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"Competitive advertising" tries to: A. develop selective demand rather than primary demand. B. keep a product's name before the public. C. promote the competitive products of an industry rather than a particular firm. D. build demand for a product category. E. create goodwill for a firm.


"Sales promotion": A. can complement a firm's personal selling and mass selling efforts. B. involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers. C. is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of goods or services by an identified sponsor. D. is "free" like publicity. E. consists of personal selling and mass selling.


A producer using very aggressive promotion to get final consumers to ask intermediaries for a new product has: A. a pulling policy. B. a target marketing policy. C. a selective distribution policy. D. a pushing policy. E. an intensive distribution policy.


A retailer pays a wholesaler $24.00 for an item and then sells it with a 25 percent markup. The retailer's selling price is: A. $32.00. B. $56.00. C. $48.00. D. $30.00. E. None of the above.


The concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC) is firmly entrenched in which of the following?

1. public relations 2. advertising 3. marketing * 4. social media

Of the following, which is the best option to add value to the patient experience?

1. reducing time spent with the patient 2. expediting re-evaluations 3. optimizing communication and quality of care * 4. receiving treatment from multiple people

When hiring a new employee for your chiropractic office, which of the following should not be considered?

A. Competence B. Character C. Compensation D. Commitment E. All of the above should be considered *

What is step 3 of the Market Research Process?

A. Create a plan B. Define problem C. Form hypothesis * D. Analyze

A pricing objective that seeks a specific level of profit is a: A. profit maximization objective. B. value objective. C. sales-oriented objective. D. target return objective. E. status-quo objective.


A producer of country music CDs pays a share of local retailers' costs--to get them to promote its new releases. This is an example of: A. pioneering advertising. B. institutional advertising. C. comparative advertising. D. cooperative advertising. E. selective advertising.


A producer offers a retailer free merchandise to stock a new item. The retailer is receiving a(n) A. spiff. B. cash discount. C. seasonal discount. D. slotting allowance. E. cumulative quantity discount.


A reduction from list price given to retailers to get shelf space for a product is a: A. shelf allocation. B. brokerage allowance. C. trade allowance. D. slotting allowance. E. push money allowance.


A research report shows that a magazine's readers are well respected by their peers and high in opinion leadership. They tend to be younger, more mobile, and more creative than later adopters. But they have fewer contacts outside their own social group or community than innovators. A firm might advertise to the readers of this magazine if it is targeting: A. laggards. B. innovators. C. the early majority. D. early adopters. E. the late majority.


A salesperson in a large furniture outlet who earns 5 percent of the dollar sales she completes each month is on what type of compensation program? A. Straight salary B. Sales quota C. Combination plan D. Straight commission E. Selling formula plan


According to the text, a salesperson may have choices about all of the following except A. what target customers to aim at. B. which particular products to emphasize. C. which intermediaries to rely on or help. D. what to manufacture. E. how to adjust prices.


Advertising objectives should A. be specific, but not as specific as the objectives for the personal selling effort. B. be set by the specialists--the creative people at the advertising agency. C. be quite general so that ads will appeal to the largest possible audience. D. determine the kinds of advertising needed. E. be more specific for institutional advertising than for direct type competitive advertising.


American Airlines maintains a frequent flier loyalty program that allows members to accumulate 25,000 miles and then redeem these miles for a free round-trip ticket. This is a(n): A. Introductory price deal B. F.O.B. discount C. Cash discount D. Cumulative quantity discount E. Bundle price discount


Blending the firm's promotion efforts to convey a complete and consistent message is the goal of: A. Sales management communications. B. Sales promotion communications. C. Integrated promotional marketing. D. Integrated marketing communications. E. Integrated sales promotion.


Henry has classified the following items under variable costs. Which item has he classified incorrectly? A. Expenses for parts B. Wages C. Outgoing freight D. Property taxes E. Packaging material expense


KeyLine, Inc., engages primarily in the manufacture of touch-sensitive LCD monitors. The company prices its products so that it earns a 20 percent return on investment. Which pricing objective is the company following? A. Meet competition B. Unit sales growth C. Non price competition D. Target return E. Share of market


Point-of-purchase materials, coupons, trade shows, calendars, merchandising aids, and sales training materials are all examples of: A. publicity. B. advertising. C. mass selling. D. sales promotion. E. personal selling.


Retailers of expensive heterogeneous shopping products usually have a strong need for: A. order takers. B. technical specialists. C. merchandisers. D. order getters. E. supporting salespeople.


Retailers of which of the following products would probably have the highest stockturn rate? A. furniture B. women's clothing C. hardware D. fresh seafood E. bowling balls


Sales-oriented pricing objectives: A. may include market share targets as well as dollar or unit sales targets. B. might be achieved and still result in losses. C. are especially risky during times when a firm's costs are rising rapidly. D. All of the above are true. E. None of the above is true.


Setting prices by adding a "reasonable" markup to a firm's average cost is called: A. break-even pricing. B. add-on pricing. C. target-return pricing. D. average-cost pricing. E. marginal analysis.


The idea that people will pay extra for "quality" and status is the idea behind A. price lining. B. average cost approaches to pricing. C. penetration skimming. D. prestige pricing. E. psychological pricing.


The manager of Hot Topics Fashion Shop has concluded that her customers find certain prices very appealing. Customers see prices above or below these levels as roughly equal--and price cuts in these ranges don't increase sales. This seems to call for A. prestige pricing. B. bait pricing. C. leader pricing. D. psychological pricing. E. odd-even pricing.


Dell sells custom-made computer systems. Besides order getters, Dell probably uses: A. order takers. B. missionary salespeople. C. merchandisers. D. manufacturers' agents. E. technical specialists.


Which of the following is a status quo oriented pricing objective? A. Target return B. Unit sales growth C. Profit maximization D. Growth in market share E. Non price competition


Which of the following is not an example of price? A. college tuition. B. doctor's fee. C. apartment rent. D. interest on a loan. E. all of the above are examples of price.


Which of the following pricing approaches specifically considers the concept of elasticity of demand? A. break-even pricing. B. average-cost pricing. C. markup pricing. D. target return pricing. E. None of the above.


Describe three common forms of advertising appeals.

Fear appeals suggest that consumers can avoid some negative experience; sex appeals suggest to the audience that the product will increase the attractiveness of the user; and humorous appeals imply fun and excitement.

Which of the following is true of buzz marketing?

It is a systemized process that encourages people to speak favorable about a product.

You have recently been promoted to be director of advertising for the Timkin Tool Company. In your first meeting with Mr. Timkin, he says, "Advertising is a waste! We've been advertising for six months now and sales haven't increased. Tell me why we should continue." Give your answer to Mr. Timkin.

It is important to tell Mr. Timkin that it is difficult to measure the effects of advertising on sales. First, many factors (competitors, the environment, distribution) can affect sales. Second, the impact of advertising on sales may take more than six months to become apparent—it is possible that people who have seen the ads have not yet purchased the product. Third, Mr. Timkin may be correct—the advertising may be wasted coverage—the message either is not be decoded properly (see Chapter 15) or is not reaching the intended target audience. If so, the message and/or media alternatives used need to be analyzed and adjusted before additional expenditures are made.

Deming worked with the ________ and helped to rebuild their economy.


Which of the following is an example of psychological noise?

Jenna's boss does not take her complaint seriously because he thinks teenagers always exaggerate

The boss who assigns jobs, the coach who decides plays, the captain who gives orders, and the teacher who assigns homework are examples of _______ power


Lily hosts a well-known television show, Real Life. She also appears in an ad for Rochelle Cosmetics and explains the potential of using these cosmetics. In this scenario, the source of the ad is:


Rational buying motives are guided by?


which of the following is an example of the active listening skill of clarifying?

Trung asks the other person to explain a point more completely

Customer relationship management is built on:

Trust Reliability Personal history All of the above *

Which of the following are principles of an empowered workplace?

Trust in People Invest in People Recognize accomplishments Decentralize decision making All of the above are correct *

Channel Strategies

Two types of promotional strategies help marketers achieve control of and can assist in moving a product through the marketing channel. PUSH & PULL

What are service strategies built upon?

Unmet customer needs

In terms of business, which of the following best describes the worth in monetary terms of the technical, economic, service, and social benefits a customer receives in exchange for the price that is paid for the market offering?


_____ created the 14 Steps to Quality.

W. Edwards Deming

What is the most important informal means of communication to consumers?

What is the most important informal means of communication to consumers? 1. advertising 2. word-of-mouth * 3. sponsorship 4. sales promotion

Copy Thrust is defined as?

What words and illustrations should communicate

Continuous (steady) schedule

When seasonal factors are unimportant, advertising is run at a continuous or steady schedule throughout the year.

Kim is a sales person who has learned to gauge her customer' interest from their eyes. Which of the following is most likely to indicate that her customer is carefully considering her product?

a rapid sideways movement of the eyes

Emotional Highjacking

a situation in which emotions control our behavior, causing us to react without thinking. The impact of emotions last long after they've subsided Prevents you from engaging effective interpersonal communication

which of the following correctly describes personal selling?

a strength of personal selling is its flexibility

Promotion provides information and sends a message about all of the following except:

a) A service b) An occasion c) An arrangement * d) An organization

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991 to cover a broad range of organizations. The law includes under its jurisdiction the following (MACA):

a) All private employers in interstate commerce who employ fifteen (15) or more employees for twenty (20) or more weeks per year. * b) State and local governments. * c) Private and public employment agencies, including U.S. employment programs.* d) Joint labor-management committees that govern apprenticeship or training programs. *

Which of the following is not considered a result of the customer perceiving value in a service received?

a) Differentiation among competitors b) A short-term relationship * c) Customer loyalty d) Favorable image and reputation in the market area

Choose one way in which Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) has been a key strategy in promotion and planning.

a) It is an opportunity to gain delayed feedback from customers and clients. b) The opportunity to significantly reduce spending for advertising. * c) It relates solely to the media sources of TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers. d) It has the ability to reach fragmented market segments with a specific set of wants, needs, personalities and lifestyles.

Choose the best answer that defines what recruitment is?

a) The Process of getting detailed information about jobs. b) The process through which the organization seeks applicants for potential employment. * c) The process of defining the way work will be performed and the task that a given job requires. d) The policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance.

Point-of-Purchase Displays.

a. A point-of-purchase display takes the form of advertising signs, which sometimes actually hold or display the product. b. They are often located in high-traffic areas near the cash register or the end of an aisle.

Personal selling advantages

a. A salesperson can control to whom a presentation is made. b. This reduces wasted coverage, or communication with consumers who are not in the target audience. c. The salesperson can: · See or hear the potential buyer's reaction to the message. · Modify the message if the feedback is unfavorable.

Direct marketing

uses direct communication with consumers to generate: a. A response in the form of an order. b. A request for further information. c. A visit to a retail outlet.

The want satisfying power of a good or service is known as __________


The want-satisfying power of a good or service is known as ______.


marketers look for the following specific results yielded from research efforts except?

valuable*** descriptive diagnostic predictive

_________ is defined as the ratio of bundled benefits received to the cost incurred by a customer to receive those benefits.


_________ means getting something we want or need at a fair price, considering benefits of technical, economic, social, and service.


___________ is the ratio of bundled benefits received to the cost incurred by a customer to receive those benefits


the fun mix of benefits that the brand and service promises, and upon which it is positioned against the competition describes what?

value proposition


view failures as as indications of their own incompetence or inability. They dwell on the past rater than looking to the future. Under duress or disappointment, optimist form a plan of action, whereas pessimists focus on the permeance of their situation and their inability to overcome the dissapointment


view failures as events that can be changed in the future. They view these failures as temporary setbacks and learning experinces

Forgetting rate

which is the speed with which buyers forget the brand if advertising is not seen.

Purchase frequency

which means that the more frequently the product is purchased, the less repetition is required.

Inquiry Tests

a. Additional product information, product samples, or premiums are offered to an ad's readers or viewers. b. Ads generating the most inquiries are judged the most effective.

Other Media

a. Advertisers are now using a variety of nontraditional advertising options called place-based media because traditional media have become more expensive and cluttered. b. Messages are placed in locations that attract a specific target audience, such as airports, doctors' offices, health clubs, theaters, gas pumps, elevators, and other locations.

Promotional programs directed to business buyers:

a. Advertising is used selectively in trade magazines. b. Personal selling is used because: · Business buyers often have specialized needs or technical questions. · A salesperson can provide information and any needed support after the sale.

Design an integrated marketing communications program—using each of the five promotional elements—for Rhapsody, the online music store.

a. Advertising. Ads placed in Billboard, Rolling Stone, Wired, and PC Magazine. b. Personal selling. Sales calls by a salesperson to record companies to get tracks online. c. Public relations. Video news releases and press conferences. d. Sales promotion. Online contest to win free downloads or discounts for first-time users or coupons shrink-wrapped in CD cases. e. Direct marketing. E-mails to potential customers who have "opted-in" for such contact.

To evaluate its IMC programs, a firm uses an IMC audit, which

a. Analyzes the internal communication network. b. Identifies key target audiences and evaluates customer databases. c. Assesses messages in recent ads, public relations releases, packaging, video news releases, signage, sales promotion pieces, and direct mail. d. Determines the IMC expertise of company and agency personnel. e. This process is becoming increasingly important as consumer-generated media such as blogs, RSS, podcasts, and social networks become more popular.

Theater Tests

a. Are the most sophisticated form of pretesting. b. Consumers are invited to view new television shows or movies in which test commercials are also shown. c. Viewers register their feelings about the ads either during the viewing or afterward.

What would be some factors to look at when one is trying to understand the influence of their competitor? Answer all that apply.

a. Are they taking a reactive vs proactive approach? * b. What markets are they targeting?* c. What do they say about us?* d. How are our products/ services different than theirs?*

Personal selling is also the major promotional ingredient for intermediaries. Salespeople:

a. Assist intermediaries in coordinating promotional campaigns sponsored by the manufacturer. b. Provide marketing advice and expertise.


a. Consists of either merchandise offered free or offered at a significant savings over its retail price. b. With a self-liquidating premium, the cost charged to the consumer covers the cost of the item. c. Premiums encourage customers to return or use more of the product.

In-house agencies

a. Consists of the company's own advertising staff. b. May provide full services or a limited range of services.

Yellow Pages

a. Consumers use: · Print yellow pages more than 15 billion times annually. · Online yellow pages an additional 1.6 billion times per year. · The 7,000+ yellow page directories reach almost all telephone households. c. Advantage: Yellow pages are a directional medium because they help consumers know where purchases can be made after other media have created awareness and demand. d. Disadvantage: Printed versions of yellow pages lack timeliness since they can only be updated with new information once each year.

Explain how the promotional tools used by an airline would differ if the target audience were (a) consumers who travel for pleasure and (b) corporate travel departments that select the airlines to be used by company employees.

a. Consumers. When promoting to pleasure travelers, mass advertising would be used because of the large number of potential customers and their wide geographical dispersion. b. Corporate travel departments. An airline selling to corporate travel departments may rely more on a personal sales calls, since the number of potential customers is relatively small who require complex information that could not be addressed in advertising.

Creating the Actual Message

a. Copywriters are responsible for creating the text portion of an ad's message. b. Translating a copywriter's ideas into an actual ad is a complex process. c. Designing quality artwork, layout, and production for ads: · Is costly—high-quality 30-second TV ads cost an average of $335,000. · Is time consuming. · May require hiring expensive actors and shooting on exotic locations. · Their effectiveness varies across cultures if used in a global campaign. d. Advertising agency Berlin Cameron was recently named Advertising Age magazine's U.S. Agency of the Year for its strategic insight and creativity.

Which of the following is NOT a step in the market research process?

a. Define the problem b. Establish a research design c. Buy a location * d. Formulate a hypothesis

Direct marketing has several benefits. Consumers:

a. Don't have to go to a store. b. Can shop 24 hours a day. c. Save time and money. d. Avoid hassles with salespeople. e. Have more fun and privacy than in-store shopping. f. Receive excellent customer service.

fast-growing form of communication takes many forms:

a. Face-to-face selling, Telemarketing, Direct mail, Direct response advertising, Catalogs and Online marketing.

Personal selling disadvantages

a. Flexibility—different salespeople can change the message so no consistent communication is given to all customers. b. On a cost-per-contact basis, it is the most expensive promotional element.

What components of step 7 "present the findings?" MACA

a. Highlights the problem * b. Covers key findings * c. Reflects the research problem and is a function of the research design d. Gather demographic information to cross-tab with respondents

One of the goals of ____________________________ is the management of various activities designed to enhance the effectiveness of an organization's workforce in achieving organizational goals.

a. Human Resource Management * b. Public Relations c. Quality Control d. Being a Boss

This person is specially trained to deal with all of the aspects of human resources including recruiting, staffing, pay, benefits, training and development, evaluation, labor relations, EEO, other employee complaints, compliance with federal laws protecting employees, and much more.

a. Human resources manager* b. Marketing officer c. Chiropractor d. Chiropractic Assistant

Which of the following is NOT a significance of a brand?

a. Influence choice b. Build value c. Instant recognition d. Dissociate benefits from provider *

Public relations.

a. Is a form of communication management. b. Seeks to influence the feelings, opinions, or beliefs held by customers, prospective customers, stockholders, suppliers, employees, and other publics about a company and its products or services.

Field of experience

a. Is a mutually shared understanding and knowledge that a sender and receiver apply to a message so that it can be communicated effectively. b. Misinterpretations can occur when messages are taken to cultures with different fields of experience or are the result of bad translations.


a. Is a non-personal, indirectly paid presentation of an organization, good, or service. b. Can take the form of a news story, editorial, or product announcement. c. A difference between publicity and both advertising and personal selling is the "indirectly paid" dimension. With publicity, a firm: · Does not pay for space in a mass medium (such as television or radio). · Attempts to get that medium to run a favorable story on it.

Loyalty Programs

a. Is a sales promotion tool that offers consumers a premium to encourage and reward repeat purchases. b. The most popular are frequent-traveler programs used by airlines, hotels, etc. to reward loyal customers.

Integrated marketing communications (IMC).

a. Is the concept of designing marketing communications programs. b. Coordinates all promotional activities (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing). c. Provides a consistent message across all audiences.


a. Is the process of conveying a message to others. b. Requires six elements: a source, a message, a channel of communication, a receiver, and the processes of encoding and decoding. · A source is a company or person who has information to convey. · A message is the information sent by a source to a receiver. · A channel of communication is the means (e.g., a salesperson, advertising media, or public relations tools) of conveying a message to a receiver.

Personal selling

a. Is the two-way flow of communication between a buyer and seller. b. Often in a face-to-face encounter. c. Designed to influence a person's or group's purchase decision. · Unlike advertising, personal selling is usually face-to-face communication between the sender and receiver.

direct marketing advantages

a. It consists of interactive communication like personal selling. b. It can be customized to match the needs of specific target markets. c. Messages can be developed and adapted quickly to facilitate one-to-one relationships with customers.

Advertising advantages

a. It is attention-getting. b. It communicates specific product benefits to prospective buyers. c. By paying for ad space to communicate a message, a firm controls what is said, to whom it is sent, and when to send it. d. Once the pictorial, text, and brand elements of the message are created and properly tested, an advertiser can ensure that the ad's ability to capture the attention of and be decoded by all receivers in a market segment.

direct marketing disadvantages

a. It requires a comprehensive and up-to-date database with information about the target market, which is expensive and time consuming. b. Customer concerns about privacy have led to a decline in response rates.

In terms of managing human resources, recruitment and and selection include...

a. Job postings b. Interviewing c. Testing d. Coordinating use of temporary employees e. All of the above***

What are the stages a really new product idea goes through from beginning to end? MACA

a. Market introduction * b. Market growth * c. Market maturity * d. Sales decline *

Advertisers use a mix of media forms and vehicles to:

a. Maximize the exposure of the message to the target audience. b. Minimize costs. c. These two conflicting goals are critically important to media planning.

IMC agencies have adopted "total communications solutions," such as:

a. Media management, Entertainment, Internet and digital communications, Sports, and event marketing, Direct response media and Multicultural marketing.

When companies have effective human resource management, which of the following tends to result?

a. More innovative b. Greater productivity c. More favorable reputation in the community d. All of the above *

what are some characteristics of customer service

a. politeness b. promptness c. professionalism d. personalization e. ALL OF THE ABOVE****

In managing human resources, leaders need to recognize the uniqueness of their people, their employees, as an ___ to the organization.

a.Asset* b.Toy c. Rug d. Boss

Brand Equity is the __________ with which a brand endows a product.

added value

customer service does which of the following for a business?

adds value to your service and products

what are the 3 categories of promotion

advertising public realtions publicity

all of the following are categories of promotion, EXCEPT

advertising public relations publicity business strategy*****

which of the following is not a category of promotion

advertising public relations publicity public talks***

which of the following are parts of promotion

advertising public relations sales promotion

Evaluating advertising efforts before and after the ads are run in the campaign ensures that

advertising expenditures are not wasted.

Which of the following would be considered a strategy that would add value to he customer experience?

all of the above

how would a chiropractic business develop a service strategy

all of the above select the service focus uncover customer needs prioritize the customer needs develop a service strategy

the deming way to improve quality includes

all of these (set high standards, improve job trainig, provide higher level of supervision, remove barriers to pride of work)

which of the following domains of emotional intelligence is the "ability to accurately pick up on emotions in other people and understand what is really going on with them?


The communication process begins with the process of _______.


The process of putting thoughts, ideas, or information together in symbolic form is called:


____ is the source deciding what it wants to say and translating the message


Exploratory research

establish priorities and decides how to proceed

distilled to its essence, leadership is

establishing direction, aligning people and resources, and energizing people to achieve success

appeal based on credibility


most cited places where american leaders say they learn to lead are

experience, education, examples

having knowledge, skill,s and expertise


A TV commercial viewed by a person who lives alone is an example of communication through a personal channel. (T/F)


According to the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), if the involvement level of the target audience is high, peripheral cues may be more important than detailed message arguments. (T/F)


Advertising targeted to professionals such as doctors, lawyers, dentists, engineers, or professors to encourage them to use a company's product in their business operations is referred to as trade advertising. (T/F)


As marketers embraced the concept of integrated marketing communications, they began to rely primarily on media advertising. (T/F)


Business-to-business advertising is limited to industrial goods; services such as insurance and travel service are not included in this category. (T/F)


Companies or brands that are new to the market or those for whom perceptions are negative should focus on the benefits or attributes of the specific product or service, and not on their image. (T/F)


Experts note that buzz marketing techniques are very susceptible to manipulation. (T/F)


In a typical target marketing process, the stage of segmenting the market is immediately followed by positioning one's product or service through effective marketing strategies. (T/F)


In the geographic segmentation approach, markets are divided into units based on consumers' occupations and lifestyles. (T/F)


Low-involvement purchase decisions are areas where a standard hierarchy response process is likely. (T/F)


Male and older consumers tend to exert more influence on their target recipients than their female counterparts. (T/F)


Market opportunities are areas where the company believes that customer needs and opportunities are being satisfied. (T/F)


Marketers often go after the entire market with one product, brand, or service offering to create the maximum impact. (T/F)


Mass media is ideal for targeting market niches. (T/F)


Most consumers in generation Y are very receptive to traditional advertising. (T/F)


Nontraditional media account for the majority of companies' marketing communications expenditures. (T/F)


Phone conversations account for the vast majority of word-of-mouth communications about a brand. (T/F)


Primary-demand advertising focuses on creating demand for a specific company's brands. (T/F)


Source derogations could lead to an increase in message acceptance. (T/F)


The AIDA model was developed to represent the stages a consumer goes through in a purchase decision. (T/F)


The consumer decision journey framework views the consumer decision-making process as a linear, single uniform path to purchase. (T/F)


The information processing model of advertising effects assumes that the receiver does not have the capacity to solve problems. (T/F)


The more marketers segment the market, the less precise is their understanding of it. (T/F)


The nonpersonal nature of advertising means that there is generally ample opportunity for immediate feedback from the message recipient. (T/F)


The responsibility to encode a message in a way that can be well-understood lies with the receiver. (T/F)


The status gained from owning a particular brand is an example of a functional benefit. (T/F)


A difficulty for U.S. companies advertising in international markets is that the audience does not share the same ___________.

field of experience

Which of the following qualities is characteristic of people who are hubs?


