AM2 Advancement Exam pt 2

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12 months

AIRSpeed Continuous Process Improvement work center personnel shall be Green Belt/LCIP certified within how many months of assignment

Continuous Process Improvement

AIRSpeed Program is an enterprise- wide spread approach to enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of naval aviation by implementing which AIRSpeed methods to improve quality, productivity, and cost

90 days

Aircraft originally planned for short-term transfer, but due to operational or Test Evaluation (TE) requirements exceed how many days, will require a complete transfer inspection before transferring the aircraft to another reporting custodian


All aviation life support systems inspections are special inspections based on calendar days and are authorized a plus or minus how many days deviation compliance by the prescribed maintenance level

18 months

As a general guideline, no more than how many months should elapse between the ASPA inspection and the resulting adjusted Period End Date

6 months

Both O-level and I-level administration divisions shall keep a message history file by date time group (DTG) for a minimum of how many months


CMIS component tracking system for aircraft tracks the operating time/cycle counts of selected aircraft components. They are primarily life limited components and the system can supply reports which specify the operating time/cycle counts remaining on each tracked component before it must be inspected or removed and replaced. Using usage rates derived from experiments and tests, workloads for maintenance and rework facilities can be forecast for up to how many years

NAVAIR 01-1A-34

Certified welders shall complete the minimum required OJT per which reference prior to being allowed to weld on aeronautical components


Completed FCFs checklists shall be retained in the aircraft maintenance files for a minimum of how many months or one phase cycle, whichever is greater

72 hours

Cos may authorize pilots-in-command to conduct applicable T/M/S NATOPS pilot inspections, ensure servicing requirements are accomplished, and the sign the Aircraft Inspection and Acceptance Record (OPNAV 4790/141) in the certification block while operating away from home without qualified maintenance personnel for periods not exceeding how many hours

60 days

Cos shall verify, as a minimum requirement, all unrestricted line officers assigned to the Squadron Maintenance Department attend the appropriate CENNAVAVNTECHTRA courses prior to or within how many days after assuming their duties


Depot activities must acknowledge JDRS Planner and Estimator (P&E) Requests within how many working days of submission


Engines with major inspection intervals of 400 hours will have major inspections performed if what percent or less of the interval remains until the next inspection


Engines with major inspection intervals of less than 409 hours will have major major inspections performed if less than how many hours remain until the next inspection

NAVAIR 15-01-500

For aircraft not having preservation maintenance technical manuals, preservation shall be performed per which publication?

28 days

For aircraft without specific T/M/S operational system check maintenance technical manuals, aircraft systems will be exercised every how many days (+/- 3 days) using applicable maintenance technical manuals

10 days

How many days of advance notice, via naval message, is required prior to sending an aircraft to the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center for storage

1 Year

How many years is the re-certification interval for I-level aeronautical welders for both military and civilian personnel


How often are Structural Appraisals of Fatigue Effects Program reports published


How often must the Maintenance Officer conduct a review of the Aircraft/Equipment Workload Report to verify the equipment operational capability and up, down or partial aircraft status are correctly coded

12 months

I-level Maintenance Material Control Officers will conduct a monthly review of Subsystem Capability Impact Reporting (SCIR) Data for trends in aircraft systems/subsystem readiness. Trending shall cover at least how many consecutive months

Theory of Constraints (TOC)

Lean, six sigma, along with what else comprise the primary AIRSpeed Continuous Process Improvement methods


Licensed aircraft taxi personnel shall perform taxi evolution every how many days for the T/M/S aircraft for which the are certified

90 days

OMA NALCOMIS Optimized Squadrons that operate from detachment based concept for how many or more days shall have one System Administrator per detachment attend the NALCOMIS OOMA System analysts course (Course C-555-0049)

7 days

OOMA X-RAY submissions can take up to how many days to be reflected up-line into the Aircraft Inventory and Readiness Reporting System (AIRRS)

