Advance Server Final Exam

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DNS is a distributed and ____ database that allows controlling DNS management locally.

a. linear b. *hierarchical* c. authoritative d. submissive

Which command should be used to restrict access to printers?

a. lpr b. *lpadmin* c. admin d. lpa

In markup language, the ____ indicates the ending tag.

a. pipe (|) b. *forward slash (/)* c. backward slash (\) d. semicolon (;)

Samba handles authentication and authorization of users in both Linux and Windows by using passwords and ____.

a. shares b. trusts c. directories d. *domains*

How many DNS servers can be configured in the /etc/resolv.conf file?

a. two b. *three* c. four d. five

What two resource record types map FQDNs to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses respectively?​

a. ​*A* b. ​CNAME c. ​NS d. ​*AAAA*

What two daemons can be used to start and manage connections for smaller network daemons such as telnet and rlogin?​

a. ​*inetd* b. ​autod c. ​*xinetd* d. ​netd

In order to enable IP routing on Linux at boot, what setting must be configured in /etc/sysctl.conf?​

a. ​*net.ipv4.ip_forward* b. ​ipv4.routing c. net.routing.enable​ d. ​iproute.ipv4

​Asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys that are unique generated on each system. What are these two keys called?

a. ​*public key* b. ​normal key c. ​secret key d. ​*private key*

The System Log Daemon rsyslogd loads what configuration file under /etc, as well as any files within which directory under /etc?​

a. ​*rsyslog.d* b. *​rsyslog.conf* c. ​log.d d. ​log.conf

Where are the log files for the Samba daemon located?​

a. ​/var/log/Samba/log b. ​/var/run/samba/log c. ​/var/log/access.log d. *​/var/log/samba*

​A Class A network uses how many bits for the network ID, and how many bits for the host ID?

a. ​32 b. ​*24* c. ​16 d. ​*8*

What option can be used in the journald configuration file to specify a file size limit to the event log?​

a. ​Max_file_size b. ​SizeLimit c. ​*SystemMaxUse* d. ​Journal_Limit

​What are the two most common technologies that provide asymmetric encryption on Linux systems?

a. ​Telnet b. ​Apache httpd c. ​*Secure Shell (SSH)* d. ​*GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)*

A route table is a list of TCP/IP networks that is stored in system memory.

*True* False

Class D addresses are used for multicasting.

*True* False

1. The connections that a program makes to files on a filesystem. ​2. A measure of normal system activity. ​3. The process of embedding network packets within other network packets. ​4. A command that lists the files that are currently being viewed or modified by software programs and users. ​5. A program that can be used to detect unauthorized access to a Linux system. ​6. A software program that can be used to automatically authenticate users using their private key. 7. A common IDS for Linux that monitors files and directories.​ ​8. An attack in which a network service is altered in memory ​9. A command that can be used to scan ports on network computers. 10. A daemon used on some Linux systems to provide for easier configuration of netfilter via the ipchains command.

1. file handles 2. baseline 3. tunneling 4. lsof command 5. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) 6. SSH agent 7. tripwire 8. buffer overrun​ 9. nmap command 10. ​firewall daemon (firewalld)

1. Contains instructions for serving Web pages over an HTTPS connection. 2. Contains error response messages that can be modified for all virtual hosts. 3. This global configurations file applies to all virtual hosts. 4. Contains configuration files that are created automatically during startup when the /usr/sbin/rcapache2 start command is issued. 5. Contains general configuration options for controlling Apache's performance. 6. Used to associate Apache with IP addresses and ports. 7. The main Apache configuration file. 8. Defines the character sets for each language. 9. Defines which user and group ID Apache runs

1. ssl-global.conf 2. errors.conf 3. default-server.conf 4. sysconfig.d/ 5. server-tuning.conf 6. listen.conf 7. httpd.conf 8. charset.conv 9. uid.conf

1. A computer in an NIS domain that receives its configuration from an NIS master server or NIS slave server. ​2. A DNS name resolution request whereby an IP address is resolved to a FQDN. 3. The standard that all DNS servers and configuration files adhere to.​ ​4. The difference between time measurements from several different NTP servers. ​5. The process of copying resource records for a zone from a master to a slave DNS server. 6. The most common protocol used to transfer files across networks such as the Internet.​ ​7. The most common Linux daemon used to provide IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to other computers on the network. 8. The difference in time between two computers that use the NTP protocol.​ ​9. A protocol used by Windows computers that adds a unique 15-character name to file- and printer-sharing traffic. ​10. A file that contains the IP addresses of top-level DNS servers.

