Aggie History

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What were the major cities that wanted the A&M in their city?

Durham, Raleigh, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Wilmington

Why is De Witt Clinton Benbow important?

-A wealthy businessman and philanthropist -He supported NCAT by giving subscriptions (Money)

What were the race relations in Greensboro in 1890-1893

-Africans Americans didn't hold power during this time. A prime example is that several African Americans politicians proposed a bill to get a state supported college for African Americans but denied each time, BUT when a white politician proposed one, it went through. -Another example is that UNLIKE Wilmington with the "Wilmington Race Riots", the races in Greensboro were at peace with each other for the most part(which is another reason why the A&M was located in Greensboro), but as North Carolina as a whole, there much tension and discrimination towards Africans Americans which caused conflict. -

Why is James Benson Dudley important?

-Dudley is the second president. -He resolved internal conflict. (Bring cohesiveness to the college) -He expanded the college physically. (Gained acres of land) -He increased the value of the college. (Over 1 million dollars) -He increased the number of students and faculty. (58 students to 476 students) -He changed to all male -He took us out bankruptcy -Transition the college to predominantly faculty black -created the 3 divisions of the school (industrial, preparatory, college)

Why was Greensboro a good fit for the new A&M college?

-Great climate -fine railroad facilities -great race relations with the two races.

Why is John O Crosby important?

-He was NCAT's first president. -He build the first administration building. -He build Northern dorms. -Females were admitted during his terms. -He created two academic departments. (agriculture and Mechanical arts) -He build the third building (Mechanical arts building) -Under his leadership, there was internal and external crisis's.

Who was John White and what did he do?

-He was part of the legislature. -His goal was to get a bill approved to establish a school for African Americans but was REJECTED.

Why is Charles Henry Moore important?

-He was was determined to bring the college to Greensboro. He was the most active. -VP of Greensboro chamber of commerce -He served as the board of trustees. (He was 1 of the 3 African Americans out of 9 members). -Identified as "Justice" with the newspaper -In his argument to get the college located in Greensboro, he stated that Blacks supported whites in the voting of the Women's College. -He also said the college will bring financial benefits.

Who was Henry Epps and what did he do?

-State Senator -He pushed a bill to establish an industrial college for African Americans. -He attempted to get appropriations. -His whole bill was REJECTED

Why was 1892 significant?

-The Board of Trustees voted on March 3 to locate the college in Greensboro. -John Oliver Crosby was elected the first President of the college by the Board of Trustees.

Why was 1891 significant?

-The North Carolina General Assembly ratified the Act establishing the A & M College for the Colored Race. -The first meeting of the Board of Trustees of A & M College for College Race

Why was 1893 significant?

-The main building which was called the college building was completed. -North Carolina A&T began to enroll students

Why were some whites reluctant to having the A&M located in Greensboro?

-They didn't support because they didn't want to use tax payer dollars to fund Negros higher education.

Who were the 3 African Americans apart of the general assembly?

1) John White 2) Henry Epps 3)Isaac Alston

What were the 3 questions asked by John Noble to Governor Fowle?

1) Was there a agricultural college established in NC? 2) Can African Americans be admitted? 3) If so, was there one for whites, and one for blacks aided by the state.

What were the 3 responses from governor Fowle to John Noble?

1) Yes, there is a agricultural college in NC 2) No, blacks were not admitted in the college. 3) No, there was no college for African Americans AIDED by the state. *SIDE NOTE* -After Governor Fowle answered those questions, he promised Noble he would recommend an agricultural college for African Americans to the legislature. - Next., Fowle requested the money (appropriations) given by the state to create a school. -Nobel then stated that the fund will be WITHHELD until the state provide an institution for the colored race.

How many people served on the board of trustees?

9 member

Who was the first president of NCAT?


What was the second morrill act?

Grants given to programs specializing in agricultural and mechanics.

What were the 3 cities that were considered the only serious contenders?

Greensboro, Raleigh, Wilmington

Why is Justin Smith Morrill important?

He was a U.S. Congressman and senator. His vision was to establish a state supported school for African Americans in every state. and that is the reason why NCAT is here today. His vision was implemented by the 2 Morrill acts.

What did section 3 of the bill state?

It gave the name of the college. "The agricultural and mechanical college for the color race"

What did section 10 of the bill state?

That congress would give $2,500 to the school annually.

Why was 1890 significant?

The Second Morrill Act of 1890 was established

What organizations push to establish school for African Americans?

The Teachers Association fought for equal opportunities for African Americans.

What did section 11 of the bill state?

The school would be located at another institution until the college is complete. At that point it was located at Shaw.

What was the purpose of the Board of Trustees?

To find a temporarily and permanent location.

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