3 months

OPNAVINST 3110.11 requires an aircraft service period adjustment evaluation between 6 months prior to and how many months after Period End Date of each ASPA aircraft to determine its general material condition relative to established induction criteria


OPNAVINST 3110.11 requires rework induction not later than how many days after current Period End Date when the ASPA evaluation determines the aircraft general material condition satisfies rework induction criteria


Officers assigned to the MO and the MMCO billets will remain in the billets for a minimum of how many years


One aircraft per squadron (two for FRS) is authorized to be painted with the squadron or air wing colors. Areas authorized to deviate from TOS include: the tails, alphanumeric characters, national star insignias, and no more than what percentage of the aircraft fuselage


Only supplied-air-respirators are used for touch-up operations requiring a quantity of paint greater than how many ounces per 8-hour period for paints that contain isocyantes


Per OPNAVINST 3110.11, the aircraft that fail Aircraft Service Period Adjustment must be inducted for Phased Depot Maintenance no later than how many days after the current Period End Date

18 months

Personnel assigned to the AIRSpeed Continuous Process Improvement work center should be assigned for a minimum of how many months

90 days

Proficiency demonstration and sustained certification requires Welder's Log documentation from the Work Center Supervisor or a QAR that the welder has welded at least 1 ferrous and 1 non-ferrous item every 30 days in any process. Additional requirements are specified in NAVAIR 01-1A-34. Failure to maintain proficiency for how many days require the welder to re-certify per NAVAIR 01-1A-34

0.005 ppm

Protection standards limit work place unprotected exposure of Hexamethylene Diisocyanates or Toluene Diisocyanate to a concentration of how many ppm averaged over an 8-hour period


Scheduled Removal Components and Assemblies with operating limitations are normally replaced at the scheduled inspection which falls nearest to the applicable limitation. To reduce replacements other than scheduled inspections, a margin of plus or minus what percentage of the stated operating limitations is authorized for components or assemblies, unless such extension is prohibited by the applicable PMIC or other directive


Squadron logo or insignia or Tactical Paint Scheme Aircraft shall use on the low contrast shade of TPS gray against gray background and camouflage painted aircraft shall use black against land camouflage background

12 months

The MMCO and SA/A will assist the MO in the monthly Aircraft or Equipment Workload Report and AIRRS reviews by providing trend charts covering at least how many months of data, root cause analysis of errors, and recommendations for improvement, such as additional training

72 hours

The daily aircraft inspection is conducted to inspect for defects to a greater depth than the turnaround inspection. The daily inspection is valid for a period of how many commencing from the date and time the inspection completed, provided no flight occurs during this period and no maintenance other than servicing has been performed

24 hours

The turnaround inspection is conducted between flights to verify the integrity of the aircraft for flight, verify proper servicing, and to detect degradation that may have occurred during the previous flight. The turnaround inspection is valid for a period of how many hours commencing from the date and time the inspection is completed, provided no flight and no maintenance other than servicing occurs during this period


Those activities with complements of more than how many aircraft may schedule up to 10 percent of total complement simultaneously of ASPA evaluation


To meet unusual situations or to ease workload scheduling, reporting custodians may apply plus or minus deviations to inspection intervals, if specified in T/M/S MRCs or commercial aircraft derivative task cards. If deviations are not specified in minus which percent, or a portion thereof, may be applied to the authorized inspection interval of scheduled maintenance requirements based on flight hours m, operating hours, cycles or events

30 days

Unless directed by the applicable T/M/S NATOPS manual, Unmanned Aircraft System May not require an Functional Check Flight, other than for acceptance inspection, after completion of standard rework, or when not flown for how many or more days


Unless otherwise specified in aircraft MRCs, fuel samples must be taken within how many hours preceding the aircrafts initial launch

Mobile Facilities

What are relocatable tactical shelters used onboard ship and ashore for aviation weapon system maintenance and SE maintenance functions

Functional Check Flight (FCF)

