Anatomy and Physiology 1 Final

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Both nervous and endocrine systems are most important in regulating body homeostasis. Homeostasis is the condition in which the bod maintains:

A stable environment, within narrow limits

Muscle tone is

A state of sustained partial contraction

Assume that an inhibitory post-synaptic potential (IPSP) is being generated on the dendritic membrane of a neuron that resulted in a net membrane potential of -95 mV for the inside of this neuron. Which most immediately occurred because of the IPSP?

A type of chemically-gated ion channel opened for sodium and potassium to exchange simultaneously, resulting in a net depolarization for the post-synaptic cell

When someone is moving a limb away from the median (middle) plane of the body along the frontal plane, it is called


The period of time during an action potential when the neuron's voltage-gated sodium0ion channels are not sensitive to another stimulus is during the:

Absolute refractory period

During muscle contraction, myosin cross bridges attach to which active sites?

Actin filaments

Yellow bone marrow contains a large percentage of


A muscle that provides the major force for producing a specific skeletal muscle movement is called

An agonist

The term aponeurosis refers tp

An indirect connective tissue attachment to a skeletal element

Central nervous system neuroglia that have a role in creating and maintaining the blood-brain barrier:


The circle bone (C1) that articulates superiorly with the occipital condyles and allows the head to nod "yes"


On a typical interneuron, what is the specific region of the cell from where an action potential ends at?

Axon terminals

During the depolarization phase of an action potential, the inside of the membrane:

Becomes more positive than the outside of the membrane

In extending the forearm at the elbow, the

Biceps brachii muscle acts as antagonist

Which of the following is(are) not found within cartilage; but is typically found in compact bone tissue?

Blood vessels

The canal that runs through the core of each osteon (the Haversian canal) is the site of:

Blood vessels and nerve fibers

The term central nervous system refers to the what organs

Brain and spinal cord

What is the special motor-speech multimodal area in the cerebral cortex, typically present in one hemisphere only, associated with helping to direct skeletal muscles involved in speech production?

Broca's area

Layers of calcified matrix that are found in both spongy and compact bone are called


What is the correct order of hierarchy of somatic motor control, from the precommand level to motor output?

Cerebellum and basal nuclei, motor cortex, brain stem nuclei, spinal cord, somatic motor neurons, skeletal muscle

Which of the following statements best describes interstitial growth (aka growth within) for longitudinal growth of bones such as at the epiphyseal plates?

Chondrocytes divide and secrete matrix, allowing the cartilage to grow from within and is eventually replaced by bone tissue by osteoblasts

The muscles that are found surrounding the openings of the body are collectively called

Circular muscles

Which of the following muscles does not compress the abdomen?

Coccygeus muscle

A rudimentary tailbone within the axial skeleton that functions to support perianal muscles and ligaments and helps provides weight-bearing support while sitting:


The dorsal body cavity consists of

Cranial and vertebral cavities

The following group of muscles will abduct the arm (humerus), except which one?

Deltoid muscle

A fracture in shaft of a long bone would be a break in what part of the bone


Glands, such as the pituitary and pineal glands of the brain, that secrete their products (i.e. hormones) directly into the blood, rather than through ducts, are classified as ______ glands


The posterior group of forearm (antebrachial region) muscles is responsible for:

Extension of the fingers

Tennis players often complain about pain in their forearm that swings the racquet on the lateral side of the elbow. What muscles are usually strained under these conditions?

Extensor carpi radialis

In the maintenance of a neuron's required resting membrane potential:

Extracellular potassium ion levels are relatively high compared to the inside of the cell

Physiology studies the ____ while anatomy concerns the ____ of the body

Function, structure

Which of these muscles causes plantar flexion of the foot?

Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles

Which of the following muscles is the prime mover of hip extension again resistance?

Gluteus maximus muscle

Which of the following is not a member of the hamstrings?

Gracilis muscle

The homeostasis centers (nuclei) for evaluation and control of important body functions, such as: body temperature, hunger, thirst, water balance, and for control of the release of many hormones (endocrine system functions) are located in the:


Paralysis (loss of function) of the which of the following skeletal muscles would make an individual unable to flex the thigh?

Iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles

During the initiation of the swing phase of the gait mechanism what is the main source of movement?

