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Belief in creation of ideal harmonious society. Popular among some intellectual elites between 1800-1850 as an answer to the pains of industrialization.

Great Rift Valley

Giant depression in East Africa that runs from Jordan to Mozambique. Long, deep gash in the earth in Eastern Africa where the first humans appeared.

WEB Du Bois

He was the African American leader most opposed to the gradual approach of achieving equal rights presented by Booker T. Washington. He advocated immediate equal treatment ad equal educational opportunities for blacks. He helped initiate the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909.

Jet Stream

High-velocity wind in the lower levels of the atmosphere that attains speeds of over 250 miles per hour as it moves from west to east, carrying weather patterns with it.

Himalayan Mountains

Highest mountain range in the world. Separates India from China.

Missouri Compromise

"Compromise of 1820" over the issue of slavery in Missouri. It was decided Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state and all states North of the 36th parallel were free states and all South were slave states.


"Mother culture" of Mesoamerica. The first Mesoamerican civilization. Between ca. 1200 and 400 B.C.E., the Olmec people of central Mexico created a vibrant civilization that included intensive agriculture, wide-ranging trade, ceremonial centers, and monumental construction. Centered around Veracruz Had writing system


(1200-1521) 1300, they settled in the valley of Mexico. Grew corn. Engaged in frequent warfare to conquer others of the region. Worshipped many gods (polytheistic). Believed the sun god needed human blood to continue his journeys across the sky. Practiced human sacrifices and those sacrificed were captured warriors from other tribes and those who volunteered for the honor. Had writing system The arrival of Hernando Cortez and the Spanish Conquistadores ended their empire.

Indian Removal Act

(1830) Signed by President Andrew Jackson, the law permitted the negotiation of treaties to obtain the Indians' lands in exchange for their relocation to what would become Oklahoma. Moved 100,000 Cherokee Indians to Oklahoma along the "trail of tears."

Niagara Movement

(1905) W.E.B. Du Bois and other young activists, who did not believe in accommodation, came together at Niagara Falls in 1905 to demand full black equality. Demanded that African Americans get right to vote in states where it had been taken away, segregation be abolished, and many discriminatory barriers be removed. Declared commitment for freedom of speech, brotherhood of all peoples, and respect for workingman. Let to NAACP

Ratification of Constitution

1789 required 9 out of 13 states to ratify (approve) it to become law.

Alexander Hamilton

1789-1795; First Secretary of the Treasury. He advocated creation of a national bank, assumption of state debts by the federal government, and a tariff system to pay off the national debt.

Patagonia Desert

Located in Southern Argentina and is the largest desert in the Americas.

Gobi Desert

Located in north central China. 2nd largest desert in the world. Extreme temperature. Very dry and infertile. sand is called loess.

Mt. Kilamanjaro

Located on Great Rift Valley. Africa's Tallest mountain. 19,341 ft high.

Volga River

Longest river in Europe and Russia's most important commercial river.

Amazon River

Major river of South America; located primarily in Brazil, largest river in the world.

Niger River

River flowing from western Africa into the Gulf of Guinea.

Indus River

River in south Asia that flows from Himalayas to the Arabian Sea. Primarily in Pakistan in Fertile Crescent.

Ganges River

River of South Asia that flows SE from Himalayas to Bay of Bengal. India's most important river, flows across northern India into Bangladesh. Hindus "Sacred River"- "liquid form of God."

Western Ghats

Rolling mountains west of the Deccan Plateau in southern India.

Judiciary Reorganization Bill

increased number of justices on court from nine to fifteen; FDR would appoint 6 new justices all supporting the new deal; they were accused of courtpacking and running system of checks and balances; FDR lost and split in the Democratice Party

Kansas -Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

Monroe Doctrine

1823 - Declared that Europe should not interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere and that any attempt at interference by a European power would be seen as a threat to the U.S. It also declared that a New World colony which has gained independence may not be recolonized by Europe. (It was written at a time when many South American nations were gaining independence). Only England, in particular George Canning, supported the Monroe Doctrine. Mostly just a show of nationalism, the doctrine had no major impact until later in the 1800s.

Nat Turner

1831 - Slave uprising. A group of 60 slaves led by Nat Turner, who believed he was a divine instrument sent to free his people, killed almost 60 Whites in South Hampton, Virginia. This let to a sensational manhunt in which 100 Blacks were killed. As a result, slave states strengthened measures against slaves and became more united in their support of fugitive slave laws.