Product Advertising

focus on selling a good or service and take three forms: Pioneering advertisements, Competitive advertisements and Reminder advertising

You see the same ad in Time and Fortune magazines and on billboards and TV. Is this an example of reach or frequency?


promotion mix can vary

from a simple program using a single tool to a comprehensive program using all forms.

Responsibility for actually carrying out the advertising program can be handled in one of three types of agencies:

full-service, Limited-service and In-house agencies

construct a business issue by moving from general to specific are known as _____ questions.


Another development is increased _______ as a means of protecting one's privacy against intrusive marketing practices such as by telemarketers and illegal scam artists.

gatekeeper technologies

Growth, stability, and retrenchment refer to a firm's position relating to its:

generic strategy

AIDA is the ket to successful adverting. AIDA stands for....

get attention, hold interest, arouse desire, obtain action

Which of the following is not done with institutional advertising?

gives a negative image

Which of the following is NOT included in the business position dimension of the GE Business Screen?

governmental regulations

Which motivational value system is most often guided by concerns that business activities have been thought out carefully and the right processes are put into place to accomplish things?

green MVS

which motivational value system is most often guided by concerns that business activities have been thought out carefully and the right processes are put into place to accomplish things?

green MVS

procter and gamble developed the concept of ___ in the 1940 and 1950s

group work

Pioneering advertisements

tell people what a product is, what it can do, and where it can be found. · Are used in the introductory stage of the product life cycle. · The key objective is to inform the target market. · Informative ads are interesting, convincing, and effective.

promoting via the internet is a variation on a theme rather than an entirely new discipline is ow a prominent method of what?

integrated marketing communications

what is a strategy that is a part of the organization promotion plan, a part of the promotional mix, which is inherent in the strategic marketing plan

integrated marketing communications

why is integration of different channels using the IMC method important

integration of the different channels ensures they receive the same message in all communications

Which of the following terms best describes the process of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages between two or more people?

interpersonal communication process

mitigating information

involves favorable explanations for why others behaved in certain ways Venting is considered one of the least effective strategies for de-escalating anger

Product Placement

involves the use of brand-name products in a movie, television show, video, or commercial for another product. b. A reverse product placement brings fictional products to the marketplace.

Emotional intelligence

involves understanding emotions, managing emotions to serve goals, empathizing with others, and effectively handling relationships with others. Recently EQ has been shown to be the best single predictor of workplace performance. about 90 percent of high performers in the workplace are high in EQ, whereas only 20 percent of low performers are high in EQ. On average, people with high EQ make 29,000 more per year

Trade promotions

often focus on maintaining or increasing inventory levels in the channel of distribution.

Shared meaning

one goal of interpersonal communication is to arrive at a ______ ______ - a situation in which people involved in interpersonal communication attain the same understanding about the ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

Dave is a close up magician who is famous for his card tricks. Lately he has been having some trouble...


Dave is a close-up magician who is famous for his card tricks. He creates and sells DVDS of his magic tricks. Lately, he has been having some trouble getting his DVDS produced in a timely manner. Of the five primary activities in the value chain, this problem is most likely to occur in ______.


what does the promotion part of the marketing mix involve (according to the week 10 power point)

telling target customers that the right product is available at the right place at the right price

characteristics of customer service include all of the following except

promptness politeness professionalism political correctness****

which of the following are part of the 3 categories of promotion

public relations

_________ is any act that generates news and information


it has been said, "that if advertising is the hammer, than _____ is the nail."


Salespeople serve as personal channels of communication when they deliver a selling message or presentation to a buyer or potential customer. (T/F)


Target market identification isolates consumers with similar lifestyles, needs, and the like, and increases the knowledge of their specific requirements. (T/F)


The first step in the IMC planning process is to review the marketing plan and objectives. (T/F)


The goal of integrated marketing communications (IMC) is to generate both short-term financial returns and build long-term brand and shareholder value. (T/F)


The innovation adoption model states that potential adopters must be moved through a series of steps before taking some action. (T/F)


The integrated marketing communications (IMC) approach to marketing communications planning and strategy is popular among business-to-business marketers. (T/F)


The integrated marketing communications approach calls for a centralized messaging function so that everything a company says and does communicates a common theme and positioning. (T/F)


The receiver's perception of the source of the message may also affect the ability to communicate. (T/F)


There has been an evolution to micromarketing as the mass audience assembled by network television and augmented by other mass media is fragmenting at an accelerating rate. (T/F)


Casual research

qualitative information about service or product

casual research yields valuable..

quantitative information qualitative information quantity information good information NO ANSWER WAS GIVEN

Descriptive research

quantitative information about stats and gathered

Sylvie starts her weekly department meetings by asking questions such as "How was your vacation?" "Did anyone see the football game last night?"...

rapport building questions

out of all of the different types of data relative to quality, which one is defined as: the highest quality data when used with an absolute origin; may apply sophisticate metrical; techniques to draw conclusion within a high level of confidence


Publicity Advantages

redibility—people tend to believe media stories, reports, and product reviews.

personal attractiveness and charisma


Allocation of marketing expenditures

reflects the trend toward integrated programs that include a variety of promotion elements.

Merchandise allowances

reimburse a retailer for extra in-store support or special featuring of the brand. · Consists of a percentage deduction from the list case price ordered during the promotional period. · Manufacturers do not pay for allowances until they see proof of performance.

which of the following are known as categories of product advertising

reminder advertising pioneer advertising competitive advertising

robert cole identifies leadership principles that empower people, including all but one of the followint

requiring loyalty

Focusing on _____ is most likely to help you communicate with a red MVS in a way that he or she prefers.


prospective benefits or rewards


Which promotional element should be offered only on a short-term basis?

sales promotion

Which of the following can serve as a personal channel of communication?

sales team

Which sales promotional tool is most common for new products?


Public relations

seeks to influence the image of an organization and its products and services.

what is the correct order of developing a service strategy?

select the innovation focus uncover customers needs prioritize customer needs develop a service strategy

Jeanne pays close attention to her emotions at work and takes a quick break whenever she thinks her frustration level might cause her to lash out at a co-worker. What quality does this behavior demonstrate?


In the past, marketers often viewed the communication tools

separate and independent. a. The advertising department often designed and managed its activities without consulting departments or agencies that had responsibility for sales promotion or public relations. b. The result was often an overall communication effort that was usually uncoordinated and inconsistent.

The act of anticipating intentions and moods through the perceptive examination of nonverbal cues is known as _______.


Reminder institutional advertisements

simply bring the company's name to the attention of the target market again.

Commercials for Vinnie's marshmallows describe its marshmallows as a delicious snack for all ages. The commercials show toddlers eating marshmallows as part of their usual diet as well as adults roasting marshmallows over a fire. In these commercials, Vinnie's is the:


The __________ of a communication is the person or organization that has information to share with another person or group of people.


public relations department's tools include

special events, lobbying efforts, annual reports, press conferences, and image management, although publicity is often most important.

Advertising objectives should be ___________.


Go Fish Sushi restaurants are primarily located in malls. The restaurants had rapid growth in their first 7 years. The owner realizes that adding more restaurants


Hot and Cold Corp. makes disposable coffee and soft drink for use in fast food restaurants, hospitals


Hot and Cold Corp. makes disposeable coffee and soft drinks cups for use in ... The company is working on a sturdy new product that will biodegrade within 5 years in a landfill. According to BCG matrix, this promising new product line would most likely be classified as ___.


Mammoth Foods, a major agricultural corporation, recently purchased MJS Organic Foods


_________ is the value and performance of two or more strategies combined?


when using objectives to guide your implementation of your advertising plan, which one of these does not fall under the "awareness" category

teaser campaigns jingles/slogans competitive adds**** viral advertising

Which of the following is NOT one of the five primary activities in the value chain?

technology procurement

In 2010, which of the following types of media received the highest percentage of funding?

television and cable

Which form of advertising media is most costly?


Unexpected touch points are unanticipated references or information about a company or brand that a customer or prospect receives that is beyond the control of the organization. (T/F)


When a market is segmented based on how aware and informed the consumers are, the variable used to choose a marketing approach is product knowledge. (T/F)


When central processing of an advertising message occurs, the consumer pays close attention to message content and scrutinizes the message arguments. (T/F)


leaders as teachers include

confucius and plato

Which of the following is true of nonpersonal channels of communication?

It includes direct mail and billboards.

Which of the following is true of encoding?

It involves putting ideas into a symbolic form.

interpersonal and network linkages


Pioneering institutional advertisements

- Are like the pioneering ads for consumer products. - Announce what a company is, what it can do, or where it is located.

place the following marketing implementation objectives in the correct order

1. awareness 2. interest 3. evaluation 4. design 5. confirmation

what does IMC stand for

integrated marketing communication

a good promotional mix involves which of the following?

integrated marketing communications

the weakest link in business and industry effectiveness is


recognized title or position in organization

legitimate power

appeal based on logic


which of the following is an example of a nonpersonal communication channel?


what is a characteristic of customer service?


what is not a characteristic of good customer service?

promptness politeness professionalism creativity****

which of the following are characteristics of customer service

promptness politeness professionalism personalization

Which of the following statements best expresses a typical concern of someone with a blue MVS?

"Let's make sure everyone feels included in the decision-making."

The main message for each company to communicate is

(1) its regret that anyone should have died, (2) its determination to track down the cause(s) of the accidents, and (3) its commitment to making all vehicles/tires as safe as possible. This three-part message can be communicated in news releases as parts of the investigation are completed and as any newly developed safety measures are announced. News conferences can be held for the announcement of major investigative findings and major new developments. An opportunity may arise to use a high-visibility individual to emphasize product safety.

Direct marketing has many forms

(direct mail, catalogs, direct response advertising, telemarketing, and interactive marketing) and uses a variety of media.

Competitive institutional advertisements

- Promote the advantages of one product class over another. - Are used in markets where different product classes compete for the same buyers.

Advocacy advertisements

- State the position of a company on an issue. - Are used when firms make a request related to a particular action or behavior.

Jury Tests

. Involve showing the ad copy to a panel of consumers and having them rate: · How they liked it. · How much it drew their attention. · How attractive they thought it was. b. Unlike the portfolio test, consumers see only the ad of interest.

which of the following is true of word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing?


an ad by the minnesota state tourism department, which promotes minnesota as a vacation destination was published in the life mode magazine. the ad includes a picture of a couple against a scenic backdrop, in this print ad, the source of advertising message:

... i think it would be the minnesota state tourism department

Which of the following statements is a judger statement rather than a learner statement?


Melissa intends to say something to the new employee that will make him feel welcome as a member of the team. the thought that melissa intends to communicate is known as _____


If you utilize the internet as a form of marketing for your business. But want to advertise to a more specific demographic, age group, or area. That specific group of people is known as your _____________________.

1 Club 2 Bubble 3 Demographic 4 Target Market *

This term describes methods that are best used to build overall excitement about a product, service, or idea.

1 Commercials 2 Fliers 3 Ted Talk 4 Public Relations *

In marketing research which of the following provide us with primary data related to a question?

1 Observation 2 Surveys * 3 Questionnaires * 4 Statistical application *

Customer _________ is created when the perceptions of benefits received from a transaction exceed the cost of ownership.

1 Referral 2 Dissatisfaction 3 Expectation 4 Value *

If you seek to further define a problem for a more precise study, what type of research are you doing?

1 Tedious 2 Solving 3 Problem 4 Descriptive *

direct-marketing messages are

1 billion e-mail messages sent each day ONE reason is that e-mail offers one-to-one conversations with each prospective consumer. ANOTHER reason is that the average cost per e-mail message is less than $0.01 compared with $0.75 to $2.00 for direct mail and $1 to $3 for telemarketing.

Which one of the following is not a policy, practice, or system that influences employee's behavior?

1. behavior 2. attitudes 3. performance 4.skill set*

Three categories of promotion are: (MACA)

1. Advertising * 2. Public relations * 3. Publicity * 4. Product

Market research questionnaires should NOT:

1. Be Related to Research Objectives and Questions 2. Be Clear and Understanable 3. Be Ambiguous * 4. Consider the Intellect of Potential Respondents

Companies sometimes use institutional advertising to: (MACA)

1. connect divisions of a company * 2. present the company in a favorable light * 3. advocate causes and ideas * 4. sell a specific product

The practice of human resource management is comprised of a sequence of steps. Select the correct order.

1. Development and evaluation, staffing, employee relations, planning, compensation 2. Staffing, panning, compensation determination, employee relations 3. Staffing, employee relations, development and evaluation, planning, compensation determination 4. Planning, staffing, development and evaluation, compensation determination, employee relations *

Which of the following is NOT a type of human capital?

1. Experience 2. Training 3. Intuition * 4. Judgment

Use of caller ID and automated screening and answering devices as a means to protect ones privacy are examples of which of the following?

1. Gatekeeper technologies * 2. Spam blockers 3. Identity theft protection 4. Privacy Act of 1974

Which of the following is NOT part of what the chiropractor should do to enact the best use of CRM strategy?

1. Implement from the top down 2. Be result driven 3. Be organized * 4. Communicate

Which of the following is not a benefit of a "brand"?

1. Instant recognition 2. Influences choices 3. Makes a competitor seem more attractive * 4. Perceived value is increased

Marketing research is emphasized as a regular activity and:

1. customers play a meaningful role in product development * 2. a form of insurance against environmental turbulence 3. a safety value for releasing the internal tensions that mask creative capabilities 4. commercial business success

Which of the following is NOT one of the four approaches to service innovation?

1. New service innovation 2. Core service innovation 3. Customer service innovation * 4. Service delivery innovation

44. Advertising is the basic function of promotion that benefits ______ buyers and/or ______.

1. Only ; not sellers 2. Both; sellers * 3. Neither; sellers 4. Both; owners

Which of the following is not a way to add value before, during, or after a patient visit in a chiropractic office?

1. Polite and courteous 2. Promptness and on schedule 3. Benefits of treatment outweigh the costs 4. Rushing a patient visit *

A small rectangular box that usually includes text, graphics, and sometimes video to get attention and hold interest describes this type of Internet ad.

1. Pop-up ad 2. Pay-per-click ad 3. Banner ad * 4. Spam ad

__________ is defined as "any unpaid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services."

1. Publicity * 2. Cooperative advertising 3. Pass along 4. Pioneering advertising

Which of the following is not one of the three categories of promotion?

1. Revenue invested * 2. Advertising 3. Public relations 4. Publicity

Which of the following refers to the process an organization utilizes to seek applicants for potential employment?

1. Selection 2. Training 3. Recruitment * 4. Job Design

What is market research?

1. The process of defining and subdividing a large homogenous market into clearly identifiable segments having similar needs, wants, or demand characteristics. 2. The systematic process of planning, collecting, recording, and analyzing data relevant to marketing decision making. * 3. Comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion and combines them to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communication impact. 4. None of the above

Which of the following would NOT be a benefit of IMC to a small chiropractic practice?

1. To become more well known * 2. To reach potential target markets 3. To target a specific demographic 4. to direct a message at a broad segment

What is not a type of human capital?

1. Training 2. Experience 3. Equipment * 4. Insight

Compensation and benefits can include:

1. Wage and salary administration * 2. Insurance * 3. Sick Days 4. Retirement Plans *

W. Edwards Deming identified ________ for a successful work environment.

14 points

The total amount of spending on advertising in 2010 in the United States was more than?

200 billion

how many types of service wholesalers are there?


A sales presentation in which the sales rep does most of the talking, using a "canned" presentation to obtain a "yes" answer to a "trial close" is a: A. prepared sales presentation. B. target market presentation. C. consultative selling presentation. D. selling formula presentation. E. None of the above.


A sales representative for Xerox always begins her sales presentation by conducting an interview with the potential customer. She asks several multiple-choice questions that are designed to pinpoint the needs of the customer for various features of a new copying machine. At the end of the interview, the salesperson takes a moment to summarize the results in a profile of the customer and his/her needs. She then matches the needs to a specific model in the Xerox line of copiers, and shows how the Xerox model compares to other competing models. This sales representative is engaged in: A. A consultative selling approach. B. A prepared sales presentation. C. A selling formula approach. D. A telemarketing approach. E. A prospecting approach.


A stay-at-home mom is watching a "soap opera" on TV when a commercial for a new type of kitchen cleaning product by Procter & Gamble is presented. She considers whether the new product will clean better than her existing cleaning products. In the traditional communication model, the mom is the: A. Decoder B. Source C. Noise D. Encoder E. Message channel


Advertising expenditures by U.S. corporations: A. average only about 2.5 percent of sales. B. must be approved by an advertising agency that is registered with the Federal Trade Commission. C. are higher for newspaper advertising than television advertising. D. are lower than in other countries. E. are highest for business product companies (as a percent of sales).


Customers tend to be more price sensitive A. the greater the total expenditure. B. when someone else pays the bill. C. when someone else shares the cost. D. the greater the significance of the end benefit of the purchase. E. the lesser the total expenditure.


Faced with many "me-too" competitors, Sonic Burgers, Inc. has set its price level to "meet competition"--while emphasizing nonprice competition. Sonic Burgers' pricing objective seems to be a ______________ objective. A. status quo B. sales-oriented. C. profit-oriented D. satisfactory profits E. maintaining market share


Fidelity Corp. earned a 6 percent return on investment last year and wants to increase it to 10 percent this year. Which of the following pricing objectives is Fidelity seeking? A. Target return B. Growth in sales C. Growth in market share D. Maximize profits E. Non-price competition


Freight absorption pricing: A. amounts to cutting list price to appeal to new geographic markets. B. forces all buyers to pay higher shipping costs. C. tends to restrict firms from competing in distant markets. D. tends to decrease competition. E. Both B and C.


Glitter, Inc. advertises its "gold-tone" jewelry on TV, along with a toll free number and the message that "operators are standing by now to take your credit card order." This is an example of: A. direct type competitive advertising. B. pioneering advertising. C. primary advertising. D. comparative advertising. E. indirect type competitive advertising.


In its ads, General Mills highlights the advantages of its Milk 'n Cereal breakfast bars over Kellogg's breakfast bars. This is: A. comparative advertising. B. primary advertising. C. selective advertising. D. reminder advertising. E. institutional advertising.


Most firms operate in monopolistic competition, where products and whole marketing mixes are not exactly the same. This implies that A. there are pricing options. B. value pricing has no advantage. C. it's foolish to offer products above the market price. D. there are no price choices in most markets. E. it is better to be a price follower.


ProEdge Tech, a leading technology firm, has bluntly stated its pricing objective as: "Charge all the traffic will bear." This is an example of a A. profit maximization objective. B. unit sales growth objective. C. growth in market share objective. D. target return objective. E. non price competition objective.


Quantity discounts are discounts offered to encourage A. customers to buy in larger amounts. B. buyers to pay their bills quickly. C. buyers to buy later than present demand requires. D. excellent customer service. E. customers to buy sooner.


Regarding promotion methods, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Personal selling can provide immediate feedback. B. Publicity is "free," but usually is ineffective for really new products. C. Advertising is usually more tailored to the individual needs and attitudes of target customers than personal selling. D. Sales promotion activities produce results very slowly compared to advertising. E. All of the above are true.


Regarding sales force compensation methods: A. combination plans provide some security and some incentive. B. straight commission avoids the need to consider a sales quota. C. straight salary provides the most incentive. D. sales quotas play no role in any of the methods. E. All of the above.


Some retailers commonly use prices that end in certain numbers. They seem to assume that their customers see prices with these numbers as substantially lower. This is: A. odd-even pricing. B. demand-backward pricing. C. leader pricing. D. prestige pricing. E. psychological pricing.


The "adoption curve" shows: A. when different groups accept ideas. B. how quickly a firm should drop current products. C. the relationship between promotion spending and sales. D. when a firm should introduce a new product. E. All of the above.


The number of times an intermediary's average inventory is sold in a year is called the: A. stockturn rate. B. asset factor. C. inventory ratio. D. markup ratio. E. ROI (return on inventory).


The specific sales or profit objective a salesperson is expected to achieve is known as a: A. Sales quota. B. Sales range. C. Sales standard. D. Sales return. E. Sales maximum.


What does the AIDA concept stand for? A. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action B. Alertness, Interest, Develop, Appeal C. Attention, Involvement, Desire, Action D. Alertness, Involvement, Desire, Appeal E. Action, Involvement, Desire, Attention


When Chase Bank mails a 30-day offer for a new pre-approved credit card with a $2,000 limit to a college student, this is an example of: A. direct-response promotion. B. integration. C. publicity. D. indirect-response promotion. E. mass selling.


When a firm's president appears in TV testimonial ads to assure customers, employees, and stockholders that the firm is making a fast recovery from some problem, this is: A. institutional advertising. B. reminder advertising. C. competitive advertising. D. comparative advertising. E. pioneering advertising.


When a telemarketer calls a college student on the phone and offers a one-year subscription to BUSINESS WEEK at a 50 percent discount, this is an example of: A. Personal selling B. Mass selling C. Publicity D. Sales promotion E. Advertising


Which of the following advertising objectives is the BEST example of a specific advertising objective? A. To increase a firm's market share by 20 percent--this year. B. To increase consumer awareness of the product. C. To help attract new retailers on the West Coast. D. To sell the company "image" to senior citizens. E. To increase store traffic.


Which of the following is NOT a "Something of Value" which might be offered to CONSUMERS in the "price equation"? A. Stocking allowance B. Service C. Repair facilities D. Credit E. Packaging


Which of the following is NOT an example of sales promotion? A. A banner ad on AOL's stock page. B. A bumper sticker that says, "Drink more milk." C. Samples of a new low-fat snack cracker given away at a supermarket. D. A display of fishing equipment by a sporting goods store in a shopping mall. E. A small toy in a kid's "happy meal" at McDonald's.


What is a way to teach people how to be oriented?

A) Clear communication * B) Attentiveness * C) Patience * D) Selfness

Which of the following observations is true of a mature market? A. There is downward pressure on prices. B. Profit margins are never under threat. C. Differentiating the value a firm offers is easy. D. Pricing choices are abundant. E. Price moves up the demand curve over time.


Which of the following sales promotion activities is aimed primarily at wholesalers and retailers of a product? A. Promotion allowances B. Point-of-purchase materials C. Coupons D. Portfolios E. Bonuses


Which of the following statements about customer service is true? A. A customer service rep may have to deal with a customer problem that is due to a customer error, not just an error by the company. B. Customer service is the service part of the benefit that a customer gets when purchasing a physical good. C. Customer service costs are likely to decrease a firm's customer equity. D. Customer service is more important for winning customers than for keeping customers. E. From a firm's perspective, customer service is a necessary evil but isn't likely to cost the firm anything.


