AFG Exam 1

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According to British political philosopher John Locke, life, liberty, and property are what kind of rights?


Give an example of how a Federalist and Anti-Federalist Debate is still a part of American political life.

- Debate between national power and state power today: o Roe V Wade/abortion rights o covid response o Gun laws o School curriculums

What are two measures that indicate a healthy democracy?

Responsiveness and equality

What powers belong to both the federal and state governments?


How does Madison (in the Federalist Papers) argue that separation of powers and a large republic deals with individual's tendency toward self-interest? How does it combat the evil of faction?

- Destroying liberty is a "cure worse then the disease itself," - must contain factions, by dividing government it will be more deliberative - Divides and blends powers - Faction checks faction, Power checks power - Checks and balances, overlapping and shared power

Federalist 51

"If men were angels, there would be no need for government"

federalist 10- madison

"air is to fire as liberty is to faction" Destroying liberty is a "cure worse than the disease itself,"must contain factions, by dividing government it will be more deliberative

What compromises were made to ratify the Constitution? Why did the Framers believe the compromises were necessary?

- Federalists promised Amendments to protect individual liberties if Constitution is ratified - Jefferson and Madison introduced 19 in 1789, 10 became the Bill of Rights (1 became 27th)* - Bill of Rights The first 10 Amendments to U.S. Constitution, drafted in response to Anti-Federalist concerns about lack of protection for basic liberties.

What are the strains on Democracy?

- Majority Rule means that the group with most votes wins power over governing decisions. - Majorities can trample individual rights, and well organized minorities may subvert majority will. - Liberties without laws descend into anarchy.

Explain the Framers' philosophical views on people and government

- People are self-interested:** - Government should check and contain that self-interest (ambition) - Madison: distribution of wealth is the cause of political conflict - Factions arise from unequal distribution: Most dangerous faction is majority (with little property) - Job of government: protect the minority and minority's property from tyranny of the majority. - Balanced government will keep government from being seized by one faction

What types of speech/free press has the Supreme Court protected

- Political speech - Symbolic speech - Hate speech

What are the biggest threats to Democracy?

- Presidential Secrecy - Hyper-Partisanship - Three branches are united in thinking ignoring the Constitution is best for nation.

1. In what ways is Federalism detrimental to democracy?

- Quality of Services like education differs across states and localities - States may not provide services to their people in order to keep poor people from other states oit - local interests impede national majority support for policies - difficult for the public to know who to hold accountable

What entity is limited by civil liberties?

- The power of government

What types of limits has the Supreme Court placed on speech and press?

- Time place and manner - National security - Conflict w liberty - Libel, slander, and incitement - Obscenity (miller test)

In what ways is Federalism good for democracy?

- more access points - greater opportunity for participation - more levels and more opportunities for responsiveness - states act as policy incubators - reduces conflict at a national level

the united states senate is compromised of how many justices

1 supreme 8 associate, 9 total

How does the Lemon test accommodate religion rather than build a wall of separation as a means of enforcing the Establishment Clause? What does overturning the Lemon test mean?

1. It has a secular purpose 2. Can neither advance nor inhibit religion 3. No excessive government entanglement with religion

Which age group was most likely to look for information about protests or rallies using social media?


What is required for Congress to override the president's veto?

A two-thirds majority in each chamber

Which concept is most clearly related to elections?


For the Articles of Confederation to be amended, it required the approval of how many states?

All thirteen members

A popular restaurant is closing to the public for a week because its owner is adding wheelchair ramps to each of its three entrances. Which law is this business following?

Americans with Disabilities Act

When thinking about racial disparities in the American political justice system, racial profiling, and state regulation of the voting rights of felons, which of the following best describes the continued disenfranchisement of African Americans?

An example of de facto segregation

Which of the following best describes the requirements an individual must meet to run for president of the United States?

An individual must be at least 35 years and a natural born citizen.

