Adaptive Learning Assignment 1

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Which three of the following are components of supply chain management systems?

Ability to create and process purchase orders Manage inventory in real time Forecast future inventory needs

Which two of the following problems may be solved with the capabilities of an ERP system?

An apparel firm needs to know how directly its marketing and advertising efforts effect sales. A manufacturer must coordinate its new production line with elements of its supply chain.

Which of the following statements best describes Follett's theory of management?

Receptivity to the flow of ideas from all levels of the organization leads to success.

Which three of these practices increase both an organization's sustainability and "green" credentials?

Shifting to a shorter, four-day workweek. Using teleconferencing for meetings. Encouraging employees to telecommute.

Select three options that describe advancements made in point-of-sale (POS) system software in the 1990s (in addition to in-store sales and tax tracking).

Stronger connection with customers Immediate communication with internal financial teams Across-chain sales and inventory tracking

In which of the following scenarios is a learning management system (LMS) being used to document student activity?

Students have a semester-long project that they are required to submit in stages through their LMS.

Which two of the following statements illustrate a potential drawback of management information system (MIS)?

The temptation to work overtime or without breaks can lead to competition and stress. Many workers find that a steady flow of business information, along with its demands, blurs the boundaries between work time and personal time.

The primary advantage of mainframes computers is that they ______.

allow modifications to system capacity while the system is in use

Which three of the following scenarios depict an employment situation that Elton Mayo believed would result in an employee becoming more engaged and productive?

At a software company, project managers working on bringing new products to the market receive monthly updates on how past products are selling and helping the company achieve its goals. A sales tracking report at a furniture store shows how each salesperson's daily sales help the store reach its quarterly quota. Managers at a software company have weekly meetings with their customer service staff. As a regular part of the agenda, managers report the number of customers who continued to use their product after the customer service department helped with a software malfunction or error.

In which of the following scenarios is a learning management system (LMS) being used to administer assignments?

Before the semester begins, a professor aligns the syllabus with the LMS so that students receive automated reminders about required readings and when essays are due.

How do managers use personal computers for their business needs? More than one answer may be correct.

Creating and using databases and spreadsheets Communicating via e-mail

Select three options that are examples of how client-server networks are used.

Data storage Printing from a shared computer Data backup

A sales manager receives weekly reports on each of the sales representatives they manage. Included in these reports are weekly sales by product, what percentage of the monthly quota the rep has achieved, and the sales ranking of reps compared to other reps in the company. These reports represent what function of a marketing information system (MKIS)?

Distributing sales and marketing information

What was the driving principle behind McGregor's Theory Y?

Employees are capable of working without constant supervision.

Which statement best describes common employer conditions or limits on flex-time policies?

Employees must be able to complete their work assignments and responsibilities, including those requiring in-person attendance.

Select three options that describe benefits of cloud computing.

Flexibility of user devices Access to applications software Affordability for business use

Which three of the following are key benefits of electronic point-of-sales (POS) stations?

Increased accuracy Decreased customer wait time Increased information available to managers

From the following list, select four typical characteristics of telecommuting.

It requires reliable, high-speed Internet access. It often places additional demands on employees' time. It reduces the environmental impact of road traffic. It allows employees to work from almost anywhere.

How have management information systems (MIS) changed the management of organizations? More than one answer may be correct.

Managers (and employees) can communicate different types of information in a greater variety of ways. Managers can have more information and data about the organization to help them make smarter decisions.

What are two advantages that made mainframe-based POS stations among the first commercially available local area networks?

Ongoing backup of data generated by each POS station Communication between POS stations within a store

What are the advantages of videoconferencing in today's business environment?

The ability to observe nonverbal cues improves the accuracy of communication. Organizations can save on travel time and expenses.

Max Weber believed that organizations were best supported by which of the following strategies?

The use of rules and organizational regulations.

Select two options that are point-of-sale (POS) station output devices.

Thermal printer Speaker

In which two of the following situations would an executive support system (ESS) be most helpful?

