Adulthood Review 3

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What is the median age of marriage?

25.8 women, 28.3 men

High commitment/high crisis (exploration) Marsha's explanation: Balanced, mature, thoughtful is known as what?

Achieved status

Defense mechanism where you derive pleasure from helping other people?


A defence mechanism where you know you'll be placed with a challenging situation you plan ahead?


One definition of creative ability emphasizes the idea that is original, has an impact on others, and is what?


What is the Intergenerational Solidarity Model?

Associational (frequency of interaction), Affectual (feelings- 2nd most important), consensual (values, lifestyle agreements), functional (help exchanges), normative (obligation), structural (availability- 1 important dimension)

A 60 year old accountant feels satisfied with his life choices even though he is still open to making changes in the future. Which pathway in the Rowe pathway describes him?


Achieves solid identity commitments through exploration and change is known as what?

Authentic road/identity balance

The middle age man currently unattached finds himself constantly longing to be as close as possible to his romantic partner.. Eventually his parents leave him because he's so clingy. What kind of attachment style does he have?

Axious attachment

Behaviors people engage in affect their satisfaction or Influences stability and quality of relationships, showing behavior is known as what?

Behavioral approach

The eminent and well known productive and imaginative individuals are referred to as having what form of creativity?

Big C

Certain substance or protein that protects older adults from neurological disorders?

C reactive protein

People who use problem focus coping are more likely to try to change ___ when faced with a stressor?

Changing the situation

The greater likelihood of divorced if you cohabitate before becoming engaged is known as what?

Cohabitation effect

The ___ principle would predict that overtime a highly agreeable person would be more liked by other people which would further increase that person's agreeableness over adulthood?

Correspondence principle

A major emphasis of psychodynamic theory is understanding the use of ___ in coping in adulthood?

Defense mechanism

Research on emerging adults say that people who are more likely to engage in drug related behavior fall under which identity status?


No commitment/no crisis (no exploration- first job fits) Marsha's explanation: delinquent, drug-related behaviors, especially "carefree" type is known as what?

Diffused status

Couple starts out happy and in love and develop problems over time is known as what?


Pathway where couples start out happy and gradually fall out of love overtime?

Disillusionment pathway

Defense mechanism where you're angry and showing your angry to someone else?


WHO Model was most similar to which developmental model?

Ecological perspective

Between, controls rational thought, negotiates a way for people to meet their biological needs without putting themselves at risk is known as what?


What are the Branches of Psychodynamic Theory?

Ego psychology (ID, Superego, ego)

Relationship begins to develop problems over time, made worse by poor conflict resolution is known as what?

Emergent distress

A couple's interactions early in relationships characterize course of relationship over time is known as what?

Enduring dynamics

Balance is sought between what each contributes to the relationship or Partners are satisfied in a relationship if they feel they are getting what they deserve (for newer couple) is known as what?

Equity theory

When partners are satisfied with their relationship because they feel they're getting what they deserve and are putting into it?

Equity theory

Fear of having to take care of an aging parent?


What is the five factor model?

Five basic predispositions with 6 facets- openness to experience (willing to entertain new ideas), conscientiousness (attend to detail and don't procrastinate), extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism (tendency to worry)

High commitment/no crisis (no exploration- first job fits) Marsha's explanation: over course of adulthood use identity assimilation is known as what?

Foreclosed status

Creativity with a mini c refers to what type of behavior in everyday life?

Gaining self understanding

Names of parents who smoother and over affect their children?

Helicopter parents

Biological instincts (can be the need for water/food, or negative- the need to hurt someone) is known as what?


Falls to settle on a course in life, constantly searches for identity is known as what?

Identity accommodation

In later life, people who are low in self esteem tend to be those that use the identity process of?

Identity accommodation

Projection , passive aggression, acting out, and denial are what type of defense mechanisms?


As pointed out in the socioemotional selectivity theory, people that value the __ function of their relationship are likely to seek advice and practical tips from people they spend time with?


Hypothesis that parents are higher in affection toward children than vice versa?

Intergenerational stake hypthesis

Displacement, repression, and reaction formation fall under what type of defense mechanism?


The patterning of an individual's personal development, occupation, family roles, religion, and friends etc. at a particular point in time is referred to by Levinston as what?

Life structure

What does LAT stand over?

Living apart together

A legally sanctioned union is know as what?