Marc lives in a country where there is little control over the behavior of its citizens. There is often chaos and a complete irreverence for authority and convention. Which term best describes this country, in which people have too much freedom and do as they please without regard to others?


What group opposed the ratification of the proposed Constitution?


Explain the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its impact.

Bars on dicsrimination in public facilities, private businesses, employment and education Provides for federal intervention Creates equal employment opportunity commission IMPACT White southerners are going to argue that act violated the constitution and was an unwarranted use of federal power White southerners begin to vote for republicans in national elections. States rights and nullification becomes an issue again

If the goal was a slower pace of lawmaking, which of the following choices would a constitution writer make?

Bicameral legislature and independent executive

Which U.S. president signed the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" legislation?

Bill Clinton

What are the first ten amendments of the Constitution called?

Bill of Rights

What method of giving money to states did President Ronald Reagan favor?

Block grants

Which Supreme Court case determined that the separate-but-equal doctrine was unconstitutional?

Brown v. Board of Education

What did the Supreme Court decide in the Civil Rights Cases (1883)?

Congress did not have the authority to ban private discrimination.

In which economic system are business enterprises and key industries privately owned?


What does the amendment process accomplish?

Change the Constitution

Each branch has some power over the other two branches. What is this system called?

Checks and balances

What privileges are centered around the concept of equal treatment that government is obliged to protect based on the expectation of equality under the law, the most important of which is the right to vote?

Civil rights

Letters from Birmingham Jail four steps

Collect facts Negotiate Self purification Direct action that confronts the issue

What are the steps in non-violent campaign? What are some of the tactics?

Collect facts Negotiate Self purification Direct action that confronts the issue

In 1947, several big-name Hollywood stars, screenwriters, and directors flew to Washington, D.C. to protest the actions of Joseph McCarthy. In response, what did McCarthy accuse the Hollywood stars and other American citizens of being?


Eldi's in-laws oppose abortion, disagree with same-sex marriage, and fear that too much government will suppress their individual freedoms. On which end of the political ideology scale do Eldi's in-laws likely fall?


In a modern democracy, which document sets forth basic rules and procedures for how the people of a country shall be governed?


Which of the following is a potential barrier to efficiency?


What are the key ways that democracy is different from authoritarianism?

Democracy: - Political power comes from the people. - Citizens choose elected representatives through free and fair elections - Citizens have individual freedoms and rights under the law. - The rule of law governs every citizen, whether elected or not. Authoritarianism: - Political power is concentrated among a small elite, or even one ruler. - The ruler(s) are not bound to be responsible to all the people. - Don't have to be elected or re-elected, no election keeping them accountable - Individual freedoms are diminished to only those favored by the ruler(s). - Law is not applied to the rulers.

What is the exclusionary rule? What does it apply to? What case establishes

Derived from Fourth and Fifth Amendments. Bars use of illegally seized evidence at trial. Established largely in Mapp v. Ohio (1961). Growing number of "good faith exceptions." Herring v. US (2008) "honest mistake" - outdated warrant, wrong address, wrong name, death of an innocent.

Which of the following statements best describes Mitt Romney's conclusions about his impeachment vote?

Despite his partisan allegiance to the president, the evidence requires that he vote to convict.

Why did the Framers establish a republic rather than a direct democracy in Colonial America?

Direct democracy was impractical in a large country.

Which level of government has the most power in a unitary system?


What is the correct term for when the majority in Congress is from a different party than the president?

Divided government

Which Supreme Court case held that African Americans could not sue in federal court because they were not American citizens?

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Which Supreme Court case ruled that the federal government had no authority to regulate slavery in the territories?

Dred Scott v. Sandford

In the United States, which factor is most closely linked to educational opportunity?

Economic opportunity

Which scenario most likely represents a gateway to democracy?

Efforts to increase turnout in elections

What type of power grants the national government the ability to raise armies, declare war, and establish rules for citizenship?