Iliopsoas and recuts femoris

What is not true of graded potentials received on a neuron's soma or dendrites:

Increase strength as they move away from the stimulus point

A neuron that has a primary function of connecting (relating) other neurons together in a network is called a(n)


Cell types most likely seen only in the central nervous tissues include:


Cell types most likely seen only in the peripheral nervous tissues include all, except:


Ionic compounds (such as a salt) when dissolved in a polar solvent (such as water) are broken down into charged particles called _____.


The hyoid bone is unique because:

It is the only bone of the body that does not articulate directly with any other bone

Which of these is not a function of the plasma membrane?

It prevents all ions from leaking out of the cell

Which functional system of neurons within the CNS is involved in memory processing, mediates emotional responses, and includes cerebral and diencephalon structures

Limbic system

Vertebral bones with the thickest centrum (body), with short and blunt spinous processes

Lumbar vertebrae

The superior most part of the sternum is the


Which of these is true of skeleton muscle fibers (cell)?

Many peripherally located nuclei per muscle cell

The vital (life) centers and pace-setting centers for the control of heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are located in the:

Medulla oblongata

The brain stem consists of the:

Medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain

The smallest central nervous system neuroglia that function to remove dead or damaged cells:


Multipolar peripheral neurons are characterized as having __ attached to the soma:

Multiple dendrites and a long axon

Multipolar peripheral neurons are characterized as having __ attached to the soma

Multiple dendrites and an axon

Which of these is not considered a connective tissue?


Choose the arrangement that lists the structures in the correct order from the smallest to the largest structure

Myofilaments, myofibrils, muscle fiber, muscle fascicle, whole muscle

Cells that line the central nervous system, whose chief function is to intimately support and protect the more delicate neurons would be classified for which type of tissue and are NOT epithelial


An individual has just ingested a chemical that binds irreversibly to the acetylcholine (Ach) receptors in the sarcolemma. Therefore, by itself, it does not after the membrane potential, yet will prevent normal neurotransmitter binding. Ignoring the effects on any other system, select the most likely consequence to skeletal muscle functions:

No contraction if stimulated by nervous mechanisms, but contraction if stimulated directly by an external electrical stimuli (such as an electrode)

Theoretically, if a muscle were to be stretched and held to the point where thick and thin filaments no longer overlapped

No muscle tension could be generated

Potentially damaging stimuli that result in pain are selectively detected by


Collection of nerve cell axons bundled outside the central nervous system are called a:


Collections of nerve cell bodies within the central nervous system are called:


Which of the following cranial nerves is not involved in vision?


Unipolar peripheral neurons are characterized as having ____ attached to the soma

Only one axon

What is the highest level of structural organization for a person's brain and their spinal cord, together


The presence of lacunae and the absence of blood vessels would indicate which tissue:

Osseous tissue

The cell type primarily responsible for secreting the matrix of bone (osteoid) during new growth is the:


Cells that dissolve the bony matrix during bone remodeling and also release essential stored minerals:


The cell responsible with maintaining mature bone is the


Which of the following is one of the determinants of gait?

Pelvis tilting laterally during the swing phase

The _____ muscle everts the foot?

Peroneus longus muscle

The major function(s) of the axial skeleton is(are) to

Provide central support for the body, protect internal organs, and produce blood cells

Severing of the patella r tendon would impair the function of which group of muscles?

Quadriceps group

Which of these muscles is/are responsible for flexion of the vertebral column (below the neck)?

Rectus abdominis

A type of highly specific neural circuit that integrates at the spinal cord and will result in rapid, predictable, motor responses to a stimulus

Reflex arc

A functional system of neurons within the CNS that maintains alertness and consciousness within the cerebral cortex and acts to help filter out repetitive stimuli

Reticular activating system

Which of the following would be of most importance to the intended functions of neurons?

Ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi apparatus

The only movement allowed in a pivot synovial joint, such as with the atlantoaxial joint, is


Which network of nerves emerges from the lower part of the spinal cord and provides sensory information reception and motor control to the anterior hip, buttocks, and posterior lower limb body regions

Sacral plexus

An elaborate network of membranes (cisternae) in skeletal muscle cells that functions in calcium storage is the:

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Myelination of axon in the PNS is the job of the:

Schwann cells

This red skeletal muscle fiber type depends on oxygen delivery and aerobic mechanisms and are also abundant in muscles whose main functions is to maintain poster:

Slow - oxidative, fatigue-resistant fibers

The structure of bones suits their function. Which of the following osseous tissues is build to withstand stress in multiple directions?

Spongy bone

Which of these is not a function of the skeletal system?


