AFST 235 Final Exam

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Which of the following is not true about Sundiata Keita?

He required his followers to convert to Islam.

The idea that Egyptian pyramids were built by slave labor stemmed from


The first hominins believed to have migrated out of Africa to Europe and Asia were

Homo erectus

Which of the following early humans were the first to make simple stone tools?

Homo habilis

The majority of Hyksos rule in Egypt was during Egypt's

Intermediate Period.

What can be said about the trans-Saharan trade?

It aided in the spread of Islam in West Africa.

Which of the following best describes the impact trade had on ancient Egyptian society?

It created a wealthy elite class.

Which of the following is true regarding the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea?

It refers to a series of market towns.

What is true about Timbuktu?

It was an important trading center for the Mali Empire.

Which is true about Timbuktu?

It was an important trading center for the Mali empire.

What was specific about Ghana's gold source?

It was only known to the Soninke.

Warriors of the Ottoman's elite military corps were called


Of the Great Pyramids of Giza, the largest and most famous is the Pyramid of


The town that emerged as the most important and wealthiest trading town was


Which of the following can be easily said about Later Iron Age states of Central Africa?

Kingship was achieved by balancing both the secular and religious aspects of society.

The people who opposed the Southern Sosso in Ghana and eventually established their own succeeding empire were the


As a faithful Muslim, which individual made his way across the Sahara desert to make a pilgrimage to Mecca?

Mansa Musa

What would be considered the major difference between "traditional" African religion and Christianity or Islam?

That God is in isolation.

What is known about the Mali kingdom stems from both written and oral traditions. The most noted oral accounts are from

The Epic of Sundiata

Which of the following is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

The Lighthouse of Alexandria.

The discovery that allowed for the translation of Egyptian Hieroglyphs was

The Rosetta Stone.

Which of the following best describe Zenj?

The central region of the East Africa coast that consisted of trading towns.

Which of the following best describes the Christian city that sat in the center of the Ottoman domain? It was

a magnificent Christian city, fortified with stone walls.

The historical importance of the Epic of Sundiata is that it

gives clear accounts of the history of Mali.

Great Zimbabwe is most noted for its

high, circular walls.

Christopher Columbus's decision to sail west to reach Asia was based on

his belief that the Atlantic Ocean was smaller and Asia was larger than most believed.

Which of the following is not true about Mansa Musa?

He made the pilgrimage to Cairo.

Which country sponsored Christopher Columbus's voyage to the "New World"?


Which of the following was Portugal's main crop (produced by slave labor) on the plantations off the west coast of Africa?


Which West African ruler was known as, "The Lion King"?

Sundiata Keita

Zimbabwe essentially means

"Great house of stone"

In 1974, the earliest and most complete fossil (to date) was found in Hadar, Ethiopia. What name was given to this hominin?


In anthropology, the term homo habilis essentially means

"handy man"

Which of the following best describes "Piltdown Man"

A fraud

Which of the following best describes the term 'spirits of the land'?

A generic term describing ancestral spirits that exist in any given African society.

Which of the following was NOT an expectation from those who paid tribute to Later Iron Age states?

A greater tribute obligation once a new dynasty was established.

According to legend, Ilunga Kalala was

A heroic huntsman who possessed magical power.

A griot can best be described as

A story teller.

Fully modern humans appear to have evolved from where?


The origins of humanity lie in which of the following continents?


Which leader was responsible for the rapid spread of Islam in West Africa?

Askia Muhammad

After expanding their empire west into the Balkans, there sat a Christian city in the center of the Ottoman domain. What was the name of the Christian city?


Which of the following is not true about Sonni Ali?

He required his followers to convert to Islam.

in which city did Mansa Musa give away so much gold, that it adversely affected that city's economy for at least a decade?


The later Iron Age States of central Africa were located near the

Congo and Zambezi Rivers.