Which of the following would be a type of advertising used in the evaluation and trial stage of the adoption process? A. Competitive ads B. Flash ads C. Informative "why" ads D. Pioneering ads E. Viral advertising


Which pricing policy would probably be best for a profit-oriented producer introducing a really new product with a very inelastic demand curve? A. Skimming pricing B. Meeting competition pricing C. Below-the-market pricing D. Penetration pricing E. Introductory price dealing


Wholesalers spend the largest share of their promotion money on: A. personal selling. B. direct-mail advertising. C. advertising. D. sales promotion. E. publicity.


The advertising manager at a cosmetics company is tasked with the role of managing the company's publicity. Is the advertising manager likely to be an appropriate choice to fill this role? A) Yes, because it is not uncommon for advertising managers to handle company publicity. B) Yes, because the advertising manager must hire an outside public relations agency. C) No, because the advertising manager is typically responsible for managing sales promotion. D) No, because the advertising manager is not likely to cooperate with the publicity manager. E) No, because the advertising manager is not likely to be a specialist in communication.

A Advertising managers manage their company's mass-selling effort—in television, newspapers, magazines, and other media. Their job is choosing the right media and developing the ads. Advertising departments within their own firms may help in these efforts—or they may use outside advertising agencies. The advertising manager may handle publicity too. While an outside public relations agency may be hired, it is not essential that publicity be handled outside.

In which country would an advertiser not be allowed to create an ad in which an actor portrays a child purchasing a toy at a large toy retailer? A) Switzerland B) Kenya C) Mexico D) United States E) Canada

A In Switzerland, an advertiser cannot use an actor to represent a consumer.

A large appliance manufacturer has adequate wholesale and retail distribution−but is concerned that the intermediaries do not push its products aggressively enough−because they also carry competitive lines. The manufacturer should hire some: A) missionary salespeople. B) order getters. C) order takers. D) technical specialists. E) customer service reps.

A Missionary salespeople are supporting salespeople who work for producers. The sales rep can give a promotion boost to a product that otherwise wouldn't get much attention because it's just one of many.

Sales promotion activities: A) try to stimulate interest, trial, or purchase. B) always involve direct face-to-face communication between sellers and potential customers. C) usually take a long time to implement. D) are usually a good substitute for personal selling and advertising. E)All of these alternatives about sales promotion activities are correct.

A Sales promotion refers to promotional activities other than advertising, publicity, and personal selling that stimulate interest, trial, or purchase by final customers or others in the channel.

Which of the following sources of buying information has the lowest level of trust among customers? A) Ads on mobile devices B) Sponsored ads on social network sites C) Search engine ads D) Online consumer opinions E) Brand websites

A Sponsored ads on social network sites are only trusted by 36 percent of customers and ads on mobile devices like smartphones by just 29 percent.

A customer was billed $120 dollars upon delivery of a product that was marked at $80 after discount on its website. Upon enquiry, he was informed that the extra amount included delivery charges. However, this information was not mentioned on the website. On the basis of which of the following laws can the customer press charges against the website? A) Wheeler Lea Amendment B) Sherman-Williams Amendment C) Robinson-Patman Act D) Bush Gore Pricing Law E) Price Protection Act

A The Wheeler Lea Amendment bans "unfair or deceptive acts in commerce." Phony list prices, which are unethical, are prices customers are shown to suggest that the price has been discounted from list.

Paige Whaley works as a telephone salesperson for a newspaper. She calls new residents in the city to try to get subscriptions for home delivery. Which of the following types of sales presentation should she use? A) Prepared sales presentation. B) Selling formula approach. C) Consultative selling approach. D) Customer service approach. E) Sales quota approach.

A The prepared sales presentation approach uses a memorized presentation that is not adapted to each individual customer. This approach says that a customer faced with a particular stimulus will give the desired response to the salesperson's prepared statement, which includes a 'close', the salesperson's request for an order.

A company employing which of the following compensation schemes is likely to have the largest total personal selling expenses? A) A company with straight commission salespeople and high sales volume. B) A company with salespeople on straight salary and low sales volume. C) A company with salespeople on combined salary and commission plans. D) A company with salespeople on straight salary and high sales volume. E) A company with straight commission salespeople and low sales volume.

A Total personal selling expenses are likely to be highest for companies that pay straight commission to salespeople who sell in high sales volume.

Whiz-Bang Toy Company wants to build close relationships with its key customers - closely cooperating with them and helping them solve problems. Whiz-Bang also interacts regularly with these customers - sharing orders, invoices, product information and price changes. What type of sales process would work best? A) Emphasis on standardized e-commerce - with customer service B) Emphasis on personal selling C) Emphasis on digital self-service D) Emphasis on both personal selling and customized e-commerce E) Emphasis on telemarketing and order getting.

A As shown in Exhibit 14-2, these needs suggest personal selling and e-commerce work together to build closer relationships and efficiently share information.

is there a procedure or structure to market research?

A and B are correct no procedure, no methodology


A feedback loop consists of a response and feedback. · A response is the impact the message had on the receiver's knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors. · Feedback is the sender's interpretation of the response, which indicates whether a message was decoded and understood as intended. · Pretesting consists of approaches to ensure that messages are decoded properly.

All outgoing messages are encoded and all incoming messages are decoded through

A filter of lifetime experiences

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of promotion in providing information and sending a messages for advertising, publicity, and sales promotion?

A) A Service B) A Product C) An audience* D) An Idea

Which of the following is a core message in IMC that is done through promotional mix elements?

A) Advertising * B) Sales Promotions * C) Direct Marketing * D) Personal selling *

Which of the following is part of the market research?

A) Define the problem * B) Establish a research design * C) Know your audience D) Specify the sampling procedure *

What is a news release?

A news release is an announcement regarding changes in the company or the product line.

The purpose of promotion is to provide information and send a message about:

A product A service An idea All of the above *

All of the following are standards for identifying ethical practice except?

A) Greatest good for the greatest number B) Fair and equitable C) Same wage for everyone * D) Respect for basic human rights

Which of the following is NOT a kind of advertising?

A) Pioneering B) Competitive C) Reminder D) Global *

Match the term that describes this definition; Innovation comes from improving how the customer obtains the benefits of a service when getting a core job done.

A) Supplementary service innovation B) Service delivery innovation * C) Core service innovation D) New service innovation

choosing an advertising medium depends on all of the following except

A) The organization's promotion objectives. B) The characteristics of the target market. C) The funds available for advertising. D) Advertising agencies experience ****

Which of the following falls within the duties of HR:

A) Training B) Safety C) Staffing D) All of the above are duties of HR*

What are the two factors that influence future buying decisions?

A) Trust and reliability B) Value and satisfaction * C) Customer service and building relations D) Service and price

MACA. Which of the following are part of the AIDA Model?

A) attention * B) assertion C) interest * D) desire *

______ as they present data related to sales, profitability, market potential, ROI, most anything that can be analyzed quantitatively

A) diagnostic * B) descriptive C) predictive D) explorative

Market segmentation based on sources of _____ _______ for the product category is relevant for both consumer and organization markets.

A) purchase influence * B) product usage C) product influence D) purchase usage

Which of the following is the process of defining the way work will be preformed and the tasks that a given job requires.

A) selection B) recruitment C) job design * D) job analysis

Which of the following most closely illustrates the components of the AIDA model? MACA

A. A- Action * B. A- Attention * C. D-Desire * D. I- Interest * E. None of the above.

Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit for the Chiropractor in regards to Market Research?

A. Ability to identify and explore market opportunities B. Ability to estimate demand, business levels, and return on investment C. Ability to track industry and competitive trends D. Ability to instantly change customer attitudes *

Which of the following elements of the promotional mix is defined as a paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor using predominantly mass media? A. Advertising B. Branding C. Packaging D. Publicity E. Sales promotion

A. Advertising

Producers sharing in ad costs with wholesalers or retailers is referred to as which of the following?

A. Advertising allowances B. Cooperative advertising * C. Dual-action retail ads D. Viral advertising

What are good strategies to use when adopting Integrated Marketing Communications?

A. Avoid Duplicate Messages B. Capitalize on Synergy of Integrated Promotional Tools C. Reduce Costs D. All of the Above *

What must a chiropractor NOT do to enact the best use of Customer Relationship Management Strategy?

A. Be Results Driven B. Implement From the Top Down C. Provide Organization Wide Training D. Prohibit Interaction *

When dealing with customer relationship management, a strategy used to help aid in customer's experience is:

A. Building customer relations B. Tracking customers wants and/or needs C. Coordinating customer's information and history D. All of the above *

the process through which employers and unions negotiate pay, hours of work, and other conditions of employment.*

A. Building customer relations B. Tracking customers wants and/or needs C. Coordinating customer's information and history D. All of the above *

What Act was amended in 1972 by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act?

A. Civil Rights Act of 1964 * B. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 C. Equal Pay Act of 1963 D. Privacy Act of 1966

Integrated marketing communications requires all of these EXCEPT:

A. Clarity B. Communication C. Pictures* D. Consistency

Which of the following is a STATUS-QUO pricing objective? A. Growth in sales B. Maximize profits C. Growth in market share D. Satisfactory profits E. Meeting competition


As per the Week 8 Powerpoint, when the customer perceives the value of a benefit that outweighs its cost, the result will be all of the following EXCEPT

A. Customer loyalty B. A long-term relationship C. Desire to get off welfare * D. Favorable image and reputation in the market area

As per the Week 8 Powerpoint, when the customer perceives the value of a benefit that outweighs its cost, the result will be all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Customer loyalty B. A long-term relationship C. Desire to get off welfare * D. Favorable image and reputation in the market area

_____ is the process of transforming a sender's message back into thought. A. Decoding B. Encoding C. Channeling D. Sourcing E. Transmitting

A. Decoding

Marketers look to the research effort to yield results that are:

A. Descriptive B. Diagnostic C. Predictive D. All of the above *

Involves field and lab testing, i.e. panels, test markets, retail outlet observations customer behavior actions and reaction often involving the manipulation of variables (dependent-the product vs. independent-store location, price, message, etc.) related to cause and affect relationships.

A. Descriptive research B. Casual research*** C. Market research D. Predictive research

results of marketing research must yield what type of results?

A. Descriptive, including the ability to obtain information about the competition, industry, economy, product, and customers B. Diagnostic, meaning data presented is related to sales, profitability, and any other quantitative data needed C. Predictive, meaning the descriptive and diagnostic information are used to create a forecast, resulting in high degrees of confidence in decision making D. ALL OF THE ABOVE****

What is the purpose of pioneering advertising in marketplace ( Little & Redenbaugh, p. 269)?

A. Develops selective demand for a certain brand B. To promote organization's image and specific products C. Develops primary demand for a product category rather than a specific brand * D. Focuses on the name of an organization or industry

What are some of the ways to develop successful service strategy (Little & Redenbaugh, p. 163)?

A. Discover what are the customer needs B. Ask the correct questions from the customers C. Decide who is the customer D. All of the above*

"Upward communication depends on what employees believe leaders do with reported information." Which of the eight communication problems exists here?

A. Distortion B. Fear C. Trust * D. Distance

Which of the following is NOT a way to meet a patient's needs:

A. Empathy B. A fair price for a quality product C. Giving patients alternative choice D. Friendliness E. These are all ways to meet customer needs *

What rights do you have as an employee to be treated fairly?

A. Fair and equal pay for the work you do B. Fair and equal benefits C. Fair and equal job responsibilities D. Fair and equal treatment E. All of the above *

The definition of ethics is?

A. Fundamental principles of right and wrong * B. Use of quantitative tools and scientific method to analyze data C. The process of ensuring that employee's activities and outputs match the organization's goals D. An organization where technology, organizational structure, people and processes all work together

All of the following are problems with advertising EXCEPT:

A. Generating Leads B. Proving ROI C. Managing a website D. Identifying a target audience E. All of the above are problems with advertising*

All of the following are things the message should accomplish in advertising, except:

A. Get the attention of the consumer B. Go beyond awareness and create interest C. Must create an addiction when customer first uses service * D. Must generate desire for the product or service

What is the specific job function for sales promotion managers ( Little & Redenbaugh, p. 239)?

A. Have independent status and manage company's sales promotion* B. Use mass media selling efforts such as magazines to promote their products and services C. Responsible for managing personal selling D. None of the above

Organizations depend on HR to help establish and communicate policies related to: (MACA)

A. Hiring * B. Discipline * C. Promotions * D. Benefits *

Which of the following is important to consider when understanding the influence of the competitor?

A. How the competitor prices their product or service. B. The market the competitor is targeting. C. How your product/service is positioned and differentiated against the competitor. D. All of the above. *

Which of the following is/are true about Human Capital?

A. Human capital is the economic and productive potential of employee knowledge, training, judgment, intelligence, experience, and actions B. It is a modern term that comes from the study and understanding of human resources management C. Employees like this add value to the organization D. All of the above *

Human resources have which of following necessary quality ( Little & Redenbaugh, p. 299)?

A. Human resources are valuable since high quality workers needed B. It can be rare to find quality skilled workers to do quality work C. It has not substitutes because hard to train high quality employees D. All of the above is true *

What does not go under the promotion objectives?

A. Informing B. Persuading C. Reminding D. Action *

___________________ usually focuses on the name and prestige of an organization or industry.

A. Institutional advertising * B. Product advertising C. Pioneering advertising D. Competitive advertising

Which of the following is true of nonpersonal channels of communication? A. It includes direct mail and billboards. B. It includes methods such as e-mails and social media. C. The Internet cannot be considered as a nonpersonal channel. D. It does not include print media. E. It does not include broadcast media.

A. It includes direct mail and billboards.

Which of the following is true of decoding? A. It is heavily influenced by the receiver's frame of reference. B. It is an interpretation process that requires expert knowledge. C. In most cases, decoding occurs smoothly when a common ground does not exist. D. In order for the process to be effective, the decoder must contradict the encoder. E. It is not influenced by the receiver's field of experience.

A. It is heavily influenced by the receiver's frame of reference.

Which of the following features of direct-response advertising differentiates it from other forms of advertising? A. It provides for immediate feedback from the message recipient. B. It makes use of only magazines as a primary medium of advertising. C. It is a form of nonpersonal mass media communication medium. D. It is most widely used because of its pervasiveness. E. It is a paid form of mass media communication medium.

A. It provides for immediate feedback from the message recipient.

When doing marketing research a questionnaire should:

A. Lead the person to a specific answer B. Be at least 100 questions long C. Tell you about the buying prospective of a potential customer* D. Sample on 10 people

Which of the following is not a barrier to Television Marketing?

A. Literacy Rates B. Language Barriers C. Attention Span * D. Availability of Access

Which of the following is an example of a nonpersonal communication channel? A. Magazines B. E-mail C. Social media D. Telemarketing E. Stress interviews

A. Magazines

Which of the following survey method is less likely to be used to collect data because of slow rate of response (Andale)?

A. Mail* B. Telephone C. Face to face D. Online

_______________ is the systemic process of planning, collecting, recording, and analyzing data relevant to marketing decision making.

A. Market research * B. Targeting C. Hypothesis D. Market advertising

What are the two important and fundamental tools in the marketer's tool kit?

A. Market segmentation and target marketing * B. Advertising and social media C. Social media and target marketing D. Referral relationship and advertising

Different methods of promotion are all except:

A. Mass selling B. Sale promotion C. Personal selling D. Word of mouth *

When creating advertising, your promotional objectives should:

A. Match Your Budget B. Be Reasonable and Reachable C. Be Easy to Understand D. All of the Above *

How can market research help chiropractors improve the probability for success?

A. Measuring customer satisfaction and monitoring customer attitudes. B. Tracking industry and competitive trends. C. Going beyond intuition. D. All of the above. *

A study by Bowen, et. al suggests that you should "Hire for the __________, not the job."

A. Organization * B. Money C. Boss D. Cheap Labor

Which of the following is not a type of product advertising:

A. Pioneering Advertising B. Competitive Advertising C. Comparative Advertising D. Institutional Advertising *

What is the set of activities aimed at selecting and attracting individuals for the various positions that will support the daily needs of the organization and the achievement of organizational goals?

A. Planning B. Development C. Staffing * D. Evaluation

All of the following are examples of value in a chiropractic office EXCEPT:

A. Polite and courteous B. Promptness and on schedule C. The benefits of the visit do not outweigh the cost * D. Successful treatment

What does direct type of competitive advertising aim for?

A. Product advantage to affect future buying decisions B. Immediate buying action * C. Comparison between one product and other products D. Producing similar products that fulfill similar needs

1. __________ is closely related to the process of communication, whereby meanings are exchanged or shared through a common set of symbols.

A. Promotional strategy*** B. Marketing strategy C. Psychological strategy D. Management strategy

Which of the following is NOT a compliance of labor laws?

A. Record keeping B. Reporting C. Inspection D. All of the above are compliance of labor laws *

The goal of institutional advertising is to promote which of the following for an organization (Little & Redenbaugh, p.269)?

A. Reputation B. Image C. Awareness D. Both A and B* E. Both A and C

Jim, a doctor, takes out a print ad to advertise his new clinic. He opts for a full-page ad in a weekly publication known as Doctor's Info. According to the basic model of communication, Doctor's Info is the _____. A. channel B. receiver C. encoder D. source E. decoder

A. channel

The communication process begins with the process of _____. A. encoding B. encrypting C. channeling D. decoding E. bolstering

A. encoding

The process of putting thoughts, ideas, or information together in symbolic form is called: A. encoding. B. deciphering. C. sourcing. D. seeding. E. decoding.

A. encoding.

The primary goal of an integrated marketing communications program is to: A. have a company's entire marketing and promotional activities project a consistent, unified image to its customers. B. control all facets of a product's distribution. C. communicate with customers primarily through mass-media advertising. D. have complete control over all the channel partners in the distribution channel and to slow down the rate of diffusion of a new product among the customers. E. create a strong distribution network, via marketing, which is capable of destabilizing any competition.

A. have a company's entire marketing and promotional activities project a consistent, unified image to its customers.

"People have the right to refuse to do what violates their moral beliefs, as long as these beliefs reflect commonly accepted norms" describes which employee right?

A. Right of free consent B. Right of privacy C. Right of freedom of conscience * D. Right to due process

Who are concerned with managing personal selling?

A. Sales managers B. Marketing managers C. Sales promotion managers * D. Advertising managers

Which of the following can serve as a personal channel of communication? A. Sales team B. Newspaper C. Radio D. Magazines E. Television

A. Sales team

How is a successful service strategy developed?

A. Select the innovation focus B. Uncover customer needs C. Prioritize customer needs D. All of the above *

What are the steps in the market segmentation process?

A. Specify criteria that define the segment B. Determine segment size and potential C. Identify a homogeneous segment that differs from other segments D. All of the above *

Which of the following is an adequate example of how to make customer service part of the overall employee orientation?

A. Teach employees to be people oriented. B. Ensure knowledge of products, services, and administrative procedures. C. Show determination to resolve customer issues. D. All of the above. *

Which of the following is true of utility?

A. The three utilities -- form, price and ownership -- are created by marketing.

Which of the following is true of the way organizations send communication messages? A. They communicate using press releases, websites, and package designs. B. They are legally not allowed to use graphic systems and visual images. C. They use promotions for B2B communications solely. D. They typically use brand names to create recognition but not for communication. E. They do not use logos as a means of communication.

A. They communicate using press releases, websites, and package designs.

What would be the result if managers stimulate demand without resources in terms of human capital?

A. They have the capacity and capability to handle the growth B. Consumers will lose confidence in providers * C. They maintain their competitive position D. They enter a new target market

Which of the following is a type of human capital?

A. Training B. Experience C. Judgement D. All of the above *

Human Capital, the organization's employees can be described as which of the following?

A. Training, Experience, Tenure, Intelligence, Relationships and Insight B. Experience, Intelligence, Relationships, Insight, and Judgment, and Training * C. Intelligence, Integrity, Training, Relationships, Experience, and Judgment D. Training, Experience, Relationships, Judgment, Intelligence, and Motivation

The encoding process leads to the development of: A. a message. B. noise. C. a channel. D. feedback. E. a response.

A. a message.

________ are the various means by which the message is communicated to the target market.

Advertising media

An ad by the Minnesota State Tourism Department, which promotes Minnesota as a vacation destination was published in the Life Mode magazine. The ad includes a picture of a couple against a scenic backdrop. In this print ad, the source of the advertising message: A. is the Minnesota State Tourism Department. B. is the Life Mode magazine. C. is the couple in the scenic picture. D. is the slogan. E. is the reader of the magazine.

A. is the Minnesota State Tourism Department.

Prior to the development of integrated marketing communications, the promotional function in most companies was dominated by: A. mass-media advertising. B. sales promotion. C. public relations. D. publicity. E. direct marketing.

A. mass-media advertising.

Advertising is defined as any: A. paid form of nonpersonal communication about a product, service, or company. B. form of media communication which provides an opportunity for immediate feedback. C. communication that moves a product from one level to another level of the distribution channel. D. personal communication from a company's representative to prospective buyers. E. nonpersonal communication about a product or service that is not paid for or run under identified sponsorship.

A. paid form of nonpersonal communication about a product, service, or company.

Human capital is an organization's employees described in terms of their:

A. training B. experience C. judgment D. All of the above*

Competitive planning includes all of the following except

A. tries to develop selective demand for a specific product or brand. B. goes head-to-head with competitive products by making specific brand comparisons. C. tries to keep the product's name before the public.*** D. emphasizes selective demand

chapter 11 Labor management relations is ______________

A.) the process through which employers and unions negotiate pay, hours of work, and other conditions of employment.* B.) the process that unions and employees agree to what their union dues will cover. C.) the process of covering Labor and management fee schedules. D.) the process of management and finance committee negotiations over employee benefits.

What is not a significance of a "brand"?

A.. Identifies the customers *** B. instant recognition C. facilitate purchase decision D. Associates benefits to the client or potential client

When the customer perceives this kind of value, then the result is not

A.Customer loyalty B.A short-term relationship*** C.Favorable image and reputation in the market area D.Differentiation among competitors.

The three categories of promotion are all of the following except:

Advertising Public Relations Publicity Planning *

What are some promotional mixed elements that a core message in Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) can be done through?

Advertising Sales Promotions Direct Marketing All of the above *

What are the three categories of promotion? (MACA)

Advertising * Public Relations * Publicity * Direct Marketing

Firms use one or more of five promotional alternatives to communicate with consumers:

Advertising, sales promotion, and public relations use mass selling because they are used with groups of prospective buyers. · Personal selling uses customized interaction between a seller and a prospective buyer, and includes face-to-face, telephone, and interactive electronic communication. · Direct marketing also uses messages customized for specific customers.

Institutional advertisements -Four alternative forms

Advocacy, Pioneering institutional, Competitive institutional and Reminder institutional

All of the following are examples of demographic attributes used to segment consumer markets EXCEPT:

Age Sex Income Height *

What is the difference between aided and unaided recall posttests?

Aided recall involves showing an ad to respondents who then are asked if their previous exposure to it was through reading, viewing, or listening. Unaided recall involves asking respondents if they remember an ad without any prompting to determine if they saw or heard its message.

The Deming way to improve quality includes:

All of the above

All you can afford

Allows money to be spent on promotion only after all other budget items—such as manufacturing costs—are covered.

How can public relations be used by Firestone and Ford following investigations into complaints about tire failures?

Although public relations personnel usually focus on communicating positive aspects of the business, they may also be called on to minimize the negative impact of a problem or crisis. Debates between Firestone and Ford about the cause of tire failures created a difficult situation for both public relations departments. Genuine concern and desire to prevent future accidents was demonstrated by the recall of the tires, and by investigations into the problem.

Define Public relations.

Any form of non-paid communication

Publicity is defined as?

Any unpaid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services

Public service announcements (PSA)

Are free space or time donated by the media. · Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on them.

