ADS 201 Pearson questions (From Chapter/Assignment 8 and beyond)

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On which of the following did Martin R. Delany and Henry Highland Garnet agree?

The desirability of black migration out of the United States

In 1775 Philadelphia Quakers organized __________.

The first antislavery society in the world

The American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Haitian struggle for independence all endorsed __________.

The idea of natural rights

What was the consequence of John Brown's raid and the reaction to it?

The nation was further divided over the issue of slavery and its expansion.

Which of the following is the most likely to have favored the Democratic Party in the late 1820s?

The owner of a cotton plantation in Mississippi

Democratic politicians led in demanding __________.

The removal of Indians to the area west of the Mississippi River

What was the outcome of the Supreme Court case involving the Amistad?

The slaves were set free

By the mid-nineteenth century, most northern black and white people embraced __________.

The system of free labor

At a meeting that announced the formation of the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) in 1833, the society's leaders announced their rejection of __________

The use of violence

Which of the following was true of the black conventions held in the North between 1830 and 1864?

Their agenda transcended the antislavery cause.

The Gag Rule prohibited __________.

petitions related to slavery from being introduced in the House of Representatives

In the 1858 Illinois Senate campaign the main issues were __________.

slavery and race

Which of the following fugitive slave cases elicited the most powerful response from white and black northerners?

the Anthony Burns case

Events involving the brig Creole in 1841 provide an example of which of the following?

the importance of direct action by enslaved blacks to the antislavery movement

What was the goal of John Brown's raid?

to spark a slave uprising in the South

There is clear evidence that Nat Turner ________

Knew about the Haitian Revolution

Who led the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (AFASS)?

Lewis Tappan

How did the slaves who lived near Harpers Ferry respond to John Brown's raid?

Many of them joined the insurrection.

Under President James K. Polk, the United States adopted a belligerent foreign policy toward __________.


With few exceptions, leading black abolitionists were __________.


During the 1830s the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) adopted a reform strategy based on __________.

Moral suasion

By the late 1840s, the movement known as nativism pitted __________.

Native-born Protestants against foreign-born Roman Catholics

With which of the following would Alexis de Tocqueville have agreed?

Northern whites were more antagonistic toward black people than southern whites.

The New York Liberty Party maintained that the U.S. Constitution __________.

Outlawed slavery throughout the country

Eighteenth-century Quakers generally expected slavery to be abolished __________.

Peacefully and gradually

No city had more or worse race riots than __________.


Charlotte Forten was among the founders of the __________.

Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society

The Wilmot Proviso __________.

Prohibited slavery in lands acquired from Mexico

Which of the following was an important difference between Denmark Vesey's plot and Gabriel's?

Religion played a more prominent role in Vesey's plot

Which of the following best describes Nat Turner?

Religious visionary

The American School of Ethnology promoted __________.

Scientific racism

On what basis did Dred Scott claim he was a free man?

Scott claimed he was a free man because he had been taken to territory where slavery was illegal.

Which of the following was true of Harriet Tubman?

She escaped when her master threatened to sell her and her family south.

Why did Maria W. Stewart retire as a public speaker in September 1833?

She faced increasing hostility from the black community.

In 1845 the United States annexed Texas as a __________.

Slaveholding state

Members of the New York Liberty Party argued that __________.

masters had no legal right to own human beings

What was the Benevolent Empire?

A network of church-related organizations

Which of the following best characterizes Paul Cuffe's views on colonization?

African Americans should go to Africa because black people would never be treated fairly in the United States.

Which of the following best characterizes the views of Samuel Cornish on colonization?

African Americans should not go to Liberia, but instead should focus on improving conditions in the United States.

In June 1839 __________ seized control of the Spanish schooner Amistad.

African Captives

Which of the following is an example of a practical abolitionist?

Alethia Tanner

The Liberty Party was the first __________.

Antislavery political party

Which of the following was a consequence of Gabriel's conspiracy?

Antislavery societies in the Upper South were suppressed.

How did Andrew Jackson's supporters view the election of 1824?

As a corrupt bargain

Why did Chief Justice Roger Taney rule that Dred Scott could not sue in a federal court?

Because black people were not citizens

On what basis did the American Colonization Society (ACS) argue that free African Americans had to go to Liberia?

Because otherwise masters would never liberate their slaves

Why did the national black convention movement falter in the first half of the 1830s?

Black abolitionists began to place their hopes in the American Anti-Slavery Society.

Which of the following limited the effectiveness of the early northern antislavery movement?

Black and white abolitionists worked in separate organizations.

Martin Delany was a champion of __________.

Black self-reliance

Frederick Douglass was __________.

Born a slave in Maryland

The Free Produce Association tried to put economic pressure on slaveholders by __________.

Boycotting agricultural products produced by slaves

Under the terms of the Compromise of 1850, __________.

California entered the Union as a free state

In the early nineteenth century, which of the following types of public activity was seen as appropriate for respectable women?