Uncle Toms Cabin

1852, harriet beecher stowe, antislavery book, widely read- hated by southerners - made northerners more skeptical of slavery

Truman Doctrine

1947, President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology, mainly helped Greece and Turkey

Brown v Board of Education

1954 - The Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated.

Ronald Reagan

1981-1989,"Great Communicator" Republican, conservative economic policies, replaced liberal Democrats in upper house with conservative Democrats or "boll weevils"

Social Darwinism

19th century of belief that evolutionary ideas theorized by Charles Darwin could be applied to society. The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

Articles of Confederation

1st Constitution of the U.S. 1781-1788 (weaknesses-no executive, no judicial, no power to tax, no power to regulate trade). Governed America during the Revolutionary War

Thematic Map

A type of map that displays one or more variables-such as population, climate, vegetation, movements, or income level within a specific area.

Topographic Map

A type of map that shows surface areas such as mountains, valleys, plains, or plateaus by using contour lines to show changes in elevation.

Dot map

A type of map where one dot represents a certain number of a phenomenon, such as a population.

El Nino

A warm ocean current that flows along the equator from the date line.

Gulf Stream

A warm ocean current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico northward through the Atlantic Ocean.

Bay of Bengal

A bay that the Ganges River flows into. North of the Indian Ocean On the eastern side of India South of Tibet West of China

Kalahari Desert

A desert in SW Africa-largely Botswana.

Arabian Desert

A desert on the Arabian Peninsula in southwestern Asia.

Deccan Plateau

A high area of land at the center of the Indian subcontinent. Lies between Adrian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Made of lava, producing a rich black soil.


A hilly area located between the mountains and the coastal plain

Dead Sea

A landlocked salt lake between Israel and Jordan that is so salty that almost nothing can live in its waters. lowest point below sea level in world.

Caspian Sea

A large saltwater lake between Iran and Russia fed by the Volga River, world's largest inland body of water located between Europe and Asia.

Tropic of Cancer

A line of latitude about 23 degrees north of Equator.

Tropic of Capricorn

A line of latitude about 23 degrees south of Equator.

Red Sea

A long arm of the Indian Ocean between northeast Africa and Arabia.

Mississippi River

A major North American river and the chief river of the United States. Longest river in US.

Ring of Fire

A major belt of volcanoes that rims the Pacific Ocean.

Rocky Mountains

A major mountain system of the United States and Canada, extending 3,000 miles from Alaska south to New Mexico.

Mekong River

A major river that runs from southern China through Laos, Cambodia, & Vietnam.

Map Projection

A mathematical method that involves transferring the earth's sphere onto a flat surface. All map projections have distortions in either area, direction, distance, or shape.

Population Pyramid

A model used in population geography to show the age and sex distribution of a particular population.

Carpathian Mountains

A mountain range in central Europe that extends from Slovakia and southern Poland southeastward through Western Ukraine to northeastern Romania.

Karakoram Mountains

A mountain range in northern Kashmir (includes K2)

Cascade Mountains

A mountain range in the NW United States extending through Washington and Oregon and northern California.


A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah), Paradise and Hell, and a body of law written in the Quran. Followers are called Muslims.

Congo River

A river in Central Africa that flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Euphrates River

A river in SW Asia that flows through the southern part of the Fertile Crescent (Sumeria, Mesopotamia.) Provided resources for Mesopotamians.

Aegean Sea

A sea that separates Greece from Asia.

Suez Canal

A ship canal in NE Egypt linking Red Sea to Med. Sea.


A term used to describe supporters of the Constitution during ratification debates in state legislatures. Consisted of the more respectable citizens. Advocated a strong central government.


A territory in NW Canada.

Chloropleth Map

A thematic map that uses tones or colors to represent data.

The Liberator

An anti-slavery newspaper written by William Lloyd Garrison. It drew attention to abolition, both positive and negative, causing a war of words between supporters of slavery and those opposed.

International Date Line

An arc that follows 180 longitude (except land areas.) When you cross it heading east (toward America) the clock moves back 24 hours. When you go west (toward Asia) the calendar moves ahead one day.


Ancient civilization of Mexico. The name in Nahuatl means "master builders." The Toltec formed a warrior aristocracy that gained ascendancy in the Valley of Mexico c. AD 900 after the fall of Teotihuacán.

Atlanta Compromise

Argument put forward by Booker T. Washington that African-Americans should not focus on civil rights or social equality but concentrate on economic self-improvement. Major speech on race-relations given by Booker T. Washington addressing black labor opportunities, and the peril of whites ignoring black injustice

Panama Canal

Columbians would not let Americans build the canal, but then with the assistance of the United States a Panamanian Revolution occurred. The new ruling people allowed the United States to build the canal.

