African American History Ch: 7 Free Black People in Antebellum America 1820-1861

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* Was Born Free; Biracial -Worked as a Used Clothing Dealer. -He was Methodist -He was an Agent for the Country's First Black Newspaper; (Freedom's Journal.) *David Walker Appealed . . . to the Colored Citizens of the World, 1829 -Aggressively attacked slavery and white racism -Advocated violence -Frightened White Southerners Pamphlet was regarded as dangerous in parts of the South


*A Network of Church and Voluntary Organizations = Designed to Fight Sin and Save Souls. (1810) *Practical Christianity -Those Christians who were saved felt it was their duty to help others. *Antebellum or Jacksonian Reforms = - Public Education, - Temperance, - Prison Reform, - Better Care for Mentally and Physically Handicapped -Anti-Slavery Societies

COLONIZATION (PT 2 - Black Nationalist) =

*African Americans Who Believed = -They Must Seek their Racial Destiny by Establishing Separate Institutions - Migrating as a group to a location (often Africa) outside the United States (FEW). PAUL CUFFE (1815) = Owned and Commanded a Ship, - Took 34 African-American Settlers to the British Free Black Colony of Sierra Leone DANIEL COKER = Former AME Bishop; (1820) Led the First 86 African-American Colonists to Liberia. *Despite the Efforts of Black Nationalists = Only About 10,000 African-American Immigrants had gone to Liberia by 1860. By 1838 = Approximately 2,500 Colonists Moved to Africa.

Northern Black Elite

*Although Few Blacks were Financially Secure, some Became Rich. -FRM JOBS LIKE; 1. Physicians, 2. Lawyers, 3. Skilled Tradesmen, 4. Merchants - MANY BLACK ENTREPRENEURS - Complexion Influenced Social Standing among African Americans. -Whites Preferred to Hire People of Mixed Race (B/C THEY WORK LIKE BLACK BUT LOOK LIKE WHITE). -Segregation and Discrimination Against Blacks Still Occurred Regardless of Class or Complexion

Decline of the AASS

The AASS splintered in 1840 over: -The failure of moral suasion. -Role of women in the abolition movement -Garrison's increasing radicalism -Most black abolitionist remained loyal to the AASS.


Two Types of Anti-Slavery Movements That Existed Until the End of the Civil War. = 1. Pre-Revolutionary Movement 2. Post-Revolutionary Movement - The Pre-Revolutionary Movement Existed in the South. *It Consisted of Southern Slaves who Sought to Free Themselves *Received help from free blacks and a few sympathetic whites *Did not seek to destroy slave labor system -The Post-Revolution Movements Existed in the North. *Consisted of Black and White Abolitionist in the North with Outpost in the Upper South. -Quakers Organized the First Anti-Slavery Societies in 1730.

Texas and the war against Mexico

These states came out of the annexation of Texas. New Mexico Arizona Colorado (parts of) Utah California


*American Colonization Society (ACS) - Most Prominent Organization of the 1810s and 1820s. Proposed Gradual Abolition of Slavery -Proposed Sending Free Africans and Emancipated Slaves to Africa -ACS = Had Greater Strength in the = Upper South Amongst Prominent Slaveholders. -The ACS (with the support of the U.S. government in 1822) = - Formally ESTABLISHED THE COLONY OF LIBERIA on the West African Coast to Send Freed Slaves.


*BECAUSE OF DENMARK VESEY CHARLESTON = -Destroyed AME church -Improved slave patrols -Outlawed slave assemblages -Banned teaching slaves to read -Black seaman jailed until ships ready to leave port *Increasingly suspicious of: -Free African-Americans -White Yankee visitors

THE BALTIMORE ALLIANCE -(need to know for future reference)

*BENJAMIN LUNDY - Quaker - Publisher of "Genius of Universal Emancipation" (Newspaper) *WILLIAM WATKIN: (black man) -Wrote Articles for "Freedom's Journal" - Was a School Teacher - Opponent of Colonization *WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON - Publisher of "The Liberator" - Advocated for Immediate Emancipation without Compensation for Masters or Expatriation of Ex-Slaves -Advocate of Equal rights -Altered Abolition in America - A Leading American Abolitionist.

