advertising exam 2

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- associated with exuberance - eye catching - can use with some foods, particularly fruit

types of headlines

- benefit - news/information - provocative - question - command


- conveys sophistication (fashion, technology) - seldom used with foods - eye catching contrast


- creates emphasis - provides natural grouping ex: use headlines with bold, large font or reverse color background


- exudes decisiveness - can use with foods - emotes coolness of temperature and attitude

bottom-up plan

- market results - marketing strategy - marketing tactics

top-down plan

- mission statement - situation analysis - marketing objectives - marketing strategy - marketing tactics

contents of a marketing plan

- mission statement - situation analysis - marketing objectives - marketing strategy - marketing tactics - explain how efforts will be evaluated - propose marketing budget

IMC approach

- mixes marketing and communication planning - starts with the customer and work back to the brand - helps broaden company's perspective, so that message tactics come from a consideration of broader marketing strategies


- most "edible" color, good with most foods - evokes autumn and warmth

facts about developing copy for radio

- must be intrusive - has two columns, speakers names on the left side and dialogue (the audio) on the right side -script has to fit the time slot and the writing must be very clear for listeners

methods of allocating advertising funds

- percentage of sales - share of market - empirical research - objective/task

layout principles

- short copy blocks (less than 20% of the entire ad) - ads for high-involvement products do better with long informative copy - company logos not more than 5-10% of total area & at lower right bottom - ads scoring in top 1/3 have visuals averaging 82% of the space - when headline appears below illustration, ad gains about 10% more readership - the use of conveyors


- symbol for blood and fire - high action and masculine appeal - can use with some foods


- symbol for earth, woods, age, warmth - can use with most products


- symbol for health and freshness - can use with some foods, particularly mint

creative mix

- target audience - product concept - communications media - advertising message


- use small groups, group related elements - put address in small block - unrelated information should be separated by white space, lines and borders

factors that influence media strategy decisions

1. scope of the media plan- domestic or international 2. sales potential of different markets- BDI, CDI 3. competitive strategies and budget considerations 4. media availability and economics- the global marketer's headache 5. nature of the medium and mood of the message 6. message size, length and position considerations 7. buyer purchase patterns

four desirable qualities of a conveyor

1. they must be attention getting 2. they must be understood by the reader 3. they should contain no negative or easily ridiculed connotations 4. they should be perceived as an indirect expression of the product's benefits

support statement

a brief description of the evidence that backs up the product promise

tone or brand character statement

a brief statement of either the advertising's tone or the long-term character of the brand

situation analysis

a detailed description of the brand's current marketing situation

percentage of sales

a method of advertising budget allocation based on a percentage of the previous year's sales, the anticipated sales for the next year, or a combination of the two

share of market

a method of allocating advertising funds based on determining the firm's goals for a certain share of the market and then applying a slightly higher percentage of industry advertising dollars to the firm's budget

continuous scheduling

a method of scheduling media in which advertising runs steadily with little variation - advertisers use this for products consumers purchase regularly ex: commercials scheduled on radio stations

ad impression

a possible exposure of the advertising message to one audience member


a sheet preprinted with a series of 8 to 20 blank frames in the shape of TV screens, which includes text of the commercial, sound effects, and camera views

mission statement

a short, aspirational description of the organizations purpose

objective statement

a specific, concise description of what the campaign is supposed to accomplish or what problem it is suppose to solve


a standard company statement (also called a tagline or a themeline) for advertisements, salespeople, and company employees slogans have two basic purposes: to provide continuity for a campaign and to reduce a key theme or idea to a brief, memorable positioning statement


a type of certification mark offered by such organizations as the Good Housekeeping Institute and Underwriters' Laboratories when a product meets standards established by these institutions seals provide an independent, valued endorsement for the advertised product

marketing plan

a written guide for the present and future marketing activities of an organization

creative brief

a written statement that serves as the creative team's guide for writing and producing an ad. It describes the most important issues that should be considered in the development of the ad 1. an objective statement 2. a support statement 3. a tone or brand character statement

impact dimensions

ad must capture an audience members attention and then hold it, it should resonate with them

message size, length and position considerations

affect the mechanics element

scope of the media plan

affects decisions regarding the market, the money, and the media elements

buyer purchase patterns

affects every element of the media mix markets, money, media, mechanics, methodology

media availability and economics

affects global marketers, which is one reason their per capita advertising expenditures are so much lower

nature of the medium and mood of the message

affects the media and methodology elements

competitive strategies and budget considerations

affects the media, mechanics, and methodology

sales potential of different markets

affects the money and market elements, determines where to allocate advertising dollars

art directors

along with graphic designers and production artists, determines how the ad's verbal and visual symbols will fit together, responsible for the nonverbal aspect

white space

always leave some of this on the outside of your layout

flighting scheduling

an intermittent media scheduling pattern in which periods of advertising are alternated with periods of no advertising at all - advertisers use this for products and services that experience large fluctuations in demand throughout the year ex: tax services, lawn-care products, cold remedies

emotional appeal

appeal to psychological, social or symbolic needs "pull at the consumer's heartstrings"

question headline

asks the reader a question ex: "what makes our tire customers smarter and richer than others?"

