American Revolution - Facts
The year it ended:
The century it was fought in:
18th Century
The date (month, day, year) the American Revolution began:
April 19, 1775
The "turning point" of the war:
Battle of Saratoga
HE is perhaps the most well-known traitor in American History.
Benedict Arnold
He bravely tried to take Canada for the patriots:
Benedict Arnold
HE negotiated the Treaty of Alliance and Friendship for the US
Benjamin Franklin
The captured cannons of Ft.Ticonderoga were taken here:
The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought here:
Breeds Hill
The three D's at Valley Forge
Disease, Death, Dispair
He captured Ft. Ticonderoga and valuable artillery
Ethan Allen
This was the first country to come to our aid during the war:
HE is responsible for attaining land between the Appalacian Mountains and the Mississippi RIver (Battle of Kaskaskia and Vincennes):
George Rogers Clark
The greatest general in the war:
George Washington
He was a financier of the war:
Haym Solomon
The author of Paul Revere's RIde
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Declaration of Independence is here today:
Independence Hall, Philadelphia
1st to sign the Declaration of Independence
John Hancock
HE was arrested by the British in East Moriches
Josiah Smith
Date of Independence Day
July 4, 1776
Where "The shot heard 'round the world" was fired:
Lexington and Concord
HE arrived from France and became George Washington's right-hand man:
Marque De Lafayette
SHe takes her husband's place in the Battle of Monmouth, NJ
Molly Pitcher
Soap and candle was were used to make the bridge slippery:
Moore's Bridge
The Liberty Bell is here today:
George Washington left campfires burning and snuck around to capture THIS town:
Princeton, NJ
This was used to announce our independce: it cracked in later years:
The Liberty Bell
HE wrote the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
1st treaty our country ever signed:
Treaty of Paris
George Washington crossed the Delaware River to capture THIS town on Christmas Day:
Another name for the American Revolution:
War of Independence
The two other riders, with Paul Revere, who warned the British were coming were:
William Dawes and Sam Prescott
1st man from Suffolk County to sign the Declaration of Independence
William Floyd