AD Test 2

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Organized peer groups of antisocial individuals.

________ involvement has been found to enhance the adjustment of low-income students in their transition to middle school.


indifferent parents

Parents who are characterized by low levels of both responsiveness and demandingness.

indulgent parents

Parents who are characterized by responsiveness but low demandingness, and who are mainly concerned with the child's happiness.

authoritarian parents

Parents who use punitive, absolute, and forceful discipline, and who place a premium on obedience and conformity.

authoritative parents

Parents who use warmth, firm control, and rational, issue-oriented discipline, in which emphasis is placed on the development of self-direction.

The average American school year is _____ days long.


According to the textbook, approximately _____ of American children will experience their parents' divorce.


The process of grouping individuals within social institutions on the basis of chronological age is called:

age grading.

Many immigrant families place an especially high value on _____, an orientation in which the needs of one's family take precedence over the needs of the individual.


Peers usually have more influence than parents on matters of:

patterns of leisure activity

Judy and Jessica hang around people their same age. These people are most accurately described as:


President Obama's education secretary suggested what to address the problem of the state-dependent standards in the No Child Left Behind act?

the need to have a set of common standards across all 50 states

Tommy values education and works hard in school but also enjoys hanging out with his friends on the weekend. Which peer crowd is Tommy most likely to belong to?


According to a national survey, how many students in American public schools have been victims of violence?

1 out of 4

learning disability

A difficulty with academic tasks that cannot be traced to an emotional problem or sensory dysfunction.

family systems theory

A perspective on family functioning that emphasizes interconnections among different family relationships (such as marital, parent-child, sibling).

Common Core

A proposed set of standards in language arts and mathematics that all American schools would be expected to use.

midlife crisis

A psychological crisis over identity believed to occur between the ages of 35 and 45, the age range of most adolescents' parents.

relational aggression

Acts intended to harm another through the manipulation of his or her relationships with others, as in malicious gossip.

Which of the following statements about the way in which teenagers relate to mothers and fathers is false?

Adolescents perceive fathers as more controlling than their mothers.

Which of the following is a common finding of recent cyberbullying studies?

Adolescents who engage in traditional bullying often also engage in cyberbullying.

instrumental aggression

Aggressive behavior that is deliberate and planned.

reactive aggression

Aggressive behavior that is unplanned and impulsive.

Which of the following is not a way that adolescents' behavior is affected by their crowd membership?

All of these statements are ways that adolescents' behavior is affected by their crowd membership.

comprehensive high school

An educational institution that evolved during the first half of the twentieth century, offering a varied curriculum and designed to meet the needs of a diverse population of adolescents.


An orientation toward life in which the needs of one's family take precedence over the needs of the individual.

Cory is more responsible, more self-assured, more adaptive, more creative, and more intellectually curious than most of her peers. Jerry, on the other hand, is very dependent, more passive, less socially adept, less self-assured, and less intellectually curious than most of his peers. According to the textbook, what is the best way to explain this difference?

Cory most likely has authoritative parents and Jerry most likely has authoritarian parents.

Secondary education refers to:

middle school, junior high school, and high school.

generational dissonance

Divergence of views between adolescents and parents that is common in families of immigrant parents and American-born adolescents.


Government-subsidized vouchers that can be used for private school tuition.

peer groups

Groups of individuals of approximately the same age.

sociometric popularity

How well-liked an individual is.


Large, loosely organized groups of young people, composed of several cliques and typically organized around a common shared activity.

Which of the following statements about parents of adolescents is not true?

Mothers' mental health declines when they enter the "empty nest stage."

President George W. Bush's 2002 mandate that all children, regardless of economic circumstance, achieve academic proficiency is called the:

No Child Left Behind Act.

shared environmental influences

Nongenetic influences that make individuals living in the same family similar to each other.

parental responsiveness

One of the two important dimensions of parenting; responsiveness refers to the degree to which the parent responds to the child's needs in an accepting, supportive manner.

parental demandingness

One of two important dimensions of parenting; demandingness refers to the degree to which the parent expects and insists on mature, responsible behavior from the child.

charter schools

Public schools that have been given the autonomy to establish their own curricula and teaching practices.

Which of the following statements concerning sibling relationships is false?

Siblings are likely to be closer in families under economic stress than in affluent families.

gifted students

Students who are unusually talented in some aspect of intellectual performance.

schools within schools

Subdivisions of the student body within large schools created to foster feelings of belongingness.