An individual supports the idea that all people should have the same chance to succeed in life. Which concept best supports the views of this individual?

Equality of opportunity

If a prestigious law school graduates relatively few Latinos in comparison to white students, with what is there likely a problem?

Equality of outcome

During World War I, which law did Congress pass to make it a crime to obstruct military recruiting

Espionage Act

Which constitutional clause prevents Congress from recognizing one church as the nation's official church?

Establishment clause

With which statement would the author of the excerpt most likely agree?

Even though on the surface it appears beneficial, exclusion from the draft has a negative impact on the relationship between women and their country.

What law makes an act illegal after the fact?

Ex post facto

According to which regulation may illegally seized evidence not be used in trial?

Exclusionary rule

As of 2018, a number of states have legalized marijuana for medicinal or recreational use. Which system allows for this variation?


What is federalism?

Federalism is a system of government that divides power between national and state governments.

How did the Framers/Federalists and Anti-Federalists differ in regard to individual rights?

Federalists: - Expect few violations of individual liberties - Framers: no need for explicit protection, checks and balances and the states would protect, but ... - Rights protected in Constitution Anti-federalists: - Strengthened protections for individual liberties - Think constitution violates freedom Feared erosion of fundamental liberties and weakening of the power of the states

What is a word or phrase, such as a racial epithet, that attacks an individual as opposed to a group called?

Fighting words

Imagine that Justice O'Connor wrote the majority opinion, overturning the law. If Congress were to revise the law to make it acceptable under that interpretation of the Constitution, what strategy might work best, based on the excerpts from the dissent presented here?

Find a funding mechanism that more closely relates to the justification for a minimum drinking age, to address her concern about the relationship between the policy and the funding.

Loving v. Virginia (1967) declared "the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the State." Which amendment is violated when a state denies people the freedom to marry on the basis of race?


Which of the following constitutional amendments protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures?


Whose New Deal and Great Society programs expanded federal authority?

Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson

What are some of the groups that led the fight for civil rights in the 1950s and 1960s? (Select all that apply.)

Freedom Riders Southern Christian Leadership Conference NAACP Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

What are some of the freedoms described in the First Amendment? (Select all that apply.)

Freedom of speech Freedom to petition Freedom of religion

What were feminist activists trying to put an end to when they pushed for the Equal Rights Amendment, a measure that would have prohibited discrimination based on sex?

Gender discrimination

How did President Richard Nixon give states the greatest amount of leeway in spending money from the national government?

General revenue-sharing

Prisoners of war must be protected and treated in accordance with which international treaty?

Geneva Conventions

Why did the Supreme Court use the legal precedent established in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) to make its determination in Roe v. Wade (1973)?

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) established a right to privacy related to contraceptives.

From roughly 2008 to 2018, a Connecticut court was overwhelmed with more than 7,000 petitions from prisoners who wanted to be brought before a judge to determine if their imprisonment was lawful. What are these petitions called?

Habeas corpus

What is "happiness" to Thomas Jefferson?

Happiness- in 1776 it was "be all you can be", "fulfillment" , "live up to your full potential", Happiness was one's ability to live up to their full potential

Born and raised in Alaska and still a proud resident of the state, Lenore cannot wait until her 25th birthday so she can run for a two-year term in Congress. Which chamber of Congress does Lenore want to join?

House of Representatives

In what ways does Martin Luther King, Jr. point out that democracy is not fully realized in the United States?

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths self evident, that all men are created equal.'"

What is the first stage in the public policy process?

Identify the problem

Which of the following statements are true about democracy and the rule of law? Select all that apply.

In a democracy, the power to govern is derived from the people. The rule of law requires that those who govern and those governed both abide by the laws of the land.

What was the Court's ruling in McCullough v. Maryland?

In this unanimous decision, the Court found that Congress had the right to establish a bank in Maryland and that the state had no right to tax that bank.

What problem did the three-fifths compromise aim to address?

