All of Psychology unit 5

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What does Carol Dweck's self-theory of motivation propose?

Believing that your abilities are inborn and unchangeable may backfire when you are challenged or when you fail.

_____________ is the ratio of height and weight used to estimate a person's health status related to percentage of body fat.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

What type of studies observe different individuals of different ages at one point in time to track differences related to age?

Cross-sectional studies

study that observe different individuals of different ages at one point in time to track differences related to age

Cross-sectional studies

study done by examining several different cohorts over time

Cross-sequential study

___________ causes physical and cognitive abnormalities in children resulting from a pregnant mother's alcohol intake.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)

At what point during prenatal development is the developing baby most susceptible to damage from teratogens?

From two to eight weeks

What stage of prenatal development lasts two weeks and includes a period of rapid cell division, culminating with cell implantation into the female's uterus?

Germinal stage

Chelsea is excited about her new career path. After helping with the caretaking for both of her grandparents, she has decided to move forward into the interdisciplinary field that studies the process of aging and the aging population. What will Chelsea be studying?


Alice is having a difficult time at work lately. She is now reporting to a new manager who seems to disparage her at every turn and is requesting that Alice provide weekly status reports. Further, Alice has been relocated to an office space closer to the manager and away from her supportive co-workers. According to self-determination theory, what outcomes are likely for Alice?

Increased psychological distress

__________ is a hormone released by the pancreas that tells the body to convert glucose to fat.


__________ is engaging in a behavior for the sake of enjoyment rather than the desire to gain an external goal or reward.

Intrinsic motivation

As Karl was hiking on his favorite remote trail, a bear and her cubs appeared from the brush and onto the trail ahead. Karl's heart began to race, his breathing became rapid and shallow, and his skin started to bead up with sweat. After his body's response to the bear, Karl began to experience extreme fear. This illustrates the __________ theory of emotion.


Which theory of emotion proposes that our emotions are the result of physiological arousal?

James-Lange theory

What early 20th century developmental psychologist proposed the idea that children's minds were not miniature adult minds, but were minds that developed by an intrinsic motivation to explore and understand?

Jean Piaget

According to the dual center model of hunger and satiety, what part of the brain is responsible for controlling the experience of hunger?

Lateral hypothalamus

Which psychologist built on Piaget's work and proposed a theory of moral reasoning using hypothetical scenarios?

Lawrence Kohlberg

Which psychologist proposed the theory that development occurs on a social level before it occurs at the individual level?

Lev Vygotsky

study in which the same individuals are observed over a period of time to track changes over time

Longitudinal study

What is the relationship between levels of blood sugar and hunger?

Low glucose levels result in feelings of hunger, whereas high glucose levels result in the release of insulin.

Lucy ran out of the house heading to her 8:00 a.m. class and did not have time to eat breakfast. Further, she forgot to grab her lunch from the fridge. What basic physiological processes can Lucy expect to experience if she does not eat throughout the day?

Lucy's blood sugar levels will drop, her stomach will growl, and the lateral hypothalamus will secrete orexin, which will in turn initiate feelings of hunger.

Which psychologist developed the "strange situation" test, in which 1-year-old infants were briefly separated from their mothers and left to play in a new environment under a stranger's supervision?

Mary Ainsworth

when you express one emotion outwardly while experiencing a different emotion internally


What is one of the goals of public policies aimed at addressing the link between poverty and obesity?

Menu labeling in chain restaurants

Which statement is accurate regarding obesity rates and environmental factors?

Obesity rates are highest among people living in poverty.

__________ is a hormone secreted by the lateral hypothalamus that produces feelings of hunger.


What two dimensions did Diana Baumrind use to develop her classification of parenting styles?

Parental demandingness; parental responsiveness

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which needs represent the second level of the hierarchy?


What is Vygotsky's term for the process of providing appropriate assistance to a learner, then removing assistance gradually as the learner becomes more independent?


process of providing appropriate assistance to a learner which is removed gradually as the learner becomes more independent


concepts or frameworks around which we organize and interpret information


What type of drive is learned through conditioning?

Secondary drive

__________ are agents that can negatively impact the development of an embryo or fetus.


China has experienced skyrocketing rates of obesity over the last 30 years. How do researchers explain this phenomenon?

The rise of Western-style fast food restaurants has become increasingly popular in China.

__________ is the degree to which traits remain stable and unchanging versus malleable over years of growth and maturation.

