Adrienne Social Studies Mid-Altitude South America

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c. oil

Bolivia and Paraguay have long disputed rights to a region that is thought to have substantial reserves of which important natural resource? a. iron ore b. gold c. oil d. natural gas

a. True

Both Chile and Argentina have had women as presidents. a. True b. False

b. False (capital of Argentina)

Buenos Aires is the capital of Chile. a. True b. False

b. Paraguay

Guarani customs and folk art are an important part of the culture in which South American nation? a. Chile b. Paraguay c. Argentina d. Peru

b. Kallawaya healers use herbs and rituals in their cures

How are the practices of the Kallawaya healers of Bolivia different from those of most U.S. doctors? a. Kallawaya healers rely solely on manipulation of the spine. b. Kallawaya healers use herbs and rituals in their cures c. Kallawaya healers do not charge for their services. d. Kallawaya healers perform surgery without using anesthetics.

b. More of the population is of African descent.

How does the population of Peru differ from other countries in the region? a. Large numbers of Middle Easterners live there. b. More of the population is of African descent. c. Few inhabitants are of European ancestry. d. The Native American population is very small.

a. True

In the Andean and midlatitude countries, family ties are very important. a. True b. False

a. True

Potatoes and corn are grown on highland terraces in Peru. a. True b. False

d. Paraguay is landlocked, so the rivers form an important transportation route.

The Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay rivers form the second-largest river system in South America. Why is this system especially important to Paraguay? a. The river system provides access to the Pacific Ocean. b. The river system is the only source of drinking water for the country. c. The people of Paraguay rely on fish for much of their diet. d. Paraguay is landlocked, so the rivers form an important transportation route.

b. Argentina

To suppress unrest after the overthrow of leader Juan Perón, the government of which South American country imprisoned thousands of people without trial? a. Paraguay b. Argentina c. Ecuador d. Bolivia

a. True

Uneven distribution of wealth led to social and political instability in many South American nations after independence. a. True b. False

a. True

Wealthy South Americans would be unlikely to live in pueblos jóvenes. a. True b. False

d. changes in wind patterns and ocean currents in the Pacific Ocean

What causes the weather disturbances called El Niño and La Niña? a. movements of the tectonic plates under the Pacific Ocean b. variations in monsoon winds originating in the mid-Atlantic c. cold winds blowing north from Antarctica d. changes in wind patterns and ocean currents in the Pacific Ocean

c. altitude

What is the main factor that determines climate in the Andes? a. humidity b. temperature c. altitude d. precipitation

b. The country has no outlet to the sea.

What is the main problem Bolivia faces in exporting its natural gas reserves? a. The price of natural gas is too low. b. The country has no outlet to the sea. c. The country lacks enough qualified workers to access the gas. d. Drilling for natural gas is too expensive for a poor nation.

b. conquistadors

What were the Spanish military victors who defeated the indigenous peoples and helped colonize the Andean and midlatitude areas of South America called? a. capitáns b. conquistadors c. gauchos d. vaqueros

c. Inca

Which Native American society first settled in the Cuzco Valley and dominated the entire Andean region by the 1500s? a. Aymara b. Moche c. Inca d. Maya

c. Francisco Pizarro

Which Spanish conquistador conquered the empire of the Inca? a. Vasco Núñez de Balboa b. Christopher Columbus c. Francisco Pizarro d. Capac Yupanqui

c. In the first half of the twentieth century, many South American governments were dictatorships.

Which generalization about South American governments is most valid? a. After gaining independence, most South American countries strongly supported democracy. b. A strong middle class has helped most South American nations maintain stable governments over the past century. c. In the first half of the twentieth century, many South American governments were dictatorships. d. By the mid-1900s, Native Americans held leadership positions in most South American nations.

c. Guarani

Which of the following Native American groups lives mainly in Paraguay? a. Quechua b. Sirionó c. Guarani d. Kallawaya

d. southern Argentina

Which of the following regions often experiences heavy snowfalls? a. Uruguay b. Paraguay c. northern Argentina d. southern Argentina

d. It is a large port city and cultural center.

Which of the following statements about Buenos Aires is correct? a. It is the capital of Peru. b. A majority of the people live in the central part of the city. c. The city is not as densely populated as the rest of Argentina. d. It is a large port city and cultural center.

They often lack sewers, running water, and other services.

Which of the following statements about the shantytowns outside of large South American cities is accurate? a. City governments construct the housing found in shantytowns. b. They are middle-class communities. c. They are usually safe neighborhoods with little crime. d. They often lack sewers, running water, and other services.

d. The Andes are the tallest group of mountain ranges in the Western Hemisphere.

Which of the following statements about the Andes is accurate? a. The entire series of the Andes range stretches for 1,500 miles (2414 km). b. The Andes run parallel to the Atlantic coast. c. The Andes consist of a single series of peaks arranged in a neat line. d. The Andes are the tallest group of mountain ranges in the Western Hemisphere.

b. contemporary South American writer

Which phrase accurately describes Isabel Allende? a. former president of Chile b. contemporary South American writer c. hero of South America's fight for independence d. leader of Bolivia's environmental movement

a. The Inca built an extensive road system for travel.

Which statement accurately describes an aspect of Inca civilization? a. The Inca built an extensive road system for travel. b. The Inca carefully preserved their history on handwritten parchments. c. The Inca practiced an advanced form of democracy. d. The Inca were largely hunter-gatherers.

b. The climate is generally temperate, or moderate.

Which statement describes the climate of the midlatitude countries of eastern South America? a. The temperature is relatively stable throughout the year. b. The climate is generally temperate, or moderate. c. Rainfall occurs mostly in the spring. d. Winters are warmer than summers.

c. Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay

Which three rivers combine to create the second-largest river system in South America? a. Uruguay, Amazon, and Rio de la Plata b. Amazon, Paraguay, and Uruguay c. Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay d. Paraná, Amazon, and Paraguay

b. emperor and high priest

Who held the highest positions in the Inca's highly structured society? a. farmers and laborers b. emperor and high priest c. engineers and builders d. artisans and physicians

d. to encourage free trade within the region

Why did four South American countries form MERCOSUR in 1991? a. to compete in international soccer, or football, leagues b. to develop a highway system within the four countries c. to promote human rights in nations emerging from dictatorship d. to encourage free trade within the region

c. The coastal areas offer fertile land and easy transportation.

Why do coastal portions of the region have the highest population density? a. The mineral resources there provide many good-paying jobs. b. The dense vegetation offers an abundance of plant and animal resources. c. The coastal areas offer fertile land and easy transportation. d. The moderate climate there is healthy and pleasant.

d. They strongly opposed his economic reforms.

how did wealthy Chileans respond to Salvador Allende's election? a. They chose an opposition candidate to run against Allende in the next election. b. They worked closely with Allende to redistribute wealth and land. c. They gave him their overwhelming support. d. They strongly opposed his economic reforms.

b. 25 percent

About what percentage of the entire population of Argentina lives in Buenos Aires? a. 80 percent b. 25 percent c. 10 percent d. 50 percent

b. False

Because of the relatively harsh living conditions, people of the Andean and midlatitude countries have not developed arts, music, and literature. a. True b. False

b. counting

For what purpose did the Inca use the device known as the quipu? a. cooking b. counting c. writing d. farming

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