Strategic consistency

Are messages reviewed for consistency? · Is the general message broad enough to allow for compatible subcampaigns? · Are pricing, distribution, service, and other messages considered?


Are short-term price reductions, such as a "2 for 1" deal, which are used to: a. Increase trial among potential customers. b. Retaliate against a competitor's actions.


Are where consumers apply their skill or analytical or creative thinking to try to win a prize.

Objective and task

As the best approach, the company: a. Determines its promotion objectives. b. Outlines the tasks to accomplish these objectives. c. Determines the promotion cost of performing these task

What does "AIDA" stand for?

Attention, Interest, Desire, Action *

What is the correct order for the AIDA theory of promotions regarding the consumer's decision to purchase a product?

Attention, interest, desire, action

"Promotion" is MAINLY concerned with: A. obtaining a favorable corporate image. B. telling the target market that the right Product is available in the right Place at the right Price. C. obtaining maximum publicity--at the lowest cost. D. informing the public about the firm's offerings to maximize sales. E. getting people to buy a firm's product--even when it isn't needed.


"Publicity": A. is generally less credible than advertising for promoting a really new product. B. is mass selling that avoids paying media costs. C. is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. D. is more expensive than all other promotion methods. E. Both A and B are true


A discount that is offered to encourage buyers to stock earlier than present demand requires is: A. a cash discount. B. a seasonal discount. C. a quantity discount. D. "push money." E. a trade discount.


A firm that is very concerned about increases in market share should adopt a ______________ pricing objective. A. profit-oriented B. sales-oriented C. nonprice competition D. status quo E. target return


A retail store advertises an SLR digital camera for $350. Once bargain hunters come to the store, salespeople point out the disadvantages of the low-priced camera and try to convince them to trade up to a better, and more expensive, unit. This is an example of A. price following. B. bait pricing. C. odd-even pricing. D. low pricing. E. everyday low pricing.


A retailer buys a particular product for $4. To make a profit, the retailer adds $2 to cover operating expenses and provide a profit. The percentage markup on the $6 selling price is A. 50 percent. B. 33.33 percent. C. 100 percent. D. 20 percent. E. 25 percent.


A seller's invoice reads: "Seller pays the cost of loading said merchandise onto a common carrier. At the point of loading, title to such products passes to the buyer, who assumes responsibility for damage in transit, except as covered by the transportation agency." This shipment has been shipped: A. F.O.B. delivered. B. F.O.B. shipping point. C. F.O.B. mill, freight absorbed. D. F.O.B. buyer's factory. E. F.O.B. seller's factory--freight prepaid.


All of the following are specific objectives a marketing manager might give an advertising manager except A. position the firm's brand or marketing mix by informing and persuading target customers or intermediaries about its benefits. B. introduce existing products to nonspecific target markets. C. obtain desirable outlets and tell customers where they can buy a product. D. maintain relationships with satisfied customers and encourage more purchases. E. get immediate buying action.


Clairol Corp. is introducing a new brand of shampoo in a highly competitive market. Wholesalers might be willing to handle the new product, except that retailers are already complaining about overcrowded shelf space. Therefore, Clairol has decided to spend $10 million on TV advertising and send free samples to 3,000,000 households to convince consumers of the new product's superiority--and to get them to ask for it at their retail store. Clairol is using: A. dual distribution. B. a "pulling" policy. C. direct marketing. D. a "pushing" policy. E. a sampling distribution.


Customers are likely to be less price sensitive when: A. it is easy to compare prices. B. someone else pays the bill. C. the total expenditure is high. D. there are substitutes available. E. their share of the cost is high.


Heritage Brick's marketing manager is setting her pricing policies to "increase market share to 8%." Her pricing objective seems to be: A. status-quo oriented. B. sales oriented. C. profit oriented. D. target return oriented. E. None of the above.


In the market introduction stage A. the main job is to persuade customers to buy, and keep buying, the company's product. B. the basic promotion objective is informing. C. more competitors enter the market. D. promotion emphasis shifts from building primary demand to stimulating selective demand. E. mass selling and sales promotion dominate the promotion blends of consumer products firms.


Order takers are concerned with: A. establishing relationships with new customers and developing new business. B. selling to regular customers, completing most sales transactions, and maintaining relationships with their established customers. C. seeking possible buyers with a well-organized sales presentation designed to sell a good, service, or idea. D. selling unsought and heterogeneous shopping products. E. working with customers to resolve problems that arise with a purchase, usually after the purchase has been made.


Personal selling A. is important to business firms, but only about 1 percent of the U.S. labor force does personal selling work. B. is often a company's largest single operating expense. C. requires only that the sales rep have an engaging smile, a big expense account, and the ability to get along well with people. D. All of the above are true. E. None of the above is true.


Regarding message planning and the AIDA model: A. "getting action" is the final and easiest step in the process. B. focusing on one unique selling proposition is one way to arouse desire. C. a successful attention-getting device assures "holding interest." D. "arousing desire" is the first and hardest step in the process. E. All of the above are true.


Sears advertises its "DieHard" auto batteries as "even better than your original battery." The ads tell possible customers to get a DieHard at their Sears auto center the next time they need one. This is an example of A. institutional advertising. B. the indirect type of competitive advertising. C. the direct type of competitive advertising. D. comparative advertising. E. reminder advertising.


Sears reduces prices on gas grills between November and February, prior to spring and summer. This price reduction is a: A. Trade discount. B. Seasonal discount. C. Noncumulative quantity discount. D. Cumulative quantity discount. E. Cash discount.


Simon Juarez sells life insurance for a large New Mexico firm. He locates customers by selecting names out of a telephone directory and calling to arrange an appointment. He begins each presentation by explaining the basic features and merits of his product--eventually bringing the customer into the conversation to clarify the customer's insurance needs. Then he tells how his insurance policy would satisfy the customer's needs and attempts to close the sale. Simon's sales presentation is based on the: A. consultative selling approach. B. selling formula approach. C. canned presentation approach. D. target market approach. E. customer service approach.


Stay-at-home moms who write blogs about child-rearing and have many followers are: A. sales promotion reps. B. opinion leaders. C. direct marketers. D. laggards. E. early adopters.


The most common advertisement on the Internet is a

Banner ad

The LATE MAJORITY: A. make a lot of use of mass media. B. respond more to social pressure from other late adopters than to salespeople. C. make a lot of use of salespeople. D. use salespeople and have much contact with the early majority. E. have a lot of contact with early adopters.


The __________ involves developing a good understanding of the individual customer's needs before trying to close the sale. A. Selling formula approach B. Consultative selling approach C. Prepared sales presentation D. Fixed sales presentation E. Differentiated value approach


The ____________ method of payment uses a percentage of dollar sales in calculating compensation. A. Bonus B. Commission C. Straight salary D. Combination E. Employee discount


The text says "markup" means percent of: A. "mark-on." B. selling price--unless otherwise stated. C. fixed cost. D. delivered cost--unless otherwise stated. E. cost of sales.


This promotional approach emphasizes the importance of securing the wholehearted cooperation of channel members to promote the product in the channel and to the final user. A. Pulling B. Pushing C. Encoding D. Decoding E. Franchising


To guarantee good media selection, the advertiser FIRST must clearly specify its A. promotion objectives. B. target market. C. budget. D. advertising campaign. E. stage in the product life cycle.


Total fixed cost: A. is the sum of all expenses which are closely related to output. B. is the sum of those costs which do not change in total no matter how much is produced. C. may vary in the short run--but is more or less fixed in the long run. D. is the sum of all costs of manufacturing and distributing a product. E. would be zero if the quantity produced were zero.


Trying to find the most profitable price and quantity to produce: A. requires average-cost pricing. B. requires an estimate of the firm's demand curve. C. is easy once the average fixed cost is known. D. is only sensible if demand estimates are exact. E. All of the above are true.


When Apple first introduced its iPhone in the U.S. market, it priced it at $600. Several months later, Apple reduced the price to $400. And several months after that, it reduced the price again to $200. What pricing policy was Apple using in its initial price strategy? A. Introductory price B. Skimming price C. Cash discount price D. Penetration pice E. Everyday low price


When developing a good promotion blend, a marketing manager should: A. be more concerned with persuading the target customers than informing or reminding. B. determine who the firm is trying to influence. C. realize that the right blend depends more on what customers expect than on what the firm wants to accomplish. D. All of the above are true. E. None of the above is true.


Which basic promotion objective should be emphasized by a firm whose product is very similar to those offered by many competitors? A. Communicating B. Persuading C. Reminding D. Informing E. Reinforcing


Which of the following applies to "value in use pricing?" A. How much profit will the firm make? B. How much will the customer save? C. What does a competitor offer? D. How much can the customer afford? E. What is break-even pricing?


Which of the following costs do not change with an increase in output? A. Total variable cost B. Total fixed cost C. Total cost D. Average total cost per unit E. Average fixed cost per unit


Which of the following groups is likely to be the first to adopt a new product? A. early majority B. innovators C. late majority D. early adopters E. laggards


Which of the following laws specifically makes illegal any price discrimination which injures competition? A. Magnuson-Moss Act B. Robinson-Patman Act C. Wheeler-Lea Act D. FTC Act E. Sherman Act


Which of the following statements is true? A. Good salespeople are born with inherent selling traits and need little training. B. All salespeople need training. C. Selling skills are best learned with interactive Web training programs. D. New salespeople should be immediately sent out on the road to get acquainted with the firm's best customers. E. Training should include on-the-job observation, but classroom and Web-based learning is rarely needed.


_____ is what a customer must give up to get the benefits offered by the rest of a firm's marketing mix. A. Promotion B. Price C. Product D. Past E. Profit


__________ involves following all the leads in the target market to identify potential customers. A. Sales presentation B. Prospecting C. Closing D. Sales quota E. Marketing


With regard to the level of compensation for salespeople, a marketing manager should recognize that: A) order takers generally are paid more than order getters. B) the appropriate level of compensation should be suggested by the job description. C) a good order getter will generally be worth less to a firm than a good technical specialist. D) the firm should attempt to pay all its salespeople at least the going market wage for order getters. E) salespeople should be the highest-paid employees in the firm.

B A company should estimate, based on the job description, how valuable a salesperson will be. If a job requires extensive travel, aggressive pioneering, or customer service contacts with troublesome customers, the pay may have to be higher. But the salesperson's compensation level should compare, at least roughly, with the pay scale of the rest of the firm.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a rigid one-price policy? A) It makes it easier to set prices. B) It allows competitors to undercut one's price. C) It makes it difficult to maintain goodwill with customers. D) Price administration is more challenging. E) It is difficult to locate target customers.

B A marketing manager must be careful to avoid a rigid one-price policy. This can amount to broadcasting a price that competitors can undercut, especially if the price is somewhat high.

A health club that places brochures in local apartment complexes describing its facility is most likely accomplishing which of the following promotion objectives? A) Persuading B) Informing C) Prioritizing D) Strategizing E) Reminding

B An informing objective can show that it meets consumer needs better than other products. Sometimes consumers try to become better educated before buying. Imagine a customer moving to a new town with an interest in joining a health club where he can work out. A health club might place brochures in local apartment complexes, or run ads in the newspaper to let target customers know about the features at its facility.

Which of the following is an accurate description of the sales task listed? A) Supporting: routinely completing sales made regularly to target customers. B) Order getting: confidently seeking possible buyers with a well-organized sales presentation designed to sell a good, service, or idea. C) Order taking: developing goodwill, stimulating demand, explaining technical aspects of product, training the intermediary's salespeople, and performing other specialized services aimed at obtaining sales in the long run. D) All of these descriptions are correct.

B Order-getting means seeking possible buyers with a well-organized sales presentation designed to sell a good, service, or idea.

According to marginal analysis, the highest level of profit will be earned when _____. A) marginal profit is at its highest positive value B) marginal profit is near zero C) marginal profit is at its lowest negative value D) total revenue is at its highest value E) total revenue is zero

B Profit is maximum when marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost or when the difference between marginal revenue and marginal cost is the least. Marginal profit is the difference between the marginal cost and marginal revenue and therefore, the profit is maximum when it is near zero.

Which of the following publicity tools is generally best suited for one way communication with business customers? A) Branded services B) Commercial white papers C) Blogs D) Microblogs E) Online media room

B See Exhibit 15-7. Commercial white papers an authoritative report or guide that addresses important issues in an industry and offers solutions.

A business that reaches out to customers to address their complaints is practicing which of the following? A) Mediation B) Proactive customer service C) Standardized e-commerce D) Personal selling E) Reactive customer service

B Some companies have proactive customer service - they try to solve customers' problems even when the customers don't ask for help. They actively reach out to complaining customers to resolve problems.

Lauren Diaz is strongly influenced by her peer group--and she often adopts a new product only after they have pressured her to try it. She makes little use of mass media and salespeople as sources of information. In terms of the adoption curve, she is A) a laggard. B) a late majority. C) an early adopter. D) an innovator. E) an early majority.

B The late majority are cautious about new ideas. Often they are older and more set in their ways, so they are less likely to follow early adopters. Strong social pressure from their own peer group may be needed before they adopt a new product.

When the customer perceives value of the customer service given to them, this can result result in (MACA):

Customer loyalty * A long- term relationship * Favorable image and reputation in the market area * Differentiation among competitors *

An ad which offers the consumer $1.00 off on his next grocery store visit is most likely aimed at: A) arousing desire. B) obtaining action. C) getting attention. D) holding interest. E) None of these is a good answer.

B Ads help obtain action by encouraging interested consumers to do something even if they are not ready to make a purchase.

Pancho's Convenience Mart buys Coca-Cola in 2 liter plastic bottles for $1.00. They use a 50% markup and sell the bottles for A) $3.00 B) $2.00 C) $1.50 D) $1.25 E) $.50

B The markup percentage is the percentage of the selling price that is markup. Since a $2.00 price involves $1.00 in markup - which is 50% of the selling price, then $2.00 is the selling price. Remember that the percentage markup relates to Pancho's selling price - not the Pancho's purchase price.

According to the basic model of communication, which of the following is an example of a channel? A. The number of customers that redeemed a cents-off coupon B. A billboard beside an interstate highway C. The creative team that designed an ad for a leading retail chain D. A company's spokesperson E. A celebrity appearing in an ad for a cosmetics brand

B. A billboard beside an interstate highway

Traditionally, which of the following has been considered an element of the promotional mix? A. Packaging B. Advertising C. Direct marketing D. Interactive media E. Branding

B. Advertising

_____ is the sum of all points of encounter or contact that consumers have with the brand, and it extends beyond the experience or outcome of using it. A. Brand evangelism B. Brand identity C. Brand extension D. Brand differentiation E. Brand engagement

B. Brand identity

Which of the following communication processes will be most influenced by the experiences, perceptions, attitudes, and values of a message recipient? A. Channel transmission B. Decoding C. Noise D. Feedback E. Transmission

B. Decoding

Which of the following components of a communication process is heavily influenced by a receiver's field of experience? A. Encoding B. Decoding C. Message D. Channel E. Noise

B. Decoding

To drive customer and business performance a scorecard framework can be used. In this framework, what does Sears place in the middle of Employees and Shareholders?


Which of the following statements is true about effective communication? A. Advertising is an effective way of communication because marketers are able to tell consumers how to interpret their messages. B. For effective communication, marketers must understand the meanings that consumers attach to words and symbols. C. Effective integrated marketing communications is usually nonpersonal in nature. D. Effective communication is unaffected by the reception environment. E. The visual nature or color characteristic of an ad has no impact on effectiveness of communication.

B. For effective communication, marketers must understand the meanings that consumers attach to words and symbols.

In the advertising industry, terms such as new advertising, orchestration, and seamless communication were used to describe the concept of: A. positioning. B. integration. C. channel conflict. D. relationship marketing. E. diffusion.

B. Integration

Which of the following is true of integrated marketing communication? A. It does not include sales promotion. B. It calls for a "big picture" approach to promotional activities. C. It segregates and highlights various promotional activities. D. It is also typically referred to as buzz marketing. E. It personifies advertising as the dominant form of promotion.

B. It calls for a "big picture" approach to promotional activities.

Which of the following best defines integrated marketing communications? A. It is a term used in cause marketing that speaks about the degree of control customers hold over the cause they choose to support. B. It involves coordinating the various promotional elements and other marketing activities that interact with a firm's customers. C. It is software that gathers and analyzes information about customer interactions with all the employees of a company. D. It is a collection of informational resources that describes a company's products and services and assists in marketing the same. E. It involves dividing the customers into similar subgroups based on media usage, demographics, psychographics, and product usage.

B. It involves coordinating the various promotional elements and other marketing activities that interact with a firm's customers.

_____ has long been the cornerstone of brand building efforts for many companies. A. Interactive media B. Mass-media advertising C. Online marketing D. Product placement E. Personal selling

B. Mass-media advertising

Robert Cole identifies leadership principles that empower people, including all but one of the following: A. Trust in people B. Require loyalty C. Recognize accomplishments D. Decentralize decision-making E. View work as a cooperative effort

B. Require loyalty

The experiences, perceptions, attitudes, and values a consumer brings to a communication situation is referred to as his or her: A. semiotic involvement. B. field of experience. C. common ground. D. source characteristics. E. selective bindings.

B. field of experience.

Product, price, promotion, and _____ are the 4Ps of the marketing mix. A. people B. place C. package D. print E. privilege

B. place

The _____ of a communication is the person or organization that has information to share with another person or group of people. A. essence B. source C. message D. receiver E. channel

B. source

Explain the difference between advertising and publicity when both appear on television.

Because advertising space on TV is paid for, a firm can control what it wants to say and to whom the message is sent. Because publicity is an indirectly paid presentation of a message about a firm or its goods or services, there is little control over what is said to whom or when.

The central message of Theodore Roosevelt's passage on caring leadership is:

Better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all

Which variable/construct is the percentage of respondents having heard of a designated brand?

Brand Awareness

Competitive parity

Budgeting matches the competitor's absolute level of spending or the proportion per point of market share.

Which of the following is a strategy to improve relationship management?

Build up the courage to have a difficult conversation

Three factors must be considered when scheduling a product ad:

Buyer turnover, Purchase frequency and Forgetting rate

"Stockturn rate" means: A. the number of days required to sell a given output of products. B. the amount of time needed to sell every item in a retailer's inventory. C. the number of times the average inventory is sold in a year. D. the rate at which products enter and leave an intermediary's establishment. E. All of the above.


A producer wants to reduce sales force turnover AND obtain a more aggressive sales effort for its accessories. Which of the following sales force payment methods should it use? A. Straight salary B. Selling formula plan C. Combination plan D. Straight commission


A reduction from the list price given to channel members based on the job they are going to do is a(n): A. Sale price. B. Everyday low price. C. Trade discount. D. Cash discount. E. None of the above.


An automobile manufacturer charges a higher price for its "hybrid" car that runs on both electricity and gasoline than it charges for a car that runs on only gasoline. The manufacturer contends that the consumer will save money with the hybrid car in the long run because the money saved on gasoline will more than cover the price differential between the hybrid car and a regular car. This manufacturer is using: A. Price leadership. B. Price lining. C. Value in use pricing. D. Psychological pricing. E. Reference pricing.


Comparative ads for a product work best in which stage of the adoption process? A. Awareness B. Interest C. Evaluation and trial D. Decision E. Confirmation


During the market growth stage of the product life cycle, a producer would focus promotional efforts on creating ___________ demand for its own brand. A. Competitive B. Customer C. Selective D. Discerning E. Persuasive


Effectiveness of an advertising medium depends on all of the following except A. promotion objectives. B. funds available for advertising. C. nature of the product. D. markets targeted. E. who the media reaches.


Institutional advertising: A. tries to stimulate primary demand rather than selective demand. B. involves no media costs. C. tries to develop goodwill for a company or even an industry. D. tries to keep a product's name before the public. E. is always aimed at final consumers or users.


Mark Johnson's business card says he is a "Customer Service Representative" for OceanView Metal Industries--a wholesaler of standardized steel components used in construction. Mark answers customer questions about the firm's products and arranges for routine orders to be sent to the customer's construction site. It appears that Mark is primarily: A. a missionary salesperson. B. a technical specialist. C. an order taker. D. an order getter. E. none of the above.


Mercedes, the European luxury car maker, does not mention price in its magazine advertising. Instead, the ad copy focuses on the quality and performance of the Mercedes product line. What pricing objective is Mercedes pursuing? A. Status quo B. Price flexibility C. Nonprice competition D. Introductory price deal E. Bundling


Order-getting salespeople would be required for which one of the following jobs? A. Helping a buyer plan and install a computer and software for use as a website server. B. Helping drug retailers figure out better ways to display and promote their products. C. Seeking orders from supermarket buyers for a new brand of high protein diet supplement that has been added to the company's line. D. "Helping" an indecisive consumer in a supermarket select the kind of meat she should buy for dinner. E. Handling a complaint from a furniture store about a shipment that is late.


Which of the following would be an example of obtaining outlets as a specific marketing objective?

Cyber marketing informing customers where to buy a product

Regarding advertising and the AIDA model, which of the following is the best example of advertising aimed at obtaining action? A. A TV ad at 10:00 PM for the luncheon buffet at a local restaurant. B. A car at an auto junk yard--with the operating hours painted on the side. C. An ad for a restaurant in the Yellow Pages. D. A classified ad in a newspaper with the word "SEX" in bold print and then the name and telephone number of a dry cleaner. E. None of the above.


The basic promotion objectives and adoption process fit very neatly with an action-oriented model, which is called the A. bricks and clicks model. B. bait and hook model. C. AIDA model. D. DAGMAR model. E. economic buyer model.


The practice of setting different price levels for different quality classes of merchandise--with no prices between the classes--is called: A. full-line pricing. B. prestige pricing. C. price lining. D. odd-even pricing. E. psychological pricing.


The stockturn rate is A. the firm's ability to meet its short-term financial obligations. B. the number of days that credit sales remains in receivables. C. the number of times the average inventory is sold in a year. D. the difference between net sales and cost of goods sold. E. the ratio of sales to inventory.


These salespeople try to develop goodwill and stimulate demand, help intermediaries train their salespeople, and often take orders for delivery by intermediaries. A. Order takers B. Customer service reps C. Missionary salespeople D. Technical specialists E. Account representatives


Trying to get the "cream" of a market (i.e., the top of a demand curve) at a high price before aiming at the more price-sensitive customers is consistent with a(an): A. flexible-price policy. B. sales-oriented pricing policy. C. skimming pricing policy. D. introductory price dealing policy. E. penetration pricing policy.


Walgreens Drugstores buys a bottle of shampoo from a wholesaler for $3.00 and then places it on a shelf with a price tag of $5.00. What is Walgreens' markup on selling price (expressed as a percent)? A. 20 percent B. 25 percent C. 40 percent D. 66 percent E. 75 percent


Which of the following is NOT one of the basic sales tasks? A. Order-taking B. Supporting C. Sales-promoting D. Order-getting E. None of the above, i.e. all are basic sales tasks


Which of the following is the WORST example of an advertising objective? A. "We want to increase awareness among the members of the target audience by 10 percent within three months after the start of our advertising campaign." B. "We want 50 percent of the television audience for the Super Bowl to recall having seen a commercial for our product during the game." C. "We want our advertising to create favorable word-of mouth promotion for our product." D. "We want our banner ad on the Yahoo! homepage to generate 50,000 page views (hits) on our corporate Web site within the first week that it appears on the World Wide Web." E. "We want our infomercial running on cable television stations to generate 10,000 orders for the advertised product within one month after it starts."