The stability versus change model

Which theory states performance generally peaks with a moderate level of arousal?

Yerkes-Dodson law

National and local relief agencies, along with first responders, arriving on the scene of a massive hurricane use Maslow's hierarchy of needs to distribute relief aid. Typically, an immediate need corresponding to Maslow's physiological needs to be met is __________.

access to clean water

Which brain structure has been strongly linked to emotions?


Researchers find that the graphed relationship between stress levels and performance on learning and memory resembles __________.

an inverted U

During the strange situation test, infants demonstrating __________ are ill-at-ease to begin with and become extremely distressed when their mothers leave the room. They are difficult to soothe and display a mixed reaction to their mothers' return, sometimes kicking and pushing but still wishing to be picked up.

anxious-ambivalent/resistant attachment

infants who are insecure and overly emotional in their relationship with their caregiver so that they are extremely distressed when their mothers leave the room and difficult to soothe, even when their mothers return

anxious-ambivalent/resistant attachment

infants who do not seek contact with a caregiver when distressed so that they do not appear to be a particularly distressed when their mothers leave the room and actively ignore their mothers upon their return

anxious-avoidant attachment

Developmentalists who support the notion of stability believe that individual personality traits __________.

are generally consistent and unwavering over a person's lifespan

Two-year-old Kato loves any moving vehicle that has a noise-making engine. He excitedly points out cars while riding in his mother's vehicle saying, "Car, mommy! Car!" The first time he saw a truck, he pointed to it and said, "car." His mother corrected him and said, "Kato, that is not a car. That is a pickup truck." In this example, Kato ___________ the car into his understanding of moving vehicles and then __________ this new information into a separate type of vehicle, a truck.

assimilated; accommodated

The process through which we incorporate new experiences in terms of existing schemas is called __________.


emotional bond newborns share with their caregivers


Mr. and Ms. Keto expect their children to complete their homework, use manners at the table, speak only when spoken to, and follow all home rules or face swift punishment. Mr. and Ms. Keto adhere to a __________ parenting style.


Victor is expected to do well in school and be home by his curfew. He is a good student, actively involved on the tennis team, and serves as a youth leader at his synagogue. Since Victor seems to be managing his time well, he and his parents recently agreed to extend his curfew by an additional hour. Victor's parents adhere to the __________ style of parenting.


The fight-or-flight response occurs when the __________ prepares the body for action and controls unconscious processes.

autonomic nervous system

According to self-determination theory, the need to be causal agents of one's own life without being controlled by others is called __________.


According to self-determination theory, the three universal psychological needs are __________.

autonomy, relatedness, and competence

Harry Harlow's 1950s work with infant monkeys separated from their mothers at birth revealed the critical importance of __________ to the process of development.

body contact from a comforting caregiver

The theory of emotion proposed by Richard Lazarus that the cognitive interpretation of an event or stimulus comes before the physiological arousal or emotional experience is called the _______ theory.


The __________ suggests that human development occurs as a gradual but consistent process over time.

continuous model

The model of development suggesting that human development occurs as a gradual but consistent process over time is known as the

continuous model

The assumption that development occurs in distinct stages is referred to as a__________.

discontinuous model

Eighty-year-old Clayton is slowly beginning to withdraw from his regular schedule. He does so willingly, and he frequently enjoys retelling stories about his past. He loves sitting and slowly going through large boxes of family photos. Clayton's behavior reflects the __________.

disengagement theory of aging

infants who do not have a consistent response to their mother's absence or return, appearing to be confused or hesitant and display contradictory behaviors

disorganized-disoriented attachment

If you do not know whether you should cry at a movie while visiting friends in Japan, you may be confused about:

display rules in Japan

Clark Hull proposed the __________ theory that states we act when a physiological need creates an aroused state that drives us to reduce the need.


Infants with regular eating/sleeping patterns who adapt easily to change and can tolerate frustration display __________ temperaments.


