Sun Exposure

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The sun's ultraviolet A(_____ wave)(______ abundant) and ultraviolet B(_______ wave) rays vary in size.

long; most; short

How to wisely wear sunscreen

-Apply a generous amount on all skin exposed skin(about a palm full), -apply 30 minutes before going out into the sun, and -reapply every 2 hours and immediately after swimming, toweling dry, or sweating.

How to wisely choose sunscreen

-Check the label, -broad-spectrum(both UVA and UVB), -sun protection factor of 15 or higher, -waterproof or water resistant, and the -expiration date.

Ways to protect yourself from the sun's rays

-Slip on a long-sleeved shirt and pants(light color clothes, not porous), -slop on sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher and reapply, -slap on a wide-brimmed hat to protect your ears, -wrap on sunglasses with 99%-100% UV absorption, -seek shade, -avoid the sun between 10 a.m. to 4 pm., and -wear lip balm with an SPF of 15 or higher.

Risk Factors for Skin Cancers

-Unprotected and/or excessive exposure to UV rays, -indoors or outdoors, -a fair complexion and/or blond or red hair and light-colored eyes, -a family history of skin cancer, and -lots of moles or atypical moles.

Signs of Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Cancer

1. A pale, wax-like, pearly nodule. 2. A red scaly, sharply outlined patch. 3. A sore that does not heal. 4. Frequently appears on sun-exposed areas of the body, such as the face, ears, neck, lips, and back of hands. 5. A new growth. 6. Spread pigment from the border os a spot to surrounding skin. 7. Redness or a new swelling beyond the border. 8. Changes in sensation, such as itchiness, tenderness, or pain. 9. Change in the surface of a mole such as scaliness, oozing, bleeding, or the appearance of a bump or nodule.

Since1973, the number of cases of melanoma has increased by what percent and melanoma mortality rates have increased by what percent?

150%; 44%

The world health organization recommends that no person under _____ years of age should use a sunbed.


True or False: If you are underneath the water's surface, the harmful rays of the sun cannot reach you.

False, UV rays penetrate 3 feet into the water.

True or False: If you are under a beach umbrella, you are safe from the sun.

False, UV rays still bounce off of the water, sand and decks.

True or False: It is better to have a "base" tan from a tanning salon if you know you are going to be out in the sun. The "base tan" helps prevent sunburn.

False, a base tan doubles the problem. The skin is already damaged and continues to do so.

True or False: It doesn't matter if your clothing is wet or dry, it will protect you from the sun.

False, all garments lose 1/3 of their sun-protective ability when wet.

True or False: Unprotected sun exposure has been proven to help some skin conditions.

False, consult with a doctor. It is always a risk.

True or False: People with dark skin do not get sunburns.

False, everyone can be sunburned, especially those with fair skin and red or blond hair.

True or False: You don't need to worry about getting sunburned after 4:00 pm.

False, less intense only. Exposure still causes damage.

True or False: People do not need to worry about sun exposure on cloudy or cool days.

False, the temperature does not matter. Clouds only block 20%.

True or False: If you don't get sunburned, sun exposure is safe.

False, there is always a risk of damage and skin cancer.

True or False: A lot of sun exposure is needed to get enough vitamin D to build strong bones.

False, usually 10-15 minutes three times a week is enough. The body produces Vitamin D and dairy products and other foods have it.

True or False: Once you have applied sunscreen, you do not have to worry.

False, with SPF 15 you're supposed to apply it 30 minutes before exposure and every 22 hours after.

Where is the ozone layer located?

In the lower portion of the stratosphere from approximately 8 to 30 miles above the earth.

Is the ozone layer growing in thickness overall or getting thinner?

It is getting thinner, and this is causing the earth to get warmer.

What produce melanin to protect the skin from UV rays?


What is the most dangerous type of skin cancer?


_____ American(s) dies of skin cancer every hour.


Define Ultraviolet Radiation.

Part of the electromagnetic(light) spectrum that reaches the earth from the sun. It has wavelengths shorter than visible light, making it invisible to the naked eye. These wavelengths are classified as UVA, UVB OR UVC. UVA is the longest of the three.

What consumer products damage the ozone layer and how?

Products like air conditioners and refrigerators that involve halons. These chemicals can damage the ozone layer.

What is the most commonly diagnosed of cancers?

Skin cancer

Unprotected exposure can cause what?

Skin cancer and skin damage.

If UV rays exceed what can be blocked by your level of melanin, what results?


UVC(the shortest ray) is absorbed by what?

The ozone layer so it does not reach earth.

The ozone thickness varies depending on what?

The time of year and changing weather conditions.

True or False: People who live or frequently vacation at high altitudes are more likely to have sun damage if they do not protect themselves.

True, UV radiation goes up 4% to 5% every 1000 feet above sea level.

True or False: Some UV rays can go through window glass.

True, UVA does. UVB rays are blocked by window glass.

True or False: Tanning beds and other indoor tanning devices that give off UV rays are as dangerous as the rays of the sun.

True, the dangers are the same.

True or False: The sun's rays are stronger closer to the equator.

True, those rays are more direct.

What UV rays penetrate the atmosphere(and then our skin) and play an important role in conditions such as premature skin aging, eye damage(including cataracts, etc.?

UVA and UVB.

Ozone is...

a naturally occurring gas in the atmosphere

one in _____ Americans develop skin cancer during their lifetime.



rays are common and cause skin aging and wrinkling, tanning beds usually use UVA rays.


rays are the most dangerous and are absorbed by the ozone layer.


rays cause sunburn , cataracts, and immune system damage.

Tanning salons and tanning equipment are not ___________ or ____________ by the state and operators or tanning salons are not licensed.

registered; inspected

People who have ______ _______ as children and adolescents​ are at higher risk for skin cancer.

severe sunburn

People who used indoor tanning devices that emit UV rays had the following increased risk for cancer: ____ more likely to develop squamous cell cancer than people who did not use them. ____ more likely to develop basal cell cancer compared to those who did not use them. Research shows that the younger people were when they began using indoor tanning devices, the ___ ______ they were to develop basal and squamous cell cancers.

2.5x; 1.5x; more likely

How much of the sun's rays does snow reflect?


How much of the sun's frequency ultraviolet light does the ozone layer absorb? Why does it need to be absorbed?

97-99%; because they can potentially damage the life forms on earth.

ABCD rule

A=asymmetry- only one-half of a mole or birthmark does not match the other half B=border- the edges are irregular, ragged, notched, or blurred C=color- the color is not the same all over, but may have differing shades of brown or black, sometimes with patches of red, white, or blue. D=diameter- the area is larger than 6 millimeters, or about 1/4 inch), which is the size of a pencil eraser or is growing larger.

What contributes to ground-level ozone(a primary component of smog)?

Cars, trucks, buses, boats, power plants, factories, etc.

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