African American History-VT Final Exam

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Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude?


By the __________, sharecropping was the dominant agricultural system in the South.


Which of the following was true of the free African American population in 1860?

About the same number of free African Americans lived in the Upper South as lived in the North.

West African Joseph Cinque led a successful slave revolt in 1839 aboard this Spanish schooner. What was it called?


William Lloyd Garrison published his views on slavery in __________.

Answers The Liberator

In June 1854, this individual - a runaway slave from Virginia who'd successfully escaped to Boston, Massachusetts, was returned to Virginia. Many Bostonians protested the use of U.S. troops enforce his return (though it was a provision of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850). Who was the individual returned to his slaveowner in this case?

Anthony Burns

Why did property qualifications for voting disproportionately affect African Americans?

As a group, African Americans were poorer than white people.

Most former slaves became Methodists or __________.


What famous novel (later made into a motion picture) was based on the life of Margaret Garner?


Demand for cotton fiber in the textile mills of __________ & ____________ stimulated the westward spread of cotton cultivation.

Britain and New England

__________ was the architect of the Compromise of 1850.


What crop did most agricultural slaves tend? This correlates to the antebellum period...


Which of the following was one of the questions Chief Justice Roger Taney sought to resolve in his decision in the Dred Scott case?

Could an African American sue in federal court?

Northern __________ were staunchly opposed to emancipation.


This historian argues that some antebellum slave owners considered themselves "benevolent masters;" these owners failed to realize the fundamental irony of that concept. Name the historian

Drew Gilpin Faust

_______ were often apprehensive about emancipation.

Elderly slaves

The former slaves who worked the land set aside by Special Field Order #15 grew mostly cotton and rice, since those were the crops they knew best.


A major problem with the slaves at Silver Bluff Plantation was that most of the population was elderly and the sex ratio was strongly skewed towards male slaves.


During the 1860 campaign, Lincoln pledged to end slavery in his first term.


During the antebellum period, most free African Americans in the North worked as factory laborers.


In the North during the first half of the nineteenth century (1800s), segregation was banned by custom and by law. [Yes, this question sounds similar to the preceding one so please read each carefully. ]


Neither Rachel Davis nor Harriet Jacobs (Block's article, "Lines of Color") told their mistresses about their experiences of sexual abuse.


The typical southern slave worked __________. (in what capacity - job type)


Regarding slavery at Silver Bluff: [Faust article]

Hammond and one of his sons engaged in sexual relationships with several female slaves

Who was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, a wildly successful novel of the 1850s? [Hint: she was a white middle-class woman from a prominent family or reformers in Connecticut.]

Harriet Beecher Stowe

This woman, an escaped slave from North Carolina, wrote her famous slave narrative in 1858 under the pseudonym of Linda Brent. Who was she?

Harriet Jacobs

This woman, an escaped slave from Maryland, became the most famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. She should also be on the $20 bill (enough said). Who was she?

Harriet Tubman

Which of the following was a disadvantage of working as a house slave?

House servants were cut off from the larger slave community.

In what way was the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) different than other organizations of its time?

It allowed black men to participate in its meetings without formal restrictions.

What did the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation accomplish in 1862?

It freed no one during that year.

Which of the following was true of the American antislavery movement?

It was actually two movements.

The Emancipation Proclamation went into effect on __________.

January 1, 1863

The ceremony known as "jumping the broom" celebrated __________.


This rhetorical tactic was endorsed by the American Anti-Slavery Society during the 1830s. They hoped to appeal to slaveholders and others to support immediate emancipation on the basis of Christian principles. What was the tactic called?

Moral Persuasion

House servants' jobs were (often) more stressful than field hands' jobs because __________.

No answer text provided

Which southern state was the first to leave the Union?


This historian expands the understanding of sexual assault and abuse to include the category of sexual coercion.

Sharon Block

Most of the slaves sold in the internal slave market (i.e. domestic slave trade) ended up in


This historian claims that enslaved men and women resisted slavery by engaging in subversive & pleasurable acts (ex. midnight parties and frolics).

Stephanie Camp

Black volunteers were rejected by the army in Lincoln's initial call for volunteers.


Most black northerners and white abolitionists were not excited by Abraham Lincoln's candidacy in 1860.


The first person killed in John Brown's raid of Harper's Ferry was a free black man. He was killed by Brown's raiders.


Which of the following was true of the free African American population of the United States in 1820?

The largest number of free African Americans lived in the Upper South.

Why did the founders of the American Colonization Society believe it was necessary to send free African Americans to Liberia?

They believed that a large free black population in the United States was unacceptable.

What did David Walker and Nat Turner have in common?

They both advocated employing violent means against slavery.

What did Harriet Tubman and Mary Elizabeth Bowser have in common?

They both spied for the Union

Which of the following was true of early white abolitionists in the North?

They did very little to promote abolition in the South.

How did the men of the 54th Massachusetts protest race discrimination?

They said they would accept no pay unless it was equal to white men's pay.

Why did masters choose to use some of their slaves as house servants and craftsmen?

They wanted to make their plantations as self-sufficient as possible.

Which of the following was true of the northern black elite in the antebellum period?

They were often professionals who served black communities.

How were black people treated in the American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS)?

They were often refused leadership roles or significant influence in decision making.

