Ag Animals of the World Exam 2

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What are the top 5 cows' milk producing countries? What are the top 5 countries in milk cows? Why don't those lists match?

Head: India, Brazil, Sudan, China, Pakistan, Production: USA, India, China, Russian Federation, Brazil. The highest level of production is going to be the countries with the highest level of agriculture (developed).

What is the estimated market value of the draft animals of the world?

$150 billion

What is the estimated replacement value of the draft animals of the world?

$400 billion

Briefly describe each system of agriculture discussed in this chapter and tell in which level of agricultural development each is found.

-Nomadic Herding: Is in the primitive agriculture level and is the primitive utilization of the dry and cold areas of the world. It is used by nomadic people who move their families and livestock to where feed and water is more readily available. They typically live in tents or huts because they are easy to move or replace if needed and they don't own any land. -Shifting Cultivation: Is in the primitive agriculture level and consists of clearing small areas of land (some forests are burned) and using them as farm land for a few years until the ground is no longer fertile then abandoning the area and repeating. The land sits for 10-20 years before using it again and is characterized as good land rotating practice. -Rudimentary Sedentary Tillage: Is in the primitive agriculture level and is like shifting cultivation but they do not leave the plot of land so it must be very fertile. They use mostly hand labor and is very energy efficient. -Animals in Rudimentary Sedentary Tillage and Shifting Cultivation: Is in the primitive agriculture level. The animals owned by the previous two types have herders who allow the animals to graze together during the daytime and bring them in during the night time to protect them from predators. The role of their animals isn't typically a large one and they mostly get their meat from hunting and fishing. -Intensive Subsistence Tillage: Is in the subsistence agriculture level and involves rice and no rice production typically in third world countries. Very labor intensive, requiring work animals for farm power and rice is grown if the necessary water is available. Pigs and poultry are used as scavenger animals but also as food. -Subsistence Crop and Livestock Farming: Is in subsistence agriculture level and is found in the poorer areas with small farms and few livestock. Most of the products produced by the farm are consumed by the farmer with few left for sale with the main goal being self-sufficiency. Milk is more important than meat with the typical animals being used being cattle, pigs, and sheep. -Ranching: Is in developed agriculture level and is the commercial use of dry areas of land by placing cattle or sheep on it. Ranchers are permanently located on one area and sometimes farm as well. Typically, less than 20inches of rain. -Commercial Crop and Livestock Farming: Is in developed agriculture level and with the primary objective being farming crops with the secondary enterprise being livestock finishing in the winter. Production is very intensive and is considered a family farm which is increasingly decreasing as mechanization occurs. Typically, 25-30in of rain. -Commercial Livestock Finishing: Is in developed agriculture level and is a modification of commercial crop and livestock farming which is relatively a new practice. In the US primarily where the producers don't raise crops, but they buy crops to feed to their livestock. The product is meat and is predominantly beef. -Commercial Dairy: Is in developed agriculture level and is a modification of commercial crop and livestock farming and focuses on producing large amounts of fluid milk near populated areas. Farms that are farther away focus on producing butter, cheese, and processed milk. Typically have thousands compared to family farms which would have around 250. -Commercial Grain Production: Is in developed agriculture level and focus on producing small grains such as wheat or irrigating summer grains and may have some livestock. Typically have 20-30in of rain. -Mediterranean Agriculture: Is in developed agriculture level and typically found in more restricted parts of the world with grapes being a very important crop for wines. The areas used are typically mountainous and often use mountain pastures, the farmers slowly graze livestock up the mountain during the summer and graze slowly down the mountain before it snows. They do not move their families just the livestock. -Market Gardening (truck farming): Is in developed agriculture level and these farmers focus on fruits, vegetables, and vine crops with no livestock. They depend on migratory seasonal labor. -Plantation Agriculture: Is in developed agriculture level and this is where large tracts of land are for tropical/sub-tropical crops. Usually hand labor but some draft animals are used.

What are the various uses which we call draft power?

