adv data- quiz 4

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A person wants to visit some places. He starts from a vertex and then wants to visit every vertex till it finishes from one vertex, backtracks and then explore other vertex from same vertex. What algorithm he should use? a) Depth First Search b) Breadth First Search c) Trim's algorithm d) None of the mentioned


Adjacency matrix of all graphs are symmetric. a) False b) True


Counting sort is often used as a sub routine for radix sort. a) true b) false


Depth First Search is equivalent to which of the traversal in the Binary Trees? a) Pre-order Traversal b) Post-order Traversal c) Level-order Traversal d) In-order Traversal


For some sparse graph an adjacency list is more space efficient against an adjacency matrix. a) True b) False


Regarding implementation of Depth First Search using stacks, what is the maximum distance between two nodes present in the stack? (considering each edge length 1) a) Can be anything b) 0 c) At most 1 d) Insufficient Information


The Data structure used in standard implementation of Depth First Search is? a) Stack b) Queue c) Linked List d) None of the mentioned


Time complexity to find if there is an edge between 2 vertices is _________ a) O(V) b) O(E) c) O(1) d) O(V+E)


Traversal of a graph is different from tree because (A) There can be a loop in graph so we must maintain a visited flag for every vertex (B) DFS of a graph uses stack, but in-order traversal of a tree is recursive (C) BFS of a graph uses queue, but a time efficient BFS of a tree is recursive. (D) All of the above


What is the advantage of counting sort over quick sort? a) counting sort has lesser time complexity when range is comparable to number of input elements b) counting sort has lesser space complexity c) counting sort is not a comparison based sorting technique d) it has no advantage


What is the advantage of radix sort over quick sort? a) radix sort performs better than quick sort when we have log n bits for every digit b) radix sort has lesser space complexity c) radix sort is not a comparison based sorting technique d) radix sort has better cache performance than quick sort


What is the full form of MSD in MSD radix sort? a) most significant digit b) many significant digit c) more significant digit d) must significant digit


What is the maximum number of edges in an acyclic undirected graph with n vertices? (A) n-1 (B) n (C) n + 1 (D) 2n-1


Which of the following is not an example of non-comparison sort? a) bubble sort b) counting sort c) radix sort d) bucket sort


Which of the following is the most suitable definition of radix sort? a) It is a non-comparison based integer sort b) It is a comparison based integer sort c) It is a non-comparison based non integer sort d) It is a comparison based non integer sort


Which of the following is true? a) A graph may contain no edges and many vertices b) A graph may contain many edges and no vertices c) A graph may contain no edges and no vertices d) None of the mentioned


Which of the following properties does a simple graph does not hold? a) Must be connected b) Must be unweighted c) Must have no loops or multiple edges d) All of the mentioned


A graph with all vertices having equal degree is known as a __________ a) Multi Graph b) Regular Graph c) Simple Graph d) Complete Graph


A person wants to visit some places. He starts from a vertex and then wants to visit every place connected to this vertex and so on. What algorithm he should use? a) Depth First Search b) Breadth First Search c) Trim's algorithm d) None of the mentioned


For the adjacency matrix of a directed graph the row sum is the _________ degree and the column sum is the ________ degree. a) in, out b) out, in c) in, total d) total, out


In a simple graph, the number of edges is equal to twice the sum of the degrees of the vertices. a) True b) False


It is not possible to implement counting sort when any of the input element has negative value. a) True b) False


MSD radix sort is an in-place sorting algorithm. a) True b) False


MSD radix sort should be preferred over LSD radix sort when we have to maintain the original relative order. a) True b) False


The Breadth First Search traversal of a graph will result into? a) Linked List b) Tree c) Graph with back edges d) All of the mentioned


The Data structure used in standard implementation of Breadth First Search is? a) Stack b) Queue c) Linked List d) None of the mentioned


The Depth First Search traversal of a graph will result into? a) Linked List b) Tree c) Graph with back edges d) None of the mentioned


What is the average time complexity of MSD radix sort (w= bits required to store each key)?a) O(n + w) b) O(n.w) c) O(n2) d) O(n log n)


What is the average time complexity of counting sort? a) O(n) b) O(n+k) k=range of input c) O(n2) d) O(n log n)


What is the number of edges present in a complete graph having n vertices? a) (n*(n+1))/2 b) (n*(n-1))/2 c) n d) Information given is insufficient


What will be the order of elements of the array arr = {23, 67, 143, 654, 43} after first iteration of MSD sort is complete? a) 23, 43, 67, 143, 654 b) 23, 67, 43, 143, 654 c) 23, 67, 143, 654, 43 d) 23, 143, 43, 654, 67


When the Breadth First Search of a graph is unique? a) When the graph is a Binary Tree b) When the graph is a Linked List c) When the graph is a n-ary Tree d) None of the mentioned


When the Depth First Search of a graph is unique? a) When the graph is a Binary Tree b) When the graph is a Linked List c) When the graph is a n-ary Tree d) None of the mentioned