A fundamental problem with the Free Soil Party was that its members that slavery should not expand into the American West BUT they disagreed among themselves about why this should be the case.


Frederick Douglass thought black churches reinforced segregation and racism.


Frederick Douglass's break with the American Anti-Slavery Society happened gradually over many years.


In the North during the first half of the nineteenth century (1800s), segregation was nearly universal and encompassed most areas of public life.


Most of the slaves at Silver Bluff plantation were accustomed to task labor; Hammond preferred that they work using gang labor.


Most of the slaves at the Silver Bluff plantation lived in long-lasting monogamous relationships and, although slave marriage was considered legally impossible, these relationships were considered marriage in practice.


Sojourner Truth probably never used the phrase "Ar'n't I a Woman?" for which she is most widely remembered.


There is some evidence to suggest that David Walker knew about Denmark Vesey's conspiracy.


In the early part of the 20th century (1910s), this historian argued that slavery was a benign institution with which slaves were content. His work reinforced white supremacy & Jim Crow segregation and shaped scholarship on slavery and the South for several decades. Who was he?

Ulrich B. Phillips

This term refers to several loosely organized, semi-secret biracial networks that helped slaves escape from the border South to the North and Canada. The earliest networks appeared during the first decade of the nineteenth century; others operated into the Civil War years. What was this network called?

Underground Railroad

According to your textbook, by the mid-1820s, most black abolitionists had come to view the American Colonization Society as __________.

a proslavery organization

James Henry Hammond strongly encouraged slave marriage at Silver Bluff. How did he do this?

all of the answers are true

The works of Frances Ellen Watkins Harper reflected her

antislavery activities

According to your text, "Why did more equality exist between husbands and wives in slave marriages than in those of the masters?"

because black men lacked power

Once in office, Andrew Johnson __________.

blocked efforts to distribute land to freedmen

Regarding the experiences of Rachel Davis & Harriet Jacobs (Block's article, "Lines of Color") all of the following are true EXCEPT:

both women had legal recourse to punish their abusers

The term for escaped slaves who fled behind Union lines was __________.


The African-American artist Edmonia Lewis focused on producing works that

emphasized African-American themes

The Compromise of 1850 ended slavery in Washington, D.C. .


Many free black people in the Upper South __________.

had family ties to slaves

How did James Henry Hammond achieve ownership of the Silver Bluff Plantation?

he received the property through marriage to his wife, Catherine Fitzsimons

Which of the following may help explain increases in the prevalence of single-parent black families in the Northeast during the antebellum period?

high unemployment rates among black men

The American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) was committed to _________

immediate, uncompensated emancipation

Frederick Douglass was a strong advocate of ______.

integrated public education

Most African Americans who went west were


Historian Eugene D. Genovese placed __________ at the heart of the southern plantation system.


What did northerners mean by the term "free labor"?

people who worked for some form of compensation

This effort by northern white missionaries, educators, and businessmen in the Sea Islands near Beaufort, South Carolina was designed to transform former slaves into educated, reliable, and industrious wage earners. Unfortunately, most of the freedmen did not acquire the land they worked.

port royal experiment

Maria W. Stewart rose to prominence as a(n)

public speaker

Nat Turner is best described as a __________ visionary.


The largest forced migration in American history (1790-1860)was the called ________ ________ _______ (3 words) - based on video material from Episode 2 of African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross.

second middle passage

The American Colonization Society drew its greatest support from _________ in the Upper South.


Since the 1960s historians have argued that __________.

slavery led African Americans to create institutions that allowed them some control over their lives

By 1850, most pre-Civil War white Southerners believed that

slavery provided benefits to all involved, including the slaves.

Historian Stanley M. Elkins challenged Ulrich B. Phillips interpretation of the character of slaves & the institution of slavery. Elkins claimed that _______

slaves developed coping mechanisms similar to those developed by concentration camp inmates

Personal liberty laws prevented __________.

state officials from helping to capture escaped slaves

The forced removal of __________ from Georgia to Oklahoma is known as the Trail of Tears.

the Cherokee

Uncle Tom's Cabin appealed to __________.

the emotions of northern readers

The Free Soil Party opposed

the expansion of slavery into new territories

Which of the following was a consequence of the expansion of the cotton culture?

the forced migration of American Indians to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi

Former slaves soon discovered that the acquisition of land depended on __________.

the help of plantation owners.

Lincoln believed that ________ was more important than any other war objective.

the preservation of the Union

Which of the following did many northern teachers find difficult about the freedmen they taught?

their unwillingness to embrace middle-class values v

Which northeastern states tended to be the most aggressive in disfranchising black men?

those with larger African-American populations

Why did Stephen Douglas introduce the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

to facilitate the construction of a transcontinental railroad

What was the main purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?

to help newly freed slaves transition to freedom

Why did Margaret Garner kill her daughter?

to prevent her from being returned to slavery

What was the intent of General Order 11?

to protect black soldiers from Confederate abuse

John Brown's raid was a success, in the sense that it brought the end of slavery closer.


Which state had the largest slave population in 1820? sadly...


This measure was initially introduced in Congress in 1845 to prohibit slavery in any lands acquired from Mexico (presuming that the U.S. would gain territory from the Mexican-American War). It did not pass. What was the measure called?

wilmot proviso

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