Plowing, cartage and carrying loads on or over their back

Rank the major species (the ones information is provided for) in terms of their contributions to the world's meat? 1 being biggest contributor.

Poultry, Goat, Pig, Sheep, Beef, Equine

Explain the significance of using agricultural animals as a source of income for a farm in subsistence agriculture.

Provides stable labor demand, improves the economy, highly liquid asset, increases food supplies, lower feed costs and usually animals are the primary source of cash income. Very good for economic growth.

Describe the difference in a domestic animal and a dominated animal using the Asian elephant as an example.

A domesticated animal would be an animal bred in captivity and used for work, while a dominated animal is a wild animal brought it and tamed and used for work. With elephants they have been dominated because they are wild animals brought in for a purpose, but they are not domesticated yet.

Give an example of a dominated animal other than the Asian elephant.

A dominated animal could be a wild ferret or wild coyote that gets tamed and used to people but is still genetically wild.

Give an example of a dual purpose animal.

A dual-purpose animal would be cattle producing milk and meat

Give an example of a triple purpose animal.

A triple purpose animal would be cattle producing milk, meat, and performing work

What are the geographical regions of the world where primitive agriculture predominates?

Africa, half of Asia and South America

List 3 reasons why animals rather than tractors are the predominant source of power used in subsistence agriculture. Explain why so much human labor is used in Asian agriculture.

Animals are the predominant use of power in Asia because they are relatively cheap compared to machinery. They are easy to replace and are cheap to buy. They are also cheap regarding fuel, because tractor fuel is much more expensive than feed for animals. Human labor is used a lot in Asia because human labor is cheaper and more economical than machines.

Name 3 ways that animals can be useful in weed control.

Land being left to fallow can be grazed by animals to control weeds, and grazing animals are often used along the edges of canals to eat the weeds there as well and control the vegetation. Geese can be used to eat the weeds in-between crops.

What are the major differences in mohair and cashmere?

Mohair is clipped like a sheep and yields around 5 pounds while cashmere is only the underfur and it has to be combed out with a yield of around 3 ounces

On what continent does the cow contribute the lowest percentage of the total milk produced, and which other species produces a large amount of the total milk in this continent?

Asia, water buffalo

What reason seems most likely to explain why Africa and Asia produce so much less beef from their cattle than the U.S.?

Because Africa and Asia have less meat production because nonfood uses are more important

How does high bride price serve as a birth control mechanism?

Because for men to marry they must have animals to exchange with the family which is hard to do and can take awhile

What is the most common reason why a given area of land will be devoted to grazing of livestock?

Because it doesn't receive enough rain for crops.

Why is it not appropriate to judge the productivity of animals in poorer parts of the world by the standards of highly-productive American agriculture?

Because regardless of how productive or efficient our animals are, their animals take what would otherwise be unusable materials, and turn them into something that can be utilized by people. They do it slowly, but the animals and people are never in competition for food.

What scenario causes more dual purpose cattle to be used in a subsistence agriculture than triple purpose?

Because the higher the level, the more the farmer would depend on other animals for power, like instead of using the cow for power they could use a horse or a plow instead.

How are developed agriculture, specialized cattle production, and profit linked?

Because the profit and specialized cattle production are dependent on the level of agriculture, they are in. The level dictates the uses the population has for cattle which also determines what kind of cattle they will have. Developed agriculture is typically more linked with having specialized cattle production with the main goal of profit.

Why is it that the more an animal is "improved" for agricultural purposes the less likely it is to survive in the wild?

Because the traits that the animal acquired naturally through evolutionary processes to survive are being changed and adjusted to fit the needs of the person which doesn't always suit the needs of the animal, like a broiler hen is too fat to survive in the wild. These animals become dependent on the care provided by the human.

What is the most wide spread and numerous of all the non-poultry species.


Based on Table 2, what are the hides/skins of importance to the world

Cattle hides, sheep skins, goat skins, buffalo hides,

Which of the domestic birds are most useful for providing useful product to people?


What is the single most important fiber/hide-producing country in the world?