average frequency

average number of times a member of the target audience is exposed to an advertiser's message during a given time period total impressions / total audience

effective frequency

average number of times a person must see or hear a message before it becomes effective

media planning

conceive, analyze, and creatively select channels of communication that will direct advertising messages to the right people in the right place and time

media scheduling methods

continuous, flighting, pulsing

members of the creative team

copywriters, art directors, creative directors (creatives)

cost efficiency

cost of reaching the target audience through a particular medium as opposed to the cost of reaching the medium's total circulation

marketing tactics

decisions about daily operations, short term actions

message-distribution objectives

define where, when, and how often advertising should appear

audience objectives

definitions of the specific types of people the advertiser wants to reach

informal balance

easier to attract the reader's eye


evaluates the results of experimentation and decides which approach is most practical


experiments and plays with a variety of approaches, looking for an original idea

radio scripts

format for radio and television copywriting resembling a two-column list showing dialog and/or visuals

marketing objectives

goals of the marketing effort that may be expressed in terms of the needs of specific target markets and specific sales objectives

sales-target objectives

goals related to increasing or maintaining sales volume and market share - should be specific to product and market - quantified to time and amount, realistic

basic principles of design

grouping, contrast, balance (formal vs. informal), movement, white space

print ad components

headlines, subheads, body copy, slogans, seals, logos, signatures

creative directors

heads a creative team of agency copywriters and artists that is assigned to a client's business; is ultimately responsible for the creative product—the form the final ad takes

high BDI/high CDI

high market share and good market potential

high BDI/low CDI

high market share but monitor for sales decline

news/information headline

includes many of the "how-to" headlines as well as headlines that seek to gain identification for their sponsors by announcing some news or providing some promise of information ex: seaworld announcing the birth of a whale and using the headline "its a girl"

low BDI/low CDI

low market share and low market potential

low BDI/high CDI

low market share but good market potential

effective reach

measures the number or percentage of the audience who receive enough exposures for the message to truly be received

pulsing scheduling

mixing continuity and flighting strategies in media scheduling - advertisers use this for products like soft drinks ex: soft drinks are consumed all year, but more heavily in the summer

command headline

orders the reader to do something ex: sprite ads, "obey your thirst"

communication objectives

outcomes that can reasonably be associated with promotional activities, such as increases in brand recognition or awareness


overcomes excuses, idea killers, setbacks, and obstacles to bring a concept to realization

media vehicle

particular media programs or publications


people who create the words and concepts for ads and commercials, responsible for the verbal message


predict the eye movement of the reader ex: visuals, which attract the most attention

rational appeal

provide information about functional and utilitarian aspects of the products

provocative headline

provokes the reader's curiosity so that, to learn more, the reader will read the body copy ex: lay's chips "i bet you can't eat just one"


searches for new information, paying attention to unusual patterns


secondary headline in advertisements that may appear above or below the headline or in the text of the ad, usually has a text size smaller than the headlines

marketing strategy

select the target market, position the product, determine marketing mix


special design of the advertiser's name (or product name) that appears in all advertisements it is like a trademark because it gives the advertiser individuality and provides quick recognition at the point of purchase


that defines objectives and how advertising is to be used to accomplish them. It has three steps: defining the objectives, determining strategy, and estimating the cost

formal balance

the center of any element is placed in the center vertical line

product concept

the consumer's perception of a product as a "bundle" of utilitarian and symbolic values that satisfy functional, social, psychological, and other wants and needs


the cost of reaching 1,000 people in a medium's audience, compares the cost of various media vehicles ad cost / the number of thousands of people in the audience


the number of people or households in a target audience that are exposed to an advertiser's message at least one time during a given time period

brand development index (BDI)

the percentage of a brand's total sales in an area divided by the total population in the area; it indicates the sales potential of a particular brand in a specific market area

category development index (CDI)

the percentage of a product category's total U.S. sales in an area divided by the percentage of total U.S. population in the area


the percentage of households or individuals exposed to an ad medium

target audience

the specific group of individuals to whom the advertising message is directed

creative process

the step-by-step procedure used to discover original ideas and reorganize existing concepts in new ways 1. explorer 2. artist 3. judge 4. warrior

body copy

the text of an advertisement it is a logical continuation of the headline and subheads and is usually set in a smaller type size than headlines or subheads

message weight

the total size of the audience for a set of ads or an entire campaign - expressed in gross impressions and gross rating points

communications media

the various methods or vehicles that will be used to transmit the advertiser's message


the visual or verbal element in an ad that indirectly "conveys" the benefit to the reader or viewer exs: metaphors, cliches, puns


the words in the leading position of an advertisement—the words that will be read first or that are positioned to draw the most attention

gross rating point (GRP)

total audience delivery or weight of a specific media schedule reach (rating) x frequency (average)

gross impressions

total of all audience delivered by a media plan reach (raw number) x frequency (average)

media objectives

translate the advertising strategy into goals that media can accomplish - audience objectives - message distribution objectives

benefit headline

type of headline that makes a direct promise to the reader ex: america runs on dunkin

empirical research

uses experimentation to determine the best level of advertising expenditure. By running a series of tests in different markets with different budgets, companies determine the most efficient level of expenditure

advertising message

what the company plans to say in its advertisements and how it plans to say it—verbally or nonverbally

relevance dimensions

when an ad is completed, it must be relevant to the strategy or it will fail- even if it resonates with the audience

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