Amazon Driver Training
secure your vehicle at each and every stop
what should you do if you don't have an access code?
park break
you must use me...even when on a flat road
to eliminate distractions using REPS and Checks, how long do you need for eye lead time?
8 to 15 seconds
DVIC is critical to keeping people in vehicle safe or on the road
safety is Amazon's top priority and...
scan at the door
the R in dirt stands for
a green traffic light that is about to change because it has been green since it has been in your horizon.
what is a stale green light?
stay in the vehicle and call the customer
what is the first thing you do if a dog is loose at the delivery location?
safe driving can save my life and others' lives around me
what is the most important thing safe driving can do for you?
they damage property and/or the vehicle
what is the top mistake delivery associates make when driving an Amazon vehicle for the first time
vehicle inspection is completed by me before and after each trip and just performed on a mobile application on my delivery device.
what is the vehicle inspection and how do you perform one?
test the weight, bend at the knees and used two hands, and ask for a team lift of the package is above 50 lb
what should you do before you lift a bag full of packages?
when stopped in traffic, allow for one car length of space in front of you equal to the size of the vehicle you are driving to provide you with an adequate cushion of...
displayed in the mentor app
where are the FICO scores displayed
hours of service not compliance
write non-compliance with HOS regulation, including log books
low driver aid numbers
Will be delivered first
rescue route
a term referring to when another delivery associate or DSP helps a driver complete the delivery on a package
FICO scoring
acceleration, breaking, cornering, distractions, and speeding affect your...
The D in dirt stands for
crash indicator
histories of crash involvement
match the address
5 mph
delivery associates/flex drivers are not allowed to drive faster than... in station or on property.
department of transportation. delivery associates are required to have a dot physical exam in our subject to compliance, safety, accountability.
back in your vehicle up, exiting your lane without lane captain approval or yard marshal instruction, and using headphones
All of these are things you should avoid for proper station safety etiquette
DOT drivers are required to have a DOT physical exam in our subject to a compliance, safety, and accountability.
Areas of high traffic or movement by associates are known as...
Safe driving
Safeway approach
Seek Space
The T in dirt stands for
point of decision
The moment when you identify that you need to begin breaking to stop in time for the light. you can imagine a line that you will stop behind for entering the intersection.
The purpose of DVIC is to keep you and other safe on the road.
seven van lengths or roughly half a football field
The safe walking distance is about
The length of three delivery vehicles
a safe backing distance is roughly about
As a delivery associate you must never
back up your vehicle, drive around other vehicles, complete u-turns
Scan every delivery bag and package before beginning your route
before loading your vehicle what must be done first?
behaviors that are unprofessional and violate Amazon's policies, this is linked to tier 1 infractions for associates
coachable behavior incidents
for the Armada vehicle you will complete a daily vehicle condition report or a DVCR and for a step van or box truck you complete a daily vehicle inspection report or a DVIR
get out and look
rolling 7 day period
how often are FICO scores trapped
look at the instructions
11 hours in a 14hr period
Amazon recommends that you do not drive more than....
Amazon recommends that you do not drive more than.... hours in a 7 day period
12 hours and a 14-hour period
Amazon recommends that you do not work more than....
Delivery Service Partners
Delivery associates
Eye-Lead time
Distance measurered in second, that a driver's eyes look ahead of their vehicle
Excel at customer service
level 3 DOT inspection
The driver only inspection, that examines driver related items such as the driver's license, medical examiner certificate, hours of service, record of duty status, and seat belt.
driver aid number
Will be a four digit number, or short word. these numbers and/or letters are sequence to reflect the order of deliveries on route.
level two DOT inspection
a walk around driver and vehicle inspection that is very similar to level one DOT inspections, but only includes examinations of items that can be inspected without physically getting under the vehicle
speed, lack of attention, and quick move into overcorrect.
according to the Federal motor Carrier safety administration, 70% of all rollover accidents involve driver error because of
call dispatch for further instructions. sometimes they may be asked to assist another driver by helping deliver some of their packages. this is called a rescue route
after a driver completes their route they are to...
Yard Marshal
after loading your vehicle, wait for the... to give the all clear and signal for everyone to leave.
regulated by the US department of transportation or dot
any vehicle that has a gross vehicle weight that is 10,000 1 lb or more
are the blind spots on Amazon vehicles, because they sit higher than traditional vehicles.
driver's license, Amazon ID badge, and high visibility safety vest
before you enter station, what do you need to have?
what should you do if you don't have an access code?
check for customer notes, contact the customer, contact driver support SDS
5-8 seconds
check your mirrors every...