Which of the top beef-producing countries is an Asian country?


What is unique about milk consumption/production in China?

China is top 5 in both head and production, and they have started making more milk because they started getting a taste for it and it is now driving milk production.

What are some products produced from yak hair?

Clothing, blankets, and horse blankets

What are some things in the artificial environment man creates for domestic animals that can cause stress to a domestic animal? Include at least one example that is not listed in the reading.

Confinement, altering metabolism and changing their social hierarchy can cause stress

Describe how cattle are most commonly used in a developed agriculture. Subsistence agriculture. Primitive agriculture.

Developed: meat, milk, and non-food products, Primitive: work primarily, and non-food, Subsistence: primarily work, w/food and non-food as well

Does one need large amounts of animal products to balance a diet? Explain.

One doesn't need large amounts of animal products to balance a diet but a small amount of animal products combined with other food stuffs could balance a diet well, it just depends on what other products are being consumed to determine the amount of meat needed to balance it out.

What are the genus and species (both of them) of cattle?

Genus: Bos Species: taurus and indicus

Name 10 non-food slaughter by-products man gets from animals.

Glue, feed, vaccine, serum, buttons, jewelry, fertilizer, fuel, gelatin, and pharmaceuticals

If two species are equally adapted to an area, what will generally be the reason one gets chosen over the other?


What is the major difference between the developed and developing countries as far as numbers of the different sized livestock producing units are concerned? Why is this so?

Some of the major differences between developed and developing countries is that even though they both have very few units that are very large in size, developed countries are generally more productive compared to developing. Developing countries do not have the access to resources to manage their units as well as developed do. Developed also have a lot of moderate to large units owned by the middle class while developing have basically no moderate sized units do the nonexistent amount of middle class. One of the biggest differences I noted was that while both types of countries have small units, they have them for completely opposite reasons. Developed have them usually just as a hobby and have a low cash return, not because they don't have a good market, but because they do a poor job of marketing. Developing countries have small farms as their major/only source of income and depend on them greatly. They typically have a low cash return as well but only because their animals are not as productive, and the buyers only offers low prices which they are forced to take because of a poor market.

Describe some miscellaneous food uses of animals

Some primitive areas used animals for their blood, others used the fat from the tails of fat-tailed sheep. Skins and hides are also eaten in some places.

Explain how animal products in the diet help balance diets of poor quality. Use sorghum grain as the example.

Sorghum would potentially be able to supply all the protein needed for nutritional requirements but because of the compound tannin it affects the digestion of sorghum negatively reducing the amount of protein digested. Due to this protein needs to be supplied in the diet other than sorghum, so paired with an animal product the nutritional requirements can be met.

In what geographical area is most of the intensive subsistence tillage found, and why is rice grown whenever possible?

South and East Asia. Rice will be grown if the necessary water is available because it will out yield any other grain.

Name 7 uses of cattle in primitive agriculture.

Status symbol, indicator of wealth, capital for trades, form of inheritance, work, transport, supply manure, milk and blood

List and briefly describe the miscellaneous uses man has for animals

Storage of capital and food, cultural and religious reasons, income, fertilizer, fuel, pest control, conservation, human health research, nonfood and inedible slaughter products

What has the development of synthetic fibers done to the use of animal fibers, especially in the developed world?

Synthetic fibers have presented a serious competition, and have caused a decline in the economic value of animal fibers

What are some products produced from camel hair?

Tent fabric material and hair brushes

Explain how climate (particularly rainfall) affects which agricultural system is practiced in a given level of agricultural development.

The climate is important factor for deciding what agricultural system can be used in a particular area. For example crops need a certain amount of rain but not too much so if there was an area with typically only 20in of rain it would be more suited towards ranching while 25-30in would be for crops.

With reference to question 5, what are 3 other conditions that, when present in an area, usually means the land will be devoted to grazing?

The land is too rough, the elevation is too high, or they are too far away from a market or a place to sell their crops

For what major "functional development" do we most commonly try to modify animals by selection?