Black Laws; General Rules

*Black Laws Prohibited: 1. Black Testimony against White People in Court, 2. Black Service on Juries, 3. Black Enlistment in the State Militia *Black Laws were more Prevalent in the Old Northwest than Old Northeast.


*Black Men Could Not Vote before the Civil War in the Old-Northwest States of: 1. Ohio, 2. Indiana, 3. Illinois, 4. Michigan, and 5. Wisconsin. -In Order to Meet Property Qualification =Needed to be able to Vote. *New Jersey = Stopped Allowing Black Men to Vote in 1807 -In 1844, NJ Adopted a White-Only Suffrage Provision *Rhode Island (1822) - Denied Black Men the Right to Vote, -By 1842 - RI Extended the Right to Vote to all Men Black and White. *New York (1821) - Property Qualifications to Vote = Eliminated for Whites BUT Increased for Black Men wanting to vote. -($250 worth of property, $159,000, today)

COLONIZATION (PT 3 - Black Opposition of Colonization)

*By the Mid-1820s = Many Black Abolitionists in Cities from Richmond to Boston had Criticized Colonization and the ACS. -Most Black Abolitionists Believed = The ACS Represented a Proslavery Effort to Drive Free African Americans from the United States. *Black Opposition to Colonization = *SAMUEL CORNISH; Publisher of "Freedom Journal" *THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN NEWSPAPER* -Called for Independent Black Action Against Slavery.

FROM Gabriel TO Denmark Vesey (PT 2 - DENMARK) =

*DENMARK VESEY, (1822): -A Free Black Man who Lived in Charleston, South Carolina. - Literate In: French, Spanish and English - A Carpenter by Trade and a Former Sailor. *ONE OF THE WEALTHIEST BLACK MEN IN CHARLESTON* -A Leader at the Methodist Church. *HE PLANNED A REVOLT: -Black Informants Told Whites and the Rebellion never Occurred -He was Familiar with Revolutionary Rhetoric from the Haitian Revolution

Abolition Beings (PT 3; LIMITATIONS)

*Early Northern Abolition Movements had SEVERAL LIMITATIONS: -Black and Whites Worked Separately (ALTHOUGH THEY HAD THE SAME GOAL). *GRADUAL EMANCIPATION = - Preferred to Protect the Economic Interest of Slaveholders. -White Abolitionists = Did Not Advocate for Equal Rights for Blacks. -Early Northern Abolitionists = Did Little to Bring about Abolition of Slavery in the South.


*European Immigration = Hurt Northern Blacks Economically. -Whites Preferred to Hire other Whites. -Blacks were Excluded from Apprenticeships -Skilled Black Workers, Worked as= 1. Coachmen, 2. Teamsters, 3. Waiters, 4. Barbers, 5. Carpenters, 6. Masons, 7. Plasters.


*HENRY BLAIR = of Maryland, first African American to patent invention. (1834) -BLAIR = Patented a Corn and Cotton Seed Planter *HENRY BOYD (1835) = Patented "Boyd Bedstead," Four-Poster Bed. (BED FRAME) -The Bed Sold From between $8 and$125 (about $208 and $3,250 today). *LEWIS TEMPLE = Invented Toggle Harpoon. It Secured a Whale to a Harpooner's line. - A Fishing Rod for Whales *JOSEPH HAWKINS = Patented "a Gridiron used to Broil Meat." -Preserved Juices as the Meat Cooked (LIKE GEORGE FOREMAN).

Black Laws = Rules in OHIO

*OHIO'S BLACK LAW; (1804-1849) -Required African Americans to= 1. Produce Legal Evidence That They Were Free, 2. -Register with a County Clerk, and Post a $500 bond. -BLACK LAWS was Eventually Repealed by Ohio Free Soil Party in 1849.

Arguments Made by the AASS (Moral Suasion)

*SLAVEHOLDING WAS SIN: DUE TO -Sexual exploitation, -Unrestrained brutality. -Ineffective slave labor system *Enriched a few Masters but Impoverished Most Blacks and White Southerners. *Hurt the U.S. Economy because the U. S. Govt. Protected Slaveholders Interest in order to Receive Cotton from the South. -Northerners' Guilt: Northerners who Profited from the Cloth Industry Shared the Guilt of Slavery.