Increasing population of southern states for the purposes of increasing representation

Which of the following is a disadvantage of liberty in a constitutional democracy?

Individuals prioritize their own wants and needs ahead of the collective good.

In the speech, Roosevelt discusses the role of political rights in the Founding and the Founders' conception of government. What reason does he give for pursuing a broader set of rights under the auspices of the government?

Industrialization has revealed that political rights are insufficient to ensure access to the pursuit of happiness for all Americans.

What is it called when a group of citizens gather petition signatures to place proposed laws directly on a state ballot?


What was the purpose of Thomas Paine's Common Sense, the most widely distributed pamphlet of its time?

It called for independence from Britain.

Which statement accurately reflects the cost of a four-year public college since the 1980s?

It has increased over this time period.

Based on the excerpts, which statement best describes civil rights progress for Black people between 1855 and 2019?

It is no longer legal to enslave people, but it took violence and significant legislation to secure legal rights, while access to voting rights remains a challenge.

Which best describes the Supreme Court's 2008 majority opinion on whether the District of Columbia could restrict private possession of firearms?

It reaffirmed an individual's right to keep and bear arms, indicating that the right could be regulated but not denied.

Which U.S. president acted as a defense lawyer for British soldiers charged with murder before the Revolution?

John Adams

In Korematsu v. United States (1944), the Supreme Court upheld the government's decision to place Japanese Americans, no matter their citizenship, into internment camps. Which branch of government was interpreting the law?


Which Justice(s) in the decision in Griswold believed that there was no general right to privacy found in the Constitution? (Select all that apply.)

Justice Black Justice Stewart

Which terrorist group was formed in 1866 to restore white supremacy in the U.S.?

Ku Klux Klan

Which of the following statements gave the Antifederalists the greatest cause for concern about the emerging United States Constitution?

Lacked a bill of rights

Which branch of government is charged with making laws?


What test does the Supreme Court use to determine whether laws violate the establishment clause?


Which of the following is a difference between the two speeches? (Check all that apply.)

Lewis is speaking as a member of Congress, while Douglass speaks only on his own behalf. Lewis's speech advocates for a specific piece of legislation, while the excerpt of Douglass's speech is primarily anchored in describing a strategy he opposes.

What is the publishing of false and damaging statements about a person called?


Most governors have the power to delete certain parts of a bill. What is this called?

Line-item veto

What level of government is responsible for running police, school, and sanitation services?


How do Roosevelt's and Locke's conceptions of government compare to each other?

Locke believes that government exists to protect fundamental rights, while Roosevelt argues that government has an obligation to support the economic well-being of its citizens.

Which Supreme Court case struck down a law prohibiting miscegenation, or interracial marriage?

Loving v. Virginia

Which landmark Supreme Court case gave rise to judicial review, which is the authority of the Court to strike down any law passed by Congress when the Court believes the law violates the Constitution?

Marbury v. Madison

Which of the following goals would an elected judiciary with frequent elections support?

Maximizing accountability

Which Supreme Court case resolved the debate over the national authority to establish a bank?

McCulloch v. Maryland

which Supreme Court case incorporated the constitutional provision of the right to bear arms?

McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010)

Which generational category describes individuals who were born between 1981 and 1996, are likely to be unaffiliated with religion, and tend to hold liberal social views?


Which court administered test determines whether or not published materials are obscene?


Which 1966 Supreme Court decision protected the rights of individuals in custody and mandated that police inform them of their rights?

Miranda v. Arizona

Most Americans see themselves in the middle of the ideological scale. What label best describes these people?


Which of the following are true of citizenship in the United States? Select all that apply.

Naturalized citizens obtain the same rights and responsibilities as citizens born in the United States. Included among the legal obligations of U.S. citizenship are the requirements to obey the law, pay taxes, and serve on juries.

Countering the Virginia Plan, which proposal for new government strengthened the Articles by providing Congress with the authority to regulate commerce and to directly tax imports and paper items?