Which of the following is true of competitive advertising? A. It informs potential customers about the new product and turns them into adopters. B. It means making specific brand comparisons using actual product names. C. It tries to develop selective demand for a specific brand. D. It tries to keep the product's name before the public. E. It is usually done in the early stages of the product life cycle.


Which of the following would NOT be included in a firm's total variable cost? A. Outgoing freight B. Packaging materials C. Depreciation on buildings D. Expenses for parts E. Sales commissions


A _____ price policy tries to sell the top of the demand curve at a high price before aiming at more price-sensitive customers. A. meet competition B. status quo C. penetration D. skimming E. panning


World Imports/Exports, Inc., is pricing a product sold in a foreign market below the cost of producing it. It sells the same product at a higher price in its domestic market. The company is engaging in A. price dealing. B. skimming C. dumping D. fair trade. E. conscious parallel action.


Cellphones with unique new technology are usually released in the market at a high price since there is no immediate competition for the product. Gradually, the prices are reduced to capture more customers and to compete with competitors who copy the new technology. This type of pricing strategy is known as _____. A) value-based price policy B) temporary price cut policy C) skimming price policy D) penetration price policy E) one-price policy

C A skimming price policy tries to sell to the top of a market—the top of the demand curve—at a high price before aiming at more price-sensitive customers. It is generally employed when a product has few substitutes as competition in the market.

A marketing manager for a large company who wants to compare the financial performance of different divisions of the firm would probably pursue which of the following pricing objectives? A) Status quo B) Market share C) Target return D) Profit maximization E) Sales growth

C A target return objective sets a specific level of profit as a target or an objective and performance can be compared against the target.

When GEICO's advertising team developed the slogan "so easy a caveman can do it" for use in the company's advertising campaign, the team was engaging in which of the following? A) Choosing a channel B) Creating noise C) Encoding a message D) Decoding a message E) Providing feedback

C In the communication process, encoding is the source deciding what it wants to say and translating it into words or symbols that will have the same meaning to the receiver.

Which of the following statements is true about marginal revenue? A) Data on marginal revenue cannot be used to determine when peak revenue is expected to occur. B) Marginal revenue is the difference between total revenue and total cost. C) Marginal revenue can be positive or negative. D) Marginal revenue is not affected by the sale of an additional unit. E) When marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost, a firm will incur losses on each unit sold.

C Marginal revenue is the change in total revenue that results from the sale of one more unit of a product. If total revenue decreases, marginal revenue can be negative.

The practice of setting different price levels for different quality classes of merchandise−with no prices between the classes−is called: A) full-line pricing. B) prestige pricing. C) price lining. D) odd-even pricing. E) psychological pricing.

C Price lining is setting a few price levels for a product line and then marking all items at these prices. This approach assumes that customers have a certain reference price in mind that they expect to pay for a product.

When Fly High Airlines began flying between Los Angeles and San Francisco, the airline offered individual travel agents a bonus of $5 each time they sold a Fly High ticket on the route. Fly High appears to be using a _____ allowance to encourage retail travel agents to promote its flights over the competition. A) stocking B) seasonal C) push money D) trade-in E) functional

C Push money (or prize money) allowances—sometimes called PMs or spiffs—are given to retailers by manufacturers or wholesalers to pass on to the retailers' salesclerks for aggressively selling certain items.

The markup approach to price setting used by most intermediaries: A) makes little sense--given the large number of items carried and the small sales volume of any one item. B) is very inflexible because the same markup percent must be applied to all products. C) often uses the discount allowed by the manufacturer. D) is quite complicated--because each product has a different delivered cost. E) None of these alternatives is correct.

C Smart producers pay attention to the gross margins and standard markups of intermediaries in their channel. They usually allow discounts similar to the standard markups these intermediaries expect.

Advertising agencies A) usually specialize in one particular type of work, such as media buying, sales promotion planning, or website design. B) are always more expensive than doing the job in-house. C) vary in size, but the largest ones account for most of the billings. D) must be selected very carefully since most agencies require long-term contracts. E) None of these alternatives is correct.

C The vast majority of advertising agencies are small, but the largest agencies account for most of the billings.

Holly's Candle Shop sells scented candles. The premium candles all sell for $10 each, the standard candles for $8, and all of the value candles sell for $5 each. Holly's Candle Shop appears to be using _____. A) odd-even pricing B) leader pricing C) price lining D) penetration pricing E) price negotiating

C Price lining is setting a few price levels for a product line and then marking all items at these prices. This approach assumes that customers have a certain reference price in mind that they expect to pay for a product.

A marketing manager may choose a pricing objective that is: A. sales oriented. B. status-quo oriented. C. profit oriented. D. any of the above--depending on the situation. E. None of the above.


Most cited places where American leaders say they learn to lead are:

C. Experience, examples, education

_____ has been described as one of the "new-generation" marketing approaches being used by companies to better focus their efforts in acquiring, retaining, and developing relationships with customers and other stakeholders. A. Decentralized communication systems B. Bait-and-switch marketing approach C. Integrated marketing communications D. Mass media advertising E. Customer newsletter service

C. Integrated marketing communications

Which of the following is true of encoding? A. It is also known as channel managing. B. It involves identifying and interpreting a message. C. It involves putting ideas into a symbolic form. D. It involves the creation of "noise." E. It involves the development of the message.

C. It involves putting ideas into a symbolic form.

Lily hosts a well-known television show, Real Life. She also appears in an ad for Rochelle Cosmetics and explains the potential benefits of using these cosmetics. In this scenario, the source of the ad is: A. the television network that airs the ad. B. Rochelle Cosmetics. C. Lily. D. the audience. E. the television show, Real Life.

C. Lily.

Aino, a leading automaker, broadcasts a commercial during the airing of Moral Decree, a TV program that is viewed by eight million viewers. Which of the following types of communication is witnessed in this scenario? A. Individualized B. Direct-response C. Nonpersonal D. Semiotic E. Personal

C. Nonpersonal

CL Inc., a new firm, used mass media to gain traction among customers. The company used sales promotions and public relations to achieve the long-term targets and goals identified by the top management. It also opted for direct marketing on a project-to-project basis. The assimilation of these various promotional tools is commonly referred to as: A. bait-and-switch marketing. B. sales promotion activities. C. integrated marketing communications. D. double loop marketing. E. segmented marketing communications.

C. integrated marketing communications.

A firm's "break-even point" is that point where: A. maximum profit is earned. B. total variable cost just equals total revenue. C. the target return on investment is earned. D. total cost just equals total revenue. E. Both C and D are true.


According to the American Marketing Association's definition of marketing, which of the following statements is true? A. Most marketers are seeking a one-time exchange or transaction with their customers. B. The focus of production-driven companies is on developing and sustaining relationships with their customers. C. Successful companies recognize that creating and delivering value to their customers is extremely important. D. Though marketing plays an important role in developing relationships with customers, it does not help in maintaining them. E. By definition, a marketing transaction has to involve the exchange of money.

C. Successful companies recognize that creating and delivering value to their customers is extremely important.

Zing candy bar launches an ad that shows people being revitalized after eating its candy bar. The ad attempts to deliver the message of "Instant energy." Janice Cooper, a viewer of the ad, thinks that the ad reflects people in it as rude and boorish. In terms of the communication process, Janice has _____ the message improperly. A. encoded B. conveyed C. decoded D. transmitted E. channeled

C. decoded

The central theme of the concept of _____ is that all of an organization's promotional elements and marketing activities reach out consistently and in a unified manner with its customers. A. the marketing mix B. audience segmentation C. integrated marketing communications D. the promotional mix E. cumulative prospect theory

C. integrated marketing communications

The process of assimilating mass-media advertisements with other promotional elements such as direct marketing, public relations, and sales promotion is known as: A. switch marketing. B. micro-marketing. C. integrated marketing communications. D. buzz marketing. E. bait-and-switch marketing.

C. integrated marketing communications.

Price, product, place, and promotion together form the: A. points-of-parity. B. promotional mix. C. marketing mix. D. supply chain components. E. exchange mix.

C. marketing mix.

To respond to media fragmentation, marketers are increasing their spending on: A. mass media communication. B. television advertising. C. micromarketing. D. mass production. E. Product packaging

C. micromarketing.

Iconix supermarkets placed an insert in Tuesday's Hebdomadal Diaries, a regional newspaper that has more than 100,000 subscribers. The newspaper is an example of a(n) _____ channel of communication. A. buzz B. direct-response C. nonpersonal D. interpersonal E. verbal

C. nonpersonal

The central message of the poem "Threads" is that the leader must:

Care about the well being of others

Caring leadership means ___________ and __________.

Caring about the task to be done; caring about people

Mega-Big Corp. has a small strategic business unit (SBU) that produces a component vital to the manufacturers of automobiles and has been extremely profitable for 18 years. The SBU acts as a key source of income for the firm. In the context of the BCG matrix, Mega-Big Corp. is most likely considered a _______________.

Cash cow

________________ collects data that enables decision makers to determine cause-and-effect relationships between two or more variables.

Casual research

Unempowered is to empowered as

Check with leaders on all decisions; check with those affected on decisions

Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, identifies three important tasks for leading GE

Choose the right people, allocate the right numbers of dollars, and transmit ideas from one group to another quickly

Claire and Raul disagree about a proposal for the company to adopt flexible work schedules. Claire wants to make sure that they have thoroughly investigated other companies that have such schedules, while Raul wants to make the change happen before summer? What can you deduce about Claire and Raul?

Claire is a green MVS; Raul is a red MVS

prospect of being punished


______ is defined as the passing of information, the exchange of ideas, or process of establishing a commonness of thought between a sender and a receiver.


What type of advertising tries to develop selective demand for a specific brand rather than a product category?

Competitive adverstising

What advertising tries to develop selective demand for a specific brand?

Competitive advertising

How does competitive product advertising differ from competitive institutional advertising?

Competitive product advertising promotes a brand's specific features and benefits. Competitive institutional advertising is used at the product class, rather than brand level. For example, a competitive product ad might emphasize the benefits of Perdue chickens versus other brands. A competitive institutional ad would emphasize the advantage of eating chicken rather than beef.

Frustrations of leaders include both _______ and ______.

Conflicting goals; people problems

Leaders as teachers include:

Confucius and Plato

News release

Consists of an announcement regarding changes in the company or the product line. · Is issued to inform a newspaper, radio station, or other medium of an idea for a story. · More than 40 percent of all free mentions of a brand name occur during news programs.

Sales Tests

Consists of controlled experiments or consumer purchase tests that allow a manufacturer, a distributor, or an advertising agency to: a. Manipulate an advertising variable (such as schedule or copy). b. Observe subsequent sales effects by monitoring data collected at checkout scanners.

Direct Marketing-The value

Consumers benefit from direct marketing efforts, which enables them to: a. Order goods or services by phone or mail. b. Respond to a TV offer. c. Access online services. d. Make three to five purchases from a catalog each year.

This advertising type may be useful when the product has achieved brand preference or insistence, perhaps in the market maturity or sales decline stages. A. Comparative advertising B. Pioneering advertising C. Competitive advertising D. Reminder advertising E. Institutional advertising


Trying to sell a firm's new product to a large market at one low price is known as: A. a skimming pricing policy. B. introductory price dealing. C. nonprice competition. D. a penetration pricing policy. E. a flexible-pricing policy.


Wendy's was one of the first fast-food restaurants to offer a "dollar menu" on some of its food items. What pricing policy was Wendy's pursuing? A. Skimming price B. Quantity discount C. Noncumulative quantity discount D. Value pricing E. Cumulative quantity discount


Which of the following advertising media would be best for achieving the widest reach? A. Newspaper. B. Direct mail. C. Television. D. Outdoor. E. Magazines.


Which of the following is NOT a promotion method? A. mass selling B. personal selling C. sales promotion D. All of the above are promotion methods. E. None of the above are promotion methods.


Which of the following is NOT one of the sales presentation approaches discussed in the text? A. Prepared sales presentation B. Selling formula approach C. Consultative selling approach D. Target market approach E. None of the above, i.e., all are discussed in the text.


Which of the following is not likely to be an ethical concern raised by direct-response methods? A. Harvesting trees to make paper for direct-response junk mail. B. Getting direct-promotion telephone solicitations at any time. C. Using a direct-response database that includes personal information. D. Sending out weekly specials via an e-mail newsletter on a request only basis. E. Coping with the constant flow of spam in e-mail boxes.


Which of the following prices is most likely to be seen if a firm is using odd-even pricing? A. $9.00 B. $2.03 C. $6.60 D. $99.95 E. $100.00


Which of the following pricing objectives is a producer seeking when the producer tries to obtain some percent return on his investment? A. Status quo B. Meeting competition C. Profit maximization D. Target return E. Growth in market share


Which of the following types of salespeople is essential for selling installations to producers? A. Order takers B. Missionary salespeople C. Customer service reps D. Order getters E. Technical specialists


_____ is setting a few price levels for a product line and then marking all items at these prices. A. Price following B. Bait pricing C. Odd-even pricing D. Price lining E. Price leading


Australian Outback Products Co. has introduced a new product and set the price to help achieve "the 10% share we need to be in the game." This is an example of a: A) status-quo objective. B) profit-oriented objective. C) target return objective. D) sales-oriented objective. E) profit maximization objective.

D A sales-oriented objective seeks some level of unit sales, dollar sales, or share of market without referring to profit.

The value of direct marketing for sellers can be described in terms of the responses it generates:

Direct Orders, Lead generation and Traffic generation

Prices are "administered" when: A) they fall below "suggested list price." B) prices can change every time a customer asks for a price. C) government regulators set prices. D) firms consciously set their own prices. E) they are set by bargaining between buyers and sellers.

D Administered pricing is when firms set their own prices instead of letting daily market forces (or auctions) decide their prices.

Developing and selecting the "best" PROMOTION BLEND should be done by a producer's: A) sales manager. B) advertising agency. C) sales promotion manager. D) marketing manager. E) advertising manager.

D Although many specialists may be involved in planning for and implementing specific promotion methods, determining the blend of promotion methods is the responsibility of the marketing manager.

"Cooperative" advertising refers to the practice of: A) producers and intermediaries sharing in the cost of advertising that is done by the producer. B) producers doing some advertising and expecting their intermediaries to cooperate by providing the rest of the promotion blend. C) the producer paying for all of the advertising which is done by its intermediaries. D) wholesalers and retailers doing advertising which is partially paid for by the producer. E) wholesalers and retailers picking up the promotion theme of the producer and carrying it through.

D Cooperative advertising involves producers sharing in the cost of ads with wholesalers or retailers.

A firm that uses advertising that tells customers that the firm focuses on "Better things for better living through chemistry" illustrates: A) pioneering advertising. B) reminder advertising. C) competitive advertising. D) institutional advertising. E) cooperative advertising.

D Institutional advertising usually focuses on the name and prestige of an organization and its basic objective is to develop goodwill with various groups.

Which of the following price-related actions by a manufacturer most likely would be a violation of the Robinson-Patman Act? A) Offering a lower price to only one buyer to match a competitor's price. B) Selling to all its customers at uniform prices. C) Granting a lower price to a buyer because of a large-quantity purchase. D) Giving a special advertising allowance to a retailer that was having difficulty competing in its local market. E) None of these is a violation.

D Providing push money, advertising allowances, and other promotion aids to some customers and not others is a clear violation of the Robinson-Patman Act.

To communicate a very specific message to a very select, well-identified group of consumers, one probably should use: A) magazines aimed at special-interest groups. B) newspapers. C) television. D) integrated direct-response promotion. E) radio.

D The challenge of developing promotions that reach specific target customers has prompted many firms to turn to direct marketing. Direct marketing communications are designed to prompt immediate feedback i.e. a direct response by customers.

With regard to bid pricing, a marketing manager should be aware that: A) the customer is always required to accept the lowest bid. B) since it costs very little to submit a bid, most firms try to bid for as many jobs as possible. C) the same overhead charges and profit rates usually apply to all bids. D) a big problem is estimating all the costs--including the variable and fixed costs that apply to a particular job. E) All of these alternatives are correct.

D When submitting a bid price for a standardized product, the marketing manager may have to decide the firm's lowest acceptable price and how close to that price should be the bid. A big problem in bid pricing on a particular job is estimating all the costs involved, i.e. fixed and variable.

The manager of Hot Topics Fashion Shop has concluded that her customers find certain prices very appealing. Customers see prices above or below these levels as roughly equal--and price cuts in these ranges don't increase sales. This seems to call for A) prestige pricing. B) bait pricing. C) leader pricing. D) psychological pricing. E) odd-even pricing.

D Psychological pricing means setting prices that have special appeal to target customers. Potential customers see some ranges of prices as the same. So price cuts in these ranges do not increase the quantity sold. But just below this range, customers may buy more.

The National Do Not Call Registry has largely reduced the occurrence of which of the following? A) Toll-free call lines for businesses B) Calls to consumers from nonprofits C) Inside sales to business customers D) Telemarketing to individual consumers E) Customer service help lines

D The National Do Not Call Registry in the United States and similar laws in other countries have largely eliminated telemarketing to consumers.

In 1984, Wendy's fast food restaurant aired a series of humorous commercials based around the slogan, "Where's the beef?" The commercials attempted to show that Wendy's hamburgers contained more beef than the burgers of competitor restaurants such as Burger King or McDonald's. Which of the following promotion objects was Wendy's most likely attempting to accomplish with these commercials? A) Informing B) Rebutting C) Planning D) Persuading E) Reminding

D When competitors offer similar products, the firm must not only inform customers that its product is available but also persuade them to buy it. A persuading objective means the firm will try to develop a favorable set of attitudes so customers will buy, and keep buying, its product. A persuading objective often tries to demonstrate how one brand is better than others.

Which of the following is an example of a marketing exchange? A) the waitress gave Cyrus a menu and he placed his food order. B) Griffin helped Mandy replace the air filter in her lawn mower. C) Ken and Maggie gave their son an MP3 player for his birthday. D) Mrs. Maloney gave Larry a box of homemade fudge in return for painting her fence. E) Jenny asked Melissa is she borrow her pen for a while since her pen had stopped working.

D) Mrs. Maloney gave Larry a box of homemade fudge in return for painting her fence.

Which of the following is an example of a personal communication channel? A. Radio B. Billboards C. Newspapers D. E-mail E. Magazines

D. E-mail

Which the following factors is generally neglected through the use of advertising? A. Ability to reach mass markets B. Low cost per contact C. Ability to create brand images and symbolism D. Immediate feedback E. Control of message content and media placement

D. Immediate feedback

Which of the following is true of word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing? A. It involves very formal communication among consumers. B. It is known as company-generated marketing. C. It is considered a weak marketing strategy. D. It can also be described as buzz marketing. E. It is considered to be a part of nonpersonal communication.

D. It can also be described as buzz marketing.

Which of the following is true of buzz marketing? A. It is an important part of company-generated marketing. B. It uses print media as a primary communication channel, especially for high-end luxury goods. C. It is considered synonymous with bait-and-switch marketing. D. It is a systemized process that encourages people to speak favorably about a product. E. It includes radio and television marketing.

D. It is a systemized process that encourages people to speak favorably about a product.

According to the definition of integrated marketing communications (IMC) given by Don Schultz, which of the following is true of IMC? A. It is a tactical integration of various communication activities. B. It does not view the audience as an important part of the IMC process. C. It does not view the employees as an important part of the IMC process. D. It is viewed as an ongoing strategic business process. E. It simply involves bundling promotional mix elements together.

D. It is viewed as an ongoing strategic business process.

_____ is the coordination of all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion to sell goods and services. A. Branding B. Product distribution C. Pricing D. Promotion E. Market segmentation

D. Promotion

A television ad for best buy encourages consumers to go to their nearest best buy store for a big end-of-season sale coming up in two weeks. This type of advertising is:

Direct competitive

Which of the following is NOT an advertising decision? A. Who the target audience is. B. What kind of advertising to use. C. Who will do the work. D. Which media to use. E. What types of coupons will be used.


Which of the following statements best defines value? A. The coordination of all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion in order to sell goods and services or promote an idea B. The combination of factors like name, logo, design, and packaging that comes to mind when consumers think about a brand C. The desire and ability of two or more parties to exchange something of importance with one another D. The customer's perception of all of the benefits of a product or service weighed against all the costs of acquiring and consuming it E. The amount of funds invested by the shareholders of a company in promoting its product portfolio.

D. The customer's perception of all of the benefits of a product or service weighed against all the costs of acquiring and consuming it

the best-known and most widely discussed form of promotion is: A. personal selling B. sales promotion. C. direct marketing. D. advertising. E. publicity/public relations.

D. advertising.

Ultra-Long deodorant's tagline says "Timely strength for the match of life." Ads for the product feature a baseball star saying, "You need extra muscle when your day goes into extra time," appear regularly on television and in print media. At the same time, Ultra-Long runs a sweepstakes contest for its customers. To enter the contest, customers have to fill out a $1-off coupon. Through the use of IMC, Ultra-Long is hoping to primarily create _____ for its new product. A. brand evangelism B. brand dilution C. brand language D. brand identity E. brand repositioning

D. brand identity

The source or sender of an advertising communication: A. is typically the owner and shareholder of a company. B. cannot be a nonpersonal entity. C. is typically identified as the owner of the medium in which the communication appeared. D. can be an individual who promotes the product in an ad, such as a celebrity. E. is never involved in the encoding process.

D. can be an individual who promotes the product in an ad, such as a celebrity.

In a communication process, _____ refers to the information and/or meaning contained in a message. A. source B. encoding C. decoding D. content E. noise

D. content

According to the basic model of communication, _____ refers to the way a message is put together in order to deliver an information or intended meaning. A. source B. encoding C. decoding D. design E. content

D. design

According to the American Association of Advertising Agencies, _____ is a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic role of a variety of communication disciplines and combines them to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum impact. A. experiential marketing B. buzz marketing C. double-loop marketing communications D. integrated marketing communications E. bait marketing

D. integrated marketing communications

Commercials for Vinnie's marshmallows describe its marshmallows as a delicious snack for all ages. The commercials show toddlers eating marshmallows as part of their usual diet as well as adults roasting marshmallows over a fire. In these commercials, Vinnie's is the: A. channel messenger. B. encoder. C. decoder. D. source. E. receiver.

D. source.

The basic elements that are used to accomplish an organization's marketing communication objectives are referred to as: A. the marketing mix. B. marketing strategy tools. C. the growth-share matrix. D. the promotional mix. E. the hype cycle.

D. the promotional mix.


Deal with financial, space, time, and other investments necessary to employ particular channels of communication


Deals with the effort and timing needed to allow all relevant people to participate in a communication

The Greek warrior Achilles led by ______.


What is the first step in the market research process?

Define the problem

Participative leadership, which has been employed by many supervisors and managers to build employee morale and achieve high performance, has its roots in

Democratic ideals

push strategy

Directs the promotional mix to channel members to gain their cooperation in ordering and stocking the product. b. Salespeople call on wholesalers and retailers to encourage orders and provide sales assistance. c. Sales promotions, such a case discounts, are offered to intermediaries to stimulate demand. d. Marketers push product to channels members so they will push them to their customers.

Which of the following is a guiding principle on improving civility in society and the workplace?

Disagree graciously

Online advertising generally takes two forms:

Display and Search-based advertising

"Advertising": A. is less expensive than personal selling for reaching large and widespread target markets. B. is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified seller. C. is not the same as publicity. D. is less flexible than personal selling. E. All of the above are true.