In the Ottoman empire, the system of military recruitment was called


The account of ship surgeon Dr. Alexander Falconbridge discusses which of the following diseases as the primary problem for enslaved Africans aboard slave ships?


Which of the following best describe Azania?

East Africa

One of the major characteristics of Egypt's "New Kingdom" was

Egypt became a major world power.

Under whose rule did Hagia Sophia come into existence?

Emperor Justinian

All practitioners of traditional African religion embrace animism?


Ancient Egyptians believed in equality in life and death


It can be said that East Africa's trade extended as far east as India, but no further.


The Treaty of Tordesillas was an attempt to divide the known world between Spain and Portugal whereas Spain would take ownership of the claimed lands in the Eastern hemisphere and Portugal, Western.


Where were the first fossils discovered(1856)- paving the way for the greater search for the "missing link"?


The last Egyptian dynasty ended with the invasion and occupation of Egypt by the


Which of the following is not true about Askia Muhammad?

He founded the Songhay empire.

Which of the following trading towns was the initial center of the East African gold trade?


In an effort to maintain control the cities along East Africa's coast, the Portuguese built a substantially large fort at


Which of the following were the first specimen to be recognized as an early human fossil?


Carthage was located in

North Africa.

Egypt's "Middle Kingdom" was known, in part, for its territorial expansion. Which region did Egypt occupy during the middle kingdom?


Which of the following would constitute a person who practices syncretic Islam?

One who follows both a traditional African faith and Islam.

Who was the leader of the Ottomans' first dynasty?

Osman Bey

Which of the following is true about the library of Alexandria?

Scholars from Greece visited and learned there.

Hannibal Barca's march on Italy began the

Second Punic War.

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of a typical slave ship?

Slave ships were generally poorly constructed, and were more likely to fall apart on their way to the Americas as make it there.

Which of the following had direct contact with the gold source in Southern Africa?


The Nkongolo dynasty began under the _____ people.


The kingdom of Ghana was founded by the


Homo erectus aka "Java Man" was found in

Southeast Asia

The area known as Mapungubwe is located in

Southern Africa just south of Great Zimbabwe.

Which European country took the lead in the exploration and subsequent domination of the western hemisphere in the 15th and early 16th centuries?


In regards to kingship in the Later Iron Age states, what did it mean when a king ruled by "Divine Right"?

The king's connection with the ancestral spirits far exceed anyone else's within his kingdom.

Which of the following best describes the "Great Trek"?

The migration of Dutch settlers in South Africa.

Which of the following is NOT considered an aspect of the Swahili language?

The term means "people of the desert"

Which of the following statements best describes the "Middle Passage"?

The voyage across the Atlantic that took the lives of millions of enslaved Africans.

Which of the following is true regarding the founding of Ghana's ancient kingdom?

There are no written records of how the kingdom began

Which of the following could be easily considered a reason for Portugal's entrance into maritime trade during the 15th century?

They had a strong desire to find an alternate trade route to Asia.

Which of the following best explains why Christian children were trained to be soldiers or administrators of the Ottoman sultans?

They had no allegiance to any of the various rival Muslim factions.

One of the defining characteristics of Homo erectus was

They walked upright

The conquest of Carthage and subsequent expansion of the Roman empire was a result of the

Third Punic War.

Under the Mali empire, _______ became the center of trade and learning.


Ancient Egyptians obtained a majority of their wealth from


The Anatolian plateau, from which the Ottomans emerged, is modern day what?


Carthage was settled by Phoenicians from


In ancient Egypt, social organization, planning, and cooperation within the community were essential because they

aided in producing food surpluses.

Much of what is known about the ancient kingdom of Ghana and its wealth in gold comes from the writings of an 11th century Arab geographer named


The annual flooding of the Nile River

enabled Egyptian civilization to thrive by leaving deposits of fertile silt.

In the heirachal society of West Africa, slavery

functioned as a means of assimilation into West African societies.

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