*Supporters of Jackson = LED BY: Martin Van Buren of New York, = Organized a New Democratic Party. -Democrats appealed to slaveholders -Jackson Elected, 1828 -Jackson Promoted Territorial Expansion of Slavery, States Rights, and Economic Localism.

The Black Family =

*The Average Black Family in Northern Cities = -Two Parents and Two to Four Children. *Single Family Homes = Headed by Black Women -- More Common in the Northeast and Old Northwest. *BLACK MEN= High Mortality Rate and difficulty Finding Jobs. -The Opportunity to Rely on Friends and Family for Shelter = Enhanced the Mobility of Poor People. -Many Blacks in the North took in Boarders for Financial Needs (RENTED OUT ROOMS).

Abolition Begins = (PT 4; WHAT HELPED)

*The Emotionalism of the SECOND GREAT AWAKENING COMBINED WITH The Action of the BENEVOLENT EMPIRE *Helped to Change the Early Anti-Slavery Movement into a More Biracial and Wide-Ranging Movement.

Abolitionism Beings (PT 2; QUAKER)

*The Quakers = Organized the First Anti-Slavery Society in 1775 -In 1784: Society was Reorganized as the Society for the Promotion of the Abolition of Slavery *The new reorganized society attracted non-Quakers like: 1. Benjamin Rush 2. Benjamin Franklin 3. Alexander Hamilton 4. Jon Jay 5. Prince Hall


*The Second Great Awakening Reached Peak = In 1820. *CHARLES G. FINNEY = A White Presbyterian Pastor - Instrumental in the Second Revival. -He Preached that All Men and Women Could Become Faithful Christians and Save their Souls. *Blacks and Whites Began To Take Control of Religion Away from Established Clergy = - Imposed Moral Order on American Society. -People Began to Believe they had a Role in their Own Salvation. -Influenced Black churches that emerged in 1800s-1810s -The Second Great Awakening = Revolutionized the Nations Spiritual Life and Led Many Americans to Join Reform Movement.


*The Whig Party (1834-1852) formed by Henry Clay and John Adams. -The Whig Party: Endorsed moral values of Evangelical Protestantism -Opposed Territorial Expansion -Worried about the Growing Number of Immigrants. -Few Whig Politicians Defended Slave Rights, *Party Usually Nominated Slaveholders.

FROM Gabriel TO Denmark (PT 2.1 DENMARKS PLAN)

*Vesey Relied on Gullah Jack (Jack Pritchard)= -To Distribute Charms and Cast Spells to Make the Revolutionaries Invincible. *He hoped to capture Charleston by: -Burning the town -Capturing the armory -Overpowering the white resistance -Flee by ship to Haiti -Date set July 14, 1822 *THE PLAN LEAKED TO WHITES*

Gabriel's Revolt =

*WORSENED CONDITIONS for = Anti-Slavery Organizations in the Chesapeake Region *Free African Americans Were Seen as Slavery's Defenders: *FREE BLACKS CONSIDERED = -Dangerous, -Criminal, -Potentially a Revolutionary Class -Whites Felt (Free) Blacks had to be = Regulated, Subdued, and Ultimately Expelled from the Country -(south) *RAISED THE HOPE OF FREEDOM AMONG SLAVES*

The Jacksonian Era 1 (least important)

-BETWEEN 1800 and 1860 = A Market Revolution Transformed the North into a Modern Industrial Society -IN 1807 = ROBERT FULTON Made= *STEAMBOATS* *They Speed up Travel on the Country's Inland Waterways -DURING THE 1820 = A System of = *TURNPIKES* and *CANALS* Began to Unite the North and parts of South *National Road (west from Baltimore) *Erie Canal, (water route from New York City to Great Lakes) -BY 1830's: *RAILROADS* = Linked Urban and Agricultural Regions in much of the Country

Limited Freedom In The North

-FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW of 1793 = Endangered the Freedom of Northern Blacks. *Black Northerners Could be Kidnapped and Enslaved in the South. -White Northerners Limited Black Freedom by Passing Black Laws, Which: 1. Rarely Allowed Black Men to Vote; 2. Often Demanded Segregated Housing, Schools, and Transportation


-Female antislavery societies inspired the birth of feminism by: 1. Creating an awareness of women's rights 2. Challenging a culture that relegated "respectable" women to domestic duties.