A "penetration pricing policy": A. is the same as a "meeting competition" price-level policy. B. is wise when demand is fairly inelastic--offering an "elite" market. C. involves temporary price cuts to speed new products into market. D. involves a series of step-by-step price reductions along an inelastic demand curve. E. may be wise if a firm expects strong competition very soon after its product introduction.


A flexible-price policy is MOST LIKELY to be set by a retailer selling: A. milk. B. women's shoes. C. golf balls. D. T-shirts. E. cars.


A government agency charges motorists a toll for using a bridge. The toll is dropped when the cost of the bridge is paid. In other words, the government's target return figure was A. twenty percent. B. one. C. ten percent. D. hundred percent. E. zero.


A manufacturer could try to defend itself against charges of price discrimination under the Robinson-Patman Act by claiming that: A. the products were not of "like grade and quality." B. any price differences were to "meet competition in good faith." C. the price differences did not injure competition. D. the price differences were justified on the basis of cost differences. E. All of the above are possible defenses against price discrimination charges.


A producer of sports equipment offers its retailers a 2 percent price reduction on all purchases if the dealer advertises the products locally. Apparently, the producer is using A. "push money." B. a functional allowance. C. a cash discount. D. a trade discount. E. an advertising allowance.


A professional salesperson: A. may negotiate prices or diagnose technical problems when a product doesn't work well. B. doesn't try to "sell" customers, but rather tries to help them satisfy their needs. C. is a representative of the whole company. D. is responsible for feeding back information about customers and competitors. E. All of the above.


A retailer who advertises a low price on an item--with no intent to sell that item--but only to attract customers to try to sell more expensive products is using: A. full-line pricing. B. leader pricing. C. odd-even pricing. D. psychological pricing. E. bait pricing.


A supermarket manager should use ______________ advertising to increase store traffic during the middle of the week. A. institutional B. indirect competitive C. pioneering D. reminder E. direct competitive


According to the text, the most sensible method for budgeting for promotion expenses is to: A. allocate some fixed percentage of net sales. B. allocate all available funds. C. allocate money for direct-response promotion first and then use money that's left for integrated marketing communications. D. match expenditures with competitors. E. use the "task method."


An equipment producer is introducing a new type of paint sprayer to sell to automobile body-repair shops. The sprayer saves labor time, gives as good a job with less expensive paint, and requires less work polishing. The seller should probably use: A. leader pricing. B. bait pricing. C. complementary product pricing. D. odd-even pricing. E. value in use pricing.


Any distraction that reduces the effectiveness of the communication process is called A. resonance. B. static. C. clutter. D. interference. E. noise.


Average-cost pricing: A. May be very profitable if actual sales are higher than expected. B. May lose money for the firm if actual sales are less than expected. C. Does not take demand into account in setting prices. D. Is simple in theory but often fails in practice. E. All of the above.


Average-cost pricing: A. consists of adding a "reasonable" markup to the average cost of a product. B. puts a great deal of emphasis on determining how sensitive consumer demand is at different price levels. C. does not consider cost variations at different levels of output. D. focuses on the differences between fixed and variable costs. E. Both A and C are true.


Faced with a decline in red meat consumption, the American Beef Association is sponsoring an advertising campaign to increase consumption of beef by stressing new research results about beef's nutritional benefits. This is an example of: A. competitive advertising. B. reminder advertising. C. comparative advertising. D. indirect action advertising. E. pioneering advertising.


Gross margin is expressed as A. gross sales minus accounts receivable. B. net sales minus contribution margin. C. net margin minus sales and operating expenses. D. net sales minus administrative expenses. E. net sales minus cost of goods sold.


If a producer wants to stabilize demand over time by encouraging repeat business, it should probably use A. uniform delivered pricing. B. phony list prices. C. a seasonal discount. D. a cash discount. E. a cumulative quantity discount.


Jeffrey O'Donnell works for a producer of dairy products and knows all about these products. He is responsible for only two very large chain customers. Other sales reps, like Jeffrey, call on other large chains for this producer. They regularly call on the central offices of these big retail chains and encourage them to buy the company's full line. Jeffrey is: A. a missionary salesperson. B. a retail order taker. C. a technical specialist. D. a manufacturers' agent. E. a member of his company's major accounts sales force.


Pioneering advertising is often needed during the ______________ stage of the product life cycle. A. sales decline B. turbulence C. market maturity D. market growth E. market introduction


Quantity discounts are offered by sellers to: A. reduce shipping or selling costs. B. encourage customers to purchase larger quantities. C. shift some of the storing function to buyers. D. encourage buyers to make additional purchases. E. All of the above.


Regarding Internet advertising: A. Most ads are seeking a direct response. B. All three types of ads (banner, pop-up, and pop-under) encourage viewers to visit the advertiser's Web site for more information. C. Some Web sites are better than others for reaching target customers. D. At some Web sites, ads are free if they don't get results. E. All of the above.


Regarding sales force training, A. it is rarely necessary to take a successful and experienced sales rep out of the field for a training program. B. every new sales rep should go through all parts of a firm's training program, so that nothing is missed. C. training programs should focus on company policies and product information, since sales presentation skills are best learned in the field. D. All of the above are true. E. None of the above is true.


Regarding the adoption curve, marketers may determine that there is little to be gained from trying to inform or influence the: A. Innovators. B. Early adopters. C. Early majority. D. Late majority. E. Laggards.


Reminder ads for a product work best in which stage of the adoption process? A. Awareness B. Interest C. Evaluation and trial D. Decision E. Confirmation


Setting relatively high prices to suggest high-quality or high-status is: A. odd-even pricing. B. price lining. C. leader pricing. D. psychological pricing. E. prestige pricing.


The basic promotion objective of informing consumers corresponds to which stage(s) of the AIDA model? A. Getting attention. B. Holding interest. C. Arousing desire. D. Obtaining action. E. Both A and B.


The most COMMON method of budgeting for marketing expenses is to: A. match competitors' spending. B. allocate any funds not already allocated to other functions. C. allocate enough to completely eliminate the cost of lost customers. D. allocate for the job that needs to be done. E. allow a percentage of either past or forecasted sales.


Which of the following about telephone selling by an inside sales group is FALSE? A. saves time and money for the producer. B. provides a way for the producer to get direct feedback from customers. C. extends the personal selling effort to new target markets. D. provides a way for the producer to find solutions to potential problems. E. none of the above is false.


Which of the following statements is true? A. Prestige pricing is used to target government buyers. B. With full-line pricing, all products in the company's line must be targeted at the same market. C. Demand-backward pricing is used to target industrial buyers. D. Value pricing can only be used by mass-merchandisers. E. None of the above is true.


Which of the following would NOT be included in a producer's total fixed cost? A. Rent B. Property taxes C. Insurance D. Depreciation E. Component parts


______________ are reductions from list price that are given by a seller to a buyer who either gives up some marketing function or provides the function himself. A. PMs B. Phony prices C. Spiffs D. Markups E. Discounts


Which of the following statements is True? A) Prestige pricing is used to target government buyers. B) With full-line pricing, all products in the company's line must be targeted at the same market. C) Demand-backward pricing is used to target industrial buyers. D) Value in use pricing can only be used by mass-merchandisers. E) None of these statements is True.

E 1) Prestige pricing is not particularly aimed at government buyers. (2) Full-line pricing is setting prices for a whole line of products. (3) Demand-backward pricing is setting an acceptable final consumer price and working backward to what a producer can charge. (4) Value in use pricing is setting prices that will capture some of what customers will save by substituting the firm's product for the one currently being used.

A marketing manager is uncertain about the demand curve for a newly launched product. In order to be safe, she should use a(n) _____ price policy. A) absorption B) premium decoy C) value-based D) penetration E) skimming

E A skimming price policy is useful when one does not know very much about the shape of the demand curve. It is sometimes safer to start with a high price that can be reduced if customers balk.

Advertisers should keep in mind that: A) advertisers, but not ad agencies, can be held responsible for false and misleading ads. B) only false or deceptive ads can be controlled by the FTC. C) the FTC does not have the power to require corrective advertising or affirmative disclosures. D) there are very clear-cut guidelines concerning how to substantiate ad claims. E) what is seen as "positioning" in one country may be viewed as "unfair" or "deceptive" in another.

E Advertisers should remember that, what is seen as positioning in one country may be viewed as unfair or deceptive in another.

Which of the following approaches to pricing does not consider demand? A) Value in use pricing B) Negotiated pricing C) Price sensitivity D) Reference prices E) Break-even analysis

E Break-even analysis considers total fixed cost and fixed cost contribution per unit but does not account for demand in the market.

Which of the following media types accounted for more than 10 percent of total ad spending in 2010? A) Radio B) Yellow Pages C) Magazines D) Cinema E) Internet

E In 2010, Internet advertising accounted for 11.5 percent of total ad spending.

The individual who encodes a message in the communication process is also most likely to be which of the following? A) The individual providing feedback B) The receiver of the message C) The decoder of the message D) Noise affecting message transmission E) The source of the message

E In the communication process, encoding is the source deciding what it wants to say and translating it into words or symbols that will have the same meaning to the receiver.

Which of the following is most likely to assist a sales manager in deciding which types of sales technology tools are needed by a business and how they will be used? A) Customer service reps B) Missionary salespeople C) Clerks on the sales floor D) Sales reps in the field E) Technology specialists

E It is usually the sales manager's job—perhaps with help from specialists in technology—to decide what types of sales technology tools are needed and how they will be used.

Which of the following is particularly important for the success of the integrated marketing communications effort of a national sports uniform company? A) It should emphasize television ads over those in print and on the radio. B) It should focus on messages that appeal to consumers over 60. C) Its messages should highlight the objectives of the channel wholesaler. D) It should emphasize communication to male athletes as a top priority. E) It should convey a consistent message about the company's products.

E It seems obvious that a firm's different communications to a target market should be consistent. However, when a number of different people are working on different promotion elements, they are likely to see the same big picture only if a marketing manager ensures that it happens. Getting consistency is harder when different firms handle different aspects of the promotion effort. For example, different firms in the channel may have conflicting objectives.

Sales promotion: A) to consumers usually is trying to increase demand or speed up the time of purchase. B) aimed at intermediaries is sometimes called trade promotion. C) might include free samples of a product. D) used by service firms is often aimed at its employees. E) All of these alternatives are correct.

E Sales promotion includes sample packages and aims at specific objectives which include all of the above.

Which of the following is a good example of a sales technology? A) spreadsheet analysis of scanner data B) electronic slide show for a sales presentation C) software for shelf space management D) order status information available over the Internet E) any or all of these are good examples of sales technologies

E Software for sales technology include, spreadsheet sales analysis, digital presentations, time management, sales forecasting, customer contact, and shelf-space management. Hardware components include everything from PDAs with wireless Internet access to personal videoconferencing systems.

Which of the following statements about geographic pricing policies is true? A) Zone pricing penalizes buyers closest to the factory. B) Uniform delivered pricing is more practical when transportation costs are relatively low. C) Freight absorption pricing may increase the size of market territories. D) F.O.B. pricing tends to reduce the size of market territories. E) All of these statements about geographic pricing policies are true.

E Zone pricing means making an average freight charge to all buyers within specific geographic areas and bill all customers in the same zone the same amount for freight even though actual shipping costs might vary. Uniform delivered pricing is most often used when (1) transportation costs are relatively low and (2) the seller wishes to sell in all geographic areas at one price. F.O.B. stands for free on board. F.O.B. shipping point pricing simplifies the seller's pricing—but it may narrow the market. Freight-absorption pricing helps in competing on equal grounds in another territory.

Which of the following is an example of a personal communication channel?


_____ is defined as the passing of information, the exchange of ideas, or process of establishing a commonness of thought between a sender and a receiver. A. Negotiation B. Source integration C. Assimilation D. Perception E. Communication

E. Communication

The 4A's definition of integrated marketing communications focuses on: A. the organizations creating a sustainable supply chain for developing a socially responsible business. B. the fact that nonpersonal communications must be totally avoided for a better communications impact. C. the employees keeping track of future prospects by maintaining a customer interaction tracker. D. the development of bait-and-switch marketing activities in all organizations. E. the process of using all forms of promotion to achieve maximum communication impact.

E. the process of using all forms of promotion to achieve maximum communication impact.

ralph m. stodgily shows the importance of social circumstance in determining leadership by contrasting qualities admired in ______ and ______ cultures

Egyptian and greek

Ruler-type leaders include:

Elizabeth I, Napoleon, and Washington

_________ is the process of converting meaning into messages composed of words and nonverbal signals.


Which of the following are direct benefits of market research?

Estimating demand, business levels, and return on investment (ROI)* Evaluating marketing actions and monitoring performance* Measuring customer satisfaction and monitoring customer attitudes* Understanding perceptions, purchase and behavioral patterns*


Events that cause strong emotional reactions

Which of the following is a strategy to improve self-management?

Examine strategies for overcoming impulses that compete with achieving your long-range goals.

(T/F) chiropractors cannot develop their own IMC campaigns and strategies. they must gather these from an outside source


(T/F) the marketing strategy grows out of the promotion strategy which grows out of the overall business strategy


(T/F)? AIDA stands for: attention, interest, desire, and admire


Which of the following is an example of primary data?

Field Studies

Why is online advertising so popular?

First, the large number of people who are online means that the Web can provide access to mass audiences. Second, online advertising allows advertisers to receive instant feedback by monitoring "clicks" and online sales. Finally, online advertising offers access to people at work during the day. Between 30 and 45 percent of all workers report that they often use workplace internet for personal reasons, giving advertisers an alternative to traditional prime-time (8 PM to 11 PM) television advertising Despite the growth in online advertising, it still represents less than 5% of all advertising expenditures. Experts predict that interest will continue to grow and the future will bring new forms of online ads and improved audio and visual elements. The ability to target consumers should also improve - so if you own a cat, you should never see a dog food ad!

What are the advantages of advertising through television and cable?

Flexible, timely, local market Wide reach, low cost segmented audience Demonstrations, good attention, wide reach, cable targets * Selected audience, flexible, can personalize

Pulse (burst) schedule

Flighting and continuous schedules are combined due to increases in demand, heavy periods of promotion, or introduction of a new product.

Some national advertisers have found that they can have more impact with their advertising by running a large number of ads for a period and then running no ads at all for a period. Why might such a flighting schedule be more effective than a continuous schedule?

Flighting can be especially effective when seasonal demands exist for the product, such as for lawn and garden equipment. Also, such periods of advertising can complement periods of heavy sales promotion such as a special event or contest. Another benefit of flighting is that by running a large block of advertising at one time, the marketer can sometimes achieve both greater reach and greater frequency in a short period of time. The advertiser then relies on the effects of the campaign during the period of no advertising.

advertising message

Focuses on the key benefits of the product that are important to prospective buyers making trial and adoption decisions. · Depends on the general appeal used and the actual words included in the ad.

Which of the following statements is true about effective communication?

For effective communication, marketers must understand the meanings that consumers attach to words and symbols.

________ is recognized as the father of scientific management

Frederick W. Taylor

News conference

Is where representatives of the media are all invited to an informational meeting, and advance materials regarding the content are sent. · Is often used when negative publicity requires a company response.

Looks like I lost my questions...ugg -- but when you see one that has the options of animals as answers... pick the Gecko! (Geico's - Government Employee Insurance Company's - begun in the 1930's - current national mascot.


Select the all answers that the AIDA help guide uses to decide whats words and illustrations should communicated for the copy thrust.

Getting Attention* Peaking Interest Arousing Desire* Holding Interest*

Which 4 types of stores had the highest Advertising as a % of sales in Retail Ad Spending?

Grocery Stores

Procter and Gamble developed the concept of ________ in the 1940's and 1950's.

Group Work

Jan Carlzon, former CEO of Scandinavian Airlines, states that the path to success begins in the:


The three basic types of leaders are:

Heroes, rulers, and teachers

Which active listening skill involves demonstrating a learner mindset rather than a judger mindset?

Holding judgment

Firms with a market orientation are more likely to implement

IMC program.


Implies that the communication can be tightly drafted, edited, revised, rehearsed, and otherwise strategically developed before delivery

Explain the differences between a push strategy and a pull strategy.

In a push strategy, a firm directs the promotional mix to channel members to gain their cooperation to carry the product. In a pull strategy, a firm directs the promotional mix at ultimate consumers to encourage them to ask retailers for the product, who then orders it from wholesalers.

Leadership is present:

In all areas of society and at all levels of responsibility

Suppose you introduced a new consumer food product and invested heavily both in national advertising (pull strategy) and in training and motivating your field salesforce to sell the product to food stores (push strategy). What kinds of feedback would you receive from both the advertising and your salesforce? How could you increase both the quality and quantity of each?

In general, you should expect little feedback from your national advertising campaign and better feedback from your salesforce. In either case, if you want to get high quality, representative feedback, you as the sender must take some proactive steps.

Mission marketing

Is the mission considered in communication planning? · Does the mission provide a reason for customers to believe the message? · Are philanthropic efforts concentrated?


Is there a balance between mass media and one-to-one media? · Do special programs facilitate customer inquiries and complaints? · Do databases capture inquiries, complaints, and sales behavior? · Are databases accessible?

Leadership means:

Influencing the behaviors of others through ideas and deeds

Promotion jobs of the AIDA model include:


_____________ tries to promote the organization's image, reputation, or ideas.

Institutional Advertising

The qualities American workers want most in a leader are

Integrity, job knowledge, people-building skills

Product Life Cycle-Purina Dog Chow

Introduction stage. a. The objective is to inform and generate awareness. b. All the promotional mix elements are used at this time, although the use of specific mix depends on the product. Growth stage. a. The objective is to persuade the consumer to buy the product. b. Advertising stresses brand differences. c. Personal selling is used to solidify the channel of distribution. Maturity stage. a. The objective is to maintain existing buyers. b. Advertising is used to remind buyers of the product. c. Sales promotion (discounts, events, and coupons) helps maintain loyal buyers. Decline stage. a. The objective is to phase out the product. b. Little money is spent on promotion.

Describe the promotional objective for each stage of the product life cycle.

Introduction—to inform; growth—to persuade; maturity—to remind; and decline—none.


Involves two considerations: the level of immediacy and number of cues available

Planning and evaluation

Is a SWOT analysis used in communication planning? · Is a zero-based approach used? · Are brand contact points utilized? · Are tracking studies used to evaluate customer relationships? · Do marketing strategies maximize the strengths of the communication tools? · Is the overall objective to create customer relationships?


Is a relatively new medium for advertisers. a. The advantages of using online advertising: · Offers a visual message similar to print advertising. · Can use the audio and video capabilities of the Internet to: - Attract more attention from viewers. - Provide an element of entertainment to the message. · Allow for rich media, which are interactive ads that use drop-down menus, games, or search engines to engage viewers. · Reach younger consumers who have developed a preference for online communication.

Buyer turnover

Is how often new buyers enter the market to buy the product. · The higher the buyer turnover, the greater is the amount of advertising required.

Organizational infrastructure

Is managing reputation a cross-functional responsibility? · Do managers understand all communication tools? · Is internal marketing effective? · Do communication agencies have a monthly contact?

Gross rating points (GRPs)

Is reference number advertisers use that is obtained by multiplying reach (expressed as a percentage of the total market) by frequency.

Which of the following is an example of a nonpersonal communication channel?


Task 2

Manage emotions to engage in constructive communication

Due to the number and variety of promotional tools available to marketers, there are many possible combinations that can achieve any specific objective.

Marketers use an analytical approach and their experience to: a. Assess the relative importance of each promotional tool. b. Select the appropriate tool based on each promotional objective.

Message Content

Most advertising messages are made up of both informational and persuasional elements that can be combined in an appeal to provide consumers with a reason to act. · Most persuasive advertisements have some basic information to convey. · Information contained in ads: - Includes the product name, benefits, features, and price. - Is presented to attract attention and encourage purchase. · The most common appeals marketers use are fear, sex, and humorous. b. Fear appeals. · Suggest that consumers can avoid some negative experience through: - The purchase and use of a product or service. - A change in behavior. - A reduction in the use of a product. · Should be strong enough to get the audience's attention but not so strong that it will lead them to tune out the message. c. Sex appeals. · Suggest to the audience that the product will increase the attractiveness of the user. · Can be found in almost any product category. · Are successful at gaining the attention of the audience. · Have little impact on how consumers think, feel, or act, and may even distract them from the ad's purpose. d. Humorous appeals. · Imply either directly or more subtly that the product is more fun or exciting than competitors' offerings. · Is widespread and found in many product categories. · Tends to wear out quickly, boring the consumer. · Their effectiveness varies across cultures if used in a global campaign.

Which of the following is NOT a result of customers perceiving value in your service?

Negative reviews on social media

The advertising agency Omnicorp Group has its head quarters located where?

New York

What type of innovation comes from the discovery of new or related jobs that a current or new service can help the customer get done?

New service innovation

Data that ranking distance quality, i.e. gender, color, salary, demographic is an example of what type of data?


Semantic noise

Occurs when communicators apply different meanings to the same words or phrases.

According to the notes social media can be a key aspect of integrated marketing communications (IMC) and the messages you send by...

Offering instant feedback to their consumers

Selecting the Right Promotional Tools-after budget

Once a budget has been set, the relative importance of the five basic IMC tools is analyzed based on the objectives specified. · Due to the number and variety of promotional tools available to marketers, there are many possible combinations that can achieve any specific objective. · Marketers use an analytical approach and their experience to: a. Assess the relative importance of each promotional tool. b. Select the appropriate tool based on each promotional objective. · The promotion mix can vary from a simple program using a single tool to a comprehensive program using all forms.

Which one of the following is an impact of high self-management on interpersonal communication?

One controls emotional impulses that are not aligned with work and relationship goals

Which of the following is an impact of high empathy on interpersonal communication?

One directs conversations to topics that focus on the needs of others and self.

The questions also allow managers to identify areas for improvement. They include the following:

Organizational infrastructure, Interactivity, Mission marketing, Strategic consistency and Planning and evaluation

What is a metric that customers use to define the successful execution of a job?


Task 1

Overcome communication barriers

What advertising model do the advertisers only pay when the customers clicks on the link to the advertiser's website?


What does research consistently demonstrate about nonverbal communication?

People are not good at masking their feelings, but most people are inconsistent in their ability to decode nonverbal signals.

The philosophy behind the quality movement is:

People closest to the work usually have the experience and knowledge to come up with the best solutions to work-related problems

Flighting (intermittent) schedule

Periods of advertising are scheduled between periods of no advertising to reflect seasonal demand.

What promotion method involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers?

Personal Selling

Which of the following involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers?

Personal selling

Which type of advertising tries to develop primary demand for a product category rather than demand for a specific brand?

Pioneering Advertising

What is the difference between pioneering and competitive ads?

Pioneering ads tell people what a product is, what it can do, and where it can be found. Competitive ads promote a specific brand's features and benefits to persuade the target market to select the firm's brand rather than that of a competitor.

Which of the following is NOT a type of product advertising?

Pioneering advertising Competitive advertising Reminder advertising Institutional advertising*

W. Edward Deming's PDCA cycle stands for:

Plan, do, check, act

What is the last step in the market research process?

Present the data

Explain the difference between pretesting and posttesting advertising copy.

Pretests are conducted before ads are placed in any medium to determine whether the ads communicate the intended message or select among alternative versions. Posttests are conducted after an advertisement has been shown to the target audience to determine whether it accomplished its intended purpose.

Customers have been complaining about the products produced by Derek's department. His team has checked all the equipment, but they cannot find the cause of the poor quality. What kind of questions would most help them with this issue?


List the following market attractive/competitive position matrix steps in the correct order of implementation for.