Which of the following algorithm takes nonlinear time for sorting?a) counting sort b) quick sort c) bucket sort d) radix sort


Which of the following condition is sufficient to detect cycle in a directed graph? (A) There is an edge from currently being visited node to an already visited node. (B) There is an edge from currently being visited node to an ancestor of currently visited node in DFS forest. (C) Every node is seen twice in DFS. (D) None of the above


Which of the following is an alternate name of MSD radix sort? a) bottom up radix sort b) top down radix sort c) forward radix sort d) backward radix sort


Which of the following is not true about radix sort? a) Radix sort performs better than quick sort when we have log n bits for every digit b) Radix sort has better cache performance than quick sort c) Radix sort has higher values of constant factor in asymptotic notation d) Radix sort takes more space than quick sort


Which of the following sorting techniques is stable? a) quick sort b) counting sort c) heap sort d) selection sort


Which of the following statement is not a stable sorting algorithm?a) LSD radix sort b) MSD radix sort c) Counting sort d) Pigeonhole sort


Which of the following statement is true about comparison based sorting? a) counting sort is a comparison based sort b) any comparison based sorting can be made stable c) bubble sort is not a comparison based sort d) any comparison based sort requires at least O(n2) time


Which of the following uses the largest amount of auxiliary space for sorting? a) Bubble sort b) Counting sort c) Quick sort d) Heap sort


Breadth First Search is equivalent to which of the traversal in the Binary Trees? a) Pre-order Traversal b) Post-order Traversal c) Level-order Traversal d) In-order Traversal


Complete the given snippet of code for the adjacency list representation of a weighted directed graph. class neighbor { int vertex, weight; ____ next; } class vertex { string name; _____ adjlist; } vertex adjlists[101]; a) vertex, vertex b) neighbor, vertex c) neighbor, neighbor d) vertex, neighbor


Given two vertices in a graph s and t, which of the two traversals (BFS and DFS) can be used to find if there is path from s to t? a. Only BFS b. Only DFS c. Both BFS and DFS d. Neither BFS nor DFS


Given two vertices in a graph s and t, which of the two traversals (BFS and DFS) can be used to find if there is path from s to t?(A) Only BFS (B) Only DFS (C) Both BFS and DFS (D) Neither BFS nor DFS


In BFS, how many times a node is visited? a) Once b) Twice c) equivalent to number of indegree of the node d) None of the mentioned


In Depth First Search, how many times a node is visited? a) Once b) Twice c) Equivalent to number of indegree of the node d) None of the mentioned


On which of the following statements does the time complexity of checking if an edge exists between two vertices is not, depends? a) Depends on the number of edges b) Depends on the number of vertices c) Is independent of both the number of edges and vertices d) It depends on both the number of edges and vertices


Regarding implementation of Breadth First Search using queues, what is the maximum distance between two nodes present in the queue? (considering each edge length 1) a) Can be anything b) 0 c) At most 1 d) Insufficient Information


Space complexity for an adjacency list of an undirected graph having large values of V (vertices) and E (edges) is ___________ a) O(E) b) O(V*V) c) O(E+V) d) O(V)


The complexity of which of the following sorting algorithms remains to be the same in its best, average and worst case? a) quick sort b) insertion sort c) counting sort


Which of the following is not true about MSD radix sort? a) its processing starts from the most significant digit b) it is not a stable sort c) it is an in place sorting algorithm d) it is non-comparison based sort


Which of the following sorting techniques is most efficient if the range of input data is not significantly greater than a few elements to be sorted? a) selection sort b) bubble sort c) counting sort d) insertion sort


Which of the following ways can be used to represent a graph? a) Adjacency List and Adjacency Matrix b) Incidence Matrix c) Adjacency List, Adjacency Matrix as well as Incidence Matrix d) None of the mentioned


How many comparisons will be made to sort the array arr = {1, 5, 3, 8, 2} using MSD radix sort? a) 5 b) 7 c) 9 d) 0


How many comparisons will be made to sort the array arr={1,5,3,8,2} using counting sort? a) 5 b) 7 c) 9 d) 0


The number of elements in the adjacency matrix of a graph having 7 vertices is __________ a) 7 b) 14 c) 36 d) 49


What can be the applications of Breadth First Search? a) Finding shortest path between two nodes b) Finding bipartiteness of a graph c) GPS navigation system d) All of the mentioned


What can be the applications of Depth First Search? a) For generating topological sort of a graph b) For generating Strongly Connected Components of a directed graph c) Detecting cycles in the graph d) All of the mentioned


What is the disadvantage of counting sort? a) counting sort has large time complexity b) counting sort has large space complexity c) counting sort is not a comparison-based sorting technique d) counting sort cannot be used for array with non-integer elements


Which of the following combines qualities of MSD radix sort and LSD radix sort? a) in-place MSD radix sort b) stable MSD radix sot c) 3 way radix quick sort d) forward radix sort


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