Northwest Ordinance

Enacted in 1787, it is considered one of the most significant achievements of the Articles of Confederation. It established a system for setting up governments in the western territories so they could eventually join the Union on an equal footing with the original 13 states

Population Push Movement

Human motives to leave an area (war, famine, drought, disease, etc.)

Population Pull Movement

Human motives to migrate to an area (higher incomes, lower taxes, better weather, employment opportunity, etc.)

Continental divide

Identifies the point in the Rocky Mountains at which streams and rivers flow west or east. Colorado is the only state intersected by the divide

Thar Desert

India's longest desert that runs along India/Pakist. border.

Waltham/ Lowell factory system

Labor and production Model: all stages of textile production done under one roof, boardinghouse system, stringent codes controlling activities of factory-girls, Lowell Factory Girls; bad living conditions, long unruly hours

Black Sea

Large body of water separating Ukraine from Turkey

Strait of Bosporus

Strait that forms part of the boundary between Europe and Asia.


Mesoamerican civilization concentrated in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and in Guatemala and Honduras but never unified into a single empire. Major contributions were in mathematics, astronomy, and development of the calendar. Had writing system Classic culture emerging in southern Mexico and Central America contemporary with Teotihuacan; extended over broad region; featured monumental architecture, written language, calendrical and mathematical systems, highly developed religion A member of an American Indian people of Yucatan and Belize and Guatemala who had a culture (which reached its peak between AD 300 and 900) characterized by outstanding architecture and pottery and astronomy.

Ural Mountains

Mountain range that divides Europe from Asia.

Transcendentalist movement

Movement that held that reality involves going beyond the senses and investigating the processes of the mind of thought. Centered around New England. Emphasized nature, self-reliance, and greater understanding.

Zagros Mountains

Mtns on western side of Iran that help isolate country from rest of SW Asia. "Birthplace of agriculture."

Strait of Gibraltar

Narrow waterway that separates Europe from Africa by 8 miles.


No writing system, but did develop a complex system of roads connecting the empire over which messengers would pass information. Lived and thrived in the Andes mountains. Established large internal trading network. Machu Picchu

Popular sovereignty

Notion that the people of a territory should determine if they want to be a slave state or a free state.


Opposed the Constitution's powerful centralized government, arguing that the Constitution gave too much political, economic, and military control. Members of this political group tended to be small farmers and settlers on the western frontier and wanted a weak central government, with most power belonging to the states or to the people

Booker T Washington

Prominent black American, born into slavery, who believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society, was head of the Tuskegee Institute in 1881. His book "Up from Slavery."

Coral Sea

Sea containing the Great Barrier Reef & located off the northeastern coast of Australia.

Panama Canal

Ship canal cut across the isthmus of Panama by US Army Engineers; opened in 1915. Greatly shortened the sea voyage between the east and west coasts of North America. The US turned the canal over to Panama on 1/1/2000.

Adlai Stevenson

The Democratic candidate who ran against Eisenhower in 1952. His intellectual speeches earned him and his supporters the term "eggheads". Lost to Eisenhower. Cleveland's soft-money-supporting-vice-president

First Great Awakening

The First Great Awakening was a time of religious fervor during the 1730s and 1740s. The movement arose in reaction to the rise of skepticism and the waning of religious faith brought about by the Enlightenment. Protestant ministers held revivals throughout the English colonies in America, stressing the need for individuals to repent and urging a personal understanding of truth.

Amazon Basin

The home of the world's largest tropical rain forests, runs along the largest river in the world on the continent of South America.

Lake Superior

The largest freshwater lake in the world, one of the great lakes. Border of US and Canada.

Lake Victoria

The largest lake in Africa and 2nd largest freshwater lake in the world.

Yangtze River

The longest river of Asia found in China. 3rd longest river in world.

Central Place-Hierarchy

Theory that seeks to explain the number, size, and location of human settlements in an urban system. Walter Christaller.

Atmospheric Pressure

The pressure that is exerted by the earth's atmosphere at sea level. Caused by the collisions between molecules in the air.

Danube River

The second longest river of Europe. It flows from southern Germany east into the Black Sea.

Sahara Desert

The world's largest desert (3,500 sq. miles) in north Africa.

Andes Mountains

The world's longest mountain chain, stretching along the west coast of South America.

Nile River

The world's longest river, which flows northward through East Africa into the Mediterranean Sea.


power is divided between the national government and the 50 states

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