper approvals are obtained in a timely fashion.

What is the purpose of the visual in a print ad?

The visuals purpose is to get the audience's attention.

What obstacles does the warrior prepare to do battle with?

The warrior's role is to carry the concept into action. This person battles excuses, idea killers, and setbacks.

What does it mean for advertising to resonate? What causes an ad to resonate?

To resonatemeans to echo, reverberate, or vibrate. And that's what a great ad does with the audience. It rings their chimes, echoes in their ears, and reverberates. An ad does this by getting tour attention and catching your imagination.

What are the important parts of the message strategy?

Verbal; Guidelines for what the advertising should say Nonverbal: Overall nature of the ad's graphics Technical: Preferred execution approach and mechanical outcome, including budget and scheduling limitations.

What is the difference in the cost of paper for print ads versus collateral materials?

When agencies place ads in print media, the cost of paper is included in the charge for the ad. But when an agency prints collateral materials such as data sheets, brochures, or packaging for a client, the cost of paper is noticeable.

What are the five common budget busters every print production manager should be aware of?

lack of preparation, production luxuries,overtime, special equipment for unusual production, and a complex hierarchy of decision makers.

What are the phases in print production?

preproduction, production, prepress, and printing and distribution

What TV format would help to present the user rather than the product?


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