American History II Final Test Study Guide

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"Code Talkers" during WWII belonged to the __________________ American Indian tribe.

Self Government

A goal of the American Indian Movement was autonomy or __________ _____________________.

Berlin Wall

After Kennedy authorized a military buildup, the Soviet Union built the ________________ __________.

United States

After WWII, the Gross National Product of the _________________ _________________ more than doubled.

Korean War

After the ______________ _________, Korea remained divided at almost the exact same place.


Allied landings during WWII took place on the coast in _________________, France.

Great Britain

America's policy during WWII was to remain neutral while providing aid to __________________ ___________________.

Warsaw Pact

As a response to NATO the Soviet Union formed the _______________ _____________.

Public Transportation

As a result of major highway-building projects of the 1950's, Americans depended less on ____________ ________________________.

Pacific Ocean

Battles of the Coral Sea, Midway and Guadalcanal were fought in the __________________ _________________.

Japanese Americans

Because of long held prejudices and fears inflamed by the attack on Pearl Harbor, _________________ __________________ were moved from the West Coast.

Richard Nixon

Because of the Watergate Scandal _______________ _______________ resigned from office.


Bomb loaded panes which crashed into ships during WWII were known as ______________________.

New Deal

Critics of the __________ __________ complained it gave the federal government too much authority.


During the 1990's the fastest growing group of people were over age _______.

Supreme Court

FDR tried to pack the _____________________ ________________ and relieved much opposition.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Healthcare legislation was an important part of President __________________ ____ _________________'s Great Society.


In 1932 the Japanese took over the province of __________________ in China.

Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin

In 1939 these two men who were communist and Fascist made a pact, they were ______________ ______________ and ________________ ________________.

President Kennedy

In 1961, ________________ ________________ set the goal to land a man on the moon within the decade.


In 1975 the Vietnam war ended with North Vietnam gained control of all of __________________.


In Reagan's second term relations with ___________ Union improved.


In response to the Soviet Union blockading Berlin, Truman used the ________________ airlift.


In the Cuban Missile Crisis the Soviet Union agreed to remove its missiles from ________.


In their 1994 Contract with America, Republicans promised to balance the _______________.


Investors raced to get their money out of the stock market in October of __________.


Kennedy's Alliance for Progress was established to discourage the spread of __________________.

Latin America

Latino's are Spanish speaking people who came from ___________ ________________.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Many African Americans were elected to office after the ____________ ____________ _____ ____ ______ was passed.

Birmingham, Alabama

Martin Luther King thought ______________________,___________________ was the most segregated city in the country.


Members of the counter culture grew their ________ long and wore nontraditional clothing.


Nixon's greatest success in foreign affairs was bringing détente about with the Soviet Union and ____________.


One sign of a weakening economy during the 1920's was the uneven distribution of national _____________________.

College Students

People question the fairness of the draft for the Vietnam War because _________________ _________________ could avoid the draft.

Conscientious Objectors

People who opposed fighting on the moral and religious grounds were known as _______________________ ______________________.

Civil Rights Legislation

People who participated in the 1963 march on Washington hoped to convince Congress to pass ______________ _______________ _______________________.


People who watched TV were appalled by the violence against Blacks in ____________________, Alabama.

Camp David Accords

President Carter was given credit for getting Israel and Egypt to sign the ______________ _______________ ______________.


President Clinton wanted to reform the healthcare system because millions of Americans didn't have ____________ insurance.


President Ford's most controversial act was pardoning Richard ______________.


President Truman faced problems keeping _______________ in check after WWII.


Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter mainly because of the _______________ crisis in Iran.


SNCC was formed so _________________ could make their own decisions about priorities and tactics.

Soviet Union

Satellite Nations were nations dominated by the ___________________ ___________________.

Booby Traps

Soldiers in Vietnam had to contend with tropical infections and ______________ _____________.


The 1957 launching of Sputnik caused the Congress to increase spending on science and _______________________.


The HUAC attempted to charge Americans who were sympathetic to ___________________ ideas.

Pearl Harbor

The Japanese attacked the naval base at _______________ ________________ which started WWII.


The New Deal Legacy restored a sense of _________ among people.


The Plumbers and the Committee to Reelect the President were formed to make sure Richard Nixon was reelected to the ________________ in 1972


The SCLS encouraged ___________________ protest.


The Warren Commission said President Kennedy's assassination was the work of a lone ___________________.

Dust Bowl

The _________ __________ was a major environment crisis of the 1930's.


The ________________ attack on Pearl Harbor caused the U.S. to enter into WWII.

Second New Deal

The _________________ __________ ___________ had a wave of social welfare benefits.

Truman Doctrine

The _________________ ___________________ promised to support nations resisting Soviet control.


The beatnik's of the 1950's promoted spontaneity over _______________.

Atomic Bombs

The dropping of the _______________ _______________ on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WWII.


The presidential election of FDR in the year ____________ changed the way people viewed the responsibilities of the federal government.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

The war in Vietnam escalated with the _________ ____ ______________ _____________________.

Civil Right Movement

The women's movement was modeled after the ___________ ____________ _______________________.

Bank Holiday

To inspect the health of banks, FDR declared a ______________ ______________.


Under Reagan, spending on the American ________________ increased greatly.


Unlike Kennedy, Johnson had a strong ________________ for change.

Deficit Spending

Using borrowed money to finance WWII is known as ______________ _________________.

The 21st Amendment

______ ______ _________________ brought an end to prohibition.

Rachel Carson

____________ ______________ published a 1962 book that started the environment movement.

Joseph McCarthy

________________ ______________ encouraged widespread fear of communism.

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