New Jersey Plan

In the 1870s, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony founded the National Woman Suffrage Association and created and produced a weekly publication called The Revolution that centered on women's rights. In 1872, Anthony voted illegally in the presidential election. For which amendment did Stanton and Anthony help pave the way?


What was the amendment that gave women the right to vote in 1920?


Which amendment states, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people"?

Ninth Amendment

Which US Supreme Court decision legalized marriage for LGBT couples?

Obergefell v Hodges

In the Supreme Court case ___________ , the Court ruled that states were required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples seeking them and to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.

Obergefell v. Hodges

What does assembly add to speech?

Physically showing up

Which case established the separate-but-equal doctrine?

Plessy v. Ferguson

What did President Trump do in the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting?

President Trump blamed the FBI for spending too much time "trying to prove Russian collusion."

Which principle did Justice Brandeis argue was included in the Fourth Amendment?

Privacy in the home

Which of the following do police need to establish to secure a warrant?

Probable cause

What is it called when police use race as a factor to determine who to investigate for a particular crime?


Clean air and water, lighthouses, and highway systems are examples of what type of goods?


Laws that regulate the American economy, social issues, and political participation are all examples of what governmental action?

Public policy

While waiting for the commuter train, a person with a clipboard and pen approaches you. The individual asks you to sign a petition that would potentially remove a candidate from office before his term expires. You listen to the argument and then sign the list. In what procedure are you participating?


What was the period after the Civil War called?


What, according to the author, is an important but onerous civic duty from which women have historically been excluded in the United States and remain excluded from today

Registering with selective service

By what other name did the Framers call a representative democracy?


Which of the following constitutional provisions has the Court not incorporated? (Select all that apply.)

Right to a jury trial in civil cases Right against quartering soldiers Right to a grand jury hearing

What are the rights of the accused? Where are they found? Why do we have them?

Rights of the Accused: ​​The due process rights and the procedural guarantees provided in the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments. Fourth Amendment: the right to be secure from unreasonable search and seizure Fifth Amendment: rights in criminal cases, including due process and indictment by grand jury for capital crimes, as well as the right noT to testify against oneselF Sixth Amendment: the right to a speedy trial by an impartial jury, and right to confront witnesses Eighth Amendment: the right not to face excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishment

Who refused to give up his or her seat to a white person on an Alabama bus and was subsequently arrested, leading to a Supreme Court decision that Montgomery's segregated bus system was unconstitutional?

Rosa Parks

What is the rule of law? Why is it important to a functioning democracy?

Rule of Law is above the tides of public sentiment. All persons must follow the rule of law

Which concept is a legal system with known rules that are enforced equally against all people?

Rule of law

What did the Supreme Court determine in Obergefell v. Hodges?

Same-sex marriage bans violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Students may be inclined to take political action in favor of government-backed, student financial aid. What term explains why students might take action related to this issue?


The three branches of government have distinct and separate authority and areas of responsibility established by the Constitution. What is this arrangement called?

Separation of powers

Which amendment granted the American people the right to elect senators directly?


Which constitutional amendment ensures the right to counsel and an impartial jury?


In what ways did states defy these Amendments? How did Plessy v. Ferguson affect states' ability to continue in these practices?

South uses black codes to restrict rights Women still excluded from suffrage (voting) Southern defiance leads to 1865 civil rights act Courts still uphold discriminatory jim crow laws Supreme court agrees in civil rights cases South alos uses poll taxes, white only primaries and literacy tests to block black voters Grandfather Clause added to allow pooe «The Supreme Court ruled in Plessy that the Louisiana law was Constitutional and that separate but equal facilities for blacks did not violate the Equal Protection Clause. «The high-court Plessy ruling led to more Jim Crow laws. «By 1914 every Southern state had passed laws that created two separate societies--one black, the other white. «These laws required racial separation in: schools, restaurants, hotels, public transportation, theatres, restrooms, and in marriage.