1. ​NIS client 2. ​reverse lookup 3. ​Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) 4. ​jitter 5. zone transfer 6. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)​ 7. DHCPD daemon​ 8. offset​ 9. NetBIOS​ 10. DNS cache file

1. The command used to change the GECOS for a user.​ 2. ​The area of the system from which information is gathered when logging system events. 3. The command used to remove print jobs from the print queue in the CUPS print system 4. ​A unique number assigned to each user account. 5. A group of CUPS printers that are treated as a single unit for the purposes of printing and management.​ 6. The command used to modify the name or GID of a group on the system.​ ​7. The process of accepting a print job into a print queue. 8. The daemon responsible for printing in the CUPS printing system.​ ​9. The group that is specified for a user in the /etc/passwd file and that is specified as a group owner for all files created by a user. ​10. The act of verifying a user's identity by comparing a user name and password to a system database (/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow)

1. ​chfn command 2. ​facility 3. cancel command​ 4. User Identifier (UID) 5. ​printer class 6. groupmod command​ 7. ​spooling 8. CUPS daemon​ 9. ​primary group 10.​ authentication

Almost all hardware problems are the result of damaged hardware.

True *False*

By default, Apache is configured with no default host and no virtual host.

True *False*

If some users, such as software developers, need to run certain commands as the root user in certain situations, it is best to allow them to log on to the root user account via the su command.

True *False*

On most Linux systems, the logrotate utility is automatically scheduled to run weekly.

True *False*

Performing regular system backups and identifying potential problem areas are examples of reactive maintenance.

True *False*

SLIP is a newer technology than PPP.

True *False*

The goal of DNS is to centralize administration.

True *False*

What kind of servers resolve fully qualified domain names to IP addresses for a certain namespace on the Internet?

a. *DNS* b. NIS c. NTP d. DHCP

How can you bypass the default option to prompt for a password when using the smbclient command?

a. *You can use the smbclient command -N option.* b. You can use the smbclient command -D option. c. You can use the smbclient command -B option. d. You can use the smbclient command -P option.

In order to send a print job to a printer using CUPS, what command must be used?

a. *lp* b. print c. pr d. pl

Adding the -t option to what command below will provide a list of all printers on the system and their status?

a. *lpstat* b. lps c. lp d. lpr

After modifying the /etc/aliases file, what command must be run in order to rebuild the aliases database?

a. *newaliases* b. sendmail c. alias d. mail

The zone file ____ entry specifies how often slave name servers check the serial number to see whether the zone file has changed.

a. *refresh rate* b. time-to-live (TTL) c. expiration entry d. negative TTL

What is the default print job priority for all print jobs created by the lp command?

a. -50 b. 0 c. *50* d. 100

Samba uses the ____ configuration file to provide services.

a. /etc/xinetd.d/config b. */etc/samba/smb.conf* c. /etc/smb/smb.conf d. /etc/xinetd.d/smb.conf

By default, the DNS server sends log data to the systemwide log file ____.

a. /var/messages b. /etc/var/log/messages c. */var/log/messages* d. /etc/log/messages

What two IP addresses below cannot be assigned to a host computer because they refer to all networks and all computers on all networks, respectively?​

a.​ b. ​ c. ​** d. ​**

Port ____ is a well-known port used by the Web server (HTTP).

a. 20 b. *80* c. 110 d. 1160

By default, the shell on a Linux system limits the number of filehandles a program can have open to what value?

a. 256 b. 512 c. *1024* d. 2048

If applications run into difficulties gaining resources during execution and stop functioning, restarting the process using a specific kill signal may resolve the issue. Select the proper kill signal below:


The Apache daemon listens for HTTP requests on what port by default?

a. TCP 20 b. TCP 25 c. *TCP 80* d. TCP 110

The ____ file is the main Web page that's served by Apache.

a. home.html b. *index.html* c. start.html d. main.html

Each level of the DNS hierarchy is separated by ____ in the domain name.

a. hyphens b. forward slashes c. semicolons d. *dots*

Select the command that can be used to send a small TCP/IP packet to another IP address and await a response:

a. ipquery b. png c. ring d. *ping*

What priority used by the System Log Daemon indicates a very serious system condition that would normally be broadcast to all users?​

a. ​error b. ​*panic* c. ​crit d. ​alert

Older hardware that is malfunctioning may begin to send large amounts of information to the CPU when not in use. What is this process called?​

a. ​flooding b. ​dumping c. *jabbering​* d. ​hiccuping

What two log files below will show a history of all login sessions, or a list of users and their last login time, depending on which one is viewed?​

a. ​secure b. *​lastlog* c. ​xferlog d. ​*wtmp*

​What two NTP daemons below are commonly used on Linux systems?

a. ​sntpd b. ​timed c. *​ntpd* d. ​*chronyd*

​What two commands below can display memory information and swap usage?

a. ​swap_stat b. ​*free* c. ​*vmstat* d. ​memtop

In order to change the time zone of a system after installation, what command must be used?​

a. ​tzchange b. ​tzmod c. ​*tzselect* d. ​time_zone

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