When we use cognitive strategies to control and influence our own emotional responses, we are engaging in __________.

emotional regulation

Divina is attending class because she knows her professor takes attendance. To incentivize student attendance, students who miss fewer than two classes will not have to take the comprehensive final. The attendance policy serves as __________ for Divina's decision to attend class.

extrinsic motivation

People who are motivated to engage in a particular behavior to gain a reward or to avoid a negative outcome are demonstrating __________.

extrinsic motivation

Dante is working on his math homework and is doing so with a furrowed brow and deep frown. His father suggests that Dante hold a pencil in his teeth, forcing a smile, and then tackle his homework. Dante does so and tells his father he feels much less frustration while completing his math problems. This illustrates the __________.

facial feedback hypothesis

According to Dweck's self-theory of motivation, the belief that our abilities are inborn and unchangeable reflects a __________.

fixed mindset

Individuals with a __________ view intelligence as something within us that we cannot change.

fixed mindset

According to Dweck's self-theory of motivation, the belief that one's abilities can be developed through effort and dedication reflects a __________.

growth mindset

After failing a test, Betsy thinks that she definitely needs to put more effort into her studies in order to be successful on the next exam. Betsy is demonstrating a(n) __________.

growth mindset

Our sense of taste is also referred to as our __________.

gustatory sense

According to information-processing theory of cognitive development, _________ is to the nervous system as __________ is to mental processes.

hardware; software

Easy tasks are performed best under __________ levels of arousal and difficult tasks are performed best under __________ levels of arousal.

higher; lower

The human tendency to drink cold liquid in the heat of summer and hot liquids in the cold of winter illustrates __________, the basic human drive to maintain equilibrium.


Our sense of self is referred to as our __________.


When an adolescent has experienced an identity crisis and has made a commitment, she or he is in a state of __________.

identity achievement

An adolescent who has experienced an identity crisis and has yet to make a commitment is in what James Marcia calls __________.

identity moratorium

Between 1980 and 2013, the number of individuals classified as overweight or obese __________.

increased approximately 40 percent

Early theories of motivation focused on __________ as being the primary motivator of human behavior.


hormone released by the pancreas that tells the body to convert glucose to fat


area of the hypothalamus that controls the experience of hunger

lateral hypothalamus

Older adults are more susceptible to __________.

life-threatening illnesses such as cancer and pneumonia

A __________ study tracks age-related changes in the same individuals who are observed over a period of time.


If researchers are looking for a common characteristic among individuals who report higher happiness, health, sexual satisfaction, and income levels than others, the common denominator is __________.

marital status

Andrew has just experienced the death of his dog and must give a previously scheduled presentation to his colleagues. He feels as if he cannot show his grief in public and thinks it best to downplay his internal feelings and appear upbeat for his presentation. Andrew is __________ his emotions.


The end of a woman's menstrual cycle and ability to bear children is known as __________.


Twins that develop when one egg is fertilized by one sperm and then the egg splits in half and two fetuses develop with identical genetic makeup are called __________.

monozygotic twins

Omar's parents are unaware that he has been in trouble at school. They rarely ask him about his academic progress or what friends he hangs out with. Typically, Omar prepares his own meals while his parents eat fast food in front of the television. Omar's parents exemplify the __________ parenting style.


To test the James-Lange theory of emotions, studies examining the emotional experiences of people with spinal cord injuries found __________.

no differences between people with or without spinal cord injuries in terms of arousal, valence, or intensity of emotion.

Dakota sees a good friend across campus and waves him down. His friend does not respond and instead, continues to walk very slowly with his head down and his shoulders drawn. Dakota finally catches up to his friend and notices that his eyes look as if he has been crying. Without saying a word, Dakota has been able to determine that his friend is likely sad based on __________.

nonverbal emotional cues

The __________ states that people are driven to achieve an ideal level of arousal.

optimal arousal theory

Which theory of motivation is thought to explain why some people are drawn to high-risk or thrill-seeking behaviors such as bungee jumping or race-car driving?

optimal arousal theory

hormone secreted by the lateral hypothalamus that produces feelings of hunger


The immature eggs contained in ovaries are called __________.


Puberty is initiated by brain signals to the gonads, or __________.

ovaries in girls; testes in boys

When an external incentive is added to behaviors that are already driven by intrinsic motivation, internal motivation can end up decreasing. This is known as the __________ effect.


based on innate biological needs such as hunger and thirst

primary drives

A fad diet describes weight loss plans that __________.

promise quick and drastic results through methods that are not healthy and rarely promote long-term weight loss

Remembering to perform a specific action, such as watering the plants or ironing a shirt for work, reflects __________.

prospective memory

The tendency for motor skills to emerge in sequence from inside to outside is referred to as the __________.

proximodistal rule

The period of physical development when the physical changes that eventually lead to sexual maturation occur is called __________.