Which level of government has the most power in a confederation?


Which condition must be present for the Supreme Court to rule against private discrimination?

State action

Which of the following is accurate regarding use of the death penalty as punishment?

States may impose the death penalty if they provide specific guidelines to jurors to consider.

Which of the following was a street protest in 1969 by gay patrons against a police raid of a gay bar, which is also credited with launching the gay rights movement?

Stonewall riots

Which standard of review does the Supreme Court use for discrimination cases based on race or ethnicity?

Strict scrutiny

Which clause makes the Constitution more powerful than state law?

Supremacy clause

In 1960, four African American college students in Greensboro, North Carolina approached a whites-only lunch counter to order coffee. Despite being denied service and encountering threats from those around them, the students sat quietly, waited to be served, and stayed until the store closed. Now known as a sit-in, this scenario exemplifies what type of speech?


If a government wanted to minimize the influence of subsidiary governments, it would be best served by establishing a unitary form of government.


In the excerpts from her dissent, Justice O'Connor establishes the concern that Congress's actions are leading to an unacceptable expansion of federal power.


More than 20 percent of all adults and in every age group used social media to encourage others to take action on issues they find important


Roosevelt argues, in part, that a more expansive role for government, in order to ensure a well-cared-for populace, will help prevent a dictatorship from taking hold in the United States.


How is democracy different today than it was in 1787? What key expansions do you see in individual freedom? Suffrage? Equality?

THEN: - rule of law - individual freedoms - limited suffrage - slavery and discrimination NOW: - rule of law - individual freedoms - expanded suffrage - discrimination

Which amendment declares "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"?


Which amendment of the U.S. Constitution says that states get any powers not given to the national government?

Tenth Amendment

In Bostock v. Clayton County what act did the Court rule that protects gay, lesbian, and transgender employees from discrimination based on sex?

The 1964 Civil Rights Act

"The United States in Congress assembled shall also have the sole and exclusive right and power of regulating the alloy and value of coin struck by their own authority [...and] regulating the trade and managing all affairs with the Indians." Which document, unanimously adopted by the Continental Congress in 1781, is quoted here?

The Articles of Confederation

What was the Supreme Court's determination in Barron v. Baltimore (1833)?

The Bill of Rights applied to the national government only.

Prior to the American Revolution, how were British views on political participation and representation different from those of the American colonists?

The British had a more limited view of participation and representation.

Which of the following was an agreement that stated the lower chamber, the House of Representatives, is based on population, and the upper chapter, the Senate, provides equal representation to the states?

The Connecticut Compromise

Which of these early amendments to the Constitution guarantees the government will provide just compensation for private property that it takes?

The Fifth Amendment

Which political party aligns most closely with the Tea Party?

The Republican Party

Which Amendment ended slavery in the United States?


Which amendment prohibited slavery throughout the nation?


Where is the Right to Privacy found in the Constitution? How is it derived? What are the key cases protecting different types of privacy? Does it exist?

The Supreme Court : although privacy is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution, the Framers expected some areas to be off-limits to government interference. This right is derived from the 4th amendment, the 1st amendment, the 9th amendment, case precedent and tradition. The first case in this area to discuss sexual privacy was Griswold v Connecticut (1965) - a "zone of privacy" that cannot lawfully be denied. In Roe v. Wade (1973) the Supreme Court ruled that laws prohibiting abortion violated a woman's constitutional right to privacy, through the First Trimester. Griswold v Connecticut (1965), medical privacy Lawrence v Texas (2003), state criminal laws against homosexual acts were ruled unconstitutional. Roe and Casey - right to privacy in abortion decision Dobbs v. Jackson (2022): there is no constitutional right to privacy, Roe and Casey are overruled specifically.

What test does the Supreme Court use to determine whether a particular limitation of a constitutional right is acceptable?

The compelling interest test

Which constitutional clause did the Supreme Court apply to cases to decrease public discrimination?