Project the future position of each market based on expected environment, customer, and competitive trends 4 Choose criteria to measure market attractiveness and competitive position. 1 Assess the current position of each potential target market on each factor. 3 Evaluate implications of possible future changes for business strategies and resources requirements 5 Weight market attractiveness and competitive position factors to reflect their relative importance 2

Target Audience

Promotional programs are directed to the ultimate consumer, an intermediary (retailer, wholesaler, or distributor), or both. · Promotional programs directed to buyers of consumer products use: a. Mass media to reach large numbers of potential buyers. b. Personal selling at the place of purchase. c. Direct marketing to encourage first-time or repeat purchases. d. Combinations to reach some target audiences.

The primary purpose of management is to ______; The primary function of leadership is to ______.

Provide order and consistency; produce change and movement

Sylvie starts her weekly department meetings by asking questions like, "How was your vacation?" "Did anyone see the football game last night?" and "Who wants to go to lunch after we finish here?" What type of questions are these?


The process of getting detailed information about jobs is defined as

Recruitment Job Analysis* Job Design Training


Refer to the practical limitations of coordination and resources

Encoding and Decoding depend on a common frame of:


Physiological noise

Refers to disruption due to physiological factors. Examples hearing problems, illness, memory loss, and so on.


Refers to the degree to which communication can be planned and recorded thus allowing strategic message development


Refers to the extent to which the message can be stored retrieved and distributed to others.

Psychological noise

Refers to the interference due to attitudes, ideas, and emotions experienced during an interpersonal interaction.


Refers to the thoughts and feelings that people intend to communicate to one another

What is the purpose of reminder advertising?

Reinforce a positive relationship


Relates to how quickly someone is able to respond and give feedback

The primary sequential order of advertising is precipitation, persuasion, reinforcement, and _________.


Unaided Recall

Respondents are asked a question such as, "What ads do you remember seeing yesterday?" without any prompting to determine whether they saw or heard the messages.

Attitude Tests

Respondents are asked questions to measure changes in their attitudes before and after an advertising campaign to assess if they have a more favorable attitude toward the product advertised.

Ralph M. Stogdill identifies individual traits that correlate positively with leadership. These include

Responsibility, vigor, venturesomeness, self-confidence

Ralph M. Stogdill identifies individual traits that correlate positively with leadership. These include:

Responsibility, vigor, venturesomeness, self-confidence

Federated Banks is interested in consumer-oriented sales promotions that would encourage senior citizens to direct deposit their Social Security checks with the bank. Evaluate the sales promotion options, and recommend two of them to the bank.

Sales promotion alternatives such as coupons, contests, sweepstakes, samples, rebates, and product placement are better suited to consumer goods than to this service. Continuity programs are expensive and would require setting a minimum bank balance that might exclude too many in the target audience. The two sales promotion options most promising to reach senior citizens are deals and premiums. Deals and Premiums

Data that already exists not for the purpose of the study is an example of:

Secondary Data

Information previously collected for some other problem or issue is known as?

Secondary data

Task 3

Select appropriate communication channels

What is the first step in developing a Successful Service Strategy?

Select the innovation focus *

Which of the following involves the discipline to hold off on current urges to meet long-term intentions?

Self- management

Which of the following is a domain of emotional intelligence?


_________ noise occurs when communicators apply different meanings to the same words or phrases.


During a budget meeting, Eva concludes her part of the talk and points to her presentation partner. What does this gesture most likely mean in context?

She is indicating that it is his turn to speak.

How have advertising agencies changed to facilitate the use of IMC programs?

Some agencies have adopted: (1) a total communications solutions approach; (2) a long-term perspective in which all forms of promotion are integrated; and (3) an IMC audit to analyze the internal communication network of their clients.

Emotional Highjacking

Some people might wonder why emotional intelligence is so critical for business managers and executives, especially those in finance, accounting, and quantitatively driven disciplines and positions. The primary reason that EQ is so critical is physiological: people are hardwired to experience emotions before reason. All signals to the brain first go through the limbic system, where emotions are produced before going to the rational area of the brain

ISO 14000 identifies:

Standards for environmental performance

What does the S in SWOT stand for?


BMW introduced its first sport-utility vehicle, the X5, to compete with other popular all-wheel-drive vehicles such as the Mercedes-Benz M-class and the Jeep Grand Cherokee. Design a direct marketing program to generate (a) leads, (b) traffic in dealerships, and (c) direct orders.

Students should consider the many forms of direct marketing including direct mail and catalogs, television, telemarketing, direct selling, direct response advertising and interactive online marketing. Instructors can remind students of the discussion of nonstore retailing in Chapter 14 and alert them to the online discussion in Chapter 18. Leads, Traffic in dealership and Direct Orders

Develop a privacy policy for database managers that provide a balance of consumer and seller perspectives. How would you encourage voluntary compliance with your policy? What methods of enforcement would you recommend?

Students' answers will vary. To begin the discussion, ask students to consider the guidelines provided in the European Union Data Protection Directive. The directive suggests that consumers have the right (1) to be informed of any data processing when they are the data subject, (2) of access to data about them, and (3) to access to the logic on which automated decisions are based. Students should be encouraged to discuss the value of self-regulation versus enforcement by outside bodies in terms of penalties and breadth of items covered. Methods of enforcement discussions should bring out the difficulties and advantages of enforcement in a voluntary membership group. A good strategy would be to compare and contrast well-known examples and to bring the discussion to current topics, such as the regulation of the Internet and e-mail advertising.

A continuum of empowerment, least to most, is as follows:

Suggestion box, quality circles, self-directed work teams

When Leo had to tell Tania that her project had lost its funding, he found himself adopting a slumped posture similar to hers. What was Leo doing?

Synchronizing body language to emphatize her

(T/F)? good customer service adds value to the chiropractic experience


(T/F)? marketers look to the research effort to yield results that are: descriptive, diagnostic and predictive


Advertising media selection decision is related to the:

Target audience, .Type of product, Campaign objectives, Available budget, Nature of the message and Costs of the alternative media.

Which of the following is considered an advertising medium?

Target market characteristics *

Which of the following represents an Advertising message channel in the effective communication model.

Television* Internet websites* e-mail* magazines*

Different Media Alternatives

Television, Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, yellow pages, internet, outdoor and other media

Why has the Internet become a popular advertising medium?

The Internet offers a visual message, can use both audio and video, is interactive through rich media, and tends to reach younger consumers.

Self management

The ability to use awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and direct your behavior positively. It involves the discipline to hold off on the current urges to meet long term intentions

relationship management

The ability to use your awareness of emotions and those of others to manage interactions successfully

Percentage of sales

The amount of money spent on promotion is a percentage of past or anticipated sales. b. A common budgeting method, this approach is often stated in terms such as, "Our promotion budget for this year is 3 percent of last year's gross sales."

Suppose you are the advertising manager for a new line of children's fragrances. Which form of media would you use for this new product?

The answer to this question depends on whether you are focusing on the child who might use the product or the parent who might be the primary purchaser of the product. If the target is children, television is probably the best medium to reach this audience. With parents, however, you have more latitude in your choice. Magazines are probably the best choice because they can provide efficient reach to this segment of the population.

Setting the Advertising Budget

The cost of placing a 30-second ad during Super Bowl XLII in 2008 was $2.7 million. a. The reason for the escalating cost is the growing number of viewers: 97.5 million people tuned in. b. Advertisers find this audience attractive because research indicates that it is equally split between men and women. c. Many people look forward to watching the spots. d. The ads are effective too. · As a result, both new and regular advertisers buy ad space during the Super Bowl.

What are the stages of the hierarchy of effects?

The five stages of the hierarchy of effects are awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.

What are the four approaches to setting the promotion budget?

The four approaches are percentage of sales, competitive parity, all you can afford, and objective and task.

The Growth of Direct Marketing

The increasing interest in customer relationship management is reflected in the dramatic growth in direct marketing. · Marketers like the ability to customize communication efforts and create one-to-one interactions due to the availability of databases. · Recently, direct marketing spending, revenues generated, and employment has outpaced total economic growth, due in part to the popularity of the Internet.

What are two advantages and two disadvantages of the advertising posttests described in the chapter?

The main advantages and disadvantages for each are listed below:

Karl Marx observed:

The manner in which a society does its work shapes most things a society believes and does

After listening to a recent sales presentation, Mary Smith signed up for membership at the local health club. On arriving at the facility, she learned there was an additional fee for racquetball court rentals. "I don't remember that in the sales talk; I thought they said all facilities were included with the membership fee," complained Mary. Describe the problem in terms of the communication process.

The problem is miscommunication between the sender (the health club representative) and the receiver (Mary Smith) as a result of improper encoding or decoding of the message (the sales presentation). There may have been noise in the channel that prevented proper decoding of the message.


The process of interpreting messages from others into meaning

Identifying the Target Audience

The target audience is the group of prospective buyers toward which the program is directed. · Is the first decision in developing the promotion program. · Market segmentation studies help: a. Identify a firm's target audience. b. Develop a firm's target audience's profile (lifestyle, attitudes, and values).

What are the six elements required for communication to occur?

They are a source, a message, a channel of communication, a receiver, and the processes of encoding and decoding.

What are the three types of responses generated by direct marketing activities?

They are direct orders, lead generation, and traffic generation.

Which of the following is true of the way organizations send communication messages?

They communicate using press releases, websites, and package designs.

A large life insurance company has decided to switch from using a strong fear appeal to a humorous approach. What are the strengths and weaknesses of such a change in message strategy?

This change involves a somewhat difficult tradeoff. Strong fear appeals are effective in getting the audience's attention, but they may tune out the message because people don't like to be reminded that they are mortal. Humorous appeals also can get attention, in part because they are not used very frequently in this industry. However, they may not provide enough motivation for the consumer to take action. Some people might also argue that it is inappropriate to make fun of the very serious subject of death. The Prudential Insurance Company did use humorous appeals in their advertising for life insurance for a number of years with some success.

filter of lifetime experiences

This filter is an accumulation of knowledge, values, expectations, and attitudes based on prior personal experiences. When people have more shared experiences, communication is easier.

Search-based advertising

This form of advertising uses the key words typed into search engines such as Google to select the ad that is displayed alongside the search results. This form of advertising has been attractive to advertisers who are new to the online medium.

Display advertising

This form of online advertising is typically found on portals and home pages. Advertisers pay a fee, sometimes as high as $300,000 for 24 hours, to have their ad appear on a website. The three big portals (Yahoo, AOL, and MSN) alone reach an audience of 50 million people each day. In addition, the broadband connections allow advertisers to deliver TV-like ads online.

Which of the following qualities is more characteristic of introverts?


The poem _______ reminds us that leadership must come from the heart.


What is the purpose of an institutional advertisement?

To build goodwill or an image for an organization.

Which of the following would NOT be a benefit of Integrated Marketing Communications?

To reach potential target markets B. To target a specific target demographic C. To direct a message at a broad segment D. To use as a bargaining chip to receive higher renumeration from Groupon Promotions *

All of the following are examples of VIP (visual image personality) in advertising EXCEPT?

Tony the tiger Mr. Clean Pillsbury Doughboy Big Mac *

Allowances and Discounts.

Trade promotions, Allowances and discounts, Merchandise allowances, case allowance, finance allowance

Events that cause strong emotional reactions are called _______.


What is, the process of ensuring that employees' activities and outputs match the organization's goals?

Workforce Analytics HR Planning Talent Management Performance Management *

Which of the following situations would an extrovert prefer?

a loud party with a large group

the influence of environmental factors and individual qualities in determining leadership effectiveness is shown in studies by

a biologist richard borowsky

satisfactions of leaders include both ____ and ___

a chance to help others, feeling in on things

Setting the Promotion Budget-After Promotion Objective

a company must decide on how much to spend, using one of several budgeting methods. · Determining the ideal amount for the promotion budget is difficult because there is no precise way to measure the results.

Specifying Promotion Objectives-after Identifying Target Audience

a decision must be reached on what the promotion should accomplish. Consumers respond in terms of a hierarchy of effects, which is the sequence of stages a prospective buyer goes through from initial awareness of a product to eventual action—either trial or adoption of the product. These stages are: a. Awareness. The consumer's ability to recognize and remember the product or brand name. b. Interest. An increase in the consumer's desire to learn about some of the features of the product or brand. c. Evaluation. The consumer's appraisal of the product or brand on important attributes. d. Trial. The consumer's actual first purchase and use of the product or brand. e. Adoption. The consumer's repeated purchase and use of the product or brand based on a favorable experience on the first trial. · For a totally new product, the sequence applies to the entire product category. · For a new brand competing in an established product category, it applies to the brand itself.

The encoding process leads to the development of:

a message


a. Newspapers have excellent reach potential because they are published daily and therefore allow ads to focus the "24-hour sale." b. Local retailers often use newspapers as their sole advertising medium. c. Consumers rarely save newspapers, although some will clip and save ads. So firms are limited to ads that call for an immediate customer response. d. Newspapers do not have as good color reproduction as magazines. e. National advertising campaigns rarely include newspapers except in conjunction with local distributors of their products. · In these instances, both parties often share the advertising costs using a cooperative advertising program. · Some newspapers, such as The Wall Street Journal and USA Today, have national distribution.

Sales promotion advantages

a. Often increases sales for their duration due to the short-term nature of these programs. Examples: A coupon or sweepstakes with an expiration date. b. Offering value to the consumer in terms of a cents-off coupon or rebate may increase store traffic from consumers who are not store-loyal.

Which of the following are parts of the advertising objectives? MACA

a. Position Brands * b. Obtain Outlets * c. Ongoing Contact * d. Get immediate action *

Executing the advertising program involves:

a. Pretesting the advertising copy. b. Actually carrying out the advertising program.

Full-service agency

a. Provides the most complete range of services, including market research, media selection, copy development, artwork, and production. b. Develop and place ads for a client traditionally charge a commission of 15 percent of media costs. c. With IMC approaches, most advertisers have switched from paying commissions to incentives or fees based on performance. d. The most common performance criteria are sales, brand and ad awareness, market share, and copy test results.

Which function of the HR department is responsible for coordinating incentive pay, retirement plans, and profit sharing?

a. Recruitment and selection b. Performance management c. Compensation and benefits * d. Employee Relations


a. Require participants to submit an entry but require no analytical or creative effort by the consumer. b. Consists of two variations: · One that offers products that consumers value. · One that offers an "experience" as the prize. c. Federal and state laws: · Regulate fairness. · Ensure the chance for winning is stated. · Guarantee that prizes are awarded.

Sales promotion disadvantages

a. Sales gains are often temporary and drop off after it ends. b. Advertising support is needed to convert the customer who tried the product because of a sales promotion into a long-term buyer. c. If used continuously, sales promotions lose their effectiveness because customers begin to delay purchase until a coupon is offered. d. The federal government regulates some aspects of sales promotions.


a. Sampling is the offering of a product free or at a greatly reduced price. b. Sampling is often used for new products. c. A trial size is offered that is smaller than the regular package size. d. If consumers like the sample, marketers hope they will remember and buy the product. e. Firms invest more than $2 billion in sampling programs annually.

Which of the following is a way that a chiropractor would NOT develop a service strategy?

a. Select the service focus b. Uncover customer needs c. Prioritize customer needs d. Do not develop a service strategy *

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of promotion?

a. Send messages about a product b. Send messages about a service c. Send messages about an idea d. Target market *

Each manufacturer has developed integrated marketing communications (IMC) campaigns that emphasize a single theme:

a. Sony is trying to communicate a message that the PS3 is "an experience 'beyond' games, harnessing the power of imagination." b. Microsoft's message for the Xbox 360 is "Jump In" and move to the next generation of gaming. c. Nintendo is positioning its Wii as a gaming system for the entire family. · Promotion: a. Represents the fourth element of the marketing mix. b. Consists of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing.

Limited-service agencies

a. Specialize in one aspect of the advertising process. b. Provide creative services to develop the advertising copy. c. Buy previously unpurchased media space. d. Provide Internet services. e. Are compensated by a contractual agreement for the services performed.

Identify the sales promotion tools that might be useful for (a) Tastee Yogurt, a new brand introduction, (b) 3M self-sticking Post-It Notes, and (c) Wrigley's Spearmint Gum.

a. Tastee Yogurt. The Tastee Yogurt product is in the introductory stage of the product life cycle. As a result, coupons and in-store free samples may help the introduction. b. 3M self-sticking Post-It Notes. 3M Post-It Notes are in the mature stage of the product life cycle. As a result, point-of-purchase displays will serve as reminders of a consumer's need for the product. c. Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. Wrigley's Spearmint Gum is a mature, well-known brand. A premium, which ties this brand into another product or product line, may encourage additional purchases. Additionally, a point-of-purchase display at the counter will encourage impulse purchases.


a. Television is a valuable medium because it communicates with sight, sound, and motion. b. Network television reaches 95 percent of U.S. homes. c. Out-of-home TV reaches millions more viewers in bars, hotels, offices, and college campuses. d. Because of TV's high cost (≈ $128,000 for a 30-second prime-time ad): · Many advertisers choose less expensive "spot" ads, which run between programs in 10-, 15-, 30-, or 60-second lengths. · Shorter ads: - Reduce costs. - Severely restrict the amount of information and emotion that can be conveyed. · Two different versions of a 15-second commercial, run back-to-back, will increase recall over long intervals. e. Wasted coverage. · Is having people outside the market for the product see the advertisement. · Can be reduced through the specialized cable and direct broadcast (satellite) channels. - Advertising time is often less expensive on cable and direct broadcast channels than on the major networks. - There are about 150 cable TV options that reach very narrowly defined audiences. - Many cable and satellite TV services now offer boxes with built-in digital video recorders (DVRs) and remotes with "30-second skip" buttons for ad-zapping. f. Infomercials are program-length (30-minute) advertisements that take an educational approach to communication with potential customers. · More than 90 percent of all TV stations air infomercials. · More than 25 percent of all consumers have purchased a product as a result of seeing an infomercial.

Each year managers at Bausch & Lomb evaluate the many advertising media alternatives available to them as they develop their advertising program for contact lenses. (a) What advantages and disadvantages of each alternative should they consider? (b) Which media would you recommend to them?

a. The advantages and disadvantages of advertising media (excluding outdoor) for Bausch & Lomb managers include the following: b. Since contact lens buyers require detailed information about the product and a relatively long purchase period, magazines are the best advertising medium.


a. The cash rebate offers money based on proof of purchase. b. On lower-priced items, many buyers never mail in proof of purchase to take advantage of the rebate due to the time and trouble. c. Online consumers are more likely to use rebates.

Advertising disadvantages

a. The costs to produce and place a message are expensive. b. The lack of direct feedback makes it difficult to know how well the message was received.

Errors during the communication process occur in several ways

a. The source may not transform the idea into an effective set of symbols. b. A properly encoded message may be sent through the wrong channel and never make it to the receiver. c. The receiver does not transform the set of symbols into the intended idea. d. Feedback may be so delayed or distorted that it is of no use to the sender.

Balance the promotional elements based on:

a. The target audience for the promotion. b. The stage of the product's life cycle. c. The characteristics of the product. d. The decision stage of the buyer. e. The channel of distribution.


a. There are 7 times as many radio stations as TV stations in the U.S. b. The advantage of using radio is that it is a segmented medium; different market segments listen to a different format, such as all-talk, classic rock, etc. c. College students are heavy radio listeners at 2.2 hours a day vs. the average of 1.6 hours per day. d. The disadvantages of using radio are: · Has limited use for products that must be seen. · Consumers can tune out a commercial by switching stations. e. Sirius XM Radio offers over 300 digital-quality coast-to-coast radio channels to consumers for a monthly subscription fee. f. Radio competes for people's attention as they do other activities such as driving, working, or relaxing. g. Peak radio listening time is during the drive times (6-10 AM and 4-7 PM).


a. There are more than 19,500 magazines, with new ones launched each year. b. The advantages of using magazines are that they: · Appeal to narrowly defined segments that have unique profiles. · Can create strong images due to good color reproduction. c. The disadvantage of using magazines is that: · National costs are high. · However, many magazines publish regional editions, which reduce absolute cost and wasted coverage.

Why would it be important to make sure that every team member in your advertising team or agency is in sync and coordinated by similar efforts? Answer all that apply

a. To deliver a clear and concise message * b. To maintain consistency in the message* c. To avoid a confusing message* d. To make sure everyone is paid equally

Direct marketing creates customer value through:

a. Toll-free telephone numbers. b. Representatives with access to purchase preference information. c. Overnight delivery. d. Unconditional guarantees.

What do you call loading truck trailer or flatbed trailers on rail cars to provide both speed and flexibility?

a. Transporting b. Containerization c. Piggyback Service * d. Storing

What is a customer relationship NOT built upon?

a. Trust b. Personal History c. Reliability d. Flexibility *

Customer Relationship Management is built on what? MACA

a. Trust * b. Honesty c. Personal History * d. Reliability *

How can you as a small chiropractor use IMC?

a. Understand your target audience b. Decide on a core strategy statement c. Select channels appropriate to your target markets d. All of the above *

Portfolio Tests

a. Used to test copy alternatives. b. The test ad is placed in a portfolio with other ads and stories. c. Afterward, consumers are asked for their impressions of the ads.

Which promotional mix element would best suit a firm that wants to reach a large consumer audience while keeping the cost per contact low and creating a symbolic image or appeal for a new brand? A. Advertising B. Personal selling C. Sampling D. Couponing E. Door-to-door selling

a. advertising

Which of the following is not an example of Human Capital?

a. insight b. relationships c. motivation * d. training

Outdoor advertising

a. is effective for reminding consumers about a product. b. Billboards are the most common form of outdoor advertising. · The advantages of using billboards are: - Has good reach and frequency in a desired geographical area. - Has been shown to increase purchase rates. - Is a good visual and supplemental reinforcement for well-known products. - Is a relatively low-cost, flexible alternative. · The disadvantages of using billboards are: - No opportunity exists for lengthy advertising copy. - A good billboard site depends on traffic patterns and sight lines. - In many areas, environmental laws have limited or banned the use of this medium. c. Transit advertising. · Is common in metropolitan areas. · Includes messages on the interior and exterior of buses, subway cars, and taxis. · Advantages are: - Mass transit is growing. - Selectivity is available to advertisers, who can buy space by neighborhood or route. · A disadvantage is that during heavy travel times when the audiences are the largest, people may find it difficult to read the message.

which of the following is true of advertising as a form of promotion? A. Low cost per contact B. Non-paid form of promotion C. Sponsor or advertiser not identified D. Immediate feedback and capability to close sales E. makes use of non-traditional media

a. low cost per contact

Clave Inc., a large soap manufacturing firm, has introduced a new soap known as Honeydew. It wants to promote the soap to broad audiences across various countries in a persuasive and cost-effective manner. At the same time, it also wants to enhance the overall company image. It has a promotional budget of about $1,000,000. Which of the following forms of promotion should Clave make use of for the promotion of Honeydew? A. Mass advertising B. Direct marketing C. Personal selling D. Sales promotion E. Publicity

a. mass advertising

Setting schedules requires

an understanding of how the market behaves. Most companies follow one of three basic approaches: a. Continuous (steady) schedule. b. Flighting (intermittent) schedule c. · Pulsing schedules are superior to other advertising strategies.


any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, good, service, or idea by an identified sponsor. a. The paid aspect of advertising is important because the space for the advertising message normally must be bought. b. The non-personal component of advertising involves mass media, which are non-personal and do not have an immediate feedback loop as does personal selling.


appeal to emotions


are conducted after an advertisement has been shown to the target audience to determine whether it accomplished its intended purpose.


are conducted before an advertisement is placed in any medium to determine whether it communicates the intended message or to select among alternative versions of the advertisement.