Charles is driving his 6-year-old sister, Caroline, to swim practice. Because he is running late, Charles drives 10 miles over the speed limit. Alarmed by his driving, Caroline warns, "Charlie! You know speeding is against the law! You are being bad and might go to jail! Caroline is demonstrating Kohlberg's __________ level of moral reasoning.


Edward Deci's 1971 study demonstrated that providing an external incentive to people who were already inherently interested in a task or activity ___________.

reduced interest in the activity over time

The involuntary responses present in infants at birth are referred to as __________.


According to self-determination theory, __________ refers to the need to feel connected to other people in meaningful ways.


Primary sex characteristics include __________.

reproductive organs and external genitalia

Lewis is mesmerized by his newborn son. As Lewis gently strokes his son's cheek, the infant turns toward his father with an open mouth. This illustrates the __________ reflex.


Madison enjoys going to her part-time job as a car hop at the local burger joint on campus. Madison works hard and looks forward to picking up her paycheck every two weeks so that she can pay for her groceries. Madison's paycheck is an example of a __________.

secondary drive

learned though conditioning such as money

secondary drives

Development of breasts and hips in girls, facial hair and deepened voices in boys, and pubic and armpit hair in boys and girls are signs of __________.

secondary sex characteristics

During the strange situation test, children who are upset when their mother leaves but are soon comforted by parental contact upon their mother's return demonstrate__________.

secure attachment

children who are upset when their mother leaves but are soon comforted by parental contact upon their mother's return

secure attachment

Piaget's first stage of cognitive development is known as the __________.

sensorimotor stage

infants with generally regular eating/sleeping patterns who can adapt to change with repeated exposure and have mildly negative responses to frustration

slow-to-warm temperament

According to Plutchik's model, fear and surprise yield awe. What does this tell us about his model?

the multitude of emotions can be described as combinations of basic emotions

One of the reasons why being in poverty also places someone at risk for becoming obese is because ___________.

there are fewer supermarkets in inner cities but increased access to fast food chains

When people are offered larger portion sizes, research has found that __________.

they eat much more

The __________ theory of emotion proposes that cognitive evaluation following physiological arousal leads to the experience of emotion.


A(n) __________ is a positive or negative value along a continuum assigned to an emotion.


part of hypothalamus that controls the experience of satiety

ventromedial hypothalamus

One question still debated among researchers regarding self-determination theory is ___________.

whether self-determination theory is universally valid across cultures

According to Vygotsky, a key component of cognitive development is the difference between what a child can do alone versus what a child can do together with a more competent person. This refers to Vygotsky's __________.

zone of proximal development

A single fertilized cell is referred to as a(n) __________.


Which theory of emotion proposes that mental and physiological components of emotion happen simultaneously?


Dominick first learns to hold up his head, then to push up with his arms and shoulders, and then to kick with his feet. This illustrates which rule of motor development?

Cephalocaudal rule

the tendency for motor skills and physical growth to emerge in sequence from top to bottom

Cephalocaudal rule

What were the findings of Lepper's research on rewards and extrinsic motivation?

Children told they would receive a reward for something they were already interested in doing showed a decrease in interest after the reward was removed.

mental activities associated with sensation and perception, thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating, to find


Someone who believes that caring for others and conforming to social laws is right simply because they are the rules within society is in what stage of moral development, according to Kohlberg?

Conventional morality

__________ are scientists who study the physical, cognitive, and social changes that humans experience throughout the lifespan.

Developmental psychologists

twins which are also called fraternal twins that develop when two eggs are released and are both fertilized by two different sperm


__________ is a period of time between adolescence and adulthood (in primarily Western cultures) during which emotional ties with parents loosen, but dependence on parents for financial and emotional support remains.

Emerging adulthood

__________ is a subjective reaction to an object, event, person, or memory that includes physiological arousal, expressive behavior, and cognitive experiences.


Which psychologist proposed an eight-stage theory of social development from infancy through late adulthood?

Erik Erikson

What activity has been shown to slow the effects of aging in older adults?


What is the leading cause of intellectual disability?

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Which of the following examples illustrates intrinsic motivation?

Gloria is a finance major, and even though she doesn't need the credit, she enrolled in a ceramics class because she loves creating objects with her hands.

__________ provide an estimation of how much variability in a trait is due to genetics.

Heritability estimates

an estimation of how much variability in a trait is due to genetics

Heritability estimates

What category of James Marcia's identity development occurs when an adolescent has not experienced an identity crisis but has made some commitment?

