African kingdoms, the Atlantic slave trade, & the origins of black america

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The ruler Ewuare was the first to rise to dominance over chiefs (azuma) and assume the title of king (obo) over _________.


The unequal relations between Tutsi cattle breeders and ______ farmers froze into a caste system during the nineteenth-century colonial occupation.



Literally, an item of moveable personal property

The resourceful Queen ________ of Ndongo sometimes negotiated with the Portuguese and fought guerilla campaigns against them at others.


The memoir of the former slave and abolitionist __________ would help push the movement of liberating slaves forward in the nineteenth century

Olaudah Equiano

In the 1440s, Portuguese mariners raided the West African coast in the __________ region for slaves.


With __________ inhabitants in the sixteenth century, the capital of Kongo, M'banza, was comparable in size to many European cities at the time.


Barbados was settled initially in 1627 by English planters, who grew tobacco, cotton, indigo, and ginger, employing English and Irish ____________.

Indentured laborer


Individuals or ships granted permission to attack enemy shipping & to keep a percentage of the prize money he captured ships brought at auction / Pirates


Political theory to which the wealth derived from the mining of sliver and gold & production of agricultural commonly should be restricted to each country's market, with as little as possible expended on imports from another country

indentured laborers

Poor workers enrolled in European states with the obligation to work in the Americas for 5-7years, in return for their prepaid passage across the Atlantic

Between 1434 and 1472, through a combination of private and public expeditions, _________ mariners explored the African coast as far east as the Bight of Benin.


In the seventeenth century, the process of manumission was:

Sometimes followed by the freedman's acquisition of his own slaves.

By some estimates, there were more ________ slave uprisings involving 10 or more slaves during the four centuries of Atlantic slavery



A bias towards present-day attitudes, especially in the interpretation of history

Household slavery

African chiefs & kings maintained large households of retainers; many among these were slaves, acquired through raids & wars but also as a result of punishments

As part of the African ________, Africans moved to nearly all parts of the Americas primarily as a result of the transatlantic slave trade.


African Diaspora

Dispersal of African peoples throughout the world, particularly the Americas, as part of the transatlantic slave trade

Atlantic system

Economic system in which European ships would exchange goods for slaves in west Africa & slaves would then be brought to America and exchanged for goods that would be carried back to the home port

Plantation slavery

Economic system in which slave labor was used to grow crops on large estates

Around 1750, there were about 10,000 Boers (Dutch for "_______") in the Cape Colony, easily outnumbered by slaves.


An example of a Creole language that has survived for centuries is Gullah, used by the isolated communities along the coastal islands of Georgia and _______.

South Carolina

_______ was the only North American colony, and later state, in which African Americans outnumbered those of European descent.

South Carolina

The Atlantic system or the "_________" trade connected the American colonies with Africa and Europe



The process by which slaves are legally given freedom

After the defeat of the Songhay, much of the trans-Saharan gold trade was siphoned off by the Portuguese on what became known as the Gold Coast (modern ________)


Although they were under frequent attack by Songhay and Kanem-Bornu during the period 1500-1800, the _________ kingdoms enjoyed periods of independence during which many of the ruling clans converted to Islam


Mercantilist economic theory dictates that:

Imports to and exports from a colonial holding should be restricted

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