A 63 year old man had never felt he could settle on a career and has explored 3 completely different areas of work after getting a medical degree at 30. He would fit what light pathway on the Rowe model?

Meanterin way

At around age 40-45 when people experience disillusionment where they realize they are aspiring the dreams they set for themselves is known as what?

Middle transition

Period of self screwing and any reevaluation of goals, between ages 30 and 60 is known as what?

Midlife crisis

No commitment/high crisis (exploration) Marsha's explanation: open and curious but also anxious, depressed, low self esteem is known as what?

Moratorium status

According to Marsha, emerging adults who are actively exploring alternatives to commitment in certain life areas would be in which identity status?


What is the name for the hypothesis that proposes that people seek and ae more satisfied with partners opposite themselves?

Need complementary

People want a partner opposite them to complement them is known as what?

Need complemnetarity

What is the widowhood effect?

One spouse dies and there is a greater likelihood that the other spouse will die shortly after

An older women with whom you work in your part time job tells you stories about who she meets, how she travels, and loves music and art. She is high on what personality trait?

Openness to experience

Attachment theories propose that older adults seek relationships in which they can experience a safe haven. Aside from people, who or what can provide us with a safe haven?


Row and Con define successful aging proposes the absence of ___?

Physical disease

Critics of the Row and Kohn model of successive aging can tend it is overly focused on what?

Physical health

The idea of what you could become at some point in the future is known as?

Possible self

What is more important than objective determinants?

Psychological resilience and optimism

The ego is responsible for emphasizing what according to Freudian psychology?

Realistic or rational

What attachment style is in majority of adults?

Secure attachment style

Similarities will predict initial attraction to someone and overall satisfaction in relationship is known as what?

Similarity complemnetarity

A chief characteristic of the swan song is the fact that it is what?

Simple and easy to remember

Relationships are evaluated according to the costs and benefits or Predicts why some relationships succeed and others fail is known as what?

Social exchange theory

People prefer long-term relationships to maximize their positive effect or Prefer to be with spouse and not invest time in meeting new people is known as what?

Socioemotional selectivity theory

Throughout adulthood people structure the nature and range of their relationship to maximize gains and minimize risk (want to get something out of relationships) is known as what?

Socioemotional selectivity theory

Maintains consistent life pattern, is defensive about change is known as what?

Straight and narrow way/identity assimilation

According to the paradox of well being, older adults with health or financial limitations remain high on what?

Subjective well being

We expect more out of marriage but have less time to devote to it More emphasize on marriage but do not have time to devote to it is known as what?

Suffocation model

Model that say that adults place more emphasis on marriage as a source of self expression or fulfillment but do not have enough time to devote to it?

Suffocation model of marriage

Attempts to control the IDs irrational instincts, provides the individual with an image of goodness so they can aspire to be better or like their good self is known as what?


This defense mechanism is expressed by the idea that if you're upset about something you put a lid on it?


The Five Factor Model of personality fits into what overall category of psychological theory?

Trait theory

What is a cardiovascular risk factors related to?

Type A behavior and anxiety

What does the Determinants of Active Ageing highlight?

autonomy and independence (how individual gets around in the environment rather than their accommodations)

People might express creativity in their everyday life through activities?


The ability to generate ideas that are original, appropriate (and appreciate), and have an impact on others is known as what?


When does identity status occur?

during adolescence and emerging adulthood

Endurance over time and feelings persist over time is known as what?


The quality of ___ in the work of older artists applies to creative work overtime?


feelings and attitudes about one's life (have more of a cognitive evaluation than subjective) is known as what?

life satisfaction

Influenced by conscious and unconscious sense of self as well as other factors like socio cultural factors, the way that the individual life is patterned at any given point is known as what?

life structure

Greater understanding of strengths and virtues that enable the individual to thrive is known as what?

positive psychology

We attempt to understand people's strengths or virtues?

positive psychology

What are psychological aspects of divorce?

practical consequences, child custody, lower psychological health, poorer health, problems with substance abuse, more negative life events

Study of Women's Sample showed what had most effect on success of women's aging?

resistance and optimisim

The Planck hypothesis was used to explain the peak of creativity in the area of what?


Cognitive performance that is above average for an individual's age group as objectively (better encoding means better retrieval) is known as what?

successful cognitive aging

As people get older they should care less about themselves and more about others. This is an increase called?

the quiet ego

What is Identity assimilation?

want to keep who you are, can help older adults

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