Vice-presidents require detailed reports from all divisions for a merger decision. R&D must provide sales with clear information about a new product.

Which 2 of the following statements accurately reflect Frederick Taylor's foundational beliefs?

When the company is successful, its employees are successful. Helping workers become more productive leads to jobs for more workers.

At the time cash registers were invented, "ringing up" a customer meant _____.

a cash register rang each time the cash drawer was opened, alerting a shop owner of register activity

Management information systems (MIS) for communication have ______.

continued to improve and become more widely used each year

Mechanical cash registers were first created to _______.

make it more difficult for employees to steal money

John Locke's labor theory of property proposes that ______.

since people own their own labor, they naturally own the products of their labor

Select three circumstances that describe when one might use mainframe computers.

A warehouse restocking a recently published book. A company seeking better operational efficiency. An airline taking reservations.

According the Max Weber, which of the following characteristics are fundamental to capitalism? More than one answer may be correct.

Ethical behavior Personal responsibility Charity

An electrical company is considering opening a new location in North Idaho. In order to determine the size of the new location, it uses its HR management system to determine the number of employees to transfer from other locations, how many new employees it would like to hire for that location, and what each employees' role would be. What function is this HR management system helping the company perform?


Which is the best description of how computing can be "green"?

Green computing reduces the consumption of fossil fuels, paper, and other office supplies and resources.

According to Adam Smith, which three of the following can increase the efficiency of labor?

Having workers specialize in a single, simple task Inventing machines to multiply the productivity of workers Reducing the distance between manufacturing steps or facilities

What is the main purpose of a decision support system?

Help manage processes involving a variety of quickly changing inputs

Adam Smith's Invisible Hand theory proposes that ______.

a free, unregulated market operates better than one in which the government controls the business activities of individuals and companies

A business uses enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to achieve ______.

an integrated MIS system that will strengthen its position in a competitive marketplace

A _____ is a computer connected to a network that relies on a server to provide access to resources.

client or clients

According to Mary Parker Follett, a successful business depends on ______.

competence and expertise

A typical flex-time policy allows employees to ______.

create their own work schedules: they can change when they start and stop their workday

In his text, "The Human Side of Enterprise," Douglas McGregor focused on ________.

manager attitudes toward their employees

Which three of the following are examples of a business that would benefit from scheduling software?

A daycare center that is open Monday through Saturday from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm. There are six classrooms and each must have two teachers present at all times. No employee may work more than 40 hours per week. A national drugstore chain whose policy is that there must be two cashiers, one stock person, and one manager or assistant manager working per shift. A restaurant that is open for lunch and dinner and has a full bar staffed with a bartender. There are 50 tables in the restaurant and each server is responsible for no more than five tables at a time.

In his theories of management, Peter Drucker placed special emphasis on ______.

the importance of involving employees in the decision-making process

A network administrator uses employee monitoring software to _______.

track computer use of all employees from a central location in real time

For what two reasons might a large organization choose to use remote desktop software rather than employee monitoring software?

Employee privacy concerns must be balanced with organizational needs. Detailed oversight of a large number of employees moment-by-moment may be problematic due to capacity.

According to Henri Fayol, the main roles or responsibilities of a manager are ______.

planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling processes

A company uses an HR management system with artificial intelligence that scans resumes for specific colleges attended and previous employers that are known for breeding successful talent. Any resumes without these colleges or previous employers are not sent on to the HR manager to be contacted for an interview. What function is this HR management system helping the company perform?


As management information systems (MIS) technology improves, managers' jobs will likely change because ______.

some tasks will be performed by online services and staff using collaboration tools

The purpose of executive support systems (ESS) is to ______.

support decision making by compiling and organizing data into clear, usable reports

What are three advantages of using personal computers in business?

Efficiency Flexibility of use Improved team communications

A nationwide job search requires lengthy candidate interviews. A US content team works with an Indian graphics team. A publisher must train remotely located freelance editors. Why is videoconferencing a better choice than voice calls in all of these situations?