Identity foreclosure

Which of the following is a secondary drive in humans?


twins are identical that develop when one egg is fertilized by one sperm and then the egg splits in half and two fetuses develop with identical genetic makeup


__________ is a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior.


__________ refers to the inherited characteristics that influence personality, physical growth, intellectual growth, and social interactions.


schemas, assimilation, and accommodation


What is Kohlberg's highest level of moral reasoning, in which moral reasoning is based on abstract principles such as justice, liberty, and equality?

Postconventional morality

What is Kohlberg's lowest level of moral reasoning, in which behavior that is rewarded is viewed as right while behavior that is punished is viewed as wrong?

Preconventional morality

__________ are based on innate biological needs, such as hunger and thirst.

Primary drives

the tendency for motor skills to emerge in sequence from inside to outside

Proximodistal rule

What do most psychologists believe about instinct theory as an explanation for human behavior?

Rather than purely instinctual, psychologists now believe human behavior is primarily motivated by a combination of biological and psychological states.

The unexplained death of a seemingly healthy infant is referred to as __________, and infants whose mothers __________ are at increased risk.

SIDS; smoked while pregnant

infants with regular eating/sleeping patterns who adapt easily to change and can tolerate frustration

easy temperament

The __________ stage of prenatal development occurs after implantation in the female uterus around two weeks after conception and continues until eight weeks of gestation.


subjective reaction to an object, event, person, or memory that includes physiological arousal, expressive behavior, and cognitive experiences


Prior experience of a stimulus, such as seeing an angry face, causes a(n) __________, which primes us to react with a certain emotion even if we didn't consciously detect the stimulus.

exposure effect

The theory of emotion that proposes facial expressions can influence emotional experiences is called the __________.

facial feedback hypothesis

level of blood sugar that helps determine hunger and satiety


William James defined __________ as unlearned complex behaviors with a fixed pattern throughout a species.


unlearned complex behaviors with a fixed pattern throughout a species


Isabelle and Marcus enjoy quite a bit of freedom at home. They are allowed to go to bed when they are ready, and they can eat whatever they are in the mood for on any given night. Although emotionally close to their parents, Isabelle and Marcus are being raised with a(n) __________ parenting style.


fear of strangers that is a survival strategy that enables babies to perceive unfamiliar faces as potentially threatening

stranger anxiety

Ekman identified six basic emotions that are universally expressed: anger, happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, and __________.


Aspects of personality considered innate and not learned refer to the _________ of an infant.


aspects of personality considered innate and not learned


Generally speaking, people will selectively perceive stimuli _________.

that is congruent with their emotional state

In the United States, health care costs associated with obesity are estimated at how many billion dollars a year


Emerging adulthood typically occurs between the ages of __________.

18 and 25

Between 1980 and 2013, the number of individuals classified as overweight or obese increased approximately


Middle adulthood encompasses ages __________.


What requirements must be met in order for a behavior to be considered an "instinct"?

A behavior must be unlearned and must follow a fixed pattern across all members of a species.

After visiting her doctor for an annual wellness check, Jeri learns she has a BMI of 26. As someone who is involved in the local body building club, Jeri is surprised and disappointed to learn her BMI actually indicates she is overweight. Given her fitness level, what likely explains Jeri's higher than normal BMI?

BMI readings can be inaccurate for extreme athletes due to higher than normal muscle mass.

an estimate of how many calories the body burns when at rest

Basal metabolic rate

When do males begin to produce sperm?

Beginning at puberty

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which needs are at the bottom of the hierarchy and must be met first?


James Marcia theorized that identity development focuses on two processes: ________ and ________.

conflict; commitment

A researcher interested in how meditative practice impacts cognitive processing across the lifespan might compare a group of 20-year-olds to a group of 60-year-olds. This represents __________ research.


Dr. Avenatti wants to examine changes in working memory performance over time. In order to do so, Dr. Avenatti collects data from multiple age groups (ages 5, 15, 25, 45, and 65) in 2018 and again in 2028. This illustrates a __________ research design.


Mothers who smoke during pregnancy have a higher risk of __________.

delivering prematurely

Kendrick experiences intense performance anxiety while performing his dance routine. He finally seeks help from a professional to combat his debilitating performance anxiety and find the perfect balance of arousal and performance. What type of professional is Kendrick most likely to benefit from?