The Black Convention Movement

-First Black National Convention was Organized by = by Hezekiah Grice. -Met in Philadelphia at Mother Bethel Church, September 24, 1830. -The National Convention became an annual event for the next 5 years. -There were local, state, and national black conventions.

Works of Moral Suasion by AASS

-Great Postal Campaign (1835) = Sent Anti-Slavery Literature to Southern Post Offices and Individual Slaveholders. -Petitions to Congress (1835) = Over 30,000 petitions reached Washington -Speaking Tours = One black (former slave) and one white AASS agent traveled together throughout the North. - EX: Fredrick Douglas was paired with a White Lawyer.

Black Laws; Rules in Illinois

-Illinois Territory = Threatened African Americans who Tried to Settle There = with Repeat Whippings Until They Left. -In 1847 Illinois Mandated That Blacks Who Lived There Could be Fined. -Those Who Could Not Pay = Their Fine would be Sold at a Public Auction into Indentured Servitude

-Foreign Immigrants mostly from *Ireland and *Germany =

-Immigrated to America as Entrepreneurs Sought Cheap Laborers.


-NAT TURNER (Southampton County, Virginia) - Learned to Read as a Child - Studied the Bible - Saw Visions - Believed God Intended him to Lead People to Freedom -Revolt, August 1831 *The Confessions of Nat Turner: -Turner Told his Story to a White Attorney. -Turner's Story was Later Published as Pamphlets *Virginia (Consequences) -Enslaved and Free Blacks were Forbidden to ---Spread the Christian Word. -Strictly Prohibited Teaching Slaves to Read and Write. -Forbade Slaves to Assemble in a Group More than Two or Three.

THE FREEDOM JOURNAL (first black newspaper) =

-PUBLISHER = Samuel Cornish -WRITER = William Watkins -AGENT = David Walker

Underground Railroad (escapees)

-Raised money to pay for their transport. -Recruited and helped others escape. -Sometimes became underground railroad agents.

Reactions due to Moral Suasion

-Southern postmasters censored mail. -Vigilantes Attacked Anti-Slavery supporters in the north and south. -Gag Rule = (1836) No Petitions Related to Slavery Could be Introduced in the House of Representatives.


-The Market Revolution helped to Create Political parties: - Presidential election OF 1824 - *All Four Candidates Ran as Republicans But None Won the Popular or Electoral Votes. -Andrew Jackson had the Most Votes (1825) BUT *Congress decided to choose Secretary of State John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts as President. -Adams with Henry Clay as secretary of State promoted industrialization through national programs of federal aid.

Texas and the war against Mexico (Manifest Destiny)

-The expansion of white Americans across the continent was inevitable and ordained by God. (1845). -President James K. Polk wanted Texas. Texas annexed in 1845.

POVERTY (PT 2 - Unskilled Black Workers) =

-Unskilled Black Men Often Could Not Find Work. -When They did Work = They Received LOW WAGES -Worked As: 1. Longshoremen, 2. Railroad Workers, 3. Hog Carriers, 4. Porters, 5. Shoe Shiners. *Many Unskilled Blacks Became SAILORS. -By 1850, 50% of the Crewmen on American Merchant Ships were Black.


-White Americans Viewed; Self-Reliance, Intellectual Curiosity, the Capacity for Self-Government, Military Valor, and Work Ethic = *AS INHERENTLY "Anglo-Saxon" Characteristics. -Blacks Were Considered Outsiders in a "White Man's Country" and Most Whites Wanted Nothing to do With Blacks.