The equal protection clause

Which of the following best describes the majority opinion as shown in the excerpts?

The federal government can use the spending power to drive certain outcomes indirectly.

The fact that a same-sex marriage performed in Massachusetts is valid in any other state is based on what constitutional clause?

The full faith and credit clause

What was the name of the constitutional provision that specified Congress's taxation powers and particularly alarmed Antifederalists?

The general welfare clause

What conditions must a state meet to pass a law that restricts religious practices?

The law must have a valid secular purpose.

What are the defining characteristics of dual federalism?

The national government has supremacy in some areas, such as foreign affairs, while the state government has supremacy in other areas, such as police powers.

Which aspect of the second amendment causes opponents of gun rights to question the right to bear arms?

The phrase "well regulated militia"

What best describes the Electoral College in the United States?

The president is elected by electors, selected by each state, representing the votes of their state.

What is one important check the president has on the authority of the legislature?

The presidential veto

Which clause requires that states treat people from other states equally to their own residents?

The privileges and immunities clause

Which of the following prevented equality for African Americans after World War II?

The right of private businesses to not serve people based on race

Which of the following is not considered a constitutionally protected aspect of right to privacy?

The right to use fighting words to incite violence in a restaurant

Which of the following best describes cooperative federalism under President Roosevelt?

The state and national governments had shared power

Which statement is true of voting rights in 1787?

The states differed as to whether women and free blacks could vote.

What is a constitutional system?

The system of government in which people set up and agree on the basic rules and procedures that will govern them

Which of the following statements do the two excerpts have in common?

They are critical of those who would encourage civil rights advocates to be patient.

Known as the Civil War Amendments, which three amendments addressed issues related to former slaves, due process rights, and voting rights?

Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth

What are the three (3) Amendments that were passed directly after the end of the Civil War? How did they expand civil liberties?

Thirtheenth amendment: abolishes slavery South uses black codes to restrict rights Fourteenth amendment gives equal protection and due process of law Fifteenth amendment: black ben gain citizenship and right to vote Women still excluded from suffrage (voting)

What portion of the states are needed to ratify an amendment to the Constitution?


Why did the Framers choose a federal system?

To ensure that government power comes from the people

Why did Benjamin Franklin assemble the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1774?

To send a list of grievances to King George III

Which of the following minimizes the power of states?

Unitary government and population-based elections

On June 11, 1963, Governor George Wallace, a big supporter of segregation, physically blocked two black undergraduate students from registering for classes. When President Kennedy determined that it was necessary to deploy the National Guard, where did he send them?

University of Alabama


VOCAB: someone who appeals to emotion and inflames emotion (fear) a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.

Which plan for new government proposed a strong central government with a national executive and a national judiciary, both chosen by the legislature?

Virginia Plan

Which piece of legislation first limited, then was later amended to ban, literacy tests for voting?

Voting Rights Act

Which states took the lead in granting women the right to vote before the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment?

Western states

Which of the following statements accurately describes a system of government? (Select all that apply.)

While the national government may create regional governments in a unitary system, a single national government retains all the power. A confederal system involves an alliance of relatively independent regional authorities.

When you are arrested and charged with a crime, the Bill of Rights guarantees which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

You have the right to know what you are accused of doing wrong. You have the right to a lawyer to help you. You have a right to have your trial soon and in public.

At the Constitutional Convention, the Founders agreed to a Congress consisting of __________ legislature.

a bicameral

What did the Abolitionist movement and the Women's movement have in common?

both consisted of a common goal: to grant the members of their particular groups a free and ultimately better life.

In U.S. v. Lopez, the Supreme Court ruled that a federal law banning firearms in school zones represented an unconstitutional application of the _________ clause


In which system of government does ultimate authority rest with regional governments (e.g., state governments) and hardly any power is granted to the national government?


Medicaid is considered an example of _______ federalism because responsibility for the program is shared between state and federal governments.