DVIC Inspection
completed before and after all trips. this is the free and post audit. always completed twice a day.
driver support
eliminate distractions
a vehicle center of gravity does not change whether or not the vehicle is full or empty
Scan every package with the delivery app before delivering the package to the non Amazon locker
for not Amazon lockers you will need to...
by treating each package like it's your own
how can you provide a positive customer experience?
compare the address listed on the package label with the address listed in the delivery app, and the physical address listed on the home
how do you make sure you're at the correct address?
how many blind spot incidents occur in the US each year?
12 hours is the maximum amount of hours that can be worked
how many hours can be worked in a 14-hour period?
9 people
how many ppl die every day in the us because of distracted driving?
identify a safe location
using the driveway
if a delivery point appears to be more than seven van lengths we recommend...
you can use one click entry
if a delivery spot is marked with a blue dot.
if a department of transportation dot delivery associate fails a roadside inspection, the dot delivery associate may have an out-of-service order, which means they cannot operate the vehicle again into the violation has been fixed.
call the customer, then call driver support SDS, and then call dispatch
if you're on the road and it is closed due to flooding using the three C's for troubleshooting who do you call and what order?
call driver support SDS then call the customer, and lastly call dispatch.
if you're unable to complete the delivery call these entities in this order
in the help menu
in the delivery app, where can you find the button to contact the customer?
why is it important to load your vehicle correctly?
it prevents items from falling and injuring you, and it makes your delivery faster and more efficient.
7 seconds
maintain how many seconds following times received under 30 mph?
each day will start by meeting up with the delivery service partner for DSP team to collect your necessary tools
on a typical morning what is the first thing you do as a DA?
sort zone letter
oversized packages are sorted by zone letter to reflect the order of deliveries on route. this will help assist in loading so that overflow packages that will be delivered first are easy to access
plan ahead
Do you push or pull a cart?
push with two hands unless the items in the cart obstruct your view
recognize hazards
the I in dirt stands for
level one DOT inspection
the most thorough, as it examines the driver as well as the vehicle. it is also the most commonly conducted inspection known as...
the whole team leaves... to reduce incidence by ensuring fewer drivers are walking in the driveways
scannable code
this is the barcode you scan. there are lots of barcodes on the labels, but your scanner will only take the one it needs, so don't worry about scanning the wrong one.
count 1-2-3
to seek space using REPS and Checks, how long should you wait at an intersection after the vehicle ahead of you starts moving?
package ID
typically just refer to as the TBA. TBA means transported by Amazon. you will use this number anytime you need to refer to a specific package
these are cards we leave for customers if we are able to deliver a package.
we missed you cards are...
Green lights you did not see turn green
what are stale green lights?
The vehicle inspection equips me to have a safe and efficient delivery day
what can inspections do for you?
prevent controllable incidents
what can the REPS and Checks do for you?
what color are Amazon hubs
what color are Amazon lockers
you only need your delivery app to check in and out, meaning you do not need to scan the packages with the delivery app before you deliver them.
what do you need for Amazon lockers?
Amazon's foundational safe driving system
what is REPS and Checks
bring any undelivered packages back to the station at the end of your route
what should you do with undelivered packages?
in the back
when moving an empty cart, where do you stand for best visibility?
street curb
when parking on a hail or incline secure your vehicle's wheels in the direction of the
check in with your DSP and bring any undeliverable packages back to the Amazon return to station desk
when you walk into the station at the end of your route, what should you do?
whenever a package is undeliverable, the package label must be marked after swiping to finish. use the...method
scan at the point of delivery
where do you scan the package when you're delivering to the customer?
driver support SDS, your DSP representative, and the customer.
which of the following can provide you with support while troubleshooting delivery situations?
vehicle inspections ensure our vehicles are safe and road ready.
why are vehicle inspections important?
to keep delivery associates safe by reducing the number of drivers walking in driver lanes inside the station
why do we conduct a wave dispatch?
being a safe driver is important because I am driving a heavier and larger vehicle than others on the road
why is being a safe driver important?
pushing keeps the weight of the dolly in your power zone
why is it important to push a dolly instead of pulling it?
to enforce safe driving habits and save lives
why should you use REPS and Checks
high driver aid numbers
will be delivered last, if there is a word in place of the driver a number it could be delivered anywhere in the number sequence.
call me move to a safe location while keeping the dog in sight. use the packages as a barrier between you and the dog. call the customer to schedule an alternative delivery location. then, report it using the delivery application.
you walk up to a house to deliver, and a dog suddenly approaches. what do you do?