What are required to determine whether the airframe, power plant, accessories, and equipment are functioning per predetermined standards while subjected to the intended operating environment

Standard rework

What is Phased Depot Maintenance categorized as which is scheduled D-level maintenance performed per an established recurring schedule

OPNAV 4790/51

What is Support Equipment Custody and Maintenance History Record form number

Metrology Automated System for Uniform Recall and Reporting (MEASURE)

What is a system for the recall and reporting of test equipment by means of automatic data processing techniques

Military Flight Operations Quality Assurance (MFOQA)

What is an MIS based on the collection, download, analysis, and visualization of available aircraft systems data to provide quantifiable and actionable information that can be used to enhance naval aviation readiness through improved maintenance, operational, safety, and training efficiencies

Hot Refueling

What is defined as an operational evolution where an aircraft is refueled while the engines are operating

Hot Seating

What is defined as an operational evolution where the pilot/crew of manned aircraft is changed while the engines are operating and the aircraft is to be immediately launched

Aircraft preservation

What is designed to protect the material condition of aircraft which are not expected to be flown for extended periods of time

Monthly Maintenance Plan (MMP)

What is designed to provide scheduled control of the predictable maintenance workload, for example, inspections, transfers or receipt of aircraft, and compliance with TDS

Maintenance Control

What is responsible for the efficient attainment of aircraft and equipment readiness in support of operational objectives

OPNAV 4790/141

What is the Aircraft Inspection and Acceptance Record form number?

OPNAV 4790/191

What is the Aircraft Taxi License form number

Naval Aviation Logistics Data Analysis (NALDA)

What is the Navy's major logistics information system used in support of the COMNAVAIRCOM Life Cycle Logistics System

Monthly Maintenance Plan (MMP)

What provides scheduled control of predictable maintenance workload, for example, inspections, transfer or receipt of aircraft, and compliance with Technical Directives

Decision knowledge programming for logistics analysis and technical evaluation

What tracks location and status (installed, uninstalled, RFI and NRFI) of engines, propulsion systems, and modules worldwide, and provides reasons for any changes


When an individual special inspection or a group of special inspections due simultaneously will consume more than how many hours of elapsed maintenance time, the inspection requirements may be divided into portions performed incrementally at any time during the allowable deviation period

Maintenance Control

Where must orders to cannibalize come from

Six Sigma

Which CPI method focuses on reducing variation and increasing quality through information management and statistical analysis of processes

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

Which analytical process shall be used to identify failure management strategies to enable equipment, and SE to perform with a specific probability of success at the lowest possible total expenditure of resources for system operation and support over the entire life cycle

Joint Strike Fighter

Which delivery procedure eliminates the requirement for configuration verification during acceptance inspection when received from the factory

Preflight/Daily/Turnaround/Post-Flight Maintenance Record OPNAV 4790/38

Which form is used to document aircraft daily and turnaround inspections

Support Equipment Transaction Report (OPNAV 4790/64)

Which form is used to record SE issue and receipt transactions

Support Equipment (SE) Custody and Maintenance History Record (OPNAV 4790/51)

Which form is used to record acceptance information, custody and transfer, rework, preservation and depreservation, TDs, and any other miscellaneous history required to accompany the SE throughout its service life


Which instruction assigns management responsibility of the Mobile Facilities Program


Which instruction contains specific information for ordering copies of drawings


Which maintenance concept divides the total scheduled maintenance requirement into small packages or phases of approximately the same work content


Which maintenance level of evaluation of aircraft general material condition is an Aircraft Service Period of Adjustment (ASPA) evaluation

Category A

Which preservation category would be assigned to Support Equipment, Armament Weapons Support Equipment, Weapons Handling Equipment which has anticipated usage within the next 90 days

Category B

Which preservation would be adding to SE, Armament Weapons Support Equipment, Weapons Handling Equipment which could possibly be used within the next 180 days