Susannah's school psychologist has recently determined that Susannah has a learning disability. Her parents are concerned about the effects this will have. Which effect should the psychologist warn her parents about?

Susannah may have trouble making friends. She is more likely to drop out of school. She will have more trouble coping with school.

Over the course of adolescence, which of the following is not true of changes that take place in crowds?

Their descriptions become more concrete (e.g., the "preppy" group becomes "the PlayStation crowd").

self-fulfilling prophecy

The idea that individuals' behavior is influenced by others' expectations for them.


The integration of adolescents who have educational handicaps into regular classrooms.

social capital

The interpersonal resources available to an adolescent or family.

nonshared environmental influences

The nongenetic influences in individuals' lives that make them different from people they live with.

baby boom

The period following World War II, during which the number of infants born was extremely large.

social promotion

The practice of promoting students from one grade to the next automatically, regardless of their school performance.


The practice of separating students into ability groups, so that they take classes with peers at the same skill level.

age grading

The process of grouping individuals within social institutions on the basis of age.

hostile attributional bias

The tendency to interpret ambiguous interactions with others as deliberately hostile.

critical thinking

Thinking that involves analyzing, evaluating, and interpreting information, rather than simply memorizing it.

iatrogenic effects

Unintended adverse consequences of a treatment or intervention.

Steve eats lunch with Jeff, Hans, and Mike every day. After school, they play computer games and talk about girls. This group of boys is called:

a clique.

A group of individuals who are born during a particular time period (e.g., the baby boomers) is known as what?

a cohort

Mitch organizes a party for about 20 of his classmates who are all interested in theater, and they all watch a tape of the musical The Phantom of the Opera. This group of teenagers, who don't always hang out together, but share common interests, would most appropriately be labeled:

a crowd.

Felicia has a problematic relationship with her parents. All of the following negative effects are likely to occur for Felicia, except:

active school involvement.

Research on the nature of parent-adolescent relationships reveals that most adolescents:

appear to maintain positive, supportive, and mutually respective relationships with parents.

Permissive parents are poor at communicating but

are warm and supportive.

A child's father is not very affectionate and demands that the child not speak to an adult unless spoken to, that he/she always put away one toy before taking out another, and that soft drinks be consumed only on special occasions. This child's father can be described as


Tammy's father has absolute standards and expects Tammy to conform to them without exception. If she disobeys he generally punishes her, and sees no reason why he should explain his rules to Tammy. Instead, his response is, "I'm the father and I love you. I know what's best for you." Her father is best described as having what kind of parenting style?


Joshua's parents set rules for him, but he feels that when a rule seems unfair, he can discuss it with his parents and, even if they don't agree to change the rule, they at least listen to his opinions. Joshua's parents fit best into which of the following parenting styles?


Ms. Willingham sets high standards for her students but is very responsive to their needs. What type of teaching style is this characteristic of?


Following the end of World War II, many parents wanted to have children as soon as possible, creating what has come to be called the postwar:

baby boom.

Dawn has always enjoyed school and excelled in her classes. In middle school, she has connected with a group of friends who also enjoy school and her grades have continued to improve. They often spend time studying together. This is an example of:

both selection and socialization.

Samantha attends a public school that has a great deal of freedom to set its own curriculum. This type of school is referred to as what in your textbook?

charter school

"Druggies," "jocks," and "nerds" are examples of:


Adolescents who have ADHD are at risk for:

delinquency. substance abuse. anxiety and depression.

Which parenting characteristic is more prevalent among ethnic minorities?


Growing up, Jessica's parents had a lot of marital conflict. At times Jessica was even exposed to some domestic violence. Jessica is likely to develop which of the following problems?

depression aggression delinquency

Esther has been rejected by her peers because she is withdrawn. Esther is most likely to be at risk for:

diminished social competence.

Compared to jocks, adolescents from which of the following crowds experience more peer pressure to misbehave?


Experts recommend that adolescents with specific learning disabilities receive:

extra instruction in study skills, time management, organization skills, note-taking, and proofreading.

According to the Family Systems Model, financial strain increases mothers' and fathers'______, which, in turn, make parents more irritable, which adversely affects the quality of their parenting.

feelings of depression dissatisfaction with their marriages. conflicts over money

Of the students who enter college, what percentage complete their degrees within six years?

fewer than 60%

Luis's family has lived below the poverty level his entire life. Research suggests that Luis is likely to experience all of the following, except:

greater family cohesiveness than other adolescents his age.