The locomotion, growth rate, mammary development and milk production, body covering, and a characteristic deemed valuable

Explain how meat production fits into the various levels of agricultural development.

The lower levels of agricultural development typically do not have animals for the primary purpose of producing meat. They usually only eat them in emergency situations or if their animals are dying partly due to the lack of storage for the meat, but the other reason is that they are considered more important for other purposes (milk, religion, etc). In the higher levels of agricultural development animals are largely used for meat, milk, and other protein products while the other large factor is to convert unusable/inedible forages into something humans can consume.

Why do farmers in the developing countries generally prefer manure over chemical fertilizers?

The manure improves soil texture

Describe the traditional subsistence agricultural systems of Asia in 5 sentences.

The traditional subsistence farming practices in Asia is mainly Intensive Subsistence Tillage due to the large amount of rainfall available and its where they grow large amount of rice. Subsistence crop and livestock farming is more in the cold and drier parts of Asia and its where they have small farms with a few livestock.

Look at Figure 2. What is happening to world production of milk? What part of the world is noticeably out of sync? Which part of the world seems to be driving much of the overall change in world production?

There has been a steady increase in milk production except for Europe which has been decreasing since 1990. Asia is driving the milk production right now.

Look at Figure 1. Describe what has been happening with the production of beef on a world-wide basis. Is Europe following the trend? Explain.

There has been a steady increase in the amount of meat production but in Europe there has been a decline since 1990

What is the uniqueness of the Karakul and Kuche?

They are furbearing breeds of sheep where the lambs are slaughtered within a few days after birth and have their pelts removed. Used to make fur hats, collars, and coats

Name 9 countries that have major range beef operations.

USA, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay, Colombia

What are the major meat producing countries from cattle?

USA, Brazil, China, Argentina, Africa

What is the value of animal fibers, feathers, etc., in the cottage industries of poor countries?

Very valuable because they are used to produce clothing, bedding, carpets and handicrafts where the people who make them are often dependent on the sales of these products

Why do we refer to wool as renewable but hides as being non-renewable?

Wool is renewable because it can be continually harvested from the same animal, while hides are nonrenewable because once you harvest an animals hide that is the only one you can harvest.

Based on Table 2, what are the fibers of importance to the world

Wool, greasy, cocoons, reelable, hair of horses

Does anyone in India eat beef? Explain.

Yes, despite cattle being considered sacred in India slaughter has still been increasing, typically consumed by the non-Hindus of the population or from more affluent Hindus

Which 2 systems of agriculture are the only two that are concerned almost exclusively with livestock?

• Ranching • Nomadic herding

How is it possible that manure is possibly useful in wound healing?

manure has a possible antibody effect.

What are 3 areas where animals aid in land conservation?

1) Fallow land management 2) Alley cropping systems 3) Forest/tree cropping

Countries with a developed agriculture are most interested in animals as producers of what 2 things?

1) Food 2) Body coverings

Based on tabular information provided in this chapter, what 5 countries are most dependent on draft animals.

1) India 2) China 3) Bangladesh 4) Thailand 5) Pakistan

Name and briefly explain 3 ways that animals are important contributors to human social structure.

1) a traditional legacy that a father leaves to his son that are significant possessions, 2) Marriage contracts often involve the exchange of livestock, 3) serves as a means of birth control because it takes a while for men to accumulate the necessary animals for wives, 4) cultural

List 10 possible uses for animal urine.

1) sprinkled on dirt floors to control dust and pests, 2) extend the low volume of milk available for human food, 3) rinse for hair and the concentrated form makes bleach for hair, 4) leather tanning, 5) medicine, 6) cleaning fluid, 7) mordant for wool, 8) in the making of gun powder, 9) fertilizer, 10) in some religious ceremonies

In order to adapt to symbiotic life with human there are three different things animals must be able to do. What are they?

1. They must be able to adapt to a variety of physical environments 2. They must be able to adapt to the artificial environment they are placed in 3. They must respond to selection for some specialized functional development considered important by humans

How many cattle are there in the world?

