American Slave Trade

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What impact did slave trade have in Africa?

1st Africa lost generations of its strongest members, 2nd families torn apart, 3rd brought guns into Africa

What Percentage of slaves died on the ship to America?


By 1870, how many slaves had been imported?

9.5 million


; to take someone against his or her will

loose pack

A style of packing slaves onto ships in which the slaves could lie on their backs during the Middle Passage. Less slaves could fit on the ship, but more survived.

Tight Pack

A style of packing slaves onto ships in which the slaves had to lie on their sides during the Middle Passage. More slaves could fit on the ship, but less survived.

Triangular trade

A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Aferica sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa

Describe the impact of the slave trade

Although slave trade had no impact in certain areas of Africa, other parts had entire communities were disrupted. Tensions and wars increased, warfare and violence increased. Young men and women died, called depopulation.

Active resistance

An individual who has taken it upon them self to resist (ex. sabotage, running away, quitting work, revolting, destroying crops, burning fields, murdering, etc.) Uncommon because of the consequences

Atlantic Slave Trade

(1500-1600) 300,000 Africans transported to the Americas. (1600-1700) nearly 1.3 million Africans enslaved. By 1870, 9.5 million Africans had been imported to the Americas.

Describe slaves treatment before arrival to America

Before their arrival they were fed buckets of food and went to top deck 2X a day so that they looked healthy for slave auctions.

Cause: Islam expansion into Africa increased slavery and slave trade.

Between 650-1600, Muslims transported 17 million Africans to Muslim lands of North Africa and Southwest Asia.

In what year did slavery begin in the Americas?


During the 17th century, where were most slaves taken?


What was Atlantic slave trade?

Buying and selling of African's for work in the Americas

How did African rulers and merchants play a willing role in slave trade?

Captured African's then delivered to European's in exchange for gold, guns, and other goods


a large form where cash crops were grown.

Cash crops

crops, such as tobacco, sugar, and cotton, raised in large quantities in order to be sold for profit


process of preparing newly arrived slaves for the discipline of slavery and the realization that they were no longer free


the belief that one's own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures

Middle Passage

The voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies and later to North and South America.

Four reasons Europeans saw advantages in using Africans in the Americas.

1. Africans were already exposed to European diseases.; 2. Africans had experience farming and could be taught plantation work.; 3. Africans less likely to escape in a completely new land.; 4. African skin color made them easier to catch and could not blend in with others.

Cause: Influx of Africans into the Americas and West Indies.

Effect: Africans brought their art, music, religion, and food to influence societies. Generations of broken families as the more fit and able Africans were enslaved. Sizable African population and mixed races in the Western Hemisphere.

Cause: Spanish lead in importing Africans to the Americas.

Effect: By 1650, the Spanish had imported thousands more Africans than the Europeans.

Cause: During the 1600s, Brazil dominated the European sugar market.

Effect: During the 17th century, more than 40% of all Africans brought to the Americas when to Brazil.

Cause: England's dominance in America grew.

Effect: From 1690 - 1807, English became leading carrier of enslaved Africans. 1.7 million went to the West Indies and 400,000 went to the American Colonies. (The population in American grew to 2 million through births.)

Cause: Many African rulers and merchants played a willing role in the Atlantic Slave Trade.

Effect: Many Africans were captured and delivered to Europeans in exchange for gold, guns, and other goods.

Cause: Slavery was seen as a minor institution in Africa for centuries.

Effect: Slaves in Africa had legal rights and opportunities.

Cause: Sugar plantations and tobacco farms required large amount of workers to be profitable.

Effect: planned to use Native Americans, but millions died from disease, war, and brutality. Owners turned to Africa for cheap labor.


Has existed in societies around the world. Derived from prisoners of war working for farmers. At that time, race was not a factor. Slavery in America was based largely on race.

What characteristics were they looking for in slaves?

Healthy strong males; between 10 and 25; Men who could handle plantation work

Cotton Gin

Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793. It removed seeds from cotton fibers. Now cotton could be processed quickly and cheaply. Results: more cotton is grown and more slaves are needed for more acres of cotton fields

The spread of what religion increased slavery in Africa?


Passive resistance

Nonviolent opposition to authority; slave revolts were infrequent, most slaves resisted the institution of slavery this way by doing things like feigning illness and working slowly

Slave Factories

Place to store slaves until ships came to pick them up. Were usually in a kingdom.

How do the slaves end up on slave ship?

Plantations increased demand for slaves in America; High demand lead slave merchants to steal slaves; Placed in shackles and sold on ship

Transatlantic Slave Trade

The brutal system of trading African Slaves from Africa to the Americas. It changed the economy, politics, and environment. It affected Africa, Europe, and America. It implies that slaves were used for cash crops and created a whole new economy.

Slave trade

The business of capturing, transporting, and selling people as slaves


The condition of being owned by another person and being made to work without wages.

Middle Passage

The route in between the western ports of Africa to the Caribbean and southern U.S. that carried the slave trade.

Describe triangular trade

The transatlantic trading network along which slaves, and other goods were carried between Africa, England, Europe, the W Indies, and the colonies in the America's

Describe conditions on board slave ships.

They were cramped and crowded and waste on board spread diseases and man people died. They were shackled the entire trip. They were allowed on deck for air, but for short times, for fear they would jump.

List 2 ways slaves were sold

They were sold through advertisements and/or auction in a port town.

Triangular Trade [1]

Transatlantic trading network where a) Europeans exchanged goods for captured Africans; b) then the Africans were transported across the Atlantic and sold in the West Indies; and c) merchants bought sugar, coffee, and tobacco and returned to Europe.

Triangular Trade [2]

Transatlantic trading network where a) Merchants carried rum and other goods from Americas to Africa; b) exchanged merchandise for Africans; c) transported Africans to West Indies and sold them for sugar and molasses; and d) sold these goods to rum producers in the Americas

Describe the Middle Passage

Voyage that brought captured African's to the W Indies and later to N & S America

What things did the salves develop to help them cope with the horrors of slavery?

Way of life based on their cultural heritage—Musical traditions, Stories of the ancestors

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