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Russian-German Reinsurance Treaty

formed by Bismarck in 1887- in which both states promised neutrality if the other was attacked by another country- let lapse after Bismark fired

"Sick Man of Europe"

name give to the Ottoman Empire-too many ethnic groups and nationalism problems- slowly disintegrating


national assembly that served as advisory board to tsar, elevted by universal male sufferage, russias lower house

harshest clause of article 231

punish germany as sole cuase of the war and demands an unpayable amount of money

treaty of nanking

gives hongkong to britain

Boer war

the British tried unsuccessfully to conquer the Afrikaners, but defeated the Dutch who were also in Africa. The defeat of the Dutch is also called the South African War

Second Balkan War

victors in 1st Balkan war fight over the crumbling Ottoman empire in SE Europe

petrograd soviets

workers and soldiers who had overthrown the tsar(soldiers now controlled the army) mensheviks led its organization

Western Front

Stalemate- Fr and Br vs Germany - mostly in Fr and Belgium down to Switz - trench warfare


russian secret police

triple entente

1907: britain, france, and russia formed this to check the power of teh triple alliance

President Woodrow Wilson

"German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare against mankind" Clearly upset about the unrestricted submarine warfare in Germany, the US then entered into the World War in April of 1917, and helped the Triple Entente and its Allies.

Indian National Congress

A group formed to push for increased autonomy and eventual independence for India

First Balkan War

1912 -Serbia joined Greece and Bulgaria to attack the Ottoman Empire and then quarreled with Bulgaria over the spoils of victory--a dispute that led in 1913 to the Second Balkan War

Algeciras Conference

1906- settled the First Moroccan Crisis- started with Germany wanting an international conference on the Moroccan question of who gets what- Germany left with nothing and was further isolated- result of conference was that Britain, France, Russia, and the US began to see Germany as a potential threat that might seek to dominate all Europe- Germany began to see sinister plots to "encircle" Germany and prevent their development as a world power

reinsurance treaty

1887 : promised neutrality of both germany and russia if either country went to war with another country. kaiser wilhelm II refused to renew it ofter bismarck left

boxer rebellion

1900: patriotic uprisng by chinese bationalists against western domination

Anglo-French Entente (Entente Cordiale)

1904- settled all outstanding colonial disputes between Britain and France- France accepted British rule of the Sudan- Britain recognized French control of Morocco

battle of the marne (lamarn?)

1914: stops localization of france and forces germany to fight a two front war. french and british forces push german forces back

T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia)

A British colonel, known as Lawrence of Arabia helped the Arab revolt in early 1917, incited by the Arabs to revolt against the Turkish overlords.


A British passenger liner that was sunk by a German submarine. carrying arms and munitions, and more than 1000 lives were lost, 139 of them American. Sig- angers USA- Germ. stops unrestricted sub warfare until 1917.

Triple Entente

A friendly alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI.

Open Door Policy

A policy proposed by the US in 1899, under which ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China.

Henry M. Stanley

A sensation-seeking journalist and part-time explorer sent by Leopold II to the Congo basin. Established trade and land for Belgium there.


Area in N China-Japanese competed with Russia over - Sig- Russia loses- Japan on rise

Trench Warfare

Armies stalled, both sides began to dig trenches to protect themselves from machine-gun fire. By Nov. 1914, an unbroken line of trenches extended from the Belgian ports through northern France...etc.. stalemate and slaughter on the western front -The cost in lives of this trench warfare was staggering, the gains in territory minuscule. This shattered an entire generation of young men.

Kornilov coup

Attempted Coup by General Lavr Kornilov to try and topple Aleksandr Kerensky in August/September, 1917, in between the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the October Revolution.

Leopold II

Belgian king who ruthlessly exploited the natives on his African land for personal gain. Belgium takes over after abuses are found out

Why were there tensions before WWI?

Britain and germany were in a navy arms race to gather more weapons than the other. this was started by germany when bismarck started to build up the navy

Rudyard Kipling/The White Man's Burden

British writer; called responsibility to spread religion and culture to people whom they considered to be less civilized-the idea that Europeans could and should "civilize" more primitive, nonwhite peoples- racist idea of imperialism

British East India Company

Chartered organization that maintained its economic monopoly with its own army and it eventually conquered all of India


Dutch settlers in south Africa-did not want to be ruled by the British, so they created armies for themselves to defend themselves form the British - led to Boer war

J.A. Hobson

English economist and imperialism critic; author of Imperialism: A Study

Congress of Berlin 1884-1885

European states met to divide up the territory of Africa- laid down some basic rules for imperialist competition in sub-Saharan Africa, it established the principle that European claims to African territory had to rest on "effective occupation" in order to be recognized by other states- No African leaders were invited to this congress.