1.4 million

Which species produces the second largest amount of total milk?

13% from Buffaloes

What percent the total world's meat production do cattle produce?


Approximately what percent of the total milk produced in the world is produced by cattle?


What are five countries where silk production is economically important?

Asia (China, India, and Thailand), Uzbekistan and Brazil

What continent produces the greatest percentage of the world's hen eggs?


Describe the relationship between economic development and the interest of the people in that level of development in producing "salable product."

Areas that have a higher level of economic development generally have a greater emphasis to have a profit. The emphasis on profit directly correlates with animals being kept to produce a salable product rather than used by the owner. Lower areas of economic development are not focused on profit and more focused on the ability of their animals to produce items needed, so they are not kept to produce salable product.

Discuss the differences in a dual purpose animal and a triple purpose animal.

Dual purpose: Means it can perform 2 purposes Triple purpose: Means it can perform 3 purposes

Explain why the horse and pig are also able to get benefit from grass much like the ruminants.

Horses and pigs can reap the benefits of eating grass much like ruminants but for different reasons. Horses like other monogastrics have a cecum, but what is different in comparison is that their cecum contains significantly more microorganisms and is larger in size which allows for the better digestion of grass. While the pig is an omnivore and consumes not only meat but grass as well and is able to receive the benefits from grass as well.

Compare and contrast the quantity of meat consumed by people in developed and developing countries. Use numbers.

In developed countries people tend to spend 32-39% of all of their food expenditures on animal products, the highest income in developing countries tends to allocate around 30%, and the lower side of developing countries tends to only allocate 5-15% of their income to animal products.

What are the 5 major cattle owning countries?

India, Brazil, USA, China, Ethiopia

What are 5 major products produced by cattle in subsistence agriculture?

Milk, meat, leather, manure, power

Discuss the problems associated with establishing in the developing countries a highly productive dairy industry such as is found in the developed countries using improved breeds of cattle.(Hint: there must be 2 reasons in this answer.)

Introducing improved breeds of cattle failed due to the people not wanting to supplement their diet to a sufficient level for optimal production and the environment of developing countries are unfavorable and do not promote optimal production as well

What are transhumantic practices?

Its where people have their animals slowly graze up a mountain during the summer and have them slowly graze back down the mountain before winter time.

How can using animals as a storage for capital be bad for the environment?

Large herds can cause overgrazing and reluctance of people to sell animals which can further alleviate the previous problem

Discuss the problems associated with establishing in the developing countries a highly productive dairy industry such as is found in the developed countries using local strains of cattle.

Local strains of cattle in underdeveloped countries are typically not as genetically advanced for production as our breeds are so they would produce much less even with a better facility and management practices.

List 3 different advantages to the developing countries of the relatively crude farm implements and machinery that they use even though they are inefficient compared to those used in highly developed countries.

Low initial cost, low maintenance cost, and repairs can be done locally with cheap and readily available materials

What major product do dairy cattle produce other than milk in developed agriculture operations? Explain.

Meat, bull cows and extra heifers are used for meat

Why are indicus often the predominate species used in hot and humid climates?

They are more adapted to those conditions than taurus

What are the major similarities in mohair and cashmere?

They are similar because they are both from goats and they are renewable

What are the 2 factors that distinguish a domesticated animal from other animals?

They have been brought under human control and they have been adapted to a symbiotic life with humans

Explain how to make bricks from manure

They make bricks with 50% manure with soil and straw and shape them

Why is poultry meat production growing so rapidly?

They offer two valuable foods (eggs and meat) and they are relatively inexpensive to keep.

Describe the ways in which people in areas of subsistence or primitive agriculture utilize animal wastes as fuel.

They use dried manure as fuel for fires. These fires are for cooking and heating

What does it mean when we "improve" livestock?

To "improve" an animal is too modify or change some kind of specialized functional development to fit a person's needs

Why are range beef herds managed extensively?

To reduce labor costs and increase profits

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