What Is ACS =


American Anti-slavery society (AASS) 1833

Black men participated without formal restrictions but they rarely held positions of authority. Black abolitionist provided financial support for Garrison's Newspaper, The Liberator, Blacks often worked as subscription agents Blacks paid for Garrisons speaking tour in England in 1833. Blacks also worked as Garrison's bodyguards.

Harriet Tubman

Born in 1820 on a Maryland plantation. -She escapes when her master threatens to sell her and her family south. -She returned at least 15 times to Maryland to help others escape slavery. -She did not do it alone she had help from: Thomas Garrett, a white Quaker from Wilmington, Delaware -William Still, the black leader of the Philadelphia Vigilance Association.

Moral Suasion

During the 1830s, the AASS adopted a reform strategy based on moral suasion: *This was an Appeal to Americans to Support Abolition and Racial Justice ON THE BASIS OF = Christian Conscience.

Sojourner Truth (1850)

Emphasized that all black women had earned equal standing with men and white women through their physical labor and the pain they suffered in slavery.

Black Community Institutions

Free black communities increased between 1790-1830 due to: Gradual emancipation in the north, Individual manumission in the upper south, & Escapes. Black Churches: Used pulpits to attack slavery and racial hatred Provided meeting places for abolitionists Forum for speakers.

FROM Gabriel TO Denmark Vesey (PT 1 - GABRIEL)=

GABRIEL PROSSER: -A 24 year Old Slave Who Worked as a Blacksmith. -Planned an Uprising on August 30, 1800 in Virginia. -The Rebellion Never Happened *Gabriel Escaped to Norfolk, Va. -He and 26 others were captured and hang. Significance *FRIGHTEN WHITE SOUTHERN*

American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS)

In 1831 William Lloyd Garrison decided to create a movement dedicated to: Immediate, uncompensated emancipation Equal rights for African Americans.

The Creole

In June 1839, a revolt occurred aboard the Creole, which was transporting 135 American slaves from Richmond, Virginia to the slave markets of New Orleans. The revolt was led by Madison Washington. The slaves seized the ship and sailed it to the Bahamas. Slaves on the Creole were eventually given their freedom under British law.

The Amistad

In June 1839, fifty-four African captives aboard the Amistad successfully rebelled under the leadership of Joseph Cinque and attempted to sail back to Africa. In 1841, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that the Africans were free.

The (New York) Liberty Party

Led by Gerrit Smith. Believed: The U. S. Constitution, interpreted in terms of the Bible and natural law, outlawed slavery throughout the country. Congress could abolish slavery in southern states. It was legal to help slaves escape. Northern militia and U.S. Army should not help suppress slave revolts.

Underground Railroad in the east

Organized by Charles T. Torrey, a white Liberal party abolitionist from Massachusetts and Thomas Smallwood, a free black resident of Washington D.C. in 1842. Route: -Washington to Philadelphia -Philadelphia to Albany, New York -Albany, New York to Canada

The Underground Railroad

Organized escape of slaves from the Chesapeake, Kentucky, and Missouri along predetermined routes to Canada began during the early 1840s. There never was a united national underground railroad.

Liberty Party (AFASS)

Other members of the AFASS formed this Party. First antislavery political party. In 1840 the Liberty Party nominated James G. Birney, a slaveholder turned abolitionist as their presidential candidate.

Maria Stewart (Black Woman Abolitionist)

Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society, 1833 Born free in Connecticut in 1803. Orphaned at the age of 5, became a servant to a white minister who taught her to read and write. First women to address male audiences in public. She advocated rights for black women. She believed discrimination against women and African Americans were intertwined. She claimed that black men contributed to the oppression of black women. She was supported by William Lloyd Garrison.

Discussions in the Black Convention Movement

The conventions provided a forum for black male abolitionists who wanted: -Abolition of slavery -Improve conditions for northern black people: Integrate public schools Black suffrage Backs on Juries Testify against white people in court

The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society and the Liberty Party (AFASS)

Took a more traditional stand on the role of women. Believed that the countries churches could be converted to abolitionism. Believed that the Constitution could be used in behalf of abolitionism.

Lewis Tappan

a wealthy white New York abolitionist. Some of the members of the AFASS formed the church oriented AFASS under his leadership.

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