A sports psychologist

A progressive loss of cognitive functioning in areas such as memory, reasoning, planning, decision making, and social functioning is called __________.


Carlton's mother is encouraging her son to manage his time so that he is not running late to class every morning. What kind of verbal reward is likely to be the most effective approach when his mother notices Carlton's efforts at improving his time management?

"Carlton, you are getting really great at managing your time and prioritizing punctuality."

Infants with irregular eating/sleeping patterns who are slow to adapt to change and respond negatively to frustration have a(n) __________.

difficult temperament

Twenty-two-year-old Stanley graduated from college less than a year ago and is gainfully employed and lives in a townhouse with his two college buddies. His brother Stephen asks Stanley if he feels like he has reached adulthood. How is Stanley likely to respond to Stephen?

"In some ways I feel like an adult but in other ways I still feel like a teenager."

In the United States, health care costs associated with obesity are estimated at __________.

$147-$210 billion dollars a year

infants with irregular eating/sleeping patterns who are slow to adapt to change and respond negatively to frustration

difficult temperament

Which psychologist proposed that motivation was based on a hierarchy of needs whereby people must have certain lower needs met before they are motivated to achieve higher goals?

Abraham Maslow

the process through which we adjust and refine our schemas to incorporate new information


What is term for prejudice against people based upon their age?


the process through which we incorporate new experiences in terms of existing schemas


___________ is the term for the emotional bond that newborns share with their caregivers.


Which of Erikson's stages describes the time when toddlers begin to assert their independence and are either met with encouragement or excessive restraint/punishment?

Autonomy versus shame/doubt

What is meant by putting on a "poker face"?

Neutralizing internal feelings so others have no clue about how you are feeling

What do environmental influences such as parental styles, physical surroundings, and economic issues refer to in the process of development?


__________ suggests that our body is biologically programmed to defend a certain body weight.

Set point theory

suggest that our body is biologically programmed to defend a certain body weight

Set point theory

What type of temperament do infants have who are generally on a regular eating/sleeping schedule, who can adapt to change with repeated exposure, and who display mildly negative responses to frustration?

Slow-to-warm temperament

Benjamin and Lacy, a couple who have been married 67 years, enjoy slow walks around the lake and any other activities that take them outside together. They embrace the importance of the present day and appreciate each moment they get to spend with their family. Benjamin and Lacy are examples of what theory of aging?

Socioemotional selectivity theory of aging

the degree to which traits remain stable and unchanging versus malleable over years of growth and maturation

Stability versus change

The __________ suggests development occurs in distinct steps or stages.

discontinuous model

As it relates to brain development during adolescence, what does the phrase use it or lose it imply?

The brain selectively prunes neurons and connections that aren't being used.

Newborn Meena sees the stuffed bear placed in her crib. At first, Meena will awkwardly wave her arm toward the bear, then she'll reach her hand out to grasp the bear, and eventually she'll be able to pick up the bear with her fingers. This illustrates what rule of motor development?

The proximodistal rule

What is the result when humans act to restore homeostasis?

The resulting reduction in physiological tension serves to reinforce the behavior.

Dora is six weeks pregnant and is going out with friends to celebrate her birthday. Several friends tell her that a single glass of wine will not cause harm to her baby. Another friend tells her that she should refrain from drinking. What would you tell Dora about the amount of alcohol doctors suggest is safe for pregnant women?

There is no known safe amount of alcohol for a pregnant woman, so Dora should not drink any alcohol.

Kyle and Rick were raised during the advent of the Internet. How would researchers categorize Kyle and Rick in a study examining the impact of the Internet on a variety of variables?

They belong to the same cohort.

How we label our emotions is an important consideration, given that patterns of physiological arousal can be very similar. What theory of emotion does this statement support?

Two-factor theory

zone of proximal development and scaffolding


Which of the following is a primary drive in humans?


When might adding an extrinsic motivator be most beneficial?

When you want to encourage the performance of a behavior or activity that is not already inherently appealing.

The __________ rule is the tendency for motor skills and physical growth to emerge in sequence from top to bottom.


The mental activities associated with sensation and perception, thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating to find answers are known as __________.


highlights the difference between what a child can do alone versus what a child can do together with a more competent

Zone of proximal development

The information processing model emphasizes __________ of cognitive development.

a continuous pattern

The continuous model is to ___________ as the discontinuous model is to __________.

a slope; a staircase

The process through which we adjust and refine our schemas to incorporate new information is called __________.


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