In addition to practicality, documents can be shown on a video call and nonverbal messages can be conveyed.

Meera loves her job, especially the fact that she can work both from home and in the office. Lately, however, being available and accountable 24/7 is starting to crowd her, and she feels her personal life slipping away. To improve her work-life balance, what are two strategies Meera should try?

Meera should plan her day according to priorities that she's reasonably sure are achievable. The first step of her plan may include scheduling a specific time for responding to e-mails and calls. During the day, she can take a break for informal chats with colleagues in person when she's in the office or over the phone when she's home. At the end of the day, Meera should give herself time to wind down and get the rest she needs.

An advertising campaign for a hair removal product placed ads on different websites. The ad on each website listed a unique URL where customers could go to buy the product; otherwise the content was the same. A marketing manager needs to place ad buys for the next quarter and wants to focus all of his advertising dollars on the previous quarter's top revenue-generating websites. He uses the company's marketing information system (MKIS) to determine which URLs generated the most revenue. This is an example of using an MKIS to ______.

evaluate the return on investment for each ad placement in a marketing

Which two of the following are reasons why employee scheduling software was originally developed?

Improve the quality of employee performance Make the execution of management policies more consistent

Select two ways telecommuting managers will most likely be affected by improvements in management information systems (MIS) and other technologies?

They will be able to do additional tasks on their mobile phones. They will face additional work demands on their personal time.

Cloud computing can best be described as ______.

using the Internet to store and access resources

The value of data analytics to an organization can be best summarized by which statement?

Data analytics is a capability that supports increased organizational performance by drawing meaning from large amounts of data.

In which three of the following situations would data analytics be most helpful?

A search engine continually adjusts its algorithms as more data enter its servers. An international automaker is producing a new line of vehicles in several locations and the production lines must run uniformly and smoothly. A healthcare firm has received a vast amount of information from drug companies and research entities and must finalize their policies and communication concerning several controversial treatments.

Which three of the following ideas did Henri Fayol consider to be a guiding principle of management?

Managers can expect subordinates to follow orders and discipline them if needed. Managers must have the power and the right to give orders to subordinates. The organization's interests must take priority over the interests of individuals.

Who is quoted as saying "Do what you do best and outsource the rest"?

Peter Drucker

According to the Hawthorne effect, when do employees become more productive?

When they know their work is being monitored.

Frederick Taylor's four principles of scientific management can be described as ______.

Task measurement, employee development, worker-manager collaboration, and management training

A manager receives word that a large portion of inventory is missing from a shipment to a channel partner. She analyzes the RFID tracking data and determines that this part of the shipment was delivered to the wrong channel partner. Which component of supply chain management experienced a breakdown in this scenario?

Supply chain logistics

Which two of the following are examples of managers using a decision support system?

A sales manager wants to know how customer responses to a large, multistate sales promotion affect each of his reps' sales in real time. A doctor evaluating a patient with complex, unusual symptoms tracks the patient's symptoms in the electronic health record (EHR) during the exam. The EHR analyzes the symptoms, suggesting possible illnesses related to the symptoms.

Which statement best describes why telecommuting is considered an employee benefit?

Not commuting to work adds flexibility to telecommuters' schedules.

Select the scenarios below that show how Frederick Taylor's scientific management has influenced today's business decisions. More than one answer may be correct.

A political campaign director needs to hire paid workers and volunteers on all levels, from supervisors to canvassers. Instead of seeking mostly campaign veterans, the director recruits from groups who have shown great interest in "the cause." They'll be trained and supplied with what they need to do good work. In some urban school districts, teachers work in teams of two so less experienced teachers learn from seasoned co-teachers. In addition to their administrative responsibilities, the principal and assistant principal assign the teams and hold staff trainings throughout the year. These schools find that this system benefits both teachers and students. Supervisors in a large warehouse notice that the robots are working faster than the humans. Employees scanning and sending items off to shipping are becoming frustrated and even physically hurt moving the items that the robots pick off the shelves. Management decides to recalibrate the robots' speed to coordinate with the humans' speed.

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