Church and benevolent activities

Which of the following was a major economic trend in the North in the first half of the nineteenth century?

Competition for employment between native black and white Americans and foreign-born workers intensified.

Which of the following contributed to the splintering of the American Anti slavery Society ( AASS)

Debate over role of women in abolitionism

David Walker and Nat Turner were both from the South and both were __________.

Deeply religious

By 1842, the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) had begun calling for __________.


The 1820s and 1830s saw __________.

Dramatic improvements in America's transportation infrastructure

In anticipation of a state constitutional convention in 1829, white people in western Virginia called for __________.


Which of the following was true of black antislavery newspapers?

Few survived for very long.

The American Colonization Society (ACS) wanted to send __________ to Africa.

Former slaves and previously free African Americans

All of the women's antislavery societies concentrated on __________.


Proponents of Manifest Destiny believed that __________.

God intended the United States to expand its territory

Which of the following was a significant factor behind the sevenfold increase in the free black population of the United States between 1790 and 1850?

Gradual emancipation in the northern states

Which of the following best characterizes Lincoln's views on black people in the late 1850s?

He did not believe in racial equality, but believed all people should be paid for their labor.

Why did Frederick Douglass finally break with William Lloyd Garrison and the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS)?

He suspected they wanted him to continue in the role of a fugitive slave.

Which of the following was true of William Lloyd Garrison?

He worked hard to bridge racial differences.

Which of the following helped push William Lloyd Garrison towards a more radical vision of the antislavery movement?

His association with African Americans in Baltimore

Antiblack riots coincided with the start of __________ during the late 1820s.

Immediate abolitionism

After 1831, William Lloyd Garrison believed that __________.

Immediate emancipation must be combined with a commitment to racial justice in the United States

The American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) was committed to __________.

Immediate, uncompensated emancipation

Which of the following was true of the American Colonization Society (ACS)?

In the 1820s it enjoyed the support of prominent northern white abolitionists.

Black conventions in the 1830s often called for __________.

Integrated public schools

In what way was the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) different than other organizations of its time?

It allowed black men to participate in its meetings without formal restrictions.

Which of the following most accurately characterizes the American Colonization Society's (ACS) stance on slavery?

It claimed to be opposed to slavery.

How did the fugitive slave law shape public opinion in the North?

It exposed northerners to heart-wrenching scenes of the recapture of alleged runaway slaves.

How did Walker's Appeal shape the struggle over slavery?

It helped inspire an increasingly militant black abolitionism.

What made Uncle Tom's Cabin such an effective tool for conveying the antislavery message?

It helped make slavery an emotional issue for northerners.

How did Walker's Appeal shape the struggle over slavery? (Final Quiz)

It influenced the tone of Garrison and other advocates of immediate abolition.

Which of the following was true of the American antislavery movement?

It was actually 2 movements

Which of the following was true of the Underground Railroad?

It was most active from the mid-1830s until the outbreak of the Civil War.

Which of the following was true of the Know-Nothing Party?

Its members disagreed among themselves about slavery and its expansion.

As a young man, Nat Turner spent much of his time _________

Studying and memorizing the Bible

Which of the following was expected of respectable women in the first half of the nineteenth century?

That they devote themselves exclusively to domestic concerns

Which of the following was an important difference between the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) and the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (AFASS)?

The AFASS took a more traditional stand on the role of women in public life.

Why was Canada West such a popular destination for escaped slaves from 1833 on?

The British Empire prohibited slavery in 1833.

Which of the following was a consequence of the Mexican-American War?

The United States gained control of New Mexico and California.

The American Colonization Society (ACS) had its greatest strength in __________.

The Upper South

Which of the following contributed to slave unrest in Virginia in the 1790s?

The arrival of Haitian refugees

With which of the following statements would Frederick Douglass have agreed?

The best prospects for political and economic success for African Americans lay in the United States.

In the view of most white people in the 1840s, what would be the long-term consequence of immediate emancipation?

The black race would decline and disappear.

Which of the following helps explain the growing militancy of black abolitionists in the 1840s?

The breakup of the American Anti-Slavery Society

What did Henry Highland Garnet, Paul Cuffe, and Alexander Crummell have in common?

They all supported colonization.

What did David Walker and Nat Turner have in common?

They both advocated employing violent means against slavery.

Which of the following was true of local vigilance organizations?

They first appeared in the mid-1830s.

Which of the following helps explain why black antislavery newspapers often found it difficult to find readers?

They had to compete with white antislavery newspapers.

What did William Watkins, Jacob Greener, and Hezekiah Grice have in common?

They were all strongly opposed to the goals of the African Colonization Society

Almost all Democratic leaders believed God and nature had designed African Americans to __________.

To be slaves

For what purpose was the Free-Soil Party formed in 1848?

To prevent slavery's expansion

What did the delegates at the Rochester Convention call for?

greater unity among black people

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