American History 2 Test 1

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What happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory?

146 people died in a fire.

In which decade did the number of women employed in manufacturing increase most?


Whats the name of the Immigration center that people arriving from Asia would go through?

Angel Island

'Gold Bugs' or people who supported the gold standard tended to be

Bankers and Industrialists

A system allowing the unrestricted currency of two metals (e.g., gold and silver) as legal tender at a fixed ratio to each other.


President of NAWSA, who led the campaign for women suffrage during Wilson's administration

Carrie Chapman Catt

Law that weakened monopolies and upheld the rights of unions and farm organizations.

Clayton Anti Trust Act

Whats the name of the Immigration center that people arriving from Europe would go through?

Ellis Island

National banking system begun in 1913

Federal Reserve System

Which of the following was NOT considered a Robber Baron (or Captain of Industry)?

Joseph Keppler

Who assassinated William McKinley at the Worlds Fair in 1901?

Leon Czolgosz

What was one way Progressives differed from Populists?

Progressives were typically middle class city dwellers, and Populists were mostly farmers

What was a negative term used to describe the American Businessmen that got very rich during the Gilded Age?

Robber Barons

What was the name of Roosevelt's plan to deal with domestic issues?

Square Deal

What was one of the dangers of living in a tenement?

Tenements had few windows and poor sanitation conditions.

What was the name of Frank Norris' book that highlighted the abuses of the railroad companies.

The Octopus

Who became a popular political cartoonist during the gilded age.

Thomas Nast

Immigrants coming to America faced both PUSH and PULL Factors. Provide an example of 2 PUSH FACTORS and 2 PULL FACTORS.

Two push factors: not enough jobs and religious persecution Two pull factors: religious freedom and jobs

A type of entertainment popular in the early 20th century, featuring a mixture of specialty acts such as burlesque comedy and song and dance.


Which of the following reformers outlined the Social Gospel in a book entitled Christianity and the Social Crisis?

Walter Rauschenbusch

Which group of people made up the majority of immigrants to America before 1870?

Western European protestants

What journalist called attention to the living conditions of tenement-dwellers with photographs like the one below?

What journalist called attention to the living conditions of tenement-dwellers with photographs like the one below?

Who became the leader of the Populists during the 1890's?

William Jennings Bryan

Who gave the famous cross of gold speech in 1896?

William Jennings Bryan

Theodore Roosevelt became the youngest President to take office after

William McKinley was assassinated.

Republicans argued that high tariffs would

allow American industries to grow.

Theodore Roosevelt supported powerful corporations that

did business fairly

The Populist Party became a political force in the 1890s. Describe 4 parts that made up their platform.

eight hour workday, restriction on immigration, and loan program for farmers

To what group of people did Populism primarily appeal?


The spoils system made political parties more powerful by

filling important government positions with party supporters.

'The Jungle' exposed problems with

meat packing industry

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the country

The Hepburn Act of 1906 was Roosevelt's plan to regulate the


Traditionally, immigrants had come to America for economic opportunity and

religious freedom

Homesteaders on the plains usually built homes of


Charles Guiteau assassinated President Garfield, in part, because of his anger at the

spoils system

"The foreigner coming to these shores is more impressed at first by our skyscrapers.... In the daylight they are ugly.... But at night, seen from the river where they are columns towering against the sky, all sparkling with light, they are fairy-like; they are beauty more satisfactory to the soul than anything man has dreamed since the Arabian nights."--Mark Twain What is Mark Twain describing in this quote?

the skyscrapers at night

Most new immigrants lived in cities

to be close to industrial jobs

Which reform did the Nineteenth Amendment enact?

women's suffrage

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