Enhanced Phase Maintenance

Which program allows for the performance requirements of SDLM at fleet facilities

Fleet Engineering Disposition

Which program authorizes repair procedures to be performed by I-level activities for aircraft and components damaged beyond documented I-level repairable limits

Aircraft Service Period Adjustment (ASPA)

Which program established a process to evaluate the material conditions of fleet aircraft

Modification, Corrosion and Paint Program

Which program includes incorporation of D-level technical directives, inspection of aircraft for corrosion damage and repair as required, and evaluation of the material condition of the aircraft paint system

Expeditionary Airfield

Which program is a shore based, Aviation Weapons Support that permits deployment of landing force aircraft within effective range of ground forces

Reclamation in lieu of Procurement (RILOP)

Which program is the removal of installed equipment from a stricken or damaged aircraft or engine prior to disposal

Service Life Extension Program

Which program is the restoration or replacement equipment f primary aircraft structures that have reached fatigue life limits

Structural Appraisal of Fatigue Effects

Which program provides for accurate fatigue life tracking of individual aircraft component service life limits specified as fatigue indexes rather than flight hour limits

Structural Life Limits

Which program provides policy and assigns responsibilities to assure continuing structural safety of fixed and rotary wing aircraft throughout their assigned service life

MICO 2020.1

Which publication provides the standardized policy and procedures for Aviation Logistics Information Management and Support (ALIMS) operations

Depot Maintenance Data Systems (DMDS)

Which system is a module of NAVAIR Depot Maintenance Systems(NDMS) and is designed to gather all basic information generated by maintenance personnel through documentation procedures, data automation and storage techniques, and common data retrieval routines

NAVAIR Depot Maintenance System (NDMS)

Which system is a production control system used by the Fleet Readiness Center (FRC) to schedule, induct, and control D-level workload

Local Asset Management System

Which system is an automated management information system which provides for standardized local management of IMRL assets

Support Equipment Resources Management Information System (SERMIS)

Which system provides on line visibility of source, allowance, inventory, and rework data to aid in inventory control and is the repository of master data for printing IMRLs


Which type of defect constitutes a hazard to air worthiness and the condition is such that corrective action is required prior to release of the aircraft for flight


Which type of defect does not materially reduce the use of the unit or part for its intended purpose


Which type of defect materially reduce the use of the unit or part for its intended purpose


Which type of inspection is a general inspection of a specific area of an aircraft?


Which type of inspections are scheduled inspections with a prescribed interval other than a daily or phase

Reliability Centered Maintenance

Which type of maintenance has COMNAVAIRSYSCOM directed the application to all in-service and future aircraft, engines, aircrew systems, weapon systems, aircraft launch and recovery equipment, and SE, from technology development through disposal, per NAVAIR 00-25-403 and NAVAIRINST 4790.20


Which type of maintenance requirements are unscheduled events required as the result of a specific over limit condition or as a result of circumstances or events which create an administrative requirement for an inspection

Aliphatic polyurethane

Which type of resin is the standard paint system for all naval aircraft and SE

Maintenance Master Chief Petty Officer (MMCPO)

Who directs all maintenance in an operational unit on a day to day basis in support of its operation and assigned missions

Line Division Officer

Who is responsible for the external condition of aircraft with regard to cleanliness and the day to day detection and reporting of corrosion and the failure of protective coatings

Maintenance Officer (MO)

Who manages the maintenance department and is responsible to the Commanding Officer(CO) for the accomplishment of the maintenance department mission

System Administrator/Analyst (SA/A)

Who serves as a contact point between work centers and the SPAWAR systems center Atlantic and is responsible for the management of all aspects of the MDS to include NALCOMIS reports/inquiries at the activity level

Aircraft Maintenance Chief

Who supervised the establishment and functions of all maintenance areas, maintenance personnel core qualifications, and their MOS development within a fixed wing/helicopter/tilt-rotor/UAV Maintenance squadron or repair activity

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