Gavrilo Princip

Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian citizen of Austria-Hungary, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, sparking WWI.

General Paul von Hidenburg

German who lead an army to crush Russia on the eastern front at the Battle of Tannenburg and the Masurian Lakes in the late summer of 1914. After Germany's attack on the "Russian Steamroller," Russia never threatened Germany again

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Germany was forced to relax its submarine warfare for almost two years or the alternative would have been to go to war with the US. Early in the second year of restriction, Germany resumed its submarine warfare, sure that their improved subs would hurt Britain before the US could come to its rescue.

Alexander Kerensky

He served as the second Prime Minister of the Russian Provisional Government until Vladimir Lenin was elected by the All-Russian Congress of Soviets following the October Revolution.

Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Heir to the Austrian and Hungarian thrones...was assassinated with his wife by Serbian nationalist Princip, during a state visit to the Bosnia capital of Sarajevo. Sig- sparks WWI

March / February Revolution

In 1917 in Russia it was the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Its immediate result was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, the collapse of Imperial Russia and the end of the Romanov dynasty. A provisional, non-Communist government under Prince Georgy Lvov replaced the Czar, Prince Lvov being succeeded by Alexander Kerensky after the tumult of the July Days. The Provisional government was an alliance between liberals and socialists who wanted to instigate political reform, creating a democratically-elected executive and constituent assembly.

Allied Powers

In May of 1915, Italy joined the Triple Entente of GB and France and Russia in return for promises of Austrian territory.

Eastern Front

In WWI, the region along the German-Russian Border where Russians and Serbs battled Germans, Austrians, and Turks.

Hong Kong

Island in South-East China; ceded to Great Britain in 1842 with the Treaty of Nanking

Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies

It was the soviet (workers' council) in Petrograd (Saint Petersburg), Russia established in March 1917 after the February Revolution as the representative body of the city's workers.

Tsar Nicholas II

Last Tsar of Russia and then end of the Romanov line. Was executed along with the rest of his family under the order of Lenin. In WWI ordered a partial mobilization against Austria-Hungary, forcing a chain reaction of mobilization and war

First Battle of the Marne

On September 6, The French attacked a gap in the German line at the Battle of the Marne. For three days, France threw everything into the attack. Finally, the Germans fell back. Paris and France had been miraculously saved.

Central Powers

Ottoman empire joined with Austria and Germany, by then known as the Central Powers. Bulgaria joins later

Boxer Rebellion

Rebellion against foreign influences in China that lead to the deaths of thousands of Christians, a fierce western response was felt

Sepoy Mutiny

Revolt of Hindu and Muslim Indian troops in the British Army that put down by loyal troops from the south, Sig- It caused the British government to take over more direct control of India from the British East India Company.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov / Lenin

Russian revolutionary, a communist politician, the main leader of the October Revolution, the first head of the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic and from 1922, the first de facto leader of the Soviet Union. He was the creator of Leninism, an extension of Marxist theory.

Battle of Verdun

The Battle of Verdun was one of the most critical battles in World War I on the Western Front, fought between the German and French armies in France. -million casualties -Verdun was the longest battle and one of the bloodiest in World War I and more generally in human history.

Treaty of Nanking

The Imperial government of China had to cede the island of Hong Kong to Britain forever, pay an indemnity of $100 million and open up four large cities to foreign trade with low tariffs

Schlieffen Plan

The Schlieffen Plan was the German General Staff's overall strategic plan for victory both on the Western Front against France and against Russia in the east, (go thru Belguim and attack France 1st) taking advantage of expected differences in the three countries' speed in preparing for war.-failed when French counterattack on the outskirts of Paris, the Battle of the Marne, combined with surprisingly speedy Russian offensives, ended the German offensive and resulted in years of trench warfare.

Social Darwinism

The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

Bolsheviks and Mensheviks

The two main branches of Russian socialism from 1903 until the consolidation of the Bolshevik dictatorship under Lenin in the civil war of 1918-20.

Theobald von Bethman-Hollweg

William II's chancellor, gave Austria-Hungary a "blank check" and urged aggressive measures in early July, even though they realized that war between Austria and Russia was the most probable result.

General Erich Ludendorff

Worked with Gen. Paul von Hidenburg to crush Russia with the outbreak of the war.