Michelle has been placed in a school program for gifted children. She was probably selected because she:

has a high IQ.

Even though it was clear that another student, Raul, accidentally pushed Noah, he insisted that Raul did it on purpose. What phenomenon is this?

hostile attributional bias

Dan planned a party and invited his whole English class by passing out personal invitations. Dan accidentally forgot to make an invitation for Sam. Sam assumed he intentionally wasn't invited and became irate at Dan for excluding him. This is an example of:

hostile attributional bias.

Adolescents who use aggression deliberately, known as ________, are much more popular than adolescents who use aggression without planning to, known as __________.

instrumental aggression; reactive aggression

Online harassment is ________ in-person harassment.

less common than

Although Chris is significantly delayed developmentally he goes to a regular grade school; takes classes in social studies, music, and physical education with the non-handicapped students; and goes to special classes to learn about reading and arithmetic. This situation is an example of:


One reason that the adolescent years may constitute a difficult period of adjustment is that parents:

may also be experiencing identity crises of their own.

Today, _____ of high school graduates enroll in college immediately after graduation.

more than two-thirds

The following is often a trademark of persistent bullies:

more troubled family relationships. more troubled peer relationships. greater difficulty controlling aggression

In comparison with teenagers in previous times, teenagers in contemporary societies spend ________ time with their peers ________ with their parents.

more; than

What factors would explain the fact that Dorothy and Rose, sisters who are only 1 year apart in age, have different memories of their family life as they were growing up?

nonshared environment

Kelly's parents are disappointed with the education she is receiving in her public high school, so they have been investigating alternative options. Assuming Kelly's parents are financially strapped but want to send her to a private school, which of the following should they do?

obtain government-subsidized school vouchers to use for private school tuition

Mark is a teenager who generally respects his parents. On which of the following issues, however, is Mark most likely to side with his friends and against his parents?

on how to wear his hair

Victims of cyberbullying often report all of the following adjustment problems, except:

parent-child conflict.

Karen, a ninth-grader, was mad at Cheryl for spilling juice on Karen's shirt. Karen spread a rumor that Cheryl had gossiped about her friends. Karen is using _____ to express her aggression toward Cheryl.

relational aggression

Sarah is a popular teenage girl who has just been made captain of the cheerleading squad. She is very socially adept, and notices that Britney, her social rival, is starting to enjoy more attention from their peers than Sarah receives. Jealous, she decides to start a rumor about Britney that she knows will cause many people to stop liking Britney. Sarah's behavior is best described as an example of what?

relational aggression

The gaps in achievement between Black and Hispanic students, on the one hand, and White and Asian students, on the other hand,

remains very wide.

In early adolescence, _____ friendships are most common, and in late adolescence, _____ friendships are common.

same sex; opposite sex

Which of the following is most important in influencing adolescents' learning and psychosocial development?

school climate

Achievement is lower when:

schools are overcrowded. teachers have low expectations for their students' abilities. students experience transitions.

The idea that an individual's behavior is influenced by other's expectations for them is a description of


Jamie is a preadolescent. Her friendship circle is largely comprised of other young girls. Based on this information, what has Jamie's social life been influenced by?

sex segregation

The practice of moving students from one grade to the next regardless of their academic performance is known as what?

social promotion

The factor that seems most important in influencing how well children adjust to divorce over time is:

the degree of conflict between parents.

Comparisons of large and small schools reveal that:

students in small schools are more likely to participate in school activities.

Interventions designed to help unpopular adolescents improve their social skills have employed which of the following techniques?

teaching social skills like self-expression and leadership techniques

The textbook states that _________ is the most critical influence on adolescents' adjustment.

the quality of the parent-child relationships at home

Kerry and Kristie's teacher accidentally got their test scores mixed up and mistakenly thought that Kerry was the more intelligent of the two girls. At the end of the year, her records demonstrated that, indeed, Kerry had gained more and performed at a higher level than Kristie. This is best thought of as an example of:

the self-fulfilling prophecy.

The recent, get-tough approach to dealing with violence in schools that has been hotly debated among researchers is known as:

the zero-tolerance approach.

One potential reason that Mallory and Mikey, a brother and sister growing up in the same family, have completely different personalities may be that:

they have very different family experiences, both through differential treatment by parents and their own perceptions of similar experiences.

The process of separating students into different levels of classes within the same school is called:


Bobby's parents expect him to tell them everything. However, now that he's 13 years old, he feels entitled to keep secrets from them. What has this discrepancy been referred to as?

violation of expectations

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