Chapter 10 Review Questions

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given these muscles: (1) external abdominal oblique (2) internal abdominal oblique (3) transversus abdominis choose the arrangement that lists the muscles from most superficial to deepest a. 1,2,3 b. 1,3,2 c. 2,1,3 d. 2,3,1 e. 3,1,2


the soft palate muscles a. prevent food from entering the nasal cavity b. close the auditory tube c. force food into the esophagus d. prevent food from entering the larynx e. elevate the mandible


which of these movements is not caused by contraction of the erector spinae muscles? a. flexion of the vertebral column b. lateral flexion of the vertebral column c. extension of the vertebral column d. rotation of the vertebral column


which of these muscles is an antagonist of the triceps brachii? a. biceps brachii b. anconeus c. latissimus dorsi d. brachioradialis e. supinator


which of these muscles is an intrinsic hand muscle that moves the thumb? a. flexor pollicis brevis b. flexor digiti minimi brevis c. flexor pollicis longus d. extensor pollicis longus e. all of these are correct


The __________ muscles evert the foot, whereas the ___________ muscles invert the foot. a. fibularis (longus and brevis), gastrocnemius and soleus b. fibularis (longus and brevis), tibialis anterior and extensor hallucis longus c. tibialis anterior and extensor hallucis longus, fibularis longus and brevis d. tibialis anterior and extensor hallusic longus, flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus e. flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus, gastrocnemius and soleus


The tongue's shape changes primarily because of the action of the a. extrinsic tongue muscles b. intrinsic tongue muscles


Which of these is not a muscle that can flex the knee? a. biceps femoris b. vastus medialis c. gastrocnemius d. gracilis e. sartorius


tendinous intersections a. attach the rectus abdominis muscles to the xiphoid process b. divide the rectus abdominis muscles into segments c. separate the abdominal wall from the thigh d. are the sites where blood vessels exit the abdomen into the thigh e. are the central point of attachment for all the abdominal muscles


the most movable attachment of a muscle is its a. origin b. insertion c. fascia d. fulcrum e. belly


the muscle whose name means it is to the side of the midline is the a. gluteus maximus b. vastus lateralis c. teres major d. latissimus dorsi e. adductor magnus


which of these muscles does not adduct the arm? a. latissimus dorsi b. deltoid c. teres major d. pectoralis major e. coracobrachialis


Which of these muscles causes plantar flexion of the foot? a. tibialis anterior b. extensor digitorum longus c. fibularis tertorius d. soleus e. sartorius


Which of these muscles is not involved with the inhalation of air? a. diaphragm b. external intercostals c. scalenes d. transversus thoracis


an aerial circus performer who support her body only with her teeth while spinning around should have strong a. temporalis muscle b. masseter muscles c. buccinator muscles d. both a and b are correct e. all of these are correct


muscles that oppose one another are: a.. synergists b. levers c. hateful d. antagonists e. fixators


which of these muscles can both elevate and depress the scapula? a. rhomboideus major and minor b. levator scapulae c. serratus anterior d. trapezius e. pectoralis minor


which of these muscles would you expect to be especially well developed in a boxer known for his powerful jab? a. biceps brachii b. brachialis c. trapezius d. triceps brachii e. supinator


given these muscles: (1) iliopsas (2) rectus femoris (3) sartorius Which of these muscles flex the hip? a. 1 b. 1,2 c. 1,3 d. 2,3 e. 1,2,3


Speedy Sprinter started a 200-meter dash and fell to the ground in pain. Examination of her right leg revealed the following symptoms: inability to plantar flex the foot against resistance, normal ability to evert the foot, abnormal dorsiflexion of the foot, and abnormal bulging of the calf muscles. Explain the nature of her injury.

Speedy has ruptured the calcaneal tendon, and the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles have retracted, causing the abnormal bulging of the calf muscles. Because the major plantar flexors are no longer connected to the calcaneus, the runner cannot plantar flex the foot, and the foot is abnormally dorsiflexed because the antagonists have been disconnected.

Consider only the effect of the brachioradialis muscle for these questions: If a weight is held in the hand and the forearm is flexed, what type of lever system is in action? If the weight is placed on the forearm? Which system can lift more weight, and how far?

The brachioradialis originates on the humerus and inserts onto the distal end of the radius. The fulcrum of this lever system is the elbow joint. With a weight held in the hand, the pull, applied between the weight and the fulcrum, is a class III lever system. With the weight on the forearm, the weight is between the pull and the fulcrum and is a class II lever system. A greater weight can be lifted if placed on the forearm rather than in the hand, but weights placed on the forearm cannot be lifted as far.

When a person becomes unconscious, the tongue muscles relax and the tongue tends to retract, or fall back, and obstruct the airway. Which tongue muscle is responsible? How can this be prevented or reversed?

The genioglossus muscle protrudes the tongue. If it becomes relaxed, or paralyzed, the tongue may fall back and obstruct the airway. This can be prevented or reversed by pulling forward and down on the mandible, thus opening the mouth. The genioglossus originates on the genu of the mandible. As the mandible is pulled down and forward, the genioglossus is pulled forward with the mandible, thus pulling the tongue forward also.

A patient was involved in a rear-end auto collision, resulting in a whiplash injury to the head (hyperextension). What neck muscles might be injured in this type of accident? What is the easiest way to prevent such an injury in an automobile accident?

The muscles that flex the head also oppose extension of the neck. In an accident causing hyperextension of the neck, these muscles can be stretched and torn. The muscles involved can include the sternocleidomastoid, longus capitis, rectus capitis anterior, and longus colli. Automobile headrests are designed so that, if adjusted correctly, the back of the head hits the headrest during a rear-end accident, thereby preventing hyperextension of the neck.

During surgery, a branch of a patient's facial nerve was accidentally cut on one side of the face. After the operation, the lower eyelid and the corner of the patient's mouth drooped on that side. What muscles were affected?

The only muscle that elevates the lower eyelid is the orbicularis oculi, which "closes the eye." With this muscle not functioning, the lower eyelid droops. The levator anguli oris, which elevates the angle of the mouth, was also affected, allowing the corner of the mouth to droop. The zygomaticus major may also have been affected, as it inserts onto the corner of the mouth (see figure 10.7).

The mechanical support of the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa is weakest in the inferior direction. What muscles help prevent dislocation of the shoulder when a person carries a heavy weight, such as a suitcase?

The rotator cuff muscles are the primary muscles holding the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa, especially the supraspinatus. In fact, a torn rotator cuff, which usually involves a tear of the supraspinatus muscle, often results in dislocation of the shoulder.

Which of these muscles is found in the medial compartment of the thigh? a. rectus femoris b. sartorius c. gracilis d. vastus medialis e. semitendinosus


a prominent lateral muscle of the neck that can cause flexion of the neck or rotate the head is the a. digastric b. mylogyoid c. sternocleidomastoid d. buccinator e. platysma


in a class III lever system, the a. fulcrum is located between the pull and the weight b. weight is located between the fulcrum and the pull c. pull is located between the fulcrum and the weight


the infrahyoid muscles a. elevate the mandible b. move the mandible from side to side c. fix (prevent movement of) the hyoid d. both a and b are correct e. all of these are correct


the posterior group of forearm muscles is responsible for a. flexion of the wrist b. flexion of the fingers c. extension of the fingers d. both a and b are correct e. all of these are correct


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