Allowances and discounts

are effective methods, but overuse can lead to changes in ordering patterns.

Publicity tools

are methods of obtaining nonpersonal presentation of an organization, good, or service without direct cost.


are sales promotions that usually offer a discounted price to the consumer, which encourages trial. · 286 billion coupons are distributed in the U.S. annually. · The redemption rate is about 0.5%, although it declined recently due to the decline in the average expiration period—to about three months—giving consumers less time to redeem them. · The average face value of redeemed coupons is $1.27. b. Some firms have actually increased their use of coupons. c. Coupons generated at Internet sites and over cell phones are increasing. d. Coupons are often a key element in an IMC program. e. Coupons are often far more expensive than their face value. · They can cost three times that after paying for the advertisement, dealer handling, clearinghouse costs, and redemption. · Misredemption, or paying the face value of the coupon even though the product was not purchased, should be added to the cost of the coupon.

Consumer-oriented sales promotions, or simply consumer promotions

are sales tools used to support a company's advertising and personal selling directed to ultimate consumers.

Trade-oriented sales promotions, or simply trade promotions

are sales tools used to support a company's advertising and personal selling directed to wholesalers, distributors, or retailers.

Advertising media

are the means by which the message is communicated to the target audience and include newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV.

Direct Orders

are the result of direct marketing offers that contain all the information necessary for a prospective buyer to make a decision to purchase and complete the transaction.


are the result of organizations' efforts to collect demographic, media, and consumption profiles of customers so that direct marketing tools can be directed at specific customers.

who was the person to first establish marketing research as a visible industry

arthur nielsen

the executive summary should, at least the vary provide _______ that all objectives were met and associated questions answered, and evidence that all recommendations are well _______

assurance, supported

Which of the following is the first stage of the AIDA model?


what are the 4 aspects of the AIDA model stand for global message delivery?

attention, interest, desire, action

what is the correct order of the psychological approach to market promotions

attention, interest, desire, action

IMC programs-to fully benefit

companies must create and maintain a test-result database that allows: a. Comparisons of the relative impact of the promotional tools in various situations. b. Informed design and execution decisions and provide support for IMC activities during internal reviews by financial or administrative personnel.

many countered forbid _____ advertising. but in the united states, the FTC decided to encourage then because it thought they would increase competition and provide consumers with more useful information


which of the following is not a part of the advertising over adoption process stages?

awareness interest decision buying**** evaluation and trail

A _________ is some type of utility that a company and its products provide a customer.


A ____ is some type of utility that a company and its products provide its customers


Marketers believe that

better management of e-mail campaigns will improve the value of e-mail advertising for customers. Two general approaches are: (1) the "opt-out" system, which allows recipients to decline future messages after the first contact and (2) the "opt-in" system, which requires advertisers to obtain e-mail addresses from registration questions on websites or other means. In the U.S., the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM) requires e-mail be truthful and to provide an opt-out return e-mail address.

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a cooperative form of ________ that


the purpose of promotion is

both a and b to provide information and to send a message

one important step in the marketing segmentation process is creating a homogenous segment. a part of this is understanding the potential buyers wants, needs, and likely response to differences in elements of the marketing mix, these elements are knowns as the 4 P's.. they include, product, price and what 2 others

both a and c place and promotion

Institutional advertisements

build goodwill or an image for an organization rather than promote a specific good or service. · Often this form of advertising is used to support the public relations plan or counter adverse publicity.

In the BCG matrix, firms categorized as problem children are characterized by _____.

businesses operating with a low market share in a high growth market.

The source or sender of an advertising communication:

can be an individual who promotes the product in an ad, such as a celebrity

the central message of the poem "threads" is that the leader must

care about the well being of others

caring leadership means ___ and ___

caring about the task to be done, caring about the people

In the BCG matrix, _____are characterized by high share and low growth and are the key sources of internal cash generation for a firm.

cash cows

what type of research collects data that enables decision makers to determine cause-and-effect relationships between two or more variables?

causal research


causes distortion to or interruption of messages there are 4 types 1. Physical 2.Physiological 3. Semantic 4. Psychological

rosa parks provided leadership in the area of

civil rights

what is the 5th step in marking research?

collect the data

a chiropractor must enact the best use of CRM strategy by all of the following except

communicate empower staff create a strict culture**** track, follow up, and measure results


consumers who read, hear, or see the message sent by a source.

In a communication process, _______ refers to the information and/or meaning contained in a message.


Describe three approaches to scheduling advertising.

continuous (steady) schedule; flighting (intermittent) schedule; and pulse (burst) schedule.

Which trade promotion is used to encourage local advertising efforts of resellers?

cooperative advertising.

john w gardner identified the ____ in which his own leadership abilities emerged to be him experience as a(n) ____

crucible, marine

John W. Gardner identifies the ____ in which his own leadership abilities emerged to be his experience as a ______.

crucible; marine

The ability to design and use direct marketing programs has increased with the availability of ___________ and ___________.

customer information databases; new printing technologies

_______ is a strategy used by many organization nowadays to build and maintain customer relationships by adding value to the product or service from a service standpoint

customer relationship management

which of the following is not something a customer perceives from value of a service?

customer royalty a long-term relationship favorable image and reputation in the market area bad reputation***

an example of curbstoning is.....

data collection personnel having their friends fill out surveys

From "How a successful service strategy is developed," which of the following does NOT fall into Step 2: Uncover Customer Needs?

decide who the customer is

which of the following is the first step in doing market research?

define objective and problem

what is the first step to preform market research?

define the problem to be solved

what is the first step in the market research process?

definite the problem stated

marketers use research in order to obtain results that are helpful to them. these results are:

descriptive diagnostic predictive

according to the basic model of communication, _____ refers to the way a message is put together in order to deliver information or intend meaning


Personal selling is?

direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers.

Pull Strategy

directs the promotional mix at ultimate consumers to encourage them to ask the retailer for a product. b. Sometimes, manufacturers face resistance from channel members who do not want to order a new product or increase inventory levels of an existing brand. c. Seeing demand from consumers, retailers order the product from wholesalers, pulling the item through intermediaries. d. Many firms use direct-to-consumer advertising that: · Complements traditional personal selling and free samples. · Is designed to encourage consumers to ask their retailer for the product—pulling it through the channel.

promotion decision process

divided into developing, executing, and evaluating the promotion program.

Lately the demand for building materials has dropped due to the slowdown in new housing construction. Wood-O-Corp is thinking of closing its fine wood division that produces mahogany


Lately, the demand for building materials has dropped due to the slowdown in new housing construction. Wood-O Corp. is thinking of closing its fine wood division that produces mahogany and cherry lumber for building cabinets and other applications. Under the BCG Growth-Share Matrix, the fine wood division would most likely be classified as a _______.


HRM practices must result in the greatest good for the largest number of people. Employment practices must respect basic human rights of privacy, due process, consent, and free speech. Managers must treat employees and customers equitably and fairly.

don't really know what this question was

Hernandez Brothers manufactures trailers that are used by lawn service companies. The company was started in Texas by their father with 1 production site and 4 sales and service locations. Since the sons took took, they have expanded in the last 12 years to include 26 sales and service centers throughout the southeast.


jan carlzon, former CEO of Scandinavian airlines, states that the path to success begins in the


Juan tries to build rapport with the people on his project by checking in with them each day to see if they have any questions or concerns. what aspect of emotional intelligence does this behavior demonstrate?

high relationship management

which active listening skill involves demonstrating a learner mindset rather than a judger mindset?

holding judgement

promotion-to-sales ratio to assess -Marketeers often use

how effective the IMC program expenditures are at generating sales. Specifically, the promotion-to-sales ratio can compare programs (1) on a year-to-year basis, (2) with competitor's programs, and (3) with industry averages.

Mark and Gregory are partners in manufacturing firm that employs over 1,500 people. Recently, employees have been complaining that they were not told of changes in health insurance coverage and premiums. To which of the following support activities of the value chain can this problem be attributed?

human resource management

the 3 basic types of leaders are:

héros rulers and teachers

Which of the following is an impact of low self-management on interpersonal communication?

i think its.. one frequently vents frustrations without a constructive work purpose

king arthur of camelot is to achilles of greeece as

ideas are to deeds

either by ____, leaders show the way and influence the behavior of others

ideas or deeds

Which of the following is not an aspect in planning the promotion strategy, aka the promotional mix or integrated communications strategy?

identifying your hourly schedule

Marketers look to the research effort to yield results that are all but...


leadership is present

in all areas of society and at all levels of responsibility

A window manufacturer has trouble getting raw materials for production. Of the five primary activities in the value chain, this problem is most likely to occur in ______

in bound logistics

which of the following is least likely to be a high priority outcome chosen by a customer seeking satisfaction?

increase the time it takes to complete the transaction

which of the following is not an example mixed promotional elements that serve as a core message in integrated marketing communications?

indirect marketing

what type of advertising points out product advantages to affect future buying decisions?

indirect type advertising

leadership means

influencing the behavior of others through ideas and deeds

possessing needed information


________ is conveying a message about a new product or service or to introduce a new product or service into the market


combining aspects of marketing communications such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing and social medial is

integrated marketing

Case allowance

is a discount on each case ordered during a specific time period and is deducted from the invoice. · These allowances are usually deducted from the invoice. · A variation of the case allowance is the "free goods" approach, whereby retailers receive some amount of the product free based on the amount ordered.

Sales promotion

is a key element of the promotional mix, which now accounts for more than $342 billion in annual expenditures.

Physical noise

is external noise that makes a message difficult to hear or otherwise recieve.

simultaneous media

is so common it has created 32-hour "media days." Generation Y is particularly adept: 72 percent is "connected" while watching television.

General Motor's promotion-to-sales ratio

is substantially lower than Ford's and slightly lower than the industry average (lower is better). This suggests that GM's current mix of promotional activities and the level of expenditures are both creating an effective IMC program to generate sales of its vehicles.

Online advertising advantage

is that they only pay when someone clicks on their ad. Unfortunately, the growth of the medium has led to "click fraud," which is the deceptive clicking of ads solely to increase the amount advertisers must pay. There are several forms of click fraud. Paid-to-Read (PTR) websites recruit and pay members to simply click on ads. Another is "clickbots," which are software programs that produce automatic clicks on ads. A third is "webtipping," in which legitimate website visitors click on ads to keep the site free. These activities are difficult to detect and stop. Experts estimate that up to 15% of clicks may be the result of fraud and may cost advertisers as much as $500 million each year! Google and Yahoo! try to filter out illegitimate clicks, although some advertisers claim that they are still charged for PTR and clickbot traffic. Each has settled class action lawsuits and agreed to provide rebates or credits to advertisers who were charged for fraudulent clicks.


is the average number of times a person in the target audience is exposed to a message or advertisement.

Cost per thousand (CPM)

is the cost of reaching 1,000 individuals or households with the advertising message in a given medium (M = Roman numeral for 1,000).

Online advertising disadvantages

is the difficulty of measuring its impact and effectiveness. · Some firms are testing methods of tracking where viewers go on their computer in the days and weeks after seeing an ad. · Nielsen Online Ratings is a rating service that measures actual click-by-click behavior through meters installed on peoples' computers at home and work. · Permission-based advertising is where viewers agree to watch a commercial online in exchange for points, samples, or access to premium content and advertisers only pay for completed views.

Self awareness

is the foundation for emotional intelligence. It involves accurately understanding your emotions as the occur and how they affect you. People high in self awareness understand there emotions well, what satisfied them, and what irritates theem

Traffic generation

is the outcome of a direct marketing offer designed to motivate people to visit a business.


is the percentage of households in a market that are tuned to a particular TV show or radio station.

interpersonal communication process

is the process of sending and receiving verbal and non verbal messages between two or more people it involves the exchange of simultaneous and mutual messages to share and negotiate meaning between those involved

Lead generation

is the result of a direct marketing offer designed to generate interest in a product or service and a request for additional information.

hierarchy of effects

is the sequence of stages a prospective buyer goes through from initial awareness of a product to eventual action—either trial or adoption of the product.

Which of the following is true of word of mouth marketing?

it can also be described as buzz marketing

Which barrier to effective listening involves neglecting listening because of pressing deadlines?

lack of time

During which stage of the product's life cycle should the promotion message be "our brand is best"?

market growth

there is evidence that this form of research was done by various companies more than 100 years ago, but it was nothing more than written testimonials about various products as collected from consumers...

market research

what is a marketing strategy that divides a broad group of people into subsets

market segmentation

Sean attributes the success of his video game arcade to advertising on the most popular website for gamers. Recently, the website raised ad prices, so Sean has cut his advertising in half. He believed that positive word of mouth will be enough now that his game parlor is well established. However, sales are slipping. Of the five primary activities in the value chain, this problem is most likely to occur in _____.

marketing & sales

The Federal Communication Commission suggests program decisions be based on __________.

marketing research about the target audience

Advertisers try to

maximize the number of individuals in the target market exposed to the message. a. Reach is the number of different people or households exposed to an advertisement. This definition varies among alternative media. b. Newspapers often use reach to describe their total circulation or the number of different households that buy the paper. c. Rating d. Advertisers try to maximize reach in their target market at the lowest cost. e. Frequency · Advertisers expose their target audience to a message more than once because it often does not pay close attention to advertising messages. · With repeated exposure to advertisements, consumers respond more favorably to brand extensions. f. Gross rating points (GRPs). · To obtain the appropriate number of GRPs to achieve an advertising campaign's objective, the media planner must balance reach, frequency, and cost. g. Cost per thousand (CPM)

leadership success requires:

meeting the responsibility of office without abusing its power

The concept of value chain was created by;

michael porter

A ___________ articulates an organization's reason for existence and defines the unique purpose that sets it apart from competitors and identifies the scope of the company's operations, products, and markets

mission statement

all of the following ways are effective ways to deliver your message except

morse code


must be posttested to determine whether they achieve

innovation that comes from the discovery of new or related jobs that a current or new service can help the customer get done is known as what?

new service innovation

A misprint in a newspaper ad is an example of ___________.


political leadership is to caesar and elizabeth as

none of these

the 66th edition of who's who in america contains entries for

none of these

Aino, a leading automaker, broadcasts a commercial during the airing of Moral Decree; a TV program that is viewed by eight million viewers. Which of the following types of communication is witnessed in this scenario?


Iconix supermarkets placed an insert in Tuesday's Hebdomadal Diaries, a regional newspaper that has more than 100,000 subscribers. The newspaper is an example of a(n) ________ channel of communication.


both nature and ___ have a roll in the leadership equation


Cooperative advertising

occurs when a manufacturer pays a percentage of the retailer's local advertising expense for advertising the manufacturer's products. b. The manufacturer pays a percentage, often 50 percent, of the cost of advertising up to a certain dollar limit based on the purchases the retailer makes of the manufacturer's products. c. The manufacturer also furnishes the retailer with a selection of different print or broadcast ads for the retailer to adapt and use.

extroverts can work more effectively with introverts by

pausing more often and allowing periods of silence that might feel uncomfortable

When Jamie listens to a customer, she maintains eye contact, nods when appropriate, and ignores her phone when it gives an incoming message alert. Which active listening skill is she using?

paying attention

finance allowance

pays retailers for financing costs or financial losses associated with consumer sales promotions. This can take the form of: · A floor stock protection program, in which manufacturers give retailers a case allowance price for products in their warehouse, thereby preventing stockouts during the promotional period. · Freight allowances, which compensate retailers that transport orders from the manufacturer's warehouse.

Cost per contact is high with the _____________ element of the promotional mix.

personal selling

what are the methods of promotion

personal selling mass selling sales promotion all of the above***

which of the following promotional objectives utilize the customer's desire as a marketing tactic


Loud music coming from the next room or distorted formatting in an email message are examples of _____ noise.


what type of advertising tires to develop primary demand for a product category rather than demand for a specific brand?

pioneer advertising

what is not a type of product advertising?

pioneer advertising institutional advertising*** competitive advertising reminder advertising

what are examples of product advertising?

pioneering advertising competitive advertising reminder advertising

how can you best prepare for surprises in business?

plan for every eventually

management involved ____, ____, ____, ___, first identified by ______

planning, organizing, directing, controlling, Henri Fayol

in marketing, many companies have a tendency to ______ and _______ most anything, including brands, products, and services among the competition

positon, differentiate

promotion program should

pretest each design before it is actually used to make changes that improve its effectiveness. · Similarly, posttests should evaluate the impact of each promotion and its contribution toward achieving objectives.

Utility is created when a firm converts raw materials into finished products that are desired by the market is called ______ utility:


Green Scene Co., a struggling start-up firm that needs a huge cash injection, has an environmentally friendly pesticide that is approved for use by commercial organic farmers. The pesticide is made from all natural ingredients and has great potential. A small investment firm has injected cash in Green Scene. In the context of the BCG matrix, Green Scene is most likely considered a _____.

problem child

Mega Big Corp is interested in buying Softworks, a medical software firm. Softworks is highly regarded by medical practices for ease of use.

problem child

According to marketing guru Theodore Levitt, Marketing is preoccupied with the idea of satisfying the needs of the customer by means of this __________ and the whole cluster of things associated with creating, delivering and finally consuming it.


Advertising media is defined as

product advantages to affect future buying decisions various means by which the message is communicated to target audience* making specific brand comparisons by using actual product names Keeping the products name before the public

Form utility is _________

production's task in creating an offering that has value

Competitive advertisements

promote a specific brand's features and benefits. · The objective of these ads is to persuade the target market to select the firm's brand over a competitor's. · Comparative advertising: - Shows one brand's strengths relative to those of competitors. - Is an increasingly form of competitive advertising. - Attracts more attention and increase the perceived quality of the advertiser's brand. - Needs market research to provide legal support for their claims.

The purpose of _________ is to provide information and send a message about a product, service, event, occasion, organization, or idea.


What are the 4 P's of having an integrated marketing communication? Product, Price, Place, and _________.


___________ is communicating information between the seller and potential buyer or others in the channel to influence attitudes and behavior


Due to high media costs

promotion decisions must be made carefully using a systematic approach like the strategic marketing process.

Direct marketers face ethical challenges

that are of increasing concern to consumers, governments, and direct marketers. Some of these issues include: a. Annoying direct marketing activities such as telephone solicitations during dinner and evening hours. b. Concerns about privacy, which have led to guidelines that balance consumer and business interests. c. The proliferation of e-mail advertising.

Aided Recall

the Starch test determines the percentage of those who: a. Remember reading, viewing, or listening to the ad (noted). b. Saw or read any part of the ad identifying the product or brand (seen-associated). c. Report reading at least half the ad (read most). d. Elements of the ad are then tagged with the results.


the ability to accurately pick up on emotions in other people and understand what is really going on with them, also includes the desire to help others

promotional mix

the combination of one or more communication tools used to: a. Inform prospective buyers about the benefits of the product. b. Persuade them to try it. c. Remind them later about the benefits they enjoyed by using the product.

Coordinate a consistent promotional effort since the elements are often the responsibility of different departments—

the essence of an integrated marketing communications approach.

Which of the following is true of utility:

the four major kinds of utility are form, time, place, and ownership

thomas carlyle taught a conception of leadership based upon

the great man theory

which of the following is true regarding publicity of an organization?

the information may be positive or negative

which of the following are required to develop an integrated marketing mix of relative weights to particular communication objectives

the information requirements of potential buyers the nature of the offering the nature of the target markets the capacity of the organization

what has evolved a the most prominent method of delivering an integrated marketing communications (IMC) message?

the internet

Communication channel

the medium through which a message is transmitted. Examples: emails, phone conversations, and face to face

choose one way in which integrated marketing communications has been a key strategy in promotion and planning

the opportunity to significantly reduce spending for advertising


the process of converting the meaning into messages composed of words and nonverbal signals

Labor management relations is ______________

the process through which employers and unions negotiate pay, hours of work, and other conditions of employment.*

Hierarchy models of communication response delineate the series of steps potential purchasers must be taken through to move them from unawareness to readiness to purchase a product. (T/F)


In the psychographic approach to segmentation, determination of lifestyles is usually based on an analysis of the activities, interests, and opinions (AIOs) of consumers. (T/F)


Not all marketing transactions involve the exchange of money for a product or service. (T/F)


Designing the Promotion-central element of a promotion program is

the promotion itself. a. Advertising consists of advertising copy and the artwork that the target audience is intended to see or hear. b. Personal selling depends on the characteristics and skills of the salesperson. c. Sales promotion activities consist of the specific details of inducements. d. Public relations efforts are seen in tangible elements such as news releases. e. Direct marketing depends on written, verbal, and electronic forms of delivery. · The design of the promotion determines the message that is communicated to the target audience and requires the most creativity. · Successful designs are the result of insights into consumers' interests and behavior. · One of the challenges of IMC is to design each promotional activity to communicate the same message.

which of the following in the primary tool used to gather quantifiable data in the marketing research process

the questionnaire

Once a budget has been set

the relative importance of the five basic IMC tools is analyzed based on the objectives specified.

Promotional programs can be directed to _______, to _______, or to both.

the ultimate consumer; an intermediary (retailer, wholesaler, or distributor)

Publicity Disadvantages

the user's lack of control over what is said, to whom, or when. · Social media, such as blogs: a. Have grown dramatically. b. Allow uncontrollable public discussions of almost any company activity. c. Many public relations departments now focus on facilitating and responding to online discussions. According to research, publicity followed by advertising with the same message increases the positive response to the message.

Which of the following is most likely to be true of those people who have low empathy?

they seize any opportunity to talk about their own past accomplishments

manufacturer often spends

time and money helping to train the reseller's salesforce about the manufacturer's products to increase sales performance. b. Methods include providing manuals and brochures to educate the reseller's salesforce, which then uses them in selling situations.

Which of the following is most likely to be considered a goal rather than an objective?

to be the leader in one's field

what would be the benefit of integrated marketing communications to a small chiropractic business?

to coordinate communications to existing and potential patients

Which of the following is considered an objective?

to increase revenue by 15% to 20% in each of the next 5 years

the basic objective of promotion is?

to provide information

Tom always drops hand-written reports on his administrative assistant's desk and says, "Type this right away." What type of incivility is Tom committing?

treating others without courtesy

what does product advertising do?

tries to sell a product and can be targeted to channel members or final consumers

A market can rarely be viewed as one large, homogeneous group of customers; rather, it consists of many heterogeneous groups, or segments. (T/F)


According to the social consumer decision journey, consumers are likely to advocate a brand after they have experienced it. (T/F)


Analysis of the communication process may involve preliminary discussions on media-mix options and their cost implications. (T/F)


Companies that utilize viral marketing must develop a seeding strategy to start the viral process. (T/F)


Dominating channels of distribution is one way of creating a competitive advantage. (T/F)


For many products, the impression or image that the ad creates determines the communication effectiveness more than the actual words of the message do. (T/F)


Identifying The Target Audience

· Advertisers must identify the target audience to develop an effective advertising program. · The lifestyles, attitudes, and demographics of target consumers influenced all aspects of an advertising program. · The scheduling (time of year, geographic area, etc.) of ads also depends on the audience. · The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) suggests that advertising program decisions be based on market research about the target audience to eliminate possible bias that might result from subjective judgments about some population segments.

example is creating awareness for the offering.

· Helps advertisers with other choices in the promotion decision process, such as selecting media and evaluating a campaign.

Reminder advertising

· Is used to reinforce previous knowledge of a product. · Is good for products that have achieved a well-recognized position and are in the mature phase of their product life cycle. Reinforcement advertising, another type of reminder ad, is used to assure current users they made the right choice.

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