What are the three state cultures? How do they differ?

culture is government is good and can do good things low levels of corruption high participation Individualistic gov is neither bad nor good, more of a business low levels of corruption, but more than moralistic, ppl accept it as cost of doing business people participate less than moralistic, only participate when they want something, see gov as a means of achieving something Traditionalistic gov is a necessary evil and something we have to endure, bad very high levels of corruption in state gov less participation

Which of the following is an expressed power that the national government holds according to Article 1, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution? (Select all that apply.)

declare war, regulate commerce, collect taxes

which of the following are part of the steps to a non-violent campaign as discussed by dr martin luther king jr

direct action, gathering the facts

when supreme court justices disagree with a result reached by the majority, what can they write to explain why they believe the courts deicsion was in error

dissenting opinion

As the Founders debated whether to have a more centralized or diffuse national government, Federalist No. 2 argued for a union among the states under which of the following?

federal government

What amendment gives the right to not self-incriminate?


a political organization spends thousands of dollars in advertising to encourage latinos not to vote in the next election. this action is protected by the

first amendment

Protestors burn the American flag on the steps of the Capitol Building on a 4th of July celebration. Which right is being exercised by this action?

freedom of speech

According to the Bill of Rights, you do not have to let soldiers into your house except when which of the following occurs?

if there is a war

in 1998, a group applies for a permit to hold a rally. The local government denies the permit, claiming that the group has advocated publicly for violence and the rally is likely to be dangerous. The group sues, claiming the government has violated their rights under the First Amendment. If the case was to reach the Supreme Court, which standard would be most likely to be applied?

imminent lawless action

In this news release, when Congress created a new version of the law in response to a Supreme Court ruling, it was attempting to avoid _________-

judicial review

which term refers to a judges decision to adhere to the previous decisions of other judges


Which of the following are considered basic functions of government? (Select all that apply.)

promote general welfare, provide common defense, ensure social order

which federal body approves presidential nominations to the united states supreme court


What did the word militia, which is mentioned in the Second Amendment, mean in 1790 when the Bill of Rights was originally written?

small local army

The bad tendency test gives more leeway to the government to limit speech than the clear and present danger test.


According to the graph, most people want eligibility for Medicaid to be determined by _______ .

the federal government

The three biggest blocks to equality for African Americans post-World War II was state-sponsored segregation of public facilities, prohibitions on the right to vote, and

the right of private businesses not to serve people based on race

For a presidential veto to be overridden by Congress, it requires the approval of _______ of both chambers.


How does Brown v. Board of Education begin to dismantle state defiance?

« segregated systems must be dismantled "with all deliberate speed." the national guard was activated in several states and was able to dismantle state defiance.

What are the compromises that are a part of the Constitution? How did they affect the future?

· Great Compromise shapes state power. · Compromise over slavery shapes attitudes towards race · Compromise regarding Executive o Election - Electoral college, states win o Powers - Unclear limits · Political Equality and Right to Vote - states

What are the Limits to Power in the Constitution?

· Limited Government o Denial of Power/Grants of Power to Government o Protection of Rights (in Constitution & Bill of Rights) · Republicanism - rule of law · Checks and Balances · Federalism · Separation of powers (Montesquieu) · Popular Sovereignty (Majority Rule) o Consent of the governed o Democratic Accountability

What are the causes of Mass Incarceration? What do Alexander and Looman & Carl point out as causes/outcomes?

•Declared War on Drugs just as inner city economies collapsed •Democrats & Republicans competed to be "tougher on crime" •Mandatory sentences, no parole, no judicial flexibility •Private Prisons are big business and give lots of campaign donations. Looman and Carl •Race is not the whole picture •U.S. exceptionalism is not crime rate, it is the incarceration rate •We criminalize those who frighten us: mental illness and addictions •Proactive policing need not increase incarceration: treatment, literacy •It is hard to immigrate from the Country Called Prison •Tools to break the cycle of prison.

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