An immovable joint found between skull bones in an adult is called


An example of an articulation that provides a slight degree of movement among vertebrae is


The region at which an impulse transmitted from a neuron is communicated via a specific chemical neurotransmitter to another cell is at the:



Synthesize cellular ATP via aerobic respiration, which could then be used to "pump" ions to maintain a resting membrane potential

An aerial circus performer who supports herself only by her teeth while spinning around should have strong

Temporalis and Masseter muscles

What is the contraction type called where no stronger contraction can be elicited, because all motor units are firing in the skeletal muscle, and the skeletal muscle is receiving its maximal stimuli continuously?

Tetanic contraction

A muscle located on the posterior side of the body is the

The areas consisting of the area between the femoral and crural regions of the leg would be an example of which type of lever system

The striations of the skeletal muscle cell are produced, for the most part, by:

The arrangement of myofilaments

Regarding skeletal muscle fiber (fascicle_) arrangement in a pennate muscle

The fascicles are attached obliquely to a tendon that runs the length of a muscle

Which of the following muscles inserts at the calcaneal tendon?

The gastrocnemius muscle

When the term biceps, triceps, or quadriceps forms part of a muscle's name, you can assume that:

The muscle has two, three, or four origins, respectively

Choose the statement that is most correct about orbits

The orbits are formed of both facial and cranial bones

White matter (containing mostly myelinated-axons) within the nervous system is found in the following locations, except for the:

The superficial regions of the cerebral cortex

What primarily determines the power of a muscle?

The total number of muscle fibers available for contraction

These bones have costal facets on their transverse processes and bodies

Thoracic vertebrae

Which of the following muscles is involved in inversion at the ankle joint?

Tibialis anterior muscle

What is the highest level of structural organization you would expect white matter to be?


The supraspinatus is named for its location on the posterior aspect of the scapula, below the scapular spine, but deep to the trapezius. What is its action?

To stabilize the shoulder joint and help prevent downward dislocation of humerus, initiates abduction of the arm

If body weight always acts vertically, and downwards. What would you expect if the body weight is not balanced over a joint and is not opposed by another force?

Torque will cause rotation at the joint

Which cranial nerve is the only one to extend beyond the head and neck regions?


An individual who could trace a picture of a house with his or her finger but could not recognize it as a 'house' is most likely to have sustained damage to the:

Visual association area

An example of a facial bone that is unpaired (only one)


The most abundant inorganic substance of the body, accounting for 60 to 80% of body weight, is:


The inferior most part of the sternum is the

Xiphoid process

Your cheek is mostly composed of which facial bones


Jon Doe has just picked up his date for the evening. Jon shows his appreciation by smiling, moving his eyebrows up and down, winking, and finally kissing. In which order did Jon use these muscles?

Zygomaticus major muscle, frontalis muscle, orbicularis muscle, orbicularis oris muscle

The sliding filament model of contraction involves

actin and myosin filaments sliding past each other, but not shortening

In an isotonic contraction, the muscle

changes in length, shortens or lengthens, and moves the "load"

A tissue that makes up the marrow lining of bones is called


The frontal bone is considered a ___ bone


What muscle is used to move eyebrows up and down?

frontalis muscle

The maxilla is considered a _____ bone


The vertebrae is considered a ____ bone


Which statement is true of short-term memory?

it lasts from a few seconds to a few hours

During an eccentric contraction, the muscle

lengthens and moves the load

Which of the following structures is probably not directly involved in memory?

medulla oblongata

Which of the following is involved with motor activity (either initiation or coordination)?


Which of the following is the correct sequence from simplest to most complex level of structuralterm-4 organization that make up the human body

molecules, cells, tissues, organ, organ system

Which of the following bone examples would not contain a diploe?

none of the above (not rib, sternum or vertebra)

What muscle is used to wink?

orbicularis oculi

What muscle is used to kiss?

orbicularis oris

The peripheral nervous system includes

receptor cells, afferent nerves, efferent nerves (all of the above)

Which of these muscles is not involved with the inspiration (breathing in) of air?

rectus abdominus muscle

A 'shallow groove' or hollow on the surface of the cerebral cortex and spinal cord is called a:


A single sarcomere is

the area between two Z discs

The axial skeleton contains:

the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage

If histology is as a study of ____, then cytology is a study of ____

tissues, cells

Muscle tissue has all of the following properties, except for


What muscle is used for smiling?

zygomaticus major

What serves as the actual "trigger" for muscle contraction, by directly removing the inhibition of the troponin molecules in skeletal muscle cells

calcium ions

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