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Certain epithelial cells are called pseudostratified columnar epithelium because:

they have a layered appearance but all the cells contact the basement membrane

In complex organisms, cells of similar structure and function are organized into groups called:


The major function of neurons in neural tissue is:

to transmit signals that take the form of changes in the transmembrane potential

Simple squamous epithelium would be found in the following areas of the body:

urinary tract and inner surface of circulatory system, respiratory surface of lungs, and lining of body cavities

glandular epithelium

within columnar or cuboidal epithelium

Which of the following statements about epithelial tissue is/are true?

Epithelial tissue has no blood vessels. Epithelial cells are nourished by substances diffusing from connective tissue.

Which of the following statements is/are true about adipose tissue?

It is a specialized form of loose connective tissue. It occurs around the kidneys, behind the eyeballs, and around various joints. It serves as a conserver of body heat. It serves as a storehouse of energy for the body.

The function of the connective tissue is

Support, protection, and covering

An important characteristic of collagenous fibers is their

Tensile strength

Epithelial tissues are differentiated from the other tissue types because they:

always have a free surface exposed to the environment or to some internal chamber or passageway. have few extracellular materials between adjacent epithelial cells. do not contain blood vessels

Structurally, neurons are unique because they are the only cells in the body that have:

axons and dendrites

Of the four primary types, the tissue that stores energy in bulk quantities is________


Glands that secrete their products into ducts are called ______ glands


Glandular epithelia contain cells that produce:

exocrine or endocrine secretions

The most common kind of cell in connective tissue is the:


The pads that lie between the vertebrae of the spinal column contain:


The flap (pinna) of the outer ear is extremely resilient and flexible because it contains

elastic cartilage

stratified squamous epithelium

epidermis of skin

the type of tissue that covers exposed surfaces and lines internal passageways and body cavities is:


The four primary tissue types found in the human body are:

epithelial, connective, muscle, neural

simple columnar epithelium

lining of digestive tract


lining of respiratory passages

stratified columnar epithelium

lining of respiratory passages

simple cuboidal epithelium

lining of the ducts of salivary glands

transitional epithelium

lining or urinary tract

The two types of layering recognized in epithelial tissues are:

simple and stratified

A single layer of epithelium covering a basement membrane is termed:

simple epithelium

The only type of muscle tissue that is under voluntary control is_______


The type of tissue that fills internal spaces and provides structural support and a framework for communication within the body is:


Which of the following statements is/are true of connective tissue?

Dense connective tissue has many collagen fibers. It contains both elastic and collagenous fibers.

The major purposes of adipose tissue in the body are:

absorption, compression, lubrication

simple squamous epithelium

air sacs of lungs, walls of capillaries

The two fluid connective tissues found in the human body are:

blood and lymph

the three types of muscle tissue are

cardiac, smooth, and skeletal

Neural tissue is specialized to:

carry electrical impulses from one part of the body to another

Supporting connective tissues found in the body are:

cartilage and bone

Muscle tissue has the ability to:

contract and produce active movement

The function of epithelial tissue is to

cover body surfaces.

Cells that form a neat row with nuclei near the center of each cell and that appear square in typical sectional views are:

cuboidal epithelium

During a weight loss program when nutrients are scarce, adipocytes:

deflate like collapsing balloons

The three classes of connective tissue based on structure and function are:

fluid, supporting, and connective tissue proper

Neural tissue contains several different kinds of supporting cells called _______


Most of the volume in loose connective tissue is made up of:

ground substance

The three major types of cartilage found in the body are:

hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage

The restoration of homeostasis after an injury involves two related processes, which are:

inflammation and regeneration

Elastic fibers have (more/less) strength than collagenous fibers


stratified cuboidal epithelium

lining of developing ovarian follicle

If epithelial cells are classified according to their function, the classes would include those involved with:

lining, covering, secreting

The least specialized connective tissue in the adult body is______

loose areolar connective tissue

Stratified epithelium has several cell layers above the basement membrane and is usually found in areas where:

mechanical or chemical stresses occur

Tendons connect_____ to _____; ligaments connect_____ to bone. Both are examples of ________ tissue

muscle;bone, bone;bone, dense regular

The death of cells or tissues from disease or injury is referred to as______


The coordination and regulation of body functions are the functions of_______tissue


The four primary tissue types found in the body are connective, muscle, epithelial, and:


Explain why injured dense connective tissue and cartilage are usually slow to heal.

no direct blood supply. epithelial tissue neural tissues do not have blood.

Describe the impact of the loss of several feet of small intestine on an individual's nutritional status. How does the structure of the simple columnar epithelium intensify the impact of such a loss?

no enzymes means no nutrients are being absorbed. has cilia which secretes mucus.enzymes

The most rigid connective tissue is


The intercellular material of vascular tissue is


The release of histamine by mast cells at an injury site produces the following responses:

redness, warmth, and swelling

The two types of supporting connective tissues found in the body are:

regular and irregular connective tissue

Stratified columnar epithelia provide protection along portions of the following systems/;

reproductive, digestive, respiratory, urinary

Connective tissue fibers forming a branching, interwoven framework that is tough but flexible describes _______fibers


Simple epithelial cells are characteristic of regions where:

secretion and absorption occur

The three types of muscle tissue found in the body are:

skeletal, cardiac, smooth

The three basic components of all connective tissues are:

specialized cells, extracellular protein fibers, ground substance

From a surface view, cells that look like fried eggs laid side by side are:

squamous epithelium

If epithelial cells are classified according to their cell shape, the classes would include:

squamous, cuboidal, columnar

Summarizing the structural and functional properties of skeletal muscle tissues, it can be considered:

striated voluntary muscle

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