analogous structures male/femail
bulbourethral glands
analogous to Bartholin's glands (greater vesibular) the two glands below the prostate that secrete a sticky fluid to neutralize acid in urethral canal that becomes a component of semen
analogous to labia majora External sac that contains the testes
foreskin of penis
clitoral hood (prepuce)
corpus spongiosum
male: surrounds urethra, prevention of urethral closure, remains pliable during erection to allow for spermatic ejaculation female:
seminal vesicles
no analogous structure two small glands that secrete a fluid rich in sugar that nourishes and helps sperm move
corpus covernosum
- covers clitoral/penile shaft and cura - vascular
bulbospongiosus muscle
Males: helps empty urethra. covers bulb. non-vascular Females: constricts vagina. covers greater vestibular bulb and vestibular glands (Bartholins)
Skene's glands
glands located in the urethras of some women that are thought to develop from the same embryonic tissue as the man's prostate, and that may be the source of a fluid emitted by some women during orgasm
glans clitoris
glans penis
ischiocavernosus muscle
lies over proximal corpus cavernous tissue (crus) which compress erectile tissue (stiffening)
round ligament of females
spermatic cord