Third World

a term widely used bu international organizations and by scholars to group Africa, Asia and Latin America as one unit

what did France get

allsaice-loraine, demilitarizes rhineland, limit on german army size

Opium Wars

also known as the Anglo Chinese Wars (1839-1860). British were smuggling opium from British India into China, and the Chinese government's efforts to enforce the drug laws erupted. Ended with Britain coercing China with a couple of unfair treaties, such as the Treaty of Nanking

Manchu Dynasty

also known as the Qing Dynasty. Ruling Dynasty from 1644 to 1912; the final imperial government of mainland China


an oppression to the Jews or ethnic group. This served as one reason as to why people migrated from their homelands

provisions of the treaty of versailles

article 231 places soul blame on germany, germany had to pay huge reparations to France and britian, german army and navy severely reduced, rhineland was demilitarized, saar coal mines taken over by france, germnay lost all colonies, league of nations created


britian france russia( later italy japan and US)

what side bulgaria on

central powers

white man's burden?

civilize and industrialize the primitive people, westerners were superior and ir sought to improve the lives of the non-Europeans even tho it was racist

bismarck's opinion on colonies

colonies were unescessary and a waste of time of money

Three Emperors' League

created in 1873- linked the monarchs of Austria-Hungary and Russia in an alliance against radical movements

why did nicolas II fail

didnt follow through with reforms

Franco-Russian Alliance

early 1894- was to remain in effect as long as the Triple Alliance existed- result=continental Europe was divided into two rival alliances

schlieffen plan

german plan to invade france through belgium, defeat france quickly by sweeping around paris then go off to defeat russia

who are central powers

germany and austria-hungary ottoman empire

cause of british involvement in great war

germany breaks belgium's perpetual neutrality and britian had alliance with them so they went to war on germany together

triple alliance

germany, austria, italy

women in total war

increases their status, most jobs go to them, they didnt have rights before and diring the wat but were granted full rights after the war

bismarck's goal

isolate france

army rule #1

issued by petrograd soviet that wanted to replace miltary officers loyal to the tsar and make soviet in full control of army. resulted in anarchy and disorder. collapse of army discipline

why italy considered an allied power

it did nothing for central powers and joined the allies after being promised land

cause of austria-hungry entry into war

keep ethnicities together, uphold nationalism, keep strong alliance with germany intact

alexander kerensky

leader of provinsional govt while remaining a memebr of the soviet which gave the provisional govt no legitimacy. agregian socialist

nicolas II's worst decision

leaving to fo to front and leaving his wife under the charge of Rasputin who manipulated her and controlled the family

Cecil Rhodes

led the British to conquer the countries in Africa that were not occupied by the Afrikaners. he built monopolies in Africa, and his goal was to finally defeat the Afrikaners

treaty of brest-litovsk

march 1918: took russi aout of WWI. russia loses 1/4 of land and 1/3 of population


means majority, followed lenins ideas and they planned a revolution in light of bloody sunday, faction of social democratic workers party

what do labor unions get from total war


what did wilson want

peace based on his 14 points( didnt happen)

jews were less likely to return to their homeland because

pogroms and anti-semitism discrimination

significance of total war

prolongs war, atrition(starvation, shotage of supplies), news was censored, promoted greater social equality

what did lloyd from britain want

reparations paid to britain

what did clemensau want for france in the treaty of versailles

security for france and a buffer country in between germany and fRance (didnt get that)

francis ferdinand

spark that set off the third balkan war that turned into the great war. his assasination was caused by the powder keg of europe(balkans)

britian before 1900

splendid isolation

berlin conference

splits up africa and makes it so no one can fight over colonies any longer but it doesnt consider the tribal arrangement of Africa itself

what did western front result in


Black Hand

the Serbian terrorist group that planned to assassinate Franz Ferdinand, part of the Pan-Slavism nationalist movement, with the intention of uniting all of the territories containing South Slav populations (Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Slovenes, etc) annexed by Austria-Hungary.

Triple Alliance

the alliance between Italy, Germany, and Austria formed in 1882 Sig- Bismark wants to isolate France

New Imperialism

the drive to create vast political empires abroad, recalling the old European colonial empires of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and contrasting with the economic penetration of non-Western territories between 1816 and 1880.

Muhammad Ali

took control away from the Ottoman Empire and established Egypt as a modern state (1769-1849)-put in charge of governing over Egypt by the Turkish Sultan-Led a great modernization campaign of public works including increasing industrialization and agricultural reforms


took place when the European countries created their political empires abroad. The new imperialism occurred when the 19th century European empires recalled the 17th and 18th century empires and wanted to re-distribute and conquer the foreign lands

social impact of total war

women took more jobs and provided for war efforts and family while men were away,civilian populations were targets, propaganda,going on strike was against the law

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